View Full Version : Rand Paul Confronts Biden's Transgender Nominee Rachel Levine

02-27-21, 07:43

As he should....WTF, people? This is why I homeschool.

02-27-21, 07:58
The "I'm only going to answer questions after being hired" job interview technique.

A bit more chatty at another gig.


02-27-21, 08:23
If we are going to put ladyboys in positions of political authority purely for show, could we at least pick some *passable* ones? At least they walked the walk and actually put the work in to pull it off, not just grew their hair out, threw on a string of pearls and called it good.

02-27-21, 08:29
Rand Paul is interesting. For most of his career he was Mr. Libertarian. Now he's all Trump, all the time.

02-27-21, 08:45
Rand Paul is interesting. For most of his career he was Mr. Libertarian. Now he's all Trump, all the time.

Which has very little to do with the HHS Deputy refusing to answer the questions posed.

It's pretty much the "You'll have to confirm me to see what I'll do" version of what Pelosi did with Obamacare.

02-27-21, 08:53
Unless some sane Democrats break free, the marxists will simply put any weirdo POS they want into the positions of power, and idiots with TDS will insist anyone who dares to stand in their way is Don's puppet.

And this woman? Thing? Freak? pegs the weirdo scale.

02-27-21, 08:55

We FINALLY got rid of "Cousin It" here in PA! We DON'T want It BACK!!! :nono:

LMT Shooter
02-27-21, 10:11
The people who advocate for children transitioning are truly sick.

02-27-21, 10:26
The people who advocate for children transitioning are truly sick.
Under the Equality Act, it seems parents could be held responsible if you defy the system for "children transitioning". Imagine getting the call from your 6 year-old first grader's teacher, school psychologist and principal that little David claims he wants to be a little girl. You tell them to F__k Off, but that puts you in the cross hairs of the system. Most likely you will be targeted by child protective services for some kind of gender abuse. You wont allow them to turn YOUR 6 year-old David into Davina.

Even more than defiance against gun control, this is where you will see serious violence in America. If I had a child that age who was targeted by the Equality Act for some kind of gender transition, there would be violence with extreme prejudice.

02-27-21, 11:07
I don't know anything about transitioning, but shouldn't one be an adult before making that decision? I think there's no going back if it turns out that the decision to change genders was the product of youthful immaturity.

02-27-21, 11:51
If Biden administration officials want to castrate themselves, gulp down hormones and wear a dress... that's one thing. However, mutilating children, surgically or chemically, is criminal, period. If Levine can't publicly admit such are crimes against children, then Levine is a lunatic willing to mutilate children to satisfy personal/political agendas.

02-27-21, 12:31
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil.

02-27-21, 13:54
This Levine critter is part of the whole scheme involving the Equality Act. It removes any barriers that differentiate between Male and Female. There's going to be a lot of unhappy mothers when some cross-dressing lunatic wants in the Girls' bathroom with their teenage daughters. Look up a lot of the particulars of this "Act". All of this is just another reason to inflame the American public and create more strife.

02-27-21, 14:33
Reality check-
License for driving is 16 years of age, with some restrictions. Under the age of 18, children are considered immature and are not normally subject to legal punishment to the same degree as adults. Once 18, using tobacco, joining the military and being tried for capital crimes is fair game. Alcohol consumption is restricted til 21, and renting cars without parental cosignatories or additional insurance happens around age 25. All these age limits are based upon the idea that people under the above listed ages are not mentally or emotionally mature enough to make life choices without fully comprehending the full scope of said choices.

02-27-21, 15:40
Reality check-
License for driving is 16 years of age, with some restrictions. Under the age of 18, children are considered immature and are not normally subject to legal punishment to the same degree as adults. Once 18, using tobacco, joining the military and being tried for capital crimes is fair game. Alcohol consumption is restricted til 21, and renting cars without parental cosignatories or additional insurance happens around age 25. All these age limits are based upon the idea that people under the above listed ages are not mentally or emotionally mature enough to make life choices without fully comprehending the full scope of said choices.

You forgot to mention no rifles or ammo until 18, no handgun or ammo until 21.

02-27-21, 16:36
I saw "her" on TV at the airport. I thought the ladies night Bud Light commercials were making a comeback.

02-27-21, 17:13
I don't know anything about transitioning, but shouldn't one be an adult before making that decision? I think there's no going back if it turns out that the decision to change genders was the product of youthful immaturity.

More importantly, you ask a lot of kids "Do you want to be a dolphin?" and the answer will be "yes."

02-27-21, 17:21
More importantly, you ask a lot of kids "Do you want to be a dolphin?" and the answer will be "yes."

I wanna be a dolphin too! Until I'm a dolphin. Then I'll probably think it sucks.

02-27-21, 17:23
Rand Paul is interesting. For most of his career he was Mr. Libertarian. Now he's all Trump, all the time.

Well first off, Rand Pauls command of the Constitution and what it says and means compared to Trumps is truly awesome. But I think Rand Paul also discovered if you only talk about the issues and simply provide the solution already mandated by the Constitution, people get bored and walk away. So perhaps he has learned to draw a little more attention to himself but in a reverse correlation to my above statement Trumps ability to be bombastic and draw all the attention to himself compared to Paul's is absolutely staggering.

But at least Rand Paul is actually drawing attention to something very, very important. I hope this is Paul beginning a more meaningful run for the white house in 2024 than what he achieved in 2016.

02-27-21, 17:27
This Levine critter is part of the whole scheme involving the Equality Act. It removes any barriers that differentiate between Male and Female. There's going to be a lot of unhappy mothers when some cross-dressing lunatic wants in the Girls' bathroom with their teenage daughters. Look up a lot of the particulars of this "Act". All of this is just another reason to inflame the American public and create more strife.

The scary part is that is the least scary part of the entire issue.

How many people lose custody of their children to their ex? Bad enough when you aren't allowed unsupervised contact with your kid because your ex lied and said you abused both of them and got your 6 year old to go along with it. Now imagine you ex has decided your 6 year old should be a "girl" and there is NOTHING legally you can do to prevent it.

02-27-21, 19:52
Rand Paul is interesting. For most of his career he was Mr. Libertarian. Now he's all Trump, all the time.

I think he's a Christian and he should have been ashamed of himself for ever being a libertarian. Ron Paul should repent of his libertarianism too.

02-27-21, 19:54
The people who advocate for children transitioning are truly sick.

Like Dr. Ben Carson said...it's child abuse.

02-27-21, 19:57
Under the Equality Act, it seems parents could be held responsible if you defy the system for "children transitioning". Imagine getting the call from your 6 year-old first grader's teacher, school psychologist and principal that little David claims he wants to be a little girl. You tell them to F__k Off, but that puts you in the cross hairs of the system. Most likely you will be targeted by child protective services for some kind of gender abuse. You wont allow them to turn YOUR 6 year-old David into Davina.

Even more than defiance against gun control, this is where you will see serious violence in America. If I had a child that age who was targeted by the Equality Act for some kind of gender transition, there would be violence with extreme prejudice.

Oh yeah. Can't imagine a man standing by while the wretches try and literally destroy your child's life. Somebody wouldn't be making out alive I suspect.

02-27-21, 20:00
I don't know anything about transitioning, but shouldn't one be an adult before making that decision? I think there's no going back if it turns out that the decision to change genders was the product of youthful immaturity.

Nobody should be making that decision, especially, and I'll use the preferred word on this forum, the one thinking about it....it's mental illness.

02-27-21, 21:42
Nobody should be making that decision, especially, and I'll use the preferred word on this forum, the one thinking about it....it's mental illness.
I'll take it a step further.....it's pure evil.

02-27-21, 21:59
I'll take it a step further.....it's pure evil.

I've kind of been following what has happened here in Texas to the Dad that was fighting to keep his Ghoulish Ex from castrating his Son.
Ever seen an interview by someone who has went through the process and now regrets it?

02-27-21, 22:22
I've kind of been following what has happened here in Texas to the Dad that was fighting to keep his Ghoulish Ex from castrating his Son.
Ever seen an interview by someone who has went through the process and now regrets it?
I never followed that story very close. The Dad regrets something?

02-27-21, 22:28
I never followed that story very close. The Dad regrets something?

Mom is a Doc and she decided one of her Sons is a girl in a boys body, so she begins transitioning him and Dad was fighting it.
The whole thing was crazy and Dad couldn't get justice for his Son.

02-27-21, 22:30
I'll take it a step further.....it's pure evil.

It sure is.

02-27-21, 22:33
Under the Equality Act, it seems parents could be held responsible if you defy the system for "children transitioning". Imagine getting the call from your 6 year-old first grader's teacher, school psychologist and principal that little David claims he wants to be a little girl. You tell them to F__k Off, but that puts you in the cross hairs of the system. Most likely you will be targeted by child protective services for some kind of gender abuse. You wont allow them to turn YOUR 6 year-old David into Davina.

Even more than defiance against gun control, this is where you will see serious violence in America. If I had a child that age who was targeted by the Equality Act for some kind of gender transition, there would be violence with extreme prejudice.

It takes a village. Haven't you heard? People who deny the right of the duly state-appointed reps to help your child decide what it should[n't] be are obviously racist transphobes who MUST have their children removed, and jailed if possible, for the safety of the child's mental health.
Homeschooling is white supremacy (seriously, they really think that).

Like I've guesstimated before... the future isn't a glorious American Revolution 1776 2.0, it's 101 mini-Waco's.

Oh yeah. Can't imagine a man standing by while the wretches try and literally destroy your child's life. Somebody wouldn't be making out alive I suspect.
Sadly, I think all to plenty will; male society is already mostly resigned to the fact that your ex will steal your kids and limit your ability to interact with them ever again, in the event of a divorce. They will bitch to their buddies over beers and football as usual, and loudly justify how they're "not THAT crazy" as the guy two states over who went out in a pile of brass over the same issue...and that will be that.
Maybe they'll naively hire a lawyer, hoping to tie it up in court, never suspecting the courts are no longer 'just' and the lawyer will happily take their money without disabusing them of that fact, and when it all ends in nothing but the guy ending up broke, it will be "well, we tried buddy. It's the law..."
And that's aside from getting into the complicity of the medical industry in all this.

I don't know anything about transitioning, but shouldn't one be an adult before making that decision? I think there's no going back if it turns out that the decision to change genders was the product of youthful immaturity.
Pretty much, yeah. Perhaps some things may be reversible if changed early enough.
But it's simply the end result of the 'slippery slope' people called out at the beginning of all this when it was "love is love man; it doesn't matter what two consenting adults do in their bedroom man". Any dissent of that 'fact' was duly decried by both conservatives and liberals, and yet, here we are at "give us your kids to defile, or else" just as predicted...

Not to long ago there was a no-shit news article talking about how, since the 'rona hit and schools are closed, strangely there's been a sudden drop in kids being interested in gender-swapping, and actual transitions, and some of the kids who were into the process had quit. They couldn't figure out why that was.... :rolleyes:
I can't find the screenshot I took of it.

02-27-21, 22:49
Mom is a Doc and she decided one of her Sons is a girl in a boys body, so she begins transitioning him and Dad was fighting it.
The whole thing was crazy and Dad couldn't get justice for his Son.

I can think of few things that would give me greater motivation to fly the black flag, slaughter everyone involved in a rescue effort and not care what happened to me after the fact. That is some evil, sick and twisted shit.

Now if I had a son, and he really believed he should be a girl...I wouldn't exactly like it...but if he was 100% sure and had turned 18 it would be his life to live and I'd only want him / her / whatever to be happy. I know some of these people are 100% in how they view their sexuality, I know because I couldn't become attracted to men if you offered me a million dollars and I'd really love to have a million dollars. Some people are just gay, different, whatever...so long as they aren't hurting anyone and it's all consenting adults then go with god and all that.

Key thing here is consenting adults, and transgendering kids is NOT consenting adults. This is the kind of decision where you want to really be absolutely, 100% convinced and sure this is what you want to do because there are no "take backs." I've known a few people who "thought" they might be bi or gay and a single actual experience convinced them that "hey, I'm really not even though I thought I really might be" and it's a lot easier to realize you aren't bi or gay and figure it out than it is to change gender surgically.

02-27-21, 22:52
Like I've guesstimated before... the future isn't a glorious American Revolution 1776 2.0, it's 101 mini-Waco's.
Sadly, I think all to plenty will; male society is already mostly resigned to the fact that your ex will steal your kids and limit your ability to interact with them ever again, in the event of a divorce. They will bitch to their buddies over beers and football as usual, and loudly justify how they're "not THAT crazy" as the guy two states over who went out in a pile of brass over the same issue...and that will be that.
Maybe they'll naively hire a lawyer, hoping to tie it up in court, never suspecting the courts are no longer 'just' and the lawyer will happily take their money without disabusing them of that fact, and when it all ends in nothing but the guy ending up broke, it will be "well, we tried buddy. It's the law..."
And that's aside from getting into the complicity of the medical industry in all this.

You gotta fight for your Kids.
If you can't trust your ex, why in the world would you trust them with your kid?
I fought dirty and I spent every Nickle I had. Wouldn't trade that for the world.

02-27-21, 23:14
Transitioning from my EDC compact 1911 to a modern plastic gun was difficult enough.

02-28-21, 00:42
The latest political cartoon and Biden's Addams' Family nominee - Uncle Fester with a wig or Cousin It.... you pick:


02-28-21, 05:10
This is just another cog in the wheel to take apart the family unit and destroy religious freedom that is necessary for the communist takeover of our country.

And nominating uncle Fester in a wig is just a thumb in the eye to the Conservative voter. I wonder if the never-Trumpers who voted for Punch Drunk Joe are pleased with him so far...

02-28-21, 06:48

02-28-21, 07:27
Very funny !

02-28-21, 09:37
This is just another cog in the wheel to take apart the family unit and destroy religious freedom that is necessary for the communist takeover of our country.

And nominating uncle Fester in a wig is just a thumb in the eye to the Conservative voter. I wonder if the never-Trumpers who voted for Punch Drunk Joe are pleased with him so far...
I've come closer to the conclusion that 2020 was the full-blown start to a period in our history where you'll never see another GOP/Conservative President. All the pieces were put in place and they all contributed to massive voter fraud. All the CPAC speeches and chest-thumping are designed for raising money, not any real plan to fix the fraudulent tactics and techniques.

02-28-21, 10:31
Wish Ermey was still around to 'confront' that bozo... THAT would have been priceless.


02-28-21, 10:38
I've come closer to the conclusion that 2020 was the full-blown start to a period in our history where you'll never see another GOP/Conservative President. All the pieces were put in place and they all contributed to massive voter fraud. All the CPAC speeches and chest-thumping are designed for raising money, not any real plan to fix the fraudulent tactics and techniques.

I agree. Now that the ComDems used California style election fraud on a national level in plain view of the world, and got away with it, they will continue to do it from here on out. The courts refused to address the fraud and anyone who denounced the fraud is an insurrectionist and banished from social media and threatened with being fired/impeached/cancelled/etc......

02-28-21, 11:03
I agree. Now that the ComDems used California style election fraud on a national level in plain view of the world, and got away with it, they will continue to do it from here on out. The courts refused to address the fraud and anyone who denounced the fraud is an insurrectionist and banished from social media and threatened with being fired/impeached/cancelled/etc......

The bigger problem is that we accept it and just stop voting. The boycott the vote thing that piece of dog shit double agent Lin Wood peddled worked in GA. Now, conservatives are just going to stay home on election day and let the left win fair and square.

02-28-21, 11:33
The bigger problem is that we accept it and just stop voting. The boycott the vote thing that piece of dog shit double agent Lin Wood peddled worked in GA. Now, conservatives are just going to stay home on election day and let the left win fair and square.

Just as they have for years on the Left Coast after blatant thefts like Rossi v Gregoire. :(

02-28-21, 20:06
On a similar note:


john armond
02-28-21, 20:26
On a similar note:


If you can’t make everybody equal by bringing them all up, you can by bringing everyone down.

03-01-21, 14:22
Well first off, Rand Pauls command of the Constitution and what it says and means compared to Trumps is truly awesome. But I think Rand Paul also discovered if you only talk about the issues and simply provide the solution already mandated by the Constitution, people get bored and walk away. So perhaps he has learned to draw a little more attention to himself but in a reverse correlation to my above statement Trumps ability to be bombastic and draw all the attention to himself compared to Paul's is absolutely staggering.

But at least Rand Paul is actually drawing attention to something very, very important. I hope this is Paul beginning a more meaningful run for the white house in 2024 than what he achieved in 2016.

I think you hit the nail on the head when it comes to Rand Paul. I've said for a long time I never thought Rand was a bad candidate, but he just couldn't sell what he believed in.

In short, he was very boring. Again, nothing wrong with him or his branding, but he's got to find a better way of conveying the message in a way that appeals to a broad group of people.

I do think there was life that came out of him in the aftermath of the assault he was involved with. Kinda gives a person perspective on life when you have that kind of experience.

03-01-21, 14:24
"You have to follow the Science"

.........Except when it comes to the 869 made up "genders".

03-01-21, 14:40
The thing is with this transsexual issue... I have evolved my thinking for the homosexuality issues (I used to think it was not natural) until a gay person explained it to me.

Basically, love and attractions are emotions. Love brings an emotional response and you sometimes don't have a choice in who you love and who you don't. It's not chemically motivated or assigned at birth, it's something that happens.

I get it. Certainly won't ever be for me, but I can understand the issue there with gay marriage, gay rights and everything else. And I really don't have a problem with it to the extent I used to. You do your thing, I do my thing, we won't meet in the middle and let each other live.

Now, on the transgender issue...

This is not an emotion, not a chemical reaction nor anything else. Sorry, but they are mentally ill people that believe they are something they are not. If I started walking about claiming I was Jesus Christ and baptizing people in the local river, I'd end up with a nice long visit with a bunch of people wearing funny coats. Or if I identified as Napoleon and tried to recruit an army to take over France. Again, I'd have some serious questions before a bunch of doctors tried to convince me I wasn't this person.

But if I identify as a female? How progressive of me!

In all three cases, I would think I was something I was not, either by biological fact or by known fact. In two out of the three, I'm deemed mentally unfit. In the other, I'm praised for making that "choice."

What's the difference here? In all three cases, only one flies in the face of science. There are two distinct biological sexes. Nothing is ever going to change your DNA away from XY to XX or vice versa. You were born with it and no amount of chemical therapy, conversion operations or lopping off any body part is ever going to change the fact you are born a male or a female (obviously, there is a distinct medical class of hermaphrodite separate from he two genders)

Regardless, these people think they are something they are not and can be scientifically proven they are not. Just like one can scientifically prove I am not Jesus Christ or Napoleon. Yet, we are supposed to be accepting of those who are delusional in thinking they should have been a boy or a girl?

03-01-21, 17:27
I think you hit the nail on the head when it comes to Rand Paul. I've said for a long time I never thought Rand was a bad candidate, but he just couldn't sell what he believed in.

In short, he was very boring. Again, nothing wrong with him or his branding, but he's got to find a better way of conveying the message in a way that appeals to a broad group of people.

I do think there was life that came out of him in the aftermath of the assault he was involved with. Kinda gives a person perspective on life when you have that kind of experience.

The problem isn't that he can't sell the issues, the problem is nobody cares about the issues. The election has become Survivor President and it's about drama, sound bites and "oh no he din't" more than anything else. You can't talk about specific policy points you intend to address and how. You need to discuss meaningless platitudes that can't even really be specifically defined.

Rand needs to think about messages like "a campaign of inclusion", "enabling every voter" and "participating in the success of every American." Not one of those things means anything specific or even meaningful, but that is exactly the kind of shit idiots will line up to vote for.

03-01-21, 17:32
The thing is with this transsexual issue... I have evolved my thinking for the homosexuality issues (I used to think it was not natural) until a gay person explained it to me.

Basically, love and attractions are emotions. Love brings an emotional response and you sometimes don't have a choice in who you love and who you don't. It's not chemically motivated or assigned at birth, it's something that happens.

I get it. Certainly won't ever be for me, but I can understand the issue there with gay marriage, gay rights and everything else. And I really don't have a problem with it to the extent I used to. You do your thing, I do my thing, we won't meet in the middle and let each other live.

Now, on the transgender issue...

This is not an emotion, not a chemical reaction nor anything else. Sorry, but they are mentally ill people that believe they are something they are not. If I started walking about claiming I was Jesus Christ and baptizing people in the local river, I'd end up with a nice long visit with a bunch of people wearing funny coats. Or if I identified as Napoleon and tried to recruit an army to take over France. Again, I'd have some serious questions before a bunch of doctors tried to convince me I wasn't this person.

But if I identify as a female? How progressive of me!

In all three cases, I would think I was something I was not, either by biological fact or by known fact. In two out of the three, I'm deemed mentally unfit. In the other, I'm praised for making that "choice."

What's the difference here? In all three cases, only one flies in the face of science. There are two distinct biological sexes. Nothing is ever going to change your DNA away from XY to XX or vice versa. You were born with it and no amount of chemical therapy, conversion operations or lopping off any body part is ever going to change the fact you are born a male or a female (obviously, there is a distinct medical class of hermaphrodite separate from he two genders)

Regardless, these people think they are something they are not and can be scientifically proven they are not. Just like one can scientifically prove I am not Jesus Christ or Napoleon. Yet, we are supposed to be accepting of those who are delusional in thinking they should have been a boy or a girl?

I've met mentally ill people who think they are from other planets, and I mean like K-Pax crazy. But if they aren't dangerous crazy people and they can live functional lives, I kind of don't give a shit what they believe beyond "hey man I just can't talk to you about this any more." Same thing with "I'm a girl but I have the wrong body." Whatever they feel they need to do in order to accept their existence and feel "more normal" is fine with me. But that doesn't mean we put Adamski in charge of the SETI program and we don't legitimize "Hi, I'm Wendy and I'm a visitor from Jupiter" nutjobs by introducing them to the classroom.

03-01-21, 18:01
Reality check-
License for driving is 16 years of age, with some restrictions. Under the age of 18, children are considered immature and are not normally subject to legal punishment to the same degree as adults. Once 18, using tobacco, joining the military and being tried for capital crimes is fair game. Alcohol consumption is restricted til 21, and renting cars without parental cosignatories or additional insurance happens around age 25. All these age limits are based upon the idea that people under the above listed ages are not mentally or emotionally mature enough to make life choices without fully comprehending the full scope of said choices.

Here in Oregon the tobacco age is 21.

03-01-21, 18:49
The problem isn't that he can't sell the issues, the problem is nobody cares about the issues. The election has become Survivor President and it's about drama, sound bites and "oh no he din't" more than anything else. You can't talk about specific policy points you intend to address and how. You need to discuss meaningless platitudes that can't even really be specifically defined.

Rand needs to think about messages like "a campaign of inclusion", "enabling every voter" and "participating in the success of every American." Not one of those things means anything specific or even meaningful, but that is exactly the kind of shit idiots will line up to vote for.

Perhaps I didn't phrase it right. He brings up extremely important issues but does not have a good message to explain why people should care. Terrible at debates when he's limited by time but he does extremely well at town hall settings where he can draw in the crowd and explain the "why" of it all.

03-01-21, 19:59
Under the Equality Act, it seems parents could be held responsible if you defy the system for "children transitioning". Imagine getting the call from your 6 year-old first grader's teacher, school psychologist and principal that little David claims he wants to be a little girl. You tell them to F__k Off, but that puts you in the cross hairs of the system. Most likely you will be targeted by child protective services for some kind of gender abuse. You wont allow them to turn YOUR 6 year-old David into Davina.

Even more than defiance against gun control, this is where you will see serious violence in America. If I had a child that age who was targeted by the Equality Act for some kind of gender transition, there would be violence with extreme prejudice.

They would have to kill me first.

03-02-21, 01:24
Perhaps I didn't phrase it right. He brings up extremely important issues but does not have a good message to explain why people should care. Terrible at debates when he's limited by time but he does extremely well at town hall settings where he can draw in the crowd and explain the "why" of it all.

He shines with an educated audience who actually understands the issues and the complexity of possible solutions, everyone else just see's a white guy with an odd haircut who was tl;dr.

03-02-21, 01:27
He shines with an educated audience who actually understands the issues and the complexity of possible solutions, everyone else just see's a white guy with an odd haircut who was tl;dr.

And sadly, we live in a time where the dominant culture and education level are effing drooling retards with the IQ of a goldfish an the attention-span of a gnat.

03-02-21, 07:37
Maybe 5% of TG people truly have gender disphoria. The rest are blaming genitalia for not fitting into the tiny box that liberal society insists everyone fit into.

The only way people like the weird Dr. can cope is by convincing themselves that gender bending is the only way anyone can handle the difficulties of fitting into society. They simply cannot comprehend that each of us truly are different than everyone else and each of us feels like a societal outsider at times.

Its unfortunate we cannot teach people to be a bit more resilient and patient with the world. If people just understood that time and faith heal most unsurmountable problems, the first world would be a much better place.


03-02-21, 07:40
Rand Paul could be a better messenger for the right policies but can he withstand the slings and arrows that Trump did? Can he ignite a crowd as Trump did? I have my doubts.

03-02-21, 09:48
Rand Paul could be a better messenger for the right policies but can he withstand the slings and arrows that Trump did? Can he ignite a crowd as Trump did? I have my doubts.

That's a question one could pose to any GOP candidate in the near future.

I'd make sure my yearbooks were scrubbed if I were running. And if I were Kristi Noem or Nikki Haley, I'd make sure all my ex-boyfriends were still in that friend zone.

03-02-21, 09:56
That's a question one could pose to any GOP candidate in the near future.

I'd make sure my yearbooks were scrubbed if I were running. And if I were Kristi Noem or Nikki Haley, I'd make sure all my ex-boyfriends were still in that friend zone.

Yep, it won't matter who the repubs nominate, the left will stop at nothing to tear them down. There are no guardrails they won't go through.

03-02-21, 11:33
That's a question one could pose to any GOP candidate in the near future.

I'd make sure my yearbooks were scrubbed if I were running. And if I were Kristi Noem or Nikki Haley, I'd make sure all my ex-boyfriends were still in that friend zone.

The problem is the friend zone abruptly stops where the payoff zone begins.

03-03-21, 18:59
I think he's a Christian and he should have been ashamed of himself for ever being a libertarian. Ron Paul should repent of his libertarianism too.

You do realize that's the most "Christ-like" political party though, right?

03-04-21, 00:28
You do realize that's the most "Christ-like" political party though, right?

I don't realize it, because it's not even remotely true. Though there are "some" principles that agree with biblical law and principle, there are some really really bad principles that no actual Christian could with the mind of Christ joint themselves to. May I recommend comparing the platform of the LP to the scriptures. No, I don't think the LP is Christ-like...at...all.


03-04-21, 05:10
I don't realize it, because it's not even remotely true. Though there are "some" principles that agree with biblical law and principle, there are some really really bad principles that no actual Christian could with the mind of Christ joint themselves to. May I recommend comparing the platform of the LP to the scriptures. No, I don't think the LP is Christ-like...at...all.


Well we could argue about what party Christ might endorse if he were into endorsing political parties. Personally I don't think he would, but that's me.. But I also think the Libertarians would be the last to tell you who you could and could not lend your support too.

"Consequently, we defend each person’s right to engage in any activity that is peaceful and honest, and welcome the diversity that freedom brings. The world we seek to build is one where individuals are free to follow their own dreams in their own ways, without interference from government or any authoritarian power."

No, I don't think the Libertarians are any more "Christ like" than any other party but I think they would be the last to tell anyone who they could and could not worship, when and where they could worship and under what circumstances.

03-04-21, 05:48
I'm not sure how you can say "Follow the Science" and then, as a Man, walk in a Federal building dressed like a 8 year old girl.

03-04-21, 07:27
You do realize that's the most "Christ-like" political party though, right?

The abortion-on-demand party is “Christ-like”?

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03-04-21, 07:55
I'm not sure how you can say "Follow the Science" and then, as a Man, walk in a Federal building dressed like a 8 year old girl.

Its truly an indication of "their" mental condition.

One of the engineers I work with occasionally transitioned to a woman over a Christmas break one year. She (because she is not a "they") did not stroll into the building looking like Pippi Longstocking, she dressed like the majority of female engineers in the company with no fanfare.

Incidentally, we treat her with respect and made no bigger deal out of it than she did. It took a while for us to get used to calling her by her new name and that was that.

Completely different situation than this walking freak show...


03-04-21, 08:16
Its truly an indication of "their" mental condition.

One of the engineers I work with occasionally transitioned to a woman over a Christmas break one year. She (because she is not a "they") did not stroll into the building looking like Pippi Longstocking, she dressed like the majority of female engineers in the company with no fanfare.

Incidentally, we treat her with respect and made no bigger deal out of it than she did. It took a while for us to get used to calling her by her new name and that was that.

Completely different situation than this walking freak show...


He/she is still a nut job with a mental disorder.

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03-04-21, 08:25
He/she is still a nut job with a mental disorder.

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I am not my brother's keeper.


03-04-21, 08:36
He/she is still a nut job with a mental disorder.

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Fetishism, you simply can't tell me that, that many Men want to be a Woman.
I don't care, but don't on one hand tell me about "The Science" and then come out looking like this crack pot. It is simply counter productive to any truly scientific opinion you might have, legit or not.
I mean as fruity as J Edgar Hoover was, he had the good graces to appear in trousers in the public forum.

Now if you ask me "Do you care about what two consenting Adults do behind closed doors?" I would say No, but, You simply can do your job and go home and play "Dress Up" after work.

03-04-21, 08:40
If they're of adult age they can do as they wish with their life. However, I wouldn't trust someone who thinks cutting off their wanker is a great idea. What's their next great idea? Suicide rate among transgender adults is reportedly 10x higher than the national average.

03-04-21, 09:11
I don’t have any problem with what people do until it affects others. And therein lies the problem. They want to force their delusions on the rest of society and make it mainstream all while allowing themselves protected status. If you want to cut your nuts off, go ahead. But the minute you decide it’s acceptable to force parents to allow the system facilitate it for confused youths, I have a big ****ing problem with it.

At the end of the day, these people are evil and mentally ill.

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03-04-21, 09:35
Well we could argue about what party Christ might endorse if he were into endorsing political parties. Personally I don't think he would, but that's me.. But I also think the Libertarians would be the last to tell you who you could and could not lend your support too.

"Consequently, we defend each person’s right to engage in any activity that is peaceful and honest, and welcome the diversity that freedom brings. The world we seek to build is one where individuals are free to follow their own dreams in their own ways, without interference from government or any authoritarian power."

No, I don't think the Libertarians are any more "Christ like" than any other party but I think they would be the last to tell anyone who they could and could not worship, when and where they could worship and under what circumstances.

I don't think Jesus would endorse any of todays parties, since at one point or another, sometimes many points, they all violate biblical principles and the duties of a Christian magistrate. Jesus isn't called the "King of kings" and "Lord of lords" for nothing. Any orthodox Christian would have to say that He has the authority to tell people how to live or who and how to worship. It's extremely clear in His word. Of course, not many people here believe any of this and never will. And in the end, what is peaceful and honest activity anyway...who decides that?

03-04-21, 10:24
I tend to agree that I really don’t care what others do to themselves but don’t convey it to me, much like they don’t want to hear my views on religion, faith, and firearms. But as soon as they tell me I must accept and subject my kids to your views that science is only right when it comes to COVID, then I have a problem with a man dressed like a woman telling me to trust science. That same science that explains procreation of mammals.

03-04-21, 11:26
The abortion-on-demand party is “Christ-like”?

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Abortion on demand, or keep the state out of a personal sensitive issue part?

It's dems that love abortion on demand, gotta keep those black babies from living after all. Ron Paul himself said abortion shouldn't be illegal, it should be unthinkable.

As for my Christ-like comment, love thy neighbor (even if flawed or immoral, Jesus was often seen with sinners, and undesirables), protect yourself, taxation is theft (Jesus flipped some tables in his day), and Government is not the be all end all, personal liberties are at a higher value than the masses. I'm speaking of true Christianity really, being Christ-like, not the masses of Christ-convenience.

If a transgender individual is going to run for Office, get appointed, then they need to be able to answer questions about mental illness and gender dysphoria.

03-04-21, 12:29
Abortion on demand, or keep the state out of a personal sensitive issue part?

It's dems that love abortion on demand, gotta keep those black babies from living after all. Ron Paul himself said abortion shouldn't be illegal, it should be unthinkable.

As for my Christ-like comment, love thy neighbor (even if flawed or immoral, Jesus was often seen with sinners, and undesirables), protect yourself, taxation is theft (Jesus flipped some tables in his day), and Government is not the be all end all, personal liberties are at a higher value than the masses. I'm speaking of true Christianity really, being Christ-like, not the masses of Christ-convenience.

If a transgender individual is going to run for Office, get appointed, then they need to be able to answer questions about mental illness and gender dysphoria.

Loving thy neighbor is the Lord's short hand for applying His law to all your relationships. If you love Him you will keep His commandments, if you love your neighbor you will keep His commandments. The government isn't exempted, and in fact are held more responsible for their actions, because they have been given power and authority. Our gov't is a miserable failure in so many ways. The turning over the money changers tables had nothing to do with taxation. Taxation can be done rightly, it is biblical and I can agree to limited extent with LP in their view of it. the table turning had to do with capitalism run amok, turning the OT sacrifices into a crass money making operation, and worst of all doing it in the boundary of God's temple, the most holy of places. Some of the liberties enumerated in the BoR's is to be commended, and some of them are grievously sinful. It's a mixed bag. What men in this country call liberty is in many cases is grossly sinful and should be criminal.

As for the made up "transgenderism" and it's practice. First of all I don't believe to it be a mental illness. Mental illness is how the unbelieving world describes grossly sinful thinking and behavior in many instances. Mental illness is the go to term, because the unbelieving world rejects the idea of the depravity of the whole of humanity. So when thinking and behavior go even beyond what they think is normal, the person in question has a brain problem not a spiritual problem. In a God fearing society that diligently exams the scriptures, deduces their meaning and applies it's precepts, you wouldn't see much pubic display of this particular perversion...transgenderism/homosexuality. A transgender person should NEVER be allowed to run, let alone hold any kind of public office.

03-04-21, 12:46
Abortion on demand, or keep the state out of a personal sensitive issue part?

It's dems that love abortion on demand, gotta keep those black babies from living after all. Ron Paul himself said abortion shouldn't be illegal, it should be unthinkable.

As for my Christ-like comment, love thy neighbor (even if flawed or immoral, Jesus was often seen with sinners, and undesirables), protect yourself, taxation is theft (Jesus flipped some tables in his day), and Government is not the be all end all, personal liberties are at a higher value than the masses. I'm speaking of true Christianity really, being Christ-like, not the masses of Christ-convenience.

If a transgender individual is going to run for Office, get appointed, then they need to be able to answer questions about mental illness and gender dysphoria.

It’s Christ-like for the state to allow murder?

The point of government, and libertarianism if they believed their own rhetoric, is to protect rights of the individual. Letting one person kill another is not “Christ-like”.

Libertarians, as in the party, is a hypocritical mess that does zero to advance the cause of liberty.

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03-04-21, 13:25
The LP is the way it is because they are essentially atheistic. You can't get good fruit out of a bad tree. They have been detach from any justifiable knowledge and truth. They're living on the fumes of atheistic enlightenment thought. The Dems have gone farther down the road of unjustifiable atheistic thought, the Rep's still try to hold onto some semblance of quasi-Christian thinking but the unbelieving world has got them by the throat and is choking the life out of them, that and they are being infiltrated by basically Dems like Romney and his fellow travelers. We will reap what we have sown.

03-06-21, 09:59
China is pondering teaching masculinity.


03-06-21, 10:03
they are being infiltrated by basically Dems like Romney and his fellow travelers. We will reap what we have sown.

That good folks in Utah believe in this guy, simply means they have no clue about how he has compromised with the Democrats on issues like abortion.
I'm still not sure why he hasn't been run out of the Mormon Church.

03-06-21, 10:58
I got into alot of religious talks picking up prisoners for court and bringing to our jail because you know they find God in prison.

I have come to the conclusion that God/Jesus do not have a hand in everyday life and do not have predisposed outcomes for us all. If they were involved, then why is there so much bad in the world. I have lost 2 young cousins to leukemia, the same cousin who's son died also watched her husband die in front of her from a heart attack. No religious person has an answer to why bad things happen so I have taken the stance that God got things going and gave man free will to decide their own path. What you do ultimately determines your afterlife, if their is one. Other wise there is no purpose to life and humanity if your outcome is predetermined or "planned" as believers like to put it.

I believe because it doesn't hurt if there is an afterlife, I will be covered. I also believe in science and facts as I have to live through this life to see if there is even an after one. Just love the blind faithers who don't have answers and keep their heads in the sand for hope of a better afterlife.

03-06-21, 20:13
I got into alot of religious talks picking up prisoners for court and bringing to our jail because you know they find God in prison.

I have come to the conclusion that God/Jesus do not have a hand in everyday life and do not have predisposed outcomes for us all. If they were involved, then why is there so much bad in the world. I have lost 2 young cousins to leukemia, the same cousin who's son died also watched her husband die in front of her from a heart attack. No religious person has an answer to why bad things happen so I have taken the stance that God got things going and gave man free will to decide their own path. What you do ultimately determines your afterlife, if their is one. Other wise there is no purpose to life and humanity if your outcome is predetermined or "planned" as believers like to put it.

I believe because it doesn't hurt if there is an afterlife, I will be covered. I also believe in science and facts as I have to live through this life to see if there is even an after one. Just love the blind faithers who don't have answers and keep their heads in the sand for hope of a better afterlife.

Do you believe the bible? If you do it has the answers to your questions and will refute some of your assertions. If not, what you are describing as your beliefs is deism.

03-06-21, 20:55
Never read it front to back so can't say that I fully understand it all. It also has been translated several times and in different ways so the meanings or points get skewed some times. I am not a big church guy and see too many who have abused the generosity of the church and its followers. Also lots of hypocrites. I feel that if you do right and believe in something higher than us that is good with me. I will not blindly follow 2000 year old beliefs in the modern world or take another man's advice who claims to have god on speed dial.

03-06-21, 23:09
Never read it front to back so can't say that I fully understand it all. It also has been translated several times and in different ways so the meanings or points get skewed some times. I am not a big church guy and see too many who have abused the generosity of the church and its followers. Also lots of hypocrites. I feel that if you do right and believe in something higher than us that is good with me. I will not blindly follow 2000 year old beliefs in the modern world or take another man's advice who claims to have god on speed dial.

A few of questions...How do you know what's right and have you done enough of this right stuff? Has this god you speak of revealed itself to you?

03-07-21, 07:17
It would have been fun to see the late Senator Strom Thurmond questioning Uncle Fester in the wig. He would have had that sissy boy crying in no time.....