View Full Version : Biden was scheduled to deliver SOTU on the 23rd, but did not

02-26-21, 09:29
This was totally hushed in the press. I didn't even realize it until today. But here's one example of where the State of the Union speech to Congress was scheduled, but didn't happen (click on video for "coming soon" error message).


Some commentary:


The official story is that it was never scheduled, but it seems unlikely that mass media outfits like PBS would get that wrong. If you do a web search, top results are Snopes-like "no, never scheduled, and other presidents didn't do them in their first year either." The latter might be true, but the former doesn't look true.

Anyone else find this a little weird?


02-26-21, 10:11
SOTU already? I mean so early in the administration? I don't follow these things that close so....

I wonder if booger brains can no longer even read a speech.

02-26-21, 10:15
Wheel him out there to further expose the fraud?
Naaah, they'll keep him under wraps because he just cannot do it.
How long will this fraud go on?

02-26-21, 10:24
Bongino’s sources say comrade bidet is in bad shape

02-26-21, 10:55
SOTU already? I mean so early in the administration? I don't follow these things that close so....

I wonder if booger brains can no longer ever read a speech.

Typically, Presidents don't do a SOTU their first year as the Inauguration speech tends to serve as that format.

Obviously, Joe has to tell us all about how Orange Man Bad and he'll need another couple of hundred Executive Orders to "fix" what Trump broke.

However, looks like he's on the decline. I always thought he'd never go more than nine months in office and libs get their wish of a female POTUS.

02-26-21, 11:07
Wheel him out there to further expose the fraud?
Naaah, they'll keep him under wraps because he just cannot do it.
How long will this fraud go on?

There is a short video clip floating around right now that is *allegedly* cut from some talkshow interview he did (I can't verify, just what I've heard). It's essentially Biden sitting there saying nothing, looking utterly clueless and senile.
Actually, I thought he looked a little scared; like he suddenly woke up and didn't know where he was.
Bet a buck he has late stage alzheimers... sure would explain a lot.

02-26-21, 12:17
There is a short video clip floating around right now that is *allegedly* cut from some talkshow interview he did (I can't verify, just what I've heard). It's essentially Biden sitting there saying nothing, looking utterly clueless and senile.
Actually, I thought he looked a little scared; like he suddenly woke up and didn't know where he was.
Bet a buck he has late stage alzheimers... sure would explain a lot.


This is just one video revealing the man's state of being. I have the impression this is all day, every day with him. I'm also willing to bet that game theory is being appled to numerous scenarios for invoking the 25th. They will hold off as long as possible, until they are reasonably confident that enough controls are in place that it won't matter how the public reacts to installing that woman as the first female POC president. In the meantime, they will hide Joe from the public eye until they can create a story for why he needs to being relived of duty, either because of his failing health or his sudden demise.

ETA: I also searched for a press conference when Joe was on the campaign trail, babbling something like, "total Trump" when he was asked about the up coming election. His handlers promptly chased the media from the room. That clip is no where to be found...

02-26-21, 12:17
do not disturb his nap and pudding time

02-26-21, 14:41
Biden was scheduled to deliver SOTU on the 23rd, but did not

Did he have a doctor's excuse... from Jill? :rolleyes:

02-26-21, 17:00
They're going to make it virtual, they just haven't been able to catch him while he is conscious and semi-coherent long enough to finish off the video.

02-26-21, 17:19
There is a short video clip floating around right now that is *allegedly* cut from some talkshow interview he did (I can't verify, just what I've heard). It's essentially Biden sitting there saying nothing, looking utterly clueless and senile.
Actually, I thought he looked a little scared; like he suddenly woke up and didn't know where he was.
Bet a buck he has late stage alzheimers... sure would explain a lot.

I watched my grandmother decline through severe senile dementia, and the similarities between Biden now and her in her last years is uncanny. The man needs to be in a nursing home.

02-26-21, 17:37
I watched my grandmother decline through severe senile dementia, and the similarities between Biden now and her in her last years is uncanny. The man needs to be in a nursing home.

My Son worked with many dementia patients over the years, he said "Sometimes you can get a reaction you want by giving them a "Mountain Dew", they come back and are coherent for a bit and then slowly fade again."
I really want to know what they were jacking up Joe Biden with during the debates.

02-26-21, 17:48
America got rolled by the Communist left , the election stolen right in front of your eyes and this is what you talk about ?

just a scout
02-26-21, 18:47
My Son worked with many dementia patients over the years, he said "Sometimes you can get a reaction you want by giving them a "Mountain Dew", they come back and are coherent for a bit and then slowly fade again."
I really want to know what they were jacking up Joe Biden with during the debates.

Adderal. High dose. It’s a temporary treatment for dementia.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

02-27-21, 04:24
If you voted for Biden......you got played.

02-27-21, 05:42
The sotu is scheduled for tomorrow...:cool::cool:

02-27-21, 10:35
This should fill everyone with confidence, nothing quite like giving someone with Alzheimer's the nuclear football.

A group of more than 30 House Democrats is asking President Biden to give up his sole control of U.S. nuclear weapons.


02-27-21, 12:44
This should fill everyone with confidence, nothing quite like giving someone with Alzheimer's the nuclear football.

A group of more than 30 House Democrats is asking President Biden to give up his sole control of U.S. nuclear weapons.


I'm not opposed to having a "Two person" concept for the release of nuclear weapons outside of an overt attack using WMDs on the United States. I.E. a first strike option since the POTUS has complete control over the release and the SecDef only confirms the order for use comes from the POTUS. Obviously, there's a bit of checks and balances there as I would hope any SecDef would not confirm an invalid launch or first strike from a mentally incompetent POTUS and immediately move for an Article 25 conference with the other Secretaries and VP. So, for a first strike (heaven forbid we ever get that), I'm not entirely opposed to having at least two Cabinet members confirming such a decision.

Having said that to say this, Congress need to **** right off with any nuclear release "decision" having to come by committee. I trust Nancy even less than I do Biden at this point. Or any Speaker as of late. This is yet another power grab by the Legislative Branch that needs to be curb stomped immediately.

Knowing the way Nancy and her minions have acted as of late, she's reenact Operation Chrome Dome and have B-2s orbiting outside of Mar-a-Lago...

02-27-21, 12:52
The thing is with all this, everyone knew Biden was in cognitive decline well before the election. He's been showing signs of that for the better part of a year if not longer.

Yet, they still ran him as the only choice that could win against Trump... Kamala wasn't going to win. Bernie wasn't going to win. Mayor Pete wasn't going to win.

About the only other choice they had that could have won against Trump (my opinion) would have been Tulsi Gabbard. And even though she was certainly not my choice, I could have accepted her Presidency as she would have attracted the Bernie side as well as the moderate Democrats and probably swayed some centrist Republicans. But the DNC was never, NEVER going to let her win. She pissed in too many people's Cheerios over the years.

Regardless, we're stuck with a President now in obvious mental decline. They will have a hard time hiding it going forward and it's going to become even more apparent in the coming months. So, just prepare yourself for an Article 25 hearing and our newest woman President (which they wanted all along) with even more fun to come in the aftermath.

You think Biden's been bad about signing anything put in front of him? Just wait until Kamala gets her hands on that pen and phone...

02-27-21, 13:34

If you missed his articulate speech in Tx...here it is.

02-27-21, 19:48
This should fill everyone with confidence, nothing quite like giving someone with Alzheimer's the nuclear football.

A group of more than 30 House Democrats is asking President Biden to give up his sole control of U.S. nuclear weapons.


I'm not a law professor, but that sounds really really illegal.

02-27-21, 20:58
I'm not a law professor, but that sounds really really illegal.A lot of that been going on the last 12 months

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

02-27-21, 21:15
They're going to make it virtual, they just haven't been able to catch him while he is conscious and semi-coherent long enough to finish off the video.

Gonna look like Max Headroom.

02-27-21, 22:25
A lot of that been going on the last 12 months

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

Ain't that the truth.

03-01-21, 12:55
The real SOTU speech was Trump's at CPAC.

03-01-21, 16:13
The real SOTU speech was Trump's at CPAC.

Kristi Noem was a rock star there too.

03-01-21, 18:44
Kristi Noem was a rock star there too.

I like her. She very well could have the inside track to the GOP nomination. She's well spoken, seems to have a handle on things in her state and makes common sense decisions.

Oh, and liberals despise her, so, she's probably doing something right.