View Full Version : Texas firearms trainers who oppose the 2nd Amendment.

04-15-21, 19:26
Don't see any names I recognize, but here they are.


04-15-21, 19:39
I dont see this helping their businesses.

04-15-21, 19:42
First, F*** them.
Second, a LTC class doesn’t prepare anyone for jack sh*t, and they know it. If not, then they’re dumber than their students.
Last, they know #2 and this is ALL about saving their little side gig income

So yeah, they can get bent.

04-15-21, 20:14
It's all about money, nothing more, nothing less. People sell their souls for the almighty dollar.

04-15-21, 21:03
.....Second, a LTC class doesn’t prepare anyone for jack sh*t, and they know it. If not, then they’re dumber than their students.....


I've come to the conclusion that 90% of "gun people" (regardless of employment/background) can't shoot. 50 rounds at a max distance of 15 yards isn't going to change that.

However, that doesn't mean they shouldn't have the right to protect themselves.

04-15-21, 22:09
When idiocy like this comes from Texas well writing is on the wall

Cant wait to see if any blow back happens over this ? I doubt it but would be good if they got a taste of their own and cancelled so they can go wear skinny jeans grow their groomed beards and hang out with the antifa folks

04-15-21, 23:58
F all of em. I appreciate that they compiled a list of themselves for us so we know who to steer newbies away from.

They have a vested interest in carry permits, they chose the money over more freedom.

04-16-21, 00:05
I really can’t see myself ever willingly associating with someone who doesn’t believe in our Bill of Rights (i.e. losers).

04-16-21, 01:28
F' that self serving dildo.

04-16-21, 06:30
Similar whine when Tennessee began allowing online training and no range qualification. And again against Constitutional Carry that was recently signed into law.

Whenever I hear someone preface their statement with I strongly support the Second Amendment, what follows usually doesn't.

04-16-21, 06:38
Whenever I hear someone preface their statement with I strongly support the Second Amendment, what follows usually doesn't.

Its right up there with "I am a gun owner but..."


04-16-21, 07:02
I f—king hate guns and gun people and humans in general but if you don’t have a pile of guns and.a Carl Gustav somewhere then you’re probably not going to survive the Dark Years.

04-16-21, 11:05
When you put your business ahead of the constitutional rights of others, you are a double scumbag. I have a couple instructors I respect deeply and both of them have said repeatedly that their dream is that we get nationwide constitutional carry and they have to restructure their business.

04-16-21, 12:11
I am pro nationwide concealed carry. As a LEO I worked in some really violent areas of our state and think a law abiding tax payer "should" carry a concealed firearm at all times when they leave their home. I am against making carrying concealed mandatory, that's your choice, not the government's.

I am also a concealed carry instructor and agree with some of the comments about concealed carry classes.

Everyone one of the instructors who agreed to the letter fighting to stop constitutional carry should have their names posted on every firearm related site/thread on social media. Anyone who would do something like this in my home state, would find me very unfriendly to them should they need firearm repair, assistance teaching a defensive pistol course or political support for any reason.

04-16-21, 12:29
Actually this is why I am anti LEOSA even though it is to my benefit.

We have nationwide reciprocity on Drivers licenses, marriage licenses, etc etc but somehow, as if by Magick Arcana, a person who passed a background and proficiency to carry in State A won’t be “allowed” to carry in State B. The criminals don’t bother but a person who:
-Submitted to fingerprinting
-Made known his legal address
-Is verifiably not a prohibited person

is forbidden to carry. That’s dumb.
Actually we need national constitutional carry.

These “instructors” are attempting to be gate keepers.

I wasn’t joking. I kinda hate guns these days. Sorta. Depends on my mood. But Americans need their guns and gun rights because otherwise they are at someone else’s mercy

04-16-21, 12:38
50 people signed the letter. There are well over 1000 CHL instructors in the state. Not sure how many of the folks who didn’t sign are for or against, but I think this is a non issue other than it will be used by the Liberals for propaganda.

Lots of folks who do this “training” are retired LEOs and such, and they can be a mixed bag of anti’s and pro 2A folks.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-16-21, 14:37
National Reciprocity?

A fantasy gimmick that the NRA used to solicit donations. States like New Jersey make it near impossible for their own residents to carry a gun, but Washington is going to force New Jersey to welcome us Tennessee hillbillies to wander around the garden state with our Glocks and 17rds of 'cop killer' bullets? Oh sure...

04-16-21, 16:58
When you put your business ahead of the constitutional rights of others, you are a double scumbag. I have a couple instructors I respect deeply and both of them have said repeatedly that their dream is that we get nationwide constitutional carry and they have to restructure their business.

We had several WA FFL's who did this with UBC's and "special classes and registrations required for all semiautos"... for our WA guys, LowPriceGuns in Bellevue is one and I can link to posts at NorthwestFirearms where he clearly shows his Kapo side. (MY FFl, otoh, immediately started stocking 80%'s and tooling DEEP.)

04-16-21, 17:06
We had several WA FFL's who did this with UBC's and "special classes and registrations required for all semiautos"... for our WA guys, LowPriceGuns in Bellevue is one and I can link to posts at NorthwestFirearms where he clearly shows his Kapo side. (MY FFl, otoh, immediately started stocking 80%'s and tooling DEEP.)

There were a couple of shops here in KY that went on the records (2 cities and 2 different papers) back in the 1990's that all gun sales should have to go through FFL dealers. Both went under not long after their self serving virtue signalling attempts.

04-16-21, 21:40
A large part of the population puts business ahead of constitutional issues, how do you think we got in this situation.
And don't forget the 46 Republicrat's who resigned en masse during the 2018 mid terms essentially handing the lower
house to the Demoncrats on a silver platter.

04-17-21, 22:21
National Reciprocity?

A fantasy gimmick that the NRA used to solicit donations. States like New Jersey make it near impossible for their own residents to carry a gun, but Washington is going to force New Jersey to welcome us Tennessee hillbillies to wander around the garden state with our Glocks and 17rds of 'cop killer' bullets? Oh sure...

Probably true. Doesn't mean we stop trying. As long as they keep trying to force NJ type laws on everyone, we should be trying to force TN laws on everyone, even NJ. At least this is one area where the NRA is playing offense, even if it's a token game. I would rather keep them busy trying to prevent national reciprocity than give them time to promote AW bans and such.

But I would also rather see the NRA go for the throat and get the "sporter clause" within the 1968 GCA eliminated as that would solve almost all our problems.

And regarding anti second amendment firearms instructors, this is where everyone should remember to vote with their wallet. These are the guys who need to be zumbo'd hard.

04-18-21, 10:07
Similar whine when Tennessee began allowing online training and no range qualification. And again against Constitutional Carry that was recently signed into law.

Whenever I hear someone preface their statement with I strongly support the Second Amendment, what follows usually doesn't.

I remember when that happened. They had some jack off on the news complaining about how it would make everyone "less safe". What he meant was "less safe" when they don't give me $50 for a class.

04-18-21, 10:14
National Reciprocity?

A fantasy gimmick that the NRA used to solicit donations. States like New Jersey make it near impossible for their own residents to carry a gun, but Washington is going to force New Jersey to welcome us Tennessee hillbillies to wander around the garden state with our Glocks and 17rds of 'cop killer' bullets? Oh sure...Exactly why I knew it wouldn't work and even back then I wrote be careful what you ask for because if it were to pass we could end up all having to follow NJ/NY laws

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

04-18-21, 11:06
Nice. I'll be perfectly happy to keep this list handy. I spend a lot of time recommending CHL instructors.

These guano-slurping traitors are welcome to go out of business. The 95 percent that did not sign this letter will always get my referrals.

I do see that one of these morons is a Fort Worth police officer. I wonder what his Chief would think of that? Self-doxxing is not the smartest thing to do.

04-18-21, 12:53
Isn't the gist of this article them saying you need to take my class or you should not carry. Sounds like they are making their course critical for CCW in some way or another. Money money money, Muuunee.


04-18-21, 13:43
Probably true. Doesn't mean we stop trying. As long as they keep trying to force NJ type laws on everyone, we should be trying to force TN laws on everyone, even NJ. At least this is one area where the NRA is playing offense, even if it's a token game. I would rather keep them busy trying to prevent national reciprocity than give them time to promote AW bans and such.

But I would also rather see the NRA go for the throat and get the "sporter clause" within the 1968 GCA eliminated as that would solve almost all our problems.

And regarding anti second amendment firearms instructors, this is where everyone should remember to vote with their wallet. These are the guys who need to be zumbo'd hard.


The left wants to ban everything. So we are supposed to "compromise on a middle ground" between what they want and the status quo. Then tomorrow we are supposed to split the difference between their desires and the "new" status quo.

We need to start the negotiation with government funded nuclear weapons for everyone. Then compromise from there.

04-18-21, 13:59

The left wants to ban everything. So we are supposed to "compromise on a middle ground" between what they want and the status quo. Then tomorrow we are supposed to split the difference between their desires and the "new" status quo.

We need to start the negotiation with government funded nuclear weapons for everyone. Then compromise from there.

Sounds like something a friend over in Germany sent me... I IMMEDIATELY thought of Firefly when she posted this. :)


04-18-21, 14:58

The left wants to ban everything. So we are supposed to "compromise on a middle ground" between what they want and the status quo. Then tomorrow we are supposed to split the difference between their desires and the "new" status quo.

We need to start the negotiation with government funded nuclear weapons for everyone. Then compromise from there.

"We will execute our plan to compromise the hull of the ship" version of compromise.

04-18-21, 22:27
Well its a done deal now,so as my Wife says,,the LTC guys can WHAA WHAA all the way home !! Suck it up and be better trainers in general. I'm sure this will weed out a few but the good ones will figure out a way & stay in business !

04-19-21, 02:30
Don't see any names I recognize, but here they are.


They are just shitty because it takes money out of their greedy pockets.

A "license"... is when the government STEALS one of your rights and then sells it back to you.

04-19-21, 08:40
Law abiding firearm owners have been on the defensive for too long. We need to start being on the offensive and pushing for legislation that protects our rights. Rather than fighting anti-2nd Amendment legislation, we need to push our Senators and Representatives to propose nationwide concealed carry and propose bills to repeal unnecessary laws that infringe on our rights. We need to stop waiting for the next anti-American bill to be proposed and go on the offensive.

04-19-21, 08:53
Similar whine when Tennessee began allowing online training and no range qualification. And again against Constitutional Carry that was recently signed into law.

Whenever I hear someone preface their statement with I strongly support the Second Amendment, what follows usually doesn't.

Its right up there with "I am a gun owner but..."


Anytime I hear a statement like that followed with a "but...", I roll my eyes and say "here we go...."

This is just one topic. 90% of people who claim to be libertarians or conservatives have at least one sacred cow they are not willing to sacrifice.

04-19-21, 08:56
Anytime I hear a statement like that followed with a "but...", I roll my eyes and say "here we go...."

This is just one topic. 90% of people who claim to be libertarians or conservatives have at least one sacred cow they are not willing to sacrifice.

You are right about that. My sacred cow is privacy.