View Full Version : Meanwhile In Other "All LEO's Sheriffs and Chiefs of Police Are Anti Gun" News...

03-20-21, 21:46
SARASOTA COUNTY, FL — Sarasota County Sheriff Kurt Hoffman has refused to meet with the Sarasota chapter of Brady, a gun control and anti-gun violence group. (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/sheriff-refuses-to-meet-with-sarasota-gun-control-group/ar-BB1eDP4m?ocid=msedgntp)

Cause the good guys need at least equal time.

In the letter, Hoffman said he was familiar with the group’s gun control platform and that he has “fundamental differences regarding nearly every objective of Brady.”

The sheriff added, “I am a member of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, the 2nd Amendment Foundation, in addition to being a Life Member of the NRA. I have been a law enforcement officer in this state for over 32 years, eight years of which were as an Assistant State Attorney, and I am satisfied that the laws on the books in Florida sufficiently protect this community from gun violence.”

03-20-21, 22:47
Any time somebody drops ACAB BS on me my first thought is to respond with "#AllDemsArePedophiles."

03-20-21, 23:08
Doesn’t matter. When push comes to shove, the LEOs will JBT. Ask the Branch Davidians.

03-20-21, 23:22
Doesn’t matter. When push comes to shove, the LEOs will JBT. Ask the Branch Davidians.

That is very much zip code dependent, it is probably also AG dependent.

03-21-21, 07:30
System doubled

03-21-21, 07:30
That is very much zip code dependent, it is probably also AG dependent.

Some won't, but as has been seen with LE hassling church members for attending services in the middle of The Bible Belt there only needs to be a suitable Boogeyman to make anything come to fruition.

03-21-21, 08:19
Doesn’t matter. When push comes to shove, the LEOs will JBT. Ask the Branch Davidians.

Are you so sure?

03-21-21, 08:33
Are you so sure?

Well sure he is, just like many others. It's easy to bring up the travesties of justice that have occurred and logically assume all are the same. I mean, we don't have hundreds of thousands or millions of positive interactions every year, right. I'm starting to think that the LEO haters are of the same ilk as the Democrats, pick an agenda and do everything they can to move it forward. When you can't find local, county, or even state agencies because they can't find applicants , what do you think will be left? What will fill the void? That possibility scares me as once the Feds or military performs those duties our nation as we know it is over.

03-21-21, 08:47
We have Sheriff's and local police chiefs cut from the same cloth in our area I am happy to say.

03-21-21, 09:05
Doesn’t matter. When push comes to shove, the LEOs will JBT. Ask the Branch Davidians.

Please don't. That's the kind of hyperbole and hot button that degrades conversation and tanks threads. If that's all you have to contribute, maybe don't post.

03-21-21, 09:30
Well sure he is, just like many others. It's easy to bring up the travesties of justice that have occurred and logically assume all are the same. I mean, we don't have hundreds of thousands or millions of positive interactions every year, right. I'm starting to think that the LEO haters are of the same ilk as the Democrats, pick an agenda and do everything they can to move it forward. When you can't find local, county, or even state agencies because they can't find applicants , what do you think will be left? What will fill the void? That possibility scares me as once the Feds or military performs those duties our nation as we know it is over.

The system is already approving and enforcing a myriad of laws that infringe on the 2nd Amendment. While not every citizen that pins on a badge will engage in outright gun confiscation there are plenty who will.

Yes there are a few exceptions, but typically groups representing LE will oppose proposed legislation repealing firearms infringements and support proposed legislation to increase infringements. The supporting proposed legislation always calls for exemptions for their members(FOP wanted exemptions from the Lautenberg domestic violence law) and even family members as was being requested with the Los Angeles firearm storage law around 2015.

It is also interesting we have progressed to "the feds and military" because 25 years ago any official crack down on the liberties of the general public was going to require UN troops from the far flung reaches of the earth vs. US police, active military, national guard/reserves and private citizens. Interesting because 25 years ago there were plenty of Americans of Asian and African descent still alive that would have scoffed at the notion of attack on liberties requiring outsourcing based on their first hand experience.

03-21-21, 09:58

Here is a recent example of a Sheriff's election in New York where the challenger says the Sheriff hasn't gone far enough in non-enforcement of state gun and Covid laws. Kinda like a bidding war on who will enforce fewer state gun laws.


03-21-21, 10:13
I’m sure you all understand that American LE is not at all a monolithic nor homogeneous entity. For every CLEO who wants total disarmament there are CLEOs who go to machine gun shoots snd bring their own personal stash. I have known and had the pleasure of serving several Executive CLEOs who may have different (or usually indifferent) personal views on guns but always err on the side that if you aren’t being dangerous or violent then you can own whatever you can afford.

You have to understand that your elected Officials and those they appoint are direct reflections of your community.

I would encourage people to try to be good examples of why you shouldn’t rush to disarm yourselves.

Me, personally, my own views have radically changed over the years. I went from indifferent but it’s cool, to being super enthusiastic, to playing Gun Pokemon, to being indifferent again and now it’s just an occasional whimsy.

Most gun people and gun forums have turned me off quite a bit but yet despite having seen like a LOT of gun violence up close and personal; I still err totally on the side of individual liberty.

03-21-21, 11:50
I know one sheriff who was a state USPSA champ when he was a young deputy. In the last decade, I introduced him to Ken Hackathorn and he's been to every classes that I hosted with Ken. Big proponent of the 2nd Amendment.

03-21-21, 11:58
I had an aunt and uncle in Sarasota, Florida during the 1960's. I got to go down and spend time there in Summer months. They lived on a place called Lido Key, and was just across the street from the beach and Gulf of Mexico. My wife and I and two of my kids went down there for the 4th of July 2019. Sarasota was full of Trump 2020 signs, including boats with Trump 2020 No More Bullshit flags on the back. That Gulf Coast city has a lot of money and VERY Conservative. There's also a decent sized population of Mennonites and some Amish.

I am not surprised the Sheriff of Sarasota County is pro-gun. However, more and more on internet gun forums, I am seeing an increase in this "All Cops are JBT", plus an increase in hatred for anything Military. It's like a fringe element of the Right are now moving even closer to the edge of the abyss and demonstrating a hatred for any form of Law Enforcement and the US Armed Forces. It's weird, because the way I was raised, those two segments of our society was what we looked up to. I still do.

03-21-21, 12:39
This is always good news, and thanks for posting it OP. It's always encouraging to hear.

Fact is, this is a very common sentiment at the local LE level, in many places.

03-21-21, 19:14
Some won't, but as has been seen with LE hassling church members for attending services in the middle of The Bible Belt there only needs to be a suitable Boogeyman to make anything come to fruition.

So maybe try this. When one of them FINALLY stands up and says all the shit we wish any of them would say, someone still comes along and says "push comes to shove he will still JBT." At one point does he lose his incentive to defend our rights?

Sorta like saying all black people steal and then somebody says "Hey WTF I never stole anything" and then somebody goes "you just haven't stolen anything yet."

When the head of a LE agency basically tells the main gun grabber organization to get bent and stands with us, that is a person we need to support. We don't have enough of them on our side. This also isn't like a democratic majority leader managing a NRA A rating in order to attempt to fly under the radar.

03-21-21, 19:43
So maybe try this. When one of them FINALLY stands up and says all the shit we wish any of them would say, someone still comes along and says "push comes to shove he will still JBT." At one point does he lose his incentive to defend our rights?

Sorta like saying all black people steal and then somebody says "Hey WTF I never stole anything" and then somebody goes "you just haven't stolen anything yet."

When the head of a LE agency basically tells the main gun grabber organization to get bent and stands with us, that is a person we need to support. We don't have enough of them on our side. This also isn't like a democratic majority leader managing a NRA A rating in order to attempt to fly under the radar.

Obviously kudos to him and those like him, just pointing out where the citizenry stands versus where the criminal justice system stands isn't always one in the same.

I don't hold the all are bad position, I just don't hold the all are good position either. Based on reading a book by Richard Mack and some events that have made the news along the way, the position held by Sheriff Hoffman isn't a universally popular one in the circles he travels in.

03-21-21, 20:20
So maybe try this. When one of them FINALLY stands up and says all the shit we wish any of them would say, someone still comes along and says "push comes to shove he will still JBT." At one point does he lose his incentive to defend our rights?

Sorta like saying all black people steal and then somebody says "Hey WTF I never stole anything" and then somebody goes "you just haven't stolen anything yet."

When the head of a LE agency basically tells the main gun grabber organization to get bent and stands with us, that is a person we need to support. We don't have enough of them on our side. This also isn't like a democratic majority leader managing a NRA A rating in order to attempt to fly under the radar.

Steyr, lemme build on this with another illustration. This is NO different than when the Lefties say "all gun owners are murderers in the making, some just haven't done it yet."

03-21-21, 23:31
Obviously kudos to him and those like him, just pointing out where the citizenry stands versus where the criminal justice system stands isn't always one in the same.

I don't hold the all are bad position, I just don't hold the all are good position either. Based on reading a book by Richard Mack and some events that have made the news along the way, the position held by Sheriff Hoffman isn't a universally popular one in the circles he travels in.

I know I replied to your post, but I was also commenting on some posts by other members who I didn't want to dignify with a direct response.

03-21-21, 23:34
Steyr, lemme build on this with another illustration. This is NO different than when the Lefties say "all gun owners are murderers in the making, some just haven't done it yet."

Pretty much that and FF point about how almost no group, including gun owners, effectively form a "monolithic nor homogeneous entity", except of course possibly communists and their kind.