View Full Version : Right on time: a new war with Russia

just a scout
04-03-21, 06:50

This is another needed distraction for the power class and another conflict we have no business being involved in.

I’ve said for 30 years, since the Warsaw Pact fell apart, Russia may never be an ally, but they don’t have to be an enemy. And we have grossly mishandled them since the Soviet Union fell.

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04-03-21, 07:00
You have to watch them, though.

In 1200 Muscovy was a small principality stuck in the backwoods of Europe. It was about as big as a West Texas county.

It then expanded to take in a sixth of the earth's surface.

Keep that in mind.

04-03-21, 07:04
Russia is just flexing it's muscle. Not a concern for us at this point.

04-03-21, 08:14
I would wager that of the two, China > Russia as far as conventional near-peer goes.

04-03-21, 08:17
Honestly I am siding with Russia over Ukraine on this one

04-03-21, 08:48

This is another needed distraction for the power class and another conflict we have no business being involved in.

It's even worse than that. Here's a long video that covers this issue in detail:


Here's a key excerpt:

The Americans want war. The people that Biden has appointed have an emotional hatred of Russia. I’ve spoken to government people who are close to the Democratic Party, and they’ve told me that there’s a pathological emotional desire for war with Russia, largely stemming from the fact that the Tzars were anti-Semitic and there’s still the hatred about their ancestors: “Look what they did to my great-grandfather.” And so they’re willing to back the Nazis, back the anti-Semites in Ukraine. They’re willing to back today’s anti-Semites all over the world as long as they’re getting back at this emotional focus on a kind of post 19th-century economy.

I’ve met these people. Their emotion is one of hatred and anger. You can look at their face and see what they’ve become. This is really dangerous. They are crazy. And Putin is quite right. America has got its power by breaking contracts. It broke all of the contracts with the native Americans to take their land. It’s broken the Iranian contract. It broke most recently the Ukrainian Minsk agreement, and the JCP before. So what’s the point of making an agreement with any Americans, if they’re going to say, “Okay, now that we’ve got a compromise. You’ve given me and we’ve given. Now, let’s take that as a beginning point. We’re going to break that old agreement and we’re going to ask you for yet more.” They call that salami tactics. Slicing and slicing and slicing. So, I can see that essentially America telling Ukrainians, “Let’s you and Russia fight – to the last Ukrainian.”

04-03-21, 08:56
You have to watch them, though.

In 1200 Muscovy was a small principality stuck in the backwoods of Europe. It was about as big as a West Texas county.

It then expanded to take in a sixth of the earth's surface.

Keep that in mind.So they expended in 900 years? Oohh. Faster than snapping fingers! Keep an eye on them....both eyes. Never know what may happen in the next 1400 years!

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04-03-21, 08:57
I suggest that if "the people that Biden appointed" want war with Russia, the lot of them should draw weapons, get on boat/plane, head for Russia and have at it.

Since the Leftists have seized power in our Country I find myself considering Putin to have some redeeming qualities; the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" thing.

04-03-21, 08:57
Honestly I am siding with Russia over Ukraine on this one

I will take in some refugee 20-30 year old Ukraninian models.... Wife may not like it though..lol

BTT...Russia will seize another 20-30 miles of territory as a buffer zone...curious if the Ukies can try and contain Russian armor advance and knock down some aircraft so the Russians will at least get a bloody nose

04-03-21, 09:01
I suggest that if "the people that Biden appointed" want war with Russia, the lot of them should draw weapons, get on boat/plane, head for Russia and have at it.

Since the Leftists have seized power in our Country I find myself considering Putin to have some redeeming qualities; the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" thing.

I agree...if the unhinged Dems want war they can be the first to back up the Ukies on the front line..

04-03-21, 09:13
Imagine the outrage if Russia made a habit of regularly encroaching on or near the borders of the USA with spyplanes and war ships like we do to them... WTH do we really 'need' our ships in the black sea?

About the only thing we are going to accomplish by continually poking that bear is the hastening of them (and everyone else that matters) dumping the US dollar as a reserve currency. Once the dollar loses status as the major world reserve currency it is going to near impossible for us to print our way to prosperity and we will be fooked.

I am with Russia on this one. If they choose to burn a pile of shit that is in THEIR BACKYARD then I wish them luck. No chance I will be able to smell the stench from here and seeing as how it is their back yard they should be able to do as they wish in it.

04-03-21, 09:37

murphy j
04-03-21, 09:39
I will take in some refugee 20-30 year old Ukraninian models.... Wife may not like it though..lol

BTT...Russia will seize another 20-30 miles of territory as a buffer zone...curious if the Ukies can try and contain Russian armor advance and knock down some aircraft so the Russians will at least get a bloody nose

I'd like to address both of these comments.

I spent the better part of 2017 working with various units of the Ukrainian Army, in conjunction with some of our allies. Like any army, you have some units better trained and equipped than others. What I saw of the Ukrainians reminded me of where we were at as an army in the early 80s. Still recovering from a lack of funding that inhibited equipment readiness, training and shortages of personnel. The Ukrainian units we dealt with ranged from reservists to frontline airborne units, and all of them were tough, and mostly motivated. The biggest complaint we heard about beyond the lack of supplies at times, was the fact that the government wasn't allowing them to kill Russians. After working with them for awhile, and learning what I could of the conflict, I found myself asking a question. That question being, did the Russians just stop, or did the Ukrainians fight them to a standstill? From what I've seen of the Ukrainian Army, I believe there is significant credibility to the idea that they managed to fight the Russians to a standstill. Now, with us providing Javelin missile systems to them, and having knowledge of that systems capabilities (through training, not two way range), I believe the Ukrainians stand a very good chance of defeating Russian Armor. The Ukrainian Army is modernizing at a rapid pace. They've significantly improved their training models to provide for better trained individual soldiers, and their continued exposure to modernized eastern and western allies is, I believe, paying dividends. We're also learning from them. In the time I was around them, it was apparently clear how we've changed as an army from my first enlistment in 89, to where we're at today. Some changes have been for the better, but some I don't believe have helped us an an army.

As to those refugees....

Never in my life have I, in all my travels, seen more beautiful women concentrated in one place. Many of them even into their 40s.

04-03-21, 12:08
So they expended in 900 years? Oohh. Faster than snapping fingers! Keep an eye on them....both eyes. Never know what may happen in the next 1400 years!

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We could sneer about that, but one thing it tells us, is that Russia has been around that long, and has never quit struggling to extend dominance in all that time, and has mostly succeeded. Of how many other nations is that true?

04-03-21, 12:30
We could sneer about that, but one thing it tells us, is that Russia has been around that long, and has never quit struggling to extend dominance in all that time, and has mostly succeeded. Of how many other nations is that true?

Except that the Russia of today isn’t the Russia of 900 years ago. Not even close. The same can be said for essentially all major nations of Europe and Asia.

04-03-21, 12:45
An awful lot of ComSymping for the Russians going on in this thread.

Since the Leftists have seized power in our Country I find myself considering Putin to have some redeeming qualities; the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" thing.

The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy. Nothing more, nothing less.

The quintessential lesson of the 20th and early 21st century for America: The Japanese Empire was not our friend. The Soviet Union was not our friend. Noriega and Saddam Hussein were not our friends. The mujahideen were not our friends and the Kingdom of Saud is not our friend. The Red Chinese are not our friends. And yet we keep convincing ourselves that they are our friends and pouring blood and treasure into fighting our enemy's enemies - only to end up on the other side with enemies who are intimately familiar with how we operate, who we've trained, who we've equipped, and who were never our friends; only our enemy's enemies - and now just our enemies.

04-03-21, 13:16
Unka SlowJoe to the rescue! :rolleyes:

04-03-21, 14:07
An awful lot of ComSymping for the Russians going on in this thread.

The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy. Nothing more, nothing less.

The quintessential lesson of the 20th and early 21st century for America: The Japanese Empire was not our friend. The Soviet Union was not our friend. Noriega and Saddam Hussein were not our friends. The mujahideen were not our friends and the Kingdom of Saud is not our friend. The Red Chinese are not our friends. And yet we keep convincing ourselves that they are our friends and pouring blood and treasure into fighting our enemy's enemies - only to end up on the other side with enemies who are intimately familiar with how we operate, who we've trained, who we've equipped, and who were never our friends; only our enemy's enemies - and now just our enemies.

Thats a very simplistic view of things.Russia isnt even commie anymore. The only reason they are the "enemy" is because we need a big bad in Europe in justify maintaining bases there. The European powers that are "allied" with us HATE America. If anything let them fend for themselves. I say leave the Russians alone, F*ck Europe. They're nothing but a bunch of globalists and I consider that much more of a threat to Western civilization than bunch of Russians in their own backyard.

Things change, today's enemy is tomorrows friend. If we cant pivot to the new reality we'll be left in the dust:

The Japanese Empire was not our friend. -They are now
Noriega and Saddam Hussein -The Iraqi Gov't actually WANTS us there now
The mujahideen were not our friends -A lot of them became the Northern Alliance
Kingdom of Saud is not our friend. - They sure buy alot of American weapons though and force other countries to use the petrodollar that maintains our hegemony
The Red Chinese are not our friends. -They werent even on our radar until the last 20-30 years

And yet we keep convincing ourselves that they are our friends and pouring blood and treasure into fighting our enemy's enemies - You mean the like the middle east?

Dont forget Israel our bestest friend in the ME: USS Liberty, Savannah River, sells IR seeker heads to China.

04-03-21, 15:35
Everybody dogging Russia still thinks Tom Clancy was real and relevant

04-03-21, 15:46
I would say we really need to fear our politicians, government employees and our military. History proves it. Who will be happy to confiscate our guns? Government employees like their pensions than any limits the constitution puts on government and the military, the will follow orders and we know about the we were just following orders excuse was used. Seems far fetched? We will see. Though Who knows what foreign nations will do.

04-03-21, 16:00
Honestly I am siding with Russia over Ukraine on this one

If Ukraine was such a friend to democracy why didnt they supply the Trump administration with all the Hunter Biden-BURISMA corruption documents?

04-03-21, 16:44
NATO & Ukraine seem to be willing to poke the bear to get Crimea back...

04-03-21, 16:59
I would say we really need to fear our politicians, government employees and our military. History proves it. Who will be happy to confiscate our guns? Government employees like their pensions than any limits the constitution puts on government and the military, the will follow orders and we know about the we were just following orders excuse was used. Seems far fetched? We will see. Though Who knows what foreign nations will do.

Dictators always need a cadre of pliable toadies to get things done. As long as the money and power keeps flowing, they're in.

Warmongers gotta warmonger.

04-03-21, 18:40
I thought the late Stephen F. Cohen had a pretty good handle on the relationship between the US and Russia (in which he likened the relationship as the US jabbing its finger into the Russia’s chest for the past 20+ years, as if our politicians are trying to pick a fight with them).

I’m an old Cold Warrior, as was my father and I have no love for Russia but that doesn’t mean I want to fight them. They’re not some second stringers, they’re a tough people and I see no upside in going to war with them. (What do they have that we want to steal?)

BTW, countries don’t have friends, they have allies.

04-03-21, 19:20
I'd like to address both of these comments.

I spent the better part of 2017 working with various units of the Ukrainian Army, in conjunction with some of our allies. Like any army, you have some units better trained and equipped than others. What I saw of the Ukrainians reminded me of where we were at as an army in the early 80s. Still recovering from a lack of funding that inhibited equipment readiness, training and shortages of personnel. The Ukrainian units we dealt with ranged from reservists to frontline airborne units, and all of them were tough, and mostly motivated. The biggest complaint we heard about beyond the lack of supplies at times, was the fact that the government wasn't allowing them to kill Russians. After working with them for awhile, and learning what I could of the conflict, I found myself asking a question. That question being, did the Russians just stop, or did the Ukrainians fight them to a standstill? From what I've seen of the Ukrainian Army, I believe there is significant credibility to the idea that they managed to fight the Russians to a standstill. Now, with us providing Javelin missile systems to them, and having knowledge of that systems capabilities (through training, not two way range), I believe the Ukrainians stand a very good chance of defeating Russian Armor. The Ukrainian Army is modernizing at a rapid pace. They've significantly improved their training models to provide for better trained individual soldiers, and their continued exposure to modernized eastern and western allies is, I believe, paying dividends. We're also learning from them. In the time I was around them, it was apparently clear how we've changed as an army from my first enlistment in 89, to where we're at today. Some changes have been for the better, but some I don't believe have helped us an an army.

As to those refugees....

Never in my life have I, in all my travels, seen more beautiful women concentrated in one place. Many of them even into their 40s.

Good post and thanks for the response.... The fertile soil of the Ukraine grows more than wheat..

04-03-21, 20:37
I suggest that if "the people that Biden appointed" want war with Russia, the lot of them should draw weapons, get on boat/plane, head for Russia and have at it.

Since the Leftists have seized power in our Country I find myself considering Putin to have some redeeming qualities; the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" thing. Truly sad. I have more respect for Putin than Biden. And I despise Russians.

04-04-21, 02:39
Truly sad. I have more respect for Putin than Biden. And I despise Russians.

+1. I feel the same way. It’s really sad...

04-04-21, 02:41
+1. I feel the same way. It’s really sad...

Thats because Putin is trying to restore the glory of his country by any means necessary. While the other guy is doing everything he can to destroy it for personal gain.

04-04-21, 18:24
^^An excellent point. Truth.

04-05-21, 17:38
We could sneer about that, but one thing it tells us, is that Russia has been around that long, and has never quit struggling to extend dominance in all that time, and has mostly succeeded. Of how many other nations is that true?

How many? Just about every. Gotta keep an eye on Rome. Never know what those I-talians are up to!

How about Iran? You know....the Persian empire!

One could argue China in the form of the continued Mongol empire. Stretched from northern Russian by modern day Finland south to Baghdad and east to Tibet and majority of modern day China

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04-05-21, 18:12
How many? Just about every. Gotta keep an eye on Rome. Never know what those I-talians are up to!

How about Iran? You know....the Persian empire!

One could argue China in the form of the continued Mongol empire. Stretched from northern Russian by modern day Finland south to Baghdad and east to Tibet and majority of modern day China

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

No. Stop. Quit it.

We need an eternal “bad guy”. God forbid we have anything approaching peace.

I liked Red Dawn too. But Russia is never going to be Communist again and have zero interest in invading America. Furthermore I don’t care about AKs but wish I kept my Saiga.

Hating Russia is like the most Boomer thing ever because it’s a buncha white guys so it’s cheap heat.

And really I don’t dislike China so much as just the CCP.
Obviously I would side with Japan and ROK over PRC in any dispute and I do believe SEATO would be more relevant now than NATO.

04-05-21, 18:33
The narrative is swiftly moving towards evil russia starting wwiii...I have my doubts as I don't trust france, germany & nato who are at the podium. Follow the $$$$$, right??

04-05-21, 19:26
The narrative is swiftly moving towards evil russia starting wwiii...I have my doubts as I don't trust france, germany & nato who are at the podium. Follow the $$$$$, right??

Well the Bidens have a lot of money tied up in Ukraine. I’m sure it was expensive.

They lost me long ago with the whole “The Russians are coming” schtick.

04-05-21, 19:58
On the SM / alternative media I'm seeing Putin recently kicked the big central bankers out & going back to the gold standard??

Regardless, we know NATO has all her major issues / baggage & they are trying to bring Ukraine into the clique...putin not gonna act being surrounded by the perceived globalists?? Some of the vids out there are loco & reports of over 200k troops. I think things may be getting pretty dicey soon??

04-05-21, 20:36
On the SM / alternative media I'm seeing Putin recently kicked the big central bankers out & going back to the gold standard??

Regardless, we know NATO has all her major issues / baggage & they are trying to bring Ukraine into the clique...putin not gonna act being surrounded by the perceived globalists?? Some of the vids out there are loco & reports of over 200k troops. I think things may be getting pretty dicey soon??

Anybody who kicks out all the bankers is based. Just saying.

I don’t know why people can’t leave things alone. This is the equivalent of Western Europe getting bucky if we ever scroted up enough to give Mexico the Business.


04-05-21, 22:13
The narrative is swiftly moving towards evil russia starting wwiii...I have my doubts as I don't trust france, germany & nato who are at the podium. Follow the $$$$$, right??
My brain jumped to this thinking :)
Germany is thinking man I wish we won WWII we get so much of our Energy from Russia and France when they dump it merkel thinks hmmmmmmmm I can blame this on trump !

04-05-21, 22:17
I like watching Russian road rage and idiocy vids :) guys are crazy

As long as they do not try to take us over I could care less what Russia does over on that side of the world

I do not dislike Russians at all and yeah Putin is a KGB enough said but he loves his country and even though they are not as great as they make it out or think they are proud of what they are and do etc.. most of the people are proud unlike what has happened to half our population and most of our leaders
Sadly our country has become the laughing stock and the head shake of what not to do !