View Full Version : Let's kick the dystopia level up to 11

03-24-21, 09:17
A shampoo commercial is pushing pre-puberty "transitioning" for kids from one gender to something else.


Are they doing this because they perceive profit from it? Or is the organization, or at least its marketing department, so SJW-converged that profit is irrelevant and they are doing this solely for politics? I don't know.

03-24-21, 09:20
If I see one more commercial with a "non traditional" family- which represents a literally MINUSCULE percentage of the population, I'm going to be violently ill. Honestly, I probably won't see any because I've pretty much quit watching their shit.

But, it's all so obvious. The Left must destroy anything normal and decent. It's what they do. So they can murder people- because that's also what they do. Proven.

03-24-21, 09:36
I wonder where the left draws the line at neurology abnormalities? They constantly push the narrative that all of this gender confusion is normal. Sure, what’s normal about it is that when you have almost 8 billion people on the planet, there will be some born with abnormalities. So what’s to far out of their realm of acceptance? Psychopath? Pedophilia? Bestiality? Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for people being who they want to be, but let them come to that conclusion without making it a constant issue to bombard children with in the overloaded information society that they’re exposed to.

03-24-21, 09:40
I wonder where the left draws the line at neurology abnormalities?

Most of them don't think deeply enough to even consider your question. A significant number of them have their own sexual proclivities / issues / whatever. The few who think deeply and aren't pushing this out of their own sexual interests are doing it because they want to destroy our society in all aspects, either because they want to build a totalitarian pseudo-communist regime to replace it, or because they just want to destroy everything good and decent ("Joker" mentality).

03-24-21, 09:52
If you were an alien civilization watching American TV you’d think everybody was queer, Mulatto, and lived in California.

Bah. I do everything I can to circumvent commercials. If people wanna cut their plumbing off or have it sewn shut, be my guest.

You Will Never Be a Woman

03-24-21, 10:06
I gave up television 10 years ago. I have a DVD subscription, I don't even watch much of that.

I'm more and more pleased with my decision.

I got no problem whatever with adults doing their thing, but damn. Let kids be kids. When does fetal transitioning become a thing? Seriously, Trans folks (and I have known a few) are seriously f'd up. They usually ain't any "better" after the remodel. Suicide rates, mental illness issues, and even some transitioning back. I really don't think it's all about the plumbing.

03-24-21, 10:15
I think it's always been about children. This is just the latest thing to sexualize kids. NMBLA is an example that's been around since the 70s.

03-24-21, 10:17
They are placate to the woke crowd. The new Sports Illustrated swim suit edition is going to have a transgender man on it.

Every PR firm thinks Twitter is real life and are scared to get bad press and becoming a hashtag.

03-24-21, 10:17
We officially "cut the cord" yesterday. It feels good.

03-24-21, 10:19
I got no problem whatever with adults doing their thing, but damn. Let kids be kids.

100% agree on both.

When does fetal transitioning become a thing?

This is comedy... for now...

03-24-21, 10:31
If you were an alien civilization watching American TV you’d think everybody was queer, Mulatto, and lived in California.

Bah. I do everything I can to circumvent commercials. If people wanna cut their plumbing off or have it sewn shut, be my guest.

You Will Never Be a Woman

Yea, I've noticed that too. Nearly every TV commercial family is now mixed race on some level. It's ridiculously over balanced and obvious.

03-24-21, 10:47
The homosexual lobby is a child predator crime org. They want all the children and all Christian churches.

03-24-21, 11:02
I gave up television 10 years ago. I have a DVD subscription, I don't even watch much of that.

I'm more and more pleased with my decision.

I got no problem whatever with adults doing their thing, but damn. Let kids be kids. When does fetal transitioning become a thing? Seriously, Trans folks (and I have known a few) are seriously f'd up. They usually ain't any "better" after the remodel. Suicide rates, mental illness issues, and even some transitioning back. I really don't think it's all about the plumbing.

You misunderstand the nature of these people and their perversion. This isn't gun owners who are content to own and shoot guns and promote these things through voluntary action, with a live and let live attitude. These perverts will use gov't and corporate power to ram this nonsense into every corner of our lives. They're like Terminators, they will not stop until you will approve of their predation on you, and your children...or you're dead.

03-24-21, 11:11
The homosexual lobby is a child predator crime org. They want all the children and all Christian churches.

Alright man. I know exactly zero gay folks that want to rape kids. There may be some, but it ain't the norm. Pedofilth are a different critter, most are ostensibly straight. Whatever pedos are they need to be killed period. That said dude, you can have your issues with homosexuals if you want, but at least be honest about it.

03-24-21, 11:25
I don’t watch much TV but I did happen to see a Disney commercial this weekend somewhere. There wasn’t a single white “live” character, and none of the “guests” were white except at the very end there was one little girl on screen walking in the park for about 2 seconds. In fact, most were mixed race families of Asian and black backgrounds, half were male/female parental units. I actually commented to my wife that anyone watching that would believe that there was nobody white at Disney.

03-24-21, 11:36
Alright man. I know exactly zero gay folks that want to rape kids. There may be some, but it ain't the norm. Pedofilth are a different critter, most are ostensibly straight. Whatever pedos are they need to be killed period. That said dude, you can have your issues with homosexuals if you want, but at least be honest about it.

You confuse some sodomite you happen to know, who's content with sodomizing his butt buddy, with the vast network of homo organizations (that your sodomite acquaintance would probably approve of) that are driving this whole trans/homo take over of vast swaths of gov't/corp wokeness. Many homos don't think there is anything wrong with children giving consent to sex, so to them it's not rape. Many pedos are are sodomites or don't really care if their victim is a little girl or boy, either will work. You've been conditioned over the years to believe that homosexuality between adults is some sort of harmless pass time...it isn't. Libertarianism strikes again.

03-24-21, 11:45
Here's some more wretched perversion from sodomites. Sodomite polygamy is now just around the corner. I'm sure hetero polygamists will be over joyed with this super duper progressive development. Joseph Smith was right...no? I feel sorry for those poor kids.


I'm sure libertarianism will approve.

03-24-21, 12:43
I know I for one, am investing money in companies that make Industrial Wood Chippers.

03-24-21, 13:01
Let's see...you can't buy alcohol, buy a gun, sign a contract, vote, get a drivers license, or joint the military until you're 18. But you can decide to get an abortion, take potent hormone blockers, and cut your penis and breasts off at the age of 13. And who is driving this insanity? EVERYBODY knows.

03-24-21, 13:03
You confuse some sodomite you happen to know, who's content with sodomizing his butt buddy, with the vast network of homo organizations (that your sodomite acquaintance would probably approve of) that are driving this whole trans/homo take over of vast swaths of gov't/corp wokeness. Many homos don't think there is anything wrong with children giving consent to sex, so to them it's not rape. Many pedos are are sodomites or don't really care if their victim is a little girl or boy, either will work. You've been conditioned over the years to believe that homosexuality between adults is some sort of harmless pass time...it isn't. Libertarianism strikes again.

You do you brother, that's your right. I'll do me. If your God don't like it he can take it up with me direct. I reckon I got sins aplenty to atone for if I'm wrong about the way of things. Meh, ain't gonna sweat it too much. If I owe in the end, that's on me.

03-24-21, 13:19
You do you brother, that's your right. I'll do me. If your God don't like it he can take it up with me direct. I reckon I got sins aplenty to atone for if I'm wrong about the way of things. Meh, ain't gonna sweat it too much. If I owe in the end, that's on me.

In the meantime, while we're all doing our thing, some kid is being used as a prop in a woke commercial for "transgenderism". Children in kindergarten are being taught this stuff on your dime. There's a Canadian father who's been fighting to save his child, who was jailed for referring to his daughter by her birth name and sex, against the judges orders, a judge who should be in jail. Even if you reject my God, you should still at least see the danger that these tyrants pose. In their view, YOU WILL CONFORM, or you will be ruined.

03-24-21, 14:39
If you were an alien civilization watching American TV you’d think everybody was queer, Mulatto, and lived in California.

Always liked that word. I guess it has some 'history' with it, but it sounds cool, high class. Like some expensive coffee drink. But noooo, we get stuck with 'mixed-race' terminology. Ick, no panache or style to that.

On the 'colorization' of things, on the historical dramas, I get confused- is that person supposed to be a minority, or they back filling in minorities for the new quota system? It's very disorienting to have like 50% of England being Black in Bridgerton.

03-24-21, 15:04
Always liked that word. I guess it has some 'history' with it, but it sounds cool, high class. Like some expensive coffee drink. But noooo, we get stuck with 'mixed-race' terminology. Ick, no panache or style to that.

On the 'colorization' of things, on the historical dramas, I get confused- is that person supposed to be a minority, or they back filling in minorities for the new quota system? It's very disorienting to have like 50% of England being Black in Bridgerton.

I dunno Man, I just saw some crazy series where in the 18th Century, the Queen of England was Black and interracially mixed couples were common.

03-24-21, 15:24
Always liked that word. I guess it has some 'history' with it, but it sounds cool, high class. Like some expensive coffee drink. But noooo, we get stuck with 'mixed-race' terminology. Ick, no panache or style to that.

On the 'colorization' of things, on the historical dramas, I get confused- is that person supposed to be a minority, or they back filling in minorities for the new quota system? It's very disorienting to have like 50% of England being Black in Bridgerton.

All started 30 years ago with the shitty Robin Hood remake with Kevin Costner and Morgan Freeman.

03-24-21, 16:34
I dunno Man, I just saw some crazy series where in the 18th Century, the Queen of England was Black and interracially mixed couples were common.

Hollywood has always played a bit fast and loose with history. Just look at "Hamilton". We've all just kind of got used to it...until it gets weird, with black Hamiltons and black British queens.

03-24-21, 17:56
Alright man. I know exactly zero gay folks that want to rape kids. There may be some, but it ain't the norm. Pedofilth are a different critter, most are ostensibly straight. Whatever pedos are they need to be killed period. That said dude, you can have your issues with homosexuals if you want, but at least be honest about it.

I don't think it ever got to the point of voting in officers at Thursday night meetings, but Catholic clergy and Boy Scouts of America incidents of men sexually abusing boys do seem to be at least 2 where there was at least some structure in place to facilitate the abuse.

03-24-21, 19:55
All started 30 years ago with the shitty Robin Hood remake with Kevin Costner and Morgan Freeman.

Goes back further than that. Plenty of people claiming Cleopatra was black, even though the Ptolomy's were actually Greek.

03-24-21, 21:15
Just more Communist propaganda !

Theodore Dalrymple: Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.

03-24-21, 22:58
Just more Communist propaganda !

Theodore Dalrymple: Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.

Probably the most astute and concise opinion of the subject. That is why I can't stand any media bias or slanted truth.

03-24-21, 23:59
If I see one more commercial with a "non traditional" family- which represents a literally MINUSCULE percentage of the population, I'm going to be violently ill. Honestly, I probably won't see any because I've pretty much quit watching their shit.

But, it's all so obvious. The Left must destroy anything normal and decent. It's what they do. So they can murder people- because that's also what they do. Proven.

It's a little more complicated than that. Even in the late 1950s, which are frequently held as the high point of the traditional family, only about 60% of households were married couple with kids. That number's drastically lower today, for a variety of complex reasons. I suppose all we can say is that people try, with some success to make the best of their relationships; and our concept of "traditional" has to keep pace.

03-25-21, 00:05
No thanks...I'll follow the old paths.

03-25-21, 01:01
It's a little more complicated than that. Even in the late 1950s, which are frequently held as the high point of the traditional family, only about 60% of households were married couple with kids. That number's drastically lower today, for a variety of complex reasons. I suppose all we can say is that people try, with some success to make the best of their relationships; and our concept of "traditional" has to keep pace.

Not sure what percentage of households were what, but a big part of reality is the 60s were defined by "counter culture" where people embraced different with no regard for good or bad. Drug addled hippies were talking about taoism, buddhism and transcendental meditation without the faintest idea of what those ideas really meant. They thought they were practicing hinduism but Elizabeth Warren is closer to being a true native american than any 60's love child ever got to understanding most eastern philosophy and they dressed themselves in the same insincerity as a white performer in black face. All that really mattered was the rejection of the values of their parents because their parents had to be wrong.

They really believed in the 60s revolution, they had no idea what they actually wanted but they intended to change everything completely. At least the F'ing communists had a coherent goal that they understood even if the resulting socialist utopia was very unlikely. Hell communists probably have a better understanding of hinduism than most people who claimed to practice it in the 60s.

But embracing ignorance and rejecting any kind of personal responsibility for anything basically defined the counter culture they were engaging in. Unfortunately they really thought that was the same thing as taoism. At the end of the day they were as bigoted and culturally unaware as their parents on their worst day.

03-25-21, 10:22
“They”, whoever that might be are trying to normalize the abnormal...

03-25-21, 18:13
This got pulled off the YouTube top news section in less than an hour.


03-25-21, 19:10
It's a little more complicated than that. Even in the late 1950s, which are frequently held as the high point of the traditional family, only about 60% of households were married couple with kids. That number's drastically lower today, for a variety of complex reasons. I suppose all we can say is that people try, with some success to make the best of their relationships; and our concept of "traditional" has to keep pace.

When you take in to account War Widows the edge kind of comes off those numbers a bit.
We had a lot of casualties in Korea and then forgot the cost and went back to Asia again a decade later. We made a few Widows along the way.

03-25-21, 20:25
When you take in to account War Widows the edge kind of comes off those numbers a bit.
We had a lot of casualties in Korea and then forgot the cost and went back to Asia again a decade later. We made a few Widows along the way.

Not to mention single households where a person simply hasn't decided to get married and start a family yet.