View Full Version : A response to Biden claims

02-23-21, 20:15
Does anyone know where to find the stand alone video beginning @ 5:00?


02-23-21, 21:15
So Black inner city and rural White Americans are too stupid to get online in order to get in line to get a vaccination.
You hear nothing but crickets from the MSM, hell as the grandson of a Appalachian sharecropper, I find that as offensive as hell.
As odd as it sounds the Left is ruling by offensive stereotypes on the entire population and as "Woke" as they think they are, they aren't. They're amazingly racist in the most damaging way.
They look you in the eye and size you up and play to you.
Tell me how showing an ID to vote is racist? I show ID every time I buy Copenhagen of goodness sakes and I am almost 60.
Tell me how Coca-Cola can ask White People to be less White and get away with it? Imagine a World where Coca-Cola asks Black Employees to be "Less Black"?
Tell me why the continued division you push between Black and White works so well for your Democratic Party?
Tell me why we seem to be playing Ambassadorial "Kissy Face" with Iran again?

You know the Obama Administration will never be fully examined for it's corruption Mr Biden, but you were in the inner circle of it and we aren't going to fall in line like good little sheep and many of us don't feel like you are a legitimately elected POTUS.
So suck on it.

02-23-21, 21:21
Ami Horowitz has some YT vids that out liberals as the racists they are. They really think black and Latino folk are stupid. Just think, we'll have 4 years of this racist maroon and the MSM will run cover for him the whole time. Sad times.

02-23-21, 21:28
Ami Horowitz has some YT vids that out liberals as the racists they are. They really think black and Latino folk are stupid. Just think, we'll have 4 years of this racist maroon and the MSM will run cover for him the whole time. Sad times.

If I have a question about software I have an African American Gentleman I ask.
When I have a Hardware problem I have a particular Dago I contact.
See how that works?

02-23-21, 21:34
If I have a question about software I have an African American Gentleman I ask.
When I have a Hardware problem I have a particular Dago I contact.
See how that works?

You are a very specialized racist. LOL

02-23-21, 21:43
For the "interpretive indigenous person dance" , this link may work:


God-tier satire. :laugh:

02-23-21, 22:24
You are a very specialized racist. LOL

Yes, I am.
I'm just saying, when I was a kid, that's how people talked and understood each other, but now we hide that stuff.
Here is the thing about being a minority, you are in the minority. Describing you by race (or even religion, as in no, no, Catholic Jimmy) isn't about demeaning you, it is describing a feature of you that clarifies exactly who you are to others.
I don't take offense, I would imagine any ethnic, minority would describe me as "The old White Guy with Silver hair and a beard." Cool, that's me, I got no problem with that, I'm an old white guy with silver hair and a beard.
So someone saying "No, the Jewish Guy, or no the black guy with the beard." isn't offensive to me, it is descriptive and helpful.

02-23-21, 22:30
For the "interpretive indigenous person dance" , this link may work:


God-tier satire. :laugh:

I hope he does more!