View Full Version : Hatred of ones country is a US leftist thing

04-11-21, 16:44
I was talking with a US buddy who has lived in Italy for the past 25 years. We were talking politics and culture and he said that the one thing that is different over there is that the left wing in Italy, France or Germany isn't anti Italian, French or German. Our left here in the US HATES the USA. We are the cause of evil for our people here and overseas the left thinks. That doesn't play over there. In France, there were some recent comments about how they are not going 'woke' and same kind of anti-system/systemic racism that we see here in the US. Maybe it is an outgrowth of the US being the leading world power and the symbol of the past 70 years progress.

He relayed that if you show up to take the driving test in Italy, it is in Italian. F U if you want it in another language- and by the way, why are you here if you can't read Italian.... Here it is a violation of covil rights not to have every language covered.

We used to make fun of Euro-wenies, now, when our guys come over, we have to stop them from causing an HR meltdown.

I thought that was in interesting perspective.

04-11-21, 16:47
Yep. End of thread.

04-11-21, 17:02
Rush Limbaugh use to talk about how innately unhappy the left was no matter their circumstances.
Millions of individual people leading such a dysfunctional existence creates an entire culture and civilization where the collective consciousness of society becomes dysfunctional.
Lefties exist almost exclusively within their own mind and believe their mind made views are in fact reality.

04-11-21, 18:02
I’ve lived in Mexico quite a bit and it’s the same there.

As soon as you cross the bridge, it’s 100% Spanish.

Never heard any anti-Mexico, apologize for being alive type of stuff down there.

It’s actually nice, relaxing, to be somewhere where diversity is not a thing.

Speak the language, assimilate, have a good time.

04-11-21, 18:35
Because Italy, France, and Germany are governmentally closer to what they want?

04-11-21, 21:17
Maybe. I'll leave the judgment of men's motives to others.

But to date, the only attempt to overturn a constitutionally mandated election procedure by force was done by the Right: January 6, 2021.

04-11-21, 21:32
Are the United States, it’s people, and it’s government the same thing?

04-11-21, 21:39
Maybe. I'll leave the judgment of men's motives to others.

But to date, the only attempt to overturn a constitutionally mandated election procedure by force was done by the Right: January 6, 2021.

How any times are you gonna repeat this line?

I’ve seen you post this several times.

You and I probably actually agree on more than we disagree about. But repeating the cathedrals line about this being an insurrection over and over is silly. No one but blue pilled progressives think that was an insurrection. And they only think it was an insurrection because that’s what their overlords in the cathedral have told them.

04-11-21, 21:46
Maybe. I'll leave the judgment of men's motives to others.

But to date, the only attempt to overturn a constitutionally mandated election procedure by force was done by the Right: January 6, 2021.

I really wouldn’t qualify that as an attempt but even still, what’s your point?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-12-21, 01:15
What is an insurrection?

If Obama lost the election, and had assembled a BLM mob, and told them to fight, and directed them to the Capitol while the votes were being counted, what would we call it?

On 1/6, we we witnessed people attempting by force of arms to interrupt an election and replace the constituition with mob rule. That is Insurrection. And advocating Insurrection is sedition. Had the identical scene played out in any foreign capital, we'd have immediately recognized it as a coup.

The Capitol Hill Occupation Zone was an insurrection. They declared themselves independent, put up a sign that said "Leaving USA" at the entrance, and defied law enforcement. I have no problem calling that an Insurrection. It was also a rebellion and a secession no less than the CSA in 1861.

We need to get realistic about 1/6.

The point is that conservatives, or some of them, love the Constitution as long as they get to run it.

The minute it starts electing people they don't want, they're quick to overthrow it.

04-12-21, 01:22
We used to make fun of Euro-wenies, now, when our guys come over, we have to stop them from causing an HR meltdown.

I thought that was in interesting perspective.

Europe is still more socialist than we are for now. The only thing that delayed the US was Trump but now the globalists are turning the dial to 11 with the help of corona. I still wouldnt live in the EU now matter how cucked the US gets, its still the the highest concentration of freedom lovers compared to any place in the EU.

How any times are you gonna repeat this line?

I’ve seen you post this several times.

You and I probably actually agree on more than we disagree about. But repeating the cathedrals line about this being an insurrection over and over is silly. No one but blue pilled progressives think that was an insurrection. And they only think it was an insurrection because that’s what their overlords in the cathedral have told them.

Stop engaging with the retard. I repeat stop engaging with the retard.

04-12-21, 08:47
Europe is still more socialist than we are for now. The only thing that delayed the US was Trump but now the globalists are turning the dial to 11 with the help of corona. I still wouldnt live in the EU now matter how cucked the US gets, its still the the highest concentration of freedom lovers compared to any place in the EU.

Stop engaging with the retard. I repeat stop engaging with the retard.

Socialism in the EU, like 'facism', is different than in the US. They terms and economic models don't translate well back and forth. Our leftists are much more wicked and immoral than the EU versions. A lot more hateful.

I forgot why I had Uni-vide on my ignore list. Out of curiosity I looked at his posts on this thread and remembered why.

The only unarmed insurrection in the history of insurrections. All aimed at getting representatives to, you know, represent. I'm not a big fan of the stolen election. If it happened, there should be so many votes that are bad it should be easy to prove. The real 'steal' was the MSM/Big-data/NSA running their anti-trump campaign before the election. The 'stolen' election narrative is to delegitimize the opposition.

04-12-21, 17:37
Spoiled kids syndrome. It's like children who hate their parents but never grow out of it.

04-12-21, 23:43
Socialism in the EU, like 'facism', is different than in the US. They terms and economic models don't translate well back and forth. Our leftists are much more wicked and immoral than the EU versions. A lot more hateful..

Marx and his cronies were Euro leftists and very wicked 180 years ago. More recently, Baader–Meinhof comes to mind.

04-13-21, 06:12
Reminder of Russian Prime Minister Khrushchev comments from 1959:
“Your children’s children will live under communism, You Americans are so gullible. No, you won’t accept communism outright; but we will keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you will finally wake up and find you already have Communism. We will not have to fight you; We will so weaken your economy, until you will fall like overripe fruit into our hands.” “The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.”
Do you remember or know all of what Russia’s Khrushchev said in 1959?
How do you create a Socialist State?

There are 8 levels of control; read the following recipe:

Healthcare – Control healthcare and you control the people.
Poverty – Increase the poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them.
Debt – Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.
Gun Control – Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.
Welfare – Take control of every aspect (food, housing, income) of their lives because that will make them fully dependent on the government.
Education – Take control of what people read and listen to and take control of what children learn in school.
Religion – Remove the belief in God from the Government and schools because the people need to believe in ONLY the government knowing what is best for the people.
Class Warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. Eliminate the middle class. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to tax the wealthy with the support of the poor.

The self destruction of America from within is in full swing. The people have been/are being played without realizing it. And most would deny it when confronted with the truth. They have fully bought in to racial, social justice, fairness doctrine, gender equality, and the entire 8 step deal.

04-13-21, 06:35
10 planks of communism.


04-13-21, 16:10
What is an insurrection?

If Obama lost the election, and had assembled a BLM mob, and told them to fight, and directed them to the Capitol while the votes were being counted, what would we call it?

On 1/6, we we witnessed people attempting by force of arms to interrupt an election and replace the constituition with mob rule. That is Insurrection. And advocating Insurrection is sedition. Had the identical scene played out in any foreign capital, we'd have immediately recognized it as a coup.

The Capitol Hill Occupation Zone was an insurrection. They declared themselves independent, put up a sign that said "Leaving USA" at the entrance, and defied law enforcement. I have no problem calling that an Insurrection. It was also a rebellion and a secession no less than the CSA in 1861.

We need to get realistic about 1/6.

The point is that conservatives, or some of them, love the Constitution as long as they get to run it.

The minute it starts electing people they don't want, they're quick to overthrow it.

Oh you mean the insurrection where none of the nations estimated 600 millions firearms showed up?

Got it.

You know “intellectuals” (I like to say useful idiots), such as yourself, were the first ones the Bolsheviks lined up against the wall and shot after your kind helped them gain power.

I’d actually be okay with that scene playing out again just so I can I say, “told you so”.

Yep. I just said it. I’d live under a dictator just to see people like you shot. I’m petty and shallow like that.

04-13-21, 16:42
The country is fine.
The government are total assholes

04-15-21, 10:05
Like this:


Ever see another countries ambo talk itself down?