View Full Version : Cali school board meeting was live,

02-20-21, 07:22
but they didn't know that.

Short version is they are opposed to public input.


02-20-21, 07:35
Surprise, surprise. Elected officials do not give a crap what their constituents think?? I enjoy it when they get burned on a hot mike but rarely does it make a difference in how the sheeple vote.

02-20-21, 09:08
Most of the news was about what they were saying later...but I was more troubled with them being excited by an idea to change the public input so it was a voicemail. Plus, it would be purposely limited. Frankly, I would have just kept calling and leaving more messages.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-20-21, 09:11
The mayor of Oakley called on the rest of the board to resign and a protest was also being organized Saturday to demand the board resign or be recalled.

Beede, Ippolito and Masadas asked the following statement be shared with the Oakley community:

We deeply regret the comments that were made in the meeting of the Board of Education earlier this week. As trustees, we realize it is our responsibility to model the conduct that we expect of our students and staff, and it is our obligation to build confidence in District leadership; our comments failed you in both regards, and for this we offer our sincerest apology.

We love our students, our teachers and our community, and we want to be part of the remedy to help the District move forward, returning its full focus to students’ needs. To help facilitate the healing process, we will be resigning our positions as Trustees of the Oakley Union Elementary School District, effective immediately. The Superintendent will be working with the Contra Costa County Office of Education to address the vacancies on the Board of Education.

This was a difficult decision, but we hear the community’s concerns, and we believe yielding to your request that we step down will allow the District to move forward. Please do not let our failure in judgment cast a shadow on the exceptional work that our teachers, administrators and hard-working employees are doing for the students of this District. They deserve and will need your support as you move forward.


02-20-21, 09:38
I organized a citizens group opposing a local billion dollar tax dollar transportation boondoggle.
They would’ve used eminent domain and destroyed a lot of rural land values.
Behind the scenes it would have benefited a very major chemical company. The project never came close to the financial benefit they proposed.

I sat through several public meetings listening to 20-30 protesters we had encouraged to show up and speak.
Most were from the heart and compelling.

But a few were real goofballs. I’ll never forget one guy wearing a Wild West looking outfit, he told us all what he ate for supper on a recent vacation. For 3 long minutes.

Before one meeting, two leaders of this project were conspiring against two of the recently appointed voting directors ( who supported stopping the project) and were whispering in front of a hot microphone.
My wife heard it all. It was like a Perry Mason tv show when I was able to use their words against them. Their mouths dropped, a shock and awe moment. Was kinda fun watching reactions.

We did shut down the project. It was very ill conceived. They did waste over a million dollars of tax money.