View Full Version : How to deal with real racists and white power trash?

04-13-21, 09:35
Kinda rhetorical I suppose, but sometimes these Aholes just sneak up on you. I was in a LGS looking at a G44. I'd talked to the clerk a little about needing a .22 pistol, and I was feeling out the glock. I handed it back, and about then the guy next to me says "You'll need a lot more than a .22 when the ni**ers come to take over." Blew me away, average looking dude in his 60's I'd guess. I was done anyway, so I just told him to F off and go die and I walked out of the store.

Then I read about the "white lives matter" crap that went down in a few places yesterday. I know that there is real racism, but I kinda think of it like the flat earth morons. Like, "yeah they are out there, but only a few and nobody cares about their idiotic ideas".

It really pisses me off though, especially in this current environment of "everything is racism". I've been around plenty of racists, sexists, and other flavors of bigot in my life and I've been pretty vocal and blatant that I won't tolerate their shit around me. I ain't a saint, and I ain't concerned about "those kind" of jokes (if it's funny, it's funny), and I give zero shits about virtue signaling.

I just find myself wanting to lead pill the bigots and the woke.

04-13-21, 09:40
Keep quiet and move on with your business. It is not worth it to interact with any person that is set in their ways. Also potential to say something to the wrong person at the wrong time.

04-13-21, 09:50
1) You can't fix stupid.

2) Personally I like to avoid conflict, especially with random strangers over issues that won't resolve anything. YMMV.

It really pisses me off though, especially in this current environment of "everything is racism". I've been around plenty of racists, sexists, and other flavors of bigot in my life and I've been pretty vocal and blatant that I won't tolerate their shit around me. I ain't a saint, and I ain't concerned about "those kind" of jokes (if it's funny, it's funny), and I give zero shits about virtue signaling.

I just find myself wanting to lead pill the bigots and the woke.

3) Stuttering? "Woke" are just bigots with the colors or biases reversed.

4) People who are accused repeatedly of something they aren't, may decide they want to be. All the witch hunts against imagined "racism" are already leading to more real racism. It isn't good, but it's hard to stop.

5) Why do you care enough to want to "lead pill" any of them? Who cares what dumb things are said by random strangers?

6) See #1.

04-13-21, 09:54
Keep quiet and move on with your business.

^^^ this is it.

04-13-21, 10:38
Kinda rhetorical I suppose, but sometimes these Aholes just sneak up on you. I was in a LGS looking at a G44. I'd talked to the clerk a little about needing a .22 pistol, and I was feeling out the glock. I handed it back, and about then the guy next to me says "You'll need a lot more than a .22 when the ni**ers come to take over." Blew me away, average looking dude in his 60's I'd guess. I was done anyway, so I just told him to F off and go die and I walked out of the store.

Then I read about the "white lives matter" crap that went down in a few places yesterday. I know that there is real racism, but I kinda think of it like the flat earth morons. Like, "yeah they are out there, but only a few and nobody cares about their idiotic ideas".

It really pisses me off though, especially in this current environment of "everything is racism". I've been around plenty of racists, sexists, and other flavors of bigot in my life and I've been pretty vocal and blatant that I won't tolerate their shit around me. I ain't a saint, and I ain't concerned about "those kind" of jokes (if it's funny, it's funny), and I give zero shits about virtue signaling.

I just find myself wanting to lead pill the bigots and the woke.

Heard that shit all the time when I was working in gun sales. One guy was a full blown Neo-Nazi. He didn't look it, and by 'look', I mean he didn't have the shaved head and swastika tattoos or anything. He was in his early 20s, and looked normal enough...until he started talking. He was from the northern Idaho where there are known Neo-Nazi groups. He said wanted a good, powerful gun to use for "when the 'negroes' revolt" (his words). He told me that refused to buy a Sig because he wouldn't do business with any company run by Jews, because Jews were not even the real Israel, and that white people are the 10 lost tribes of Israel and the true Chosen People (Christian Identity theology). That was an easy thing to counter: "Well, unfortunately for you, you're out of state, so I can't sell you a handgun." He thanked me and left.

I also had a guy who would refer to Obama as "That n***er in the White House". I didn't like Obama, but I hated when people said that shit about him. Hate him because he's an ultra-liberal. Hate him because he's anti-gun. Keep the race shit out of it though!

The best thing to do with full blown real racists: Don't give them any thought. They just want a reaction.

04-13-21, 10:46
I just find myself wanting to lead pill the bigots and the woke.

Two sides of the same coin. I remember being a kid in Spokane when Ruby ridge was happening, all of the news sites were stationed downtown with protesters wearing klan hoods. My mom said this is awful and we need to move to a place where people are more decent. Cut to 2015 when she and her ex (Black, retired AF Col) moved into a house in a rich suburb of Seattle and he had the cops called on him by more than 1 neighbor because they thought he was trying to break in to his own gate, when attempting to move patio furniture to the backyard. 3 Newcastle squads showed up and stopped him for over an hour because his "feel the bern" neighbors didn't know that he was the new owner.

04-13-21, 11:18
I still have family in the rural south--not as many as they get older and pass away--who still use that kind of language (the 'N' word). Bigots? Hell, yes. Racists? Nope. But again, the number who are still stuck in the old-school/old-time south are dying off, and the kids are more mainstream/tolerant. Still not 'woke,' though.

But the for-reals racists/white supremacy folks? Ignore and move on. You can't move their needle and more than you can move the needle on someone who is 'woke.'

04-13-21, 11:22
We had a guy tell us "you know how those colored guys are" during a JOB INTERVIEW.

We informed him the interview was over and walked him out of the building. Nobody has time for that crap.

That was in the last 3 years.

As far as the "White Lives Matter" and similar - within limits, free speech is constitionally protected.


04-13-21, 11:49
We had a guy tell us "you know how those colored guys are" during a JOB INTERVIEW.

We informed him the interview was over and walked him out of the building. Nobody has time for that crap.

That was in the last 3 years.

As far as the "White Lives Matter" and similar - within limits, free speech is constitionally protected.


In northern Alabama? How old was he? I find this still down east near the coast and in the mountains, mainly in older people, but certainly not the the central part of NC where we have the biggest immigration.

04-13-21, 12:09
When he failed to recruit you did he go out to his Chevy Suburban and fill out a 302?

04-13-21, 12:13
Seriously who gives a s***. Its not like was he personally insulting you or anything. With everything thats going on do you find it surprising that people are more racist?

04-13-21, 12:16
I award you a glow in the dark Domo kun for your troubles, sir


just a scout
04-13-21, 12:49
Durbin: ‘We Want to Cancel Racism in America’ https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2021/04/13/durbin-we-want-to-cancel-racism-in-america/

Want to cancel racism? How about we stop with ALL of it? God forbid we judge a person by their actions and not their skin color.

You want to know why neo Nazis are becoming a thing again? Because by virtue of being white, you’re hated, marginalized and attacked. It is a counter reaction to the wokeism, reverse racism, and critical race theory infesting every single aspect of life in America today. It’s a result of BLM/Antifa/Revcom burning down our cities and the cops taking a knee, while a protest over the election becomes the biggest operation in FBI history and the deployment of 26,000 troops with a campaign ribbon.

This is what happens when society becomes so divided it explodes and burns. And this will affect everyone, including other countries.

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04-13-21, 13:03
4) People who are accused repeatedly of something they aren't, may decide they want to be. All the witch hunts against imagined "racism" are already leading to more real racism. It isn't good, but it's hard to stop.

My wife and I have had a couple of talks about this over the past few months. Both of us have had to remind ourselves of who we truly are, how we want to raise our children, that we don’t judge by skin color, treat others the way you want to be treated and to just be an all around nice person. We have both said that those have become harder to do because of the judgement we’ve received by the lack of pigment in our skin (interesting right?). It is really east to say “f**k it. I’ll show you how racist I can be.” But that isn’t the way I want to live my life.

just a scout
04-13-21, 13:23
In every war, you end up becoming your enemy. I hate to imagine what will become of us on the other side of this.

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04-13-21, 13:24
One thing that I wish would stop happening is that anything that is remotely “white” or conservative or Southern or redneck etc. gets taken over by W.P. idiots. Then the entire protest, function or what have you becomes a propaganda piece. “See look at those racists ________. We told you they were all racist.”

04-13-21, 13:41
In northern Alabama? How old was he? I find this still down east near the coast and in the mountains, mainly in older people, but certainly not the the central part of NC where we have the biggest immigration.

To me his speech should be protected. Honestly, we are being conditioned to hate people of color by people of color. In the same way we are being conditioned to hate trannies and gays.

Keep shuving it down my throat, I'll be using the n world here soon.

04-13-21, 13:46
I feel that people that say dumb shit on either side of the spectrum are doing me a service. Just a few word out of someone’s mouth quickly tell you not to waste any of your bandwidth on them.

04-13-21, 14:02
Keep calling people racist and they will become desensitized by the word. Keep telling people that their actions and words are racist and those too will become desensitized. The BLMers and the retard left are creating exactly what they are fighting against.

Or maybe that is what they want........... Either way, that is what they will get. It is human nature.

04-13-21, 14:07
1) You can't fix stupid.

2) Personally I like to avoid conflict, especially with random strangers over issues that won't resolve anything. YMMV.

3) Stuttering? "Woke" are just bigots with the colors or biases reversed.

4) People who are accused repeatedly of something they aren't, may decide they want to be. All the witch hunts against imagined "racism" are already leading to more real racism. It isn't good, but it's hard to stop.

5) Why do you care enough to want to "lead pill" any of them? Who cares what dumb things are said by random strangers?

6) See #1.

# 4 is a serious problem. I know lots of honest, decent people, who have never given an F about race quite honestly, that are absolutely tired of "facts don't matter" etc...and they have had about all they are going to take being blamed for shit they didn't do and shouldn't have to fix.

04-13-21, 14:17
Keep quiet and move on with your business. It is not worth it to interact with any person that is set in their ways. Also potential to say something to the wrong person at the wrong time.



04-13-21, 14:19
If the worst thing that happens today is that someone has an opinion that doesn't agree with mine, I'll call it a good day.

God Bless America.

04-13-21, 14:29
I award you a glow in the dark Domo kun for your troubles, sir


For you good sir, I award you the highly esteemed Domo on a gun award....


just a scout
04-13-21, 14:59
Here. This is where this is going and this is why it’s not going to work. Talk about racism.


So now they want to base medicine on “equity”? GFYS. 30 years as a medic and I never based my treatment on skin color but on conditions.

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04-13-21, 15:14
In northern Alabama? How old was he? I find this still down east near the coast and in the mountains, mainly in older people, but certainly not the the central part of NC where we have the biggest immigration.

He was late 50s to mid 60s. We were shocked.


04-13-21, 15:22
Keep calling people racist and they will become desensitized by the word. Keep telling people that their actions and words are racist and those too will become desensitized. The BLMers and the retard left are creating exactly what they are fighting against.

Or maybe that is what they want........... Either way, that is what they will get. It is human nature.

That is what they want. Remember their definition of racism is different than what it actually is. According to the woke crowd, racism is the discrimination or oppression against marginalized or minority groups based on the majority population.

They aren't calling for the end of racism; they are calling for antiracism. What is that? It is the discrimination or oppression against the majority population by minority groups.

Of course, the ironic thing is that the majority of these people pushing for this stuff are...*drum roll*...WHITE PEOPLE! Sure, you've got black leaders like Patrisse Cullors, Ibram Kendi, etc. But most of the people pushing this bullshit are a bunch of over-educated white folks, who think they know what's better for black people than black people do themselves. The American politburo.

It's classic Leninism: The oppressed don't know what's good for them, and even will act against their best interests. So it's up to us, the vanguard party, to save the oppressed not only from the oppressors, but from themselves. The oppressed will have to be tightly controlled and dealt with harshly until they see the light and learn to do what is best for themselves.

04-13-21, 15:26
Was the guy racist? Was Walt Kowalski racist?

Im not saying the guy in the store wasn't racist, I wasn't there. But theres a lot of people who love to talk like that

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04-13-21, 15:29
Kinda rhetorical I suppose, but sometimes these Aholes just sneak up on you. I was in a LGS looking at a G44. I'd talked to the clerk a little about needing a .22 pistol, and I was feeling out the glock. I handed it back, and about then the guy next to me says "You'll need a lot more than a .22 when the ni**ers come to take over." Blew me away, average looking dude in his 60's I'd guess. I was done anyway, so I just told him to F off and go die and I walked out of the store.

Reread the OP post again.

The OP is clearly in the wrong here. He PERSONALLY insulted a random guy in a gun store(already not a smart idea, what if he was carrying and just snapped) over expressing his views. Maybe BLM burned down his shop? Did you ever think about that?

Anyway who cares what he thinks. If he didnt personally insult you then why personally insult him?

You literally told him to go die, thats a pretty extreme insult. That guy would not be in the wrong if you caught a punch to the face for that insult. People have caught beat downs for less like flipping the bird.

Sorry bro, but you were the @$$hole in this situation.

04-13-21, 15:42
I’m not defending the individual in the OPs message. I’m on the same level as him, F that guy. However, I don’t think it’s the white power nut jobs people need to be concerned with. They are and have been marginalized for some time now. It’s the new racism being expressed under the cover of “wokeness” and being backed by the mainstream people need to be concerned with. example below, taken from this article.

http://https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2021-04-09/target-sells-woke-prayer-book-dear-god-please-help-me-hate-white-people (https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2021-04-09/target-sells-woke-prayer-book-dear-god-please-help-me-hate-white-people)

Prayer Book Urges “help me to hate White people.”

A prayer book called “A Rhythm of Prayer: A Collection of Meditations for Renewal,” is a number one bestseller on Amazon in the category “meditation”.

One prayer, called “Prayer of a Weary Black Woman,” by Dr. Chanequa Walker-Barnes, a theology professor at Mercer University, starts:

“Dear God, Please help me to hate White people. Or at least to want to hate them… I want to stop caring about their misguided, racist souls, to stop believing that they can be better, that they can stop being racist.”

The “prayer” then describes the type of White person they want to hate— not the actual blatantly racist ones, but the “wolves in sheep’s clothing” who “don’t see color”, are friendly and accepting on the surface.

“Lord, if it be your will, harden my heart. Stop me from striving to see the best in people. Stop me from being hopeful that White people can do and be better. Let me imagine them instead as white-hooded robes standing in front of burning crosses. Let me see them as hopelessly unrepentant, reprobate bigots who have blasphemed the Holy Spirit and who need to be handed over to the evil one.”

“Grant me a Get Out of Judgment Free Card if I make White people the exception to your commandment to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.”

04-13-21, 16:03
Neo-nazi groups and white power dorks are so few and far between. The BLM, woke, and others cast all white people under that same umbrella though. I’ve lived near Hayden, Idaho, the old home of the Aryan Brotherhood for most of my life. I’ve encountered fewer racist incidents here than anywhere else. I spent two years in Florida, ran into racist crap there, spent some time in Europe of all places, never spoke with more bigots in my life, and that was only a few months.

What I think we are running into is people demanding a group of people that never offended another race repay groups of people that were never slaves and may or may not have been affected by Jim Crow Era laws. This is what the ‘anti-racism’ seems to be. Let’s get white people to pay for minorities, because somehow we can right past wrongs by hurting a group that hasn’t harmed any race of people.

It’s gross to hear people using language like the N word, and worse to see racist actions, but in Northern Idaho people seem to be behaving in ways contrary to the aryans of the past.

04-13-21, 16:08
Rereading OP, I’m somewhat skeptical.

I know that Gun Stores are loaded with Delta and SEALs and such but I don’t see a salesperson dropping a casual N bomb like he was Easy Andy from Taxi Driver.

FFLs can get yanked almost arbitrarily and the ATF literally has nothing better to do than screw with them.

And “calling out racism” won’t score you cool points with the black folks.

You will never know how much hate-filled invective that I hear daily coming from Car Stereos and street urchins that is undoubtedly racial in nature. And these are black people.

How many teenaged bodies. The whole sideshow. I will say that enough pain can certainly change a person.

You wake up in the morning wanting to save the world and you got to bed wanting it all to burn.

Oh the luxury. The utter LUXURY of the worst part of my day is hearing an older white guy say a “No-No” Word.

I can be a negative person. But sometimes, sometimes the Light’s still winning.

04-13-21, 16:11
Rereading OP, I’m somewhat skeptical.

I know that Gun Stores are loaded with Delta and SEALs and such but I don’t see a salesperson dropping a casual N bomb like he was Easy Andy from Taxi Driver.

FFLs can get yanked almost arbitrarily and the ATF literally has nothing better to do than screw with them.

And “calling out racism” won’t score you cool points with the black folks.

You will never know how much hate-filled invective that I hear daily coming from Car Stereos and street urchins that is undoubtedly racial in nature. And these are black people.

How many teenaged bodies. The whole sideshow. I will say that enough pain can certainly change a person.

You wake up in the morning wanting to save the world and you got to bed wanting it all to burn.

Oh the luxury. The utter LUXURY of the worst part of my day is hearing an older white guy say a “No-No” Word.

I can be a negative person. But sometimes, sometimes the Light’s still winning.

You gotta have pretty thin skin to sperg out on someone for dropping an N-bomb. Maybe the OP hasnt spent enough time on the internet?

04-13-21, 16:17
You gotta have pretty thin skin to sperg out on someone for dropping an N-bomb. Maybe the OP hasnt spent enough time on the internet?

I promise you I have probably heard more N bombs from early 00s Counter-Strike teamchat than was ever uttered in Slavery Days South.

ItÂ’s almost like that Bernie Mac skit.

I dunno. IÂ’ve worked all black ghettos in GA. IÂ’ve heard the word so much that it has literally lost all meaning to me.

ItÂ’s desensitizing

04-13-21, 16:21
Blew me away, average looking dude in his 60's I'd guess. I was done anyway, so I just told him to F off and go die and I walked out of the store.

You did it right. Maybe the store will figure out he's costing them money.

Sadly racism breeds racism, they do it then those other guys do it. I wish we could get them all together in the same giant arena and tell them "just go ahead."

Sadly most black racists won't venture deep into skinhead country, they will victimize someone who is minding their business and doing nothing wrong. And the white racists won't go find gang bangers in Chicago to start with, they will get some guy going about his business doing nothing wrong.

04-13-21, 16:23
Rereading OP, I’m somewhat skeptical.

I know that Gun Stores are loaded with Delta and SEALs and such but I don’t see a salesperson dropping a casual N bomb like he was Easy Andy from Taxi Driver.

He said "the guy next to me", not the guy behind the counter.

04-13-21, 16:23
I'm sick and tired of racism meaning one thing. People from ALL walks of life can be racist. Yes, that *gasp* means blacks too. In fact, I'd wager if you took every single person in this country and gave them a survey they couldn't lie on while taking, you'd find that in 2021 a significantly higher percentage of blacks are racists than whites. Would put my paycheck on it.

As has been mentioned in this thread previously, the Left is driving people to think and say things they didn't before. They need to be careful because they're gonna get their wish.

04-13-21, 16:30
Prejudice is different. Everyone has prejudices.....everyone. Prejudice is defined as a "pre-conceived notion". More often than not it is loosely based in fact and generally applies, but certainly not applicable to all members of a certain group. There are "pre-conceived notions" that apply to blacks, whites, Hispanics, Asians, you name it. Having prejudices does not necessarily make you racist. Racist means you think someone of another color is inferior for that reason. Far fewer people are racist than harbor prejudices.

04-13-21, 16:41
He said "the guy next to me", not the guy behind the counter.

Okay. Fair enough. In that case that doesn’t even warrant attention. Lotsa gun store looky loos with opinions. Woopeeshit. This is why I use FFL people whom I have known for years who meet me by appointment only to get my stuff. In and out. No buttinskies. No gawkers. No opinions.

I dread and loathe gun stores and therefore don’t go.

04-13-21, 17:55
Not an employee (if so I'd have talked to his boss), and if the guy hadn't been talking to me I wouldn't have said jack. He put the ball in my court, I popped it. NBD. Ain't my job to defend the black race, and honestly I figure folks got a right to be racist and all. But if ya throw shit, be ready to take shit.

Maybe I've just got my undies in a bunch after a year of "woke ass, thug life matters, everything is racism" crap. I'll try to wear my big girl panties when I'm out and about. Dunno man, I don't want to hear racist shit and I don't wanna be accused of it either.

Example: That post above about the Nazi flag? If the dude was my neighbor I ain't gonna steal his flag, but I'm not gonna cut him any husses either. Pretty much gonna give the dude a TON of shit. F him, you wanna root for one of the worst "teams" in modern history imma give you shit.

Funny story. I had a guy that worked on my crew that did over 20 yrs of Federal time. AB tats everywhere including a stylized swastika and some other racist BS on his face (asked him about that once, he said he didn't ever expect to be out so he didn't GAF.) I got no doubt this is a very bad guy, but he was always mellow and pleasant. Like a 240lb all muscle version of Jeff Spicoli. Any how, he's always hanging out with these two hispanic ex cons on the crew. So I hit him up. Like ain't you supposed to hate those guys? He says "That's joint life man. Inside I would. Out here I got more in common with them than I do with you."

04-13-21, 19:30
I guess here’s my question.
If you see some black dudes fondling Dracos going on about “How many crackas dis be killin’” or any number of rape a bitch, kill a cop music from the stereos; do you call that out as well or do you let it slide?

If some Hispanic people are talking Spanish in front of you, and you don’t understand them, and you know they speak English; do you call that out?

Or do you pick your battles?

I’m not gonna give anybody shit for anything they do on their property. True Story, a black guy in my block who was a Vet (most likely that magical “Vietnam Era” wherein nobody actually went to Vietnam [too young] but got “deployed” to German Gasthauses) thought it would be cute to raise an upside down American Flag until the election was over with his Biden signs.

Obviously, I disagree and found it in bad taste, but to each his own. The upside down flag has a distinct meaning. And I know edgy people think it is cool to do but not me.

The Swastika guy probably has unconventional ideas but from all accounts he helped his neighbors and kept to himself. Some Becky got drunk and wanted to “be brave” and got shot for trespassing and theft.

And I say let people fly their flags. Defend it vehemently. Link arms in their defense regardless of your feelings.

Because I do believe firmly one day that flying the regular, normal US Flag will be considered “bad taste” and “problematic”. Some queer will write some article, some foreign born senator will get offended, blah blah blah.

And they will try to take that away.

I’m not going to lie and say I’m all super patriotic. I honestly don’t care for a lot of it.

But what I do care for, I care a lot.

We are noticeably less free now than twenty years ago. I can only imagine what the next twenty will be like.

04-13-21, 19:36
One of the two people involved is a fed, no cap.

04-13-21, 21:04
That is what they want. Remember their definition of racism is different than what it actually is. According to the woke crowd, racism is the discrimination or oppression against marginalized or minority groups based on the majority population.

They aren't calling for the end of racism; they are calling for antiracism. What is that? It is the discrimination or oppression against the majority population by minority groups.

Of course, the ironic thing is that the majority of these people pushing for this stuff are...*drum roll*...WHITE PEOPLE! Sure, you've got black leaders like Patrisse Cullors, Ibram Kendi, etc. But most of the people pushing this bullshit are a bunch of over-educated white folks, who think they know what's better for black people than black people do themselves. The American politburo.

It's classic Leninism: The oppressed don't know what's good for them, and even will act against their best interests. So it's up to us, the vanguard party, to save the oppressed not only from the oppressors, but from themselves. The oppressed will have to be tightly controlled and dealt with harshly until they see the light and learn to do what is best for themselves.

I understand what you are saying. That is not what I am saying.

If people get tired of waking on eggshells all of the time and being called a racist it will drastically effect minorities. How so? Jobs are the main part. Subconsciously people will stop hiring/working with minorities as a self-preservation tool. People will also stop interacting with minorities to also prevent these accusations. These actions are already going on in the US, but the more the libtards push it the worse it will get, and it can get worse.

Isn't that the exact opposite of what they want?

04-13-21, 22:42
Okay. Fair enough. In that case that doesn’t even warrant attention. Lotsa gun store looky loos with opinions. Woopeeshit. This is why I use FFL people whom I have known for years who meet me by appointment only to get my stuff. In and out. No buttinskies. No gawkers. No opinions.

I dread and loathe gun stores and therefore don’t go.

Hell in a gun shop if all I hear is stupid racism / stupid comments I consider myself lucky. I mostly worry about getting a gun pointed at me and then some idiot telling me not to worry because it isn't loaded.

I could literally stand next to Capt. Dreadlocks all day long talking about "shooting crackers" and not give a shit. Talk shit, have shit, try shit and get shit. I would only attempt to bother retards who function at that level if they were somehow important to me and then it would probably be limited to "you know that's ****ed up right?"

I did gun shows for years so seen it all, heard it all and rolled my eyes at all of it. At least the guys who are "gonna kill any redneck who comes for me" are more credible than "I was in special ops but can't talk about it" clowns.

04-14-21, 02:10
If you don't think conservatives are racists, read the "comments" appended to any Fox News article. You'll see plenty of references to "monkeys," "thirteen percenters," and the like.

Liberals are racists, too, but it's much more subtle. A lot of times it's not what they say it's what they don't say.

04-14-21, 03:20
If you don't think conservatives are racists, read the "comments" appended to any Fox News article. You'll see plenty of references to "monkeys," "thirteen percenters," and the like.

Liberals are racists, too, but it's much more subtle. A lot of times it's not what they say it's what they don't say.

So "some" conservatives and "some" liberals. Then among those there are different levels of racism from "they should all die" to "I just don't want to live near them" to "they dress funny and I don't understand their music."

04-14-21, 07:41
Unlike to establishment liberal Jews, I am not worried at all about neo nazi types in the USA. They are so few and so stupid, as to not constitute a threat to me. If one of them happens to go off and goes to my synagogue, I will deal with it.

If I were in the gun store and heard that idiot, I would have with a smile on my face throw out to the guy. "Hey brother is a .22 enough for the Jews?

Depending on his answer would, depend on what I would say.

I walked away from one friend over the use of the N word.

But this crap of dividing the American people along race, economics, etc has got to stop. But the current marxist in office want to pour gas on the fire that has been burning since George Floyd. Why do you think they want to put section 8 housing every where. Because when you bring the ghetto to the suburbs, you will build division among Americans.
Divided Americans, combined with hyper inflation, will result in the melt down of the Republic.

My parents that went through the depression as children both said if a man looks into his children's eyes that haven't eaten in 3 days and the commies will give him a bowl of rice when no one else gives him any hope or food. That man will become a commie.

I feel so strongly about the use of the N word even by blacks that I went over to a group of black guys that were down in the DR sitting in a bar. They were using the N word and calling their women ho's and bitches.
We were in a bar in Sosua the ground zero of prostitution in the DR, a friend of mine a Colonel in the police had just taken over command of the police in that part of the country. So I drove up to see him, he is black and has limited English. But he understood enough of what these guys said that when I asked him if he was cool with me going over to talk to these guys about their language he thanked me and said he would have my back. He called the on duty captain and asked him to send 2 pickup trucks of cops over to wait outside the bar in case it went bad. When we were ready I went over to this group of about 10 guys.

I started like this "Good evening gentlemen, first I would like to point out that you are in an other country and that the Constitutional rights you enjoy in the USA don't exist here. So please be cool and just hear what I need to tell you and hear a different point of view. You are here using the N word, calling your wives ho's and bitches. But you are down here to hire Dominican woman as ho's for the night.

I want you to think about the use of the N word and what you call your women, it is not right and disrespectful. On the N word, if we don't send that word to the trash can of history, don't be surprised when it comes back into use by every one at some horrible time in the future."

A few of them got upset,I then pointed out that the gentlemen I was with is a colonel in the police and both of us were armed.

We then were invited to have drinks of these guys and about 60% saw my point.

04-14-21, 07:41
Back in the day, there were lots of guys like that. Good thing is (despite what you may see on TV news) they are much fewer and more far between these days. FOR NOW.

HOWEVER... Whole country is up in arms right now. This is, of course directly BECAUSE to what you see on the TV news.
They are pushing the racist agenda so much that more, and more blacks are coming out as anti-white.
Anti-white hatred, and crime is on the rise.
Anti-white hatred is being pushed by our own government....
As a result we're gonna start seeing an increase in anti-black sentiments, both as defensive pushback, and in addition to the old leftover holdouts.

This is not the time to try to teach some asshole a lesson in manners.
This is the time to get what you came in for, and get the hell out.
I know it's hard not to slap the shit outta idiots sometimes, but the courts will not look kindly upon all the cellphone video footage of you doing so when your trial starts...

Well, maybe if you were the oppressed black guy.

04-14-21, 07:46
Reread the OP post again.

The OP is clearly in the wrong here. He PERSONALLY insulted a random guy in a gun store(already not a smart idea, what if he was carrying and just snapped) over expressing his views. Maybe BLM burned down his shop? Did you ever think about that?

Anyway who cares what he thinks. If he didnt personally insult you then why personally insult him?

You literally told him to go die, thats a pretty extreme insult. That guy would not be in the wrong if you caught a punch to the face for that insult. People have caught beat downs for less like flipping the bird.

Sorry bro, but you were the @$$hole in this situation.

Nah, he's just virtue signalling. Good for you, OP. You go.

04-14-21, 08:23
Can't say that I've ever had a stranger come up to me and start using that type of language. Maybe I just don't look receptive to it. In any event, I don't get too worked up over what people say that I don't know. I never knew they were alive, wouldn't know if they were dead... so... not too likely to waste my breath, and certainly not worth raising my blood pressure. There's an ignore feature on this forum and there's also an ignore feature within all of us. Both are useful.

04-14-21, 08:40
If you don't think conservatives are racists, read the "comments" appended to any Fox News article. You'll see plenty of references to "monkeys," "thirteen percenters," and the like.

Liberals are racists, too, but it's much more subtle. A lot of times it's not what they say it's what they don't say.

Or the comments on CNN articles, Google news, Apple news, (insert any platform here news)... Conservatives don't own the market, for sure. It's not tied to a political ideology, it's being raised by a-hole parents who turn their kids into a-holes.

If you want to go by political spectrum, in the south far more democrats are racist than republicans, supported by history.

04-14-21, 09:08
I just don’t give a shit what people say.

I hear way more white hate and anti white racism every single day, but no one is up in arms about that...

If people want to be bigots, let them, all people, as part of human nature mind you- judge and stereotype others not like them, it was a huge part of our means of survival for thousands upon thousands of years. That shit helped us survive and it’s not going away either.

As long as people aren’t causing physical harm or true mental anguish to others- I really couldn’t care any less about there opinions on race.

I’ll gladly and calmly tell them my opinion about it, but my blood pressure isn’t gonna spike and I ant gonna “lead pill” anyone over their opinions and right to speak freely of them.

04-14-21, 09:26
I understand what you are saying. That is not what I am saying.

If people get tired of waking on eggshells all of the time and being called a racist it will drastically effect minorities. How so? Jobs are the main part. Subconsciously people will stop hiring/working with minorities as a self-preservation tool. People will also stop interacting with minorities to also prevent these accusations. These actions are already going on in the US, but the more the libtards push it the worse it will get, and it can get worse.

Isn't that the exact opposite of what they want?

Its even more sinister than that. By forcing woke whites to "defend" blacks like what the OP did carries the implication that they are somehow intrinsically beneath them and can't defend themselves.

Like the whole voter ID thing where these woke whites think minorities are too dumb to go to the DMV to get an ID so its racist to require voter IDs. So who is actually the racist one here?

Pity is the greatest insult of all.

Nah, he's just virtue signalling. Good for you, OP. You go.

So stunning and brave to stand up for these oppressed minorities.

04-14-21, 09:34
Its even more sinister than that. By forcing woke whites to "defend" blacks like what the OP did carries the implication that they are somehow intrinsically beneath them and can't defend themselves.

Like the whole voter ID thing where these woke whites think minorities are too dumb to go to the DMV to get an ID so its racist to require voter IDs. So who is actually the racist one here?

Pity is the greatest insult of all.

So stunning and brave to stand up for these oppressed minorities.

That is exactly my point.

04-14-21, 09:47
Its even more sinister than that. By forcing woke whites to "defend" blacks like what the OP did carries the implication that they are somehow intrinsically beneath them and can't defend themselves.

Like the whole voter ID thing where these woke whites think minorities are too dumb to go to the DMV to get an ID so its racist to require voter IDs. So who is actually the racist one here?

Pity is the greatest insult of all.

So stunning and brave to stand up for these oppressed minorities.

Uhh... I was just saying he was virtue signaling and then being sarcastic. I got enough problems standing up for myself.

04-14-21, 09:54
Uhh... I was just saying he was virtue signaling and then being sarcastic. I got enough problems standing up for myself.

Yes, I got that. Thats why Im calling the OP stunning and brave.

OP is so stunning, so brave.

04-14-21, 11:22
Alright, I put the question out there I'll take the heat. Like I said it was mostly rhetorical. I was actually more keyed up by the combination of the dude at the store and then seeing the race rally BS. And yeah the "lead pill" thing was hyperbole, I just get real sick of the outliers being held up as examples or the mainstream.

If y'all think I'm a virtue signaling bitch, meh so be it. If the guy hadn't been talking to me I doubt I would have said a thing. But he did say it to me, so F him. I ain't gonna act complicit with his BS. Dude ain't even really the issue. It's the douchebags showing their ass at those damn rallies.

I ain't going all homicidal, y'all won't be seeing me on TV. I call out the BS when I see it in segments of black culture and I call it on white BS too. I'm also something of an asshole, can't help it I just am. I might have more friends, be a little better off, and have experienced a little less pain and trouble in my life if wasn't. Oh well.

04-14-21, 12:23
Alright, I put the question out there I'll take the heat. Like I said it was mostly rhetorical. I was actually more keyed up by the combination of the dude at the store and then seeing the race rally BS. And yeah the "lead pill" thing was hyperbole, I just get real sick of the outliers being held up as examples or the mainstream.

If y'all think I'm a virtue signaling bitch, meh so be it. If the guy hadn't been talking to me I doubt I would have said a thing. But he did say it to me, so F him. I ain't gonna act complicit with his BS. Dude ain't even really the issue. It's the douchebags showing their ass at those damn rallies.

I ain't going all homicidal, y'all won't be seeing me on TV. I call out the BS when I see it in segments of black culture and I call it on white BS too. I'm also something of an asshole, can't help it I just am. I might have more friends, be a little better off, and have experienced a little less pain and trouble in my life if wasn't. Oh well.

No worries man. Most of us here fall into pretty similar categories and thought processes.


04-14-21, 12:43
I wish I could say that I was surprised by all the apologists in this thread taking umbrage with utahjeepr.

But somehow, on this forum, I'm not. Not in 2021.

04-14-21, 12:48
You need to seriously recalibrate.

If some stranger comes up to you and uses cliche racist language, your first thought should be “He is working for the feds”.

“I can’t believe someone is so openly racist in 2021” should be a very distant second.

04-14-21, 12:54
Maybe it’s just me. But twenty years ago people seemed to get along better.

Or maybe I got older and there’s simply no hope for society.

I blame myself

04-14-21, 12:59
Maybe it’s just me. But twenty years ago people seemed to get along better.

Or maybe I got older and there’s simply no hope for society.

I blame myself

Damn, FF is getting all introspective...

imma be hangin on a cross before this is over:sarcastic:

04-14-21, 13:02
Maybe it’s just me. But twenty years ago people seemed to get along better.

Or maybe I got older and there’s simply no hope for society.

I blame myself

Totally agree. I think the rift really started when Bush Junior beat Gore. Before that there was happy opposition, but after, just hostile.

04-14-21, 13:05
Totally agree. I think the rift really started when Bush Junior beat Gore. Before that there was happy opposition, but after, just hostile.

Yeah. I remember watching Politically Incorrect and being entertained. No mics being cut, no doxxing, no hostility and The Left were actually champions of Free Speech and Anti-Censorship

Now everything is All or Nothing

04-14-21, 13:12
Considering that a good portion of the country feels that if you’re white you’re automatically racist, I don’t really give a shit at this point. Because if everyone is racist is anyone really racist.

04-14-21, 13:13
Yeah. I remember watching Politically Incorrect and being entertained. No mics being cut, no doxxing, no hostility and The Left were actually champions of Free Speech and Anti-Censorship

Now everything is All or Nothing

Yep. Long gone are the days where Reagan and Tip O'Niel would speak to each other and have dinner/drinks.

And I don't think they're coming back.

04-14-21, 13:23
People generally get along fine. Unfortunately, much of our government and the media today is in the business of incitement, and the 24/7 media drumbeat playing the same thing over and over will make ya believe that a single incident must be happening everywhere all the time. Want to live in a less racist society? Step#1 = Turn off the TV...

I mean really... I never even considered the notion that Asian hate crime was a thing. Now all of a sudden I'm seeing all these media ads/PSAs about Asian hate crimes up a gazillion percent. Oh please...

04-14-21, 13:40
I wish I could say that I was surprised by all the ultra sensitivity and over reaction in this thread.

But somehow, on this forum, I'm not. Not in 2021.

Fixed it for you.

04-14-21, 14:05
The correct response by the OP would have been "Why do I need to stop them, they are probably just visiting your Mom."

You can't just go around telling people to F themselves, its not nice.


04-14-21, 14:35
You can tell the young guys who “wish a MF would” and those of us who have BTDT and are just, whatever. Why bother? Words are words. I’ve been in enough fights for noble and not so noble causes to know usually they end up the same result. The other guy rarely gets what he deserves.

My policy is if the language isn’t directed at me personally, I’m strongly uninterested in stirring something up. I’m not the injured party. Even then, I’d have to think long and hard about ignoring it or having Bubba want to settle it in the parking lot.

04-14-21, 14:39
People generally get along fine. Unfortunately, much of our government and the media today is in the business of incitement, and the 24/7 media drumbeat playing the same thing over and over will make ya believe that a single incident must be happening everywhere all the time. Want to live in a less racist society? Step#1 = Turn off the TV...

I mean really... I never even considered the notion that Asian hate crime was a thing. Now all of a sudden I'm seeing all these media ads/PSAs about Asian hate crimes up a gazillion percent. Oh please...

Care to ponder where the vast majority of that is coming from? Three guesses and the first two don't count......:rolleyes:

[hint: it ain't whitey]

04-14-21, 16:28
Care to ponder where the vast majority of that is coming from? Three guesses and the first two don't count......:rolleyes:

[hint: it ain't whitey]

I was thinking the exact same thing. You aint wrong, brother.

04-14-21, 18:30
Its even more sinister than that. By forcing woke whites to "defend" blacks like what the OP did carries the implication that they are somehow intrinsically beneath them and can't defend themselves.

Been saying it for years. Thank God for you liberal, white college girl...lord knows these black folks could never manage to get their rights respected by themselves.

Every time I see a "black rights" group I laugh at the white people who are there secure in the belief that without their involvement these silly negro's would just get high, oversleep and forget to vote. I don't feel the need to march for other people's rights because I view them as competent enough to tend to their own matters.

I feel that having my own house in order and not allowing that kind of ignorance in my personal circles is all the involvement anyone needs from me. I also know the difference between screwing around but meaning no harm and actual, factual racists.

04-14-21, 18:33
Yep. Long gone are the days where Reagan and Tip O'Niel would speak to each other and have dinner/drinks.

And I don't think they're coming back.


Keep in mind while voters might be sharply divided, for the players it's still mostly political theater.

04-15-21, 00:56

Keep in mind while voters might be sharply divided, for the players it's still mostly political theater.

Next on leaked porn footage: Orange man and Killary’s night at Bang-largo Key.

04-15-21, 01:57
Next on leaked porn footage: Orange man and Killary’s night at Bang-largo Key.

On the short list of "porn I don't want to see." You know Bill has to be dying standing next to Melania when he's married to that old trout.

04-15-21, 02:07
You know Bill has to be dying standing next to Melania when he's married to that old trout.

That is pretty harsh...

...to the old trout community.

04-15-21, 04:36
Truth can be that :)
That is pretty harsh...

...to the old trout community.

04-15-21, 08:43
If someone makes a racist comment ignore it. Unless you feel strongly enough to engage in a physical altercation with someone who made a racist comment, it's not worth the bother.

If you find yourself in a business or club where racist comments are often made, avoid those places.

The Left is currently doing more to help recruit people into racist groups, both white and black, than I have ever seen in my entire life and I can still remember the rioting and burning that occurred in the 1960's.

04-15-21, 18:55
I haven't read through the entire thread but my take is that the racism issue is intentionally being pushed to the forefront by the assholes working on behalf of the Great Reset agenda to divide the people and make people hate each other. If we're fighting each other we're not fighting them. Obviously anyone who isn't a stupid fck knows that there are good and bad whites, good and bad blacks, good and bad asians, etc.

04-15-21, 20:34
Next on leaked porn footage: Orange man and Killary’s night at Bang-largo Key.

My dick just retreated back up into my body. Thanks for that :bad:

04-17-21, 04:07
Expect to see an increase in white, Asian, Latino, Middle Eastern, etc becoming more openly racist toward black folks as the socialists pour fuel on the fire of division. With BLM (and their cuck minions in anqueefa) burning the country in 2020, destroying businesses, looting, assaulting, killing, getting away with it, attacking vulnerable old folks and women (attacks on Asians by blacks is the trend now), virtue signaling, with the pandering to the black community, giving families of thugs who get shot by the cops multi million dollar payouts, white guilt BS being shoved down our kids throats by schools/media/govt, it’s a wonder more people aren’t blatantly voicing their opinions of black folks these days. How much can you force on people before they either accept it, or reject it? This whole shit is a slippery slope. When the “I can’t breeve” guy died last year, the white guilt riddled cuck superintendent of my kids school sent out an email to all families of the school stating how scared he is that his white young boys are growing up in a world where black folks are at such a disadvantage and being randomly killed by racist cops. I responded asking him if he would be sending out a follow up email as well informing the families that the same thug he was creaming himself over was high as a kite when he was encountered by LE, had a lengthy criminal record including a home invasion, threatening a pregnant woman at knifepoint, or will he be honoring all the LEO’s who were assaulted and murdered by racist black folks in the same year. Take a wild guess as to if I got a response back from him. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. If the forbidden “N-word” is so offensive, why is it in every sentence of so many rap songs? Blacks can degrade white folks all they want without consequence, but dare anyone speak I’ll of them? Yea, I just DGAF.