View Full Version : Bump Stocks

03-26-21, 07:03
GOA is still in the fight and scored a win.


GOA e-mail March 25

Today, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit agreed with GOA on bump stocks.
That’s right. The appeals court reversed an earlier district court decision which had denied GOA’s motion for a preliminary injunction.

This means that for the first time … anywhere in the entire country … a court has sided with a pro-gun organization against the ATF on their bump stock ruling which classified bump stocks as machine guns.

This occurred yesterday when an appeals court agreed with GOA.
Now the battle goes back to the district court. As you can well imagine, Biden’s ATF will be fighting against us at every step of the way.

We were pleased to see that the judges in today’s ruling chided the ATF for their “frequent reversals on major policy issues.”

Indeed, for ten years, the ATF said that bump stocks are not machine guns under federal law.

But then they reversed course and said that a piece of plastic with no moving parts is a machine gun. If the ATF can do that -- with a magic wave of the wand -- then they can say anything is a machine gun.

As of now, bump stocks are not yet legal. By sending this case back to the district court, the appeals court is ordering the lower court to impose an injunction against the ATF’s bump stock ruling.

In a best-case scenario, bump stocks could become legal in the four states within the Sixth Circuit (Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee) and might even apply to members of GOA and VCDL nationwide. Please stay tuned for further updates on this.

Erich Pratt
Senior Vice President
Gun Owners of America
Follow me on Twitter: @erichmpratt
Follow me on Parler: @pratterich

P.S. Please distribute this alert to your pro-gun family and friends.

03-26-21, 07:13
Minor victory, but I'm happy about it.

I like that the email pointed out, in a round about way, that its not about pieces of plastic with no moving parts. Its about the feds/ATF waving their magical wand and doing whatever they want, whenever they want.

I wish GOA success in their efforts and support them fully.

03-26-21, 08:36
GOA appears to have gotten their first ever judicial victory. Hopefully it sticks.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-26-21, 08:54
I'm happy about this. Not that I give a crap about bump stocks, but because of the way it was done. Trump f'd the gun community and really all of America with this move. It cannot be allowed to stand as a precedent.

What if Joe Schitizpants "redefines" your AR to be a machine gun?

Or fossil fuels get "redefined" as weapons of mass destruction?

Saving money for retirement gets "defined" as stealing from the poor.

It's all just as legitimate as Trump's royal decree. That BS has gotta go.

B Cart
03-26-21, 08:56
This would be a great win, especially in today's world where the attacks on the 2nd Amendment are increasing. I wasn't a huge fan of bump stocks personally, but i'm sick and tired of the ATF/feds feeling like they can do whatever they want.

03-26-21, 09:36
They may not be machine guns but they are still illegal until a court says they aren't.

03-27-21, 06:00
The important thing is will ATF be required to walk back their expanded definition of what constitutes a "machine gun" and revert to the previously accepted definition.

The timing is good on this one, if we scored a win on bumpstocks and denied ATF their expanded definitions, it might set a tone for other legislation.

Not sure if that was factored in by GOA but it would be nice to think so. I also hope they get a win, that will give them a stake in the larger game. Right now it's the NRA doing almost nothing as MVP with the Cato Institute begrudgingly given credit for an "assist."

I'd like to know Alan M. Gottlieb is up to, as the current head of JPFO he should be spearheading the warpath in the Aaron Zelman tradition.

The Dumb Gun Collector
10-04-22, 20:02

Thanks don

10-04-22, 20:57

Thanks don

Yet another reason why we do not want him as the candidate in 2024. I hope the GOP plans to back a winner.

The Dumb Gun Collector
10-04-22, 21:25
Man I am hoping DeSantis keeps going. He is sharp as hell and seems to take zero crap.

10-04-22, 23:27
Man I am hoping DeSantis keeps going. He is sharp as hell and seems to take zero crap.

Too early to begin to call. Remember when everyone thought Fred Thompson was gonna be some kind of slam dunk?

Also DeSantis is busy keeping Florida red, we almost need somebody not as critical as their home state.

10-05-22, 00:30
The important thing is will ATF be required to walk back their expanded definition of what constitutes a "machine gun" and revert to the previously accepted definition.

The timing is good on this one, if we scored a win on bumpstocks and denied ATF their expanded definitions, it might set a tone for other legislation.

Not sure if that was factored in by GOA but it would be nice to think so. I also hope they get a win, that will give them a stake in the larger game. Right now it's the NRA doing almost nothing as MVP with the Cato Institute begrudgingly given credit for an "assist."

I'd like to know Alan M. Gottlieb is up to, as the current head of JPFO he should be spearheading the warpath in the Aaron Zelman tradition.

My thoughts exactly.