View Full Version : RIP Rush

02-17-21, 11:41
He died today, going to miss listening to him

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02-17-21, 11:52
I heard it as his wife announced it, it was a sick feeling but we all knew this day was close. We lost a great one today, he is irreplaceable. I met my wife because when I was a resident I had one ear bud in listening to Rush, I was laughing at something he said, she thought I was smiling at her, so she smiled at me and the rest is history. I remember 20 years ago my father telling me I should listen to Rush since I was 18 and forming my own political opinions on my own, he told me I sounded like Rush talking about the issues. I remember looking at a picture of Rush and didn’t listen for months because I thought how can this “old” guy relate to me. Once I listened, that was it. I knew what Rush’s take would be “99.5%” of the time. Listening to Rush persuaded several people I know to turn from liberal to conservative, including my stepfather. Every one of those people who Rush persuaded that I know became a staunch defender of freedom. I’d say we are greatly diminished today.

02-17-21, 12:01
Gonna miss him !

02-17-21, 12:33
Glad I’m no longer on social media so I won’t see all of the tasteless and mean spirited comments from the Lefties. More often than not I agreed with Rush and always appreciated his well reasoned insight on the issues of the day.

Godspeed Rush...

02-17-21, 12:36
Best to stay away from the MSM too. I'm hope he found true faith somewhere along the way.

02-17-21, 12:38
All the leftist on Facebook are having fun with it. He was a great American and a smart man. He will be missed.

02-17-21, 12:38
The Lord spared him from enduring any more of SlowJoe & BlowHo.

Straight Shooter
02-17-21, 12:44
Glad I’m no longer on social media so I won’t see all of the tasteless and mean spirited comments from the Lefties. More often than not I agreed with Rush and always appreciated his well reasoned insight on the issues of the day.

Godspeed Rush...

When ones enemies celebrate & gleefully welcome your demise- it is indeed, a sign of how strong you were, how much influence you had, and now, how glad they no longer have to fear the power you held. Let them curse-it is a badge of Honor.
Rush DEFINATELY swayed elections..no argument about that- there has, to date, NEVER been a lib/leftist/demonrat who came close to his influence.
MAIN THING TO ME: He loved & followed Jesus Christ..and is in His presence now- Praise God!

02-17-21, 13:29
Sad news to hear.

02-17-21, 14:13
Cancel culture is really stepping it up. (<joke)

RIP good sir. Or... set up a repeater and carry on.

02-17-21, 14:19
Heard this earlier, sad news. He'll me missed. R.I.P. Rush.

02-17-21, 14:33
Glad I’m no longer on social media so I won’t see all of the tasteless and mean spirited comments from the Lefties.

All the leftist on Facebook are having fun with it.

Truly despicable slime.

02-17-21, 18:01
Very much enjoyed Rush's sense of humor, and admired his perseverance. His voice will be missed.

Rest in peace Rush.


02-17-21, 18:07
Truly despicable slime.

I’m sure...

02-17-21, 20:51
Sad day
"You can always judge a man by the quality of his enemies."
— Oscar Wilde

02-18-21, 00:18
I was introduced to Rush as a kid by a crusty old bus-driver who ran the shuttle from my "home" elementary downtown to the local "gifted program" (read: "The Right People's incubator for promising Leftist youth"). I've told that story before, but I believe that half hour every day was key to my first steps toward becoming the man I am today.

Thank you, Rush, and RIP.

02-18-21, 08:33
He was a giant, there'll never be another one.

Please remember the people that are suffering the most is his family, his wife. Months and years of sadness and dark days ahead for them. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

02-18-21, 09:15
Rush was foundational in conversion of our house since the beginning, early 90s. He is greatly missed. Sad day, RIP Rush.


02-18-21, 11:07
If anyone is curious why conservatives are better than liberals all you need to do is look at the liberal reaction to Rush passing vs the conservative reaction to RBG passing.

Conservatives showed class and sympathy.
Liberals show simply that they are so corroded by hatred of anyone and anything different from them that they have to show their asses.

Kinda like that wench who had her driveway cleared by her conservative neighbors and couldn’t process it.

Liberals are pathetic.

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02-18-21, 11:24
Dad went to high school with him

02-18-21, 11:36
Rush has been a staple of radio listening for years out here. Prior to Sirius/XM satellite radio, we could only get AM stations here because we are so far out. We'd get a strong signal from Oklahoma City, AM 1000 KTOK. The signal got better after dark and we'd pick up Amarillo, Texas as well. I'd be in and out of the house during the day (10am-1pm) and his show would always be playing.

He was so skilled at conveying the Conservative concepts to millions of Americans. I always felt he was a genuine Man and had a profound love for the United States. A prominent voice like his will be hard to replace.

02-18-21, 17:41
He was a giant, there'll never be another one.We need another one. We need hundreds more, and this time to win instead of just lose slower.

Bubba FAL
02-18-21, 22:01
RIP El Rushbo. We'll miss you sir.

It meant a lot to our city when Rush came to our 4th of July celebration the year that the F5 tornado caused so much devastation, much moreso than Obama's visit. Cape Girardeau may be the other side of the state from Joplin, but he was a fellow Missourian that day.