View Full Version : So I successfully infiltrated

04-06-21, 19:40
So I successfully infiltrated got thru vetting and prospect and became 1st degree and left my local PB chapter.

Vetting started in January, and I was put into prospect in February and got my 1st degree in March.

Here is my take. These guys are not what the media portrays. And they aren’t what we portray either.

1st - most of the men involved are decent guys. They are definitely not the brightest bunch. A few of the guys were smart. The rest were conspiracy theorists, Covid deniers (denying it existed), most had none or a vague understanding of private property theory and rights most were anti vaccine, most believe that HIV despite emerging first in 1920, is man made....

They are proudly ignorant of their ignorance. When you attempt to show evidence or historical facts their comeback will be anger or rage. Most of them think they are smart, while simultaneously believing smart people are leftists and liars.

I would say go to 30 dive bars. Grab the loud mouth jerk regular who always ruins everyone’s time. Put those 30 together with maybe 10 normal conservatives. And you have the proud boys chapter.

I really liked a few of the guys but part of leaving means they ghost you.

Overall I would say if you are a degenerate alcoholic, think fisticuffs is a valid way to determine who is right in a debate, are anti science, think you’re a tough guy.... this may be the group for you.

Conservative Men’s club rating 1/5
Militia 0/5 (they are not a militia)
Place for intelligent debate 1/5
Group where driving completely sloshed is condoned 5/5
Drink until you puke club 5/5
Sharing pornographic trans pics 5/5 (not joking)

It’s a pretty awful place for men of intelligence.

If you have any questions feel free to ask and I will give honest answers. I originally had paired up with a national columnist but in the end the story is just not there. It’s a group of drunk blue collar men who would have been Union Dems back until Reagan.

04-06-21, 19:53
Sounds like my kind of guys 35-40 years ago, except the trannie part, that's kinda' weird. The only thing I've really heard about them until your post is that they really liked to drink.

04-06-21, 20:07
Understatement. Lol. Like I said good guys. I liked most of them. Just didn’t like the proud ignorance.

04-06-21, 20:11
So why did you decide to infiltrate them and are you still hanging with them?

04-06-21, 20:17
So why did you decide to infiltrate them and are you still hanging with them?

At first I was very interested in joining them as I am quite pro western civ. I was severely disappointed however that they weren’t principled, weren’t accepting of science, or any logical or reason based debate.

So I thought I could use a friend to at least get them a counter in the press... a way to give them true but positive press. Unfortunately the way they are, even though they aren’t what the media portrays, they just ended up being not exactly loveable no matter how I tried to spin it.

No when you leave you’re gone. The individual friends you made within the group are gone as well.

04-06-21, 20:21
He may look dumb but that’s just a disguise. He’s an undercover agent for the fbi and he’s been sent down here to infiltrate the ku klux klan.. lol

04-06-21, 20:28
He may look dumb but that’s just a disguise. He’s an undercover agent for the fbi and he’s been sent down here to infiltrate the ku klux klan.. lol

Nah I am just a normal dude. Been a member here almost 9 years. Not FBI etc. really was hoping for valid and reasoned discussion among like minded people. It just isn’t available. At least not in the chapter I was in

04-06-21, 20:36
Where do these guys meet? Bars, peoples houses? How many are there in a chapter?

04-06-21, 20:36
Only one way to get positive press.


04-06-21, 21:02
Where do these guys meet? Bars, peoples houses? How many are there in a chapter?

I don’t want to out the local chapter. Official meets were not at bars they would rent out private club meeting halls. Unofficial meets were usually at bars. Some chapters with wealthy folks have their own clubhouse. Ours did not.

We were the largest chapter in my state. There were 41 members when I left and 2 guys in vetting

04-06-21, 21:03
Nah I am just a normal dude. Been a member here almost 9 years. Not FBI etc. really was hoping for valid and reasoned discussion among like minded people. It just isn’t available. At least not in the chapter I was in

Easy Rider....
Just having fun bud.

04-06-21, 22:27
I guess when you say "PB", you are meaning a group of Conservative Males who have confronted anarchists in the streets recently? I wonder about groups like that, and others like the Oath Keepers, III%, etc. and if they have already been infiltrated by actors on the payroll of the FBI or other law enforcement?

In these times, I think it is better to form up locally with people you have known for a long time, and avoid strangers.

04-06-21, 22:44
I guess when you say "PB", you are meaning a group of Conservative Males who have confronted anarchists in the streets recently? I wonder about groups like that, and others like the Oath Keepers, III%, etc. and if they have already been infiltrated by actors on the payroll of the FBI or other law enforcement?

In these times, I think it is better to form up locally with people you have known for a long time, and avoid strangers.

I know that was a topic of discussion. I would assume each group has been entered by FBI or DHS.

Unlike the other groups mentioned PB are not a militia and do not do militia type things. After my vetting was completed there were 3 members in our chapter disavowed for wanting to form a militia under the PB colors and banner.

They really are just a mens drinking club.

04-06-21, 23:29
So after you got your DD214 and finished four years of College, you still want to go binge drink with "The Boys?"
Naaah, not really, that group of six year old Soccer Players can't coach themselves after all...
You move on grow up, get a mortgage and cut the grass once a week on Saturday. Any drinking will be after the kids go to sleep and you'll get the stink eye from Momma for doing it.

04-07-21, 00:00
Sounds like a pretty safe bet they're leading a false resistance. If you dug deep you would likely find they're being funded by the same sources as Antifa. Sugar daddy Soros, maybe by way of a few go betweens?

04-07-21, 02:01
I feel like I should know what the hell PB is but I don't.

04-07-21, 02:05
Bruh... I could have told you all this without you going through the hassle of joining up. And I figured all that out just from "the internet". :laugh:

The last time they were discussed here it was a bit equally shocking and hilarious how many people here have let the propaganda go right to their heads. I believe the words "neo nazis" and "woman hating incels" were used. :rolleyes:

Like I've said before here, they are essentially a "spicy meme" group. Mix in some boog-boi and pro-Trump sentiment, as well as occasionally going to out to punch some antifa tards in the face. A drinking club that occasionally bitch slaps communists. Fine by me, but also Whoop-de-doo. I mean, I'm down with the whole anti-vax thing (especially as current events unfold), but these guys are essentially the people-equivalent of an Affliction/Tapout/Gruntwear shirt. Boisterous, loud, down for fisticuffs, but at the end of the day ironically harmless behind the 'hardcore life' vibe.

Although I do find the false-resistance theory intriguing, if they were another Q-ish op designed to suck in the low-hanging do-somethings, but which ultimately does no serious damage to the glorious people's revolution... Wouldn't be surprised.

Sharing pornographic trans pics 5/5 (not joking)
Did you happen to run across a fellow goes by the nickname "Firefly"? :p

04-07-21, 05:16
I feel like I should know what the hell PB is but I don't.

Proud Boys

Bruh... I could have told you all this without you going through the hassle of joining up. And I figured all that out just from "the internet". :laugh:

The last time they were discussed here it was a bit equally shocking and hilarious how many people here have let the propaganda go right to their heads. I believe the words "neo nazis" and "woman hating incels" were used. :rolleyes:

Like I've said before here, they are essentially a "spicy meme" group. Mix in some boog-boi and pro-Trump sentiment, as well as occasionally going to out to punch some antifa tards in the face. A drinking club that occasionally bitch slaps communists. Fine by me, but also Whoop-de-doo. I mean, I'm down with the whole anti-vax thing (especially as current events unfold), but these guys are essentially the people-equivalent of an Affliction/Tapout/Gruntwear shirt. Boisterous, loud, down for fisticuffs, but at the end of the day ironically harmless behind the 'hardcore life' vibe.

Although I do find the false-resistance theory intriguing, if they were another Q-ish op designed to suck in the low-hanging do-somethings, but which ultimately does no serious damage to the glorious people's revolution... Wouldn't be surprised.

Did you happen to run across a fellow goes by the nickname "Firefly"? :p

You hit the nail on the head with most of it. There is real culture of caring for each other. Heck, even I donated $100 to one guys lawyer fund for his custody battle.

They are anti vaccine for different reasons though. The current theory they have latched onto: Bill gates is trying to kill off a certain amount of the world population thru this vaccine. I know people who are anti vaccine and have reasons based on some logic and reasoning. This is not that.

Sounds like a pretty safe bet they're leading a false resistance. If you dug deep you would likely find they're being funded by the same sources as Antifa. Sugar daddy Soros, maybe by way of a few go betweens?

They aren’t funded other than by themselves. There are dues, they sell merch to to other chapters, they sell raffle tickets to themselves and other chapters. Profits go to the local chapter.

The org itself has national, state and local. The national is the ones yoi hear about. The national is universally despised by the state and locals.

All that to say, it’s amazing how many of the national guys are also FBI informants.

04-07-21, 06:46
So like most 'clubs', it is simply kids who can't grow up.

04-07-21, 06:56
So like most 'clubs', it is simply kids who can't grow up.

That is one way of looking at it.

04-07-21, 07:30
I don't think it would be interesting to join the PB's, but instead infiltrate groups like Redneck Revolt or the John Brown Gun Club. I could be "Comrade Cowboy" and use all kinds of anti-American and Pro-Red language, while sabotaging the Hell out of them. Sort of angle them in directions that would result in their destruction, while showing my "genuine" concern for the cause.

04-07-21, 07:33
So after you got your DD214 and finished four years of College, you still want to go binge drink with "The Boys?"
Naaah, not really, that group of six year old Soccer Players can't coach themselves after all...
You move on grow up, get a mortgage and cut the grass once a week on Saturday. Any drinking will be after the kids go to sleep and you'll get the stink eye from Momma for doing it.

Actually.....yeah! After paying the mortgage and mowing the lawn I'll relax any damn way i want to! "Momma" can pack up and take a hike and take the kids too. Better yet.... don't make any, less to pack?

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

04-07-21, 07:41
I don't think it would be interesting to join the PB's, but instead infiltrate groups like Redneck Revolt or the John Brown Gun Club. I could be "Comrade Cowboy" and use all kinds of anti-American and Pro-Red language, while sabotaging the Hell out of them. Sort of angle them in directions that would result in their destruction, while showing my "genuine" concern for the cause.

Actually the columnist and I have discussed this. Considering going into AntiFa or another group. I have to choose wisely because once you’ve chosen one, you’re burned from the others due to crossover.

I don’t think the leftist shooting clubs would be much fun though. Ammo prices being what they are I doubt they go to the range all that often.

04-07-21, 07:41
Didn’t the whole concept behind the group come from a joke on Compound Media? I watch the Cumia show from time to time for a laugh, but I can’t really take them seriously knowing the whole thing was a radio/podcast goof.

04-07-21, 08:01
So I successfully infiltrated got thru vetting and prospect and became 1st degree and left my local PB chapter.

Vetting started in January, and I was put into prospect in February and got my 1st degree in March.

Here is my take. These guys are not what the media portrays. And they aren’t what we portray either.

1st - most of the men involved are decent guys. They are definitely not the brightest bunch. A few of the guys were smart. The rest were conspiracy theorists, Covid deniers (denying it existed), most had none or a vague understanding of private property theory and rights most were anti vaccine, most believe that HIV despite emerging first in 1920, is man made....

They are proudly ignorant of their ignorance. When you attempt to show evidence or historical facts their comeback will be anger or rage. Most of them think they are smart, while simultaneously believing smart people are leftists and liars.

I would say go to 30 dive bars. Grab the loud mouth jerk regular who always ruins everyone’s time. Put those 30 together with maybe 10 normal conservatives. And you have the proud boys chapter.

I really liked a few of the guys but part of leaving means they ghost you.

Overall I would say if you are a degenerate alcoholic, think fisticuffs is a valid way to determine who is right in a debate, are anti science, think you’re a tough guy.... this may be the group for you.

Conservative Men’s club rating 1/5
Militia 0/5 (they are not a militia)
Place for intelligent debate 1/5
Group where driving completely sloshed is condoned 5/5
Drink until you puke club 5/5
Sharing pornographic trans pics 5/5 (not joking)

It’s a pretty awful place for men of intelligence.

If you have any questions feel free to ask and I will give honest answers. I originally had paired up with a national columnist but in the end the story is just not there. It’s a group of drunk blue collar men who would have been Union Dems back until Reagan.

You didn't specifically address what they get accused of, being racists and white nationalists. Even a look at their web shows they are not, but that's the specific claim. What you described is what you will find in many male based groups and clubs really. A group of men needing to vent, perhaps not the brightest gents, probably good guys underneath the BS, likely hard working blue collar guys and some ex mil, who feel disenfranchised and need to vent. I can feel more comfortable hanging out with guys like that at then I do with the highly edumicated and or wealthy types I know. If they wanna show up and and counter ANTIFA when they're trying to spread their anarchy where LE have their hands tied, what ever.

04-07-21, 09:49
So you “infiltrated” a buncha people who get drunk and talk shit but for free?

Were you bored?
Also everybody is painfully aware of my extracurricular fixations. But the Proud Boys were started by known boomer and controlled opposition, Gavin McGinnes

Any organization that is politically white, predominantly male, and conservative has eyes on it.

Most of these people kinda scream “peaked in high school”. Even Antifa. They remember how cool and ‘dangerous’ it was in high school to go on about shit that’s been debunked and disproven decades before they were born (and this is the thirty-somethings).

See what I love about these GOOFY WHITE PEOPLE is that they think the blacks they are advancing in their endeavors to Burn Loot and Murder somehow magically won’t turn on them and rape and kill them too. They’re all regular Joe Slovos they are.

And even if they got their Communist Revolution they all think they’ll be in a nice flat with free wifi and a Prius and be free to pursue their poetry. Literally none of them think they will be the ones in the coal mines dying at age 30 of Black Lung.

In my younger, tender years when I was still a Republican; I thought it would be nice to help my fellow man.

But as a middle aged man on the super hard Right, I just want people off my lawn and to turn their music down.

Bah. BAH!

My Political Journey

Me as a young adult:

Me Now:

Alex V
04-07-21, 09:50
Whomever they may truly be, they have beaten the snot out of ANTIFA and that's alright with me!

04-07-21, 16:58
So I successfully infiltrated got thru vetting and prospect and became 1st degree and left my local PB chapter.

Vetting started in January, and I was put into prospect in February and got my 1st degree in March.

I was thinking Masons up till this point and racking my brain what PB meant......... But the lodge involves riding a goat so.......

04-07-21, 17:27
So like most 'clubs', it is simply kids who can't grow up.

It's why I joined a 4WD Club. :p

04-07-21, 18:07
It's why I joined a 4WD Club. :p

But that club doesn't get hammered and look at trannies...right....or do they?

04-07-21, 18:15

04-07-21, 18:16
But that club doesn't get hammered and look at trannies...right....or do they?4WD trannies only!

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

04-07-21, 18:18
4WD trannies only!

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

Nice one...forgot about the good trannies.

04-08-21, 18:20
Whomever they may truly be, they have beaten the snot out of ANTIFA and that's alright with me!

That's what makes me suspicious. How does it go again? Thesis, antithesis, synthesis...or something like that.

04-08-21, 18:49
So I successfully infiltrated got thru vetting and prospect and became 1st degree and left my local PB chapter.

Vetting started in January, and I was put into prospect in February and got my 1st degree in March.

Here is my take. These guys are not what the media portrays. And they aren’t what we portray either.

1st - most of the men involved are decent guys. They are definitely not the brightest bunch. A few of the guys were smart. The rest were conspiracy theorists, Covid deniers (denying it existed), most had none or a vague understanding of private property theory and rights most were anti vaccine, most believe that HIV despite emerging first in 1920, is man made....

They are proudly ignorant of their ignorance. When you attempt to show evidence or historical facts their comeback will be anger or rage. Most of them think they are smart, while simultaneously believing smart people are leftists and liars.

I would say go to 30 dive bars. Grab the loud mouth jerk regular who always ruins everyone’s time. Put those 30 together with maybe 10 normal conservatives. And you have the proud boys chapter.

I really liked a few of the guys but part of leaving means they ghost you.

Overall I would say if you are a degenerate alcoholic, think fisticuffs is a valid way to determine who is right in a debate, are anti science, think you’re a tough guy.... this may be the group for you.

Conservative Men’s club rating 1/5
Militia 0/5 (they are not a militia)
Place for intelligent debate 1/5
Group where driving completely sloshed is condoned 5/5
Drink until you puke club 5/5
Sharing pornographic trans pics 5/5 (not joking)

It’s a pretty awful place for men of intelligence.

If you have any questions feel free to ask and I will give honest answers. I originally had paired up with a national columnist but in the end the story is just not there. It’s a group of drunk blue collar men who would have been Union Dems back until Reagan.

It takes a real Man, to take a Woman's dick.

Sorry, the tranny pic thing made me laugh really hard

04-08-21, 18:56
Politics aside, life without trannies would be boring. Hot trannies keep normie women on their toes.

04-08-21, 18:57
Politics aside, life without trannies would be boring. Hot trannies keep normie women on their toes.

The line gets more and more blurred as time moves on.

04-08-21, 19:01
The line gets more and more blurred as time moves on.

More Woman than Woman

04-08-21, 19:12
I've always thought that with a name like "Proud Boys" that they would be marching in parades in June waving rainbow flags. ;)

Eh, jokes aside more power to em. If dudes wanna get loaded, talk shit, and get into fights they coulda stayed in HS, but they seem to be OK to me. Not "I wanna join" OK, but "you do you bruh" OK.

I thought about Oath Keepers for a hot minute, but I kinda got over joining shit when I EASed. Only club I've joined is my 4WD club. A real 4WD club. I like to keep my rock crawling and my trannys compartmentalized.

04-08-21, 19:19
4WD bros. I sometimes contemplate getting a Jeep. Good idea bad idea?

I just want something to toss some guns innaback and go hog on some land.

Some people say they are money pits. Some say gofer it.

04-08-21, 19:42
4WD bros. I sometimes contemplate getting a Jeep. Good idea bad idea?

I just want something to toss some guns innaback and go hog on some land.

Some people say they are money pits. Some say gofer it.

I'm obviously a Jeep fan. We got a YJ, an old Cherokee, and an M-715. Plus the rock buggy. So not biased a bit. ;) WHEELING can be a money pit, abusing shit costs money. If you buy smart, don't beat the hell out of it, and maintain it, a Jeep is pretty much the same as the rest reliability wise.

04-09-21, 12:07
4WD bros. I sometimes contemplate getting a Jeep. Good idea bad idea?

I just want something to toss some guns innaback and go hog on some land.

Some people say they are money pits. Some say gofer it.

All of the popular choices will be money pits if you like mud stumpin and dirt boggin. You'll spend Saturdays rootin and tootin around until something breaks and all day Sunday fixing it for the next weekend. Fixing your shitbox will become your new part time job that you can't remember applying for in the first place.

If you're just gonna toss your SP1 in the back, throw on some Synthwave and a pair of Ray Bans and drive around on maintained logging and forest service roads, and dream of an 80s themed Cyber Punk dystopian future, a Jeep, Landcruiser, Bronco, or old Toyota will suit you fine.

04-09-21, 12:15
All of the popular choices will be money pits if you like mud stumpin and dirt boggin. You'll spend Saturdays rootin and tootin around until something breaks and all day Sunday fixing it for the next weekend. Fixing your shitbox will become your new part time job that you can't remember applying for in the first place.

If you're just gonna toss your SP1 in the back, throw on some Synthwave and a pair of Ray Bans and drive around on maintained logging and forest service roads, and dream of an 80s themed Cyber Punk dystopian future, a Jeep, Landcruiser, Bronco, or old Toyota will suit you fine.

Yes this. What would you recommend, what’s a good price, and what would be a good starter?

Doesn’t have to be new. (Preferably older/affordable). I just want a decent off-road that won’t be bogging but can handle no pavement to take to some land for hunting and/or the hills to get away.

ETA: I don’t mean “get away” like some tactical BS. I mean “Aaahhh my troubles are behind me” getting away. Screw tactical stuff.

04-09-21, 12:41
Yes this. What would you recommend, what’s a good price, and what would be a good starter?

Doesn’t have to be new. (Preferably older/affordable). I just want a decent off-road that won’t be bogging but can handle no pavement to take to some land for hunting and/or the hills to get away.

ETA: I don’t mean “get away” like some tactical BS. I mean “Aaahhh my troubles are behind me” getting away. Screw tactical stuff.

Honestly, older Jeep Cherokees fill that role really well. You can still find them in decent shape. Another option is a late 90s AWD Honda CRV. I had one for like 4 or 5 years and it did as well or better for my needs than most others. The pretend hardcore offroaders will scoff at them, but in reality most of them are just flatlanders with buyers remorse and insecurities.

The 80s and 90s Ford Bronco I and II's are harder to come by in decent shape, but are still out there.

04-09-21, 12:41
Double tap.........

04-09-21, 12:42
Hmm. How old of a cherokee?

I sorta wanted an open cab experience like the oldee wrangler but also practical

04-09-21, 13:32
Hmm. How old of a cherokee?

I sorta wanted an open cab experience like the oldee wrangler but also practical

I have a 2013 JK that I love. If you are wanting something older get a CJ. I had a CJ7 back in the 90s and loved it. Every possible part, accessory, add on, etc is available for them. If you want to go a littler newer look at the TJ line from the 90s.

04-09-21, 15:10
Honestly, older Jeep Cherokees fill that role really well. You can still find them in decent shape. Another option is a late 90s AWD Honda CRV. I had one for like 4 or 5 years and it did as well or better for my needs than most others. The pretend hardcore offroaders will scoff at them, but in reality most of them are just flatlanders with buyers remorse and insecurities.

The 80s and 90s Ford Bronco I and II's are harder to come by in decent shape, but are still out there.

I had a 4x4 two door Cherokee about 4 divorces ago and highly recommend that, it was a '94 vintage, the ultimate in straight six reliability.
That's where I would start looking at about $800. and negotiate that up from there base upon body shape and how much rust you'll have to deal with.
I'm not sure how handy you are, but it is always nice to take someone who is with you, hopefully the guy who'll do the work.
Have fun with that little brother..

04-09-21, 15:11
Honestly, older Jeep Cherokees fill that role really well. You can still find them in decent shape. Another option is a late 90s AWD Honda CRV. I had one for like 4 or 5 years and it did as well or better for my needs than most others. The pretend hardcore offroaders will scoff at them, but in reality most of them are just flatlanders with buyers remorse and insecurities.

The 80s and 90s Ford Bronco I and II's are harder to come by in decent shape, but are still out there.

04-09-21, 16:06
XJ Cherokees are great, for open air the 97-06 TJ Wrangler is hard to beat. TJ Sahara models, Rubicons, and the longer Unlimited versions have stronger rear axles (Dana 44). Newer Wranglers I know less about. Want me a Gladiator truck. The Tacoma might be a better truck but...

Maybe we need a "Jeep for Firefly" thread. Then I can sell you on a Cummins swap M-715 like mine.

04-09-21, 16:32
Hmm. How old of a cherokee?

I sorta wanted an open cab experience like the oldee wrangler but also practicalI have an 01 4 door 4wd cherokee that doesn't have a bit of rust on it. Lifted with 33x13.5x15 tires, a slip yolk eliminator, etc..etc... IMHO a wrangler gets old quick. Unless it's a TJ or even a YJ. But to me the XJ cherokee is the sweetspot in capability and practicality. It has no fancy rooftop tent or snorkel. It has character and an engine that won't die. It's spartan and I've made everything that was good about it even better.

If you're ever around the sandhills of NC, hit me up and I'll let you drive it at Uwharrie or something. Be forewarned, you'll have to pay for gas. It can get thirsty.

04-09-21, 20:32
Hmm. How old of a cherokee?

I sorta wanted an open cab experience like the oldee wrangler but also practicalBasic 4ltr v6 were like early 90s to 2002. I'm sure you've pulled these over before


If you're looking to go off pavement they're more than capable stock. If you want to go through bogs and climb trees ...also doable but with some mods.

Otherwise anything with 4H & 4L will work. Old Nissan Pathfinders, 4Runners, Chevy/GEO Trackers, Suzuki Vitara/Grand Vitara (based on the Chevy Tracker). Land cruiser, hell even the late 90s Kia Sportage

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

04-09-21, 20:42
Please put all good 4WD info here

I don’t care about proud boys and you all are spitting good knowledge

04-09-21, 22:29
Honestly, older Jeep Cherokees fill that role really well. You can still find them in decent shape. Another option is a late 90s AWD Honda CRV. I had one for like 4 or 5 years and it did as well or better for my needs than most others. The pretend hardcore offroaders will scoff at them, but in reality most of them are just flatlanders with buyers remorse and insecurities.

The 80s and 90s Ford Bronco I and II's are harder to come by in decent shape, but are still out there.

Hilarious, I'm currently rolling a 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo. At any given time their might be a SP1 or MP5 in the back.

04-09-21, 22:47
So I successfully infiltrated got thru vetting and prospect and became 1st degree and left my local PB chapter.

Vetting started in January, and I was put into prospect in February and got my 1st degree in March.

Here is my take. These guys are not what the media portrays. And they aren’t what we portray either.

1st - most of the men involved are decent guys. They are definitely not the brightest bunch. A few of the guys were smart. The rest were conspiracy theorists, Covid deniers (denying it existed), most had none or a vague understanding of private property theory and rights most were anti vaccine, most believe that HIV despite emerging first in 1920, is man made....

They are proudly ignorant of their ignorance. When you attempt to show evidence or historical facts their comeback will be anger or rage. Most of them think they are smart, while simultaneously believing smart people are leftists and liars.

I would say go to 30 dive bars. Grab the loud mouth jerk regular who always ruins everyone’s time. Put those 30 together with maybe 10 normal conservatives. And you have the proud boys chapter.

I really liked a few of the guys but part of leaving means they ghost you.

Overall I would say if you are a degenerate alcoholic, think fisticuffs is a valid way to determine who is right in a debate, are anti science, think you’re a tough guy.... this may be the group for you.

Conservative Men’s club rating 1/5
Militia 0/5 (they are not a militia)
Place for intelligent debate 1/5
Group where driving completely sloshed is condoned 5/5
Drink until you puke club 5/5
Sharing pornographic trans pics 5/5 (not joking)

It’s a pretty awful place for men of intelligence.

If you have any questions feel free to ask and I will give honest answers. I originally had paired up with a national columnist but in the end the story is just not there. It’s a group of drunk blue collar men who would have been Union Dems back until Reagan.
Sounds like ARFCOM.

04-10-21, 10:50
I feel like I should know what the hell PB is but I don't.

I honestly thought he was talking about Pappa Bear.

Sent from 80ms in the future

04-10-21, 11:35
I honestly thought he was talking about Pappa Bear.

Sent from 80ms in the future

I thought about infiltrating Pappabear's CP when he was posting pics of those steaks! :p