View Full Version : One Party Rule, Forever

03-04-21, 08:08

Here it is. Forever.

Anyone who thinks there is some kind of a "ballot box" solution, I really need to hear how you think that's going to work if some version of this passes. Consider also, several million new Turd World "citizens", many in critical states- cause you KNOW that's happening.......Seriously, explain how we remain politically relevant without bloodshed. I want very specific solutions. I don't want to hear platitudes about "We need to get out the vote", "We need to win the war of ideas, because ours are better and if people only heard them......" "Democratic Republic...blah, blah"

This is pure, Third World Power grabbing. When it's done, you will never see a Republican in the White House again and they will become at best a "back bencher" party in Congress with no power whatsoever. None. Zero.

Soap Box (De Platformed at even the micro level)

Ballot Box (Stolen and now, Rigged as a Matter of Law)

Tell me, where are we now?

If you can't see it now, you're the kind of person who will be asking what kind of shampoo they have in the free showers at the end of the train ride. You need to get right in every part of your life, RFN.

03-04-21, 09:07
It seems to me that at some point, things are going to have to get violent to change. It’s like the bully on the playground who picks on you and makes your life hell. At some point you either snap and tear his face off without fear of consequence, or remain his pet punching bag. To me it seems simple. The political elites need to be sent a message to remind them that they work for the people, not the other way around. What does that message look like?

03-04-21, 09:35
Then there's this:


The White House raised eyebrows on Wednesday when it suddenly cut the feed of a virtual event after President Biden said he was "happy to take questions" from Democratic lawmakers.

Accompanied by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. and the House Democratic Caucus, Biden addressed lawmakers on the topics of COVID relief and the ongoing vaccine rollout. He closed his remarks by calling on Democrats to help "restore faith" in government.

He then appeared ready to take questions.

"I'd be happy to take questions if that's what I'm supposed to do, Nance," Biden told the speaker. "Whatever you want me to do."

The feed ended seconds later, after a brief pause from the president.

I have this feeling his handlers didn't want Sleepy Joe in public as he fumbled through questions.

03-04-21, 09:43
Then there's this:


I have this feeling his handlers didn't want Sleepy Joe in public as he fumbled through questions.

Did I miss the State of the Union Address? No? Huh....The guy should literally be in a home, probably in a special care unit..... If he wasn't a piece of Communist filth, I'd feel sorry for him.

Alex V
03-04-21, 10:26
iTs NoT tImE yEt

The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power. Orwell

03-04-21, 10:48
iTs NoT tImE yEt

The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power. Orwell

My Grandad had a saying that seems appropriate- "We ain't there yet, but I can damn sure see it from here".

Alex V
03-04-21, 10:53
My Grandad had a saying that seems appropriate- "We ain't there yet, but I can damn sure see it from here".

Pretty sure "there" is behind us...

03-04-21, 11:34
And this is also why the attempted hit on McConnell through his wife.

Yes, Mitch is dirty and the IG should have prison-bitched him LONG ago... but he's also a master of parliamentary dirty tricks standing in HR1's way, and if he can be forced out Beshear gets to appoint a Donk or RINO placeholder. Which means the R's have to elect a new Minority Leader, who won't have the mastery of the Senate Rules arcana available to throw monkeywrenches in the works.

03-04-21, 11:52
Don't you just love how red states are "gerrymandering" but the F'd up districts in blue states to intentionally over balance Democrat influence is all good.

They are desperate to figure out how to rig the game before the get assholed in the midterms.

03-04-21, 11:58
I am all for a fair open system, and if our side loses we lose. But "fair" is hard to agree on wit so much at stake. I'm looking for a good exit strategy. I got no kids, so call me an outlier, but voting with my feet is looking like a viable option.

03-04-21, 12:20
I have believed for years that expecting to “change the system”, by working within the system, is an absurd notion.
The “system” is too broken.

Really feels that if any change for the better is to occur, it will be at the end of a gun.

03-04-21, 13:12
I have believed for years that expecting to “change the system”, by working within the system, is an absurd notion.
The “system” is too broken.

Really feels that if any change for the better is to occur, it will be at the end of a gun.

I honestly think Trump was the closest we'll ever get to "changing the system from within" since he was a complete outsider.

But I do think the second part of your post is accurate.

03-04-21, 13:20
And this is also why the attempted hit on McConnell through his wife.

Yes, Mitch is dirty and the IG should have prison-bitched him LONG ago... but he's also a master of parliamentary dirty tricks standing in HR1's way, and if he can be forced out Beshear gets to appoint a Donk or RINO placeholder. Which means the R's have to elect a new Minority Leader, who won't have the mastery of the Senate Rules arcana available to throw monkeywrenches in the works.

My thought EXACTLY when I saw that headline earlier today. They are pulling out ALL THE STOPS, literally, this is End Game stuff.

03-04-21, 21:21
Soap Box (De Platformed at even the micro level)

Ballot Box (Stolen and now, Rigged as a Matter of Law)

Tell me, where are we now?

The wi-fi box. Again. :laugh:

I am all for a fair open system, and if our side loses we lose. But "fair" is hard to agree on wit so much at stake. I'm looking for a good exit strategy. I got no kids, so call me an outlier, but voting with my feet is looking like a viable option.
If you're really in UT...seems like you're already about in a as good of a 'vote with your feet' area.
Unless you mean outside CONUS...
But I hear ya.

03-04-21, 23:09
I have believed for years that expecting to “change the system”, by working within the system, is an absurd notion.
The “system” is too broken.

Really feels that if any change for the better is to occur, it will be at the end of a gun.

That won't happen. The people will never rise up as long as they arent starving and are placated by bread and circuses.

People are easily distracted, even in a place like M4C where people are supposedly more "aware". If you noticed there are 2, literally 2 different threads about some Tiger Woods car crash. This is how easily people are distracted by the news cycle.

03-05-21, 08:22
People are easily distracted, even in a place like M4C where people are supposedly more "aware". If you noticed there are 2, literally 2 different threads about some Tiger Woods car crash. This is how easily people are distracted by the news cycle.

Is that really an example of people being easily distracted or just people talking about things other than politics. Politics everywhere gets old fast.

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03-05-21, 08:25

03-05-21, 10:08
I have believed for years that expecting to “change the system”, by working within the system, is an absurd notion.
The “system” is too broken.

Really feels that if any change for the better is to occur, it will be at the end of a gun.

According to Mao that's where power comes from. Can't disagree unfortunately.

03-05-21, 10:27
Is that really an example of people being easily distracted or just people talking about things other than politics. Politics everywhere gets old fast.

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I've never really understood this.

Politics IS LIFE.

From the damn time you get up in the morning every day until you die and are buried your entire LIFE is ordered around political decisions.

How much water does your toilet use? The toilet paper you use-the timber used to make it, where did it come from and how was it harvested? How about the chemicals in your air conditioning system? The amount of money you take home. What your children are taught in school. How much are the taxes on the gas you use to go to work? The wood used to build your house- how much does the inspection of it add to the cost? How many airbags does your car have and what about the backup camera and the bumper strength and that little light near the back roofline that tells morons your vehicle is stopped?- How much extra did that add to the cost? How long do you have to work to pay for that? The shoes you wear- did you buy them online and not pay sales tax? The carpet you walk on- what is it's fire rating and again, how did that affect the cost of it? The apple you ate for lunch- what pesticides can be used to grow it, what labor force was used to harvest it, how many times was it inspected, how was the cost of it's travel throughout the retail chain affected by fuel taxes? Paper (deforestation) or plastic (Plastic pollution) or Burlap grocery bags (Would you like a side of Covid with that)?


People who ignore this fact, I'm sorry, I can't understand it. I really can't. It's why things are the way they are. People just "tune out". How about instead of "tuning out" with sports and other bullshit, you get PISSED OFF about it and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Then, maybe, you CAN tune out because the problem is solved- instead of ignored while you do mindless shit.....

03-05-21, 10:34
The only sport I ever really watched was football. That was conveniently taken care of a couple years ago when all the kneeling for the Anthem bullshit started. Of course it only got worse in 2020. Haven't watched an NFL game in several years and don't miss it.

03-05-21, 11:28
The only sport I ever really watched was football. That was conveniently taken care of a couple years ago when all the kneeling for the Anthem bullshit started. Of course it only got worse in 2020. Haven't watched an NFL game in several years and don't miss it.

I figured as much with you, but the sentiment about all of life being about politics needs to be said and understood.

03-05-21, 11:34
I've never really understood this.

Politics IS LIFE.

From the damn time you get up in the morning every day until you die and are buried your entire LIFE is ordered around political decisions.

How much water does your toilet use? The toilet paper you use-the timber used to make it, where did it come from and how was it harvested? How about the chemicals in your air conditioning system? The amount of money you take home. What your children are taught in school. How much are the taxes on the gas you use to go to work? The wood used to build your house- how much does the inspection of it add to the cost? How many airbags does your car have and what about the backup camera and the bumper strength and that little light near the back roofline that tells morons your vehicle is stopped?- How much extra did that add to the cost? How long do you have to work to pay for that? The shoes you wear- did you buy them online and not pay sales tax? The carpet you walk on- what is it's fire rating and again, how did that affect the cost of it? The apple you ate for lunch- what pesticides can be used to grow it, what labor force was used to harvest it, how many times was it inspected, how was the cost of it's travel throughout the retail chain affected by fuel taxes? Paper (deforestation) or plastic (Plastic pollution) or Burlap grocery bags (Would you like a side of Covid with that)?


People who ignore this fact, I'm sorry, I can't understand it. I really can't. It's why things are the way they are. People just "tune out". How about instead of "tuning out" with sports and other bullshit, you get PISSED OFF about it and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Then, maybe, you CAN tune out because the problem is solved- instead of ignored while you do mindless shit.....It's easy. Do you ALWAYS talk/read/write/discuss about the same thing? Literally the same thing. Like you've never ever not even once talked about something besides politics?

Food is also LIFE. And probably more important than politics yet no one is focused on only discussing sandwiches, meat, vegetables...etc.. and only that for their whole life l. Oxygen is even more important than food so in reality we should only ever talk about oxygen

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03-05-21, 11:52
“Working within the system” is gone forever. Until conservatives will allow themselves to behave like the opposition, our society will stay the course that it is presently on. People still have too much to lose to suddenly “rise against”. Actually, most people don’t even care.

03-05-21, 12:05
Are we going to sit around and kid ourselves, or get real?

In a recent election in Wisconsin, Republican had a majority in the state legislature. They did this with only 39% of the statewide vote.

Republican presidential candidates have won the popular vote once in the last seven elections. But they've appointed six of the nine Supreme Court justices.

Democrats and Republicans are split in the US Senate. But Democratic senators represent 41 million more citizens.

In a fair election, Joe Biden won seven million more votes than Donald Trump. But his victory turned on 45,000 votes in three states.

Democratic California has one senator for every 20 million people. Republican Wyoming has one senator for every 350,000 people.

Gerrymandering, voter suppression laws, electoral college, Supreme Court hostility to voting rights statutes.

It's just laughable to suggest that Democrats are a permanent minority-rule party. It's obvious that the Republican Party has almost, not quite but almost, achieved this status.

03-05-21, 12:18
Are we going to sit around and kid ourselves, or get real?

In a recent election in Wisconsin, Republican had a majority in the state legislature. They did this with only 39% of the statewide vote.

Republican presidential candidates have won the popular vote once in the last seven elections. But they've appointed six of the nine Supreme Court justices.

Democrats and Republicans are split in the US Senate. But Democratic senators represent 41 million more citizens.

In a fair election, Joe Biden won seven million more votes than Donald Trump. But his victory turned on 45,000 votes in three states.

Democratic California has one senator for every 20 million people. Republican Wyoming has one senator for every 350,000 people.

Gerrymandering, voter suppression laws, electoral college, Supreme Court hostility to voting rights statutes.

It's just laughable to suggest that Democrats are a permanent minority-rule party. It's obvious that the Republican Party has almost, not quite but almost, achieved this status.

The issue isn't democracy, the issue is that we are a Republic. None of what you cite makes a shit of difference if certain rights are inviolable regardless of how many votes you have.

Example- IF we could get enough votes, do we get to say all White people are now slaves? No? Why not? We have the votes.

See how that works?

I don't give a Flying F what the "majority wants". There are certain things that are not open to a vote. Period.

“This may be considered as the true palladium of liberty…. The right of self defense is the first law of nature: in most governments it has been the study of rulers to confine this right within the narrowest limits possible. Wherever standing armies are kept up, and the right of the people to keep and bear arms is, under any color or pretext whatsoever, prohibited, liberty, if not already annihilated, is on the brink of destruction.”
– St. George Tucker, Blackstone’s Commentaries on the Laws of England, 1803

03-05-21, 12:23
It's easy. Do you ALWAYS talk/read/write/discuss about the same thing? Literally the same thing. Like you've never ever not even once talked about something besides politics?

Food is also LIFE. And probably more important than politics yet no one is focused on only discussing sandwiches, meat, vegetables...etc.. and only that for their whole life l. Oxygen is even more important than food so in reality we should only ever talk about oxygen

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

Politics controls food. Ask the Kulaks. Did you know there is a Federal Standard for how much rat shit is acceptable in your Cheerios?

Oxygen, also politics- Ever heard of the Clean Air Act? How does the Clean Air Act affect how much your electricity costs- cause it damn sure does.....

So, even when you ARE talking about those things- you're talking politics- but people don't SEE it that way-- And they should. The lens of politics should be superimposed on everything- because it is, whether we acknowledge it or not. Acknowledging that fact, instead of ignoring it- is the first step to FIXING IT and getting politics OUT OF EVERYTHING where it doesn't belong. It's a different way of looking at things I admit but I think it has merit.

03-05-21, 13:02
Are we going to sit around and kid ourselves, or get real?

In a recent election in Wisconsin, Republican had a majority in the state legislature. They did this with only 39% of the statewide vote.

Republican presidential candidates have won the popular vote once in the last seven elections. But they've appointed six of the nine Supreme Court justices.

Democrats and Republicans are split in the US Senate. But Democratic senators represent 41 million more citizens.

In a fair election, Joe Biden won seven million more votes than Donald Trump. But his victory turned on 45,000 votes in three states.

Democratic California has one senator for every 20 million people. Republican Wyoming has one senator for every 350,000 people.

Gerrymandering, voter suppression laws, electoral college, Supreme Court hostility to voting rights statutes.

It's just laughable to suggest that Democrats are a permanent minority-rule party. It's obvious that the Republican Party has almost, not quite but almost, achieved this status.

Fair election is very much in dispute, it’s disingenuous to suggest otherwise.

03-05-21, 13:51
Is that really an example of people being easily distracted or just people talking about things other than politics. Politics everywhere gets old fast.

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Celebrity gossip is little more than a vein through which narrative is fed to the public, in my experience.

03-05-21, 14:02
Celebrity gossip is little more than a vein through which narrative is fed to the public, in my experience.

Are you saying that Greg Popovich or Lebron James or Alec Baldwin might have an agenda? Come on, man! Really? You think?

You see, that's exactly the point. Even when people just "tune out" and watch what they think is mindless shit.....the signal still is being delivered....every day in a million little ways....

03-05-21, 14:11
Are you saying that Greg Popovich or Lebron James or Alec Baldwin might have an agenda? Come on, man! Really? You think?

You see, that's exactly the point. Even when people just "tune out" and watch what they think is mindless shit.....the signal still is being delivered....every day in a million little ways....

Every facet of entertainment and sports has been subverted for a while now. Ive been calling it out since 2015 and people here are like: "Dude, its just Star Wars." All your sport stars and fictional heroes have been destroyed. And you wonder why the newer generations all want to be tiktok stars and youtubers. To think there isnt some larger agenda at play is just foolish.


03-05-21, 17:12
Fair election is very much in dispute, it’s disingenuous to suggest otherwise.
There was no Steal. You've been taught election skepticism only since 2015.

03-05-21, 17:15
Politics controls food. Ask the Kulaks. Did you know there is a Federal Standard for how much rat shit is acceptable in your Cheerios?

Oxygen, also politics- Ever heard of the Clean Air Act? How does the Clean Air Act affect how much your electricity costs- cause it damn sure does.....

So, even when you ARE talking about those things- you're talking politics- but people don't SEE it that way-- And they should. The lens of politics should be superimposed on everything- because it is, whether we acknowledge it or not. Acknowledging that fact, instead of ignoring it- is the first step to FIXING IT and getting politics OUT OF EVERYTHING where it doesn't belong. It's a different way of looking at things I admit but I think it has merit.Not everything has to be talk through the lens of politics. I had Japanese whiskey with dinner. I don't need to get into Irish, Japanese, US politics to talk about the whiskey. That has nothing to do with why I had it or why I'm talking about it. And the fact that you're talking about it..... talking about anything...means you're breathing. Every topic should include oxygen conversation in it!

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03-05-21, 17:18
Celebrity gossip is little more than a vein through which narrative is fed to the public, in my experience.Some people like it, some like the sport, some like the guy. No skin of my back. I don't understand liking sports. To me it's no different than movie celebrities yet millions of people watch and follow sports. Their thing and more power to them

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03-05-21, 18:03
There was no Steal. You've been taught election skepticism only since 2015.


Straight Shooter
03-05-21, 18:14

He doesnt remember the ALGORE fiasco...hell when even was THAT?
"Election skepticism" been around A LONG TIME.

03-05-21, 18:23
Can we please stop interacting with the handicapped? Id say stop feeding the troll but trolling is beyond his mental capacity.

03-05-21, 19:21
He doesnt remember the ALGORE fiasco...hell when even was THAT?
"Election skepticism" been around A LONG TIME.

Longer than that... it, and the fraud that causes it, was old when Tammany Hall was young.

03-08-21, 00:16
Anyone who is not aware that this last election was stolen, through corruption, fraud, and obvious, provable crime, is either a naive, uninformed fool, or totally complicit in the left-wing insurrection that's been going on in this Nation for almost a year now.

I repeat: anyone who doesn't know this election was stolen is either ignorant or complicit. That's it.

03-08-21, 05:34
The country is ruled by force and fraud. The politicians/rulers despise the limitations of the constitution and have become insurgents. They have removed the real president and have overthrown the constitutional system of government.

03-08-21, 12:22
Border is almost completely out of control already. It's so bad that Democrat mayors and politicians are telling Biden to fix it! And we haven't even gotten to prime traveling weather yet.

This is all part of the plan.....Go read the Camp of the Saints.

03-08-21, 12:32
The country is ruled by force and fraud. The politicians/rulers despise the limitations of the constitution and have become insurgents. They have removed the real president and have overthrown the constitutional system of government.

'Bout the size of it.

03-08-21, 21:20
I think the Harris/Biden administration will over play it's hand with all the catastrophic edicts being pushed now, and even more draconian ones in the future. The American public will have a knee-jerk reaction and attempt to vote the offenders out. But if the voting system has been rigged, it won't matter. There will always be enough votes to make sure a democrat/Marxist retains their power.

It's kind of disheartening because voting was something I always looked forward to, including the small State and local elections. Without a legitimate and transparent voting system, it gives me an underlying sense of unease. It just feels weird like we're on the edge of some great abyss looking in to an unending darkness.

03-09-21, 01:47
We are, soldier. Let's all do our best to get ready.

Boy Scout
03-09-21, 03:47
We are, soldier. Let's all do our best to get ready.

I believe we are quickly running out of time to be as prepared as we should be. The left and it’s minions are vastly more organized than the right, and are supported by the .gov, media and big tech. It’s amazing to see all of the websites, message boards, forums, apps and other tools that have been developed for them to communicate and plan. Meanwhile, the right, conservatives, libertarians and Constitutionalists have been drowned out, censored and deplatformed. Those that still exist are milquetoast fence-sitters who are too afraid of losing their income and being labeled or canceled.

Those of us in defense of liberty - real, true Constitutional liberty - are disconnected and lacking formal/real organization. As a whole, we have too long held that .gov has protected our interests and natural rights and have let the standing military and police forces do our protecting. We are woefully unprepared for what’s coming, and I have no idea (or capital, or technological know-how) how to improve that without using current systems that are either against us and our ideals, or will lead to furtherance of the new .gov’s designation of “domestic enemies.”