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Ned Christiansen
02-28-21, 15:07
I took a cursory look and didn't see another thread where this would fit. If I missed it, apologies and mods, and I'll be happy to repost this in the right place.

So...... post Mandalorian, post Homeland, post Yellowstone, Bosch, The Boys, etc., what's good now? Here's where I've been lately and found them good--

The Family Man. A product if India but I'm telling you, give it a 1.5 episode try, I really liked it. It is in English. I think originally there were conversations in Hindi but they are dubbed back to English. Indian CT cops, some comedic personal quirks and situation but pretty good writing and acting. The gunplay, much better than one has a right to expect from a total non-gun culture.

Low Winter Sun. Detroit homicide cops doing the wrong thing to get the right things done. Loved it because as a Michigander there's some weird fascination to me seeing the decay in Detroit but rooting for the city to overcome it. I've been to all those places. The city as a whole is not as bad as they show it but there are areas. Good writing and acting again although it's from 2013.

Goliath-- maybe a year ago. Could not stay with it.

02-28-21, 16:29
Goliath’s two seasons were good, I dropped off the third about an episode in.

Better Call Saul is good, I think the final season is out but not on streaming yet.

Fauda has been worth watching.

02-28-21, 17:16
Yellowstone. Oops, I didn’t see you mentioned that. The Sinner on Netflix is pretty good.

02-28-21, 17:41
We’ve been looking for something too... everyone has different tastes and preferences but some that we’ve watched lately include:

Ted Lasso - Apple TV+ (ATV) - feel good, funny and well done.

Tehran - ATV - Israeli spy thriller. Decent.

For All Mankind - ATV. Alternate history. Decent.

Mad Dogs - Prime. Comedy, drama, crime. Pretty good. Different.

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02-28-21, 18:56
Originally on AMC and now on Netflix, Turn: Washington's Spies is especially well done.

02-28-21, 20:28
Currently re-watching Chuck on Amazon Prime. Good, mindless TV that just entertains me. Also has Yvonne Strahovski as the female lead, thank me later.

02-28-21, 20:42
Agreed, Turn: Washington's Spies is fantastic. Highly recommended for people interested in late 18th century N. American history.

Other exceptional shows off the top of my head:
1) Barkskins (17th century Algonquian, Iroquoian, Anglo, Franco history)
2) Taboo (dark, early 19th century England)
3) HBO's John Adams (highest degree of historicity of any AWI depiction I've ever seen...and I've seen em all. Spectacular treatment of the Jefferson/Adams dynamics).
4) Raised by Wolves (Ridley Scott science fiction)
5) Peaky Blinders (early 20th century England)
6) The King (Henry V era England)

just a scout
02-28-21, 21:10
Battlestar Galactica 2003
The Americans
The Witcher
Wu Assassin

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02-28-21, 21:15
I enjoy Snowfall from FX, also streaming on Hulu. Also just started rewatching Justified. Black Sails is also a series I've watched three times and will do so again.

Ned Christiansen
02-28-21, 21:40
Turn was the best! Finished it a couple years ago. Not a series but a friend loaned me John Adams on DVD a couple years ago that was great.

The Americans was good but after a couple seasons I kinda just started forgetting to watch it. Battlestar Galactica, yeah. Anything with robots get me and.... well, you know the other thing.

Raised By Wolves looks right up my alley but my co-watcher put up a wall on certain things. Somer eally good suggestions here that are shows I saw previews of and said "that's next" and then forgot-- like Tehran and Barkskins.

Oh I see John Adams was mentioned. It's always enjoyable when you start something and you go, crap, they cast that guy as the main character? He's always a greasy weasel / loser / pervert, what the....? And then he plays the part superbly. Kudos to Paul Giamatti. Always thought he played his parts well but didn't know he could break out of the mold so well.

02-28-21, 21:58
Yes, there’s a lull in The Americans for a couple of seasons. Still good, but the last season or two pick up the pace and are really well done.

I’m currently watching Low Winter Sun. If you like it, the same lead actor is in Deep State. I’m half way through season 1 of it as well.

I’ll second Peaky Blinders, Better Call Saul, The Americans, Taboo and Justified.

Ray Donovan - Jon Voight really steals the show.

The Last Kingdom
Gangs of London

Kingdom - A show about a struggling family who are involved in MMA and run a small gym. Really good acting and more interesting than it sounds.

Stranger Things

02-28-21, 21:59
Completely agree, regarding John Adams. Laura Linney (Abigail) and Stephen Dillane (Jefferson) both knocked it out of the park as well. We seem to have similar tastes in shows.

Barkskins Trailer:


Treat yourself.

02-28-21, 22:10
Originally on AMC and now on Netflix, Turn: Washington's Spies is especially well done.

Really enjoyed Turn. Even my kids watched it. Washington seemed ‘high’ or constipated in it... weird. Washington in ‘John Adams’ was a total bad-ass.

Battlestar Galactica 2003
The Americans
The Witcher
Wu Assassin

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You have earned a spot on my couch...

Narcos, Columbia over Mexico.

Broadchurch and the insanity of doing it all over, at least shot for shot and line for line, in Gracepoint. Same actor in lead role.

Finishing up “Halt and Catch Fire” from AMC on Netflix now. Interesting, since I was a kid at those times, with a Commodore 64, tape drive and a 300 baud modem. Totally forgot about having to pay by time, like the hour, to be online. I remember begging for a 1541 5.25 floppy drive...

02-28-21, 22:19
Oh, yeah! A big second on Halt and Catch Fire! Smoking good show. Good suggestion.

02-28-21, 22:37
Strike Back - the original 4 seasons. Bro-tastic operators operating operationally, bewbs and explosions. Everything a growing boy needs. :cool: Third season was kinda weak, but I think they did a decent job picking it back up for the fourth (even if the ending required a bit more suspension of disbelief than average).

The Expanse - near-future sci-fi. The first 3 seasons were brilliant. I was less impressed with the recent 4 and 5, but maybe others liked them better.
Actually, I'll say it - I was bloody bored through season 5; so much filler. And the 4th introduced several plotholes in the course of events in it because they clearly needed things to play out through a certain socio-political lens (plus one big WTF moment related to previous in-world events).

As already noted, Black Sails. The first 2 and a half seasons were great. The show starts to wobble a bit in the third season, and wobbles quite a lot in the fourth, but still enough good moments to get through it. Capt. Vayne is a freakin' bad@ss. :cool:

I'm going to be contrarian on the Witcher; Henry Cavill was the only really good thing about that show. I just could not get into it. I tried; I REALLY tried to like it, even with the missed casting. Ironically that ended up being the least of my gripes. It felt like Netflix just wanted their own 'game of thrones' and on a budget to boot, and kinda hijacked the material to do so. There was something missing with Witcher that I just can't put my finger on, but it came across rather rote and very predictable. YMMV I guess.
Just watch Game of Thrones, if you haven't already (except the final season which shall not be named :laugh: ).

Second Ray Donovan as well - very much in the vein of Sons of Anarchy and The Shield. The show can get little "ring around the rosy" a bit as, like SOA and Shield, the plot revolves around the main character getting themselves in the shit each season and needing to find a clever way out. Also not a great show to watch if you are already stressed out... But overall, I really can't say it has a truly weak season; some slumps here and there among the seasons, but overall, solid.

Totally forgot about Halt and Catch Fire; I lost visibility on a number of AMC shows when it got cut by my TV provider. :rolleyes:

02-28-21, 23:07
Second Ray Donovan as well - very much in the vein of Sons of Anarchy and The Shield. The show can get little "ring around the rosy" a bit as, like SOA and Shield, the plot revolves around the main character getting themselves in the shit each season and needing to find a clever way out. Also not a great show to watch if you are already stressed out...But overall, I really can't say it has a truly weak season; some slumps here and there among the seasons, but overall, solid.

Totally agree on this except the bold part. Some of the hijinks they get in are so silly sometimes it’s funny. And Mickey/Jon Voight “You muthaf***a!!” and some of his one-liners are comic gold!

It was stress relief for us.
Apparently they’re making a movie that picks up where it left off.


02-28-21, 23:25
I’ll be the contrarian on Vikings. It got sideways after a few seasons. The Last Kingdom is similar but a lot better in my opinion.

02-28-21, 23:44
Totally agree on this except the bold part. Some of the hijinks they get in are so silly sometimes it’s funny. And Mickey/Jon Voight “You muthaf***a!!” and some of his one-liners are comic gold!

It was stress relief for us...
Maybe it's just because I *really* hate conniving, halfassed people like that, and watching soft-hearted, naive, forgiving people fall for it just to get screwed over and over and over again. Like, I would have shot him, or in some other way got him out of the picture WAY sooner in that show, if I were the MC. Definitely after the Armenian thing which straight up would have been THE LAST straw; it would all have been a very convenient situation for it too.
Which I guess, just goes to show how good of a job he did with that part... :laugh:

Agreed on the Vikings thing too; I found myself sort of "getting into" the show briefly here and there and then losing interest, then getting into it, then losing interest. Weirdly a very hit and miss show for me.
Same thing with Turn; just could not get into the show cuz of the MC. Don't have anything against the guy, but...just didn't catch my interest somehow. I was bored mostly.

03-01-21, 00:24
Maybe it's just because I *really* hate conniving, halfassed people like that, and watching soft-hearted, naive, forgiving people fall for it just to get screwed over and over and over again. Like, I would have shot him, or in some other way got him out of the picture WAY sooner in that show, if I were the MC. Definitely after the Armenian thing which straight up would have been THE LAST straw; it would all have been a very convenient situation for it too.
Which I guess, just goes to show how good of a job he did with that part... :laugh:

Agreed on the Vikings thing too; I found myself sort of "getting into" the show briefly here and there and then losing interest, then getting into it, then losing interest. Weirdly a very hit and miss show for me.
Same thing with Turn; just could not get into the show cuz of the MC. Don't have anything against the guy, but...just didn't catch my interest somehow. I was bored mostly.

Yea, I totally agree about the old man. You could see why the son totally hated pop’s guts regardless of pop trying to redeem himself and doing the things he did to cover for his sons.

Not to give away too much, but our running joke was the old man would sell out roaches and survive a carpet bomb.

I think it worked but you’re right, it wore us the hell out after a while. [emoji23]

03-01-21, 01:08
Donovan’s is about not being able to truly recreate yourself and that everyone has a idiot brother or BIL. Family is forever, either with ongoing pain or lasting scars.

Anyone want to come over for Thanksgiving and meet the rest of the Hands?

I’m getting to where pretty much any series on the BBC or AMC, and I’m in - especially any BBC crime drama.

I really need to start reading books. All I do is read periodicals and troll your asses here on M4C.

03-01-21, 03:32
ZeroZeroZero on Amazon Prime..only 8 episodes... is pretty good

Another vote for Strike Back!

03-01-21, 05:32
Justified is great and something a little different is the “that made us” series on History channel. It has movies, foods and toys in different series.

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03-01-21, 05:43
Currently re-watching Chuck on Amazon Prime. Good, mindless TV that just entertains me. Also has Yvonne Strahovski as the female lead, thank me later.

Chuck is my favorite show. I’ve watched the entire series twice. Good mix of action & comedy. It makes me happy.

As was also mentioned, Ted Lasso is another good series. Jason Sudeikis is hilarious.

03-01-21, 07:52
ZeroZeroZero on Amazon Prime..only 8 episodes... is pretty good

Another vote for Strike Back!

I neglected this one. Excellent brief series.

03-01-21, 08:02
The Wire
Boardwalk Empire

03-01-21, 08:47
Two I like on Amazon Prime are Poldark and Bosh.

03-01-21, 15:44
I'm still stuck on 'Firefly', best TV series ever.

03-01-21, 16:00
I'm still stuck on 'Firefly', best TV series ever.

I hear a reboot/sequel is in the pipeline. They will F it up I expect.

I don't watch much TV. All Netflix dvd. Just finished season 1 of Magnum P.I. It hasn't aged that well.

03-01-21, 16:02
Already mentioned, these are my favorites off the top

Narcos Columbia
Strike Back
Boardwalk Empire
Saul & B. Bad
Outer Limits 63-65

03-01-21, 17:10
Donovan’s is about not being able to truly recreate yourself and that everyone has a idiot brother or BIL. Family is forever, either with ongoing pain or lasting scars.

Anyone want to come over for Thanksgiving and meet the rest of the Hands?

I’m getting to where pretty much any series on the BBC or AMC, and I’m in - especially any BBC crime drama.

I really need to start reading books. All I do is read periodicals and troll your asses here on M4C.

If you haven't done the BBC series Sherlock, start. At first I was put off by lots of things, including the idea that controlled cocaine use made you more effective, but turns out that it's a pretty faithful presentation of the original books.

03-01-21, 17:16
Lone Star Law and North Woods Law on Animal Planet aren't horrible and Woke, at least. Now the third show that covers the pompous WA "Fish & Wildlife POLICE", otoh... (Seriously? Is there something wrong with the title Game Warden?)

03-01-21, 17:20
I hear a reboot/sequel is in the pipeline. They will F it up I expect.

I don't watch much TV. All Netflix dvd. Just finished season 1 of Magnum P.I. It hasn't aged that well.

Magnum PI and Miami Vice definitely have a "time and place" feel, kinda like how many 60s shows are automatically dated, but I can still watch both box sets and enjoy them even if a few episodes are silly. Both of them have definite landmark TV events, Magnum was known to drop hammers on people, most notably in "China Doll" (he blinks before he strikes) and "Did you see the sunrise." Vice may have had weirdo James Brown / UFO episodes now and then but they also blew up a ferarri (technically a fake ferrari) and they tried to run the realism pretty high from time to time.

The Wire
Boardwalk Empire

The Wire is probably the most underrated, best show that most people have never seen. Sopranos one of the best shows with the worst "last episode" known to man, christ even the original Battlestar Galactica where they just ran out of money ended more gracefully. Boardwalk was solid but I feel they killed the most interesting character too soon and every episode was an attempt to fill the void and neither Buscemi or his character were strong enough to carry the show that many seasons.

03-01-21, 18:07
If you haven't done the BBC series Sherlock, start. At first I was put off by lots of things, including the idea that controlled cocaine use made you more effective, but turns out that it's a pretty faithful presentation of the original books.

Watched Sherlock already. It kind of fell off towards the end, but it was pretty good. Looking at Ripper Street now.

Peaky Blinders is cool and good, but has kind of stalled out.

Ozark must not be missed.

03-02-21, 01:33
Watched Sherlock already. It kind of fell off towards the end, but it was pretty good. Looking at Ripper Street now.

Peaky Blinders is cool and good, but has kind of stalled out.

Ozark must not be missed.

I started Peaky Blinders but it got boring fast, same as with Copper. So much unrealized potential.

03-02-21, 07:00
I just finished the last episode of The Liberator on Netflix. It was unique in that it was an animated WWII series, but very well done.

03-02-21, 07:31
NYPD Blue.
I had no idea as I aged I would morph in to Andy Sipowitz with a little more hair.

03-02-21, 07:50
I started Peaky Blinders but it got boring fast, same as with Copper. So much unrealized potential.

It is highly stylized and visually stunning, but the story and the characters never seemed to develop and evolve the way that they should.

A lot of these stories/characters suffer from the Clancy/Ryan problem of that the characters always 'win' and move up the food chain. Ryan becomes POTUS, how do you have a clandestine, off-the-radar character operate as POTUS. I think that, along with Clancy's death, that killed that franchise. These characters need to be in the shadows, not the lime light. On the other side is the Ray Donovan issue where the characters always struggle and never seem to get ahead, and maybe fall behind. That gets annoying.

You need a balance there of success and failure- along with plot and character development. Ozarks does an exceptional job on that balance.

On light comedies "Schitz Creek" I found to be pretty funny and light to watch.

just a scout
03-02-21, 09:09
It is highly stylized and visually stunning, but the story and the characters never seemed to develop and evolve the way that they should.

You need a balance there of success and failure- along with plot and character development. Ozarks does an exceptional job on that.

One of the amazing things about BSG. The characters evolved throughout the series, stunningly so in some cases like Adama and Six. And they had as many or more failures than wins. That’s why I love that show and don’t think it can or should be rebooted again.

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03-03-21, 00:28
Lone Star Law and North Woods Law on Animal Planet aren't horrible and Woke, at least. Now the third show that covers the pompous WA "Fish & Wildlife POLICE", otoh... (Seriously? Is there something wrong with the title Game Warden?)

I work closely with some WA DFW guys, they are fully certified LEO in WA with more jurisdiction than I have as a street copper. Two were clearing blocks with me about a year ago looking for a guy who popped rounds at a trooper. In some states they are fish and game only.

I'm going to add to my list on here:
-Southland - Best cop show ever made, though it got strange toward the end
-Manhunt Unabomber and Dangerous Games were both just fantastic
-MASH really is that good
-Justified is always worth a re-watch. Timothy Oliphant was the perfect choice for Raylan Givens
-Letterkenny for some good Canadian Humor
-Brooklyn 99
-How I Met Your Mother
-The HBO re-boot of Perry Mason was really good, much darker than the show but is needed to launch the character.
-Narcos Columbia
-The Great British Baking Show
-Home Town

03-03-21, 01:52
One of the amazing things about BSG. The characters evolved throughout the series, stunningly so in some cases like Adama and Six. And they had as many or more failures than wins. That’s why I love that show and don’t think it can or should be rebooted again.

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I disagree. Blood and Chrome might have been the best possible version of the three but we only got a Part I and the grand BSG tradition.

just a scout
03-03-21, 06:23
I disagree. Blood and Chrome might have been the best possible version of the three but we only got a Part I and the grand BSG tradition.

It’s ok that you feel like that. [emoji41]

I do wish they’d expanded the add ons like Blood and Chrome, Razor and all the other stuff they had that I can’t remember right now. I wish Caprica would have been developed more too.

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03-03-21, 06:31
Letterkenny for all the priceless one liners and goofy canadian drinking/hockey humor

03-03-21, 08:59
We’ve been looking for something too... everyone has different tastes and preferences but some that we’ve watched lately include:

Ted Lasso - Apple TV+ (ATV) - feel good, funny and well done.

Tehran - ATV - Israeli spy thriller. Decent.

For All Mankind - ATV. Alternate history. Decent.

Mad Dogs - Prime. Comedy, drama, crime. Pretty good. Different.

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I second Ted Lasso ! Awesome.

03-03-21, 22:04
It’s ok that you feel like that. [emoji41]

I do wish they’d expanded the add ons like Blood and Chrome, Razor and all the other stuff they had that I can’t remember right now. I wish Caprica would have been developed more too.

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Craprica was the worst, POS, OMFG dancing cylons...are you serious...teeny bopper travesty of the entire BSG saga. Even making Starbuck a chick and making us suffer through the character of Laura "please just kill me now" Roslin wasn't as bad as Craprica. I mean seriously the "gay mafioso planet"...wtf is wrong with you people. Thankfully I can't remember most of it.

just a scout
03-04-21, 11:15
Craprica was the worst, POS, OMFG dancing cylons...are you serious...teeny bopper travesty of the entire BSG saga. Even making Starbuck a chick and making us suffer through the character of Laura "please just kill me now" Roslin wasn't as bad as Craprica. I mean seriously the "gay mafioso planet"...wtf is wrong with you people. Thankfully I can't remember most of it.

Look, it could’ve been a great prequel to show how the cyclone developed and the war happened. It could’ve been.

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03-04-21, 11:25
See Counterpart ?

I'm only mid s1 and really impressed with this show. Seems to have hid under the radar, but so far, very well done all around. Is on Amazon Prime now.


03-04-21, 16:31
Look, it could’ve been a great prequel to show how the cyclone developed and the war happened. It could’ve been.

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And theoretically the Star Wars prequels could have been great, but that's not what happened in either case.

03-04-21, 16:39
For All Mankind - ATV. Alternate history. Decent.

Season 1 was good and the start of Season 2 isn't bad, just slooooooooooooooooooooooow starting out of the gates.

03-04-21, 16:51
I love rewatching Breaking Bad, and I absolutely love its counterpart Better Call Saul (I cannot discern which is the better of the two). Game of Thrones, season 1 through 5, is top tier television. Peaky Blinders is another favorite of mine.

03-04-21, 21:53
See Counterpart ?

I'm only mid s1 and really impressed with this show. Seems to have hid under the radar, but so far, very well done all around. Is on Amazon Prime now.


I'll have to check it out. Unfortunately it died after 2 seasons. Anyone like Fringe, another "other dimensions" SF series?

ETA: looks like it's included free on Amazon Prime. I mostly enjoyed it when it originally aired, but not sure I'm up to watching it again.

03-04-21, 23:08
Letterkenny for all the priceless one liners and goofy canadian drinking/hockey humor

“No. It’s too complicated; it’s like algebra. Why do you gotta put numbers and letters together? Why can’t you just go f**k yourself?”

Sent from 80ms in the future

03-08-21, 15:17
Started "Bosch" on amazon prime pretty decent so far and seems they did some homework for accuracy.

"The Boys" on prime is a great spin on the super hero franchise as it sheds some light on what really would happen if supers were running around.

03-08-21, 16:32
“Bad Blood” based on true Montreal mobsters. Kim Coates is great.


03-09-21, 10:35
Mr Inbetween, an Australian dark comedy series. There’s two seasons, I’m hoping for a third.
A whole lot of story with great acting in a 30min show.

03-09-21, 13:31
Loved Mr Inbetween, sadly I don't think there will be a 3rd season.

03-10-21, 00:13
Whoever mentioned Ted Lasso, thank you. Little salty language and some near nudity, but good enough for high school kids. Six episodes in and it is just a good, light hearted comedy with a positive message. No having to pay attention to every little detail or plot twist. Plus, I just watched the episode with the benefit where they pulled in a street musician to play music. Good old blues rock, searched it up and the guys name is Cam Cole. Reminds me of going to Mike and Min's down in Soulard 25 years ago.

03-11-21, 09:42
Another plug for Raised By Wolves (Ridley Scott). Has a Prometheus/Covenant vibe to it (not the same but that vibe). Actually season one pretty entertaining and creative Sci-Fi. Last episode really threw me for a loop and need to see upcoming season to make sense of it.

Still a fan of Westworld even after season 2 and 3. It provides good Sci-Fi entertainment.

Think we need more good Sci-Fi (space related, like Firefly) series with some good budgets. Would love to see something in the Predator or Alien universe become a several season series that go into some origin-stories.

03-13-21, 18:44
Damn "Counterpart" is good. I love well written and acted shows. So tired of the no plot interest, all special effects, under acted dribble coming out no days. Well done. Getting lots of time to see stuff while babysitting an inmate in the hospital. 12 hours in a hospital chair sucks.

Well did a little digging on "Counterpart" and it appears there will not be a 3 season because they feel the audience is too "male" for their female pushing agenda.

03-14-21, 11:48
I'm still stuck on 'Firefly', best TV series ever.

First of all... THIS. It will never be equaled.

I hear a reboot/sequel is in the pipeline. They will F it up I expect.

I don't watch much TV. All Netflix dvd. Just finished season 1 of Magnum P.I. It hasn't aged that well.

This is good to hear. Like you, I think they'll screw it up. The writing on the original was perfect. Nowadays, every single show is required to be centered around a gay couple, and racial inequality... Also, the original actors were a perfect fit for the characters, and they have all gone separate ways. To anyone interested in Audible books, I have listened to all the Firefly books out, and they have the same exact feel as the TV series. It's almost as if you are listening to episodes of the show.

Cop shows.

The Shield
Criminal Minds
CSI Miami
Chicago PD Good other than the interjected PC crap.
Hawaii 5-0 Both the original, and new. Good other than the interjected PC crap.
Magnum P.I. Both the original, and new. Old is better. Good other than the interjected PC crap.
S.W.A.T. Both the original, and new. New is good other than the interjected PC crap.
NYPD Blue. Good other than the interjected PC crap.
The Rookie. Good other than the interjected PC crap. By now you're starting to see a trend with all the modern shows...

Military themed shows.

Seal Team
The Unit
The Last Kingdom
Black Sheep Squadron
Rat Patrol (Kill a tank with a Ma Deuce baby!)
China Beach


Chicago Fire
Chicago Med
The Good Doctor
Resident Alien (hilarious)
The walking dead. Don't know why I still watch it... but I do.

03-20-21, 13:21
Back to this...

Anybody watch Queen of the South, the USA Network series about the woman cartel boss? 4 seasons done and the fifth and last starting soon.

Looks decent.

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03-20-21, 13:35
Queen of the South is great. Writing is starting to reach in the latest season, but the cast is so good you can forgive.

The telenovela version of the same story has lower production values, but is also good until you can’t take the soap opera pacing anymore.

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03-21-21, 09:18
Thanks. Started watching last night. Watched four episodes of season 1. Decent.

Queen of the South is great. Writing is starting to reach in the latest season, but the cast is so good you can forgive.

The telenovela version of the same story has lower production values, but is also good until you can’t take the soap opera pacing anymore.

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05-27-21, 12:52
Mr. Inbetween is coming back for a 3rd season on FX

05-27-21, 13:10
LetterKenny on hulu - You will laugh your ass off

Trailer park boys on netflix - Mindless humor after a long day

the son - nice short series based on 1850-1915

05-28-21, 06:40
Whoever mentioned Ted Lasso, thank you. Little salty language and some near nudity, but good enough for high school kids. Six episodes in and it is just a good, light hearted comedy with a positive message. No having to pay attention to every little detail or plot twist. Plus, I just watched the episode with the benefit where they pulled in a street musician to play music. Good old blues rock, searched it up and the guys name is Cam Cole. Reminds me of going to Mike and Min's down in Soulard 25 years ago.

I didn't mention originally but I seconded it. One of my favorites, word is they are working a second season.

05-28-21, 06:49
Mr. Inbetween is coming back for a 3rd season on FX

Well that’s good. I’ll be looking for it.
I just finished watching “Godfather of Harlem” , interesting story/series about drug business between Italian mafia and black drug dealers in 60’s Harlem
Currently enjoying “Mosquito coast” story about American family on the run/hiding from US government in Mexico

05-29-21, 08:49
Season 2 starts July 23.

Whoever mentioned Ted Lasso, thank you. Little salty language and some near nudity, but good enough for high school kids. Six episodes in and it is just a good, light hearted comedy with a positive message. No having to pay attention to every little detail or plot twist. Plus, I just watched the episode with the benefit where they pulled in a street musician to play music. Good old blues rock, searched it up and the guys name is Cam Cole. Reminds me of going to Mike and Min's down in Soulard 25 years ago.

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07-16-21, 21:55
Well, the new Bosch season wasn’t that great. Besides the woke plot about illegals, every other swear word was the F- word. I’m not sure whose idea it was to have Bosch’s daughter saying it but it isn’t attractive at all coming out of a young lady’s mouth. It seems to be the trend lately almost like each show is trying to one-up the other on which can have the worst profanity.

07-17-21, 00:17
City on the Hill was pretty good

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07-17-21, 05:55
Mr. Inbetween is coming back for a 3rd season on FX

I’m disappointed Mr In-between is over, but I heard there is a movie before the series back in 2005 called “The Magician” which is based on the same character hitman “Ray Shoesmith “.
I hope it doesn’t disappoint.


07-17-21, 17:32
3rd season has not disappointed yet. Poor guy can not catch a break. Episode 9 of season 3 is a cliffhanger.

07-18-21, 20:44
Mr. Inbetween is coming back for a 3rd season on FX

This so much. And the fact the lead actor writes all the episodes is a bonus for a film and television editor like myself.

Another great Aussie series is Rake (at least until they reset it in politics). Seriously hilarious.

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07-21-21, 21:59
We just finished Clarkson's Farm on Amazon. Used to love Jeremy and the gang in the long running Top Gear series. Thought this first season was awesome. Hope there's more.

08-25-21, 18:06
Reservation Dogs - comedy/drama about young Native Americans raising money to leave to California
Hilarious show

08-25-21, 18:07
Reservation Dogs - comedy/drama about young Native Americans raising money to leave to California
Hilarious show

08-25-21, 23:29
Wife and I really liked “Broadchurch” and British crime dramas. Marcella was OK, but not as good. Ripper Street was good, but too English- hard to understand at times. Any suggestions?

08-26-21, 08:54
We just finished Clarkson's Farm on Amazon. Used to love Jeremy and the gang in the long running Top Gear series. Thought this first season was awesome. Hope there's more.

I watched it too. Love Jeremy Clarkson and his humor.

Anyone watch Condor? Just started it. Seems interesting and giving it a try.

08-26-21, 09:23
Drive to Survive on Netflix. 😎

I started watching that show recently. I don't care at all about racing, but it's so well done I find myself considering watching some F1 races. The tech and the $ is astounding, rivalries, politics, etc, all there and not sugar coated. I'm finishing S1, there's 4 seasons. Most surprising is how utterly unreliable the cars are. Seems like almost every time some driver is making progress, the car, usually the engine, chits the bed. That shows how on the edge of the tech they are trying max out performance to weight and such. Second is the fact they hit each other regularly, and are out of the race. If the car does not chit the bed, they don't hit anything, and the driver and their teams on their game, they finish well. Getting all that to happen is the hard part, and it's compelling to watch. A-

The world follows F1 and I can see the attraction. Going left on an oval track as 'Muricans seem to prefer, not so much...


08-26-21, 09:41
Drive to Survive on Netflix. ��

I started watching that show recently. I don't care at all about racing, but it's so well done I find myself considering watching some F1 races. The tech and the $ is astounding, rivalries, politics, etc, all there and not sugar coated. I'm finishing S1, there's 4 seasons. Most surprising is how utterly unreliable the cars are. Seems like almost every time some driver is making progress, the car, usually the engine, chits the bed. That shows how on the edge of the tech they are trying max out performance to weight and such. Second is the fact they hit each other regularly, and are out of the race. If the car does not chit the bed, they don't hit anything, and the driver and their teams on their game, they finish well. Getting all that to happen is the hard part, and it's compelling to watch. A-

The world follows F1 and I can see the attraction. Going left on an oval track as 'Muricans seem to prefer, not so much...


The tech is awesome. The racing used to be awesome too. Now, not so much. Not too much passing. Mostly done in the pits. The V6 turbo days are where its at. Honda Maclaren, Prost, Senna.

Even turning left racing was great to watch pre-restrictor plate racing. Lots of sling shot passing. Now, due to the restrictor plates and the engine characteristics because of it, they hold it to the floor and hope for the best. Taking your foot off, sends you to the back of the train, so it isn't really an option.

Motorcycles are where its at. Passes galore. Actually touching/rubbing goes on. That's racing.

08-26-21, 10:09
The tech is awesome. The racing used to be awesome too. Now, not so much. Not too much passing. Mostly done in the pits. The V6 turbo days are where its at. Honda Maclaren, Prost, Senna.

Even turning left racing was great to watch pre-restrictor plate racing. Lots of sling shot passing. Now, due to the restrictor plates and the engine characteristics because of it, they hold it to the floor and hope for the best. Taking your foot off, sends you to the back of the train, so it isn't really an option.

Motorcycles are where its at. Passes galore. Actually touching/rubbing goes on. That's racing.

Did those changes happen after that show above made? Fair amount of passing on the tracks that allow it design wise in the show so far at leasr. Some drivers more aggressive than others. Guy driving for the Redbull team very aggressive and passes a lot, but I don't have a reference point to measure from on that.

As usual, they have to F up a sport that has an element of danger where everyone accepts the risks so it sucks the fun out of it.

08-26-21, 10:41
I’ll throw a nod to the movie “Rush”. Oppie does F1. The cinematography is just awesome. They were able to take the newly developed small HD cameras and put them all over those vintage no cars. Things that you think of is being immutable and stiff bend and twist under the forces. Agree on motorcycle racing especially the super bike type.

08-26-21, 13:25
Did those changes happen after that show above made? Fair amount of passing on the tracks that allow it design wise in the show so far at leasr. Some drivers more aggressive than others. Guy driving for the Redbull team very aggressive and passes a lot, but I don't have a reference point to measure from on that.

As usual, they have to F up a sport that has an element of danger where everyone accepts the risks so it sucks the fun out of it.

F1 cars are really wide and long, which makes passing even harder.. Sure there are passing here and there, but not like it used to be. Your right though, somehow, safety nazis find a way to f up a sport.

Isle of Mann TT has been the outlier though. These guys aren't even racing each other (time trials - released intermittently) directly and it is one of the most breathtaking things to watch. These guys are flat out freaking nuts! It is something on my bucket list to go watch.


08-26-21, 14:27
F1 cars are really wide and long, which makes passing even harder.. Sure there are passing here and there, but not like it used to be. Your right though, somehow, safety nazis find a way to f up a sport.

Isle of Mann TT has been the outlier though. These guys aren't even racing each other (time trials - released intermittently) directly and it is one of the most breathtaking things to watch. These guys are flat out freaking nuts! It is something on my bucket list to go watch.


Seen that. F-ing insanity. F1 drivers would say no thanx to that. Doing it on time and releasing one at a time makes that about as safe as one can make it, but that's for people with more nads than brains :)

08-26-21, 14:31
Seen that. F-ing insanity. F1 drivers would say no thanx to that. Doing it on time and releasing one at a time makes that about as safe as one can make it, but that's for people with more nads than brains :)

Yup...looking at them fly by 170+ next to stone walls is insanity. A few die every year.

On topic:

Anyone watch Condor?

05-07-22, 16:33
House of the Dragon - prequel to Game of Thrones premieres Aug 21 on HBO


05-07-22, 19:27
House of the Dragon - prequel to Game of Thrones premieres Aug 21 on HBO


Given that Season 8 was a travesty, I'm going to predict they will absolutely F this up and it will be worse than Dexter: New Blood and The Many Saints of Newark. They gotta knock of mining of old material, what's next True Blood Twilight?

The Dumb Gun Collector
05-07-22, 20:03
Better Call Saul is the best on TV, IMHO.

Raised by Wolves is very cool. Worth watching for sure.

Ted Lasso just makes you feel good when you watch it.

05-07-22, 20:57
I've suddenly been taken by Bonanza - marathon tomorrow on GAC Living!

05-07-22, 22:37
Better Call Saul is the best on TV, IMHO.

Raised by Wolves is very cool. Worth watching for sure.

Ted Lasso just makes you feel good when you watch it.

Better Call Saul is one of those few example where the spin off is vastly superior to the show it was adapted from.

Deadwood might be the last GREAT HBO series, the writing on that thing just gets better with every viewing. It's a damn shame they never finished it. Even the damn "wrap it up" film that came years after didn't really resolve anything.

After 50+ viewings I'm starting to warm up to "The Pacific" a little more, still seems very rushed and erratic compared to "Band of Brothers" but it's getting better. I'd rather watch that for the 55th time than most of the crap on tv.

The Dumb Gun Collector
05-07-22, 23:11
I understand, I just spent a bunch of time looking for something to watch and I ended up on "Mr Majestik." A movie that was being made when I was in the womb, lol.

05-08-22, 00:19
I understand, I just spent a bunch of time looking for something to watch and I ended up on "Mr Majestik." A movie that was being made when I was in the womb, lol.

I think that one got past me, what service did you watch it on?

05-09-22, 03:20
1883, opening scene in ep 1 is quite good plus it nails the soul crushing loss of loved ones on top of harden the f k up or die in that time period

05-09-22, 17:10
1883, opening scene in ep 1 is quite good plus it nails the soul crushing loss of loved ones on top of harden the f k up or die in that time period

Taylor Sheridan, of 1883, Yellowstone, and Kingstown does not think highly of human beings. The only uplifted characters are so that they can be set down on a spike.

The Dumb Gun Collector
05-09-22, 23:45
Mr. Majestyk is free on Amazon Prime. It's a decent flick is you are drinking whisky.

05-10-22, 00:36
Mr. Majestyk is free on Amazon Prime. It's a decent flick is you are drinking whisky.

Will check it out.

05-10-22, 02:15
NYPD Blue.
I had no idea as I aged I would morph in to Andy Sipowitz with a little more hair.

Third Watch... I really began to identify with “Sully” (Officer John Sullivan) as the series progressed.

Also enjoyed “The Wire”, “True Detective”, and “Chicago P.D. Also “Strike Back”. Never been “high speed, low drag” but I enjoy the action...

05-10-22, 02:55
“The Wire”.

Man, that show. I realized I knew a real life example of nearly every single individual in that PD. Somethings exaggerated of course, I never knew a McNulty who fabricated a serial killer to game the system but I knew a few guys who knew some angles when it came to getting things done, including some that went a bit past "not sure if that is a good idea actually" guideline.

05-10-22, 13:09
New Show: The Pentaverate 🤩

If you like Mike Myers style, you'll enjoy this show. It's silly good fun and more adult than his other stuff. I'm glad to see him back to making his unique brand of humor. Tons of good cameos, per usual, he plays like 10 characters:

"The Pentaverate: Created by Mike Myers. With Mike Myers, Jennifer Saunders, Jeremy Irons, Keegan-Michael Key. An unlikely Canadian journalist finds himself embroiled in a mission to uncover the truth and just possibly save the world himself."


05-10-22, 13:22
1883, opening scene in ep 1 is quite good plus it nails the soul crushing loss of loved ones on top of harden the f k up or die in that time period

I just binge watch 1883, good show.

05-11-22, 04:47
... I never knew a McNulty who fabricated a serial killer to game the system but I knew a few guys who knew some angles when it came to getting things done, including some that went a bit past "not sure if that is a good idea actually" guideline.

McNulty was the guy I always suspected was out there somewhere... his “wake” was the best. I’ve never experienced that kind of comradery in the PNW (even though I’m half Irish descent), I’ve felt like I’ve missed something...

05-17-22, 06:43
Finally season 3 is coming for "The Boys" on prime. Best superhero series made yet.

"Kids in the Hall" are back also. I need to check them out again.

Almost done with "Outer Range" so far has been decent.

05-17-22, 10:20
Almost done with "Outer Range" so far has been decent.

I wanted to like that one, but didn't make it passed the first episode. Dude finds a giant perfect bottomless hole on his property, and tells no one? Tries to put a tarp on it. Meh. He would have gotten on his horse and gone back home at warp speed to tell everyone. Stick his had in it without a clue what it is? Ya, no. All that ruined it for me. Unless they explain his behavior well, I lost all interest. Very bad writing in my view.

Concept and visuals were well done, cool concept of cowboy life meets super natural, terrible writing.

05-17-22, 10:51
You have to watch further to find out how he and the hole are connected. Give it another shot.

05-17-22, 11:09
You have to watch further to find out how he and the hole are connected. Give it another shot.

But do they adequately explain his behavior on discovering the hole? Cuz no one would behave like that, and such poor writing ruins it bigly for me. It kills my interest in anything after that.

05-17-22, 14:13
They don't outright say why he acted the way he did but you get the reason through things comjng to light. Trying not to spoil it.

05-18-22, 10:04
They don't outright say why he acted the way he did but you get the reason through things comjng to light. Trying not to spoil it.

OK, may and give it another try. Thanx.

05-18-22, 21:09
Man, that show. I realized I knew a real life example of nearly every single individual in that PD. Somethings exaggerated of course, I never knew a McNulty who fabricated a serial killer to game the system but I knew a few guys who knew some angles when it came to getting things done, including some that went a bit past "not sure if that is a good idea actually" guideline.

I just about fell off the couch laughing the first time I saw the “F word” (crime scene) scene. The lie detector scene was pretty funny too, curiously I remember reading a court decision after it aired that said it wasn’t legal to use a copy machine in place of a polygraph. Another scene I enjoyed was Omar’s court scene. He starts out helping the bailiff with the crossword (so he ain’t stupid) and then, when on the stand the defense attorney accuses him of being immoral because he preys on the misery of others... “Just like you... I’ve got the shotgun, you’ve got the briefcase, but it’s all in the game, right?..”

05-18-22, 21:14
I just about fell off the couch laughing the first time I saw the “F word” (crime scene) scene. The lie detector scene was pretty funny too, curiously I remember reading a court decision after it aired that said it wasn’t legal to use a copy machine in place of a polygraph. Another scene I enjoyed was Omar’s court scene. He starts out helping the bailiff with the crossword (so he ain’t stupid) and then, when on the stand the defense attorney accuses him of being immoral because he preys on the misery of others... “Just like you... I’ve got the shotgun, you’ve got the briefcase, but it’s all in the game, right?..”

During the copy machine / polygraph, I was laughing so hard I almost passed out.

Also "where do you guys buy those hats with the brim on the side?"

05-20-22, 02:42
Several years ago I watched an interview of David Simon, who created the “The Wire”. He said at first Baltimore was glad they were there (& hiring a lot of locals) but after the first season they weren’t so happy about it. I guess the series was too real.

05-22-22, 10:32
But do they adequately explain his behavior on discovering the hole? Cuz no one would behave like that, and such poor writing ruins it bigly for me. It kills my interest in anything after that.

Eventually yes. It's weird good and worth a watch.

06-03-22, 09:27
New season of "The Boys" is not disappointing. More gory than before but still building characters better than ever.

06-03-22, 10:48
S4 of Stranger Things is starting off well, and still highly recommend.

Got back to final season of Mr Robot (S4) after taking a break due to it being such an intense show while all the covid crap was happening, and WOW, is all I can say. Truly one of the best written show of all time.

06-03-22, 10:48
S4 of Stranger Things is starting off well, and still highly recommend.

Got back to final season of Mr Robot (S4) after taking a break due to it being such an intense show while all the covid crap was happening, and WOW, is all I can say. Truly one of the best written show of all time.

08-19-22, 22:57
“The Old Man” on FX is pretty decent given some suspension of disbelief. Jeff Bridges and John Lithgow have still got it.

08-19-22, 23:08
Letterkenny came up about 18 months ago and it's a blast. The Shoresy spin off is also awesome.

08-21-22, 12:37
Letterkenny came up about 18 months ago and it's a blast. The Shoresy spin off is also awesome.

I could not get into the jersey thing, I thought it would have bee alot funnier.

08-21-22, 13:47
Shorsey is better in small doses in the original series. Now a spin off with the Amish farmers the Dyck family. Now that I could watch over and over.

08-21-22, 14:36
Shorsey is better in small doses in the original series. Now a spin off with the Amish farmers the Dyck family. Now that I could watch over and over.

I agree, idk how much you watch of Canadian TV, but the the husband dick is J-roc from the trailer park boys, another amazing show from Canada. in the later season he is in his peak performance.

08-21-22, 17:31
Animation For Adults!
Not to be confused with a "adult animation" if you get the distinction...Three I am watching that are all pretty good:

Dota: Dragon's Blood is an adult animated epic fantasy streaming series on NF. Season 4 just finished was GREAT! Good animation, plot, and story line, surprisingly good writing this season. Way better than meh shows like The Witcher BTW.

Farzar, very adult, funny, sick, weird, and more, but well written and off the wall, on NF. It's quite twisted!

Finally, Harley Quinn on HBO max. Way better then the movie, fun, violent and not for kids. Other characters like The Joker etc are well done and some good writing and twisted stuff the movies would never take the chance on.

08-21-22, 21:49
Yeah I loved J-rock and trailer park boys. Their 3 movies were pretty decent and good for a laugh.

08-22-22, 09:30
House Of Dragons

The prequel to GOT. S1/E1. I'd say E1 was good, and from the first episode, suggests the series has real potential:


09-10-22, 03:07
So if you have HBO Max, been watching "John Adams" (2008), I watched it 8 years ago when it premiered, and while I liked it, it was a bit too slow and detailed even for me. But giving it a second look now and I'm really getting the full benefit of it.

09-10-22, 11:15
So if you have HBO Max, been watching "John Adams" (2008), I watched it 8 years ago when it premiered, and while I liked it, it was a bit too slow and detailed even for me. But giving it a second look now and I'm really getting the full benefit of it.

Might have to do that. I watched some of it in a college history class around 2012. Watched again a few years later but I was probably in my early to mid 20s. I’m sure I’d appreciate it more now.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

09-10-22, 12:00
I have enjoyed House of the Dragon so far, but not as much as early seasons of GOT.

I couldn't stomach the new LOTR show, seemed a bit kitsch.

09-10-22, 17:21
Bonanza! All day marathon tomorrow (every Sunday) on GAC!

11-24-22, 03:49
“The English” Western mini-series with Emily Blunt. Good story, not bad, intense ending.

11-24-22, 09:29
I have enjoyed House of the Dragon so far, but not as much as early seasons of GOT.

I couldn't stomach the new LOTR show, seemed a bit kitsch.

I thought there were 2-3 episodes of HOD were quite good, the rest were OK, not great. I'd give S1 a B+ overall. Nothing like early GOT, but not terrible like later GOT once they ran out of original material.

I made it to E4 of LOTR based series and gave up. I really wanted to like it, woke garbage and annoying characters all around. F from me.

The Dumb Gun Collector
11-24-22, 09:48
Andor was basically perfect. Amazing

11-26-22, 05:30
“The English” Western mini-series with Emily Blunt. Good story, not bad, intense ending.

This is pretty good so far..I love the Western scenery and the story line overall is pretty intense as you can't tell what is going to happen next...

11-29-22, 20:52
Very western pulp fiction feel.

11-29-22, 23:27
Kin on AMC+ is pretty good so far, im 5 episodes in. This Irish accents are thick so turn on the closed captioning.

11-30-22, 22:51
Rogue Heroes, WW2 SAS origin story on Epix. Based on a book. Really solid so far.

murphy j
12-02-22, 06:53
Rogue Heroes, WW2 SAS origin story on Epix. Based on a book. Really solid so far.

I've really enjoyed the first few episodes of this. I believe it was mentioned a little earlier in the thread, but Peripheral on Amazon Prime has been excellent so far.

12-02-22, 11:00
House Of Dragons

The prequel to GOT. S1/E1. I'd say E1 was good, and from the first episode, suggests the series has real potential:


You know the original GOT was good, this new House of Dragons, not so much.
If they wanted black characters in the script, well, you really have to go back to GOT and correct that.
You just can't wake up Woke one morning and decide suddenly we need to hire black actors. Then insert them without a back story in to the new series.

12-02-22, 12:01
You know the original GOT was good, this new House of Dragons, not so much.
If they wanted black characters in the script, well, you really have to go back to GOT and correct that.
You just can't wake up Woke one morning and decide suddenly we need to hire black actors. Then insert them without a back story in to the new series.

There were 2-3 episodes that were good, the rest were ok to meh at best. The woke aspects were annoying, but didn't ruin it for me like that POS LOR spin off on Amazon. The original GOT was great, until they ran out of material, and it was meh also. The last season I try to forget ever happened, and I have alternative ending in my head.

In my ending, Cersei is set on fire then gets eaten by dragon, vs having some bricks dropped on her head. Talk about a stupid ending the baddest baddie of the whole damn series. Ugh.

12-02-22, 13:15
Rogue Heroes, WW2 SAS origin story on Epix. Based on a book. Really solid so far.

I want to get the free trial of Epix so I can watch this, then cancel Epix. The first episode is free on Amazon, so I did see that.

12-03-22, 05:06
Tokyo Vice on HBO is pretty good..I think Michael Mann directed...granted I only watched 3 episodes before free week ended but I was impressed....

murphy j
12-03-22, 19:49
I want to get the free trial of Epix so I can watch this, then cancel Epix. The first episode is free on Amazon, so I did see that.

I made this mistake. They're only releasing one episode a week, so I'd suggest waiting until all the episodes are out.

murphy j
12-03-22, 19:53
Tokyo Vice on HBO is pretty good..I think Michael Mann directed...granted I only watched 3 episodes before free week ended but I was impressed....

I have HBO and this series is excellent. So good in fact I got angry when the episodes ended and I would have to wait for another season.

Ned Christiansen
12-03-22, 22:28
I'll check out Tokyo vice.

What ever happened to the new Miami Vice movie that there ws some buzz about months go? Don Johnson and much of the crew kind of thing? Id watch it no matter what.

We've been diggin' Skandi detective series in the last few years, Border Town, Deadwind..... these are Finnish but also a few Norwegian ones ("Occupied" for sure.... must-see and relevant.... again).

Have I mentioned Lillihammer? This is one's a major hoot, starring Stevie Van Zandt.... one of Springsteen's guitarists and generally well known rocker and guest star on Sopranos. The first few episodes are kinda slow, but... have faith., there's a payoff (ehr, not the Mob kind).

Now... last night..... the wife and I had been talking recently about our scuba diving days and then she put on an old episode of Seinfeld where Lloyd Bridges guest starred as a cranky old fitness buff. After that I said dang, I'm gonna watch an episode or two of Sea Hunt if I can find it.... And yup, they're all over YT. That was a bit of fun. We do that once in a while, find an old series and binge on it.

12-04-22, 02:02
I'll check out Tokyo vice.

What ever happened to the new Miami Vice movie that there ws some buzz about months go? Don Johnson and much of the crew kind of thing? Id watch it no matter what.

We've been diggin' Skandi detective series in the last few years, Border Town, Deadwind..... these are Finnish but also a few Norwegian ones ("Occupied" for sure.... must-see and relevant.... again).

Have I mentioned Lillihammer? This is one's a major hoot, starring Stevie Van Zandt.... one of Springsteen's guitarists and generally well known rocker and guest star on Sopranos. The first few episodes are kinda slow, but... have faith., there's a payoff (ehr, not the Mob kind).

Now... last night..... the wife and I had been talking recently about our scuba diving days and then she put on an old episode of Seinfeld where Lloyd Bridges guest starred as a cranky old fitness buff. After that I said dang, I'm gonna watch an episode or two of Sea Hunt if I can find it.... And yup, they're all over YT. That was a bit of fun. We do that once in a while, find an old series and binge on it.

Lillihammer was excellent.

12-04-22, 09:27
I have HBO and this series is excellent. So good in fact I got angry when the episodes ended and I would have to wait for another season.

I will wait for another free week later this month to watch the rest of the season...

12-04-22, 14:40
Disney ruined another one. Back to the original "Willow." Don't waste your time on the new one. Same woke garbage as always.

6 y/o staying with grandma tonight so opens up a night of adult viewing. Will have to check out that Tokyo Vice.

07-09-23, 15:15
For those who enjoyed Justified, the new series “Justified City Primeval” premiere is the 18th and streaming on Hulu.