View Full Version : Suicide by cop

03-25-21, 14:10
At least an attempted suicide as apparently he lived. Obviously not in his right mind, perhaps drunk or dementia. Shame it had to end like that, but He makes it clear very early his interest/intent of suicide by cop. The officers were beyond patient. It does take them a long time to get into those car windows as they don't shatter, they act as they were designed by their blows with the ASP. Perhaps a dedicated car window breaking tool would have been helpful there. My understanding is, striking the middle of the window vs the corners often end up with the safety glass doing that vs shattering, but always easier said than done in the wild no doubt:


03-25-21, 14:15
Yeah that one was really hard to watch. The Officer basically pleading with him to not touch it. I was really surprised how resilient those windows were. Damn.

I'm glad he lived. Dude was not right at all.

03-25-21, 14:31
Feel terrible for the officer pleading with him to not do it.

Damn, I hope my truck windows are that good.

03-25-21, 14:40
Feel terrible for the officer pleading with him to not do it.

Damn, I hope my truck windows are that good.

A good vid showing how much BS LEOs deal with regularly. No thanx.

03-25-21, 14:45
Yeah was sad to watch
Dude seemed really out of it dementia kinda stuff in the basic sense of decline
Still more with it then Biden though :)

Not sure about modern cars if they changed since I was in the FD ? Breaking windows was rare but the corners just had less flex so was easier to pop from a corner is what we learned but they broke the same and we practiced a lot on various methods of extraction
I still Cary a tool on my keychain and ONLY the tool and a single key for the ignition since in a accident it will be there and easy to grab without grabbing anything else :) same as the seatbelt cutter on it

just a scout
03-25-21, 15:39
New cars since a2017 I think have shatterproof windows on the sides like the windshield.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

03-25-21, 18:49
Yeah that one was really hard to watch. The Officer basically pleading with him to not touch it. I was really surprised how resilient those windows were. Damn.

I'm glad he lived. Dude was not right at all.

Laminated door glass sucks....but hey it is about driver comfort right?

03-25-21, 20:49
New cars since a2017 I think have shatterproof windows on the sides like the windshield.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

It’s not the age, just some companies are using laminate when there are side curtain bags, otherwise lots of tempered still in use

03-26-21, 01:47
some tints can do that to :)

03-26-21, 05:30
F that guy. With the exception of jumping off building and landing on people and killing them, forcing a cop to kill you because you lack the f'ing balls to manage your own affairs is about the shittiest thing a person can do to another person.

It's worse than rape. Rape is terrible but it's worse than that. Not everyone is wired to be "too bad, so sad, one less dickface in the world." A huge percentage of law enforcement actually got into the field for notions of public service and helping people and when you make one of them kill you because you are a useless, oxygen sucking waste of a brain you typically **** their lives up for good. So not only did you destroy your own life by being a complete incompetent, you destroyed the life of somebody who was probably out there trying to help people...even losers like you.

In the future just chain your ankles to a cinder block and hop off a bridge at night. You will feed fish and won't make anyone have to scrape you up off the pavement. Leave a note for anyone who cares so people don't waste time looking for you. It will probably be the most useful thing you ever did in your entire pathetic life.

03-26-21, 08:44
some tints can do that to :)

It was FL, so a tint very possible.

03-26-21, 10:09
Some thoughts:

-at certain points when I close my eyes, it sounds like a Jerky Boys tape
-Please stop trying to use ASP batons to break glass. Please do not reach your hand in a hole of broken glass. It will cut you.
Please use the appropriate tool to shatter glass. It takes it down entirely and effortlessly.
I recommend this:

$23. Fits easily on your belt or PC and way way handier than you could imagine.

-I have highly controversial thoughts on suicide. I’m at a point in life where if someone really doesn’t want to be here anymore then we shouldn’t force them to be. It’s harder on everybody that way. You should be available to get a prescription for something that just sends you on down like a dream instead of forcing some honest Officer well into his long day into killing you.

Go to the ghetto and find a bunch of gang members and call them the gamer word at the top of your lungs like Rex Kramer Danger Seeker if you want to get someone else to kill you.

03-26-21, 10:18
One of these will work too. Small....easy.


If he had something like Llumar security tint though...it still would take some work.

03-26-21, 10:28
One of these will work too. Small....easy.


If he had something like Llumar security tint though...it still would take some work.

I been through every gimmicky “window breaker” for nigh 20 years and so far the Gerber is the only one that actually works and doesn’t get in the way.

At some point, you will come across a dumbass who will lock their keys and baby in the car. Then you will want something worthwhile.

But whatever works

03-26-21, 10:35
Some thoughts:

-at certain points when I close my eyes, it sounds like a Jerky Boys tape
-Please stop trying to use ASP batons to break glass. Please do not reach your hand in a hole of broken glass. It will cut you.
Please use the appropriate tool to shatter glass. It takes it down entirely and effortlessly.
I recommend this:

$23. Fits easily on your belt or PC and way way handier than you could imagine.

As others have mentioned, may be a film on that glass so in that case, dedicated glass breaker of any use?

-I have highly controversial thoughts on suicide. I’m at a point in life where if someone really doesn’t want to be here anymore then we shouldn’t force them to be. It’s harder on everybody that way. You should be available to get a prescription for something that just sends you on down like a dream instead of forcing some honest Officer well into his long day into killing you.

Go to the ghetto and find a bunch of gang members and call them the gamer word at the top of your lungs like Rex Kramer Danger Seeker if you want to get someone else to kill you.

I'm in agreement. As long as you don't take anyone with you, it's your life.

Sadly, known more people than I'd like who went out that way.

While I truly wish they had not, and all were young enough and such that they did have many years ahead of them, not everyone is meant to have a long life, or get old, etc.

Again, I often feel bad for family or first responders who have to deal with it. If someone wants to check out, dont make it so everyone around them suffers too.

Buddy of mine who is an EMT/fir fighter had to cut down a young women who had hung herself. It really messed him up. Obviously, route of the self checkout often about sending a message to those they left behind, and it's not a simple matter. She'd left a note that was all about how the world had done her wrong, etc. I also knew someone who's wife jumped in front of a train. Obviously she was sending a message there too.

03-26-21, 18:53
I got rid of my expandable baton very very early in my career. Within the first year. My reasoning was that they dont work very well which means you have to whack someone a bunch of times with it for it to really work. And no matter how justified you are, it looks REALLY bad on video.

03-26-21, 19:14
One of these will work too. Small....easy.


If he had something like Llumar security tint though...it still would take some work.

chunks of ceramic seem to work as an expedient.


03-26-21, 20:03
Maybe do like Hans Gruber said, "shoot the glass". No, not gonna play well on TV.

My problem with suicide by cop, or any other way really, is the impact on others. The cop forced to pull the trigger, the folks that have to clean it up, or the innocent folks that discover the body.

We need something like the old photo booths, but with a destructo-ray. Drop your quarters, close the curtain, and smile for the camera. BZZZZT, all gone. Coroner comes by at the end of the week and collects the receipts.

john armond
03-26-21, 22:14
[QUOTE=jsbhike;2938395]chunks of ceramic seem to work as an expedient.

Learned that in the fire academy in the mid 90s. They also showed us how to use the old metal antennas cars used to have to break windows. Pretty neat trick, but cars don’t have those antennas any more.

03-26-21, 22:24
chunks of ceramic seem to work as an expedient.


I would have just used the hammer :)


03-26-21, 22:31
I would have just used the hammer :)


Like I tell my wife and son, it's in the script. Lol

03-26-21, 23:56
This is the thing I carry get them on amazon etc... nice small light
Again only ignition key and this always ready :) and you know where it will be as in a real accident many of the ones in the center box or glove box might not be there ? Or reachable

I have done a few extractions where film was involved years ago the stuff can either fall apart or not
But even if the glass shatters you just have this together shattered mess that makes it tough
not knock a hole in it like was happening in the video
OR trying to pull it out which often is preferred since it won’t shove glass on person inside but that is more rescue oriented
When we took cars apart with hurst tools we often blanketed the person inside as stuff is going all over glass metal etc... but they are awesome fun to train with nothing like cutting the top off a car for some childish boy fun of destruction

03-27-21, 01:22
-I have highly controversial thoughts on suicide. I’m at a point in life where if someone really doesn’t want to be here anymore then we shouldn’t force them to be. It’s harder on everybody that way. You should be available to get a prescription for something that just sends you on down like a dream instead of forcing some honest Officer well into his long day into killing you.

I'm completely with you. The one thing out of everything in your entire life that should be up to you as much as possible is how and when to die. If you decide you are done and want to move on, who should be able to tell you otherwise? I don't think we need to obligate doctors to participate in end of life methods because there is an obvious conflict of interest but there needs to be a way.

My grandfather was one of the most important people in my family, but if he decided that he just didn't or couldn't go on for whatever reason, while I would have been sad, hurt and probably more than a little disappointed...I'd have accepted it and respected it as his decision regarding his existence. I'm glad for the years I got with him, wish the hospital didn't cheat him out of a few extra years with some IMO unnecessary procedures but that is what happened.