View Full Version : South Carolina's Unorganized Militia Bill

03-31-21, 06:47
This is interesting. It states in the bill that you have to essentially be a member of the unorganized militia under orders of the governor but can resign your membership at any time. So, there is a list of members then. I wonder if other states will follow the example.





03-31-21, 07:54
The South will rise again!

Every Confederate state should do this and mean it

03-31-21, 15:25
The South will rise again!

Every Confederate state should do this and mean it

The field of play has shifted. I believe the states on opposing sides will differ from the last time we had unpleasantries.

My state has a State Guard. Which sounds a lot like this, except maybe the State Guard is an “organized” militia?

03-31-21, 16:24
Nothing more than words on paper. So what if it passes. "They" will just do whatever they want anyway, just like the last election and the GA state elections. We are beyond bills, laws and voting. Its nothing more than theatre at this point.

Still, South Carolina just moved way up on my list of places to run to when the walls start closing in on us all.

04-01-21, 05:04
I think the main purpose of the bill is more towards protecting a person's 2nd Amendment rights vs being part of a militia. My thought was wondering more about the "unorganized" part of the whole thing. What, you have the governor as general of the militia and 100,000 privates...??? As far as organization, it sound like any sort of activation of the militia would be a cluster bleep. But still, at least they did something to try to protect a citizen's constitutional rights.

04-01-21, 05:35
I think the main purpose of the bill is more towards protecting a person's 2nd Amendment rights vs being part of a militia. My thought was wondering more about the "unorganized" part of the whole thing. What, you have the governor as general of the militia and 100,000 privates...??? As far as organization, it sound like any sort of activation of the militia would be a cluster bleep. But still, at least they did something to try to protect a citizen's constitutional rights.

The unorganized militia has never been activated and never will be activated since it's creation in 1906. This is a bill that is intended to protect second amendment rights via "militia" considerations, but really they need to approach the second as a civil right if they really want to protect it.

04-01-21, 06:05
It is pandering and moot. The 2nd amendment and Federalist Papers are clear enough.

04-01-21, 09:12
I think it's a step in the right direction. There're also a few bills in the works here whose purpose is to nullify/prevent the enforcement of federal anti gun laws by state and local LEOs. I'd like to see some action on those as well. My state senator is one of the writers/sponsors of the unorganized militia bill, and I do hope it passes. It's not and end all, be all bill, but I believe it's a step in the right direction and a bit of a slap in the face of the anti gunners.

04-01-21, 09:19
Texas has the state guard, which in a way is like the national guard but not federalized.

Honestly a group of folks who get together, train a bit (mostly search and rescue training), and could be called upon to help with emergencies: lost child in the woods, hurricanes and other storms, or any other type of natural disasters. Is not a bad idea. Granted I am thinking along the lines of something like a reserve deputy, but even less official. Call it anything you want, but it would involve more people with helping out during an emergency, which is probably a good thing versus leaving them to do nothing and idle hands and all that, it may head off some of the bad that occurs during such events.

04-01-21, 18:31
It is pandering and moot. The 2nd amendment and Federalist Papers are clear enough.

Love your optimism.