View Full Version : When LEOs forget how to be LEOs

03-27-21, 12:11
There's a ton of vids like this, where an off duty LEO gets pulled over, and seems forget all about being an LEO, using many of the same BS lines like "can't you just let me go" and "call your supervisor" and others when it happens. Usually when booz is involved, but they don't magically forget how it works and what the process is due to being under the influence, especially now that dash cams and or bodycams record it all.

What have the experiences been for LEO members here under such circumstances? I'd think having a fellow LEO who does the job acting like some civi who thinks they can debate their way out of the DUI must be even more frustrating and annoying than a typical DUI. No doubt, a touchy subject among LE.


This guy was an LT:


I have seen a bunch of these and to date, not found one where the person just says "I fu$ed up, I know the deal, lets just get this over with" kinda thing. It really puts the LEO dealing with the off duty person in an awkward position.

Another, cute lady cop:


El Vaquero
03-27-21, 12:25
Can only speak for my area of operations but cops are routinely arrested and prosecuted for DWI’s. They are also usually terminated afterwards or resign. It’s not excessively high but realistically one is too many.

You’re a fool if you’re a LEO and think you’re going to get a break on a DWI these days. And rightfully so. Drunk driving is far worse than the laws make it out to be.

03-27-21, 12:41
Can only speak for my area of operations but cops are routinely arrested and prosecuted for DWI’s. They are also usually terminated afterwards or resign. It’s not excessively high but realistically one is too many.

You’re a fool if you’re a LEO and think you’re going to get a break on a DWI these days. And rightfully so. Drunk driving is far worse than the laws make it out to be.

I'm just curious as how they think that will happen, yet they must know, they will not get a break, even if the arresting LEO wanted to. It's like their brain just seems to shut off.

03-27-21, 13:33
When I was a correctional officer, one of the female COs on my division was the biggest See-You-En-Tea I have ever met, bar none. She was the wife of one of the captains and though she herself was not a supervisor, her husband would punish and/or fire anybody who displeased or disobeyed her. Anyway, she drove like madwoman and got pulled over a lot. She would proudly tell people on the shift about how she warned the cops that her taxes paid their salary, they're probably just trying to reach their ticket quotas, and she could give them a yard of shit to deal with the next time they tried to book someone in the jail, so they'd better let her off. She got a lot of tickets, but her husband knew enough people, so they usually got thrown out too. It sucked.

03-27-21, 14:03
I'm amazed that policemen arrest other policemen. That's got to be the absolute toughest thing you can ask a LEO to do. If I were LEO, I think I'd pass that job onto someone else. I know I could never arrest a brother/ sister officer.

03-27-21, 14:07
I'm just curious as how they think that will happen, yet they must know, they will not get a break, even if the arresting LEO wanted to. It's like their brain just seems to shut off.

Because in some areas they are still getting breaks.



03-27-21, 14:27
I'm amazed that policemen arrest other policemen. That's got to be the absolute toughest thing you can ask a LEO to do. If I were LEO, I think I'd pass that job onto someone else. I know I could never arrest a brother/ sister officer.

I would hate to be put in such a situation, but I do know I would not be being willing to lose my job and career over a situation they created. I know LEOs that have given other LEOs and friends, a break in some situations where they could, but in these times of everything on vid, zero tolerance, etc, would seem difficult to impossible today depending on the situation.

03-27-21, 14:29
Because in some areas they are still getting breaks.



Not sure how it all works PD to PD, state to state, etc and what leeway they have.

03-27-21, 14:31
I'm amazed that policemen arrest other policemen. That's got to be the absolute toughest thing you can ask a LEO to do. If I were LEO, I think I'd pass that job onto someone else. I know I could never arrest a brother/ sister officer.

The officer that does that isn't acting as a public servant and impartially carrying out their duties. The ultimate outcome of that is an officer hiding behind their authority to carry out a personal vendetta against people they view as enemies.

That was apparently a common thing in Appalachian clan feuds of the late 19th/early 20th century as well as with The Klan that kept the concept going well in to the 20th century. Leftists are definitely ramping it back up now.

03-27-21, 14:35
I'm amazed that policemen arrest other policemen. That's got to be the absolute toughest thing you can ask a LEO to do. If I were LEO, I think I'd pass that job onto someone else. I know I could never arrest a brother/ sister officer.

It's not an easy thing when it's a case of the officer making single bad judgment, such as driving drunk, or getting into a bar fight, or having a fight with their spouse. When people are going through hard times, their judgement is often hindered, law enforcement is inherently stressful even in the best of times, and just one mistake can cost a cop his career and reputation. It's gotta be REALLY hard when a cop has to arrest another cop for political reasons (pissing off BLM or something), when the arresting officer knows that the guy was in the right and is getting thrown under the bus.

However, when a cop makes a seriously bad move, it's often considered an honor to put the cuffs on him. If it's a sex crime, corruption, robbery, murder, or serious domestic abuse, you won't see too many cops shed a tear about taking down one of their own.

03-27-21, 14:51
Almost all of the cops that I know in my area will arrest other LEO'S for DUI. The only one that probly wouldn't is completely useless over all, but that's another story.

As far as thinking of debating one's way out of a DUI? They're drunk humans and therefore not thinking clearly.

03-27-21, 14:53
High stress, effed up hours, micromanagement in abundance, high divorce rate, no real social outlet, and everybody hates you because the TV said so and sometimes people get an attitude?

This is news? Okay

03-27-21, 14:54
Ive never pulled over another officer who was off duty. I did pull over a UC guy one time while he was working. That was just driving weird though, not DUI. He was tailing a suspect.

From my experience nobody I work with has sympathy for guys getting DUIs. The talk usually goes "sucks they are losing their job, but they were the idiot that decided to drink and drive". Of the 3-400 officers Ive personally worked with at my precinct over the years we've had probably 5 or 6 get DUIs and all got fired or resigned prior to termination. As a matter of fact a couple third shift guys were processing a retired officer for DUI earlier this week when I came into work that morning.

I am on some big time LE only forums and Facebook pages. Sure there are some places where the good ole boy system is still around, but that's not the norm.

03-27-21, 14:55
I would hate to be put in such a situation, but I do know I would not be being willing to lose my job and career over a situation they created. I know LEOs that have given other LEOs and friends, a break in some situations where they could, but in these times of everything on vid, zero tolerance, etc, would seem difficult to impossible today depending on the situation.

I recalled this one due to the retirements of the upper echelon co-conspirators for the chief's benefit, but I hadn't seen news that one retirement was a screw over.

Fairly sure this was the incident where 1 of the 2 officers on scene back tracked the chief's debris field to make sure no one had been injured. Also fairly sure this was the incident where the 2 officers that found chief and gave him the friends and family special treatment did nothing wrong.


Just noticed the latest Riverside administration seems to have interest in potentially reliving past events.


03-27-21, 16:32
I'm amazed that policemen arrest other policemen. That's got to be the absolute toughest thing you can ask a LEO to do. If I were LEO, I think I'd pass that job onto someone else. I know I could never arrest a brother/ sister officer.

The proper thing to do is call a Supervisor to assist with the arrest and processing. By the time a LEO gets to this point he’s usually on the radar anyway and needs intervention. Turning drunk drivers loose helps no one (as the system, although expensive is geared towards getting the working class back on the “straight and narrow”.

03-27-21, 17:01
When I was a correctional officer, one of the female COs on my division was the biggest See-You-En-Tea I have ever met, bar none. She was the wife of one of the captains and though she herself was not a supervisor, her husband would punish and/or fire anybody who displeased or disobeyed her. Anyway, she drove like madwoman and got pulled over a lot. She would proudly tell people on the shift about how she warned the cops that her taxes paid their salary, they're probably just trying to reach their ticket quotas, and she could give them a yard of shit to deal with the next time they tried to book someone in the jail, so they'd better let her off. She got a lot of tickets, but her husband knew enough people, so they usually got thrown out too. It sucked.

I never understood the whole tax paying my salary routine. Do people think LEO don’t pay taxes? Maybe I’m paying myself at that very moment [emoji23]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

03-27-21, 17:13
I have personally seen a Fed arrested for DUI in his G ride.

A police chief of a significant agency get arrested for DUI in his G Ride.

Several other officers in their personal car get arrested and charged with DUI.

F ‘em. Too bad. Not sad.

03-27-21, 18:37
Here's one where I have zero sympathy for LEOs.

The whole "rules for thee, but not for me" attitude, GTFO. I don't know a single LEO who has completed their probationary year who hasn't seen some DUI POS kill somebody else. If you can't learn from that example and keep your drinking confined to your living room then you shouldn't be a cop.

There should be additional penalties for LEOs who pull this crap because they should know better and should be leading by example. Also in this day and age of dash cams and go pros, thinking you are somehow gonna fail a roadside sobriety check and still get some kind of professional courtesy just shows what an incompetent F up you really are.

03-27-21, 18:40
You have to understand that DUIs didn't used to be taken very seriously in most places. While the laws have existed for a long, long time, probably since the days of horse and buggy, they were routinely disregarded like jaywalking. So there was already a culture of drunk driving to begin with, and one of letting people slide in many if not most cases.

I'm not excusing it, but back in the day, an officer letting a fellow cop slide for DUI was like one today letting his buddy slide for going ten over. Things obviously got out of control, and that combined with body cams created the perfect storm on youtube.

03-27-21, 18:44
High stress, effed up hours, micromanagement in abundance, high divorce rate, no real social outlet, and everybody hates you because the TV said so and sometimes people get an attitude?

This is news? Okay

So make it worse by catching a DUI or even worse hurting somebody else because you are driving around impaired? Lot of people who aren't LEO's have all those problems, are you gonna cut them a break because life is hard and they are driving around over the limit? I doubt it.

Now I understand why some of those people might feel like they need a drink so the world can be "ok again" even if just for a little bit. So swing by a package store on the way home or get a DD if you aren't good to drive just like everyone else is told to do.

Seriously man, don't try and sell that shit.

03-27-21, 18:49
You have to understand that DUIs didn't used to be taken very seriously in most places. While the laws have existed for a long, long time, probably since the days of horse and buggy, they were routinely disregarded like jaywalking. So there was already a culture of drunk driving to begin with, and one of letting people slide in many if not most cases.

I'm not excusing it, but back in the day, an officer letting a fellow cop slide for DUI was like one today letting his buddy slide for going ten over. Things obviously got out of control, and that combined with body cams created the perfect storm on youtube.

Hasn't been that way for at least 20 years. Adapt or GTFO. Everyone has seen at least ONE GUY lose his entire career over a DUI in the last couple decades, if you saw that happen and think "thank god I'm juiced in and they would never do that to me" then you probably shouldn't be a LEO still.

This isn't a matter of political correctness or being too strict with the letter of the law, driving impaired is a BFD and every real LEO knows why. Most of them have been there for dead kids, people who will never walk again and a bunch of other horrible shit. If that doesn't stop you and make you figure it out, I don't think anything can get you there.

03-27-21, 19:23
Hasn't been that way for at least 20 years. Adapt or GTFO. Everyone has seen at least ONE GUY lose his entire career over a DUI in the last couple decades, if you saw that happen and think "thank god I'm juiced in and they would never do that to me" then you probably shouldn't be a LEO still.

This isn't a matter of political correctness or being too strict with the letter of the law, driving impaired is a BFD and every real LEO knows why. Most of them have been there for dead kids, people who will never walk again and a bunch of other horrible shit. If that doesn't stop you and make you figure it out, I don't think anything can get you there.

Well the problem is that they continued to afford themselves leniency even after they were ordered to crack down on the public at large, and now it's biting them in the ass because body cams are a thing. You're correct, they should be held to a higher standard. Anything less and you'll have the fox guarding the proverbial henhouse.

03-27-21, 19:37
Here's one where I have zero sympathy for LEOs.

The whole "rules for thee, but not for me" attitude, GTFO. I don't know a single LEO who has completed their probationary year who hasn't seen some DUI POS kill somebody else. If you can't learn from that example and keep your drinking confined to your living room then you shouldn't be a cop.

There should be additional penalties for LEOs who pull this crap because they should know better and should be leading by example. Also in this day and age of dash cams and go pros, thinking you are somehow gonna fail a roadside sobriety check and still get some kind of professional courtesy just shows what an incompetent F up you really are.

Not just cops.

If someone so loves the legal system they want an elected or appointed position in it, there should be additional penalties for them instead of the exemptions.

03-27-21, 20:08
Not just cops.

If someone so loves the legal system they want an elected or appointed position in it, there should be additional penalties for them instead of the exemptions.

Not gonna disagree, but that is a more complicated can of worms. The first thing law makers do is put in protections for themselves and have a dedicated staff of people who protect them either through payoffs, threats or worse. These people aren't wanting to be public servants, they are getting into politics to secure wealth and power.

03-27-21, 21:55
So make it worse by catching a DUI or even worse hurting somebody else because you are driving around impaired? Lot of people who aren't LEO's have all those problems, are you gonna cut them a break because life is hard and they are driving around over the limit? I doubt it.

Now I understand why some of those people might feel like they need a drink so the world can be "ok again" even if just for a little bit. So swing by a package store on the way home or get a DD if you aren't good to drive just like everyone else is told to do.

Seriously man, don't try and sell that shit.

I wasn’t excusing a DUI. At all. Just why some people get attitudes on BS stops for speeding or something dumb and pedestrian.

I presumed it wasn’t explicitly about DUI. More like “Go bother someone else”

I will say this. You don’t always know what someone’s day can be like.

You wake up a Christian and ya go to bed an Atheist. And you grow to despise humanity and society. The more you see, the less you believe. The more you hear, the less you care

When you start you want to save the world. Towards the end you want to see it burn.

Regardless, no. I do not excuse nor tolerate DUI. But I can see why people get snappy on something minor like speed or equipment

03-27-21, 21:55
I guess I'm the opposite from C-grunt. I spent more than half of my career running traffic all day every shift on the parkways around DC. I would say I've stopped at least two dozen off duty officers/agents. Mostly speeding/driving stupidly but a few have been impaired. As SteyrAUG said about 20 years ago the "professional curtesy" as I had seen it ended for DUI. Not sure what the line was that changed it but it did. Cameras weren't common where I worked back then but something definitely changed.

Most officers' I've encountered off duty where complete dicks and talk themselves into cuffs. I was called to the scene one time when I was a Patrol Sergeant by another department. One of the officers from my own District was being such an ass when drunk that I wanted to locked him up. The responding officer was bending over backwards to give him a break. When my Lt showed up they finally cuffed him. I will say lots of people walk from DUI in court with a reckless charge because the prosecutor wants the plea. The few officers I've seen in court usually get hammered. I've never seen an official go to court after an incident. David

03-27-21, 22:07
I'm amazed that policemen arrest other policemen. That's got to be the absolute toughest thing you can ask a LEO to do. If I were LEO, I think I'd pass that job onto someone else. I know I could never arrest a brother/ sister officer.


03-27-21, 23:09
Rules for thee but not for me cannot be allowed to stand. I don’t think LE agencies or individual officers should have access to any firearms not allowed for the regular old tax payer.

03-27-21, 23:09
Double tap

03-28-21, 00:13
I wasn’t excusing a DUI. At all. Just why some people get attitudes on BS stops for speeding or something dumb and pedestrian.

I presumed it wasn’t explicitly about DUI. More like “Go bother someone else”

I will say this. You don’t always know what someone’s day can be like.

You wake up a Christian and ya go to bed an Atheist. And you grow to despise humanity and society. The more you see, the less you believe. The more you hear, the less you care

When you start you want to save the world. Towards the end you want to see it burn.

Regardless, no. I do not excuse nor tolerate DUI. But I can see why people get snappy on something minor like speed or equipment

Ahhh now I'm tracking. Pretty much in agreement.

03-28-21, 00:16
Rules for thee but not for me cannot be allowed to stand. I don’t think LE agencies or individual officers should have access to any firearms not allowed for the regular old tax payer.

I would exempt SWAT and similar. While I 100% get what you are saying and want to completely agree, regular old tax payers don't need to engage in hostage rescue and take on crack houses. But if I were king, everyone would have MP5s and M4s unless there was a reason they shouldn't.

03-28-21, 05:58
I agree with Josh and would NOT exempt SWAT.
Most SWAT teams now are jokes. The disturbing trend that I have seen is that depts are trying to buy their way to competency instead of good old fashioned honest tactics.

I’ve not handled an SMG in years. Everything is pretty much ARs now.
You literally talk people down and wait them out more than anything. If there is an active shooter then realistically that should be the first responding Patrol Officer’s responsibility.

I mean I don’t know why everybody sees some fancy new gun and thinks “oh that automatically goes to SWAT”. I think few people understand how much time it takes to get a SWAT team moved out. It’s not like Hill Street Blues. No they aren’t practically Delta or SEAL team 6. That new TV show is gay the old one was a classic.

If you really think a whiz bang new gun is going to help your community then actually it needs to be in the hands of Patrol as they deal with it first and there is more of them.

03-28-21, 07:18
I would exempt SWAT and similar. While I 100% get what you are saying and want to completely agree, regular old tax payers don't need to engage in hostage rescue and take on crack houses. But if I were king, everyone would have MP5s and M4s unless there was a reason they shouldn't.

No exemptions for anyone. Not for SWAT. Not for private security details of politicians or the wealthy elites. If a law abiding tax payer can’t protect himself with something, no one in law enforcement should have it. Not local LE, not state LE, not the feds.

03-28-21, 07:37
No exemptions for anyone. Not for SWAT. Not for private security details of politicians or the wealthy elites. If a law abiding tax payer can’t protect himself with something, no one in law enforcement should have it. Not local LE, not state LE, not the feds.


People seriously forget that most weapons, to include cannons, were privately owned.

If I had a DeLorean, I would have fhe Framers write up some seriously long winded specificity on the 2A from Muskets to F-ing Antimatter Doomsday Devices

I mean Shall Not Infringe was written in pretty clear English.

03-28-21, 08:07
Not only no exemptions for anyone/any unit but is cool stuff is going to be distributed it should go to the regular patrol officers first and foremost. They'll be the ones to respond first anyway.

03-28-21, 08:26

People seriously forget that most weapons, to include cannons, were privately owned.

If I had a DeLorean, I would have fhe Framers write up some seriously long winded specificity on the 2A from Muskets to F-ing Antimatter Doomsday Devices

I mean Shall Not Infringe was written in pretty clear English.

Considering how fast the Federalists flipped around(Sedition Law intended to keep Adams in as POTUS being just one) I think there was a reason every sentence in the Constitution didn't end with violators being fined, imprisoned, &/or hanged by the neck until dead.

03-28-21, 08:33
I guess I'm the opposite from C-grunt. I spent more than half of my career running traffic all day every shift on the parkways around DC. I would say I've stopped at least two dozen off duty officers/agents. Mostly speeding/driving stupidly but a few have been impaired. As SteyrAUG said about 20 years ago the "professional curtesy" as I had seen it ended for DUI. Not sure what the line was that changed it but it did. Cameras weren't common where I worked back then but something definitely changed.

Most officers' I've encountered off duty where complete dicks and talk themselves into cuffs. I was called to the scene one time when I was a Patrol Sergeant by another department. One of the officers from my own District was being such an ass when drunk that I wanted to locked him up. The responding officer was bending over backwards to give him a break. When my Lt showed up they finally cuffed him. I will say lots of people walk from DUI in court with a reckless charge because the prosecutor wants the plea. The few officers I've seen in court usually get hammered. I've never seen an official go to court after an incident. David

What is your explanation for that?

03-28-21, 08:37
Law enforcement arresting law enforcement... depends on what laws are being violated and who is the violator. Sheriff Billy Long here in Chattanooga was involved in business shakedowns, illegal gaming, drugs, guns, money laundering... you name it. It was widely known but no local law enforcement would touch him. Feds finally swooped in and arrested him. For those who think I might be exaggerating... https://www.chattanoogan.com/2008/2/2/121228/Sheriff-Billy-Long-Arrested-By-Federal.aspx

03-28-21, 20:57
What is your explanation for that?

I would say it is a combination of thinking the rules apply to them and beer muscles. David

03-30-21, 01:42
Police do get screwed.

They work a shift of dealing with urban thugs. 8 hours of danger and excitement.

Then to make ends meet, they work an extra job doing security. 8 hours of stupefying boredom.

After that I'd want a double shot of Irish whiskey. Make it two. And then some other policeman pulls them over for DUI.

03-30-21, 06:37
Police do get screwed.

They work a shift of dealing with urban thugs. 8 hours of danger and excitement.

Then to make ends meet, they work an extra job doing security. 8 hours of stupefying boredom.

After that I'd want a double shot of Irish whiskey. Make it two. And then some other policeman pulls them over for DUI.

Package store, drink at home. Even better if you have a front porch. Easy peasy.

03-30-21, 09:14
Most officers' I've encountered off duty where complete dicks and talk themselves into cuffs. I was called to the scene one time when I was a Patrol Sergeant by another department. One of the officers from my own District was being such an ass when drunk that I wanted to locked him up. The responding officer was bending over backwards to give him a break. When my Lt showed up they finally cuffed him. I will say lots of people walk from DUI in court with a reckless charge because the prosecutor wants the plea. The few officers I've seen in court usually get hammered. I've never seen an official go to court after an incident. David

I used to get a call every other weekend to come get someone out of the drunk tank when stationed at Ft Hood.
I had a Corporal get asked to get out of his car during a stop and rather than DUI him, they gave him a public intox. Great Deal right?
When I get there I could tell two things, he had a hell of a load on and he had been fighting. We were to deploy in 48 hours.
The more he acted an ass the more they ignored him. I wanted to kill him, he couldn't grasp that they were giving him a break.

Six months after we deployed and he had moved Platoons I spoke to him again about it, he knew just how lucky he was.

Evel Baldgui
03-30-21, 09:59
ANYONE caught DUI should at minimum get a 3 month jail sentence and DL suspended x 1 year. Second offense, impound /confiscate vehicle, permanent loss of DL, 6 month jail time, $50,000 fine. Sound harsh ? Well, sucks for you, then don't drive while intoxicated or get an uber. Drunk driver crashed into my mothers car many years ago at a stop sign, multiple fractures, long hospital stay due to surgery then 4-5 months of rehab. The drunk driver, no seat belt, head hit windshield, paraplegic then subsequently died, phuck him, glad he suffered and hope his family suffered as well. No tolerence whatsoever for the worthless sods who drive intoxicated.

03-30-21, 13:20
ANYONE caught DUI should at minimum get a 3 month jail sentence and DL suspended x 1 year. Second offense, impound /confiscate vehicle, permanent loss of DL, 6 month jail time, $50,000 fine. Sound harsh ? Well, sucks for you, then don't drive while intoxicated or get an uber. Drunk driver crashed into my mothers car many years ago at a stop sign, multiple fractures, long hospital stay due to surgery then 4-5 months of rehab. The drunk driver, no seat belt, head hit windshield, paraplegic then subsequently died, phuck him, glad he suffered and hope his family suffered as well. No tolerence whatsoever for the worthless sods who drive intoxicated.

Wishing his family suffered as well says an awful lot about you.

03-30-21, 13:22
Urban thugs... danger and high stress? The deputy in the OP wasn't part of Vic Mackey’s crew. He was a deputy for Newton County Arkansas, population 8,000. Sheriff's department is in the city of Jasper, population 700. About as Small Town USA as it gets.

I understand it's popular to account for bad behavior among LEOs as stress related from urban warfare with super predators, but sometimes they're just good ole boys driving drunk.

03-30-21, 13:26
Urban thugs... danger and high stress? The deputy in the OP wasn't part of Vic Mackey’s crew. He was a deputy for Newton County Arkansas, population 8,000. Sheriff's department is in the city of Jasper, population 700. About as Small Town USA as it gets.

I understand it's popular to account for bad behavior among LEOs as stress related from urban warfare with super predators, but sometimes they're just good ole boys driving drunk.

Had I been drinking coffee, good chance i would have spit it all over the comp screen when I LOLd. What about meth labs?

03-30-21, 14:42
Urban thugs... danger and high stress? The deputy in the OP wasn't part of Vic Mackey’s crew. He was a deputy for Newton County Arkansas, population 8,000. Sheriff's department is in the city of Jasper, population 700. About as Small Town USA as it gets.

I understand it's popular to account for bad behavior among LEOs as stress related from urban warfare with super predators, but sometimes they're just good ole boys driving drunk.

You're absolutely right. The Sheriff there is a friend of mine, and it is a small office. Keep in mind that most of the stressers in law enforcement are pretty much the same everywhere. I read a report that had Arkansas as the worst state, including DC to be an LEO, based on pay and benefits and 49th for pay. All I'm saying is there is no excuse, period, and no justification for that behavior. On a side note I thought the Trooper handled it all very qwell.

03-30-21, 15:07
Urban thugs... danger and high stress? The deputy in the OP wasn't part of Vic Mackey’s crew. He was a deputy for Newton County Arkansas, population 8,000. Sheriff's department is in the city of Jasper, population 700. About as Small Town USA as it gets.

I understand it's popular to account for bad behavior among LEOs as stress related from urban warfare with super predators, but sometimes they're just good ole boys driving drunk.

I OPENLY GUFFAW at this argument. Honestly stomping the yard on a thuggy is therapeutic and good for you. It’s the crazy hours, long hours, no holidays, weird sleep patterns, mind-numbing BS that people come to you about that they could easily solve themselves if they had a sliver of self awareness. It’s the last minute stuff. Like the LAST SECOND stuff. And if you have a romantic life partner, OH BOOOYYY. She doesn’t care about how tired you are or depressed pr angry at the world. She wants a date night or to go shopping together or to watch something stupid and then she’ll mewl about how you don’t “love” her despite you working yourself like a rented mewl to give her a kinda sorta on a good day upper middle class life.

I’m sorry but your textile job or IT job simply doesn’t compare.

And while I will not excuse DUI, I will say that it’s understandable what drives people to drink. I will say this that the best method is to save something for yourself. Past a certain point you simply do not owe anybody. I have gotten to where I will take a few days each month where no one is to call me, speak to me, email me, text me. It doesn’t matter if the world is ending. Even if it is a Darkseid style doomsday scenario. No. No women. No people. I sleep when I want for as long as I want. I go slow. I play with my OS. I fiddle with my little side projects. Sometimes I just listen to records in my bed.

Alcohol and drugs are quicker. And tempting. And these people (like soldiers) get safety briefed and preached at about DUI constantly. I don’t think enough time is taken for mental health or mental/emotional self-care. I personally have taken someone and told them to go home for three days. Not a suspension. No problems. Not a punishment. He was also to be paid. I told him to do nothing but rest, watch TV, whatever. He later told me that one kindness kept him from snapping.

It’s not the known knowns that get you. It’s the known unknowns. Some people cope by acting tough or the alpha male schtick. No. Sometimes it simply is what it is and you have to take care of yourself because nobody else will. These bleating bastards will always be there. These needy pissing POSes will never forget the number to 911.

There’s always some Never-Was that will ALWAYS Monday Morning QB every piece of minutiae and WAS NOT THERE but has the answers.

So screw them all in the ear with a black dildo. Go at your own pace. Don’t hurry til you get there.

Don’t blame the police. Blame the citizens for not knowing how to human.

03-30-21, 15:23
I'm amazed that policemen arrest other policemen. That's got to be the absolute toughest thing you can ask a LEO to do. If I were LEO, I think I'd pass that job onto someone else. I know I could never arrest a brother/ sister officer.

The toughest thing you can ask of a LEO, is to NOT stomp a mudhole in the ass of a chomo. There are lots of things that will drive a LEO to drink, but as stated elsewhere, do it at home and don't take it out on your family.

03-30-21, 17:04
The toughest thing you can ask of a LEO, is to NOT stomp a mudhole in the ass of a chomo. There are lots of things that will drive a LEO to drink, but as stated elsewhere, do it at home and don't take it out on your family.

I could understand that while simultaneously knowing our system is supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. Really can't recall too many child molester mugshots featuring their face busted up, but have seen mugshots and video of people that annoyed the officer and a beating ensued.

03-30-21, 17:20
Rules for thee but not for me cannot be allowed to stand. I don’t think LE agencies or individual officers should have access to any firearms not allowed for the regular old tax payer.

Looking like some African countries have special forces advisers running training centers in Florida. Ho Lee crap lol


03-30-21, 18:04
Had I been drinking coffee, good chance i would have spit it all over the comp screen when I LOLd. What about meth labs?

Well... the Newton County Sherrifs Office shows this this guy incarcerated as of 3/19 for possession of Meth. He could hide a MAC-10 in that beard.


03-30-21, 18:46
Have any of you been in a Meth Lab?

KABOOM! Or Cancer. Your call.

03-30-21, 19:08
Have any of you been in a Meth Lab?

KABOOM! Or Cancer. Your call.

This no sh*t story comes to you about 20 years ago in rural Texas.
A serious "Nut Case" Meth Maker about a mile as the Crow flies from my door step exploded himself.
Apparently this guys elderly Mom opens the door about mid cook and he freaks out and shoots her from inside the Lab. The resulting explosion kills Mom and blows junior out the trailer still Masked and holding the shot gun.
And the chase is on.
He's in Huntsville now, Mom is dead and Dad is on his own.
I think there might be a Country song in there somewhere..

03-30-21, 19:58
This no sh*t story comes to you about 20 years ago in rural Texas.
A serious "Nut Case" Meth Maker about a mile as the Crow flies from my door step exploded himself.
Apparently this guys elderly Mom opens the door about mid cook and he freaks out and shoots her from inside the Lab. The resulting explosion kills Mom and blows junior out the trailer still Masked and holding the shot gun.
And the chase is on.
He's in Huntsville now, Mom is dead and Dad is on his own.
I think there might be a Country song in there somewhere..

I...I think I heard about that one. No shit.

And I am SURE my fellow Methletes know the dreaded two words: “Banana Pudding”.

I thought it was something of an exaggeration until I saw it happen. It was most disturbing.


03-30-21, 20:12
Have any of you been in a Meth Lab?

KABOOM! Or Cancer. Your call.

Yes. It's a nasty environment occupied by unpleasant people.

03-30-21, 20:20
Yes. It's a nasty environment occupied by unpleasant people.

Yep. You couldn’t make me do it anymore. Not even the bugs wanna be there.

03-31-21, 09:55
Have any of you been in a Meth Lab?

KABOOM! Or Cancer. Your call.

That's why I asked. While it may seem that area is low stress due to local, I recall that state is a hot bed for meth labs, and dealing with that and meth heads, and such, sounds pretty damn stressful to me. I had a buddy who was a park ranger and people assumed his job was low stress. He saw some of the most F up stuff in that forest which was in the NE, including devil warship sites, dead bodies, meth labs, etc. He said the animal sacrifice sites were the most creepy, and they always expected them to move to human sacrifice at some point. That was a decade or so ago, and i don't imagine it's gotten any better. So, I try not to make assumptions about stress levels, or lack there of, based on local, without direct knowledge one way or another.

04-06-21, 06:59
So if being exposed to bad events is an excuse for bad behavior, why didn't the larger part of post WWII earth look like the church scene out of The Kingsman?