View Full Version : A Silent Resistance is Growing Right in Wokeism's Backyard...

04-08-21, 14:03
So, as I've mentioned before, I am in the process of earning my MSW from a large state university. For those wondering "WHY???" Well, to get into probation and parole and jail diversion, since I have a background in LE, and I wasn't happy in LE. Anyways...

While all of academia is a hurricane of communism, social work is the eye wall; macro social work/community organizing is, pretty much solely responsible for almost ALL the radical, violent, leftist rhetoric that's tearing this world apart. I'm a micro/clinical concentration, so I'm focusing on psychosocial treatment, and it's very, very different than the macro concentration. In fact, macro social workers tend to have disdain for micro workers, because they believe that treating individual problems is simply distracting people from systematic racism. If we were instead recruiting people to overthrow the system, we wouldn't need to worry about dealing with their psychosocial issues, because we would be moving towards a socialist/antiracist utopia.

Macro workers are the loudest and most abrasive, and they are peddling Critical Race Theory/Antiracism/Socialism as a religion. The works of Robin DiAngelo, Patrisse Cullors, and Ibram Kendi are considered scriptural; their thought is to be considered inerrant. Anyone who questions their point of view is immediately dismissed as a racist. They say white people are incapable of knowing the truth about either the world around them, or even what they are thinking, because we are too blinded by our privilege. We must submit and let them tell us what we thinking, because they know our minds better than we know them ourselves. This also goes for any personal of color who disagrees with them. They are considered to be suffering from "internalized oppression," and thus their opinion on the matter is to be dismissed. I have heard that yes, a white person's very existence is oppressive to people of color unless they become an antiracist, and allow the oppressed to use them as they see fit. The rhetoric is ramping up too: There have been calls for "counter-genocide" of white people in order to protect the oppressed, with only white antiracists being deemed fit to live.

But, there is hope. First, I got into social work school with "Correctional Officer" and "Police Officer" both listed on my resume; this was before George Floyd, but well after Ferguson. They gave me a shot. Second, I unapologetically told my classmates what I had done before I started my MSW. I was welcomed with...acceptance, and a lot of honest questions from otherwise woke kids who actually wanted to know what law enforcement was like, and how true or false the accusations of racism really were. I told them the good, the bad, and the ugly, and how, from my observations, there was not a culture of virulent racism in law enforcement. They actually accepted it; they knew if there was a lot of racism in LE, I would have told them so. I told them about the time that I almost killed someone; I had my gun on a guy who we strongly suspected of being armed (he wasn't, but his cousin had been a few minutes earlier). Had he reached for anything, I would have shot him; he cooperated, and he didn't have warrants so we sent him on his way, but it did shake me up how quickly I could have become the next Darren Wilson or Derek Chauvin. It gave my classmates a new perspective of how fast things can happen in a police encounter; that not everything is about race. So, they can get it; they do get it. They get it all, they just don't trust themselves to make their own opinions and admit it.

Here's more hope: In the hallowed halls of wokeism, some of us have been communicating quietly about our fear and disdain for the far left rhetoric. One guy, who knew my background in LE, suspected I wasn't a leftist, and admitted to me that he was "not a socialist...AT ALL." I said I'm with you, to which he said, looking around suspiciously (yes, it is that bad), "I actually consider myself a conservative. I'm just here because I want to be a therapist." I said "same here." In another class, a few of us kind of felt each other out, and slowly admitted to various heresies against the left: Some of us were pro-life, some of us weren't sold on transgenderism, all of us were against cancel culture, many of us were gun owners, and some of us even thought that Trump did at least a few things right. The next semester, one brave student actually openly stated that he proudly owned guns, was a supporter of the 2nd Amendment, and opposed all gun bans. He was a biracial guy who expressed otherwise moderate-liberal views (more old school liberal) so they couldn't really pull the race card or Trump supporter card on him. I quietly let him know I was with him and thanked him for speaking up as I, the white ex-LEO, probably would have been dismissed if I said anything. He said there were others too.

There was a professor who had the audacity to say something I thought I would never hear in class: "Communism can't work. Neither can socialism. The only way it ever gets implemented is by violence, and it always fails because the ruling party always becomes what it claims to fight. It's not in human nature for a socialist system to work." This guy was a liberal with some sympathies for BLM...but at least not a leftist nut.

And, yesterday, my internship supervisor, a clinical social worker, told me in our final supervision session before the summer that left wing radicalism scared her, and she was a moderate "somewhat on the liberal side" but pro-gun, pro-police, pro-free speech, and would remorselessly kill anybody who touched her kids (we were talking about a pedophile I was working with, which is how it came up). Also, her husband and family are all conservatives. I was really happy to hear this, because I loved working with her and think she's awesome and I would have been very been disappointed to find out she was a flaming leftist (which I was worried about because of the field we're in). Nope, if shit goes down, she, and others have more pulling them to the light side than the dark.

So, under the very noses in the heart of leftism, social work, there is a hidden danger to the whackos. We know who the others are, and we have discussed SHTF scenarios. My point being, in all this shit, don't give up; don't even give up those in academia. Some of us are just staying prudently low key...for now.

04-08-21, 15:51
So, as I've mentioned before, I am in the process of earning my MSW from a large state university. For those wondering "WHY???" Well, to get into probation and parole and jail diversion, since I have a background in LE, and I wasn't happy in LE. Anyways...

While all of academia is a hurricane of communism, social work is the eye wall; macro social work/community organizing is, pretty much solely responsible for almost ALL the radical, violent, leftist rhetoric that's tearing this world apart. I'm a micro/clinical concentration, so I'm focusing on psychosocial treatment, and it's very, very different than the macro concentration. In fact, macro social workers tend to have disdain for micro workers, because they believe that treating individual problems is simply distracting people from systematic racism. If we were instead recruiting people to overthrow the system, we wouldn't need to worry about dealing with their psychosocial issues, because we would be moving towards a socialist/antiracist utopia.

Macro workers are the loudest and most abrasive, and they are peddling Critical Race Theory/Antiracism/Socialism as a religion. The works of Robin DiAngelo, Patrisse Cullors, and Ibram Kendi are considered scriptural; their thought is to be considered inerrant. Anyone who questions their point of view is immediately dismissed as a racist. They say white people are incapable of knowing the truth about either the world around them, or even what they are thinking, because we are too blinded by our privilege. We must submit and let them tell us what we thinking, because they know our minds better than we know them ourselves. This also goes for any personal of color who disagrees with them. They are considered to be suffering from "internalized oppression," and thus their opinion on the matter is to be dismissed. I have heard that yes, a white person's very existence is oppressive to people of color unless they become an antiracist, and allow the oppressed to use them as they see fit. The rhetoric is ramping up too: There have been calls for "counter-genocide" of white people in order to protect the oppressed, with only white antiracists being deemed fit to live.

But, there is hope. First, I got into social work school with "Correctional Officer" and "Police Officer" both listed on my resume; this was before George Floyd, but well after Ferguson. They gave me a shot. Second, I unapologetically told my classmates what I had done before I started my MSW. I was welcomed with...acceptance, and a lot of honest questions from otherwise woke kids who actually wanted to know what law enforcement was like, and how true or false the accusations of racism really were. I told them the good, the bad, and the ugly, and how, from my observations, there was not a culture of virulent racism in law enforcement. They actually accepted it; they knew if there was a lot of racism in LE, I would have told them so. I told them about the time that I almost killed someone; I had my gun on a guy who we strongly suspected of being armed (he wasn't, but his cousin had been a few minutes earlier). Had he reached for anything, I would have shot him; he cooperated, and he didn't have warrants so we sent him on his way, but it did shake me up how quickly I could have become the next Darren Wilson or Derek Chauvin. It gave my classmates a new perspective of how fast things can happen in a police encounter; that not everything is about race. So, they can get it; they do get it. They get it all, they just don't trust themselves to make their own opinions and admit it.

Here's more hope: In the hallowed halls of wokeism, some of us have been communicating quietly about our fear and disdain for the far left rhetoric. One guy, who knew my background in LE, suspected I wasn't a leftist, and admitted to me that he was "not a socialist...AT ALL." I said I'm with you, to which he said, looking around suspiciously (yes, it is that bad), "I actually consider myself a conservative. I'm just here because I want to be a therapist." I said "same here." In another class, a few of us kind of felt each other out, and slowly admitted to various heresies against the left: Some of us were pro-life, some of us weren't sold on transgenderism, all of us were against cancel culture, many of us were gun owners, and some of us even thought that Trump did at least a few things right. The next semester, one brave student actually openly stated that he proudly owned guns, was a supporter of the 2nd Amendment, and opposed all gun bans. He was a biracial guy who expressed otherwise moderate-liberal views (more old school liberal) so they couldn't really pull the race card or Trump supporter card on him. I quietly let him know I was with him and thanked him for speaking up as I, the white ex-LEO, probably would have been dismissed if I said anything. He said there were others too.

There was a professor who had the audacity to say something I thought I would never hear in class: "Communism can't work. Neither can socialism. The only way it ever gets implemented is by violence, and it always fails because the ruling party always becomes what it claims to fight. It's not in human nature for a socialist system to work." This guy was a liberal with some sympathies for BLM...but at least not a leftist nut.

And, yesterday, my internship supervisor, a clinical social worker, told me in our final supervision session before the summer that left wing radicalism scared her, and she was a moderate "somewhat on the liberal side" but pro-gun, pro-police, pro-free speech, and would remorselessly kill anybody who touched her kids (we were talking about a pedophile I was working with, which is how it came up). Also, her husband and family are all conservatives. I was really happy to hear this, because I loved working with her and think she's awesome and I would have been very been disappointed to find out she was a flaming leftist (which I was worried about because of the field we're in). Nope, if shit goes down, she, and others have more pulling them to the light side than the dark.

So, under the very noses in the heart of leftism, social work, there is a hidden danger to the whackos. We know who the others are, and we have discussed SHTF scenarios. My point being, in all this shit, don't give up; don't even give up those in academia. Some of us are just staying prudently low key...for now.

I just posted about OPSEC and PERSEC in another thread. Don't let the bastards even know you'll stab them in the kidneys, metaphorically speaking of course. Just wait till the time is right, do it and move on. In the meantime, smile often so they won't see it coming when you get the final smile at their expense. :)

04-08-21, 16:18
I just posted about OPSEC and PERSEC in another thread. Don't let the bastards even know you'll stab them in the kidneys, metaphorically speaking of course. Just wait till the time is right, do it and move on. In the meantime, smile often so they won't see it coming when you get the final smile at their expense. :)

They have no idea...

04-08-21, 16:32
Good to know that there are some more rational and sane people, that are really concerned about things. Obviously, the more the better. Sounds like you gave them good info and had a little pull with them. I like your hopefulness.