View Full Version : Fines for cattle that burp and/or out gas...

12-06-08, 19:51
I just talked to my mom on the phone, she read part of an article that the fed gov is considering laws to fine farmers for their livestock's air polution, namely burping and passing gas. Some moderate sized farms could be looking at 35-40k per year in fines.

Has anyone heard of this, I just read the article on the UK banning fire extinguishers. Sounds like the same kind of logic being applied here as well. This kind of crap makes me wonder if this country/government is not already lost. It is unbeliveable that our elected officials would waste time and our money on something like this. Excuse me, I must now pull my hair out.

Left Sig
12-06-08, 20:15
How about we capture the gas instead and use it for fuel? It's renewable, and it's natural!

12-07-08, 00:21
Yes, I've read about it. Not sure if it's plausible or even feasible. I do know it's downright heinous.

Left Sig
12-07-08, 00:48
Bovine AFTERBURNERS! I can see it now...

12-07-08, 10:11
Sounds like bovine profiling to me. What about all the other ruminants out there? Why should they get a pass?

12-07-08, 20:45
Bovine AFTERBURNERS! I can see it now...


12-07-08, 20:47
Sounds like bovine profiling to me. What about all the other ruminants out there? Why should they get a pass?

I pass more gas than anyone else in my house, I wonder how they would measure that? No, maybe we should think about it.

12-08-08, 13:12
I live in a small town and you can not beleave how many framers have not heard of this. We must pull our heads out of the sand.:mad:

12-08-08, 14:34
hmmmm, not sure about that. i work in usda directly involved with animal operations, and haven't heard anything about this. There has been discussion regarding methane output from cows, and how it's related to global warming, but even that doesn't have alot of solid testing behind it. Then again, after being in the gov't, nothing really stupid surprises me anymore.

12-08-08, 14:40
I was refr to the tax. They have not heard of the $125.00 (tax)

BigJim #1-8
12-08-08, 16:48
Brings a whole new meaning to "Bean Counter".


12-08-08, 18:14
I have been hearing rumors of this for quite a while (many years in fact) which leads me to believe that it's a joke. I doubt that anything will come of it although stranger things have happened.

12-08-08, 21:53
Heard it mentioned in the news to day. Any # over 50 would be taxed about 145 bucks. The fact that there is not rioting in the streets over this kind of stuff is proof that we are a lost country.

12-08-08, 22:27
This story explains things a bit better.
I can only hope that this is nothing more than the product of a slow news day. Of course, if it's not, I hope everyone enjoys imported beef.

12-09-08, 01:07
Why don't you all look into the proposed Carbon Tax. I mean now we have to pay to breath, not to mention without carbon dioxide plants die. And we all know how great this earth would be without plant life.

12-09-08, 01:48
I just finished watching a show on the Discovery Channel(or one of those) where they said global cow emissions are higher than global car emissions. It looks like the climate change people are latching onto this whole global warming cow issue. The idiot on the show basically said we just need to stop eating beef.

12-10-08, 08:57
Look at what happened to the Hog inds. Befor any one know it was to late. EPA.:eek:

12-14-08, 16:43
How about we capture the gas instead and use it for fuel? It's renewable, and it's natural!
While I think that global warming entirely is a LIE,and pollution from cattle is absurd, this devise already has been invented. A hose is surgically implanted into a part of the cow and runs up to a tank on top of the cows back.