View Full Version : Gun Control Advocate Wakes Up

03-13-21, 09:07
Used to march for gun control, woke the hell up and changed her mind. She's as far left as they get (read cray cray), but if she/they can "get it" on that topic, who knows what else they may wake about:


Because she's African American, female, and LGBT, even NPR interviewed her:


03-13-21, 09:21
She's the holy trinity of special interest-entitled-minority. Hope she can spread the gospel.

03-13-21, 09:38
She's the holy trinity of special interest-entitled-minority. Hope she can spread the gospel.

She will be difficult to ignore by the other loons and is clearly the type who craves attention, so will probably make that her new focus.

03-13-21, 09:45
She will be difficult to ignore by the other loons and is clearly the type who craves attention, so will probably make that her new focus.

I think that there is a good amount of minorities with conservative family values that have been stirred in the last 4 years. Trump gained in all demographics except white men, and the higher crime rates, rising gas prices will hopefully wake people up.

03-13-21, 10:05
She will be difficult to ignore by the other loons

Not really. The other loons already do it to anyone not spouting off the party line.

03-13-21, 10:12
I mean, its not like she cut her donk off or had one sewn on, so she loses loony lib cred there.


03-13-21, 10:19
I am less tolerant to “Johnny come lately” gun bunnies. She only wanted a gun when she wanted a gun. If she had her way she would think “well everything is fine. We don’t need such antiquated things. Don’t fear change”

No. She had her chance. In my youth, I was more accepting of different ideologies. Of different lifestyles.

Gradually, I realized such idealism came at the expense of liberty and tradition.

And you know, maybe not everybody needs a gun. Am I to celebrate another traitorous rogue arming themselves in times of turmoil? She’s changed colors once. Convenient.

Our society has devolved into a never ending game of “you first”.

03-13-21, 10:24
I am less tolerant to “Johnny come lately” gun bunnies. She only wanted a gun when she wanted a gun.

And in truth, she would be the first calling for disamament of the "Trump voters".

She is another Feinstien - guns for me but not for thee.


03-13-21, 10:26
And in truth, she would be the first calling for disamament of the "Trump voters".

She is another Feinstien - guns for me but not for thee.



03-13-21, 13:28
Good lord I need to take both a break from posting and a spelling class.


03-13-21, 15:20
So... a 20-something transgendered socialist who celebrates the notion that God is dead and replaced with a tranny is now an advocate of gun ownership for LBGT... whatever. Uh hu...

Looks like he/she has been training with NFAC equipped rifles.



03-13-21, 15:29
It is missing front sights and rear sights.

03-13-21, 15:57
It is missing front sights and rear sights.

Its perfect

Its will hurt less when she points it at the wrong person and they put it in her (?) prison wallet.

03-13-21, 15:58
It is missing front sights and rear sights.

The rifle on his/her shirt has sights. It's all good...


03-13-21, 16:00
Yeah, she (?) is obviously African American, maybe she can intern for Fauxcahauntus...

03-13-21, 17:44
It is missing front sights and rear sights.

Tha-at's because its designed to "spray bullets" from the hip. Ask someone in journalism.

03-13-21, 19:06
And in truth, she would be the first calling for disamament of the "Trump voters".

She is another Feinstien - guns for me but not for thee.


She would be first in line to get her brown shirt when Big Brother says it’s time to round up the deplorables.

03-13-21, 23:19
I am less tolerant to “Johnny come lately” gun bunnies. She only wanted a gun when she wanted a gun. If she had her way she would think “well everything is fine. We don’t need such antiquated things. Don’t fear change”

No. She had her chance. In my youth, I was more accepting of different ideologies. Of different lifestyles.

Gradually, I realized such idealism came at the expense of liberty and tradition.

And you know, maybe not everybody needs a gun. Am I to celebrate another traitorous rogue arming themselves in times of turmoil? She’s changed colors once. Convenient.

Our society has devolved into a never ending game of “you first”.

The article says she’s 20. Maybe she will be a born again AR toting follower of the 2nd maybe she will change her mind next week. But if she is 20yo then I think some grace should be given for adolescent stupidity and she should be welcomed into the fold.

03-13-21, 23:35
Let's relax. Any convert is a good convert, never mind how or when or why.

And remember that the greatest evangelists, starting with St. Paul, are those who see the light and abruptly make the u-turn.

03-14-21, 00:16
I am less tolerant to “Johnny come lately” gun bunnies. She only wanted a gun when she wanted a gun. If she had her way she would think “well everything is fine. We don’t need such antiquated things. Don’t fear change”

No. She had her chance. In my youth, I was more accepting of different ideologies. Of different lifestyles.

Gradually, I realized such idealism came at the expense of liberty and tradition.

And you know, maybe not everybody needs a gun. Am I to celebrate another traitorous rogue arming themselves in times of turmoil? She’s changed colors once. Convenient.

Our society has devolved into a never ending game of “you first”.


Damn, ya'll are harshin' my buzz off this!

But you're not wrong....whatever helps the cause of freedom is good, but philisophycally "it" is still the enemy.

03-14-21, 13:47
I am suspicious.. The left has "gun clubs" of their own and they are not on our side. They exist because the radical left recognizes the need for firepower not to liberate or protect but to oppress.
Until she proves otherwise.

El Pistolero
03-14-21, 13:55
I don’t like these radical liberals arming up. They are not our friends and they are not “converts” if they’re not on our side.

03-14-21, 14:35
I don’t like these radical liberals arming up. They are not our friends and they are not “converts” if they’re not on our side.Pretty much what Fienstien thinks of you

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

03-14-21, 15:28
Pink Pistols has been around for quite a while, from what I've read they just seem like they're all about gun rights, just grouping together with others of that particular persuasion.

John Brown Gun Club on the other hand, absolute enemy.

03-14-21, 18:04
I am suspicious.. The left has "gun clubs" of their own and they are not on our side. They exist because the radical left recognizes the need for firepower not to liberate or protect but to oppress.
Until she proves otherwise.
Yup... The commie left realizes they need a fighting force.....that is what worries me about all these new gun owners..are they really for the Second or just arming up against us.

03-15-21, 10:35
I think that there is a good amount of minorities with conservative family values that have been stirred in the last 4 years. Trump gained in all demographics except white men, and the higher crime rates, rising gas prices will hopefully wake people up.

I used to work in military maintenance contracting. A lot of the Black Guys I worked with were Church going Middle Class and retired Military. They didn't consider Obama Black, Presidential or worth his salt as a Leader. If asked they had a long litany of reasons why.
Much of that was spoken about at their Churches at Fraternal Organizations (Masons) and more importantly in their homes.
He did nothing for them, but President Trump, well they were pretty happy with him.
You cannot allow Planned Parenthood to set up an Abortionary to kill millions of Black Babies in the womb at a level that would have impressed Reinhard Heydrich and people not discover that they are being systematically wiped out in the name of progressivism.