View Full Version : Mass shooting in Boulder Colorado days after judge struck down ar15 ban

03-22-21, 17:38
7 dead per social media sources.
Perp in custody

03-22-21, 17:40
Timing is mighty suspicious as they fire up the drumbeat for gun-grabs... ever notice that that's ALWAYS when these things happen?

More coverage: https://redstate.com/jenvanlaar/2021/03/22/breaking-shooting-at-boulder-supermarket-unconfirmed-scanner-reports-claim-6-dead-n348487

03-22-21, 17:41
And so the gun control grandstanding shall begin. Glad I don’t watch or listen to the news anymore.

03-22-21, 17:43
Timing is mighty suspicious as they fire up the drumbeat for gun-grabs... ever notice that that's ALWAYS when these things happen?

More coverage: https://redstate.com/jenvanlaar/2021/03/22/breaking-shooting-at-boulder-supermarket-unconfirmed-scanner-reports-claim-6-dead-n348487That is why I dont think these things are random.

Remember the guy with the suspressor , the Hearing Act was close to going to the floor, then boom, some dude uses one in a shooting.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

03-22-21, 18:12
That is why I dont think these things are random.

Remember the guy with the suspressor , the Hearing Act was close to going to the floor, then boom, some dude uses one in a shooting.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk


"Mr. Bond, they have a saying in Chicago: 'Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. The third time it's enemy action.'"
--Auric Goldfinger

And we're how many past three now? We're actually barreling way past it into Gibbs Rule #39 territory...

03-22-21, 18:42
But that Ar15 ban will come back up pretty quick. Good thing we’re not gonna worry about Biden keeping Mexican kids in cages anymore, back to active shooters.

03-22-21, 19:27
Literally a week after the judge threw out the ban, which Boulder will definitely take to the CO supremes now. Wanna bet it was a ‘pistol’ AR... the state was pushing safe storage and gun stolen laws, who knows what they’ll put on now, or what Denver will do with a literal communist on the council.

Pandemic’s over, shootings are back.

ETA: Press conference keeps being delayed. Starting to think there might be something went sideways on the response.

03-22-21, 19:32

03-22-21, 19:38
The Dems have to know that it could be risky pushing for a ban with the current way the SC is made up. Even if they had enough support in the Senate to pass a ban, with Barrett on the bench, they don't have as much assurance that Roberts will just shoot down any challenges.

Of course, there's no doubt going to be a bigger shooting next week. They seem to come in threes: The first one is under 10 dead, and the next two are over 20.

03-22-21, 19:56
World’s worst and incomplete press conference. Won’t even say how many casualties.

At least one cop was killed. No serious injuries besides the shooter.

Clinic on now not to run a press conference. After the criticisms of how the Atlanta police officers handled the press last week, maybe the cops are shy to say anything this week.

For all the preparation that goes into armed shoot responses, maybe somebody should spend 15 minutes putting the gather a script for the press conferences. I’m sure writing this stuff, especially with an officer down, is very difficult. Way better to write it before something happens.

03-22-21, 20:28
Mass shooting in Boulder Colorado days after judge struck down ar15 ban

Much like flaunting stolen elections, they don't mind flaunting false flags now either, it appears. :mad:

03-22-21, 20:56
That's because they got away with it !

03-22-21, 21:39
Sad update, according to their recent media release: 10 killed, including one Officer.

Straight Shooter
03-22-21, 22:11
Timing is mighty suspicious as they fire up the drumbeat for gun-grabs... ever notice that that's ALWAYS when these things happen?

More coverage: https://redstate.com/jenvanlaar/2021/03/22/breaking-shooting-at-boulder-supermarket-unconfirmed-scanner-reports-claim-6-dead-n348487

So, I posted 10-12 days ago on my FB page, to start looking out for mass shootings, as the Senate had gun control on its agenda. I also said to watch as it got closer, there would be more, & worse, shootings. After the GA shootings, I said publicly that more worse was coming.
For those here, who arent old enough to have been around around for the AWB and for many many more attempts for years earlier..let me tell you this: EVERY TIME..not sometimes...EVERY TIME gun control has come up, in the days leading up to it, and EVEN ON THE VERY DAY OF THE VOTE, there are these mass shootings. like clockwork. If Im not mistaken..the very day the '94 ban was being voted on, there was one, and I know there was one a couple or three days prior to the vote.
My boys & I KNEW this shit was gonna happen.and Ill tell you now..MORE is coming.
I clearly recall the first time I heard the term "Black Flag/False Flag Operation". I actually laughed at how ridiculous that sounded.
But after a few decades of hearing from people in the know, and seeing it time after time after time..I ABSOLUTELY believe some..not all..but many of these shootings are indeed, Black Flag ops.
Im curious to hear others opinions on this, if you agree, or if you can respectfully disagree. But now to me, this shit is OBVIOUS.

03-22-21, 22:12
Might be a Thomas Hayner? Known for making threats against public officials for years. Saw something on a local site that his name was over the scanner and looks like the guy who was dragged out in his boxers.

03-22-21, 22:39
I know they've been spaced out over the years, and maybe I'm just cherry picking data here but...first Columbine, then Aurora, now Boulder. Plus, a couple more with lower body counts in the Front Range Urban Area. All the other major mass shootings are scattered all over the country, but this seems to be a concentrated area for it.

Back in the 80s, my parents moved to Boulder, got married, and very nearly settled there permanently. But they told me that there was a lot of weird stuff going on back then in the area, and my mom said she always felt uneasy there...like there was some kind of evil in that area. Nothing she could describe to a T, but just something was off. I don't know; I've never been there. But these mass shootings in the area make me wonder if there was something to my mom's gut feeling.

03-22-21, 22:51
So, I posted 10-12 days ago on my FB page, to start looking out for mass shootings, as the Senate had gun control on its agenda. I also said to watch as it got closer, there would be more, & worse, shootings. After the GA shootings, I said publicly that more worse was coming.
For those here, who arent old enough to have been around around for the AWB and for many many more attempts for years earlier..let me tell you this: EVERY TIME..not sometimes...EVERY TIME gun control has come up, in the days leading up to it, and EVEN ON THE VERY DAY OF THE VOTE, there are these mass shootings. like clockwork. If Im not mistaken..the very day the '94 ban was being voted on, there was one, and I know there was one a couple or three days prior to the vote.
My boys & I KNEW this shit was gonna happen.and Ill tell you now..MORE is coming.
I clearly recall the first time I heard the term "Black Flag/False Flag Operation". I actually laughed at how ridiculous that sounded.
But after a few decades of hearing from people in the know, and seeing it time after time after time..I ABSOLUTELY believe some..not all..but many of these shootings are indeed, Black Flag ops.
Im curious to hear others opinions on this, if you agree, or if you can respectfully disagree. But now to me, this shot is OBVIOUS.


I like how 3 dudes just stand in the entrance nonchalantly on their phones with people lying on the ground with the supposed active shooter still running around inside. Wouldn't a reasonable person either run away or try to help? Really makes you wonder.

03-22-21, 23:46
I know they've been spaced out over the years, and maybe I'm just cherry picking data here but...first Columbine, then Aurora, now Boulder. Plus, a couple more with lower body counts in the Front Range Urban Area. All the other major mass shootings are scattered all over the country, but this seems to be a concentrated area for it.

Back in the 80s, my parents moved to Boulder, got married, and very nearly settled there permanently. But they told me that there was a lot of weird stuff going on back then in the area, and my mom said she always felt uneasy there...like there was some kind of evil in that area. Nothing she could describe to a T, but just something was off. I don't know; I've never been there. But these mass shootings in the area make me wonder if there was something to my mom's gut feeling.

I don't think evil so much as concentrated cannabis. When that becomes the norm, people gravitate towards harder stuff because weed is so pedestrian. They used to claim Haight / Ashbury in SF was the center of peace and understanding and 69 was the summer of love when the reality the Manson family was more representative of local philosophies.

When a person's reality is subject to LSD, heroin, coke and other substances actions like shooting up a bunch of people is just another form of counter culture.

Straight Shooter
03-22-21, 23:47
Timing is mighty suspicious as they fire up the drumbeat for gun-grabs... ever notice that that's ALWAYS when these things happen?

More coverage: https://redstate.com/jenvanlaar/2021/03/22/breaking-shooting-at-boulder-supermarket-unconfirmed-scanner-reports-claim-6-dead-n348487


I like how 3 dudes just stand in the entrance nonchalantly on their phones with people lying on the ground with the supposed active shooter still running around inside. Wouldn't a reasonable person either run away or try to help? Really makes you wonder.

I thought..WTF! PUT THE PHONE DOWN YOU ASS! You know what they are..COWARDS. I dont have a red S on my chest, nor am I John Wayne, but DAMNED if Ill stand there..on a cell phone..filming..whilst people are needing help. WHERE are MEN at any more? What kind of mentality do people have today? I do not understand this incessant NEED to film EVERYTHING, to never put down these damned phones, even in life/death situations. I struggle SO VERY HARD to feel & believe like Christ commands me too, to love my fellow man, to forgive...it is a daily struggle. But when I see crap like that- DAMN I HATE SOCIETY, as a whole.

03-23-21, 00:11
There's something to the idea that human beings are hard-wired to see connections and causes where there are none.

Suppose one day a helicopter flies over my house from south to north around 1500. I take no notice. Next day, it happens again. Third day, just like clockwork, there it is. This goes on another week.

Now, a rational person would say, perhaps Exxon's running a shuttle between its refineries down on the coast, to its new campus north of town. Must be something like that.

Ah, but the conspiratorial mind dismisses that as infantile willful ignorance. He knows that helicopter is watching him, mapping his house, photographing his movements, seeing when he's home, and when he's out. He knows it's the government, or big-tech, or some other shadowy force out there that's singling him out.

I think this flaw in our logic drives much of our politics. If a judge rules in favor of 2A, then certainly a mass shooting shortly thereafter must be some sort of false flag conspiracy designed to gin up sympathy for new legislation.

Now here's a real issue: Why do so many of these happen in Colorado? School mass shootings don't seem to happen much if at all in Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston. No, they happen in smaller white Christian bedroom communities, Colorado, suburban Florida, etc.

U-Vibe's theory is that's where people live who are wound up tighter than dick's hatband and some of them snap. But i'm not a psychologist, just an observer of helicopter flight paths -- so what do i know?

03-23-21, 01:01
There's something to the idea that human beings are hard-wired to see connections and causes where there are none.

Suppose one day a helicopter flies over my house from south to north around 1500. I take no notice. Next day, it happens again. Third day, just like clockwork, there it is. This goes on another week.

Now, a rational person would say, perhaps Exxon's running a shuttle between its refineries down on the coast, to its new campus north of town. Must be something like that.

Ah, but the conspiratorial mind dismisses that as infantile willful ignorance. He knows that helicopter is watching him, mapping his house, photographing his movements, seeing when he's home, and when he's out. He knows it's the government, or big-tech, or some other shadowy force out there that's singling him out.

I think this flaw in our logic drives much of our politics. If a judge rules in favor of 2A, then certainly a mass shooting shortly thereafter must be some sort of false flag conspiracy designed to gin up sympathy for new legislation.

Now here's a real issue: Why do so many of these happen in Colorado? School mass shootings don't seem to happen much if at all in Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston. No, they happen in smaller white Christian bedroom communities, Colorado, suburban Florida, etc.

U-Vibe's theory is that's where people live who are wound up tighter than dick's hatband and some of them snap. But i'm not a psychologist, just an observer of helicopter flight paths -- so what do i know?

Umm, Boulder is not a "White Christian Bedroom Community"...

Boulder is 36 square miles surrounded by reality. It is a filthy liberal cesspool of ridiculousness. It's a bunch of aging hippies and moron College kids getting high, with a dose of rural folks in the mix.

People snap and it isn't just certain locales.

Correlation doesn't equal causation.

You could make the correlation that Colorado is higher in elevation, thus we have higher radiation- is that causing people to snap?

Crazy people do crazy shit. Crazy people live wherever they live and do crazy shit where they happen to live.

I live in CO and I can tell you that it is a transient state. People flock here from everywhere for a lot of different reasons, they bring their bullshit with them, crazy mental shit included.

I won't claim to know why this dude did what he did, but I can say with great confidence that it isn't because he is "white" or "Christian" nor is it because the community is "white" and "Christian".

The subtext of your post reads- "White privilege" causes mass shootings.

03-23-21, 01:39

I like how 3 dudes just stand in the entrance nonchalantly on their phones with people lying on the ground with the supposed active shooter still running around inside. Wouldn't a reasonable person either run away or try to help? Really makes you wonder.

That is the craziest thing I’ve ever seen. I might understand not running, but just standing there? Wtfudge.

Some people fight for their lives, while other people don’t seem to want to be bothered that there’s a mass shooting going on.

03-23-21, 02:40
That is why I dont think these things are random.

Remember the guy with the suspressor , the Hearing Act was close to going to the floor, then boom, some dude uses one in a shooting.
Nah, that was Vegas. Remember Vegas? Apparently not even pepperidge farm remembers that one (but they still talk about VA Tech like it was yesterday).
First tweet out of Hillary's mouth said everything you needed to know about that one...
Disgruntled Black Suppressor Employee was VA, right around the time either Bloomberg or Northam was stirring the pot for state gun control last year or so sometime back.


I like how 3 dudes just stand in the entrance nonchalantly on their phones with people lying on the ground with the supposed active shooter still running around inside. Wouldn't a reasonable person either run away or try to help? Really makes you wonder.

Wow, this dude is a real asset to humanity...
"We need 911 here now"
You're ON the phone dumbass... ugh... :rolleyes:

Also the other two fellas are...interesting.
Literally the first time I've seen people A) NOT running with shots fired, and/or B) NOT running and/or freaking out with dead dudes within 5 feet of them.
"Where'd he go?"
"Umm... I think he went inside"
So...shooter walked right past these two, or are they just standing there in the doorway for no reason while shooting is going on in the store? FFS...

Anyway, so we've had "stop asian hate" week capped off with a magical 'happy asian fun times' parlor shooting.
Now we have "dumb judge didn't Do The Right Thing and now look what happened, #guncontrolnow"
Hmm,,, wonder which will be next... a newly opened school or a church?
OOh, better yet a synagogue they can play the 'anti-semitisms are on the rise' sad violins and talk about WS terrorists some more. Because that would fit well withe current narrative.
Calling it now. They gotta find something big to pin their gun control hopes and dreams on after a year of lots and lots of new folks going out to bomb up for the first time ever because of their own antics...

Hmmm... and someone here just had to summon Murphy with their talk of magazines still being cheap/available... :haha:

03-23-21, 03:44
And right on cue...already tying this shooting to the ruling last week and going after the judge. Judges name is trending on Twitter with calls for him to be removed from the bench. Nothing like trying to intimate judges.

03-23-21, 06:18
Weird how all of a sudden mass shootings are a problem again? I hate sounding like a tinfoil crazy but we basically went years without this and all of a sudden it's a thing again. Timing is awful fishy to say the least. I saw someone posted they're glad they don't watch the news anymore, add me to that list as well. I can only imagine the wall to wall coverage this event must be getting.

03-23-21, 06:32
Might be a Thomas Hayner? Known for making threats against public officials for years. Saw something on a local site that his name was over the scanner and looks like the guy who was dragged out in his boxers.

Looks like him, but they are saying not him.


03-23-21, 06:33
The so called "journalist" is a jerk. Everyone wants to be the "one" showing the video or picture of dead people or people getting shot. Isn't he "obstructing justice" when he refused to leave?

I think the couple of old men at the door at the beginning of the video were just in shock and froze.

03-23-21, 07:29
I am not given to conspiracy theories, but I am beginning to: bundled 'mass shootings' so close together, one in a state that just overturned a ban? Yeahhhh........

03-23-21, 07:29
Of course, there's no doubt going to be a bigger shooting next week. They seem to come in threes: The first one is under 10 dead, and the next two are over 20.

Here's hoping that your wrong.

03-23-21, 08:07

Best time line I’ve seen so far.

I don’t think it’s some conspiracy, I just think the left is always pushing for gun control and when these things happen, the reflexively push it. No conspiracy needed.

I do think there might be a copycat effect so that when one happens it ends up triggering another. And then after your second or third people stop because they think they’ll get lost in the noise.

Bad stuff happening doesn’t need a plan.

03-23-21, 08:12
Some people fight for their lives, while other people don’t seem to want to be bothered that there’s a mass shooting going on.

Maybe they’ve been married for a long time?

03-23-21, 08:42
Doesn't matter if it's intentional or not, the effect is the same.... Sooner or later they are going to get what they want. We have to win every time, they have to win once.

Never much of a Clash fan, but-

When they kick at your front door
How you gonna come?
With your hands on your head
Or on the trigger of your gun

The Time For Choosing as Reagan said, appears nearly upon us.....

03-23-21, 10:29
Hold on to your hats ....

The suspect as identified by police is a 21 year old with the first name of .... wait for it .... Ahmad. I'm not going to post his last name, middle name and other middle name.

Read any news site for the full account.

03-23-21, 10:35
Hold on to your hats ....

The suspect as identified by police is a 21 year old with the first name of .... wait for it .... Ahmad. I'm not going to post his last name, middle name and other middle name.

Read any news site for the full account.

Most interesting quote from CNN article.

The suspect is a resident of Arvada, Colorado, and has "lived most of his life in the United States," Boulder County District Attorney Michael Dougherty said.

03-23-21, 10:38
It will be interesting to see what ole Admad's motive was. Maybe jihad? Maybe not?

03-23-21, 10:40
So unless he was a student, something inspired hadji to make the roadtrip.

I wonder if the store was out of fruit loops, the top choice in terrorist breakfast cereal.

03-23-21, 10:54
It will be interesting to see what ole Admad's motive was. Maybe jihad? Maybe not?

His already-deleted Facebook account was critical of Trump, and had pretty much the standard gripes about mideast issues.

Obviously Trump's fault. Somehow.

03-23-21, 10:55
Most interesting quote from CNN article.

The suspect is a resident of Arvada, Colorado, and has "lived most of his life in the United States," Boulder County District Attorney Michael Dougherty said.

I saw that.

I will be spun into some kind of home grown terrorist or he was bullied by whites.

03-23-21, 10:55
Hold on to your hats ....

The suspect as identified by police is a 21 year old with the first name of .... wait for it .... Ahmad. I'm not going to post his last name, middle name and other middle name.

Read any news site for the full account.

So, by the end of the day, the news will shift over to whatever Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are doing as the top story.

03-23-21, 11:13
Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, 21.

I look forward to being lectured that we should not jump to any conclusions by the same people who began lecturing before the smoke cleared in Atlanta that the shooter was driven by racism.

03-23-21, 11:22
Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, 21.

I look forward to being lectured that we should not jump to any conclusions by the same people who began lecturing before the smoke cleared in Atlanta that the shooter was driven by racism.

Yeah that worked right up and till it didn't.
Supporter of ISIS.
Can we have our immigration policy back?

03-23-21, 11:26
Nothing like a good ole white person, mid western type name of Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa.
Wonder if these dumb****s doing the investigation are gonna list where he lived when he wasn’t mostly in the United States.

03-23-21, 11:30
Maybe he had bad lackanookie too.

Alex V
03-23-21, 11:31
Shooter was identified as Ahmad Al Aliwi Al-Issa, born in Syria, immigration status is unknown. This story will disappear in a couple of days.

Edit: His FB page was full of anti-Trump and pro-islam posts.

03-23-21, 11:44
Nothing like a good ole white person, mid western type name of Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa.
Wonder if these dumb****s doing the investigation are gonna list where he lived when he wasn’t mostly in the United States.

The pressure cooker bomb brothers in Boston grew up mostly in the U.S. too.

It doesn't matter where they grow up or born, it's where their hearts and allegiance is.

03-23-21, 11:48
Shooter was identified as Ahmad Al Aliwi Al-Issa, born in Syria, immigration status is unknown. This story will disappear in a couple of days.

Edit: His FB page was full of anti-Trump and pro-islam posts.

So another Mormon attack? Wow. Yup, that one will be suppressed asap now that it does not fit their agenda and all focus will be on the GA event then.

03-23-21, 11:50
He couldn't find any goats so he found some sheeps. OOh, somebody is going to report me for that one.

BTW, as we post this, congress is debating a brand new gun ban legislation. Live on Fox.

03-23-21, 11:51
The pressure cooker bomb brothers in Boston grew up mostly in the U.S. too.

It doesn't matter where they grow up or born, it's where their hearts and allegiance is.
I agree with you, maybe my sarcasm didn’t come through. I just want them to say it. I want to hear them tell me where he went, how long he was there, and when he came back. You know the worthless feds know already.

Maybe just maybe if the feds weren’t so goddamn focused on the imaginary white supremacy threat to the nation they could pick up them a few more of these ****heads but then again that might make us racist. I’m not for sure or Islamaphobic.

If anyone on the right has a set of balls or brain in their head they would attach this guy to Biden and run with it. Along with the softball situation on the border of Biden and Harris keeping Latin kids in cages. They should be shouting that from the rooftop so loud it’s making everyone’s ears blead. But they won’t because it’s much much easier to play to lose all the time.

03-23-21, 11:54
Shooter was identified as Ahmad Al Aliwi Al-Issa, born in Syria, immigration status is unknown. This story will disappear in a couple of days.

Edit: His FB page was full of anti-Trump and pro-islam posts.

Remember, when the shooter is white they'll release his name in a few hours. If takes almost a day then it takes you know the shooter doesnt fit the narrative.

03-23-21, 11:58
The pressure cooker bomb brothers in Boston grew up mostly in the U.S. too.

It doesn't matter where they grow up or born, it's where their hearts and allegiance is.

Neither of them were very smart, and one of them was dumber than a bock of dog bones. My point is they were targeted and 'radicalized' into action. I will be curious if ol' Ahmad started life as 'John' and was either recruited or targeted because he has the values and ethics of a jellyfish, or if he is straight-up hard-core Mr. Jihadi 2021.

In any case I am also curious if terrorism charges will be assigned. I have no doubt (because of my new-found conspiracy theory leaning) someone is hunting for an angle that makes him look like a victim since he is not a hetero, Caucasian man.

03-23-21, 12:02
Nothing like a good ole white person, mid western type name of Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa.
Wonder if these dumb****s doing the investigation are gonna list where he lived when he wasn’t mostly in the United States.

What's interesting about Mohammad is that in the authoritative writings of Islam Mo is described as a white man, with white features. His great great great great grandson is a red haired white guy. Of course there was probably intermarrying and recessive genes. Doesn't ultimately mean anything, except for some who have an axe to grind against white people. Just thought it was an interesting bit of history.

03-23-21, 12:09
Report I saw said he immigrated here from Syria at age 3 was a high school athlete. His brother says he's most likely mentally ill and has been very anti social and paranoid since high school. Sounds like his family knew he had issues.

03-23-21, 12:13
Report I saw said he immigrated here from Syria at age 3 was a high school athlete. His brother says he's most likely mentally ill and has been very anti social and paranoid since high school. Sounds like his family knew he had issues.

Looks like the family is setting up the "mental illness" defense post haste.

03-23-21, 12:15
22 March 2016 - Brussels, Belgium Terror Attack left over 30 dead.
22 March 2017 - Westminster - London - 5 innocents dead plus the Islamic Convert.

03-23-21, 12:16
Report I saw said he immigrated here from Syria at age 3 was a high school athlete. His brother says he's most likely mentally ill and has been very anti social and paranoid since high school. Sounds like his family knew he had issues.

Looks like the family is setting up the "mental illness" defense post haste.

...and there is his 'victim' status.

03-23-21, 12:24
There's several screen shots of tweets from Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa. All are standard leftist democrat drivel. His brother said Ahmad was mentally ill which would explain the tweets. There's allegations Ahmad was an ISIS sympathizer which would explain the mass murder terrorist attack.

03-23-21, 12:25
Looks like him, but they are saying not him.


In the radio traffic, a cop on scene says that it isn’t an ‘AK’. The rate of fire almost makes me think it wasn’t an auto loader rifle.

03-23-21, 12:28
I know they've been spaced out over the years, and maybe I'm just cherry picking data here but...first Columbine, then Aurora, now Boulder. Plus, a couple more with lower body counts in the Front Range Urban Area. All the other major mass shootings are scattered all over the country, but this seems to be a concentrated area for it.

Back in the 80s, my parents moved to Boulder, got married, and very nearly settled there permanently. But they told me that there was a lot of weird stuff going on back then in the area, and my mom said she always felt uneasy there...like there was some kind of evil in that area. Nothing she could describe to a T, but just something was off. I don't know; I've never been there. But these mass shootings in the area make me wonder if there was something to my mom's gut feeling.

My thoughts exactly. Anybody who's ever read anything about the Ramsey case who doesn't think there's something totally effed up about Boulder isn't thinking straight. That place is land of the pod people.

03-23-21, 12:28
Well, it didn't take long for Biden and his administration to start blaming the weapon. Don't let a crisis go to waste...


03-23-21, 12:40
Well, it didn't take long for Biden and his administration to start blaming the weapon. Don't let a crisis go to waste...


This is my shocked face...

That said, I don't think the public is going to put much energy behind that with the story now leaning towards him being an immigrant nut job. Doesn't put anything behind the lefts angry white male narrative.

03-23-21, 12:49
Well, it didn't take long for Biden and his administration to start blaming the weapon. Don't let a crisis go to waste...


That’s cute. You got Jihadis and wackos with tiny peckers going on fits and the only rational response is to disarm.

Get tossed, Buffalo Soldier. Learn to walk up some stairs before you tell me what to do

03-23-21, 12:51
Report I saw said he immigrated here from Syria at age 3 was a high school athlete. His brother says he's most likely mentally ill and has been very anti social and paranoid since high school. Sounds like his family knew he had issues.

Do you have a link to his Twitter account (if it hasn’t already been taken down by Twitter to control the narrative)?

03-23-21, 12:51
^^^^ What Firefly said.

03-23-21, 13:24
He couldn't find any goats so he found some sheeps. OOh, somebody is going to report me for that one.

BTW, as we post this, congress is debating a brand new gun ban legislation. Live on Fox.

Which article are they debating right now?

03-23-21, 13:27
So predictable. Last weeks Atlanta shooting did not get them enough anti gun public support, this one most likely will.

03-23-21, 13:53
ISIS supporting anti Trump loon:


03-23-21, 14:14
ISIS supporting anti Trump loon:


So a typical democrat voter. The only gun control I support is banning firearms ownership for any commie that votes democrat. It would cut down 90%+ of this nonsense.

03-23-21, 14:21
Now that is a mighty odd coincidence. Is there some meaning behind 3/22?

22 March 2016 - Brussels, Belgium Terror Attack left over 30 dead.
22 March 2017 - Westminster - London - 5 innocents dead plus the Islamic Convert.

03-23-21, 14:30

I don’t think it’s some conspiracy, I just think the left is always pushing for gun control and when these things happen, the reflexively push it. No conspiracy needed.

I do think there might be a copycat effect so that when one happens it ends up triggering another. And then after your second or third people stop because they think they’ll get lost in the noise.

Bad stuff happening doesn’t need a plan.
While I highly suspect some of these are staged (timing, weapons, persons involved just being to convenient and/or suspicious) I think the ongoing overall 'conspiracy' is simply one of contrived convenience.
They needed something to shore up their ridiculous anti-asian narrative, so they managed to find one nut, who on any other day would be an unremarkable loon, as he was, but now AHA! YOU SEE?! WACISMS!
They're mad their 'salt wippins' ban got overturned in CO, so they tried to bandwagon on this grocery shooting and get the twitter mob to brigade the judge. Now that an un-sat name/racial identity is clear, it will be interesting to see if they try to run with it anyway (muh bullied in high school cuz wacisms, muh mental health issues), or if it gets deleted fro the public eye as usual.
THAT is the ongoing conspiracy I see; I watch my local news from time to time, especially around events like this, and it is AMAZING how much stuff they "find" to make hay about. Somehow it seems even the stabbings go up around the time there's a high-profile shooting or such. Even the "shootings" where it was either self-inflicted, or nobody got shot at all (shots fired at X location, nobody shot, no leads, etc), are breathlessly reported on.

Meanwhile, throw a dart at any sufficiently diverse major city and you have how many "events" weekly?
But "we no longer report stories that might show POC as the 'aggressor' "...

Remember, when the shooter is white they'll release his name in a few hours. If takes almost a day then it takes you know the shooter doesnt fit the narrative.

Same with the weapons... if it doesn't fit narrative, you never see a picture of the thing. Fits narrative, picture within hours, maybe a day.

Speaking of which... they're yelling about 'salt weppins' now, did anyone ever say what this guy even had? Not seeing a hard statement on that. Perhaps just due to crappy sound quality, but that cell vid earlier sounded like pistol shots in the store, not rifle...???

03-23-21, 14:35
I believe I read that it was a Ruger AR-556 pistol.

03-23-21, 14:39
Now that is a mighty odd coincidence. Is there some meaning behind 3/22?
Terrorists seem to like symbolism, and since 22 March was used in the past, why not make a statement that puts you in the same company as previous Jihadis?

03-23-21, 14:43
ISIS supporting anti Trump loon:


Well there goes their white male with prejudice argument.

03-23-21, 14:57
Yeah, by the 6 o'clock news this guy is gonna be a victim of white hate, Islamophobia, and loose gun laws that led him astray.

03-23-21, 14:59
322 is displayed under the Skull and Bones Society logo.

03-23-21, 15:29
ISIS supporting anti Trump loon:


Majority of the victims appear to be women.....

That's a nice celebration of the Month of the Woman isn't it? You might hear the usual dipshit hairy armpit and legs crowd screaming on this....except, well, Muslim....Oh, it's their culture, so it's ok.....Bout right?

03-23-21, 16:17
Ruger AR-556 purchased 6 days ago. It will be interesting (not surprising) how the media frames it if he used standard capacity mags, which are banned here, though most shops still sell them as departments have publicly stated they won’t enforce unconstitutional laws.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

03-23-21, 16:32
Hold on to your hats ....

The suspect as identified by police is a 21 year old with the first name of .... wait for it .... Ahmad. I'm not going to post his last name, middle name and other middle name.

Read any news site for the full account.

Colorado Supermarket Shooting Suspect Identified As 21-Year-Old Ahmad Alissa (https://www.forbes.com/sites/jemimamcevoy/2021/03/23/colorado-supermarket-shooting-suspect-identified-as-21-year-old-ahmad-alissa/?sh=7aeee26d1112)

Soooo... WHERE is "mohammedan Control Inc.," when we NEED them?!?!? :rolleyes:

03-23-21, 17:21
Biden and the Congress just need to pass and sign legislation making people bulletproof. Then these kind of terrible things can never happen again.

03-23-21, 17:34
Yeah, by the 6 o'clock news this guy is gonna be a victim of white hate, Islamophobia, and loose gun laws that led him astray.

Well there you go, he doesn't know and doesn't care to know, lets just ban some guns.

03-23-21, 17:59
The pressure cooker bomb brothers in Boston grew up mostly in the U.S. too.

It doesn't matter where they grow up or born, it's where their hearts and allegiance is.

That's why I'm soooo enamored with unfettered immigration. :rolleyes:

03-23-21, 18:02
Looks like the family is setting up the "mental illness" defense post haste.

Wow, a raghead Jihadi who is off his rocker. Whoda thunk it?

03-23-21, 18:06
I will say it hear for like the fourth or fifth time over the years:

I REFUSE to abrogate my Constitutional rights for the acts of sociopaths, psychopaths, terrorists, or plain old criminals. And fvck anyone who suggests I do so.

03-23-21, 18:49

He can take Executive Action?
So he can circumvent the Constitution with EA?

03-23-21, 18:57
He does have the authority to ban imports. As far as anything domestic, he needs congress. That's assuming anyone in government follows the law any more. Another gray are he can fiddle with are certain regulations, basically chicken-shit you to death, And, of course, ATF can make up regulations and congressional over sight will look the other way if it suits their agenda.

03-23-21, 19:00
This shooting hasn’t been talked about since early morning in Chicago news. This has already fallen off the radar here. Of course 16 people were shot and I think I read of 4 carjackings in Chicago yesterday. Let’s send some of those immigrants from the border to Chicago. The mayor needs another group to stand behind instead of the honest citizens.

03-23-21, 19:04
I saw a tweet that said the shooter was previously linked to another guy the FBI was investigating. Didn't say for what but maaaaaaaybe it had something to do with the ISIS sympathizing?

03-23-21, 19:34
If this guy was on the radar and passed a background check for a firearm, then who screwed up?!? And who will pay for it? The people who legitimately pass a background check. Damn.

03-23-21, 19:37
Same old story. Family knew he had the rifle. Didn't want him to have it and took it away from him. Obviously he got it back.

Has history of paranoia, violence, bad temper, etc. People knew, but didn't say or do anything.

Complained about not having a girlfriend, another too common issue with guys that do this shit.

The mooslim angle has already been covered.

You better start calling your senators and stop them from getting rid of the filibuster.

Contact these 3 Senators To KEEP the Filibuster:

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) 202-224-3954
Sen. Krysten Sinema (D-AZ) 202-224-4521
Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) 202-224-2644

03-23-21, 19:52
Sickly old man threatens taxpayers because of immigration policies he defended during previous administration.

Film at 11

03-23-21, 19:53
Same old story. Family knew he had the rifle. Didn't want him to have it and took it away from him. Obviously he got it back.

Has history of paranoia, violence, bad temper, etc. People knew, but didn't say or do anything.

Complained about not having a girlfriend, another too common issue with guys that do this shit.

The mooslim angle has already been covered.

You better start calling your senators and stop them from getting rid of the filibuster.

Contact these 3 Senators To KEEP the Filibuster:

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) 202-224-3954
Sen. Krysten Sinema (D-AZ) 202-224-4521
Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) 202-224-2644

Lotta Ds in that plan....

03-23-21, 19:57
I will say it hear for like the fourth or fifth time over the years:

I REFUSE to abrogate my Constitutional rights for the acts of sociopaths, psychopaths, terrorists, or plain old criminals. And fvck anyone who suggests I do so.

They don't look at rights respectfully nor inalienable and God given. I've told people that it doesn't matter that every single person in the country misused and abused their rights, I still would possess mine. My rights don't go away in a puff of smoke simply because everyone else is a criminal. Essentially, these people are utilitarians, the greatest good (whatever their twisted minds think of as good) for the greatest number.

03-23-21, 20:09
Lotta Ds in that plan....

I recall Sinema from AZ politics in the oughts. She's slightly right of Mao and Ho Chi Minh. If she is what is considered a moderate Democrat we are toast.

03-23-21, 20:09
Some interesting reporting from Jack Posobiec...


03-23-21, 20:18
I recall Sinema from AZ politics in the oughts. She's slightly right of Mao and Ho Chi Minh. If she is what is considered a moderate Democrat we are toast.

I find her physically attractive and the fact that her real name is a stripper name a cruel irony but I don’t think she honestly will care about your gun rights, no.

03-23-21, 20:51
Some interesting reporting from Jack Posobiec...


Crazy as it is, that sorta fits.

John Hinkley originally planned to kill Jimmy Carter but Reagan became president before he got his opportunity.

03-23-21, 21:32
Lotta Ds in that plan....

Exactly, those are the three that we need to get. I don't think even the Rino's will vote to get rid of the filibuster, and these three dems may not vote party line and vote no.

03-23-21, 22:08
I believe I read that it was a Ruger AR-556 pistol.

Called it in post #7...

If he had an "I Hate TRump" sticker on it, they would only show the 'Trump' part.

We have UBCs here, he passed them I guess.

The mags issue will be turned against us one way or the other. 15 is still to many, grandfathering doesn't work. Yada, Yada.

03-23-21, 22:14
I find her physically attractive and the fact that her real name is a stripper name a cruel irony but I don’t think she honestly will care about your gun rights, no.

She was an activist for pretty much every lefty cause. I mean she was hard core open borders, illegals should vote, ban guns, you name it. And yeah, she was hot. All the crazy ones are right?

She seems to have toned it down some, but crazy don't fix.

03-23-21, 22:29
She was an activist for pretty much every lefty cause. I mean she was hard core open borders, illegals should vote, ban guns, you name it. And yeah, she was hot. All the crazy ones are right?

She seems to have toned it down some, but crazy don't fix.

Crazy, or just crazy left? Because there are some smoking hot right wing chicks. But most come across as at least a little bit crazy themselves, so there's that..

03-24-21, 00:48
Just read two Wall Street Journal articles. So this guy apparently is Syrian, muslim and was convicted of a misdemeanor.

1. If he committed a misdemeanor, how did he get the guns?

2. How would “intelligence servicea” or police already know what his planned hit lists were? Did they know a out this guy for some time like the Parkland shooter? Did they get warnings from others? What about local police?

I smell a rat, and it goes beyond plain Sudden Jihad Syndrome, which is what I suspect.

I also think this POS should face the firing squad < 90 days after his crime. Same applies to all of these piece of garbage mass shooters. Keeping him locked up is injustice to the victims and taxpayers.

03-24-21, 01:42
Misdemeanor won't get you denied a gun. Need a felony.

Save the cartridges, stone him. Even more OT than crucifixion's.

03-24-21, 01:53
I believe I read that it was a Ruger AR-556 pistol.

Just read two Wall Street Journal articles. So this guy apparently is Syrian, muslim and was convicted of a misdemeanor.

1. If he committed a misdemeanor, how did he get the guns?

2. How would “intelligence servicea” or police already know what his planned hit lists were? Did they know a out this guy for some time like the Parkland shooter? Did they get warnings from others? What about local police?

I smell a rat, and it goes beyond plain Sudden Jihad Syndrome, which is what I suspect.

I also think this POS should face the firing squad < 90 days after his crime. Same applies to all of these piece of garbage mass shooters. Keeping him locked up is injustice to the victims and taxpayers.

Misdemeanor won't get you denied a gun. Need a felony.

Save the cartridges, stone him. Even more OT than crucifixion's.

We have red flag laws here in CO. So there's that angle that was missed also. The volume of shooting is also way low for an 'assault rifle' engagement. At least from what I've read.

We have pretty much the progressive dream when it comes to gun control here. 15 round mags, UBCs, red flag laws. He waited six days from purchase to shooting, so waiting period wouldn't have helped.

I haven't seen a list of his actual convictions. Seems hard at his age not to have tripped a domestic angle even on a misdemeanor.

It's all academic really. He was a mentally unstable guy who decided to kill people. You can try to put a rational explanation on that, but its like putting a dress on a pig- it might fit, but it really doesn't change anything.

That a minority would claim that oppression caused them to do this? DUh, that's the democratic mantra about what is wrong? Maybe if the dems didn't push an agenda based on racial segmentation and victim hood, those 10 people would be alive.

But no, let's talk about taking the guns away from the people that the dems say are deplorable, evil, and have to re-educated. Sure, that doesn't raise any issues. If this is how they see and treat us when they think we are dangerous and armed, what happens afterwards...

03-24-21, 05:44
I’m still trying to figure out who doesn’t already have a gun at this point. Eight years of record sales under Obama, yuge sales under Trump, massive sales since November. I’m asking who they think they’ll prevent from getting a gun at this point?

I’m joking of course, but you take my point.

03-24-21, 07:39
Misdemeanor won't get you denied a gun. Need a felony.

Save the cartridges, stone him. Even more OT than crucifixion's.

Unless it's a domestic crime. Then ANY conviction makes you a prohibited person.

03-24-21, 08:09
Surprise surprise... Ahmad was allegedly known by the FBI because he was linked to another individual under investigation by the bureau.


03-24-21, 08:21
Shooter purchased a firearm from a gun store, waited six days, FBI knew something about him, family says he was b@tsh!t crazy but did not use Colo's red flag law.

Slo Joe "We need UBC to close the gun show loophole"

FBI "White conservative christians are the biggest threat to national security"

Alex V
03-24-21, 09:29
I find her physically attractive and the fact that her real name is a stripper name a cruel irony but I don’t think she honestly will care about your gun rights, no.

She did wear hooker boots on the floor of the Senate lol

03-24-21, 09:30
Shooter purchased a firearm from a gun store, waited six days, FBI knew something about him, family says he was b@tsh!t crazy but did not use Colo's red flag law.

Slo Joe "We need UBC to close the gun show loophole"

FBI "White conservative christians are the biggest threat to national security"So does that mean the victim family can go after the shooters Family, since they didnt use the RF laws, and knew about his state of mind??

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

03-24-21, 09:38
So the family says his violent assault and being angry are what makes him crazy. Not actually DSM material there. Not to mention that there was never any attempt to get him help. They "realized" his mental issues post fact.

And as others have said his misdemeanor assault doesn't make him prohibited. Unless he was banging the other guy, then it would have been DV. ;)

03-24-21, 09:45

Wow, it’s almost as if the FBI wants domestic incidents to happen. That is so odd, what possible justification could there be? Certainly not to ensure they retain relevance in the post bank robber era.

03-24-21, 09:55
Maybe it's just that most everyone is on the FBI's radar... including a list of NRA members.

03-24-21, 10:10
Yet they want to pass more gun control when they can not even enforce the ones we have already.

03-24-21, 10:27
He allegedly attacked classmates then threatened to press fake hate-crime charges against them. Truly an exemplary american.


03-24-21, 10:51
He allegedly attacked classmates then threatened to press fake hate-crime charges against them. Truly an exemplary american.


A better American than YOU according to some.....

03-24-21, 11:33
All 10 victims are white...


03-24-21, 11:41
All 10 victims are white...

As was the young lady in South Beach.


03-24-21, 12:17
It’s very suspect that these mass shootings seem to occur more frequently when there’s a dem in office. Perhaps it’s by design to push their agenda.

B Cart
03-24-21, 12:34
It’s very suspect that these mass shootings seem to occur more frequently when there’s a dem in office. Perhaps it’s by design to push their agenda.

I've been thinking the same thing. And, how coincidentally, 2 mass shootings go down right before key votes on new gun legislation...

03-24-21, 12:41
All 10 victims are white...


And as I noted earlier, 60% female.....

03-24-21, 12:48
It’s very suspect that these mass shootings seem to occur more frequently when there’s a dem in office. Perhaps it’s by design to push their agenda.

I don’t know if you’ve ever read this short story, but it does make you wonder...


03-24-21, 13:32
Meanwhile, over the last 28 days in Chicago:


03-24-21, 13:34
Meanwhile, over the last 28 days in Chicago:


Ammo prices haven't seemed to affect the numbers much there have they?

03-24-21, 14:29
So we have a guy here who was involved in an FBI investigation (peripheral) and gets ignored. He kills 10 Caucasian folks (no other races involved) and the race/religion part get's ignored. He relatives admit he was off kilter, that gets ignored.
I'm just saying, crazy is crazy, why does it only count as a Hate Crime if a White Guy does it?

03-24-21, 14:29
Facts are racist yo!

03-24-21, 14:31
And as I noted earlier, 60% female.....

Yeah...when the witnesses say he wasn't firing random & being selective?? The media sucks.

03-24-21, 14:43
So were there no wounded because he was specifically trying to kill or that they didn't survive long enough?

Also, the Boulder AWB is kind of a false herring. The guy didn't live in Boulder, as far as I know, and could buy the gun in Arvada (where he lived). Sure, up until last week the gun would be 'illegal' in Boulder, but so was murder.

03-24-21, 14:43
Yeah...when the witnesses say he wasn't firing random & being selective?? The media sucks.

Yeah, looking at his now scrubbed FaceBook history and folks who went to High School with him, he had a lot of White Christian hate, but, well, did you really think someone from the MSM was going to report that?

03-24-21, 14:45
Meanwhile, over the last 28 days in Chicago:


At first glance, it looks like the orange is when the total hit the 'bonus' rounds, that on one day, there was a killer Leprechaun.

03-24-21, 14:48
Maybe it's just that most everyone is on the FBI's radar... including a list of NRA members.

No, the FBI is too busy sending entire SRT teams to go and arrest granny who went to the capitol riot. They dont have time to follow up on potential terrorist attacks.

03-24-21, 15:08
Ammo prices haven't seemed to affect the numbers much there have they?

Well when you are not actually buying the ammo, it definitely does not effect you.

03-24-21, 15:36
CNN had a headline that gun companies are expecting a rush in sales-- News flash, they are still in a rush from last year...

03-24-21, 15:45
Well when you are not actually buying the ammo, it definitely does not effect you.

You ever see that article from Greg Ellifritz about criminal guns? He actually researched what they were carrying etc....the ammo it was loaded with (Usually ball, of several brands and often some of the wrong caliber) whether or not it was functional, if they had a holster, spare mag, brand of gun........It was very interesting.

03-24-21, 15:54
Alleged, and if true I haven't see how far up the chain this went.

I do recall the 2 Columbine turds making substantiated death threats that were reported to the sheriff who claimed making death threats was protected by the 1st amendment.


"Alissa once had an outburst and threatened to kill people during an intra-team match, Marvel reportedly said.

“His senior year, during the wrestle-offs to see who makes varsity, he actually lost his match and quit the team and yelled out in the wrestling room that he was, like, going to kill everybody,” he told the Denver Post.."

03-24-21, 15:58
Alleged, and if true I haven't see how far up the chain this went.

I do recall the 2 Columbine turds making substantiated death threats that were reported to the sheriff who claimed making death threats was protected by the 1st amendment.


"Alissa once had an outburst and threatened to kill people during an intra-team match, Marvel reportedly said.

“His senior year, during the wrestle-offs to see who makes varsity, he actually lost his match and quit the team and yelled out in the wrestling room that he was, like, going to kill everybody,” he told the Denver Post.."

If there had only been signs... where have we heard this before?

03-24-21, 16:15
You ever see that article from Greg Ellifritz about criminal guns? He actually researched what they were carrying etc....the ammo it was loaded with (Usually ball, of several brands and often some of the wrong caliber) whether or not it was functional, if they had a holster, spare mag, brand of gun........It was very interesting.

That does sound very interesting. I distinctly remember the "Glock 40" problem solver.

03-24-21, 16:29
That does sound very interesting. I distinctly remember the "Glock 40" problem solver.

A little off topic but worthwhile....


03-24-21, 16:55

More info here https://www.nationalaffairs.com/publications/detail/presidents-and-mass-shootings

03-24-21, 17:38
You ever see that article from Greg Ellifritz about criminal guns? He actually researched what they were carrying etc....the ammo it was loaded with (Usually ball, of several brands and often some of the wrong caliber) whether or not it was functional, if they had a holster, spare mag, brand of gun........It was very interesting.

He mentions that with examples starting around 6:00.


03-24-21, 17:41

03-24-21, 20:15
Misdemeanor won't get you denied a gun. Need a felony.

Save the cartridges, stone him. Even more OT than crucifixion's.

Not true. Misdemeanor domestic complaint will deny you a firearm.

03-24-21, 20:48
Not true. Misdemeanor domestic complaint will deny you a firearm.

Actually arrest for DM in most cases, but there need not be a conviction. But a complaint without an arrest won't get you denied as there is nothing in the system. Otherwise I could make a DM complaint against Harris right now.

03-24-21, 20:58
Not true. Misdemeanor domestic complaint will deny you a firearm.

Ah, domestic...I agree.

03-25-21, 10:43
I just saw a CNN pic that said the shooter factually Arab, but morally white. I really hope that was fake and not what the actual news media was putting out there... Just amazing if it is real, especially since it showed 2 white news ladies discussing it. So shocked CNN is still around!

03-25-21, 11:17
I just saw a CNN pic that said the shooter factually Arab, but morally white. I really hope that was fake and not what the actual news media was putting out there... Just amazing if it is real, especially since it showed 2 white news ladies discussing it. So shocked CNN is still around!

What. THE. ****. is "morally white"?

03-25-21, 11:24
What. THE. ****. is "morally white"?

Is that like "Uncle Tom" or are they saying ALL WHITE PEOPLE are fundamentally evil?

They need to be very, very careful here. If you call them White Devils long enough, a goodly number will say, F It, if that's what you think I am, then THAT'S WHAT I WILL BE!

03-25-21, 13:37
Well the good news is I think it was a Babylon Bee story that they made up and someone just took the image and shared it. But it would not surprise me if CNN would stoop that low...

03-25-21, 13:44
Is that like "Uncle Tom" or are they saying ALL WHITE PEOPLE are fundamentally evil?

They need to be very, very careful here. If you call them White Devils long enough, a goodly number will say, F It, if that's what you think I am, then THAT'S WHAT I WILL BE!

Agreed. Add in making people criminals with the stroke of a pen will do the same. If I am already a criminal F it.

03-25-21, 14:40
Is that like "Uncle Tom" or are they saying ALL WHITE PEOPLE are fundamentally evil?

They need to be very, very careful here. If you call them White Devils long enough, a goodly number will say, F It, if that's what you think I am, then THAT'S WHAT I WILL BE!

Sort of like making non-felons into felons with the stoke of a pen, watch out M'F'ers.

03-25-21, 15:03
Sort of like making non-felons into felons with the stoke of a pen, watch out M'F'ers.

If you ever read Unintended Consequences, Henry Bowman had a saying- "After the first one, they're all free".

03-25-21, 15:22
It makes first court app:


03-25-21, 19:54
Misdemeanor won't get you denied a gun. Need a felony.

Save the cartridges, stone him. Even more OT than crucifixion's.

That depends on the misdemeanor.

03-25-21, 19:56
That depends on the misdemeanor.

Yeah, it was pointed out to me a domestic would get you denied...I had forgotten about that one.

03-25-21, 19:57
I’m still trying to figure out who doesn’t already have a gun at this point. Eight years of record sales under Obama, yuge sales under Trump, massive sales since November. I’m asking who they think they’ll prevent from getting a gun at this point?

I’m joking of course, but you take my point.

Or who still has a job! Looking at recent numbers, I'm beginning to suspect that we're now a nation of 350 million unemployed but heavily armed individuals.

03-25-21, 20:49
I don’t know if you’ve ever read this short story, but it does make you wonder...


That's literally what the FBI does, ostensibly with the hope of swooping in at the last moment and catching the would be shooter/bomber/assassin before he hurts anyone. Their argument is that there are people out there they can't apprehend because of that pesky constitution, who they just know for a fact are going to do something one of these days, so they speed along the process in a controlled manner. It's just that sometimes they lose control is all...

Incompetence or design. You be the judge.

03-26-21, 02:48
Incompetence by design. You be the judge.

Fixed it. ;)

03-26-21, 02:49
Incompetence by design. You be the judge.

Fixed it. ;)

03-26-21, 07:49
That's literally what the FBI does, ostensibly with the hope of swooping in at the last moment and catching the would be shooter/bomber/assassin before he hurts anyone. Their argument is that there are people out there they can't apprehend because of that pesky constitution, who they just know for a fact are going to do something one of these days, so they speed along the process in a controlled manner. It's just that sometimes they lose control is all...

Incompetence or design. You be the judge.

Bracken short story Hell, you don't NEED fiction!!! Just look at the Draw the Prophet Muhammed Contest that took place in Garland, Texas where the two Jihadis came from Phoenix to kill everyone. They were being followed by a SINGLE FBI GUY---- who was taking pictures- who did NOTHING when they got out of the car with weapons. It was a Texas police officer (IPSC, IDPA etc...competitor) that killed the shit out of both of them. The FBI guy ran away!


This is a matter of OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORD and yet nobody knows a damn thing about it or cares. If you still think we have a "law and order" society- you are a damn fool! This crap is going on every day all around you. It's not a wild conspiracy theory, it's proven fact.

03-26-21, 07:49
This site is really wonky lately.....

03-26-21, 10:35
Fixed it. ;)

You said it not me lol

03-26-21, 10:40
Bracken short story Hell, you don't NEED fiction!!! Just look at the Draw the Prophet Muhammed Contest that took place in Garland, Texas where the two Jihadis came from Phoenix to kill everyone. They were being followed by a SINGLE FBI GUY---- who was taking pictures- who did NOTHING when they got out of the car with weapons. It was a Texas police officer (IPSC, IDPA etc...competitor) that killed the shit out of both of them. The FBI guy ran away!


This is a matter of OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORD and yet nobody knows a damn thing about it or cares. If you still think we have a "law and order" society- you are a damn fool! This crap is going on every day all around you. It's not a wild conspiracy theory, it's proven fact.

Yea it's pretty amazing what's public record. That's where people like Snowden miscalculated. They assumed people would care. At this point, I don't think there's anything our government could do that would provoke a response from the general public.

03-27-21, 10:01
Go Ted...


04-15-21, 23:06
Early twitter reports of 5 killed in a mass shooting at FedEx in Indy near airport...
Just coincidence these start popping up left and right when dems are in full attack mode on the 2nd.

04-15-21, 23:47
Are we back to ‘postal workers”?

04-15-21, 23:47
The press has also been lowering the bar on ‘mass shootings’ in the past month.

04-16-21, 06:10
Go Ted...

All I saw was legs - where was Ted?