View Full Version : 5 by 5

03-01-21, 01:24
Just an idea for a slogan for the 2024 election. I know some people are thinking the answer is to stop voting, but I’m not one of them.

I think we need to focus on winning the five biggest swing states by 5%. That’s the kind of lead in the polls we need- and if we don’t have that kind of lead, don’t just stay home and mope.

Ensure legit votes
Get more conservatives to the polls
Reveal to people that they are actually conservative and the need to stop voting for Dem elites

Women, outside of those obsessed with being able to kill their babies, have to be getting a little Leary that the woman card isn’t protecting them from the T card. And if Blacks don’t realize that their ‘score’ in the intersectional points game is eroding, they are in for a big surprise...

Elections are still turnout games

03-01-21, 06:36
And here I thought you were referencing the workout program--

03-01-21, 09:41
Just an idea for a slogan for the 2024 election. I know some people are thinking the answer is to stop voting, but I’m not one of them.

I think we need to focus on winning the five biggest swing states by 5%. That’s the kind of lead in the polls we need- and if we don’t have that kind of lead, don’t just stay home and mope.

Ensure legit votes
Get more conservatives to the polls
Reveal to people that they are actually conservative and the need to stop voting for Dem elites

Women, outside of those obsessed with being able to kill their babies, have to be getting a little Leary that the woman card isn’t protecting them from the T card. And if Blacks don’t realize that their ‘score’ in the intersectional points game is eroding, they are in for a big surprise...

Elections are still turnout games


Both sides mope about elections being rigged. The right talks about fake ballots, rigged machines, and people voting multiple times. The left complains about gerrymandering, voter ID laws, and voter suppression. Both sides yell that the only way the other side wins is by cheating.

However, the left is also doing "Rock the Vote" and "Parade to the Polls" and all that. GA's senate runoffs were largely won because the left got their people out to vote, while the right told people don't bother, it's rigged, stay home.

The stupid thing is, what does one have to lose by voting? The answer is nothing; you lose 1 minute to an hour standing in line at the polls every 2 years. It may seem pointless in an area where the opinion is shifted against you, but one still has no excuse for the political make up if they don't vote. People come up with horseshit excuses like "Oh, but they're tracking anyone who votes Republican, so by not voting, I'm keeping my name out of their database..." and I say to those people, go take Zyprexa, because you're delusional and paranoid if you think they're that all powerful...

03-01-21, 10:11
And here I thought you were referencing the workout program--

Haha I thought he was talking about radio comms

03-01-21, 10:15
Haha I thought he was talking about radio comms

First thing I thought of too......


03-01-21, 10:17
Yeah. I’ll vote for the Republican party again when they give me a reason. The “at least it ain’t the democrats” is washed up.

If they want our votes, they need to actually start pushing back against the communists and their “progressive” agenda. From my point of view that agenda keeps on marching forward regardless of which party holds the reigns of power.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-01-21, 11:14
Let's just say that I'll NEVER vote for a RINO again. Ever. Can you hear ME now?

It's coming in 5 by 5 here. 73s to all.

03-01-21, 11:19
Silence is Consent. Even though I'm in a hard Blue Hell where election fraud is a way of life, I still vote for the most hardline conservative candidates I can find just to punch the Dems and their Soros-controlled "Mainstream R's of WA" enablers in the nose at every opportunity.

03-01-21, 11:20

Both sides mope about elections being rigged. The right talks about fake ballots, rigged machines, and people voting multiple times. The left complains about gerrymandering, voter ID laws, and voter suppression. Both sides yell that the only way the other side wins is by cheating.

However, the left is also doing "Rock the Vote" and "Parade to the Polls" and all that. GA's senate runoffs were largely won because the left got their people out to vote, while the right told people don't bother, it's rigged, stay home.

The stupid thing is, what does one have to lose by voting? The answer is nothing; you lose 1 minute to an hour standing in line at the polls every 2 years. It may seem pointless in an area where the opinion is shifted against you, but one still has no excuse for the political make up if they don't vote. People come up with horseshit excuses like "Oh, but they're tracking anyone who votes Republican, so by not voting, I'm keeping my name out of their database..." and I say to those people, go take Zyprexa, because you're delusional and paranoid if you think they're that all powerful...


Maybe it’s because I don’t have terrestrial TV anymore so I don’t see the commercials, but I haven’t notice the Republican Party trying to get voters out to the polls. How about getting new voters?

Sent from 80ms in the future

03-01-21, 11:50
Haha I thought he was talking about radio comms

Yep. My chub now wanes.

03-01-21, 12:10
I'll extend it may be possible we'll get to choose the official spokesperson (a member of the oligarchy) of the oligarchy that oppresses us.

Forgive me for not being interested.

03-01-21, 17:33
Haha I thought he was talking about radio comms

I thought we were quoting Alien's.

03-01-21, 17:41
Haha I thought he was talking about radio comms

First thing I thought of too......


Yep. My chub now wanes.

We aren’t going down that gay trucker rabbit hole, again.

03-01-21, 17:55

Both sides mope about elections being rigged. The right talks about fake ballots, rigged machines, and people voting multiple times. The left complains about gerrymandering, voter ID laws, and voter suppression. Both sides yell that the only way the other side wins is by cheating.

However, the left is also doing "Rock the Vote" and "Parade to the Polls" and all that. GA's senate runoffs were largely won because the left got their people out to vote, while the right told people don't bother, it's rigged, stay home.

The stupid thing is, what does one have to lose by voting? The answer is nothing; you lose 1 minute to an hour standing in line at the polls every 2 years. It may seem pointless in an area where the opinion is shifted against you, but one still has no excuse for the political make up if they don't vote. People come up with horseshit excuses like "Oh, but they're tracking anyone who votes Republican, so by not voting, I'm keeping my name out of their database..." and I say to those people, go take Zyprexa, because you're delusional and paranoid if you think they're that all powerful...

I never intend to not vote, rigged or not. But you've got to be kidding me if you even think of putting 11-3-2020 in the category of "both accuse the other of cheating all the time". Kinda like "Oh well, let bygones be bygones, we all accuse each other of it".


If you are willing to write this off and "Move forward!" as the Left demands you do, well........


03-01-21, 17:57
Silence is Consent. Even though I'm in a hard Blue Hell where election fraud is a way of life, I still vote for the most hardline conservative candidates I can find just to punch the Dems and their Soros-controlled "Mainstream R's of WA" enablers in the nose at every opportunity.

Same. I loved how much King Inslee hated Culp.

03-01-21, 18:11
Same. I loved how much King Inslee hated Culp.

Shame we couldn't get a REAL opposition party to support him, rather than Junior Coalition Partner enablers... The Big One on the Kingdome Fault can't come soon enough.

03-16-21, 08:43
We need to raise the voting age to 27 years old and ban welfare recipients and government employed people from voting as a start. How many unionized people voted for Biden because their union suggested it? Yet are whining because they lost their jobs?

03-16-21, 09:17
We need to raise the voting age to 27 years old and ban welfare recipients and government employed people from voting as a start. How many unionized people voted for Biden because their union suggested it? Yet are whining because they lost their jobs?I can't speak for all union people. I work at a unionized mill. We have about 250 union employees where I work. I know most of them pretty well. I would say somewhere between 80-90% supported Trump and reject the unions voting suggestions. There are probably only about 6 guys that are hard core democrats.

Soli Deo Gloria

03-16-21, 10:36
We need to raise the voting age to 27 years old and ban welfare recipients and government employed people from voting as a start. How many unionized people voted for Biden because their union suggested it? Yet are whining because they lost their jobs?

You're cute. Disenfranchise the military and law enforcement which are both overwhelmingly right-of-center and/or classically liberal . :lol:

Agree with raising the voting age to 25, though

03-16-21, 11:06

If you are willing to write this off and "Move forward!" as the Left demands you do, well........

BIDEN IS AN ILLEGITIMATE PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are our own worst enemy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-16-21, 14:25
And I thought it was going to be the democrat way that we all vote 5x in 5 states :)

03-16-21, 14:51
My first thought at thread title:


Only it turns out to be some harebrained scheme that just isn’t going to work.
