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03-31-21, 10:01

Either Matt likes 'em "on the younger side," or there's an elaborate Deep State extortion plot in action.

Anybody giving odds?

03-31-21, 10:14
My money's on retaliation for Cuomo. "You come at one of ours, we come at one of yours." Just like smearing Bork, Clarence Thomas, Romney as a tax cheat, Kavanaugh, Trump...


03-31-21, 10:24

Either Matt likes 'em "on the younger side," or there's an elaborate Deep State extortion plot in action.

Anybody giving odds?

Odds on The New York Times is telling the truth?

03-31-21, 10:33
Or the FBI.

03-31-21, 10:36
Or the FBI.

The FBI is pretty much dead to me, they're just more muscle and spies for the Democrats.
He took this story to the media after being blackmailed.

03-31-21, 10:41
And sadly we have sellout squishes evan at Redstate wringing their hands about howv "punching back is unseemly"... this is why the GOP is called the Stupid Party, they learned NOTHING from how Bush remained silent and quietly let the Donks cake him with crap.

The only way this stops is when we grow a pair of balls and adopt a policy of "you come for one of ours, we take ten scalps of yours in reply."

03-31-21, 10:42
My money's on retaliation for Cuomo. "You come at one of ours, we come at one of yours." Just like smearing Bork, Clarence Thomas, Romney as a tax cheat, Kavanaugh, Trump...


This. Nothing like making a scandal go away in New York like a crisis on the border and a GOP Congressman maybe involved in a 17 year old girl.

03-31-21, 11:33
It supposedly happened 2 years ago? a 36 YO man and a 17yo girl? I know 17yo can be 'hot', but to drag her around the country? I can't think of anything more annoying to a 30yo man than a 17 year old girl- holy crap that would be annoying. It just doesn't make sense. Maybe he is that dumb.

Gaetz seemed coked up last night. He should have chilled and said that he was working with the FBI on a black-mail case regarding this type of information- which he did, but in a round about way.

WE'll see. Shouldn't take long to parse this out...

03-31-21, 11:52
So he's claiming there was an extortion attempt and he went to the FBI about it. Impossible to know where the truth starts and the BS starts in all that.

03-31-21, 12:05
My money is on leftist lies and if it were true I'd bet she's not from China.

03-31-21, 12:43
Rep leadership should look into it. If he did illegal or otherwise dirty shit bounce his ass.

Of course Creepy Killer Coumo and Spy Lovin' Swalwell will get total makeovers by their sycophants in the press.

03-31-21, 16:23
He's openly fighting it, honestly if they've got the truth, why does the FBI have to leak the story?
No, the FBI will call CNN and tell them when they are going to arrest you tonight and then they'll confront your wife with the story on your front lawn in front of the neighbors.
You know there is a hell of a lot more swamp that still needs draining.
The guy tried to extort Gaetz and his Dad wore a wire to expose it, what more can you do?

03-31-21, 17:04
He's openly fighting it, honestly if they've got the truth, why does the FBI have to leak the story?
No, the FBI will call CNN and tell them when they are going to arrest you tonight and then they'll confront your wife with the story on your front lawn in front of the neighbors.
You know there is a hell of a lot more swamp that still needs draining.
The guy tried to extort Gaetz and his Dad wore a wire to expose it, what more can you do?

You forgot they'll do it at 2 in the morning with full lights/sirens/choppers, kill your dog, and drag her and the kids out into the street in their undies while they do it to further amplify the humiliation.

The swamp doesn't need draining, it needs to be nuked into glass.

03-31-21, 17:43
Probably has a lot to do with it...quick clip of him calling out the admin on the border bs.


03-31-21, 21:06
Watch the interview with Tucker Carlson. Tuck asks the question, How long have you known you were under investigation? Matt doesn't answer, but immediately starts talking about how all this has affected his family.

The investigation began last fall, when Bill Barr was AG. It's inconceivable that the AG would not have known about the investigation of a Congressman, and allowed it to go forward. I'm thinking Gaetz has known for months that he's being looked at, and doesn't want to admit that on national television. That would belie his extortion story, would it not?

Meanwhile, attorney McGee says he hopes there are tapes, and let's play them and see who's telling the truth. Says he has no connection with the case. One question then is, how did Matt focus on McGee? Did he just pick him out of the phone book? What IS McGee's connection, if any?

Tucker sure stayed clear of any endorsement of Gaetz's conspiracy theory. Can't blame old Tuck for being suddenly fact-oriented, when other conservative talkers are being sued for billions by voting machine companies.

Occam's Razor: The simplest explanation is the preferred one. So:

Is the simpler explanation that there's a deep state conspiracy to obtain payback on Gaetz and chill conservatives, fomented by various DOJ people, with at least the knowledge and tacit approval of Trump ally Bill Barr, and fronted by a criminal defense lawyer who's been out of the DOJ for many years, and goes rogue (?) and tries to extort a Congressman for $25 million, and doesn't make any particular effort to hide his identity . . . . OR . . . does Matt like them "on the younger side?"

Stay tuned on this one.

03-31-21, 21:07
Edit to delete duplicate post,

03-31-21, 23:16
Watch the interview with Tucker Carlson. Tuck asks the question, How long have you known you were under investigation? Matt doesn't answer, but immediately starts talking about how all this has affected his family.

The investigation began last fall, when Bill Barr was AG. It's inconceivable that the AG would not have known about the investigation of a Congressman, and allowed it to go forward. I'm thinking Gaetz has known for months that he's being looked at, and doesn't want to admit that on national television. That would belie his extortion story, would it not?

Meanwhile, attorney McGee says he hopes there are tapes, and let's play them and see who's telling the truth. Says he has no connection with the case. One question then is, how did Matt focus on McGee? Did he just pick him out of the phone book? What IS McGee's connection, if any?

Tucker sure stayed clear of any endorsement of Gaetz's conspiracy theory. Can't blame old Tuck for being suddenly fact-oriented, when other conservative talkers are being sued for billions by voting machine companies.

Occam's Razor: The simplest explanation is the preferred one. So:

Is the simpler explanation that there's a deep state conspiracy to obtain payback on Gaetz and chill conservatives, fomented by various DOJ people, with at least the knowledge and tacit approval of Trump ally Bill Barr, and fronted by a criminal defense lawyer who's been out of the DOJ for many years, and goes rogue (?) and tries to extort a Congressman for $25 million, and doesn't make any particular effort to hide his identity . . . . OR . . . does Matt like them "on the younger side?"

Stay tuned on this one.

IDK, was it simpler to believe that Trump wasn't a Putin stooge, really loving his country or that Hilliary, Comey, the DNC and a whole host of other D-bags were conspiring to take him down?

03-31-21, 23:16
deleted...double post probs again.

04-01-21, 00:17
Simple, produce the evidence and arrest his ass or STFU.

04-01-21, 01:09
How long would it take to investigate something like that?

My guess is that it was a staffer or intern that he/campaign covered travel expenses. 17 for an intern seems young, but not out of the possible.

The Barr angle I really don't care for, makes me think it is even more fake. Like Barr would have anything to do with it, and even if it stank to high heaven, Barr would get blamed for protecting one of Trump's main guys. That there are DOJ/FBI guys looking to head-hunt Trump people- that doesn't take much to believe. Frankly it was the DOJ/FBI modus for the past 5 years.

The story seems just too odd to believe. But self-destructive, narcissistic a-hole pol? Sure that can happen.

Seems like you'd be able to clear this up pretty fast. The longer the FBI stays quiet, the better the chances it is all BS.

04-01-21, 02:00
While I do sort of like Gaetz, he does have the pedo look, but considering that the DOJ is involved in this, I would give Gaetz the benefit, of the doubt. As a matter of fact, If i had a underage daughter, i would sooner have her intern for Gaetz than believe anything that comes out of a DOJ investigation at this point.

Coal Dragger
04-01-21, 03:28
He’s already got a record of a DUI so there’s a history of bad decision making.

Innocent until proven guilty though.

04-01-21, 07:50
Of course if it was a Democrat we'd be hearing "love is love".

Swalwell was tag teaming a Chicom spy with his brother, even after the fleebs TOLD him she was a spy(which he already had to know). But hey, Nancy sez it's all good, press sez ... crickets.

04-01-21, 08:25
NYT is reporting this in the context of Gaetz being a 'sex trafficker'. Meanwhile... frequent traveler to Epstein's Pedophile Island is with Kamala giving lessons on empowering women.

04-01-21, 09:32
Given the recent history of the DOJs highly selective and politically-motivated prosecutions, one must view these allegations with a bit of skepticism.

However, I don't understand why, if the allegations are false,a lawsuit has not been filed. If I were publicly accused of being a pedo I'd hire the nastiest attorney I know and turn him

04-01-21, 09:33
Double tap

04-01-21, 22:22
Failing NY Times now says it has seen cash-transfer app receipts from Mr. Greenberg and Rep. Gaetz, to various women, which women say were for meeting those gentlemen in hotel rooms for the purpose of fornication. Some cash also changed hands. There are text message, too, according to failing NY Times. Maybe NY Times is making all this up?

04-01-21, 23:31
Failing NY Times now says it has seen cash-transfer app receipts from Mr. Greenberg and Rep. Gaetz, to various women, which women say were for meeting those gentlemen in hotel rooms for the purpose of fornication. Some cash also changed hands. There are text message, too, according to failing NY Times. Maybe NY Times is making all this up?

You tell us Uni, are they making it up?

04-01-21, 23:32
Failing NY Times now says it has seen cash-transfer app receipts from Mr. Greenberg and Rep. Gaetz, to various women, which women say were for meeting those gentlemen in hotel rooms for the purpose of fornication. Some cash also changed hands. There are text message, too, according to failing NY Times. Maybe NY Times is making all this up?

You tell us Uni, are they making it up?

04-02-21, 00:39
You tell us Uni, are they making it up?

How would I know? Do I look like a FNYT reporter?

But I've a feeling we will find out, one way or another.

04-02-21, 11:19
How would I know? Do I look like a FNYT reporter?

But I've a feeling we will find out, one way or another.

Does the NYT have a good track record in your mind?

04-02-21, 13:02
Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save.

04-02-21, 13:59
Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save.

We also don't want to bear false witness against our neighbor. If Gaetz is guilty let him suffer the consequences of his folly. Many of us here have a deserved and profound distrust for the NYT and the FBI.

04-02-21, 13:59
Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save.

We also don't want to bear false witness against our neighbor. If Gaetz is guilty let him suffer the consequences of his folly. Many of us here have a deserved and profound distrust for the NYT and the FBI.

04-02-21, 16:15
Does the NYT have a good track record in your mind?

Walter Duranty. And, that's in the "old days."

04-02-21, 16:15
Does the NYT have a good track record in your mind?

Walter Duranty. And, that's in the "old days."

04-02-21, 16:21
Walter Duranty. And, that's in the "old days."

Had to look him up to be sure I had my history right...I thought he was the one. The guy at the Times who denied and covered up Stalin's slaughter of millions.

04-02-21, 20:09
We also don't want to bear false witness against our neighbor. If Gaetz is guilty let him suffer the consequences of his folly. Many of us here have a deserved and profound distrust for the NYT and the FBI.

Understood brother. No argument about bearing false witness or the trustworthiness of the FBI or NYT.

04-02-21, 21:22
Does the NYT have a good track record in your mind?

We won't need to depend on them. Enough will be known that there will be two camps. Those who believe, and those who choose not to believe. Isn't that true of every issue?

04-02-21, 23:13
We won't need to depend on them. Enough will be known that there will be two camps. Those who believe, and those who choose not to believe. Isn't that true of every issue?I heard that Trump supporters were storming the capital again. It's from a verified user


Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

04-03-21, 20:48
So he's claiming there was an extortion attempt and he went to the FBI about it. Impossible to know where the truth starts and the BS starts in all that.
My money is on the FBI lying, just like they did with all the “impeachment” evidence.

Evel Baldgui
04-03-21, 21:03
I mentioned this before, the fbi is nothing more than the modern gestapo. The NY times? Seriously??? The National Enquirer is a more legitimate news source than that left wing rag which is only suitable to line puppy bins with.

04-03-21, 21:08
I heard that Trump supporters were storming the capital again. It's from a verified user


Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

I see you found Chairman Xi's Intern...

04-03-21, 21:30
Wasn't it the NYT who reported multiple times that their FBI/DOJ/DC Insiders had all sorts of bombshell proof that Trump was colluding with Russia?

04-04-21, 09:19
Wasn't it the NYT who reported multiple times that their FBI/DOJ/DC Insiders had all sorts of bombshell proof that Trump was colluding with Russia?

The days of people sitting at home on a Sunday Evening and cheering on the FBI catching bad guys on the small screen are over.
I think they've gone too far now to be trusted.

04-04-21, 09:24
Wasn't it the NYT who reported multiple times that their FBI/DOJ/DC Insiders had all sorts of bombshell proof that Trump was colluding with Russia?

And, didn't schiff (lower case deliberate) say he "...saw the evidence?"

04-04-21, 10:50
Im going to channel Democrat on this and say "so what"? If he was part of the China-lite party this would never have been news.

Do I think he is in the habit of hiring underage hookers and paying with easily traceable means? No.


04-05-21, 17:44
Another interesting thing is QAnon's reaction.

Their raison d'etre is powerful people conducting sex-trafficking.

Confronted by allegations of just such a powerful person allegedly conducting sex-trafficking, their response is . . . crickets.

04-05-21, 18:27

Everything I'm seeing on alternate / SM news is if he's dirty then hang him high, but the story came out RIGHT after he claimed the Biden admin is openly involved in the largest human / child smuggling operation in history during an interview. Then some old story came up about some bribe to help Iran hostage Levinson (see above). It's all kinda foggy.

MOSTLY, what I saw was how the MSM is all over this like stink on shit & gives the ole pedo in chief a total pass...pretty quiet now as nothing new & focused more on Ukraine which msm chatter is also oddly quite stateside thus far.

04-05-21, 19:04
A sleezy lawyer possibly extorting a politician over a rumored sex act and the NYT trying to turn it into a bombshell report...... Where have I seen this before?

04-05-21, 23:52
Just think of the logistics of trying to travel with a 17yo. Granted, she doesn’t probably LOOK 17, but people in the circle would know. The logistics would be a PITA. She can’t rent a car or get a hotel room if you gave her the money. If you pay for those, their is a hot money trail. People in your circle would know.

One thing Geatz could do is one of those ‘sworn statements’ or whatever were going around during the Kavanaugh hearings. If you sent a certified letter to the FBI, couldn’t they get you for false statements if what you sent them was false? This is supposedly tied to his buddy, make a statement to that investigator.

04-06-21, 08:09
Just think of the logistics of trying to travel with a 17yo. Granted, she doesn’t probably LOOK 17, but people in the circle would know. The logistics would be a PITA. She can’t rent a car or get a hotel room if you gave her the money. If you pay for those, their is a hot money trail. People in your circle would know.

One thing Geatz could do is one of those ‘sworn statements’ or whatever were going around during the Kavanaugh hearings. If you sent a certified letter to the FBI, couldn’t they get you for false statements if what you sent them was false? This is supposedly tied to his buddy, make a statement to that investigator.

The FBI is not interested in prosecuting anyone that supports their narrative.

No one is watching the watchers.

04-06-21, 08:56
I'm smelling nothingburger. Fleebs have been "investigating for several months" and nothing to show. Can't even tease gory details when they leak to the press? Yeah, they are trying to intimidate and/or hurt the guys rep. How F'ing sad is it when our "preeminent federal law enforcement agency" is known for a fact (proven by multiple examples) to be willing to lie, use nefarious tactics, and flat out frame people for political motives.

On the upside after 2+ years they should have Hunter's laptop reduced to component molecules, so they have eliminated any chance that it could hurt their beloved party.

04-06-21, 11:48
It's imperative to get to the bottom of this ASAP! Turn the investigation over to John Durham.

04-06-21, 11:54
Is John Durham a real person? Has anyone actually seen him in public or spoken to him in person? Maybe they just use the John Durham fake person for plausible deniability when "they" just want to ash can an investigation.

04-06-21, 22:32
Premature double-ation

04-06-21, 22:32
John Durham’s code name is “black hole”.

His super secret code name is “dead bull” because he never charges anything.

His friends call him “24 short“ because he’s nowhere near making a case.

Wit Sec program at the FBI has started placing people as John Durham‘s press secretary so no one can find them.

If Durham had been in the German SS, Ann Frank would still be alive- he doesn’t find crap.

04-06-21, 23:42
"Not finding anything" has never been a good reason to stop investigating, has it?

There were eight investigations of Benghazi.

04-06-21, 23:50
"Not finding anything" has never been a good reason to stop investigating, has it?

There were eight investigations of Benghazi.

Don't know about the 8 investigations, my guess Congressional, I just know Obama and Hillary made a really bad call and got some peopled killed. I think "W" made a bad call in Iraq and got a lot of people killed.

04-07-21, 00:16
Applying some people's logic, not having photos of Roberts balls-deep in boy-butt doesn't mean he's not a pederast...

Two can play at the "J'Accuse" game, y'see?

04-07-21, 21:03
Well here's a new twist in the Gaetz caper. The dude only wanted $25 million for a "mutually beneficial arrangement". Sounds totally legit. It's sorta like telling someone you love them and asking to borrow a $20. I love you man, can you loan me a $20? He must really have the goods on Matt to be asking for that kind of jack. Wonder when the FBI is going to spill the beans?


04-07-21, 21:04

05-14-21, 18:23

CNN has really hit bottom with this. So, this guy pleads a deal and it means that Gaetz has to be guilty of everything and more.

Joel Greenberg, a former Seminole County, Florida, tax commissioner, had faced decades in prison

repeatedly taking advantage of his public office's power and financial coffers

Now, I know taxes are a bitch, but taking advantage of his tax commisioner status to hold sway over young women and underaged women, who don't even pay taxes. Little known fact, JFK pulled some pretty good tail as POTUS, but nothing like when he was a tax man in Boston...

The Greenberg plea documents released Friday paint the picture of a man gone wild -- using popular cellphone apps to make contacts, paying thousands of dollars for sex with younger women, having drug-laced, multi-person rendezvous at hotels like an Embassy Suites,

I don't know what is sadder, that the CNN reporter thinks just because it includes 'Suites' in the name that EMbassy Suites are high falutin', or that they think that people will think it was excessive. Nothing picks up young chicks like an offer of a free continental breakfast in the morning...

And then buried in the article:

Gaetz has not been charged and denies any wrongdoing. The congressman isn't mentioned in the 86 pages of plea deal documents released on Friday.

And then some projection:

Gaetz's pattern of false statements and accusations could be used to undermine his credibility as a witness in any case where he is called to testify.
I think they mean Greenberg because of some political sleaze that he played against a political enemy.

Greenberg sounds like a total douche, and the less time he spends in prison is a gift to him. Gaetz seems like a he is a young tool. Supposedly he is l-o-d-i-d rich, so why not.

Fun to see where all this goes, which is probably no-where.

05-14-21, 18:46
Yeah, Embassy Suites is more where you send Mid-Level Managers to stay for corporate travel. I remember when they CHARGED for wifi when their sister Hilton brands Hampton Inn (similar tier) and lower were including it as Standard Amenities.