View Full Version : Police shooting in the twin cities (Brooklyn Center OIS)

04-11-21, 23:40

Driver tried to re-enter vehicle. Never know if they were reaching for a gun or not. After watching the body cam of the most cringeworthy LEO shooting and then the video of the New Mexico officer being killed, don’t care if daunte Wright was unarmed. Police have the right to active decisively.

Shit, I’ve been pulled over 3 times in the past two weeks (drifting, honking my horn at people in middle of road, and drifting) Not so much as a warning. I turn the car off, windows down, hands at 10 and 2, inform officer I’m a Ccw holder and listen to their request/instructions. It’s not hard, but of course I don’t have a warrant out.

Assuming body cam supports the press release, case closed. Didn’t do nuffin should of complied and he would be alive.

04-12-21, 06:50
The morning news is reporting overnight riots and looting, NG troops staged in Minneapolis were called in to help control the situation.

As if we didn’t have enough racial tension from the GF trial, now this...

04-12-21, 07:47
So glad I got out of the Twin Cities, but I still work in Madison, which follows the same logic if something were to happen there.

04-12-21, 08:06
BLM won't rest until the twin cities make Detroit look like Monaco.


04-12-21, 08:10
This story is getting a fair bit of air play right now. This may end up being another interesting summer.

Army officer sues Virginia police over violent traffic stop

04-12-21, 08:16
Man, Thug Life Matters appears to have a "Rapid Riot Response Plan". Looters and rioters at the ready with "go bags", able to deploy within an hour of an incident.

ETA: Now that VA incident looks like some bullshit. Jabba the Cop and Barney Fife both need a blanket party.

04-12-21, 08:51
Driver tried to re-enter vehicle. Never know if they were reaching for a gun or not.

Last month a Nashville police officer allowed a driver to re-enter the vehicle. The officer was rewarded by being shot by the driver.

04-12-21, 09:52
Wasn't public acceptance of the blatant DNC fraud this election supposed to get us a year or four without riots?

BLM won't rest until the twin cities make Detroit look like Monaco.

As someone who grew up in Michigan, where Detroit was a "no go" zone from my earliest childhood, and where Toronto and Minneapolis were the clean shining cities of low crime, high culture and all that good stuff - the developments of the last few years really hurt. I don't live in any of those cities, but it hurts to see the decline of the good ones. Detroit is maybe not as bad as it was in the 1980's and early 90's, but despite its boosters' claims, it's largely still in decay, just with a few small bright spots. I can't see how the Twin Cities will avoid the fate of 1967 Detroit. They've already gone from high on my list of regional places to visit to my list of "mostly avoid."

04-12-21, 10:17
Man, Thug Life Matters appears to have a "Rapid Riot Response Plan". Looters and rioters at the ready with "go bags", able to deploy within an hour of an incident.

ETA: Now that VA incident looks like some bullshit. Jabba the Cop and Barney Fife both need a blanket party.

Yep. Twitter bots are out pushing he was shot over air fresheners.

04-12-21, 11:08

04-12-21, 11:14
How's "DEE-fun da' Po-leece" workin' out for 'em so far? :help:

04-12-21, 11:18
I understand it's ultimately a property crime but why tf would you let your city burn like that? Why do city officials want this to be the new normal? Riots are out of hand and I can't help but think if police were allowed to, ya know, police, this crap would be squashed quickly.

Detroit hasn't burned down because both DPD and MSP get people off roadways and throw people in jail and use force to gain compliance as necessary. Idk. Maybe there's just nothing left to burn in Detroit but what is the political end game for Minneapolis allowing riots to burn down their city?

04-12-21, 11:38
Maybe there's just nothing left to burn in Detroit but what is the political end game for Minneapolis allowing riots to burn down their city?

The issue with Minneapolis/ St. Paul is the leadership and has been for sometime. They jumped on the gentrification bandwagon and tried (still are) desperately to convert problem areas into havens for Barnes and Noble and Starbucks, all while driving out local businesses and concentrating the ghettos. That is why Ilhan omar's district is constantly among the highest in income disparity in the nation. Creating white limousine liberals in the suburbs and downtown, while leaving the North East and suburbs like Brooklyn Park to be ghettos. The cities want the wealth of Minnetonka/ Edina and Woodbury, but they do so at the expense of the local populace. People always told me growing up that conservatives only care about the rich, and I think that has changed quite a bit, and the Twin Cities are the ideal example of this.

04-12-21, 12:20
You work a suburb of Minneapolis... why the hell are you still being proactive and stopping cars?! Work smarter, not harder.

04-12-21, 12:44
This may not go well. Video released. Sounds like she meant to grab her taser and grabbed her service weapon instead.


04-12-21, 12:52

04-12-21, 12:56
He didn’t do nothin wrong..... except resist, get back in his car, and even if she used the wrong weapon, there is definite opportunity for the officers to get shot when the suspect went into their vehicle.

04-12-21, 12:57
The 90-Two really does it.

04-12-21, 13:09
It is nauseating.
The officer reportedly stated “TASER, TASER” when firing the fatal shot. Then she said “Shit, I shot him.”



The press conference starts at approximately 44 min.
The incident starts around 52 min.


04-12-21, 13:16
How's "DEE-fun da' Po-leece" workin' out for 'em so far? :help:

Good, they wanted this, let their city burn. These rioters need to go the limousine socialist suburbs and show them exactly what defunding the police and supporting BLM really means.

04-12-21, 13:31
I wonder how they have their tasers set up? It's been pretty much SOP everywhere that you have your taser on a cross draw or on the off hand side to avoid this from happening. This type of thing happened multiple times when the taser first came out.

04-12-21, 14:08
I wonder how they have their tasers set up? It's been pretty much SOP everywhere that you have your taser on a cross draw or on the off hand side to avoid this from happening. This type of thing harkened multiple times when the taser first came out.

The Chief says they train and carry the taser cross draw and that it was an accidental discharge as she yelled taser??????? It's just plain fear. No, he shouldn't be able to get back into the car, yes he could have submitted to arrest, no she had to be pretty fearful to draw her weapon with three cops there and accidentally shoot him. An ND is not and AD.

04-12-21, 15:36
The 3 largest metro counties, Anoka, Hennepin and Ramsey counties are under curfew tonight from 7pm to 6am. I wonder if that and the rain will be enough to suppress riots and looting...

04-12-21, 15:45
This story is getting a fair bit of air play right now. This may end up being another interesting summer.

Army officer sues Virginia police over violent traffic stop

I doubt much will come of that. Haven't heard any negatives on Second Lieutenant Nazario and it is highly likely the city has been digging hard to find dirt in the last 4 months.

Speaking of, the officers on scene need to get their day in court over this.

Since any action against the officers has taken 4 months after the incident/about a week after Nazario went public, the officers' superiors all the way to the mayor have indicated they don't need to be in their positions either.

04-12-21, 19:22
The 3 largest metro counties, Anoka, Hennepin and Ramsey counties are under curfew tonight from 7pm to 6am. I wonder if that and the rain will be enough to suppress riots and looting...

I live in Anoka County and it is not in any area where the thugs are causing havoc. I am just stepping out to violate curfew.

04-12-21, 20:22
Reminds me of this one except with a ****ed up outcome.


04-12-21, 21:00
Reminds me of this one except with a ****ed up outcome.


I remember watching that one around 1995 on CNN and I must have caught it the only time they played it that day.

Dude on the ground failed to pay child support and male cop took the ricochet in the vest. Never heard what happened after that if anything.

04-12-21, 22:52
With this case...God, I don't know what to think. On one hand...it was a negligent homicide. On the other hand, I've been in similar situations; it is really, really hard to judge someone knowing how one's mind works in such a heightened life and death situation. It was a tragic mistake; it's hard to say whether or not it was even totally avoidable; it looks that way with 20/20 hindsight...but in the moment? Maybe it's just my own self-doubt, but when I was on the job, I always worried I would make a mistake like this.

04-13-21, 03:00
Reminds me of this one except with a ****ed up outcome.

And what do both these incidents have in common I wonder. :rolleyes:

04-13-21, 03:47
And what do both these incidents have in common I wonder. :rolleyes:

Hmmm...have to think on this one..:D

04-13-21, 05:57
About 10 years ago an Oakland, CA BART cop did the same thing while a suspect in a gang fight was resisting. Pulled out his Sig thinking it was his taser... bang. Naturally, the looting and rioting commenced. Convicted of involuntary manslaughter.

Physically resisting police is a risky business. Best to comply with direct orders. Save your fight for court.

04-13-21, 09:45
Not sure if this has been posted - details on the officer:


The lead photo is from 14 years ago. She just doesn't look like someone who could wrestle a noncompliant suspect, even 14 years ago. I somehow doubt she became more capable in the intervening years.

Two generations ago many police agencies had a height requirement, which implied an overall size and some degree of physical strength. The idea being that officers needed some chance of being able to physically capture a guy who didn't want to be captured, without shooting him, and before things like Tasers existed. Of course I realize these physical requirements went away with opening up the career to women, etc. But how many of these use-of-force issues relate to physically small and weak officers? Does it really make sense to have officers who are substantially smaller and weaker than the average arrestee?

04-13-21, 09:59
I hope it doesn't sound "sexist" or whatever but not many small statute female can go all out in a hand to hand tussle unless you're Ronda Roussey, Gina Carano, Holly Holm or Cris Cyborg.

04-13-21, 10:06
I hope it doesn't sound "sexist" or whatever but not many small statute female can go all out in a hand to hand tussle unless you're Ronda Roussey, Gina Carano, Holly Holm or Cris Cyborg.

Not many women of any stature, strength or ability can. How many men of any size can single handily secure an aggressive adult male not willing to comply without assistance?

04-13-21, 10:48
To me, this is nothing more than an affirmation of some very basic, common sense- Some people shouldn't be cops. Same shit with the guy who shot Philando Castile, Justine Ruszczyk, this one.....Gee, what's the common denominator? Minnesota LEO hiring "preferences"?

04-13-21, 10:52
I hope it doesn't sound "sexist" or whatever but not many small statute female can go all out in a hand to hand tussle unless you're Ronda Roussey, Gina Carano, Holly Holm or Cris Cyborg.

When my son was 14- he was a big, goofy, gawky kid- he was a student at an MMA Dojo here in town. They had a 22 year old female fighter there, she literally lived in an apartment over the gym, worked out for HOURS every day, lifting, grappling, sparring.... she was training for "the big time" and was a ranked fighter with several sanctioned matches under her belt. When it came time for her to spar they frequently would pair her with my son. Two thirds of the time he flat beat her ass. He was a gawky teenager and she was a "trained fighter" that had semi pro bouts under her belt.

I'm sorry, the fact that people can name 3-5 women who are real fighters shouldn't alter the reality that 99% of the time, men are going to beat womens' asses in physical altercations. Period. That's simply how we are designed by God, Nature etc.....

04-13-21, 12:18
When my son was 14- ***
When it came time for her to spar they frequently would pair her with my son. Two thirds of the time he flat beat her ass. He was a gawky teenager and she was a "trained fighter" that had semi pro bouts under her belt.

Sounds like this:

There are plenty of men who don't have the attributes to be good cops, and there are some women who do. But the ratios are not 1:1 and the hiring practices are an issue. Physical strength is a practical requirement for the job, but it doesn't seem to be a hiring criterion.

04-13-21, 12:24
I hope it doesn't sound "sexist" or whatever but not many small statute female can go all out in a hand to hand tussle unless you're Ronda Roussey, Gina Carano, Holly Holm or Cris Cyborg.

I saw one. Exactly one.
She was a hardcore hammerdyke and mean as shit. Not a pleasant person at all but I saw her ninja kick a dude in the balls and go for the KGB style arm break hold when he was doubled over. Them Size 7 Steel toes made it sting.

She sucked at absolutely everything else she ever did and I hope she’s living in a camper with 50 cats for being a total irredeemable bitch but damn dude..

That happened

04-13-21, 13:19
Sounds like this:

There are plenty of men who don't have the attributes to be good cops, and there are some women who do. But the ratios are not 1:1 and the hiring practices are an issue. Physical strength is a practical requirement for the job, but it doesn't seem to be a hiring criterion.

Despite protestations to the contrary by women athletes, they are not the "equal" of men, hence why they are paid less etc....It's not "sexism" etc...it's simply, cold hard fact. They are no less human, should have equal civil rights and all that jazz but the fact is in terms of performance in many fields of endeavor, they are simply not the equal of many or even most men. The fact that they have their own sports teams tells you that. We wouldn't HAVE a WNBA if they could compete in the NBA, some of this shit speaks for itself, it's really not that hard to understand. You find a woman that can dunk on King James and they will pay her a Trillion Dollars and make her the Queen of All Sports....Not gonna happen.

Now, you are absolutely right, there are many PEOPLE, who shouldn't be cops. In fact, in the three references I made above, TWO of the officers were men. Also, I understand the argument that "fighting" is only a small part of an officers job. Let's face it, human relations- de escalation- soft skills are important to the job, so is paperwork- laugh all you want but good paperwork puts bad guys away- bad paperwork can let a good Shyster do his thing- I would know, being a competent driver is important, crime scene analysis and evidence preservation, knowledge of the criminal code, "street smarts"- many, many facets to police work. But, in the end, I think we all expect an officer to be able to at least go hands on with bad guys and hold their own physically.

04-13-21, 13:21
Although the following is a discussion regarding the Seals, it also applies here:


04-13-21, 14:06
About 10 years ago an Oakland, CA BART cop did the same thing while a suspect in a gang fight was resisting. Pulled out his Sig thinking it was his taser... bang. Naturally, the looting and rioting commenced. Convicted of involuntary manslaughter.

Physically resisting police is a risky business. Best to comply with direct orders. Save your fight for court.

There is a movie about that incident.

04-13-21, 14:58


04-13-21, 15:13
I hope it doesn't sound "sexist" or whatever but not many small statute female can go all out in a hand to hand tussle unless you're Ronda Roussey, Gina Carano, Holly Holm or Cris Cyborg.

I don't know about Gina. She was looking a bit more plump in Season 2 of the Mandalorian.

Still don't think I want to be close enough to be wrasslin with her though.

04-13-21, 15:46
Officer involved and Chief have resigned. This is moving forward pretty fast and there looks to be a lot more openness then in the past.

The Oakland Bart and Tulsa taser/gun incidents were both full of coverup and obfuscation. Will take a long time for the damage done by the handling of past incidents to be put behind us. Until then, we will have to deal with the fallout.

04-13-21, 16:09
The sad thing is, they'll throw the book at her to give the crowd their pound of flesh. The DA will probably say "Plead not guilty and we'll give you the maximum sentence. Plead guilty and we'll give you the maximum sentence, but you'll feel better about yourself." Nothing is going to be accomplished by locking this cop up, but it's what the crowd wants.

It sucks, because five years ago, when I was in the police academy, an instructor had a ND that killed a state trooper on the range (I was there that day but not in the building where it happened). He plead guilty and got probation. His case was a LOT more negligent: He broke all of the 4 big gun safety rules and under no stress at all; just plain carelessness. He didn't get any jail time. The family of the slain trooper was angry and grief stricken, obviously, but even they knew that there was no point in putting the guy in jail. He is going to be in his own personal jail for the rest of his life.

This woman, under stress, fighting with a suspect, makes a mental error in the heat of the moment, and she's probably going to spend the next 15-20 years in prison because the mob demands it.

04-13-21, 16:27
Now we know the name and see the face of the police officer that shot a non compliant combative unarmed person by accident.

But we still don't know who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt. Don't say she killed herself by putting herself in that position.

04-13-21, 18:29
Not sure if this has been posted - details on the officer:


The lead photo is from 14 years ago. She just doesn't look like someone who could wrestle a noncompliant suspect, even 14 years ago. I somehow doubt she became more capable in the intervening years.

Two generations ago many police agencies had a height requirement, which implied an overall size and some degree of physical strength. The idea being that officers needed some chance of being able to physically capture a guy who didn't want to be captured, without shooting him, and before things like Tasers existed. Of course I realize these physical requirements went away with opening up the career to women, etc. But how many of these use-of-force issues relate to physically small and weak officers? Does it really make sense to have officers who are substantially smaller and weaker than the average arrestee?

Not arguing with you, I get your point. I have also been known to make jabs at officers in vids an stuff. I gotta give em credit though, they are better cops than me. At least they are out there.

I haven't seen stats on her size, is she a spinner or what?

04-13-21, 19:42
The Chief says they train and carry the taser cross draw and that it was an accidental discharge as she yelled taser??????? It's just plain fear. No, he shouldn't be able to get back into the car, yes he could have submitted to arrest, no she had to be pretty fearful to draw her weapon with three cops there and accidentally shoot him. An ND is not and AD.

ND is a subset of AD.

It was neither. She intentionally pulled the trigger.

04-13-21, 19:47
Now we know the name and see the face of the police officer that shot a non compliant combative unarmed person by accident.

But we still don't know who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt. Don't say she killed herself by putting herself in that position.


04-13-21, 19:51
Not arguing with you, I get your point. I have also been known to make jabs at officers in vids an stuff. I gotta give em credit though, they are better cops than me. At least they are out there.

I haven't seen stats on her size, is she a spinner or what?

Dude, you start a thread about wanting to "lead pill" people who use the N-word, and then you use something offensive about a female officer of the law who could be a grandmother? Holy double standard batman.


I'm not actually offended, DILLIGAF, but try self-awareness.

I haven't seen specific stats on her height / weight / ACFT score or anything, but I have two key facts:

1) She's 48 years old. Name all the 48yo women you can think of who could go wrestling with a 20yo punk and come out the victor. I'll wait.

2) Photo at link I posted. That's a 2007 photo. She has the facial shape and features of someone with a very slight build. I recognize it easily, I grew up with lots of similar-looking people. I don't know if she's thin or not-thin but from just the face photo I can comfortably say she won't be arm wrestling a diesel mechanic.

Seriously. 48 years old. Very few men at 48 are still in shape to be hand to hand fighting with 20-year-olds, even if they could have done that at 40. Age takes its toll, this is someone who might well have had lots of good skills and wisdom, but shouldn't have been getting hands-on with pretty much anyone. She probably would have had trouble with a 19yo female "spinner," especially one on drugs. I see agency decisions being guided by politics and convenience, not simple wisdom.

04-13-21, 20:45
Dude, you start a thread about wanting to "lead pill" people who use the N-word, and then you use something offensive about a female officer of the law who could be a grandmother? Holy double standard batman.


I'm not actually offended, DILLIGAF, but try self-awareness.

I haven't seen specific stats on her height / weight / ACFT score or anything, but I have two key facts:

1) She's 48 years old. Name all the 48yo women you can think of who could go wrestling with a 20yo punk and come out the victor. I'll wait.

2) Photo at link I posted. That's a 2007 photo. She has the facial shape and features of someone with a very slight build. I recognize it easily, I grew up with lots of similar-looking people. I don't know if she's thin or not-thin but from just the face photo I can comfortably say she won't be arm wrestling a diesel mechanic.

Seriously. 48 years old. Very few men at 48 are still in shape to be hand to hand fighting with 20-year-olds, even if they could have done that at 40. Age takes its toll, this is someone who might well have had lots of good skills and wisdom, but shouldn't have been getting hands-on with pretty much anyone. She probably would have had trouble with a 19yo female "spinner," especially one on drugs. I see agency decisions being guided by politics and convenience, not simple wisdom.

I wouldn't want to bet against a 20 or 30 something her doing the same thing she did at 48.

04-13-21, 21:22
After thinking and watching the body cam, I say good shoot. You are a deadly threat by resisting and trying to get back in a vehicle. Remember the PA troopers shot when they couldn’t gain control? Yea, I rather have the cop go home instead of a low life thug.

04-13-21, 21:46
After thinking and watching the body cam, I say good shoot. You are a deadly threat resisting and trying to get back in a vehicle. Remember the PA troopers shot when they couldn’t gain control? Yea, I rather have the cop go home instead of a low life thug.

I was thinking she would have been better off had she not intended to tase him.

04-13-21, 22:07
After thinking and watching the body cam, I say good shoot. You are a deadly threat resisting and trying to get back in a vehicle. Remember the PA troopers shot when they couldn’t gain control? Yea, I rather have the cop go home instead of a low life thug.

I was thinking she would have been better off had she not intended to tase him.

Yep. Tasing probably was a good step, but you are cuffing him for a firearms violation- and he breaks free and goes for the inside of his car. Not the best shoot, but frankly not indefensible.

Not saying he should have been shot, but sweet Jesus,can people follow simple commands- when you know you have a warrant out. Show some respect to your gangster self and go in looking like a pro, not a whiny bitch.

It’s been made that a solution to this problem of bad interactions of cops is not to put warrants out for peoples arrest. I just don’t know how in the heck you get people to show up then. They don’t show up now with a threat of arrest, how does less threat mean they’ll be more likely to show up?

I see all kinds of people with expired tags and expired temporary license plates, we just bought a car in February and threw a little work got the plates for it within the legal time limit. It wasn’t as easy as before, but it wasn’t impossible. I don’t understand these lazy sons of bitches.

04-14-21, 13:14
Sounds like the officer is being charged with 2nd degree manslaughter.

I know it may not have been right but if you act like a thug, you may die like one. I may be a middle age white male but I expect I’d get shot if I tried the same thing.


04-14-21, 13:27
Sounds like the officer is being charged with 2nd degree manslaughter.

I know it may not have been right but if you act like a thug, you may die like one. I may be a middle age white male but I expect I’d get shot if I tried the same thing.


It's about as expected. My guess is that she'll plead guilty and be given a light sentence. The crowd wants her dead though; they want a murder charge. There's the tinfoil hat conspiracies that this was fully intentional and her yelling "taser" before was to cover up her plan to murder Wright for being black.

We're at the point now where I just wish they'd kick off The Troubles. Start the war against America; try and overthrow our system and replace it with a communist/antiracist system. Let's just go already; it's going to happen, I want them to get it started so that they can finally get finished.

04-14-21, 13:54
^^Certainly in agreement with this BG.

04-14-21, 14:03
Boring guy, I am so fed up with the racial tension and the “everybody has to be equal”. Thats not how it has been and shouldn’t be. People can make choices to rise up and work to be better than their upbringing or they can succumb to it. About three weeks ago, at 2:30am Chicago PD responded to a shots fired call and gave pursuit to two suspects. They shot and killed a suspect that turned out to be a 13 year old. Naturally the mayor wanted a full investigation and protests ensued. “Defund the police” started again. Family wanted “justice”. And they were shown the body cam footage. Suddenly, the family doesn’t want the video shared and the mayor is silent on it. The boy had a gun in his hand and GSR on his gloves. The city is preparing for “protests” again. Parenting killed this kid. Parenting killed Duante Wright. Live by the sword, die by the sword (insert newer technology as appropriate).

Had Duante taken his arrest like a man and true thug, he’d still be alive.

04-14-21, 15:08
It's about as expected. There's the tinfoil hat conspiracies that this was fully intentional and her yelling "taser" before was to cover up her plan to murder Wright for being black.

Haven't heard that one but have heard it was staged to create more chaos before the end of Chauvin trial...I've watched the vid several times & do not hear a clear audible gun shot. Potter says she shot him as he drove off & another cop says: 'you did'?? I'm not sure if he meant he thought she missed or the car / tires screeching drowned out the shot. Who knows but can see why that one is floating around.

04-14-21, 15:08

04-14-21, 15:18
Can someone the last shooting of a Black guy that didn’t resist arrest and was following commands? I’m not saying that is doesn’t happen, but BLM sure seems to pick flawed stories to push their narrative.


According to this table, of the known killers of cops, 21 (48%)were white(non-h/l) and 16 (36%) were Black. Considering that whites at 60% to black 13% of the population, you wonder why Blacks get shot ‘disproportionally “ more?

04-14-21, 15:31
Had Duante taken his arrest like a man and true thug, he’d still be alive.

I was just saying this to some people earlier. Take the ride like you’ve been there before, not like a whiny bitch. When did ‘don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time” devolve to being unable to handle the ‘ride’ let alone the time...

Nothing looks more wankster than doing the Taser jiggle, while you pee yourself, with your momma on speaker phone, your ho screaming, as you get your ass beat to the sound of snap-crackle-and-pop.

I swear to God some of these moms tell her kids to run and resist the cops so that they get their asses popped and the mama gets the money from the city. NBA or DOA, couple million either way.

What I’m trying to get to here is that there is a culture problem. We have the ‘trophy for every unicorn’ running into the harsh realities of the criminal justice system.

Bring back the batons and link their deployment to blue tooth speakers that play Bee-Gees music. No one wants to get their ass beat to a sound-track, let alone a crappy one in falsetto.

Everyone talks smack, people needed to learn when the STFU and enjoy the ride to jail.

04-14-21, 15:41
Nothing looks more wankster than doing the Taser jiggle, while you pee yourself, with your momma on speaker phone, your ho screaming, as you get your ass beat to the sound of snap-crackle-and-pop.

I might put that in my signature line. Damn near got in trouble at work when I commented during a mandatory “open forum” on equality and injustice when I said “everybody needs to learn how to get arrested”. It’s not something that’s gonna be settled on the street at that point.

04-14-21, 16:41
Now we know the name and see the face of the police officer that shot a non compliant combative unarmed person by accident.

But we still don't know who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt. Don't say she killed herself by putting herself in that position.

No charges will be filed against the officer that shot her. https://www.dailywire.com/news/officials-wont-seek-charges-against-capitol-officer-for-ashli-babbitt-shooting?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=benshapiro&fbclid=IwAR0KoIjeOGKyKd8NBzBlHQJIgxQaR3M_gbH91j5y61bSwjS5WcyT8DsxVzA

04-14-21, 17:31
Bring back the batons and link their deployment to blue tooth speakers that play Bee-Gees music. No one wants to get their ass beat to a sound-track, let alone a crappy one in falsetto.

That is the funniest thing I have read in a while. Anyway, I was thinking the same thing. Take away the tasers and capsicum spray since they are “inhumane” and prone to user error. Hand out the good old 3’ wooden batons and give out hickory shampoos instead.

04-14-21, 18:45
No charges will be filed against the officer that shot her. https://www.dailywire.com/news/officials-wont-seek-charges-against-capitol-officer-for-ashli-babbitt-shooting?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=benshapiro&fbclid=IwAR0KoIjeOGKyKd8NBzBlHQJIgxQaR3M_gbH91j5y61bSwjS5WcyT8DsxVzA

Can you imagine if it had been a white Capitol Policeman who shot a black woman during a hypothetical BLM bum-rush on the Capitol? OMG the wailing and gnashing of teeth, as well as the riots would be epic.

Oh, we would know the name of the officer and his record the next day.

And people wonder why there is a growing backlash against this double-standard bullshit. I don't wonder, I don't need educated, I fvcking KNOW why it is.

04-14-21, 19:40
Can you imagine if it had been a white Capitol Policeman who shot a black woman during a hypothetical BLM bum-rush on the Capitol? OMG the wailing and gnashing of teeth, as well as the riots would be epic.

Oh, we would know the name of the officer and his record the next day.

And people wonder why there is a growing backlash against this double-standard bullshit. I don't wonder, I don't need educated, I fvcking KNOW why it is.

Dont forget this one that went down the memory hole.


Burn down an unarmed white guy in a hallway. Get early retirement and a pension.

In August 2018, Brailsford was reinstated by the Mesa Police Department, staying for a further 42 days in what the department described as a "budget position". The department agreed to reimburse Brailsford for medical expenses related to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Brailsford's lawyer has said that Brailsford suffered PTSD due to his shooting of Shaver and the resultant criminal trial. The reinstatement allowed Brailsford to apply for "accidental disability" suffered during the course of work. As a result, Brailsford was unanimously approved to be retired on medical grounds. Brailsford was also given a pension of $2,500 per month. The fact that Brailsford was ultimately medically retired instead of remaining fired was only revealed to the public in July 2019.[4][5][39] According to a pay stub attached to Brailsford's bankruptcy file, he has been working for a steel company in Glendale, Arizona.

04-14-21, 19:55
Dont forget this one that went down the memory hole.


Burn down an unarmed white guy in a hallway. Get early retirement and a pension.

Queue up the "Oh, that's different" meme.


04-14-21, 20:32
Just to throw some context out there. The officer from Mesa sued for all that. It wasn't the departments idea to give him a retirement. He was able to convince a court or city panel board (I cant remember which) that he was fired incorrectly and won.

That guy must have some OJ Simpson level lawyers because we were all shocked he didn't go to prison, then shocked again that he was able to overturn his firing.

04-14-21, 20:47
At this point, just ride until retirement and forget any sense of urgency.

04-14-21, 21:23
Just to throw some context out there. The officer from Mesa sued for all that. It wasn't the departments idea to give him a retirement. He was able to convince a court or city panel board (I cant remember which) that he was fired incorrectly and won.

That guy must have some OJ Simpson level lawyers because we were all shocked he didn't go to prison, then shocked again that he was able to overturn his firing.

He got special treatment from the start.

From the comments from retired officer Richardson, it doesn't sound like the city of Mesa put up much of a struggle.


04-14-21, 21:43
He got special treatment from the start.

From the comments from retired officer Richardson, it doesn't sound like the city of Mesa put up much of a struggle.


This is local to me. About a year after all this I was in a gunfight and got to talk with my lawyer who specializes in government/police policy type law. I asked him specifically about it and he explained it to me as he followed the whole thing very closely. Even the article you posted says he reached a settlement with the city of Mesa. It also says that the decision came from the city, not the police department.

04-14-21, 22:32
This is local to me. About a year after all this I was in a gunfight and got to talk with my lawyer who specializes in government/police policy type law. I asked him specifically about it and he explained it to me as he followed the whole thing very closely. Even the article you posted says he reached a settlement with the city of Mesa. It also says that the decision came from the city, not the police department.

Mesa police didn't seem to have a problem with the incident. Brailsford got fired due to the ejection port cover and was never arrested. His superior issuing the impossible to follow commands that set the situation up came out unscathed as did the other officers there.

04-15-21, 00:11
$50 for a car wash.... High school drop out going to watch some kids working their way through college wash his car...

04-15-21, 02:46
This is why the right will lose. When a french-canadian gets it but theres still a bunch of M4C tards who still think Jan 6th was an insurrection that justifies her death let alone make a big stink about a VETERAN and a DAMN HERO who was EXECUTED in the Capitol building.

The right is incapable of fixing the current situation. The only thing that will save America is its collapse.


04-15-21, 08:49
Given the incidents in which LEO mistook their service pistol for the Taser, why don't manufacturers make the Taser in a different configuration? Why not make it in the shape of a baton or other less than lethal device?

04-15-21, 09:30
Given the incidents in which LEO mistook their service pistol for the Taser, why don't manufacturers make the Taser in a different configuration? Why not make it in the shape of a baton or other less than lethal device?

Here’s an article the confusing of one thing for another


04-15-21, 09:37
Bring back the batons and link their deployment to blue tooth speakers that play Bee-Gees music. No one wants to get their ass beat to a sound-track, let alone a crappy one in falsetto.

Someone needs to make this their signature.

04-15-21, 11:58
This is why the right will lose. When a french-canadian gets it but theres still a bunch of M4C tards who still think Jan 6th was an insurrection that justifies her death let alone make a big stink about a VETERAN and a DAMN HERO who was EXECUTED in the Capitol building.

The right is incapable of fixing the current situation. The only thing that will save America is its collapse.


The 2 "sides" really aren't that different.

04-15-21, 12:08
Mesa police didn't seem to have a problem with the incident. Brailsford got fired due to the ejection port cover and was never arrested. His superior issuing the impossible to follow commands that set the situation up came out unscathed as did the other officers there.

Mesa homicide detectives testified against Brailsford. The Sgt resigned shortly after and moved to the Philippines. Ive heard it was to avoid lawsuits. I dont see how the other officers who were staged to detain Shaver for investigation would be liable for someone else shooting him.

04-15-21, 12:33
Here’s an article the confusing of one thing for another


18 incidents in roughly 20 years is not confidence inspiring. The article touched on different ways to carry the Taser, but I still think it should be shaped like something other than a firearm. With current technology, you would think they could design an effective Taser in a smaller package.

04-15-21, 12:51
Mesa homicide detectives testified against Brailsford. The Sgt resigned shortly after and moved to the Philippines. Ive heard it was to avoid lawsuits. I dont see how the other officers who were staged to detain Shaver for investigation would be liable for someone else shooting him.

Sgt. Charles Langley retired and moved to the Philippines.

The other officers on scene didn't have a problem with Langley issuing conflicting/impossible to comply with demands such as keeping his hands up and crawling towards them(ie, hands down on the ground).

As mentioned before, no arrests were ever made which definitely benefited Brailsford.


04-15-21, 12:52
18 incidents in roughly 20 years is not confidence inspiring. The article touched on different ways to carry the Taser, but I still think it should be shaped like something other than a firearm. With current technology, you would think they could design an effective Taser in a smaller package.

Or maybe it isn't the arrow, but the Indian?

04-15-21, 13:02
Or maybe it isn't the arrow, but the Indian?

When the Taser was first being issued, I declined. From the start I felt it should have been made in a different configuration and a few other LEO made the comment that someone was going to get shot when they saw it was designed in the shape of a handgun.

04-15-21, 13:16
I still wish they would use the Star Trek phaser Taser.


Like T2C, I don’t like pistol grippy things anywhere near where I have a pistol.

04-15-21, 13:22
The other officers on scene didn't have a problem with Langley issuing conflicting/impossible to comply with demands such as keeping his hands up and crawling towards them(ie, hands down on the ground).

BTDT and I wouldn't wish the experience on anyone.

04-15-21, 13:34
18 incidents in roughly 20 years is not confidence inspiring. The article touched on different ways to carry the Taser, but I still think it should be shaped like something other than a firearm. With current technology, you would think they could design an effective Taser in a smaller package.
Maybe something you could fire with the thumb rather than the trigger finger?

Is it also possible that a push to use the taser more, the “why didn’t they just tase him” attitude is part of the problem?

That less lethal needs to be a more deliberate and conscious decision to avoid mistakes seems like it could be part of the solution. Like the move from loading beanbag rounds into your regular shotgun, to a dedicated orange stocked shotgun, to some agencies removing lethal shotguns and shells completely.

Industry goes to great lengths to physically remove the POSSIBILITY of human error, from Boeing airplane controls, to industrial machinery that has interlocked guards, to cars that won’t start unless they are in park. Because human error is human.

04-15-21, 13:50
Remarks from Crump, the celebrity ambulance chaser, are simply ludicrous. "They could have given him a ticket, given him a notice to show up."

Never mind that the punk choked a woman then robbed her at gunpoint. Never mind that the punk violated conditions of the $100k bail for the aforementioned charges by possessing a gun and fleeing from police. Never mind that he didn't show on his court date resulting in warrant for his arrest... oh no... never mind all that... just "give him a ticket, given him a notice to show up" so says Crump.

04-15-21, 13:51
Klingon pain sticks, like real ones. High power cattle prod/whuppin stick combo.

04-15-21, 13:56
Remarks from Crump, the celebrity ambulance chaser, are simply ludicrous. "They could have given him a ticket, given him a notice to show up."

Never mind that the punk choked a woman then robbed her at gunpoint. Never mind that the punk violated conditions of the $100k bail for the aforementioned charges by possessing a gun and fleeing from police. Never mind that he didn't show on his court date resulting in warrant for his arrest... oh no... never mind all that... just "give him a ticket, given him a notice to show up" so says Crump.

Don't know, maybe letting him go and calling the bond agent is gonna be the new way to roll. Like "Hey F the warrant, I got no money on this game."

ETA: Not that I think it would be a good idea. Just that I couldn't blame a cop for thinking it.

04-15-21, 13:58
I cannot wait for the unintended consequences of “Let the guud boi go” style of policing.

Lotsa Uncle Ben scenarios in the making.

With no power comes no responsibility


04-15-21, 14:00
When the Taser was first being issued, I declined. From the start I felt it should have been made in a different configuration and a few other LEO made the comment that someone was going to get shot when they saw it was designed in the shape of a handgun.

May not be the best configuration, but dim bulbs can over come safeties. I have read tales of departments getting their pistol lights yanked due to one of their colleagues directing traffic using their pistol with light attached. Sounds crazy, but along came Patrick Feaster using his pistol light combo to shoot the drunk driver crawling out of the wreck.

04-15-21, 14:12
Similar logic was expressed after the Rashard Brooks shooting. Should have just let him go. Pick him up at another time when he's in a better mood for arrest.

04-15-21, 17:52
I guess Chicago is going to burn again too. Looks like the background is typical gang SOP where the gun is handed off to the kid for disposal after a gang shooting, kid takes off and drops the gun when he's confronted.

Another bad shoot. Looks like empty hands when he's shot.



04-15-21, 18:00
Similar logic was expressed after the Rashard Brooks shooting. Should have just let him go. Pick him up at another time when he's in a better mood for arrest.

Same was said about Waco in the 90s. They could have picked Koresh up at the dinner. How much of it is "justification of budget" and how much is "need to get them off the street right now".

04-15-21, 18:10
I guess Chicago is going to burn again too. Looks like the background is typical gang SOP where the gun is handed off to the kid for disposal after a gang shooting, kid takes off and drops the gun when he's confronted.

Another bad shoot. Looks like empty hands when he's shot.

From watching the video once at normal speed it looks terrible. "Court of public opinion" will surely be calling for his hanging.

I've seen some freeze-frames where the cop's bodycam can clearly see the kid's gun in his right hand, behind his back, a second or so before the kid's empty hands pop up and kid gets shot. Watching the video at full speed I can't really see it, but it's there in slow-mo and I assume the officer saw it. I'm not sure if this was a good or bad shoot, legally, but can see at least some defense for the officer.

Between the various deaths by LE and the various deaths of LE, like the New Mexico freeway attack, I feel for any current officers who are just saying ****-it. Terrible for the country overall, but I can see how trying to do anything looks like a no-win for most officers.

04-15-21, 18:14
At this point, just ride until retirement and forget any sense of urgency.

I was just thinking today that I have been out of police work for 17 years now. You could offer me twice what I am making now, which is several times what I made as a police officer, to go back and I wouldn’t do it. If I was still on the job in today’s upside down society I would do what FF said- just cruise until I could get out.

04-15-21, 18:21
I guess Chicago is going to burn again too. Looks like the background is typical gang SOP where the gun is handed off to the kid for disposal after a gang shooting, kid takes off and drops the gun when he's confronted.

Another bad shoot. Looks like empty hands when he's shot.

I’m sure it will. I figured since the officer hadn’t been doxxed and video wasn’t released (until weeks later) that it didn’t fit the racial narrative that has been pushed or it showed the 13 year old pointing a gun at the officer. Now the mayor has asked for changes to foot pursuit processes. How about keep your 13 year old home at night. There’s no reason a kid should be out at 2am unless they are up to no good.

04-15-21, 20:00
Same was said about Waco in the 90s. They could have picked Koresh up at the dinner. How much of it is "justification of budget" and how much is "need to get them off the street right now".

Rashard Brooks was Drunk driving at Wendys.

Koresh was a Jesus freak at best and behind on his taxes at worst

Per the shooting here, well he made adult decisions with adult consequences. This is why I heartily encourage poverty level single mothers to get abortions or learn to swallow. These “kids” will kill you stone dead and laugh about it.

He made a furtive gesture and got smoke checked. Should have been at home.

That’s the question, why is he even out that time of night?

04-15-21, 20:03
The only retard here is you. Or you never trained shoot/no-shoot scenarios. Hold the cop to the same standard as a civilian defending himself. As soon as the gun was dropped he became a no-shoot.

Swing and miss, but nice try. You could run 100 officers through that scenario and that kid will get at least shot 95% of the time. Dip shit has gun in hand. Officer yells drop it. You cannot see dip shit drop the gun. Dip shit starts to raise his hand, More than likely officer was on the trigger as he was yelling drop it. BECAUSE THE DIPSHIT HAD A GUN IN HIS HAND. Bang dip shit dead. I’m guessing you don’t do many shoot no shoot scenarios or you’re at a point in your career where you ride a desk. Apparently the new ROE’s for Leo’s are you have to take a round first.

04-15-21, 20:04
So....you don’t carry a back up gun?

Dude did you watch the video? Hands were up high empty when he got dropped. Pretty sure that would be a course failure if you dropped a guy in the same position with a cellphone much less empty hands.

04-15-21, 20:14
Dude did you watch the video? Hands were up high empty when he got dropped. Pretty sure that would be a course failure if you dropped a guy in the same position with a cellphone much less empty hands.

Oh ho ho. Nice deflection.

Did YOU watch the video?

You have the benefit of sitting down with some Merlot and anally freeze-framing to see what you want to see. When he jerked around, it looked offensive.

This is a contact sport, my man. The Lawyers only matter in court. There are no solid safe zones like a game of tag. Everything is fluid and dynamic.

I mean if he’d stopped when he was first told to stop. We wouldn’t even be here.

Do you really think you could have done any better?

04-15-21, 20:17
Everybody simmer down, no name calling, no insulting.

This is the only warning.

04-15-21, 20:20
Kid had a gun, as he turned around he dropped it behind a fence. As he was turning around, the cop shot less than a second after he dropped the gun. Officer lost site of gun hand. Officer made the correct decision. Human reaction time is about a second.

04-15-21, 20:23
If the dude had a gun in his hand, put his hand behind his hip, then came out with a cell phone.... he's getting shot 95 percent of the time. The officer knew he had a gun in his hand when he put his hand behind his back and turned while still concealing (in reality probably throwing it behind the fence) out of view. Bringing the gun hand back out, in the dark, you run the risk of a shadow getting mistaken for a gun.

It's a shitty situation, but I don't see any criminal act performed by this officer.

04-15-21, 20:24
Oh ho ho. Nice deflection.

Did YOU watch the video?

You have the benefit of sitting down with some Merlot and anally freeze-framing to see what you want to see. When he jerked around, it looked offensive.

This is a contact sport, my man. The Lawyers only matter in court. There are no solid safe zones like a game of tag. Everything is fluid and dynamic.

I mean if he’d stopped when he was first told to stop. We wouldn’t even be here.

Do you really think you could have done any better?

The entire point of calling it a bad shoot is if this officer was held to the same standard as a civilian in a defensive shooting where the kid drops the weapon and empty hands are shown and I shot him anyway would I lose in court? Im going to have to say most likely. Its been drilled into my head by dudes like Craig Douglas if that kid had shown a banana/cellphone/wallet in the same scenario and I shot him I would end up in jail. The court also has the luxury of going frame by frame unfortunately for that officer. By that standard I call it a bad shoot. Its going to take some force on force expert a whole lot of explaining about reactionary gap and human reaction time to convince a jury that it wasnt a bad shoot.

It's a shitty situation, but I don't see any criminal act performed by this officer.

I dont either, nor do I care that some wannabe gangster kid doing dirty work for his gangster friends gets dropped regardless of his age. All I care about is whether or not a civilian in the same scenario would get ruled a bad shoot or a good shoot. When using the measuring stick of "HANDS! HANDS! HANDS! whats in his hands?" A regular civilian in the same scenario is going to jail.

04-15-21, 20:37
Kid had a gun, as he turned around he dropped it behind a fence. As he was turning around, the cop shot less than a second after he dropped the gun. Officer lost site of gun hand. Officer made the correct decision. Human reaction time is about a second.

This is my point. I don’t have 8K UHD IMAX vision especially at night.

I mean it’s somewhat unnatural to be able to freeze frame some random scene at 1/32 normal digital playback and use that as a “gotcha” like someone under stress should have seen that.

It’s an open challenge. Could any of you honestly have done better given the totality of the circumstances?

My answer is probably not. My vision isn’t what it used to be. I’m older. My reflexes aren’t what they used to be.

Would I rather the young urchin been taken alive? Yes. But not at the cost of the officer’s well-being.

If you let these people go, you’re lazy and a freeloader and adding to the decline.

If you go after these people and you end up having to kill them or stomp the yard on them then you’re literally Hitler joining the Klan.

Everybody is forgetting that there are men in these uniforms. Men with souls, emotions, loved ones, fears, anxieties, and who are subject to fatigue.

This isn’t a 9 month deployment. This isn’t a once in a lifetime ordeal.

This is the culmination of years and years where you get older and they stay the same age. Running down a teenager at 21 is no big deal. Running down at 41, they could be your child.

And I get the whole “hold them accountable” spiel. I get the want for checks and balances. I even agree.

But then, reality doesn’t always coincide with our hopes and wishes.

04-15-21, 20:53
Do many cops use strobe like that?

04-15-21, 21:01
Do many cops use strobe like that?

I do, most other officers I work with or know do as well. Gunlights and flash light have strobe light or regular mode

04-15-21, 21:49
I do, most other officers I work with or know do as well. Gunlights and flash light have strobe light or regular mode

I have a few lights that have strobe as a programmable option, never tried shooting with it turned on though.

04-16-21, 02:23
The entire point of calling it a bad shoot is if this officer was held to the same standard as a civilian in a defensive shooting where the kid drops the weapon and empty hands are shown and I shot him anyway would I lose in court? Im going to have to say most likely. Its been drilled into my head by dudes like Craig Douglas if that kid had shown a banana/cellphone/wallet in the same scenario and I shot him I would end up in jail. The court also has the luxury of going frame by frame unfortunately for that officer. By that standard I call it a bad shoot. Its going to take some force on force expert a whole lot of explaining about reactionary gap and human reaction time to convince a jury that it wasnt a bad shoot.

Not necessarily true, per SCOTUS settled Graham V Connor; ala Objective Reasonableness Standard.

04-16-21, 03:39
Do many cops use strobe like that?

I’m sure some like it. It’s the first thing I disable.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

04-16-21, 06:28
I do not subscribe to "if a private citizen had made that shot". It is basically a private citizen's duty to avoid situations that may result in a shooting. Peace officers do not have that luxury.

If we continue to place ever more restrictive ROEs on the police, we will end up with a bunch of traffic wardens who would be fools to expose themselves to the legal liability of actually confronting a violent criminal or to approach a domestic dispute.


04-16-21, 06:51

Unfortunately, that image will be like rocket fuel for the Hands Up, Don't Shoot crowd.

04-16-21, 06:59
It’s not unfortunate for me. When enough white daughters get beaten and raped or someone “important” catches too much reality then they’ll want the full Wrath of God exacted on these people.

CHAZ was “like Woodstock” until they went to somebody “important’s” house then it had to come down most ricky tick.

Also the whole “private citizen” spiel is busted and lame. I don’t know what some of you do on your personal time, but my big ass is in a house and not on no streets.

04-16-21, 10:37
Unfortunately, that image will be like rocket fuel for the Hands Up, Don't Shoot crowd.

Yea, they fail to mention that literally a split second before he had a gun in his hands. While the pic makes it look one way, the video makes it look the other. And from what the news said, the initial call was for shots being fired at vehicles. So, I really can't blame the officer for assuming that he had a gun in his hand in the split second that he turned towards him. It looks like the shadow is a gun in his hand. It's easy to second guess the situation afterward. Tragic for the 13 year old and all involved... where was mommy and daddy. I guess there is no accountability on the part of the 13 year old or his parents... or .... good heavens... from the view point of a democrat... where did the 13 year old get a gun??? Surely gun laws would prevent him from getting one...

04-16-21, 10:39
That’s the question, why is he even out that time of night?

Apparently he had a habit of running off. Mother had reported him missing days earlier but he returned the following day. Sounds like he ran off again but wasn't reported missing even though it took the cops a couple days to identify the body and notify the mother.


Don Terry, director of the Police Department’s Office of News Affairs, told Block Club that Adam Toledo was reported missing on March 26. The following day, police checked with the boy’s mother, who told them he had returned home.

She did not report him missing again, Terry said, so that case was considered closed. As for the delay in telling Adam Toledo’s mother about the killing, Terry said police spent two days trying to identify the boy’s body. He said they called Adam’s mother after seeing his description matched the recently closed missing person case.

More here: https://blockclubchicago.org/2021/04/02/13-year-old-adam-toledos-mom-thought-her-son-was-missing-until-cops-came-knocking-2-days-after-killing-him/

04-16-21, 10:50
The entire point of calling it a bad shoot is if this officer was held to the same standard as a civilian in a defensive shooting where the kid drops the weapon and empty hands are shown and I shot him anyway would I lose in court? Im going to have to say most likely. Its been drilled into my head by dudes like Craig Douglas if that kid had shown a banana/cellphone/wallet in the same scenario and I shot him I would end up in jail. The court also has the luxury of going frame by frame unfortunately for that officer. By that standard I call it a bad shoot. Its going to take some force on force expert a whole lot of explaining about reactionary gap and human reaction time to convince a jury that it wasnt a bad shoot.

I dont either, nor do I care that some wannabe gangster kid doing dirty work for his gangster friends gets dropped regardless of his age. All I care about is whether or not a civilian in the same scenario would get ruled a bad shoot or a good shoot. When using the measuring stick of "HANDS! HANDS! HANDS! whats in his hands?" A regular civilian in the same scenario is going to jail.

Ive investigated more than one citizen self defense shooting where the suspect was unarmed at the time he was shot but was armed prior and/or making perceived threats. I havent seen one arrested or charged yet. Hell, a couple Ive personally driven back to their homes after being interviewed at headquarters.

04-16-21, 10:57
Cop saw the gun, then quick turn and movement of the hands... it's a clean shoot all day long. If you think the cop should have waited to "be sure" go watch that New Mexico video. Press, politihoes, and TLM are gonna do their spin.

Go ahead. Burn Chi-town to the ground. I give zero shits.

04-16-21, 11:10
I'm aware of three citizen shootings where the one shot was not armed in my jurisdiction in the last 3 years, no arrests, no charges. It really depends on the totality of the circumstances, and the local PA.

04-16-21, 11:20
Cop saw the gun, then quick turn and movement of the hands... it's a clean shoot all day long. If you think the cop should have waited to "be sure" go watch that New Mexico video. Press, politihoes, and TLM are gonna do their spin.

Go ahead. Burn Chi-town to the ground. I give zero shits.

That’s what I thought about the decision. A quick turn by the suspect and a gun in his hand before the turn..... but the Chicago folk seem to follow NATO rules of do not engage until fired upon. I’d expect the SA here to charge him. Especially since he’s white, shot a Latino kid, and they are blasting the hands up picture all over town. I hate this though. I’m 40 miles west but this means a ton of work for my wife as she has to work through securing her company’s facilities (she oversees IT) when riots are expected. She’s usually going into the hot zones both before and after to check. I hate that part.

Honestly, I’d like to see the mayor and DA roll for this. Their restrictive police policies and catch/release programs are not effective in controlling crime. It stops COVID in the jails and lowers minority incarceration levels at the cost of perpetuating more violence. This is not the police department’s issue. Now the mayor wants to revise pursuit procedures.

04-16-21, 11:45
I still can’t believe that Klansman Cop shot that little shoeless Mexican boy who was out at 0200 selling Bibles

john armond
04-16-21, 11:49
Not only does the mayor want to revise foot chase policies after this, but the gang affiliated with the 13 year old has called for open hits on the police.

04-16-21, 11:53
That’s news to me John. I really feel like CPD has such a raw deal, I can’t imagine why someone would want to do it. They had a hiring fair recently, starts at $49k, after like 18 months on the job it goes up to $78k. Still not worth the hassle of being cuffed by city hall and doxxed by the media if you happen to have any sort of incident.

04-16-21, 11:55
Not only does the mayor want to revise foot chase policies after this, but the gang affiliated with the 13 year old has called for open hits on the police.

Which gang?

04-16-21, 12:02
Which gang?

Latin Kings.

04-16-21, 12:11
Unfortunately City hall will do nothing to protect officers from this.

04-16-21, 12:22
Unfortunately City hall will do nothing to protect officers from this.

They will probably tell the the officers to kneel and take the coup de gras.

john armond
04-16-21, 12:36
Latin Kings.

Thanks. I saw it a few days ago but couldn’t remember. Supposedly the threat was to be directed at unmarked units. The best source of info concerning CPD used to be the secondcitycop blog, but they closed up shop when google started threatening them with censoring if the blog didn’t conform to their “rules.”

ETA...article stating Latin Kings threats:


Toledo was known to his gang as “lil homicide” & “bvby diablo”

04-16-21, 12:44
I hate when they give legitimacy to the threats made by gangs.

One day the gangs will push it and somebody will declare a Dune style Jihad on them

04-16-21, 13:15
I hate when they give legitimacy to the threats made by gangs.

One day the gangs will push it and somebody will declare a Dune style Jihad on them

And ‘“Firefly” will be the most powerful killing word...

04-16-21, 13:16
I hate when they give legitimacy to the threats made by gangs.

One day the gangs will push it and somebody will declare a Dune style Jihad on them

And ‘“Firefly” will be the most powerful killing word...

Everybody sues the city and the cops when their little devil gets aerated. What we need to start doing is suing the families of these little monsters. Start charging the with family conspiracy murder in the death of the wrong kid because they didn’t raise him right leading to his death. Is there gonna be such a thing as a broadly systemic problem in place, there surely can be a more tightly tied in specific bad parenting.

04-16-21, 14:34
This photo does make a nice counter point to the hands up pic taken a fraction later.

04-16-21, 14:44
Now if that gets out people will scream “it was empty!”

04-16-21, 14:45
Now if that gets out people will scream “it was empty!”

How did it get empty..... ;)

04-16-21, 14:49
It was empty when he was holding it while selling bibles on the street corner in front of the church...... I want to buy that officer a beer. But I’m not going into Chicago to do that.

04-16-21, 15:03
This photo does make a nice counter point to the hands up pic taken a fraction later.

Stop it with your hate facts

04-16-21, 15:29
The best source of info concerning CPD used to be the secondcitycop blog, but they closed up shop when google started threatening them with censoring if the blog didn’t conform to their “rules.”

I must have missed that. They were a site I’d drop by every so often.

04-16-21, 16:15
And ‘“Firefly” will be the most powerful killing word...

Everybody sues the city and the cops when their little devil gets aerated. What we need to start doing is suing the families of these little monsters. Start charging the with family conspiracy murder in the death of the wrong kid because they didn’t raise him right leading to his death. Is there gonna be such a thing as a broadly systemic problem in place, there surely can be a more tightly tied in specific bad parenting.

This is not a comment on the officer, he defended his own life and it is very cut and dried.

The relatively small number of people running the city of Chicago's government(either officially or behind the scenes) including the PD are likely the single biggest cause of it's shit hole status. Formed that opinion somewhere around age 10 when we first started getting WGN and almost 40 years later I have yet to see anything that indicates that group has much in the way of redeeming value.

04-16-21, 20:34
This photo does make a nice counter point to the hands up pic taken a fraction later.

Yes it does.

04-16-21, 20:37
I hate when they give legitimacy to the threats made by gangs.

One day the gangs will push it and somebody will declare a Dune style Jihad on them

In what country? Sure as hell not this one!

04-17-21, 17:35
I hate when they give legitimacy to the threats made by gangs.

One day the gangs will push it and somebody will declare a Dune style Jihad on them

That would be a tough task if you went after the Latin Kings. They are well organized and have over 20,000 members in the Chicago area.

04-17-21, 17:57
That would be a tough task if you went after the Latin Kings. They are well organized and have over 20,000 members in the Chicago area.

Would it?

We can pull a Ruby Ridge and we can pull a Waco.
We can go after Capitol Hill protestors and declare it a de facto DMZ but somehow we simply cannot muster the resources to kill, imprison, nor deport 20,000 people?

These people dictate by fear. I want to see them actually fight. None of this drive by shit nor this going after someone’s elderly parents.

I want these little mojados to meet me equal rank and face me en légion.

There is American precedent for posses and restoration of order the hard way. Look at how they quelled the Bonus Army.

I mean I’m not talking knock and talk. I mean literal Jihad. I mean it wont be easy, but it could happen if people cared.

They don’t have this problem anywhere else.

04-17-21, 19:26
Would it?

We can pull a Ruby Ridge and we can pull a Waco.
We can go after Capitol Hill protestors and declare it a de facto DMZ but somehow we simply cannot muster the resources to kill, imprison, nor deport 20,000 people?

These people dictate by fear. I want to see them actually fight. None of this drive by shit nor this going after someone’s elderly parents.

I want these little mojados to meet me equal rank and face me en légion.

There is American precedent for posses and restoration of order the hard way. Look at how they quelled the Bonus Army.

I mean I’m not talking knock and talk. I mean literal Jihad. I mean it wont be easy, but it could happen if people cared.

They don’t have this problem anywhere else.

Is there a working relationship between the people who run Chicago and the gang?

04-17-21, 19:36
In regards to the Chicago shooting, I didn’t see this posted but might have missed it. It contains all of the videos etc


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04-18-21, 09:22
This from a so-called 'lawmaker'.


Maxine Waters joined hundreds of angry protesters who thronged Brooklyn Center, Minnesota early Sunday, all breaking the 11 p.m. curfew together during the seventh night of protests against the police killing of Daunte Wright.

“We’ve got to stay in the streets, and we’ve got to demand justice,” she urged the crowd, according to one tweeted clip.

“We’re looking for a guilty verdict” in Derek Chauvin’s trial for the police killing of George Floyd, where deliberations will begin next week, she said.

“And if we don’t, we cannot go away,” she added. “We’ve got to get more confrontational.”

Asked about the curfew, she said, “I don’t know what curfew means"

More here: https://nypost.com/2021/04/18/maxine-waters-attends-protest-over-police-killing-of-daunte-wright/

04-18-21, 09:37
Waters did the same things in LA. Throw as much gas on the fire as possible, then step away.

Add fuel to fire, praise the righteousness of fire, claim the fire is a force for good, deny any personal responsibility, go raise lots of money and maybe publish a book.

04-18-21, 09:40

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john armond
04-18-21, 09:46
Well, if he is found guilty of murder...there is another of his arguments on appeal. When a member of congress is demanding what you will be found guilty of...or else...

That in no way could influence a jury.

04-18-21, 10:22
Well, if he is found guilty of murder...there is another of his arguments on appeal. When a member of congress is demanding what you will be found guilty of...or else...

That in no way could influence a jury.

Jury was Sequestered I believe, so that would be a tough sell unless they defense could demonstrate someone on the jury aware of that specifically.

04-18-21, 10:45
Jury was Sequestered I believe, so that would be a tough sell unless they defense could demonstrate someone on the jury aware of that specifically.

I thought the jury was not expected to be sequestered until deliberations begin. As far as I know they are going home every night (one apparently to Brooklyn Center). I heard that with the security around the court, they are safe but see (seen by?) the protesters on their way in/out

john armond
04-18-21, 12:24
Jury was Sequestered I believe, so that would be a tough sell unless they defense could demonstrate someone on the jury aware of that specifically.

If I’m reading this article correctly, the judge refused to sequester the jury until closing arguments. This article is dated April 12th, and states they will not be sequestered until the following Monday, April 19th...tomorrow.


ETA...forgot to add the link

04-18-21, 13:43
Jury was Sequestered I believe.

You would think, being that you have functional “common sense” to help you make reasonable assumptions.

But common sense led you wrong. They will only be sequestered for deliberation.

04-18-21, 16:37
Is there a working relationship between the people who run Chicago and the gang?

The kind of event that presents a reason for such questions to be asked.


04-18-21, 16:59
The kind of event that presents a reason for such questions to be asked.


That is just the cops being scared and lazy.

04-18-21, 17:06
This from a so-called 'lawmaker'.


Maxine Waters joined hundreds of angry protesters who thronged Brooklyn Center, Minnesota early Sunday, all breaking the 11 p.m. curfew together during the seventh night of protests against the police killing of Daunte Wright.

“We’ve got to stay in the streets, and we’ve got to demand justice,” she urged the crowd, according to one tweeted clip.

“We’re looking for a guilty verdict” in Derek Chauvin’s trial for the police killing of George Floyd, where deliberations will begin next week, she said.

“And if we don’t, we cannot go away,” she added. “We’ve got to get more confrontational.”

Asked about the curfew, she said, “I don’t know what curfew means"

More here: https://nypost.com/2021/04/18/maxine-waters-attends-protest-over-police-killing-of-daunte-wright/

At what point should people be charged with instigating a riot if they do come back with a not guilty verdict or on a lesser charge?

This is no different than a fatwa given by the radical Islamic crowd to go after Americans.

04-19-21, 16:31
Here's one you won't hear about and should go riot-free.

Police: Officers Fatally Shoot Carjacking Suspect Who Shot At Them On I-35W Burnsville (https://minnesota.cbslocal.com/2021/04/18/bca-agents-heading-to-scene-of-officer-involved-shooting-in-burnsville/)

04-19-21, 16:44
At what point should people be charged with instigating a riot if they do come back with a not guilty verdict or on a lesser charge?

This is no different than a fatwa given by the radical Islamic crowd to go after Americans.

You convinced me. Lock her up.

04-19-21, 16:51
Here's one you won't hear about and should go riot-free.

Police: Officers Fatally Shoot Carjacking Suspect Who Shot At Them On I-35W Burnsville (https://minnesota.cbslocal.com/2021/04/18/bca-agents-heading-to-scene-of-officer-involved-shooting-in-burnsville/)

Thug Life Matters is all hot and bothered about that one too. Go figure.

04-19-21, 17:48
Thug Life Matters is all hot and bothered about that one too. Go figure.

UPDATE: Thug Life Matters was protesting this shooting...

then the police announced that the dead suspect was WHITE. TLM protest petered out. ;) Guess that proves the point about ASSuming things.

Funny that TLM assumed the carjacker was black. I saw they were pissed, so I thought he must have been black too.

04-19-21, 18:08
UPDATE: Thug Life Matters was protesting this shooting...

then the police announced that the dead suspect was WHITE. TLM protest petered out. ;) Guess that proves the point about ASSuming things.

Funny that TLM assumed the carjacker was black. I saw they were pissed, so I thought he must have been black too.

Doesn't that make TLMs racist? They automatically ASSUMED that a criminal was Black.......... you can't make this SH!T up...... LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL