View Full Version : Concerns About Wuhan lab by US gov. Article

03-13-21, 18:51
A very worthy read and big concerns over that lab were known in 2017:

This pattern of deception and obfuscation, combined with the new revelations about how Chinese labs were handling dangerous coronaviruses in ways their Western counterparts didn’t know about, led some U.S. officials to become increasingly convinced that Chinese authorities were manipulating scientific information to fit their narrative. But there was so little transparency, it was impossible for the U.S. government to prove, one way or the other. “If there was a smoking gun, the CCP [Communist Party of China] buried it along with anyone who would dare speak up about it,” one U.S. official told me. “We’ll probably never be able to prove it one way or the other, which was Beijing’s goal all along.”


03-13-21, 19:06
Biden says China is our friend and if you say its from China you are racist and its white privilege that is the problem :)

Yeah seen that and a few others that we had known or do know where it came from as the evidence points to despite all the cover ups and big tech covering up going to bat for china (pun intended)
Even back to old presidential debates that Chinese Gov is our enemy and the other side laughs

With the future of the dollar on the line ?
The spending and inflation ?
The bending over for China ?
Current idiocy of PC culture ?

Sadly the flu is going to be least of our future problems I feel

It’s like watching the Jews help the other Jews into the ovens and you wonder why how did they get so brainwashed and controlled and now I just look around and go YUP

I do think the global warming idiocy is funny and with China compared to the US ? You just cant make up the idiocy we live in anymore

03-13-21, 19:37
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Not sure whether it was intentional or not but it sure as hell came from that lab, not from people eating bat soup. The top-notch ChiCom quality control makes me think it was "accidental" (i.e. ineptitude) but it could certainly have been on purpose. Either way those bastards own it.

03-13-21, 19:38
And while NIH was providing funding.


03-13-21, 19:45
Well of course, nothing will be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. I am shocked.

03-13-21, 20:18
So effectively this was China's chernobyl event, raise your hand if you are actually surprised.

The only thing that shocks me is that it didn't happen 20 years ago.

03-13-21, 21:18
So effectively this was China's chernobyl event, raise your hand if you are actually surprised.

The only thing that shocks me is that it didn't happen 20 years ago.

Or what will happen 20 years from now!

03-13-21, 21:32
Or what will happen 20 years from now!

Honestly that other shoe could drop almost anywhere. The Russian Federation has lots of opportunities for things to go bad. Even with the Chernobyl dome, I don't think that problem is absolutely resolved so much as "fixed good enough."

China could easily have a nuclear reactor problem at any time. They rely extensively on nuclear power and that is where a China syndrome is most likely. Fukishima showed it doesn't take a lot of errors to get all the way lost.

Hell even France relies heavily on aging reactors that are probably maintained at least as well as Notre Dame.

Bio weapons labs are just another avenue of disaster that could get out of control without much problem.

03-14-21, 05:04

03-14-21, 09:05
Biological warfare and global domination are just small cultural differences, we can't judge. C'mon Man! They're great folks, Hunter told me so and he's the smartest guy I know.

El Pistolero
03-14-21, 13:03
Doesn’t even matter anymore we’re the little people. It can come out later with 100% certainty that this was a lab-virus that got out (whether by accident or not) and people will just shrug their shoulders and not care because they’ve moved on, just like people are doing now realizing the election really was stolen by Beijing Biden but “oh well, what can you do?”. Besides take it in the behind and keep on trucking. They are killing the American fighting/investigative spirit with brainwashing and welfare for the masses, keeping everybody silenced with these bullshit-ass stimulus monies that a lot of us don’t even need.

03-14-21, 16:21
Ameri-can'ts default reaction to the loss of their country and liberty is to just shrug and accept it rather than taking responsibility and taking necessary action to take it back on their own terms.
Ameri-cans have become ameri-can'ts.

El Pistolero
03-14-21, 16:56
Ameri-can'ts default reaction to the loss of their country and liberty is to just shrug and accept it rather than taking responsibility and taking necessary action to take it back on their own terms.
Ameri-cans have become ameri-can'ts.

What is this necessary action to take it back on our own terms? Perhaps you’re the first one to have an idea that something should be done by we the people.

03-14-21, 20:41
What is this necessary action to take it back on our own terms? Perhaps you’re the first one to have an idea that something should be done by we the people.

Stop wearing masks, open their businesses, ignore social distancing crap, tell the gov officials to phuck off, and standing with those who do the same would be a good start.

03-14-21, 20:47
Pres. Biden’s got this covered!

03-14-21, 21:03
Biological warfare and global domination are just small cultural differences, we can't judge. C'mon Man! They're great folks, Hunter told me so and he's the smartest guy I know.

The Chinese people can be wonderful. Confucian civilization was a dramatic step forward, even as an Empire the Chinese were remarkably peaceful when compared to other empires. It's a damn shame the government of Sun Yat Sen was effectively still born, it could have been an entirely different China.

Also goes to demonstrate the destructive nature of Communism against it's own people no matter how well intentioned they might be. Probably only North Korea is more sadistic.

03-14-21, 21:55
The Chinese people can be wonderful. Confucian civilization was a dramatic step forward, even as an Empire the Chinese were remarkably peaceful when compared to other empires. It's a damn shame the government of Sun Yat Sen was effectively still born, it could have been an entirely different China.

Also goes to demonstrate the destructive nature of Communism against it's own people no matter how well intentioned they might be. Probably only North Korea is more sadistic.
I always smile when I read about all the Chinese involvement in Africa. I wonder if there was some way to get them into Afghanistan?

03-14-21, 22:23
The Chinese people can be wonderful. Confucian civilization was a dramatic step forward, even as an Empire the Chinese were remarkably peaceful when compared to other empires. It's a damn shame the government of Sun Yat Sen was effectively still born, it could have been an entirely different China.

Also goes to demonstrate the destructive nature of Communism against it's own people no matter how well intentioned they might be. Probably only North Korea is more sadistic.

What do you expect when they embrace murderous psychopaths like Mao and Qin Shihuangti as national heroes?

03-15-21, 00:45
What do you expect when they embrace murderous psychopaths like Mao and Qin Shihuangti as national heroes?

That is a consequence of communism. Lenin's body is still on display in Russia.

03-15-21, 00:48
Stop wearing masks, open their businesses, ignore social distancing crap, tell the gov officials to phuck off, and standing with those who do the same would be a good start.

Do you own your own business? Do you think business owners get to decide this kind of stuff? If you owned a food franchise would you really risk forced shut downs and fines by ignoring state directives from your governor?

Do you really and truly believe not wearing a mask and standing uncomfortably close to somebody who might not appreciate it is the road to taking our country back?

03-15-21, 03:16
Like I said, ameri-can'ts.

03-15-21, 06:42
Regardless of the virus escaping intentionally or accidentally, not reporting it was a hostile act.

03-15-21, 06:49
That is pretty much what I have thought since day 1 of hearing about the SARS COV-2. Where is the ‘my shocked face’ emoji?

So effectively this was China's chernobyl event, raise your hand if you are actually surprised.

The only thing that shocks me is that it didn't happen 20 years ago.

03-15-21, 08:25
3 Mile Island was a relatively simple accident; no obfuscation, no hiding it, no sweeping it under the rug, and there was hell to pay. The investigations, the policies that came out from it. China does it with Wuhan and we're bad ol' racists to ask for culpability and investigations so that it doesn't happen again. Oh, and we still pay for their Wuhan lab. Gimme a effing break.

03-15-21, 10:20
3 Mile Island was a relatively simple accident; no obfuscation, no hiding it, no sweeping it under the rug, and there was hell to pay. The investigations, the policies that came out from it. China does it with Wuhan and we're bad ol' racists to ask for culpability and investigations so that it doesn't happen again. Oh, and we still pay for their Wuhan lab. Gimme a effing break.

To even think this is about race is to play in to their own hands. Of course we cannot count on the UN or the WHO to do a damned thing so that's not going to get us anywhere. We cannot count on POTUS Biden to do anything, he was likely paid off just like the WHO and the UN.
POTUS Trump was on the right track, perhaps even COVID was a response to his economic pressure against China. We have very few friends in this endeavor, except for Japan, Russia, Israel, India and smaller Countries in the South China Sea. To be honest if we didn't have this current Muppet sitting in the Oval Office we would be a lot better off.
We got sold out by the people we voted for.
I would love to see a lower level CIA Operation working with India on their border with China and some tough economic sanctions, but with Biden Bag Man Hunter receiving pay off during some sort of quasi diplomatic pay off deals with the Chi Coms, it's never going to happen.

03-15-21, 11:23
To even think this is about race is to play in to their own hands. Of course we cannot count on the UN or the WHO to do a damned thing so that's not going to get us anywhere. We cannot count on POTUS Biden to do anything, he was likely paid off just like the WHO and the UN.
POTUS Trump was on the right track, perhaps even COVID was a response to his economic pressure against China. We have very few friends in this endeavor, except for Japan, Russia, Israel, India and smaller Countries in the South China Sea. To be honest if we didn't have this current Muppet sitting in the Oval Office we would be a lot better off.
We got sold out by the people we voted for.
I would love to see a lower level CIA Operation working with India on their border with China and some tough economic sanctions, but with Biden Bag Man Hunter receiving pay off during some sort of quasi diplomatic pay off deals with the Chi Coms, it's never going to happen.

Of course it's not (about race), but making it so sure does help China eliminate the need to answer the hard questions. Nothing will happen to China regarding this mess. Yep, under Trump, maybe. But certainly not now. And they know it.

03-15-21, 11:44
Of course it's not (about race), but making it so sure does help China eliminate the need to answer the hard questions. Nothing will happen to China regarding this mess. Yep, under Trump, maybe. But certainly not now. And they know it.

Nothing is going to happen to anyone in the world probably.

03-15-21, 11:55
Nothing is going to happen to anyone in the world probably.

Stepping away from the Great Wuhan Debacle, yeah, we're on the World Apology Tour 2020-2024.

Oh, sure, we'll lob a few missiles here and there and shake our fists angrily in consternation, but that'll be about it, as we continue to "repair fractured relationships that Trump damaged."

03-15-21, 12:10
yeah, we're on the World Apology Tour 2020-2024.

Well, until they invoke the 25th or he steps down for "reasons of health."

03-15-21, 12:19
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Not sure whether it was intentional or not but it sure as hell came from that lab, not from people eating bat soup. The top-notch ChiCom quality control makes me think it was "accidental" (i.e. ineptitude) but it could certainly have been on purpose. Either way those bastards own it.

Exactly right.

03-15-21, 12:24
3 Mile Island was a relatively simple accident; no obfuscation, no hiding it, no sweeping it under the rug, and there was hell to pay. The investigations, the policies that came out from it. China does it with Wuhan and we're bad ol' racists to ask for culpability and investigations so that it doesn't happen again. Oh, and we still pay for their Wuhan lab. Gimme a effing break.

3 Mile Island didn't kill a million people world wide and destroy economies. If it could be proven it came out of the Wuhan Lab, China would be in shit soup, so no, they were never going to fess up, accident or intentional- it was going to be covered up one way or the other.

03-15-21, 12:33
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Not sure whether it was intentional or not but it sure as hell came from that lab, not from people eating bat soup. The top-notch ChiCom quality control makes me think it was "accidental" (i.e. ineptitude) but it could certainly have been on purpose. Either way those bastards own it.

Bats are a staple of a lot of diets in Asia, and people get sick if they eat them when not prepared well. Although possible to get a bat-vectored coronavirus through food, it's extremely unlikely, and in the case of this particular coronavirus, it's very, very unlikely. I also believe it was lab-borne, and I also think it was non-intentional. And yes, in ANY case, those bastards own it.

BTW, I ate bat at a jungle survival school in Thailand; I am not a fan. Not sure how the soup would be.

03-15-21, 12:36
3 Mile Island didn't kill a million people world wide and destroy economies. If it could be proven it came out of the Wuhan Lab, China would be in shit soup, so no, they were never going to fess up, accident or intentional- it was going to be covered up one way or the other.

Yeah, that's exactly my point: a lesser event, a real accident, and the world saw it and the world demanded investigations and nuclear safety policies. COVID and Wuhan, much, much worse, with nothing but dick-stepping, obfuscation, accusations and counter-accusations, and China pulls the "nothing to see here; move along" card, and most of the world's leadership says, "OK..."

03-16-21, 08:26
Yeah, that's exactly my point: a lesser event, a real accident, and the world saw it and the world demanded investigations and nuclear safety policies. COVID and Wuhan, much, much worse, with nothing but dick-stepping, obfuscation, accusations and counter-accusations, and China pulls the "nothing to see here; move along" card, and most of the world's leadership says, "OK..."

Everybody who is a thinking person KNOWS what happened-- The virus came out of the Wuhan Lab, one way or the other.

The rest aren't all that bright or they are afraid of what the truth really means. Facing the truth of a situation can be really scary--all of a sudden where you eat for lunch, hell, even the balance in your "Retirement Account", and other First World Problems become somewhat less important..... What IF it was proven that the virus came from the Wuhan's Lab? Then what? Two possibilities 1. Accident 2. Opening move of a War.

Now what?

If an accident, at a minimum- reparations and a de coupling of China from the Global Community. You think the Chinese are going to pay reparations and sacrifice the progress they have made in the last 20 years to pay off the West quietly? Not likely. You think de coupling from China is realistic, Cold Turkey? No computers, no medicines, no phones, no car parts, no clothes, no electrical transformers, no tires.......Over night.

If an act of war....How many people do you think can REALLY wrap their head around a Nuclear War with China? Or even on a more limited scale- a real, shooting ass war with maybe tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of casualties? Nope.

So, it was always going to be covered up.

03-16-21, 09:57
People can’t handle the truth or they just refuse to believe it. Very strange.

03-16-21, 10:25
People can’t handle the truth or they just refuse to believe it. Very strange.

When your .gov and the MSM are unwilling to give you the truth, on any event or matter, you have three choices.

Find out on your own. Not going to happen, no boots on the ground for you or anyone else for that matter.
Speculate wildly, then stick your head in the sand to avoid an uncomfortable answer (this is where most people are).
Educate yourself a bit, draw logical conclusions and take appropriate actions. (this is where most of us here on this board are).

I'm not above thinking all of this goes hand in hand, an unknown virus from China and an election being stolen by Democrats.