View Full Version : Texas Independence Day: Abbott totally re-opens Texas

03-02-21, 14:38

Masks, capacity limits, shutdown, distancing, hand-washing: We Texans know that's all for effete coastal sissies.

Real Texans aren't afraid of a sniffle.

03-02-21, 16:53
Maybe Gov. Abbott's conscience couldn't bear thought that he might be destroying people's lives.

Also, did you vote for Biden?

03-02-21, 17:10
About 3500 people died in Texas of influenza in 2020. This would probably include deaths attributed to "Covid" which has the same symptoms.

Edit to add: Population of Texas is 30 million.

03-02-21, 17:11

Of course, in response to the Abbott’s announcement has come a wave of vile hatred from the left, including wishes of death on Texans who’d dare to not continue to ascribe to the wishes of places of California.
Speaking of which, Gov. Gavin Newsom decided to inject his useless opinion into the debate. Let’s just say it didn’t go well.
That’s Gavin Newsom breaking his own lockdown policies, eating in a restaurant when in-person dining is supposedly banned. You see, your political overlords care much less about the virus than they purport to. They are truly only concerned with making sure the little people obey their edicts, results and evidence of correlation to policies need not apply.

03-02-21, 18:39

Of course, in response to the Abbott’s announcement has come a wave of vile hatred from the left, including wishes of death on Texans who’d dare to not continue to ascribe to the wishes of places of California.
Speaking of which, Gov. Gavin Newsom decided to inject his useless opinion into the debate. Let’s just say it didn’t go well.
That’s Gavin Newsom breaking his own lockdown policies, eating in a restaurant when in-person dining is supposedly banned. You see, your political overlords care much less about the virus than they purport to. They are truly only concerned with making sure the little people obey their edicts, results and evidence of correlation to policies need not apply.

Why I keep saying if something is important enough to become law there shouldn't be any exemptions, immunities, or what have you connected to that law, at a minimum.

Preferably, the positions currently getting the free passes should instead get increased penalties for violations.

03-02-21, 18:55
Screw the left communists.

I think Mississippi also is joining TX in opening up.

03-02-21, 22:09
Screw the left communists.

I think Mississippi also is joining TX in opening up.

They did. Ol Tatertot dropped the mask mandate today. Not that I’ve been adhering to it other than when absolutely necessary. In our small town the primary place you see people with a mask on is Wallyworld and County buildings.

F**k masks and the fear mongering.

03-02-21, 22:42
Literally putting you money where your mouth is.

03-02-21, 23:07
Meanwhile, the CHAZholes try to play their game in Austin... https://www.lawofficer.com/black-liberation-autonomous-zone-orisha-land-forming-in-austin/

03-03-21, 04:52

Of course, in response to the Abbott’s announcement has come a wave of vile hatred from the left, including wishes of death on Texans who’d dare to not continue to ascribe to the wishes of places of California.
Speaking of which, Gov. Gavin Newsom decided to inject his useless opinion into the debate. Let’s just say it didn’t go well.
That’s Gavin Newsom breaking his own lockdown policies, eating in a restaurant when in-person dining is supposedly banned. You see, your political overlords care much less about the virus than they purport to. They are truly only concerned with making sure the little people obey their edicts, results and evidence of correlation to policies need not apply.

Interestingly, could have an effect of driving a lot of people out of the state who were attempting to turn it blue. If they actually believe all that leftist propaganda (some covid concerns are legit, some are just silly), you think they'd flee for their lives.

03-03-21, 06:00
The Democratic Party response is the "Gov Abbott is trying to kill you."
Someone on the local News had to point out that you can still wear a mask if you want to.
People are so stupid now that you have to point out to them that they are Free to wear a mask if you still want to.

03-03-21, 06:14
The Democratic Party response is the "Gov Abbott is trying to kill you."
Someone on the local News had to point out that you can still wear a mask if you want to.
People are so stupid now that you have to point out to them that they are Free to wear a mask if you still want to.

Suppose your boss tells you, " no workers wear masks here. It would scare the customers away." Now what?

03-03-21, 07:02
Suppose your boss tells you, " no workers wear masks here. It would scare the customers away." Now what?

That scenario is as likely as Biden teaching physics.

It is absolutely stunning that 1/2 of the country does not understand that removing restrictions is not a prohibition. No one is telling you not to wear a mask, eat out, or go to church. They are simply treating you like an adult capable of making decisions. Its called freedom.

Its a damn clever way to stop the flood of liberals fleeing the mess they made in Cali for Texas.


03-03-21, 08:04
One of the major grocery store chains here insisted that their employees continue to wear masks.
See how that works? You have a choice.
Unlike the Democratic Legions of Sheep free Men don't need to be ruled like livestock, they evaluate risk vs reward and move through life.

03-03-21, 08:10
I think we are going to see a rise in the amount of public disputes between the maskers and non-maskers. "Karen kat fights" if you will.
I bet all restaurants and other businesses will absolutely go to 100% capacity if they are truly allowed to do that. Wouldn't want to lose any more revenue. But they will try to impose their own rules making a mask mandatory to enter their establishment. They have a right to refuse service to anyone for any reason. That will only cause more physical disputes.

And you know every numbnuts with a phone is going to record and post the parking lot fight videos on social media.

This place will look like a lawless mess pretty soon.

We very rarely go to public places. Never any restaurants. We home school. My wife goes to the grocery store twice a month at the most. We never enter gas stations, only pay at the pump. I work in remote locations. What I'm getting at is that even though the masks are not required any more, it isn't going to change much for my families lifestyle. We might wear them if we have them and we do go somewhere, but in the unlikely event any of us goes anywhere and we forget the mask, I'm gald I don;t have to turn around anymore and go get it. That was a pita that we don't have to live with anymore.

03-03-21, 09:09
Meanwhile, the CHAZholes try to play their game in Austin... https://www.lawofficer.com/black-liberation-autonomous-zone-orisha-land-forming-in-austin/

Kinda like one of those evil reservations ?

03-03-21, 10:07
Here in Tennessee the counties decide Covid policy. Makes more sense than the governor dictating one-size-fits-all policies. If left-wingers want to wear multiple masks while hiding under the bed curled up in the fetal position... who cares... just don't ask for a bailout with federal tax dollars.

03-03-21, 10:12
Kinda like one of those evil reservations ?

Assuming you mean Native American reservations, there are very few parallels.


03-03-21, 10:39
Went to Wallyworld last night and purposefully didn’t put a mask on. Was the only person there not wearing one. If a store employee had stopped me and stated that their company’s mandatory mask policy was still in place I would have put one on. It is private property and I will abide by that if I want to shop there. If I don’t want to wear a mask I shop somewhere else. Got a lot of weird looks but that also could have been because I had more fruits and veggies in my cart than honey buns and red bull. Anyways I enjoyed my social experiment.

03-03-21, 11:38
Thumbs up for my home state of TX. I hope this does have the effect of making some libtards reconsider moving there. The howls from the left were expected after Abbott’s announcement yesterday. I’ll be returning to my hill country property after my elder care issues are done here and it won’t be soon enough!

03-03-21, 12:37
Everyone gets what they want. The mandates come off and people will breathe free air. The social justice types get to virtue signal by wearing their masks and admonishing the rest of us.

Here's what you do. A masker starts to play mask-shamer, just go "What, can't hear you.". "What, can't hear you.". "What, I can't hear you through that crappy mask."

03-03-21, 16:27
Meanwhile, the CHAZholes try to play their game in Austin... https://www.lawofficer.com/black-liberation-autonomous-zone-orisha-land-forming-in-austin/That experiment has been tried before....It's called Liberia.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

03-03-21, 21:14
Covid vaccination in TX <7%.

And only 3500 died of "flu" last year.

Out of 30,000,000.

03-04-21, 03:04

Pretty coherent for a Neanderthal.

03-04-21, 08:10

Pretty coherent for a Neanderthal.

His turning the question from immigration to public safety was magnificent.

Incidentally, it is overtly racist to call a caucasian a Neanderthal.


03-04-21, 08:54
Everyone gets what they want. The mandates come off and people will breathe free air. The social justice types get to virtue signal by wearing their masks and admonishing the rest of us.

Here's what you do. A masker starts to play mask-shamer, just go "What, can't hear you.". "What, can't hear you.". "What, I can't hear you through that crappy mask."

"what, I can't hear you through those crappy masks" There, fixed it for you..

03-04-21, 10:50
I’m not giving full credit for late work.

03-04-21, 12:22
I live in Texas.
I went and paid my property taxes today without a mask.
F.U. Biden and I'm buying an M4 upper with my $1400.00.