View Full Version : Ted Cruz. Why do we care?

02-19-21, 18:07
Someone educate me on this. Why do we care that Ted Cruz went to Cancun with his daughters? I saw his interview on Fox. So he went down and was gonna stay but decided not to and came back the next day. So what if he stayed. What does it matter? Is there actually anything he can do to get the power back on. Seems like a job better left to those working for the power company, or is he able to secure some type of emergency funding? If so if it can be done remotely why does it matter where he does it from in this new age working remotely. My guess is it's just an opportunity for the left's media arm to attack a conservative/ republican. What say you.

02-19-21, 18:17
Yeah I gave zero ****s. But that’s the world we live in. They want an opportunity to cancel.

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02-19-21, 18:17
It was a bad PR move for sure, but like you said it's not like he can actually do anything. The media is trying REALLY hard to make this into something. But it seems to me that everyone is very "meh" about it, even some hardcore lefty types I know.

02-19-21, 18:35
Someone educate me on this. Why do we care that Ted Cruz went to Cancun with his daughters? I saw his interview on Fox. So he went down and was gonna stay but decided not to and came back the next day. So what if he stayed. What does it matter? Is there actually anything he can do to get the power back on. Seems like a job better left to those working for the power company, or is he able to secure some type of emergency funding? If so if it can be done remotely why does it matter where he does it from in this new age working remotely. My guess is it's just an opportunity for the left's media arm to attack a conservative/ republican. What say you.

We dont, no one cares. Its a media smear.


02-19-21, 18:41
They're trying to take him out for '24.

Watch the media, they'll always tell you who the Dems fear most by who they try to put hits on the hardest. This tells me that Cruz, DeSantis and Noem are our best bets unless Trump reenters the ring for a rematch.

02-19-21, 19:10
Because Cruz taking a poorly timed but innocent trip is, like, a million times worse than killing people in nursing homes. Duh! ;)

02-19-21, 19:16
Its nice to see I'm not the only one thinking this. Since he is a lawyer not an electrician I didn't see what difference it makes where he is.

02-19-21, 19:31


02-19-21, 19:33
Much ado about nothing. Just another manufactured story to distract us from the latest shenanigans.

02-19-21, 20:02

02-19-21, 23:19
Ted should have came back and started making calls offering to help or asking what he could do, and recorded all the ‘nothing‘ and ‘go away’ answerS.

02-19-21, 23:47
Ted should have came back and started making calls offering to help or asking what he could do, and recorded all the ‘nothing‘ and ‘go away’ answerS.
Yes. Part of me doesn't want to care about it - part of me says the timing was just lousy on this. If I was a public servant, it doesn't look good if your district is having some calamity while you're off jet-setting in some tropical paradise. If he left when this was going down, that was a dumb move. If it's happening while you're away, cancel and get back to your constituents.

I like the idea of the public servant politician out mixing with the average folks. If it's tornado damage, be out with a shovel or a saw, doing something, getting your hands dirty. Loading debris in dumpsters, etc. In the case of a wide spread power failure, I don't know what the public servant politician could do but lean on local bureaucrats to fix it fast.

President Trump was good in going and mixing with the locals. Even though I didn't like Jimmy Carter as a President, I had respect for the guy when he was out building Habitat for Humanity houses. It wasn't just a photo op - he was out actually doing construction work. And then I think of that thing and thing-ett as our President and VP now....yuk.

02-20-21, 00:04
And then I think of that thing and thing-ett as our President and VP now....yuk.

Gee thanks, now I have the thought of her "helping out the locals" in my head. I gotta go wash my brain out with bleach and a bottle brush!

VIP3R 237
02-20-21, 00:05
Much ado about nothing. Just another manufactured story to distract us from the latest shenanigans.

Exactly, I believe it’s a misdirection attempt to get the attention off of Biden’s horrible town hall event where when defended the Chinese concentration camps.

02-20-21, 00:59
Libs see Cruz as a threat.

02-20-21, 01:02
Did you ever see those sarcastic memes accusing Ted Cruz of being the Zodiac Killer?

Well today the real Zodiac Killer turned himself in.

He didn’t want people thinking he was Ted Cruz...........

02-20-21, 06:04
Because Cruz taking a poorly timed but innocent trip is, like, a million times worse than killing people in nursing homes. Duh! ;)

Because some leftist in a state other than TX wants Cruz to go down there for a photo op showing Cruz shoveling somebody's driveway.. Yes, it was poorly planned and I heard he came back the next day.
Do I care? No, I do not.

02-20-21, 07:03
The optics aren’t the greatest but bottom line is the Left is trying to manufacture outrage because they view Cruz as a threat. He was one of the few Senators that opposed certifying the election results so the cancel culture is out to get him.

02-20-21, 08:53
I just don't don't want him dying from the water OR the cartels! One less senator AIN'T gonna be a GOOD thing! :fie:

02-20-21, 08:54
We’re he a dem nothing would have been said.

02-20-21, 10:09
Compare and contrast this with the Cuomo Nursing Home Scandal.

It took a year for this story to break because
The media had built him up to be a possible nominee for his Party.
CNN gave him his very own Cheerleader.
It took essentially a coup within his own State and Political Party for any of those deaths to be concern able.

Ted Cruz is gone 24 hours and the World is falling apart?
Yeah Ted stepped on it, but compare and contrast.

02-20-21, 10:33
Gotta be honest, if I was in that frozen situation without power and fixing it was beyond my realm of authority I'd be taking my happy ass somewhere warmer too!

02-20-21, 10:37
Lets be honest; whether he was in Cancun or Houston, Cruz and his family were not going to be sleeping in their cars or huddled around their fireplace in the dark to stay warm.

His story is just smoke and mirrors to distract the public, plus the marxists in the govt and media hate and fear him so must smear.


02-20-21, 11:31
Well it's warmer in Texas now. So apparently Cruz made an emergency trip to Cancun, collected warm air, and delivered it to his constituency. He's a HERO!

Or at least that's how the media would be playing it he was a Dem.

02-20-21, 11:37
Compare and contrast this with the Cuomo Nursing Home Scandal.

It took a year for this story to break because
The media had built him up to be a possible nominee for his Party.
CNN gave him his very own Cheerleader.
It took essentially a coup within his own State and Political Party for any of those deaths to be concern able.

Ted Cruz is gone 24 hours and the World is falling apart?
Yeah Ted stepped on it, but compare and contrast.

Pretty much this. Anything and everything to take away from Cuomo in NY, Biden's already stupidity and anything else going on is going to hit the liberal news.

Cruz taking daughter to Cancun? Front page news that will run for days in the liberal press.

Biden telling black people they're too stupid to get on the internet to get a Walgreens spot? Not very newsworthy.

Cuomo ordering the death of grandma and hiding it? Not newsworthy at all.

Coke telling its employees to be less white? Nah, we can skip that.

02-20-21, 11:56
The hilarious part of this is the Hildebeast criticizing Cruz for leaving the pet behind......

Apparently, US Ambassador Christopher Stevens and the three other Americans murdered in Benghazi were unavailable to comment on former Secretary of State Clinton's remarks.

And their pet dog Snowflake was in a house that did have heat and power back on. A private caretaker hired to watch the house was petsitting the dog.

02-20-21, 14:07
I might be pissed if not for the hypocrisy of the Dems side. Both sides take vacations while the rest of us suffer. They can shut the f**k up until they're willing to sell all they have to the poor and huddle with the unwashed masses themselves.

The Dumb Gun Collector
02-20-21, 16:14
If trump was still President we would be hearing that he was a sonofabitch for not personally setting himself on fire to warm every Texan hobo. But Biden is in, so Ted Cruzes' family vacation are critically important.

02-20-21, 21:37
Just another politician showing his arrogance and the other side exploiting it
Now he has to eat humble pie

02-21-21, 08:43
Gotta be honest, if I was in that frozen situation without power and fixing it was beyond my realm of authority I'd be taking my happy ass somewhere warmer too!

Agreed. This is all outrage for the sake of outrage.

02-22-21, 08:11
Agreed. This is all outrage for the sake of outrage.

I call it the outrage culture. "Outrage for the sake of outrage", what can we be outraged about next?
Another trend that many have noticed is the if one prefers A over B it must be because one hates B.

02-22-21, 08:44
He's a Texas Senator, let the citizens of Texas figure it out. Me, I don't care. Even if he was from my state, I still wouldn't care.

02-22-21, 08:46
Trump is sort of gone now, and Cruz is the new whipping boy for the left. "Bad orange man" is gone, new Texan has taken his place.

02-22-21, 09:36
I don't care if he went on vacation with his Daughters, actually I applaud it.
I'm also sure the tickets were purchased some time before the trip. What did you expect him to do, drive a snow plow on I35?

02-22-21, 09:40
I don't care if he went on vacation with his Daughters, actually I applaud it.
I'm also sure the tickets were purchased some time before the trip. What did you expect him to do, drive a snow plow on I35?

Yes, I had a "discussion" with some outraged non-Texans. I asked them if they expected Cruz to shovel driveways. This was somehow "glib" and unfeeling.

02-22-21, 09:51
Yes, I had a "discussion" with some outraged non-Texans. I asked them if they expected Cruz to shovel driveways. This was somehow "glib" and unfeeling.

This was a "Family Thing" if you want to talk about " Family Things" let's first discuss Hunter Biden.

Ned Christiansen
02-22-21, 10:59
Well I have to admit that if it had been a similar situation in Michigan and our Governor had stepped out in similar fashion I would have been critical, mainly because there is already so much to dislike there.

But of Ted Cruz I will say that in the last year his credibility, with me, is way, way up. After all the personal abuse he took from Trump in the 2016 campaign, he did the right thing. He looked beyond it all; many people in his position would not have been able to overcome the insults and would have been a Trump hater, but Ted Cruz fanfared Trump's many accomplishments and all the dishonest BS and double standards of the left. Good on Ted Cruz.

02-24-21, 17:42
If it's happening while you're away, cancel and get back to your constituents.

Why? So that finite resources are now used to bail you out when you got stuck because you were traveling in terrible conditions?

02-24-21, 17:58
Thread title: "Why do we care?"

If you dont want people to care then why make a thread drawing attention to it? You just gave the story more traction. Same thing with the Tiger Woods thread.

Remember you vote with your wallet, you vote with your clicks, you vote with your attention. Giving MSM any of these will ensure you get more of it in the future. Information Warfare 101.

02-24-21, 18:28
Thread title: "Why do we care?"

If you dont want people to care then why make a thread drawing attention to it? You just gave the story more traction. Same thing with the Tiger Woods thread.

Remember you vote with your wallet, you vote with your clicks, you vote with your attention. Giving MSM any of these will ensure you get more of it in the future. Information Warfare 101.

Yes .

02-25-21, 01:29
If you were a Texan, sitting in the cold and dark, no water, maybe no food, you might take umbrage at your elected representative jetting off to a Mexican beach.

02-25-21, 06:35
If you were a Texan, sitting in the cold and dark, no water, maybe no food, you might take umbrage at your elected representative jetting off to a Mexican beach.

But why?

02-25-21, 06:42
If you were a Texan, sitting in the cold and dark, no water, maybe no food, you might take umbrage at your elected representative jetting off to a Mexican beach.But what was he actually going to do? This is a job for the governor.

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02-25-21, 06:46
If you were a Texan, sitting in the cold and dark, no water, maybe no food, you might take umbrage at your elected representative jetting off to a Mexican beach.

Because if you suffer others should as well?

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02-25-21, 07:11
Because if you suffer others should as well?

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Precisely, yes, many people feel this way. Sitting in a freezing house feeling envious of your neighbor who's sunning himself in Mexico? Save your money and book a vacation yourself. Personally I would avoid Mexico but that's me.
I served in the Texas State Guard for several years, State Active Duty is why we exist. FEMA doctrine does not name, require or need a US senator to respond to an event. Local first then state. He would only get in the way and remove resources from those who really need it. This goes for the president too.
But try explaining that to those who have a political ax to grind, that is all this is, Cruz, as others have already said, is the next target for the cancel warriors.

02-25-21, 07:30
Precisely, yes, many people feel this way. Sitting in a freezing house feeling envious of your neighbor who's sunning himself in Mexico? Save your money and book a vacation yourself. Personally I would avoid Mexico but that's me.
I served in the Texas State Guard for several years, State Active Duty is why we exist. FEMA doctrine does not name, require or need a US senator to respond to an event. Local first then state. He would only get in the way and remove resources from those who really need it. This goes for the president too.
But try explaining that to those who have a political ax to grind, that is all this is, Cruz, as others have already said, is the next target for the cancel warriors.

Personally, I prefer to have contingencies rather than to jet off to sh*tholes like Mexico. I was actually in a situation similar a few years back except the power was down 2 1/2 weeks. I rather enjoyed it. No work responsibilities. I used kerosene lanterns, used the wood stove for heat, stored the food in the bed of the truck to keep it frozen. I shot coyotes, tended fire, and read books in the evening. Was a great time. The key being ready for such situations.

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02-25-21, 08:14
Personally, I prefer to have contingencies rather than to jet off to sh*tholes like Mexico. I was actually in a situation similar a few years back except the power was down 2 1/2 weeks. I rather enjoyed it. No work responsibilities. I used kerosene lanterns, used the wood stove for heat, stored the food in the bed of the truck to keep it frozen. I shot coyotes, tended fire, and read books in the evening. Was a great time. The key being ready for such situations.

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Sounds like our old family cabin in the Sierra Nevada mountains. Two wood stoves for heat and lots of fire wood in the shed. X-C skiing to get in, good times.

03-21-21, 17:24
Cruze broke off his planned vacation and returned to Texas, figured out the problem then turned up the Sun. Texas warmed up and the immediate problem was solved. What other politician turned up the Sun to thaw out Texas?