View Full Version : Proof of Covid Vaccination

03-29-21, 08:23
How can people be expected to obtain proof of vaccination to "return to normal" when they cannot be expected to even get proof of ID to vote?


Headline: Biden administration working with industry to develop COVID-19 'passports' as vaccinations progress

The passports offer a glimpse of a future after months of COVID-19 restrictions. Officials say getting vaccinated and having proper documentation will smooth the way to travel, entertainment and other social gatherings in a post-pandemic world.

The Vaccination Credential Initiative is a coalition trying to standardize tracking data of vaccination records in an attempt to speed up a return to normal.

“The busboy, the janitor, the waiter that works at a restaurant, wants to be surrounded by employees that are going back to work safely – and wants to have the patrons ideally be safe as well,” said Brian Anderson, a physician at Mitre, a company helping lead the initiative. “Creating an environment for those vulnerable populations to get back to work safely – and to know that the people coming back to their business are ‘safe,’ and vaccinated – would be a great scenario.”

More here: https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/biden-administration-working-on-covid-19-passports-to-enable-american-travel

03-29-21, 08:30
We should have a “proof of intellectual ability” for presidents and congress.

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03-29-21, 08:43
I bet I'll be able to get a fake vax credential just as easily as "Jose Joptheborder" can get fake immigration docs.

just a scout
03-29-21, 08:45
What happened to “My body, My Choice”?

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03-29-21, 08:51

03-29-21, 08:51
The ability of the dems to cry racism over the new Georgia voter ID laws in one breath and but demand a vaccine passport in the next is mind bogeling.

03-29-21, 08:52
What happened to “My body, My Choice”?

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03-29-21, 09:15
All about control and growing the Fed Govt.

We all knew this was coming,…. it is only a natural outcome on the continuum of ideological control. CTH warned since last summer of the ramifications if a leftist group used COVID-19 to expand federal power over peoples lives and livelihoods. The day after his inauguration JoeBama’s team unleashed a series of TEN EXECUTIVE ORDERS fully weaponizing the opportunity.

Today the Washington Post is reporting about the Biden administration working with private corporations to create a universal “vaccine passport” to restrict the movement of non-vaccinated Americans.

If you follow the natural progression of the effort, there will come a time when employers will be forced by federal regulation to require vaccination for all their workers. [Predictions HERE and HERE]


03-29-21, 09:16

Pretty much sums it up.

03-29-21, 09:16
The implicit message is that you will not be able to travel, work, or even buy groceries unless you follow the ruling party's dictates.

03-29-21, 09:21
I’ll not be getting the vaccine and i’ll not be presenting papers to anyone. It’s very simple.

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03-29-21, 09:39
I’ll not be getting the vaccine and i’ll not be presenting papers to anyone. It’s very simple.

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Cannot travel, buy groceries, visit Doctor, work...

03-29-21, 09:56
Cannot travel, buy groceries, visit Doctor, work...

That's why I'll head to McArthur Park for my ginned up Vax passport. I don't particularly give a damn about the shots. I just ain't gonna do a F'ing thing Joe Shitizpantz tells me to do. I'll get fake docs for my employers sake and so I don't have to shoot anyone in the face that asks to see my shot record.

WTF! Next thing you know we're all gonna have to wear collars to show our submission to Joe and Kumswala. Then we'll need our Vax tags like the dogs that we are. :mad:

Even if I end up getting the stupid shots, I'm getting faked docs to shit on the .gov program. Pretty f'd up that I'd rather give cash to cartel forgers than comply with the .gov, but I trust the cartels more than I trust any f'ing fed.

03-29-21, 09:58
There's talk of a digital Covid Passport but Biden is previously on record saying...

Feb 16 2021

“Not everybody in the community–in the Hispanic and the African-American community, particularly in rural areas that are distant and/or inner-city districts, know how to use — know how to get online to determine how to get in line for that covid vaccination at the Walgreens or at the particular store,” Biden said

Unable to secure an ID. Unable to get online. Unable to get in line to get vaccinated... but need proof of vaccination to 'return to normal'?

03-29-21, 10:05

03-29-21, 10:05
There's talk of a digital Covid Passport but Biden is previously on record saying...

Feb 16 2021

“Not everybody in the community–in the Hispanic and the African-American community, particularly in rural areas that are distant and/or inner-city districts, know how to use — know how to get online to determine how to get in line for that covid vaccination at the Walgreens or at the particular store,” Biden said

Unable to secure an ID. Unable to get online. Unable to get in line to get vaccinated... but need proof of vaccination to 'return to normal'?

I'm thinking there is a big hunk of the black community that ain't getting any damn shot the government says they gotta have. There are a whole lotta blacks that don't believe a damn thing the government says. They'll take the money and all but...

Can't say I blame them one bit.

03-29-21, 10:06
Revelation 13:17...I'll pass.

03-29-21, 10:07
We should have a “proof of intellectual ability” for presidents and congress.

Some can't chew bubblegum and walk at the same time; asking for an IQ larger than their shoe size might be pushing it. :rolleyes:


As for a "vaccine passport," which I'll NEVER have;


03-29-21, 10:47
Cannot travel, buy groceries, visit Doctor, work...

Honestly, I don’t think the gov is going to be able to do something like this nationally. It’ll be challenged in court immediately. Maybe airlines and travel agency can require proof of vaccine or negative covid test, but I don’t travel like that anyway. Long story short, I don’t think it’ll happen. I know there are more than a few morons out there eagerly waiting to be marked and tagged by dear big brother, but there are a ton out there who are not.

If it comes to pass, i’ll cross the bridge of what to do when it does. I’m pretty firm though in my decision to forgo getting the jab. Call it a mixture of defiance and mistrust. I’m also not in a high risk group, so I don’t feel the need to rush out and get it.

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03-29-21, 11:03
I'm thinking there is a big hunk of the black community that ain't getting any damn shot the government says they gotta have. There are a whole lotta blacks that don't believe a damn thing the government says. They'll take the money and all but...

Can't say I blame them one bit.

This. The media is passing it off as Trump voters not getting the vaccine, and that is simply incorrect.

03-29-21, 11:10
It's not like this is new or unprecedented. Here in Tennessee crum-crunchers require proof of immunizations to go to school based on CDC guidelines.


The Tennessee Department of Health is responsible for immunization requirements for those who attend child care, pre-school, school and college. The current immunization requirements are in the Tennessee Department of Health Rules.

The state’s immunization schedule follows the current schedule published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP).

A brief summary of the required immunizations for child care facilities and schools is listed below.

Children enrolling in child care facilities, pre-school, pre-Kindergarten
Infants entering child care facilities must be up to date at the time of enrollment and are required to provide an updated certificate after completing all of the required vaccines due no later than 18 months of age.

Poliomyelitis (IPV or OPV)
Haemophilus influenzae type B (Hib) - age younger than 5 years only
Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) - age younger than 5 years only
Measles, Mumps, Rubella - 1 dose of each, normally given together as MMR
Varicella - 1 dose or credible history of disease
Hepatitis B (HBV)
Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis (DTaP, or DT if appropriate)
Hepatitis A - 1 dose, required by 18 months of age or older​​

Required Immunizations
Children enrolling in Kindergarten

Hepatitis B (HBV)
Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis (DTaP, or DT if appropriate)
Poliomyelitis (IPV or OPV) - final dose on or after the 4th birthday
Measles, Mumps, Rubella - 2 doses of each, usually given together as MMR
Varicella - 2 doses or credible history of disease
Hepatitis A - total of 2 doses, spaced at least 6 - 18 months apart
All children entering 7th grade (including currently enrolled students)

Tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis booster (Tdap) - evidence of one Tdap dose given any time before 7th grade entry is required regardless of Td history
Varicella - 2 doses or credible history of disease

Update to 7th Grade Chickenpox (Varicella) Immunization Requirements
Children who are new enrollees in a TN school in grades other than Kindergarten

Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis (DTaP, or DT if appropriate)
Measles, Mumps, Rubella (2 doses of each, normally given together as MMR)
Poliomyelitis (IPV or OPV) – final dose on or after the 4th birthday now required
Varicella (2 doses or credible history of disease) – previously only one dose was required
Hepatitis B (HBV) – previously only for Kindergarten, 7th grade entry
New students entering grades other than 7th grade are not required to have Tdap
Full-time Tennessee college students

Measles, Mumps, Rubella (2 doses of each, normally given together as MMR): if born on or after January 1, 1957 only.
Varicella (2 doses or credible history of disease): if born on or after January 1, 1980 only.
Hepatitis B (HBV) – only for health science students expected to have patient contact (before patient contact begins).
Meningococcal - At a minimum of 1 dose given at 16 years of age or greater if enrolling in public institution for the first time and under 22 years of age and living in on-campus housing; private institutions set their own requirements for this vaccine.

Children with medical or religious exemption to requirements

Medical – Physician (MD, DO) or department Public Health Nurse authorized to indicate specific vaccines medically exempted (because of risk of harm) on the new form. Other vaccines remain required. The medical reason for the exemption does not need to be provided.

Religious – This exemption requires a signed statement by the parent/guardian that vaccination conflicts with their religious tenets or practices. If the child needs documentation of a health examination for the school, it must be noted by the healthcare provider on the immunization certificate. In that case, the provider should check the box that the parent has sought a religious exemption to explain why immunization information is absent or incomplete.

Minimum ages or dose intervals – Tennessee follows published CDC guidelines. For vaccines with critical minimum age requirements (e.g., MMR, varicella) or minimum dose intervals, doses are considered valid if given up to 4 days before the minimum age or dose interval. Doses administered more than 4 days early are considered invalid and should be repeated as recommended.

Injectable or nasally administered live vaccines not administered on the same day should be administered at least 4 weeks apart. The 4-day "grace period" should not be applied to the 28-day interval between injectable or nasally administered live vaccines not administered at the same visit. If injectable or nasally administered live vaccines are separated by less than 4 weeks, the second vaccine administered should not be counted as a valid dose and should be repeated. The repeat dose should be administered at least 4 weeks after the last invalid dose.

Alternative proof of immunity for certain diseases – A positive serology (year of test documented) is acceptable as an alternative to immunization for measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis A, hepatitis B or varicella. For varicella, documentation of provider diagnosed varicella (year) or provider-verified credible history of disease given by a parent or guardian (year) also is acceptable. By documenting a history of disease, the provider is asserting that he or she is convinced that the child has had chickenpox.

03-29-21, 11:34
Wouldn't person just be able to show that they tested positive for it and you had the real thing?

Has anyone heard if the Covid vaccination is going to be a yearly vaccine or if it’s one and done?

03-29-21, 11:57
I was listening to the radio on my way to pick up a script.
Talk show host saying how he approves of using a Covid "passport" to fly, go to a sporting event, mass transit, etc.
It would appear the brain washing was successful.

And yet anyone can vote....and that's how we got in this mess.

03-29-21, 12:00
And when will the privileged Whites be required to wear a prominent Crucifix, or similar, on their clothing as the Jews/Star of David, were required to display under the Third Reich?

03-29-21, 14:25
And when will the privileged Whites be required to wear a prominent Crucifix, or similar, on their clothing as the Jews/Star of David, were required to display under the Third Reich?

It will be here before you know at this pace. And there will still be plenty of fudds on this board and everywhere else that will still utter the phrase “it’s not time, you will know when it’s time”.

03-29-21, 15:15
Oddly enough I just got an email from the VA saying I can schedule a vax. First time the VA has EVER been proactive about anything that I can think of. Go figure.

ETA: My bad. Utah Dept of Veteran Affairs, not VA.

03-29-21, 15:27
I'm thinking there is a big hunk of the black community that ain't getting any damn shot the government says they gotta have. There are a whole lotta blacks that don't believe a damn thing the government says. They'll take the money and all but...

Can't say I blame them one bit.

In this county there didn't seem to be many bashful about going to the hospital with Covid infections. Disproportionately higher hospitalizations. Low testing was blamed on the National Guard wearing uniforms. Racist. The uniform-wearing racists were pulled out but that didn't change anything. Same story with vaccinations. Around here vaccinations are delivered at our nature park. Nice drive through operated by lots of fellas with US Army patches on their uniforms. Very smooth well run operation.

03-29-21, 17:12
Oddly enough I just got an email from the VA saying I can schedule a vax. First time the VA has EVER been proactive about anything that I can think of. Go figure.

ETA: My bad. Utah Dept of Veteran Affairs, not VA.

The VHA is doing the same thing. They are doing tiers up until the last couple weeks when an act of Congress changed the eligibility requirements for veterans.

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03-29-21, 17:30
The VHA is doing the same thing. They are doing tiers up until the last couple weeks when an act of Congress changed the eligibility requirements for veterans.

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Yeah this would be at the VA hospital under the new guidelines. But it's the state putting the emails out. At first I was just confused cause it's all VA info. I was just flabbergasted cause the VA goes out of their way to serve veterans, let's see here, yeah ... never. But the state org is a lot better, they do outreach and other services, not actual medical services.

03-29-21, 18:17
What happened to “My body, My Choice”?

Dude, if the Left didn't have double standards they'd have no standards at all!

03-29-21, 18:47
How can people be expected to obtain proof of vaccination to "return to normal" when they cannot be expected to even get proof of ID to vote?

Toss in the constant desire to register firearms along with expanding surveillance on peons while simultaneously keeping their actions veiled in secrecy.

03-29-21, 19:33
Compliance is Consent, and I most assuredly do NOT consent to this BS.


03-30-21, 06:15
Honestly, I don’t think the gov is going to be able to do something like this nationally. It’ll be challenged in court immediately. Maybe airlines and travel agency can require proof of vaccine or negative covid test, but I don’t travel like that anyway. Long story short, I don’t think it’ll happen. I know there are more than a few morons out there eagerly waiting to be marked and tagged by dear big brother, but there are a ton out there who are not.

If it comes to pass, i’ll cross the bridge of what to do when it does. I’m pretty firm though in my decision to forgo getting the jab. Call it a mixture of defiance and mistrust. I’m also not in a high risk group, so I don’t feel the need to rush out and get it.

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Private businesses are going to to it for them. They can sit back and keep their "hands clean". There have been a few heavy handed enforcement actions for COVID restriction enforcement but for the most part it is employees of private enterprises that are barring entry without a mask and enforcing other edicts. It will be the same for the vaccine.

03-30-21, 06:20
The implicit message is that you will not be able to travel, work, or even buy groceries unless you follow the ruling party's dictates.

OMG...Mark of the Beast in 3,2,1...

03-30-21, 06:23
Revelation 13:17...I'll pass.

Called it.

03-30-21, 06:31
OMG...Mark of the Beast in 3,2,1...

New York Excelsior Pass


03-30-21, 07:01
OMG...Mark of the Beast in 3,2,1...

It honestly frightens me. This is the biggest move towards totalitarian control by the U.S. government I can name.

We already have had private companies conspire with a political party and the groundwork has been laid to not only suppress any dissenting voice, but to identify the dissenter and prosecute them for insurgency.

Now half the country or more are advocating to create a system that can make anyone a non-entity with a snap of the fingers? How much of a stretch is it to think the government will use the "passport" as a compliance mechanism?


03-30-21, 08:58
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. - Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said Monday that he would issue an executive order forbidding local governments and businesses from requiring so-called "vaccine passports" to show proof that customers have been inoculated against the coronavirus.


03-30-21, 09:14

Be sure to salute the inquirer, Sieg Heil!

03-30-21, 09:46
Called it.

Little late to the game but this was so capt obvious...thanks for playing.

03-30-21, 10:08
I would expect the proof to be electronic, as an app on the phone. Just happens also to have tracking with it. Those with only paper, well, they need to be watched as they are either reactionaries, or unable to use a phone, making them dangerous. They'd just blunder around as carriers; I think at least the "ministry of health control" narrative would go that way.

03-30-21, 10:58
Well, I would blab on about unconstitutional this and that, but it seems non of that matters.

But if that is the case, do we get to make up our own rules now.

I mostly feel sorry for my children.

Soli Deo Gloria

03-30-21, 12:09
I would expect the proof to be electronic, as an app on the phone. Just happens also to have tracking with it. Those with only paper, well, they need to be watched as they are either reactionaries, or unable to use a phone, making them dangerous. They'd just blunder around as carriers; I think at least the "ministry of health control" narrative would go that way.

Will the government also be providing smart phones with internet service to access their apps?

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03-30-21, 12:20
Will the government also be providing smart phones with internet service to access their apps?

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So requiring ID and documentation is only bad when it comes to voting or proving citizenship?

03-30-21, 12:21

So requiring ID and documentation is only bad when it comes to voting or proving citizenship?

Perhaps. Perhaps. Just tell them you’re an illegal alien democrat voter, you’ll be fine to come and go as you please.

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03-30-21, 15:08
physical money is to dangerous and dirty

we will get rid of money and have a digital only currency much safer better and more secure

you will be able to access your funds with proof of compliance in anything we want ! we are starting this test with the covid vaccine

one this is established our next phase this system will be required for voting and will again be tied to your finances based on your voting

this is for your best interest Oh and do it for the kids !

03-30-21, 17:45
There is no law I know of requiring you to have a cell phone (yet) or that you carry it on you at all times. That would mean my "official" card showing I got the J&J vaccine should be sufficient. It is documented both at the CDC as well as the VA (where I got it from). Both are Fed agencies, so I *should* be GTG as far as I'm concerned. I will not put a .gov app on a phone I may or may not own.

Public service announcement: from watching all the crime/murder shows on Discovery ID that my wife watches (yeah, makes me raise an eyebrow as to why she watches them :rolleyes:), if you're gonna commit a murder DO NOT take your cell phone with you! Duh!

03-30-21, 19:21
How will “They” know that a piece of paper is legit vaccination proof and not some forged document? What’s next, blood samples? Dark road ahead everyone.

03-30-21, 19:35
How will “They” know that a piece of paper is legit vaccination proof and not some forged document? What’s next, blood samples? Dark road ahead everyone.

I personally can't see this gaining real traction but the movement is most certainly global & don't doubt they want it much less try...if you wanna go down that rabbit hole then 'they' will simply flood fake vacs cards & say they need a more reliable method. This shit is as creepy as gun confiscation if not more. I would rather die of a virus than bend the knee to those who would use it for tyranny!! Really, a vacs passport needed for a cootie 99% survivable if under 70 & 95% if over 70 & available therapeutics?? Hope this story goes away as it sticks in my craw.

03-30-21, 19:40
I personally can't see this gaining real traction but the movement is most certainly global & don't doubt they want it much less try...if you wanna go down that rabbit hole then 'they' will simply flood fake vacs cards & say they need a more reliable method. This shit is as creepy as gun confiscation if not more. I would rather die of a virus than bend the knee to those who would use it for tyranny!! Really, a vacs passport needed for a cootie 99% survivable if under 70 & 95% if over 70 & available therapeutics?? Hope this story goes away as it sticks in my craw.

I travel ALL the time for work and I wouldn’t want to have to present “my papers” in order to have to go to work. As long as there isn’t a law requiring a vaccine, I won’t be getting any vaccine any time soon.

03-30-21, 20:26
Then there is this.


"Pfizer has been a "habitual offender," persistently engaging in illegal and corrupt marketing practices, bribing physicians and suppressing adverse trial results."

03-30-21, 20:54
Thought that was going to be their constant mold problem :)

Then there is this.


"Pfizer has been a "habitual offender," persistently engaging in illegal and corrupt marketing practices, bribing physicians and suppressing adverse trial results."

03-30-21, 21:00
Thought that was going to be their constant mold problem :)

Is this from a barely literate author or a Freudian slip from the company PIO? Lol

"He stated all improvements related to covid manufacturing would be completed before vaccine production begins."

03-30-21, 22:14
I was at my local clinic last week for a random drug test and they had a STACK of shot records sitting right on the counter. I could have grabbed all I wanted. Fill them in.. make a squiggly doctor signature and rock on. People demanding shot records to get on a plane are not going to have the manpower to check any of them anyway. The only way this works is to attach it to your Real-ID or actual passport.

Boy Scout
03-30-21, 22:22
DHS has already published a pdf Covid-19 Vaccination Record card. Just click the print button and ya got all the docs ya need.


Printed on 80lb, 3"x4" cardstock paper
Lot numbers for first Pfizer dosage: EH9899, EK5730
Lot numbers for second Pfizer dosage: EK9231, EL1284

03-31-21, 06:51
I was at my local clinic last week for a random drug test and they had a STACK of shot records sitting right on the counter. I could have grabbed all I wanted. Fill them in.. make a squiggly doctor signature and rock on. People demanding shot records to get on a plane are not going to have the manpower to check any of them anyway. The only way this works is to attach it to your Real-ID or actual passport.

You should have grabbed one and done it.

03-31-21, 16:43
Good Grief...


NEW - Britons could have their faces scanned to allow them to access pubs, gigs, and sports events under one government-funded plan being drawn up for vaccine passports (The Times)

edit...FBI warning on fake vacs cards.


04-01-21, 06:07
The question of requiring vaccination proof (at/for work) was raised in a business unit "town hall" yesterday and immediately shut down because it would be "probably" be a HIPPA violation.


04-01-21, 12:24
Printed on 80lb, 3"x4" cardstock paper
Lot numbers for first Pfizer dosage: EH9899, EK5730
Lot numbers for second Pfizer dosage: EK9231, EL1284

The ones written on the card I have are EN6205 and ER5727 respectively.

04-01-21, 12:25
darn double tap

04-08-21, 17:24
You choice? It depends.