View Full Version : Sidney Powell: No reasonable person would have believed me

03-23-21, 00:02

Straight from the horse's mouth, via the Daily Caller. In essence, she's saying don't sue me for defamation; anybody with half a brain would have known I was lying.

Needless to say, Uni-Vibe, with his half-brain, knew it all along.

03-23-21, 08:03
Doesn't change the fact that the election was stolen.

03-23-21, 08:32
Powell was citing established law and specific cases in order to get the judge to dismiss the lawsuit. Context is everything. Reading beyond the headline is highly recommended.


03-23-21, 08:42
I’m not into the Sidney Powell conspiracy stuff.

However, this is no different from court decisions that have decided union organizers can lie (“promise things”) to a company employees when attempting to organize them. It is assumed that employees know that the union cannot guarantee anything, because they are not the employer.
She is saying that no one can say that she absolutely knew this and should be taken as 100% truth.
Shady, but consistent and reasonable.

03-23-21, 08:51
Doesn't change the fact that the election was stolen.

There was no "steal." We've been conditioned since 2015 to distrust elections.

2015: If I lose, it'll be because the election was rigged.

2016: I lost the popular vote only because 5 million illegal aliens voted.

2020: Mail in voting is rigged. If I lose, it'll be because the election is rigged. Anybody can tell my rallies draw more people than Joe's, so I can't possibly lose.

After 2020 election: I didn't lose. So I'll claim election fraud, file lawsuits, try to influence local election officials, get governors and state legislators to overturn their results (but not the senate races where GOP candidates won), and ultimately, assemble a mob and send them up to the capitol.

The trouble is, there was no steal. No one has offered any proof of any steal. GOP judges, even Trump appointees, have rejected these claims. Did they all instantly join the deep state?

At least a third of the population believes in the steal, just because Donald Trump said so.

Past time to face reality: millions more voted for Biden than for Trump, even though the electoral margin was very slim. Trump lost.

03-23-21, 09:20
This is why I have nothing in common with Republicans or “conservatives” anymore

Mild disagreement between 2017-2020: Sorry your gal lost *Boomer Chuckle*


I have told people and told people that Georgia has been getting more black, more queer, more new money, and more Hollywood for years. It is not a bastion of Conservatism.

But no. People refuse to believe that Atlanta, Savannah, Macon, and Columbus went hard left. Georgia is not a reliable Red State historically.

I don’t care about your 8 weeks camping out at Benning. I don’t care about how often you’ve “passed through”. The state crawls with ChiCom banks and industry, radicalized blacks, queer college kids who unironically want Socialism, and too many goddamn people from Florida.

There was a scary movement that was gaining traction in 2015 where people just wanted to keep their money and not have people in their face and it spooked Leftists and old money Gatekeeper Republicans alike

Tl;dr https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/746/178/c0e.png

03-23-21, 09:51
I don’t care about your 8 weeks camping out at Benning. I don’t care about how often you’ve “passed through”. The state crawls with ChiCom banks and industry, radicalized blacks, queer college kids who unironically want Socialism, and too many goddamn people from Florida.

I would argue the same for Pennsylvania, I was all over that state for work in 2020 and while certain outlining communities all had Trump flags in their front yards, places from Erie to York all had Biden banners in front of places that you wouldn't normally see them. These places usually have a disdain for Philly politics and it is surprising to see, however, I can see them reversing the roles just as easily. Honestly, I think that people want more of a middle, but the media and others are pushing us to the extremes, Trump really didn't have any hardcore conservative legislation, but his attitude and demeanor were probably most of his downfall. Republicans need a Obama type figure, calm cool and collected, who can put down the AOC types and Nancy with legitimate questions and concerns, and until that happens I think we will fall more down the rabbit hole with the executive office.

03-23-21, 10:15
And let's not forget Tejas.

Robert Francis "Beto" O'Rourke came within two percentage points of unseating Rafael "Ted" Cruz last time around. Not that TX is suddenly liberal, but that Texas hate Ted (even before his quick trip to Cancun).

And Beto is a sworn foe of RKBA. If Beto had sounded even a bit more reasonable on 2A, he'd have won.

Was the close Cruz victory evidence of an almost - successful "steal?"

No: it's evidence of how much Texans hate Ted.

03-23-21, 10:17
Bah, she was blowing smoke. We're there hijinks, absolutely. DNC tweaked the voting rules and gamed the boogeybug virus to their advantage. Was the election 100% legit, F no! Was it "stolen", don't think so. She's a political schill and she'd swear the sky was orange if she thought it would help her case. Both parties are "pure" like roadside slush.

Now, does that mean I have to respect and honor Joe Schitzizpants and Kumswala Hoass? Hell no. F them. Not my president, neither one. I'm gonna be exactly as polite and "unified" as the left was under Trump. I have a constitutional right to be an asshole. ;)

03-23-21, 10:23
Shady politicians and tyrants have been stealing elections in other countries for decades or even centuries, but somehow the U.S.A is exempt or above such things. The Democrats are some of the most wicked wretches on the face of the earth, but yet a cooked elections couldn't and didn't happen. Why? The judges said so...did the judges actually even look at the evidence? Did they?

03-23-21, 11:25
And let's not forget Tejas.

Robert Francis "Beto" O'Rourke came within two percentage points of unseating Rafael "Ted" Cruz last time around. Not that TX is suddenly liberal, but that Texas hate Ted (even before his quick trip to Cancun).

And Beto is a sworn foe of RKBA. If Beto had sounded even a bit more reasonable on 2A, he'd have won.

Was the close Cruz victory evidence of an almost - successful "steal?"

No: it's evidence of how much Texans hate Ted.

Lol Texas is a nice place to visit but naw they got a lot of loopy laws. It’ll be the next California because of its size and yuge Illegal population.

Georgia has a weird culture where things may get more Democrat but we have more than enough Black people and urban violence that it scares off the hipsters to the Whiteytowns who just do up hardcore HOAs and gated communities. Plus a lot of murders and shootings.

I won’t ever forget the yuppie couple that bought an old house and thought the neighborhood was “vibrant” and woke up to a dead body in their yard.

Good times. I hate this state and everybody in it and borderline hate America in general anymore but like 1980s NYS or 1990s anywhere in USA would be the bomb.com

Actually where I am at is awesome if only I had ammo to go shooting or hogging.

03-23-21, 18:26
Nuke it from orbit, Only way to be sure !

03-23-21, 18:38
The reason I believe there was fraud is because in 2016 I watched our Sec of State win AZ election on a miraculous batch of last minute provisional ballots after the news showed this lunatic leftist lagging the whole night. A small time win right?? Well not really because this wacko oversees our elections, and Trump magically lost AZ where there was ZERO energy for Biden, and MASSIVE energy for Trump.

This was the groundwork to see to it that future elections could be pushed to "their" desired outcome. The infuriating irony is the news posted video of this skank opposing the idea that there was election fraud, and how we don't need laws to fix the abuse.

03-23-21, 19:16
Not worth it. Would be like talking to a donkey

03-23-21, 19:30
The trouble is, there was no steal. No one has offered any proof of any steal. GOP judges, even Trump appointees, have rejected these claims. Did they all instantly join the deep state?

A court refusing to hear the case does not mean that was no proof or that the claims were 'rejected'.

It simply means that the courts refused to hear the cases...

I do however wholeheartedly agree with what you said about yourself having a half-brain. Not a 'good' half either... The part you have left is seriously damaged.

03-23-21, 19:37
Not worth it. Would be like talking to a donkey

A donkey would not be spouting off half-truths and / or simply make shit up to fit his narrative.

If I had a choice of being stuck in a room with either a donkey or Uni to talk to... I would pick the donkey in a heartbeat.

03-23-21, 22:54
Do I think the election was stolen 100%.

Did the attorney's for Trump have evidence to over turn some states, no way.

That doesn't mean the election wasn't stolen.

I know people that have stolen elections for a living and they all say it was stolen.

But don't think the BLM/ Antifa riots didn't scare judges even Trump appointed judges into line

03-24-21, 00:23
Powell was citing established law and specific cases in order to get the judge to dismiss the lawsuit. Context is everything. Reading beyond the headline is highly recommended.


DIng, ding, ding.

Even Fox is running with the same headline. She actually says that they are accusations that are to be proven. Big difference.

I don't know if the election was 'stolen'. I think the MSM coverage and COVID were the real issue, the 'stolen' election is gas lighting at least. There need to be hundred of thousands of bad ballots. Find the people that didn't actually vote- there should be so many that it should be easy to prove.

That the MSM is SOOOO intent on calling any challenge- including normal legal challenges - illegitimate or a coup- that it makes my hair stand up and wonder why they are going out of their way to label these things that way. And them on through the only unarmed 'insurrection' in history.

I don't like Powell. The whole stolen election needs to be widespread and large to have worked, so it should be easy.

Oh, yea- and Pelosi is going to overturn a legal election in Iowa to pad her majority. Nothing to see here.

03-24-21, 08:06
DIng, ding, ding.

Even Fox is running with the same headline. She actually says that they are accusations that are to be proven. Big difference.

I don't know if the election was 'stolen'. I think the MSM coverage and COVID were the real issue, the 'stolen' election is gas lighting at least. There need to be hundred of thousands of bad ballots. Find the people that didn't actually vote- there should be so many that it should be easy to prove.

That the MSM is SOOOO intent on calling any challenge- including normal legal challenges - illegitimate or a coup- that it makes my hair stand up and wonder why they are going out of their way to label these things that way. And them on through the only unarmed 'insurrection' in history.

I don't like Powell. The whole stolen election needs to be widespread and large to have worked, so it should be easy.

Oh, yea- and Pelosi is going to overturn a legal election in Iowa to pad her majority. Nothing to see here.

Their are sworn Affidavits of ballots being shipped in from the chicoms, people hauling ballots by the truck loads over state lines, you could literally watch the security camera footage of people shutting polls down and bringing out suitcases of ballots. There was a burned out usps truck in Nevada loaded with Trump ballots. You can’t tell me that a man who had cars lined up in a parade for 90 miles in a CALIFORNIA, lost. Hell it’s been proven dominion was created for Chavez in Venezuela. Their logo is even a red ballot going in and a blue ballots coming out. Never mind that their servers were bombed, just by coincidence. But NOOOOOOOOO this election wasn’t stolen.

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03-24-21, 08:13
There was no "steal." We've been conditioned since 2015 to distrust elections.

2015: If I lose, it'll be because the election was rigged.

2016: I lost the popular vote only because 5 million illegal aliens voted.

2020: Mail in voting is rigged. If I lose, it'll be because the election is rigged. Anybody can tell my rallies draw more people than Joe's, so I can't possibly lose.

After 2020 election: I didn't lose. So I'll claim election fraud, file lawsuits, try to influence local election officials, get governors and state legislators to overturn their results (but not the senate races where GOP candidates won), and ultimately, assemble a mob and send them up to the capitol.

The trouble is, there was no steal. No one has offered any proof of any steal. GOP judges, even Trump appointees, have rejected these claims. Did they all instantly join the deep state?

At least a third of the population believes in the steal, just because Donald Trump said so.

Past time to face reality: millions more voted for Biden than for Trump, even though the electoral margin was very slim. Trump lost.
This is ridiculous. Absurd. Are you some sort of plant here to try and push the commie narrative?

As was already pointed out, the "evidence" never even made it to court. "They" refused to even look at it.

How about the election overseers that were removed from the counting rooms, or outright denied access to the buildings where counting was taking place?

How about the claims from the overseers before they were removed that the counts were simply being called incorrectly and/or recored incorrectly?

How about the way they sent everyone home from the counting places and claimed they were going to stop counting until the next morning, and unprecedented act in any election I've ever watched, and then suddenly Biden jumps into a narrow lead over night where Trump was leading when they all decided to call it quits for the day? And the videos of people pulling tubs of "mail in ballots" with no creases out from under the tables and out of the backs of random cars puling up at 3 am after all the pollsters had been sent home? Did you not see these now disappeared videos? And this happened in ALL the swing states?

Arizona called the election early for Biden with a minuscule lead and less than 60% of the votes counted?

How about the people who had to certify the election in Michigan and other states, questioning the results before certification, then getting doxxed, death threats against their families, and certifying out of pure fear for their lives? Then when they get offered some sort of "witness protection" deal, "they" refuse to let them recant their certifications that were clearly given under the most extreme duress?

How about the millions of "mail-in" ballots from all the swing states that had no crease, no seal, and no post mark, with only one box checked for Big B, and no other candidates or initiatives voted for?

How about all the ballots counted days after their mail in date cut off time had passed?

Not to mention all the states violating their own election laws...

I fell asleep on election night with Trump leading in every swing state. He was winning by a landslide. Vote counting stops, all this shady stuff goes down, on video no less, and I wake up in the morning, after no more counting was supposed to be happening, to Biden leading everywhere? Then all the videos show up demonstrating what happened, just before all the videos mysteriously got taken down by all the hosting sites and a full scale suppression of anyone questioning the election counts, including the POTUS, gets under way.

C'mon man. It is so obvious that a person would have to intentionally bury their head in the sand to not see this. Or they'd have to be part of the problem with nefarious intentions toward our country and the rule of law.

Not election related, but what about the "Capital Insurrection" with all the videos of the Capitol Police moving the barriers out of the way and inviting the so-called "rioters" up to the buildings, while other officers open the doors from inside and literally invited them in? Was that an "attack" on our capital?

I wasn't happy when Clinton won. Twice. I was downright depressed when Obama won. Twice. I suspected fraud then, but saw little to no evidence. Didn't like it, but had to shrug my shoulders, think about the direction our country was headed, and move on with life. But this? This one is different. This one was blatantly and obviously fraudulent. While I didn't like it, Clinton and Obummer were legitimate presidents as far as I can tell, no matter how much I didn't like their policies. Biden is not. There is clear and obvious fraud and we are now in a Banana Republic with Kangaroo courts. And while we are at it, Epstein didn't kill himself either.

03-24-21, 08:24
This is ridiculous. Absurd. Are you some sort of plant here to try and push the commie narrative?

As was already pointed out, the "evidence" never even made it to court. "They" refused to even look at it.

How about the election overseers that were removed from the counting rooms, or outright denied access to the buildings where counting was taking place?

How about the claims from the overseers before they were removed that the counts were simply being called incorrectly and/or recored incorrectly?

How about the way they sent everyone home from the counting places and claimed they were going to stop counting until the next morning, and unprecedented act in any election I've ever watched, and then suddenly Biden jumps into a narrow lead over night where Trump was leading when they all decided to call it quits for the day? And the videos of people pulling tubs of "mail in ballots" with no creases out from under the tables and out of the backs of random cars puling up at 3 am after all the pollsters had been sent home? Did you not see these now disappeared videos? And this happened in ALL the swing states?

Arizona called the election early for Biden with a minuscule lead and less than 60% of the votes counted?

How about the people who had to certify the election in Michigan and other states, questioning the results before certification, then getting doxxed, death threats against their families, and certifying out of pure fear for their lives? Then when they get offered some sort of "witness protection" deal, "they" refuse to let them recant their certifications that were clearly given under the most extreme duress?

How about the millions of "mail-in" ballots from all the swing states that had no crease, no seal, and no post mark, with only one box checked for Big B, and no other candidates or initiatives voted for?

How about all the ballots counted days after their mail in date cut off time had passed?

Not to mention all the states violating their own election laws...

I fell asleep on election night with Trump leading in every swing state. He was winning by a landslide. Vote counting stops, all this shady stuff goes down, on video no less, and I wake up in the morning, after no more counting was supposed to be happening, to Biden leading everywhere? Then all the videos show up demonstrating what happened, just before all the videos mysteriously got taken down by all the hosting sites and a full scale suppression of anyone questioning the election counts, including the POTUS, gets under way.

C'mon man. It is so obvious that a person would have to intentionally bury their head in the sand to not see this. Or they'd have to be part of the problem with nefarious intentions toward our country and the rule of law.

Not election related, but what about the "Capital Insurrection" with all the videos of the Capitol Police moving the barriers out of the way and inviting the so-called "rioters" up to the buildings, while other officers open the doors from inside and literally invited them in? Was that an "attack" on our capital?

I wasn't happy when Clinton won. Twice. I was downright depressed when Obama won. Twice. I suspected fraud then, but saw little to no evidence. Didn't like it, but had to shrug my shoulders, think about the direction our country was headed, and move on with life. But this? This one is different. This one was blatantly and obviously fraudulent. While I didn't like it, Clinton and Obummer were legitimate presidents as far as I can tell, no matter how much I didn't like their policies. Biden is not. There is clear and obvious fraud and we are now in a Banana Republic with Kangaroo courts. And while we are at it, Epstein didn't kill himself either.

Exactly right on every point. Uni is a commie shill at best.

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03-24-21, 10:17
Obama: 69mm votes & won 873 counties...picked up house seats.

Trump: 74mm votes & won 2497 counties...picked up house seats

Sleepy Joe: 81mm votes & only won 477 counties...lost house seats.

Anyone who genuinely thinks there was not massive voter fraud is simply intellectually lazy.

03-24-21, 10:44
Whatever you may think of Sidney, she definitely did General Flynn a solid. Exposed the FBI for the lying sacks they are.

03-24-21, 11:26
She's stating it's all fake news & still coming w/ both barrels...hurry up & wait some more.


edit...interview w/ SP


03-24-21, 21:19
The funniest one was when Roger Stone claimed a ship from North Korea landed at a port in Maine and unloaded bales of fake ballots.

03-24-21, 22:08
Bringing up the zany claims of some highly peripheral super minor political character isn't a particularly good way to persuade anyone here you're not some Biden voting leftist shill.

03-24-21, 22:54
The funniest one was when Roger Stone claimed a ship from North Korea landed at a port in Maine and unloaded bales of fake ballots.
Ours in this State were air-dropped in by two C-17 Globemaster III's out of Travis Force Base, Fairfield, California. Huge pallets of ballots, landing via parachute just south of Cerillos Road outside of Santa Fe. They were quickly picked up by election officials and taken temporarily to Santa Fe Studios on highway 14. They film the TV show Roswell, New Mexico there for the CW Network.

Top, but unnamed officials, tracked the planes via Flight Aware, and found out they were two planes from the 21st Airlift Squadron called the BeeLiners, part of Military Airlift Command. Impressive logistics to alter the election results here. Roger Stone never mentioned our fraudulent activity here.

03-25-21, 08:50
^^^ :lol:

Man, I wanna believe, I really do. Trouble is this lady and everyone else making these wild claims is like a freaking Geraldo special. It's all hype and tripe. I can't bring myself to care what they say anymore, they are a bunch of carny side show barkers.

03-25-21, 12:13
It seems to me if there really was a Steal, there would be credible evidence of a comprehensible scheme.

This business of NKorean ships in Maine, Hugo Chavez, George Soros, Bill Gates, Dominion, and all the rest, makes one wonder. Giuliani's theory is that mail in ballots were stuffed. Powell says it was voting machine manipulation. Which is it? All of the above? Boxes of phony ballots broken out after hours on video? Ballots counted in foreign countries? Hordes of illegal aliens voting as they were alleged to do in 2016? Even Trump's commission found zero evidence of illegals voting in 2016. Were they suborned by the Deep State?

You'd need a conspiracy as big as the government of a small state to pull all this off.

Are the Democrats that skilled? Ordinarily they're people who can't be counted on to get out of bed and tie their shoes without adult help. Suddenly they've matured into the ultimate conspirators? And how about the thousands of Republican elected office holders, judges, election officials, and the like, who would all have to join in and keep quiet?

Trump rallies drew far more people than Biden rallies. Therefore, Trump won the election and anything to the contrary is evidence of a Steal. By that logic, we should dispense with elections and just count heads at rallies.

And what's most interesting is that when lawyers like Rudy get into court, they don't talk about "fraud." They admit they can't show any "fraud," and aren't alleging any. What lawyers say on the street corner is one thing; their licenses ride on what they say in court.

No. Donald Trump lost a fair election, and unsuccessfully tried to overthrow it.

03-25-21, 13:13
We saw votes flipped on live tv all in favor of sleepy.

5 states stopped counting & went offline at 4am with HUGE Trump leads only to come back online with an impossible statistical jump to the lead for sleepy.

Governors in swing states changed the rules for mail in ballots without going through the legislation process which is illegal.

Video tapes of illegal ballots being delivered after Nov 3.

Thousands of sworn testimonies of voter fraud.

Hell, I saw Fox call Va for sleepy with less than 10% of the votes & with a trump lead.

Dominion machines are what turned Venezuela to communism & they are the main culprit of the 2020 steal. You have to be intellectually lazy or have such a case of TDS to convince yourself into the depths of being so naive to not even acknowledge the evidence the public saw...Texas would not allow dominion in our state because they knew they could be manipulated. My ass he got 80 million votes with only 477 counties.

03-25-21, 13:42
Obama: 69mm votes & won 873 counties...picked up house seats.

Trump: 74mm votes & won 2497 counties...picked up house seats

Sleepy Joe: 81mm votes & only won 477 counties...lost house seats.

Anyone who genuinely thinks there was not massive voter fraud is simply intellectually lazy.

This x 100. The numbers just don't add up.

03-25-21, 13:43
We saw votes flipped on live tv all in favor of sleepy.

5 states stopped counting & went offline at 4am with HUGE Trump leads only to come back online with an impossible statistical jump to the lead for sleepy.

Governors in swing states changed the rules for mail in ballots without going through the legislation process which is illegal.

Video tapes of illegal ballots being delivered after Nov 3.

Thousands of sworn testimonies of voter fraud.

Hell, I saw Fox call Va for sleepy with less than 10% of the votes & with a trump lead.

Dominion machines are what turned Venezuela to communism & they are the main culprit of the 2020 steal. You have to be intellectually lazy or have such a case of TDS to convince yourself into the depths of being so naive to not even acknowledge the evidence the public saw...Texas would not allow dominion in our state because they knew they could be manipulated. My ass he got 80 million votes with only 477 counties.

You can’t change soros’ shills mind. Uni either doesn’t have the capacity to believe anything other than the media, or he is on the soros payroll by probably both. You can’t use common sense when talking to people like him.

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03-25-21, 15:40
Flynn hired Powell in Dec 2018. It took a year and a half of her exposing government lies and corruption to finally get the DOJ to drop the charges in May 2020. The judge presiding over the Flynn case never did let go until after Trump finally pardoned Flynn in Dec 2020. One case, one man, two years. Here we're talking about a nationwide election with endless moving parts that was less than five months ago. As mentioned earlier, there's tons of evidence.

03-27-21, 09:02
Here's one way you can know there was no Steal (M4C lawyers correct me if I'm wrong):

Dominion has filed a lawsuit against Fox, Sidney Powell, a bunch of others. This means that Fox's lawyers can now get into Dominion's files, interview their employees under oath, and generally rummage around. The court can order Domonion to comply with this.

If Dominion were guilty of election fraud by switching votes to Biden, this is the last thing they'd try to provoke. Incriminating evidence would be uncovered. It would mean Dominion would be dissolved and many of their execs would go to jail.

So we know that Dominion knows they're blameless, otherwise they wouldn't have opened the can of worms by suing.

03-27-21, 09:43
Here's one way you can know there was no Steal (M4C lawyers correct me if I'm wrong):

Dominion has filed a lawsuit against Fox, Sidney Powell, a bunch of others. This means that Fox's lawyers can now get into Dominion's files, interview their employees under oath, and generally rummage around. The court can order Domonion to comply with this.

If Dominion were guilty of election fraud by switching votes to Biden, this is the last thing they'd try to provoke. Incriminating evidence would be uncovered. It would mean Dominion would be dissolved and many of their execs would go to jail.

So we know that Dominion knows they're blameless, otherwise they wouldn't have opened the can of worms by suing.

Not unless they waited this long to file suit because they were busy destroying evidence and covering their tracks.

03-27-21, 22:25
Not unless they waited this long to file suit because they were busy destroying evidence and covering their tracks.

Winner winner chicken dinner ^^^^^^^^

Let’s not mention that they coincidentally blew up a dominion building.

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03-28-21, 00:07
fwiw...sp 3/27 interview.


03-28-21, 08:01
^^^^^ Good link


Yesterday, several news media outlets cut and paste out of context portions of our motion to dismiss the Dominion complaint to “spin” a message that the election fraud allegations that Ms. Powell presented to various courts and to the public were not credible. I’d like to clarify what actually was presented to the court. First, let me be clear: any suggestion that “no reasonable person” would believe Ms. Powell or her comments on the election is false. The language these reports referred to is a legal standard adopted by the courts to determine whether statements qualify as opinions which are exempt from defamation liability.

FAKE NEWS v. Reality

Contrary to what the Fake News is pushing, Sidney did NOT claim in court that ‘no reasonable person would believe her claims’. The press is using twisted legalese and manipulating the legal standard to confuse the issue, as they have done before in other high-profile cases. Ms. Powell’s statements were legal opinions that she stands behind, as they were based on sworn affidavits, declarations, expert reports and documentary evidence.

03-28-21, 08:34
Obama: 69mm votes & won 873 counties...picked up house seats.

Trump: 74mm votes & won 2497 counties...picked up house seats

Sleepy Joe: 81mm votes & only won 477 counties...lost house seats.

Anyone who genuinely thinks there was not massive voter fraud is simply intellectually lazy.

This nets it out right here, ^^^^^^, although "intellectually lazy" is being kind.

The courts abdicated their duty to uphold the Constitution because they were afraid, and allowed themselves to be bullied. They looked at the screen each night with nothing but vids and reports of riots and looting and killing, that were purportedly due to a convicted violent felon who consumed enough fentanyl to kill dozens and topped it off some meth to give him the speedball effect.

Can you imagine what would have happened if the USSC had heard some of the cases and ruled in favor of the Trump campaign? State courts and USSC lacked the courage to do their job, irrespective of the outcome. The courts "allowed" states to violate the US Constitution. That isn't debatable, it is a fact. So where does that leave us? What is the "next" crisis that is going to allow some group, private or gov't entity, to violate the Constitution?

According to the Constitution, elections rules/laws are decided by the legislative branch of gov't, period. Not governors, state ag's, nor state courts. This was exactly what went down, the other two branches in several states changed the rules during the game. Trump and Pompeo warned of mail in ballots, unfettered we came to find out, were going to be a huge problem back in July 2020. How prophetic.

The ChiComs got what they wanted by unleashing the virus.


03-28-21, 08:46
Here's one way you can know there was no Steal (M4C lawyers correct me if I'm wrong):

Dominion has filed a lawsuit against Fox, Sidney Powell, a bunch of others. This means that Fox's lawyers can now get into Dominion's files, interview their employees under oath, and generally rummage around. The court can order Domonion to comply with this.

If Dominion were guilty of election fraud by switching votes to Biden, this is the last thing they'd try to provoke. Incriminating evidence would be uncovered. It would mean Dominion would be dissolved and many of their execs would go to jail.

So we know that Dominion knows they're blameless, otherwise they wouldn't have opened the can of worms by suing.

I have read some of your posts in this thread, and, well, I will not say anything at this point.

You think Dominion didn't cover their tracks? All the computers are simply languishing in warehouses full of election data waiting to be examined? That is really what you think? If so, give your head a shake.

When the reports were coming in from the lame stream media that there were reports of "glitches" with the voting machines, you actually believe they were "glitches"?

Or do you think it was code, written code, that directed the machines to flip votes when certain markers were met? My nephew could write the simple code in an hour.

03-28-21, 19:21
I say we go back to IBM punch cards. It will give IBM something to do, and being analog is harder to hack.