View Full Version : Racist Babies

03-18-21, 22:23
PSA. Since being white is gaining so much attention these days, and most of us on this board are probably white, with some of us still having children or grandchildren. I thought this guide would be of great help in the fight against racism.


03-19-21, 00:05
It's ok, I identify asian, and sometimes black if I'm playing music.

So any kid I have is gonna be like Tiger Woods, but with the ability to drive a car and may not know how to play golf. I also dabble in Shingon Buddhism.

26 Inf
03-19-21, 00:27
Shows colorblindness by playing with other kids regardless of race: Color blindness is racist. Minorities need their own separate spaces without white invaders. Decolonize your playtime, Mom and Dad!

I used to have a picture floating around someplace of black protestors fighting with/being fought by white protestors. In the background was a park with black and with kids 9presumably theirs) playing together.

03-19-21, 08:16
Evidently some parents do teach their kids that other races "hate" them from a young age.

Almost 20 years ago I'm at a walmart and I have our under 2 year old son with me sitting in the cart. We go in the bathroom and there is a black kid about 6 years old. I'm washing my hands, my son is sitting in the cart. He's looking at the little black kid just looking at faces like babies do.

Out of the blue the black kid says-

"He not like black people or something?!!"

I turn my head and notice my son is looking at the black kid from the cart and the little black kid is staring him down like there is going to be a fight.

I said "he's a frickin baby man, what the hell is wrong with you?" The black kid tries to mad dog me for a second and leaves.

I'm standing their with my head spinning, here is a pre-school age kid, so you know he learned that crap at home.

The publix edumucation indoctrination system doesn't help matters either, but that kid was too young yet for skewl, he learned that crap at home, sad.

03-19-21, 08:19
So, my skin is white, I identify as white, I live in white culture. The thing is my people were part of a group identified as "free people of color" in the slavery era south. They were share croppers and bare subsistence level farmers that had to compete against slaves in the labor market. Not exactly high on the social ladder, and slave owners at least had a vested interest that their slaves didn't starve to death. So it wasn't all rosy for my ancestors. The vast majority of whites don't hail from the aristocracy.

I've got more native DNA than Warren. While I don't have as much black DNA as Kumswala there's definitely a bit of that in there too. So just exactly how "racist" can I afford to be.

I am so damned sick of this crap. Every single "person of color" I know has a job, a family, and many share most of the same values and opinions as my "white" ass. How "racist" is it that I want to see blacks, Latinos, and everybody else succeed and live well on their own. If you ask me the racist view is that they "need" help from the government to stand a chance. Guess what lefties, lots of white folks are poor, or criminals, or failures too. They just don't have a convenient excuse.

03-19-21, 09:23
I grew up on a military base, in base housing, in the south. The neighborhood was the damn League of Nations, with people of all colors, accents, backgrounds, and ancestries. And since we were all kids of NCOs, also poor. No one cared.

03-19-21, 09:37
I grew up on a military base, in base housing, in the south. The neighborhood was the damn League of Nations, with people of all colors, accents, backgrounds, and ancestries. And since we were all kids of NCOs, also poor. No one cared.

Same here, I remember playing baseball from after breakfast until the street lights came on.
Boring, perhaps, but still a wholesome way to grow up.
Do you remember the guy who came around checking to make sure your grass was cut?

03-19-21, 10:10
Same here, I remember playing baseball from after breakfast until the street lights came on.
Boring, perhaps, but still a wholesome way to grow up.
Do you remember the guy who came around checking to make sure your grass was cut?

LOL, I forgot about that.....

The first time I saw 'racial division' (literal 'division') was when my dad retired and we moved. In my new school, most of the whites sat together/ate together, most of the black sat/ate together. I don't recall any animosity, it was just how they self-segregated.

03-19-21, 10:23
Well thank god, I was born a poor black child...

03-19-21, 10:35
LOL, I forgot about that.....

The first time I saw 'racial division' (literal 'division') was when my dad retired and we moved. In my new school, most of the whites sat together/ate together, most of the black sat/ate together. I don't recall any animosity, it was just how they self-segregated.

My experience also.
We moved to the Chicago Metro area, I was pretty amazed to see a guy get hit in the face with a chain over some racial BS as a Freshman in High School.
Bit of a culture shock.

03-19-21, 11:02
Evidently some parents do teach their kids that other races "hate" them from a young age.

Almost 20 years ago I'm at a walmart and I have our under 2 year old son with me sitting in the cart. We go in the bathroom and there is a black kid about 6 years old. I'm washing my hands, my son is sitting in the cart. He's looking at the little black kid just looking at faces like babies do.

Out of the blue the black kid says-

"He not like black people or something?!!"

I turn my head and notice my son is looking at the black kid from the cart and the little black kid is staring him down like there is going to be a fight.

I said "he's a frickin baby man, what the hell is wrong with you?" The black kid tries to mad dog me for a second and leaves.

I'm standing their with my head spinning, here is a pre-school age kid, so you know he learned that crap at home.

The publix edumucation indoctrination system doesn't help matters either, but that kid was too young yet for skewl, he learned that crap at home, sad.

I find that with their staring that babies are very judgmental... ;)

Actually, I think there are studies that babies look at attractive people longer than ugly people. Your baby was paying the kid a complement.

03-19-21, 12:24
How wonderful it is for a race to be so pampered and provided for that they have all day to ponder if someone is racist or not.

There are Orientals who come here not speaking a lick of English and escaping warzones who will be owning something in five years or less.

Same with Julios. It’s pretty effed up how they game the system but yet they work, form communities, and keep to themselves.

There’s only one demographic in this country that can’t shut their suck and get a life and it’s high time they grew up.

VIP3R 237
03-19-21, 12:51
That’s the result when you have generations living on the government teat. The welfare state has destroyed ambition and accountability.

How wonderful it is for a race to be so pampered and provided for that they have all day to ponder if someone is racist or not.

There are Orientals who come here not speaking a lick of English and escaping warzones who will be owning something in five years or less.

Same with Julios. It’s pretty effed up how they game the system but yet they work, form communities, and keep to themselves.

There’s only one demographic in this country that can’t shut their suck and get a life and it’s high time they grew up.

03-19-21, 13:04
I grew up on a military base, in base housing, in the south. The neighborhood was the damn League of Nations, with people of all colors, accents, backgrounds, and ancestries. And since we were all kids of NCOs, also poor. No one cared.

We didn't start getting our education in bias, prejudice, and racism until we finished elementary and started go to off base middle and high schools.

03-19-21, 13:11
There are Orientals who come here not speaking a lick of English and escaping warzones who will be owning something in five years or less.

One of the Austin TV stations is currently playing over and over and over again an interview with an older Asian lady who is whining about the increasing number of incidents of anti-asian violence, how the no longer feel safe or welcome in America. Pure and simple race baiting.

03-19-21, 13:26
Well, I'm an Atlantic Pacific Islander who's 3/4 flip, 1/4 Portuguese Born on a now Non existent U.S. / NATO base, and other than military bases grew up in a predominantly black neighborhood in a midwestern redneck town...
Funny thing overseas locals could care less, To them, Military kids were just Brats... regardless of ethnicity ,, Just Freaking Air Force, Navy, Army or Marine BRAT'S.......

But then according to my last background check, According to The TSA/Homeland Security because the Base no longer exists, neither do I. So I can't really classify myself legally.

03-19-21, 15:01
Well, I'm an Atlantic Pacific Islander who's 3/4 flip, 1/4 Portuguese Born on a now Non existent U.S. / NATO base, and other than military bases grew up in a predominantly black neighborhood in a midwestern redneck town...
Funny thing overseas locals could care less, To them, Military kids were just Brats... regardless of ethnicity ,, Just Freaking Air Force, Navy, Army or Marine BRAT'S.......

But then according to my last background check, According to The TSA/Homeland Security because the Base no longer exists, neither do I. So I can't really classify myself legally.

I'm in a similar situation. Half of me is Hawaiian, Japanese, and Chinese, the other half is Portuguese, Irish, and English. I get confused here in Florida for Hispanic all the time (must be the tan...lol). I get spoken to in Spanish and I just look at them with a "Nope! Sorry!" Most apologize for the mistake and I could care less...I get it. Who cares. I think there is a slight advantage having all those races mixed in when it comes to understanding the reality of it all...you realize it doesn't really matter what you are. None of it matters or counts for or against you.

What most people care about is who you are as a person and what you do as one. I would think most people judge people that way anyway. The weird thing is if that is how most people judge people, then how does that not transcend into their thinking on race as a whole? I find that total lack of logic weird. I also find the whole "our culture does it best" mentality stupid af. Every one of them has their goods and bads. You can learn from each one of them and actually enjoy a hell of a lot more things you would never have otherwise.

03-19-21, 15:20
I'm in a similar situation. Half of me is Hawaiian, Japanese, and Chinese, the other half is Portuguese, Irish, and English. I get confused here in Florida for Hispanic all the time (must be the tan...lol). I get spoken to in Spanish and I just look at them with a "Nope! Sorry!" Most apologize for the mistake and I could care less...I get it. Who cares. I think there is a slight advantage having all those races mixed in when it comes to understanding the reality of it all...you realize it doesn't really matter what you are. None of it matters or counts for or against you.

What most people care about is who you are as a person and what you do as one. I would think most people judge people that way anyway. The weird thing is if that is how most people judge people, then how does that not transcend into their thinking on race as a whole? I find that total lack of logic weird. I also find the whole "our culture does it best" mentality stupid af. Every one of them has their goods and bads. You can learn from each one of them and actually enjoy a hell of a lot more things you would never have otherwise.

I am Native and get either Mexican or Samoan. Oof.

Per Asian women being scared of whitey, play some David Bowie and they won’t have a problem.

03-19-21, 16:43
That’s the result when you have generations living on the government teat. The welfare state has destroyed ambition and accountability.

The whole violence against Asians is a very calculated move by the left. The fact that Asians do better than whites kind of pokes a huge hole in the overall white supremacy narrative. Because of this Asians have to be brought back into the multicultural tent, or intersectional internment camps.

Violence against Asians? And seriously no one’s talking about the Chinese taking over Hong Kong or what they’re doing to their own internal populations? That’s rich.

03-19-21, 17:02
Whitey's been too focused on keeping the black man down, and now we find out he's been falling down on the "keeping the asian man down" job. There's only so many hours in the day, with work, family and friends, paying the bills etc...there's barely enough time to be racist to all the non-whites out there. Even though being racist comes naturally to whitey because of his white skin, it's A LOT of work to spread the racism equally about. Some days I can barely make it out of bed thinking, man, who am I going to be racist to today and will I live up to the lefts expectations? I really don't want to fail them, their whole lives are depending on me. What a world men have built.

03-19-21, 17:04
I grew up on a military base, in base housing, in the south. The neighborhood was the damn League of Nations, with people of all colors, accents, backgrounds, and ancestries. And since we were all kids of NCOs, also poor. No one cared.

Yeah, if you can make everyone green, sometimes you can avoid some stupidity.

Well thank god, I was born a poor black child...


03-19-21, 17:06
There’s only one demographic in this country that can’t shut their suck and get a life and it’s high time they grew up.

Yeah, millennials sure are lazy.

03-19-21, 18:45
No way am I gonna fall for the race BS, cause I've seen too many examples that the system works. I served with guys from some of the worst economic conditions. Rural poor of all races, inner city poor, rez Indians. I've worked with folks of all races and immigration status who started out with nothing and got themselves into comfortable middle class lives (or better). They did it, not some program, not some agency, not some government pogue. Hell, I did it too. I may not have started at rock bottom, but I made my own way. I know a guy that pisses and moans how "minorities can't get ahead" cause "the system...". I'm like, "Dude, your a f'ing minority that made it, on your own, pulling down six figures". But, he the "exception".

B. S.

It ain't that hard to make it in this world. All you gotta do is WANT to. Minimum wage not enough. Get yourself some marketable skills, work harder, make yourself valuable. Screw waiting for someone else to arbitrarily determine how much you are worth.

I may not like illegal immigration on the whole, but I have known guys who have come here and made it. They worked their butts off, got married, raised a family, and now they own a dozen rental properties or a small business.They still ain't citizens, don't want to be. They have residency now but they plan to retire back home in Mexico, Panama, Honduras, or...

If folks put the effort into making it that they put into bitching, trying to game the system, and pointing fingers they would already have made it.

03-20-21, 08:32
No way am I gonna fall for the race BS, cause I've seen too many examples that the system works. I served with guys from some of the worst economic conditions. Rural poor of all races, inner city poor, rez Indians. I've worked with folks of all races and immigration status who started out with nothing and got themselves into comfortable middle class lives (or better). They did it, not some program, not some agency, not some government pogue. Hell, I did it too. I may not have started at rock bottom, but I made my own way. I know a guy that pisses and moans how "minorities can't get ahead" cause "the system...". I'm like, "Dude, your a f'ing minority that made it, on your own, pulling down six figures". But, he the "exception".

B. S.

It ain't that hard to make it in this world. All you gotta do is WANT to. Minimum wage not enough. Get yourself some marketable skills, work harder, make yourself valuable. Screw waiting for someone else to arbitrarily determine how much you are worth.

I may not like illegal immigration on the whole, but I have known guys who have come here and made it. They worked their butts off, got married, raised a family, and now they own a dozen rental properties or a small business.They still ain't citizens, don't want to be. They have residency now but they plan to retire back home in Mexico, Panama, Honduras, or...

If folks put the effort into making it that they put into bitching, trying to game the system, and pointing fingers they would already have made it.

Couple of my best friends are from Ecuador. Met them in the same low rent ghetto apartment complex we lived in 35 years ago. Both joined the military, one is a doctor now both very successful. It's funny to hear them rail about illegals calling them border jumpers, etc. I was texting with them one time when they were ranting about that and I told them (jokingly) that they were racists LOL. They laughed and then said "we came to the US correct, my Mom waited 10 years to get citizenship, we never took welfare, etc. these border jumpers get free everything and make all hispanics look bad."

I guess it's like me railing about these meth head white trash people I see at convenience stores with 5 kids not a damn one of them seem to own shoes, got the Jiffy Foot going on, barely speaking understandable English, in there buying Natty Lite, carton of cigs and $20. worth of Lotto tickets.

Same trash, different race. All races seem to have trash.

03-20-21, 09:06
What's the occasion? Then we can know what Kamalalala - ding-dong's "identifying as" THIS hour. :rolleyes:

And then there's THESE classics.



