View Full Version : 13 & 15 YO Girls Murder Uber Eats Driver

03-27-21, 18:39
Evil is among us. Quite disturbing how Marxist "subjects" can kill so easily.


03-27-21, 19:01
LOL, don't need to be marxist and if those girls could explain communist ideology 101 I'd be amazed.

The word you are looking for is "feral human." We have lots of those in every major city.

03-27-21, 19:34
LOL, don't need to be marxist and if those girls could explain communist ideology 101 I'd be amazed.

The word you are looking for is "feral human." We have lots of those in every major city.

While True, they still are subjects of the left.

03-27-21, 19:39
Will they charge the girls with a hate crime?

03-27-21, 19:59
How did I know who did it without reading the article?

03-27-21, 20:08
Will they charge the girls with a hate crime?

No, only white people are racist. Oddly I had no trouble guessing the color of the individuals involved. The video was brutal, hope the girls get the death penalty.

03-27-21, 20:25
While True, they still are subjects of the left.

Would you really feel any better if they had voted for Trump?

More importantly, just as we aren't to blame for the actions of neckbeard nutjobs who shoot up massage parlors, why should ordinary Biden voters shoulder any blame for the actions of inner city feral humans?

That sorta like holding all Texans responsible for the actions of Richard Ramirez. These girls were feral before even Trump was elected.

03-27-21, 20:29
No, only white people are racist. Oddly I had no trouble guessing the color of the individuals involved. The video was brutal, hope the girls get the death penalty.

Would you feel better if they had been Korean?

03-27-21, 20:36
LOL, don't need to be marxist and if those girls could explain communist ideology 101 I'd be amazed.

The word you are looking for is "feral human." We have lots of those in every major city.Feral human is a very polite descriptor.

03-27-21, 20:58
Would you really feel any better if they had voted for Trump?

More importantly, just as we aren't to blame for the actions of neckbeard nutjobs who shoot up massage parlors, why should ordinary Biden voters shoulder any blame for the actions of inner city feral humans?

That sorta like holding all Texans responsible for the actions of Richard Ramirez. These girls were feral before even Trump was elected.

I will simplify. These types of creatures think, and act the way that they do as a result of leftism/marxism. No morals, no ability to think, self-serving and dangerous. Excused for whatever they do.

03-27-21, 21:23
How did I know who did it without reading the article?

Need that Carnac the Magnificent meme......:rolleyes:

03-27-21, 21:35
Feral human is a very polite descriptor.

Accurate. And should be dealt with similarly. I 100% support euthanasia in these cases.

I will simplify. These types of creatures think, and act the way that they do as a result of leftism/marxism. No morals, no ability to think, self-serving and dangerous. Excused for whatever they do.

That is a symptom of their apologists. They lack the intellect to be marxist and even marxists didn't tolerate this kind of shit in Russia.

These are sub humans (if you'll forgive the term) who lack even the most basic aspects of humanity.

03-27-21, 22:07
At the end of that video was that a metro police jacket and officer standing there? The patch on the arm looks like it says Metropolitan Police.

03-27-21, 22:37
LOL, don't need to be marxist and if those girls could explain communist ideology 101 I'd be amazed.

The word you are looking for is "feral human." We have lots of those in every major city.
Yeah, but some how the lefties seem to have the monopoly on those types.
The thing is, they don't need to be able to argue the ideology, they merely need to adopt it as an excuse to act the way they do.
Maybe it's just me, but I notice this more and more; specifically on the left, the 'feral human' types are attracted to it because they're just in it for the chaos (and occasional payouts to be chaotic).
Add the racial 'equity' quotient into the mix, and... here we are in 2021. Shit like this happens all over every day, usually the same groups of people involved. #sadbuttrue.

Would you really feel any better if they had voted for Trump?

More importantly, just as we aren't to blame for the actions of neckbeard nutjobs who shoot up massage parlors, why should ordinary Biden voters shoulder any blame for the actions of inner city feral humans?.

Because they keep making excuses for them and treating them like pets. We don't.
And also because they keep trying to self-righteously shove the other nutters in our laps, so right back at them.
That's why they can feel free to own folks like this.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to hearing all about the islamaphobia and racism that were surely the driving reasons for this senseless violence from the news and their peanut gallery of celebrities for the next week or so straight... #justiceforanwar #stopuberhate :rolleyes:

03-27-21, 22:49
At the end of that video was that a metro police jacket and officer standing there? The patch on the arm looks like it says Metropolitan Police.

Looks like "Special Police"

There is this:


But the shoulder insignia on shirts and dress jackets doesn't look like what is on that insulated jacket.


03-28-21, 00:12
Anyway, I'm looking forward to hearing all about the islamaphobia and racism that were surely the driving reasons for this senseless violence from the news and their peanut gallery of celebrities for the next week or so straight... #justiceforanwar #stopuberhate :rolleyes:

Sorta making my point. Protected class attacking protected class. That's why I can't really blame Biden / Marxists / Stupid Democrats, they wouldn't know which one to advocate for. The poor disenfranchised black girls who were forced to come up hard or the poor pakistani immigrant whose culture we simply don't understand.

Thinking people generally see hard working guy trying to make it happen (who cares what race or religion) who got swarmed by predatory shitbags that don't qualify as human F'ing beings (and honestly their race is kinda irrelevant when you engage in this kind of activity).

I understand people are saying X activity is usually engaged in by Y people, but while that may be a reality, we are focusing on the least important consideration beyond generally treating Y people as a "potential" threat. But my point is don't focus so hard on Y people that you end up getting raped, stabbed and murdered by white girl manson family members.

03-28-21, 00:24
How did I know who did it without reading the article?

Because 13% of the population is responsible for 50% of the murders?

03-28-21, 00:58
Would you feel better if they had been Korean?
No I wish they hadn't done it at all.

03-28-21, 01:11
I fully expect these fine examples of the "protected class" to get locked up in juvy till they're 18 and then released with 200 hours of community service. There will be no mention about it in the media when it does happen and it will all be swept under the rug. This is just the end result of elevating said class of people in the media to the point where they think they can get away with anything.

03-28-21, 01:50
No I wish they hadn't done it at all.

Well for normal thinking people of course, but not really a reality based expectation. That sad fact is in our nation alone there are thousands of predatory low lifes just like these or worse. And they come in all races and religions.

Go back to the 5 points gangs in New York and you will find jewish kids who will kill you for a dollar, despite their mostly peaceful cultural backgrounds, the Purple Gang was basically murder for hire. Italians, we don't even need to have that conversation.

The Chinese in the US are pretty peaceful, until we think about the Tongs back then and the Triads now. Meat cleavers are a brutal way to die.

White suburban kids, well Columbine and too many similar incidents. Go back a few decades and you have the Manson family shocking the world with their complete indifference to even basic notions of humanity.

Name a race, name a religion, and I will show you incidents of horror and brutality. Even Buddhists who define themselves as peaceful and non violent have more than a couple very violent incidents. Can't blame all this shit on the commies.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is it really doesn't matter beyond basic risk factors that we must consider. If you see a black guy in a hoodie hanging out in the parking lot at night he probably bears keeping an eye on, but if he's Korean or a white kid he probably also bears keeping an eye on. Some call it profiling but it's done for a reason and it works both ways.

If you see the same black guy in uniform, with sgt. stripes and a CIB you might buy him a beer. Because based on his appearance he's probably a decent guy.

03-28-21, 06:56
Being an Uber Eats driver ain't easy...


Jan 21 2021

Two Teens, Age 14, Charged With Capital Murder in Stabbing Death of Uber Eats Driver


When it came time to appear in court, teen baby momma could not be found.

Headlines seem to be busy with-- Two 'teens'... two 'Spring breakers'... two 'girls'...

03-28-21, 08:19
Because 13% of the population is responsible for 50% of the murders?

In regard to teens committing homicide the disparity is no less than staggering.


According to federal data, black male teenagers between the ages of 14 and 17 commit homicide at nearly 10 times the rate of white male teenagers of the same age (the category “white” in this homicide data includes most Hispanics; if Hispanics were removed from the white category, the homicide disparity between blacks and whites would be much higher).


03-28-21, 08:32
Being an Uber Eats driver ain't easy...


Jan 21 2021

Two Teens, Age 14, Charged With Capital Murder in Stabbing Death of Uber Eats Driver


When it came time to appear in court, teen baby momma could not be found.

Headlines seem to be busy with-- Two 'teens'... two 'Spring breakers'... two 'girls'...

I was thinking several of the details of the thread story had a deja vu feel to them.

03-28-21, 08:55
According to CNN the driver was killed in a car accident while the little angels just might have happened to be car jacking him.

john armond
03-28-21, 08:59
At the end of that video was that a metro police jacket and officer standing there? The patch on the arm looks like it says Metropolitan Police.

“Special Police” If it is like in NC they are a private police organization hired to work certain areas, hospitals, stores, businesses, etc. they have full police powers within their hired “jurisdiction” and possibly a mutual aid agreement with the surrounding police agency. I noticed him too. Didn’t seem concerned enough to put down his phone.

ETA...and the fact they were doing this in broad daylight with a crowd around and didn’t seem to have a care in the world.

john armond
03-28-21, 09:12
According to CNN the driver was killed in a car accident while the little angels just might have happened to be car jacking him.

From the CNN article: “The girls, 13 and 15, assaulted Anwar with a Taser while carjacking him, which led to an accident in which he was fatally injured, police said.”

That makes it almost sound like they tried to carjack him and he sped off and crashed....not exactly how it happened!

03-28-21, 10:01
I feel so sorry for blacks in America at times like this. I mean seriously, I know no blacks that act like this or support this. But they get trapped by the race baiters. They have the democrat politicos screaming about "injustice" and the black activists wanting to burn the entire system to the ground.

Blacks that I know worked there way to where they are. Some from nothing, some started from working class or middle class families and are just trying to live their lives. They don't buy a word of this racism boogeyman crap. They know what real racism looks like, they've seen it. But as one man I know put it, "every man that tried to do me harm was black". He was talking about the full spectrum from the thug on the street to the political hacks using race as a weapon.

These "feral humans" as some have called them are nothing like the people I know. They can't understand or accept this anymore than I, but if they speak too openly the full weight of the "woke" will come down on them.

This kind of thing is gonna grow, because it is excused or even praised by the left. I mean if looting and rioting is perfectly acceptable, if criminals and murderers are glorified, WHY NOT join the chorus if you are a young black kid. They see the thugs and bangers walk free. They hear the rap songs about crime and violence being glorified. Ballers and celebrities wanna hang with the worst of the worst. While the politicians and the media praise the whole mess and condemn any judgement as "racism" and "oppression ".

Black parents today gotta have a hell of a time trying to push against the flow of that river.

03-28-21, 13:26
He died from being tased? Article seems gloss over that aspect.

03-28-21, 13:47
He died from being tased? Article seems gloss over that aspect.

He was half out of the car when the girls put it in drive and punched it. They turned hard, rolled the car, it tumbled over him. Clear as I can figure out. All in the course of armed robbery and carjacking.

03-28-21, 13:52
He died from being tased? Article seems gloss over that aspect.

That's what I thought at first and took it to mean the actual brand. Thought it would get interesting if it was ruled he was on drugs, had a heart condition, just his time to pass away, or similar as the cause of death.

It appears some combo of being dragged in to objects, car rolling over on him, or being thrown from the car and hitting the ground from the actions of the murderers was the cause.

03-28-21, 14:03
He was half out of the car when the girls put it in drive and punched it. They turned hard, rolled the car, it tumbled over him. Clear as I can figure out. All in the course of armed robbery and carjacking.

That's what I thought at first and took it to mean the actual brand. Thought it would get interesting if it was ruled he was on drugs, had a heart condition, just his time to pass away, or similar as the cause of death.

It appears some combo of being dragged in to objects, car rolling over on him, or being thrown from the car and hitting the ground from the actions of the murderers was the cause.

Roger that. Does not do a great job of clarity on that. Poor SOB mid 60s, trying to make some extra $ in these times delivering other people's food, and that's how he goes out. Me, I'm making an even greater effort to be extra nice to those who make my life less than sucky.

03-28-21, 14:44
Roger that. Does not do a great job of clarity on that. Poor SOB mid 60s, trying to make some extra $ in these times delivering other people's food, and that's how he goes out. Me, I'm making an even greater effort to be extra nice to those who make my life less than sucky.

The article is very poorly written. I happened to read another article on this incident that explained what happened much better which caused me to go back to this original article I read to see if I was just having some sort of comprehension issue. The only thing that changed on my second look through was finding the video and getting it to play.

john armond
03-28-21, 14:50
And the DC mayor basically blames the victim by putting our a PSA stating “Auto theft is a crime of opportunity.”


WTF is wrong with people that can’t tell the difference between right and wrong, or is it completely by design?????

03-28-21, 15:14

03-28-21, 15:57
I’m starting to see merit in Shariah Law

03-28-21, 16:08
And the DC mayor basically blames the victim by putting our a PSA stating “Auto theft is a crime of opportunity.”


WTF is wrong with people that can’t tell the difference between right and wrong, or is it completely by design?????


I wonder why? Definitely doesn't have to do with melanin right?

03-28-21, 16:28
It would not surprise me at all if both girls were stealing the car as an initiation to a gang. Of course we will never know the actual truth or the actual motivation of the scum. I am sure at some point the media will blame it on white people and white oppression.

03-28-21, 16:38
And the DC mayor basically blames the victim by putting our a PSA stating “Auto theft is a crime of opportunity.”


WTF is wrong with people that can’t tell the difference between right and wrong, or is it completely by design?????

Fairly sure it was a 1990's Cooper's Commentary that referenced a 1960's "PSA" from the PRK along the lines of "Don't help a good boy go bad" blaming auto owners for auto theft.

They got shouted down at the time, but apparently not harsh enough.

03-28-21, 16:40
It would not surprise me at all if both girls were stealing the car as an initiation to a gang. Of course we will never know the actual truth or the actual motivation of the scum. I am sure at some point the media will blame it on white people and white oppression.

Could be. I have wondered if this was their first time or just naturally callous.

03-28-21, 17:10
It would not surprise me at all if both girls were stealing the car as an initiation to a gang. Of course we will never know the actual truth or the actual motivation of the scum. I am sure at some point the media will blame it on white people and white oppression.

I saw a story that carjacking delivery drivers is common in that neighborhood. Up like 300% in the last year. Enforcement is discouraged by politicos, arrests are rare, and the city will come down hard on anyone that "redlines" or "discriminates" areas so they can't refuse to deliver even if they wanted to. I guess it's becoming just another way to get around.

03-28-21, 21:16

I wonder why? Definitely doesn't have to do with melanin right?

Racial identity politics. Actual race, melanin are almost irrelevant. She knows her voting block is based upon preferred racism and a "No you din't" attitude.

03-28-21, 21:33
It would not surprise me at all if both girls were stealing the car as an initiation to a gang. Of course we will never know the actual truth or the actual motivation of the scum. I am sure at some point the media will blame it on white people and white oppression.

There isn't a lot of "Gang" type activity in D.C. which is kind of strange but true. I see it as more of a hey were bored or we want what he has and figured he would be an easy "mark" and could get a way with jacking this mans car. And the Mayor of D.C. making the statement basically blaming the victim is going to stir up some serious hate from the ME community in the D.C. area.

03-28-21, 22:37
I saw a story that carjacking delivery drivers is common in that neighborhood. Up like 300% in the last year. Enforcement is discouraged by politicos, arrests are rare, and the city will come down hard on anyone that "redlines" or "discriminates" areas so they can't refuse to deliver even if they wanted to. I guess it's becoming just another way to get around.

The neighborhood is a transition zone. 15 years ago it was scary - crack houses a block from the Navy Yards.
Now it one of the DC areas that is seeing lots of money, $750k studios, but feral folks a block or two over.
My guess the set up of the Uber Eats driver works great there because it looks fairly nice. Also a quick escape into Maryland, which is scarier in places than DC proper.

03-28-21, 23:05
Racial identity politics. Actual race, melanin are almost irrelevant. She knows her voting block is based upon preferred racism and a "No you din't" attitude.

Melanin is code on unsecured radio channels *wink wink*.

03-29-21, 03:15
Melanin is code on unsecured radio channels *wink wink*.

It's not a very cryptic code.

03-30-21, 03:49
It's not a very cryptic code.

Well now you know how bad it is when coppers have to use the word melanin on the scanner to describe a persons race then.

03-30-21, 06:35
Well now you know how bad it is when coppers have to use the word melanin on the scanner to describe a persons race then.

I thought MOPE was the phrase that pays.

03-30-21, 07:07
Dey wuz gettin' dey lifes turned around!

And such... :rolleyes:

03-30-21, 07:49
Crime of opportunity? Is the delivery driver not supposed to get out of his vehicle else be blamed for making himself an opportunity for these teen criminals to prey upon?

'Give those who wish to destroy space to do it'. 'It's their culture'. Blame the victim. Enough.

john armond
03-30-21, 08:56
"I think, in part, what it is, is you've got— it's tragic. I mean, you've got these teenage girls. I mean, they're little kids. They're not gangsters. They're not hardened criminals. I don't think they intended to kill anybody. They were looking for having a joyride, and it just went way wrong, way out of control, and ended up in a gross tragedy," Williams said. "I mean, this is unbelievable. Their lives are ruined, and that man is dead."

Juan Williams quote about the incident while on "The Five."

And his quote regarding the DC mayor PSA about carjacking from the same interview:

"With regard to the mayor's tweet, again, look, I think that what we have seen in recent months is an increase in carjackings, car thefts, in this area, and so for her to say 'Be cautious,' I don't think that was the wrong note," Williams said. "I think it's good for us all to be cautious as we see a rise in this kind of crime."


03-30-21, 09:27
This cannot have happened. The benevolent rulers have made it illegal for a) teens b) carry a taser c) use by non-law enforcement d) assault with a deadly weapon. Since we know all this, we can assume this didn’t happen and move on to rioting about other things that didn’t happen.

03-30-21, 10:37
"I think, in part, what it is, is you've got— it's tragic. I mean, you've got these teenage girls. I mean, they're little kids. They're not gangsters. They're not hardened criminals. I don't think they intended to kill anybody. They were looking for having a joyride, and it just went way wrong, way out of control, and ended up in a gross tragedy," Williams said. "I mean, this is unbelievable. Their lives are ruined, and that man is dead."

Juan Williams quote about the incident while on "The Five."

And his quote regarding the DC mayor PSA about carjacking from the same interview:

"With regard to the mayor's tweet, again, look, I think that what we have seen in recent months is an increase in carjackings, car thefts, in this area, and so for her to say 'Be cautious,' I don't think that was the wrong note," Williams said. "I think it's good for us all to be cautious as we see a rise in this kind of crime."

Dear Mr Williams,

At least one of the teens was arrested less than 90 days ago for doing the same thing, yet continued to carjack and attack people. How many other victims suffered from the actions of these criminals? Instead of lamenting over the lives of criminals, you should be relieved these criminals are behind bars and not carjacking you or others today.

03-30-21, 12:53
Goddamn white people

04-06-21, 19:07
I fully expect these fine examples of the "protected class" to get locked up in juvy till they're 18 and then released with 200 hours of community service. There will be no mention about it in the media when it does happen and it will all be swept under the rug. This is just the end result of elevating said class of people in the media to the point where they think they can get away with anything.

Called it


04-08-21, 08:42
Dear Mr Williams,

At least one of the teens was arrested less than 90 days ago for doing the same thing, yet continued to carjack and attack people. How many other victims suffered from the actions of these criminals? Instead of lamenting over the lives of criminals, you should be relieved these criminals are behind bars and not carjacking you or others today.

I keep saying it. I hope people are figuring it out, but I get the feeling there are still a bunch of "middle/upper class normies" that haven't really processed that their country is GONE!

THIS AIN'T 1980. You aren't going to get a Reagan to save you- not that he did. We are in a serious downward spiral where societal norms no longer apply- and you cling to them at your peril. The Rule of Law is a joke anymore- I'm an attorney and I'll gladly debate anyone that says otherwise!

YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN- I HOPE YOU HAVE A GOOD TRIBE OF HARD ASS FOLKS! It's the only way forward if you value your freedom.....

04-08-21, 11:00
I keep saying it. I hope people are figuring it out, but I get the feeling there are still a bunch of "middle/upper class normies" that haven't really processed that their country is GONE!

THIS AIN'T 1980. You aren't going to get a Reagan to save you- not that he did. We are in a serious downward spiral where societal norms no longer apply- and you cling to them at your peril. The Rule of Law is a joke anymore- I'm an attorney and I'll gladly debate anyone that says otherwise!

YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN- I HOPE YOU HAVE A GOOD TRIBE OF HARD ASS FOLKS! It's the only way forward if you value your freedom.....

I repeatedly maintain that we have a legal system, not a "justice" system. Anyone assuming a "just" outcome in these times is a fool. It may happen, but that's not the driving factor anymore.

04-08-21, 11:01
Double Tap

04-08-21, 11:13
We are in a serious downward spiral where societal norms no longer apply- and you cling to them at your peril. The Rule of Law is a joke anymore- I'm an attorney and I'll gladly debate anyone that says otherwise!

Quoted for sad truth. Everyone here needs to recognize this and stop pretending it's going to improve on its own. I don't think the remnants of the prior system are really salvageable at this point.

I repeatedly maintain that we have a legal system, not a "justice" system.

That was a very accurate description through 2015, and reasonably accurate through 2019, though the whole Trump era - 10% Trump's actions and 90% vile counter-actions - was making it tenuous at the federal level.

That description assumes that there are legalistic rules that get followed, and the result is predictable even if not just. Since the end of 2019 the rules are made up as they go, and nothing is predictable. Just FYI.