View Full Version : Pollution is shrinking our penises and suppressing our sperm

03-18-21, 21:08

03-18-21, 21:10
Stopped reading at Erin Brokovich.

03-18-21, 21:18
Nobody is having kids anyway so, not like it really matters.

03-18-21, 21:25
Don't worry, we'll all be dead from climate change in 10 years

03-18-21, 21:52
Paul Erlich killed us off with the Population Bomb (too many people). 50 years later were being killed off by Shanna Swan's Countdown (not enough people). Didn't Carter tell us that global oil reserves would be depleted within 20 years.... now 40 years later we're told there's too much oil burning.. on and on and on...

03-18-21, 22:15
Chemtrails (which are terraforming our planet to make it habitable to visiting extra terrestrials) will probably kill us off long before all that.

Do I have to explain everything to you guys? Geeze.

Seriously, Erin Brokovich...LOL.

03-18-21, 22:19
Whatever, I've got 3 boys from 2-8 it is god damn Lord of the Flies in my home, I need to get snipped anyway.

03-18-21, 22:24
No that is veganism and fake meat idiocy not to mention seed oils and other processed crap folks are eating

Diet has way more to do with it than any thing

03-18-21, 22:25
Chemtrails (which are terraforming our planet to make it habitable to visiting extra terrestrials) will probably kill us off long before all that.

Do I have to explain everything to you guys? Geeze.

Seriously, Erin Brokovich...LOL.

Huh? What'd you say? Sorry, I was watching my penis shrink.

03-19-21, 06:25

That may be true for you, but I’ve got three kids and the only thing making my dick shrink is my belly.

03-19-21, 06:39
Hmm, so maybe I won’t need to bother with that vasectomy after all.

03-19-21, 06:52
That may be true for you, but I’ve got three kids and the only thing making my dick shrink is my belly.

I was literally thinking the same thing.


03-19-21, 07:22
<---- 6 kids. I have no problems with my combat swimmers, nor my size.

03-19-21, 07:53
Ha ha ha! The dreaded dickie-do?

Your belly is starting to stick out further than your dickie-do?

That may be true for you, but I’ve got three kids and the only thing making my dick shrink is my belly.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-19-21, 08:41

From my article of a few years ago:

"It’s interesting to note data suggests the average testosterone levels of men has fallen dramatically from past generations as well as other indicators, such as strength dropping in age matched men between prior generations. That’s not good. If you think your grandpa was more “manly” then the men you see around you today, you’re probably right.

Testosterone is literally the hormone that makes men men.* It’s essential for all the things we tend to associate with men, such as muscle mass, strength, in addition to mood, libido, and so forth. Exactly why testosterone levels appear to have dropped over the generations is unclear, and likely multifactorial, including an increase in body fat levels, estrogenic chemicals (xenoestrogens) found in the environment, to socio-cultural effects, to others not fully elucidated at this time. Make no mistake, testosterone levels in men are not just a matter of biology, they are also a factor of psychology and culture. An in-depth discussion on testosterone and it’s many benefits to men is beyond the scope of this article, but I think every man should get it tested regardless, and there’s a ton of articles and such on my web site and resources such as Excelmale.com for more info on the topic."


Alex V
03-19-21, 08:50
No that is veganism and fake meat idiocy not to mention seed oils and other processed crap folks are eating

Diet has way more to do with it than any thing

I think this has more truth than we know. There is a reason we call them soy-bois. Soy is known to increase estrogen levels in men.

03-19-21, 09:23
I think this has more truth than we know. There is a reason we call them soy-bois. Soy is known to increase estrogen levels in men.

This is true, Firefly has pics!

03-19-21, 10:42
The whole study(ies) are typical scientific bs. They're all based on induction, asserting the consequent, and correlation/causation...all logical fallacies.

03-19-21, 12:06
The polution I reckon ya mean
Quite a few on the diet of today junk

The whole study(ies) are typical scientific bs. They're all based on induction, asserting the consequent, and correlation/causation...all logical fallacies.

03-19-21, 12:33
Wait a minute...smaller?!

I'm gonna end up with an innie over here.

03-19-21, 12:48
Ha ha ha! The dreaded dickie-do?

Your belly is starting to stick out further than your dickie-do?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Nah, my dickie is still winning, but I love to eat.😄

03-20-21, 02:29
No that is veganism and fake meat idiocy not to mention seed oils and other processed crap folks are eating

Diet has way more to do with it than any thing

Doubt it. Indians are vegetarians, and they've been creating great civilizations, exploring, trading, conquering, for 5000 years.

The Aztecs were almost entirely vegetarians (not by choice). They too created a great empire, every square foot conquered by force of arms.

03-20-21, 05:13
Doubt it. Indians are vegetarians, and they've been creating great civilizations, exploring, trading, conquering, for 5000 years.

The Aztecs were almost entirely vegetarians (not by choice). They too created a great empire, every square foot conquered by force of arms.

Speaking of diet and health, here is your daily reminder to take your meds.

03-20-21, 07:45
Doubt it. Indians are vegetarians, and they've been creating great civilizations, exploring, trading, conquering, for 5000 years.

The Aztecs were almost entirely vegetarians (not by choice). They too created a great empire, every square foot conquered by force of arms.

Since when does "conquering" make for a great civilization? Going about murdering doesn't make one "civil" or "great", but base.

03-20-21, 08:02

03-20-21, 08:23
Doubt it. Indians are vegetarians, and they've been creating great civilizations, exploring, trading, conquering, for 5000 years.

The Aztecs were almost entirely vegetarians (not by choice). They too created a great empire, every square foot conquered by force of arms.

Vegetarianism in India is a relatively recent concept and is not universal, even amongst the Hindu population. India has also been conquered mulitple times by "non-veg" invaders.


03-21-21, 03:04
Doubt it. Indians are vegetarians, and they've been creating great civilizations, exploring, trading, conquering, for 5000 years.

The Aztecs were almost entirely vegetarians (not by choice). They too created a great empire, every square foot conquered by force of arms.
No Indians are not ! Some are but even their own country says 23-37% most say its lower like %20 and its about the most polluted place in the world the rivers are in sad condition 2nd most polluted in world etc... ? So what does that tell you hmmmmmmm and the ones that are have health issues and the kids to big time and kids under 5 %38 are stunted etc. so yeah not healthy !
ALSO even the so called Vegan ones consume dairy they say ?
Avg life expectancy 68 ?

Aztecs did eat meat sparingly some are saying they had deficiencies a common thing is bad bone density (very well proven in medical even today) lack of amino acids etc.
The Mayans from that area who ate the same were also known as the pygmies of Central America ! Because of deficiencies! They were so tiny

Aztecs if you call a 400 year run great OK not me sad not great 1100-1500 avg age of 25 and their demise ending in starvation and disease and being conquered ? Again not what I call great very brutal hey mostly fought amongst each other as in other tribes and violence and human sacrifice cannibalism does not make a great civilization

Typical vegan propaganda that falls short on truth :) hahahahahahahaah

03-21-21, 06:26
Wife STOPPED caring 20 years ago. I stopped caring 15 years ago. Pollute away.

03-21-21, 21:13
Speak for your self, I am scheduled for a penis reduction surgery this month,
only reason I have not done it before were the movie contracts.

03-22-21, 07:33
Talk about your first world problems...

Just who was running around measuring all the penises and recording data over the last 100s of years? I will be happy at work all day, just because my job beats the hell out of that one.

Do they have sperm count data for a wide spectrum of people at any point in history? No.

Like all climate change/environmental studies, this is junk science.


03-22-21, 08:26
Speak for your self, I am scheduled for a penis reduction surgery this month,
only reason I have not done it before were the movie contracts.

My obituary: "Chuckman died from complications of his third penis-reduction surgery. Women the world over are mourning."