View Full Version : On high blood pressure...

04-16-21, 17:38
Since being diagnosed with high blood pressure a few years ago, I've had to cut out the salt (and watch the salty foods), get more exercise, and take medication. Of course, the Internet has no end of suggestions to manage blood pressure, from prune juice to garlic.

For those of you in a similar condition, do you take medication or manage your blood pressure with diet/exercise/other means?

04-16-21, 18:15
Meds, mine seems to be genetic. After being on it a few years I took up jogging(in addition to hiking) and got on a borderline vegan diet from the encouragement of a 7th Day Adventist friend dropping to 165 at 5'10" and BP had zero change compared to weighing 180-190 and eating whatever I wanted.

I will say the vegan diet claim of reducing inflammation seemed to have some merit. Going the extra mile, doing some new repetitive movement, turned ankles, and even a hernia repair did not produce the level of soreness or recovery time every one of those did before with my normal diet.

04-16-21, 18:36
DIET ! :)

Are you in shape ? Overweight ? Your diet ?
I am going to guess you eat SAD (standard american diet) ?
the modern food pyramid is crap !!! Utter crap our modern food is crap !

Industrialized seed oils would be more to blame then salt ! And that is starting to be shown and proven and when you look at problems such as cancer rates and so on they all coincide with the industrialization of our foods !

Best would be cut out all industrialized oils like canola/safflower margarines etc... olive and avocado pressed are OK Cut out all sugars and modern processed foods so pastas and breads etc...

At least Start by cutting out all sugars and oils first !
then work on cutting down the breads and pastas by a huge amount realize they are not meant to live on as main courses :) if you like them just have them in small quantities in limited amounts as in not every day along with good real food sweet potato a green salad and steak :) breakfast eggs and bacon and maybe on the weekends if you really have to have your bread products make it with a english muffin sourdough would be better

Fill up on good whole solid food with animal protein and animal fat ! no more fast food crap :) no more throw it in the oven crap :) can ya tell I am on a mission here :)

That would be a start I am guessing UNLESS you eat that way already but salt does not cause the high blood pressure issue with any conclusive study ! Yes some can show it and their is one to debunk it but seed oils are a huge issue and most Americans get way to much of that petrol crap


https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/04/170425124909.htm and tons more

So so so many studies are debunking this juts like when the fat free craze came in the 70s 80s loaded things up with corn syrup and sugars and promoted as healthy cause its fat free and now we know fat is not the issue unless its crap fat like industrialized oils fake science and $$$ made them heart healthy kinda like when they used to prescribe smoking or the fat free or the .....

Look at obesity and diabetes today at a insane level only something like %12 of Americans are metabolic healthy ! 1of2 are pre diabetic etc...
the modern diet and food systems is s scam and all about lobbyists and money

Change your diet to super healthy and avoid those things if your doc did not go over your diet and say quit those things IMHO get a new doc that is not about take these pills ! One that is about eat this healthy way
It might take a bit to get in shape but you can and then get off anything they are putting you on ! Long term health get in shape !!!!

04-16-21, 19:24
My doc told me a year ago (when he added a third BP med) "High blood pressure is like arthritis and eyesight.....it doesn't get better with age!"

40mg Lisinopril/25mg HCTZ, and 2.5mg Amlodipine each day. I was diagnosed with hypertension while still in the Army in 1987 before I even turned 22. So maybe 34 years or so. My dosages have gradually increased over the decades.

Probably hereditary. Could go vegan and never touch a drop of alcohol again but hey, why suffer? :jester: I work out six or seven days a week (either cardio or weights) so that schedule ain't getting added to. Guess it's my medical "cross to bear" so to speak.

04-16-21, 19:26
Nursing student here. Take the salt restriction seriously. Too much salt will lead to too much fluid, which will increase your BP and could damage your kidneys.

Not sure what meds you're on but take them seriously as well. I also work in an ICU and you wouldn't believe the number of kidney failure patients we get with a history of high blood pressure. Kidneys are fragile and long term untreated hypertension will damage them. I also had a patient in clinical who sadly suffered a stroke due to not taking his BP meds and has a long road of recovery ahead of him.

Each case is individual, but in general take your prescribed meds, cut back on salt, and check your BP at least daily if not more often. Keeping a logbook of your vitals isn't a bad idea either. And watch out for swelling in your legs; it could indicate kidney damage.

Stay safe!

04-16-21, 19:56

04-16-21, 19:57
Vegan is woke crap !
Eat veggies with your meat sure but the whole vegan thing is crap and studies are showing this more and more do not buy into the modern woke idiocy of vegan eating !

Look up bone density and TOFI
They sugar coat the bone density and massive visceral fat issues they all have in common !

Yes you can feel better short term going vegan for cutting out some crap but still eat crap oils crap grains so never heal and never get rid of inflammation completely etc. so its better for cutting out some sugars but not better healthy you then loose other areas just bad news !

No athlete that is vegan ever seems to get away with it for very long before they quit or often benched with massive injuries that do not heal and have major issues OR they are doing so much supplementing and lying about being one just to be woke vegan bend a knee types !

Vegan is up there with common sense gun laws and carbon tax they will tell you its better this way

Free country but open your eyes before you go vegan :)

04-16-21, 20:50
Vegan is woke crap !
Eat veggies with your meat sure but the whole vegan thing is crap and studies are showing this more and more do not buy into the modern woke idiocy of vegan eating !

Look up bone density and TOFI
They sugar coat the bone density and massive visceral fat issues they all have in common !

Yes you can feel better short term going vegan for cutting out some crap but still eat crap oils crap grains so never heal and never get rid of inflammation completely etc. so its better for cutting out some sugars but not better healthy you then loose other areas just bad news !

No athlete that is vegan ever seems to get away with it for very long before they quit or often benched with massive injuries that do not heal and have major issues OR they are doing so much supplementing and lying about being one just to be woke vegan bend a knee types !

Vegan is up there with common sense gun laws and carbon tax they will tell you its better this way

Free country but open your eyes before you go vegan :)

Fairly sure I saw that back in college where the vegan diet was French fries and similar. They did not look well.

7th Day Adventist buddy doesn't look like death warmed over and doesn't eat junk.

04-16-21, 21:09
When my Grandfather was like 85 they wanted to put him on high blood pressure meds.
Instead my Dad had him drink two beers, one at lunch and one after dinner, brought his blood pressure right down.

04-16-21, 21:19
Yup junk is what is bad for sure :)
To much of it these days with so called energy drinks or health bars or meal replacement or things that look like a meal but are not really :) hahahahahah

Fairly sure I saw that back in college where the vegan diet was French fries and similar. They did not look well.

7th Day Adventist buddy doesn't look like death warmed over and doesn't eat junk.

04-16-21, 21:55
Since being diagnosed with high blood pressure a few years ago, I've had to cut out the salt (and watch the salty foods), get more exercise, and take medication. Of course, the Internet has no end of suggestions to manage blood pressure, from prune juice to garlic.

For those of you in a similar condition, do you take medication or manage your blood pressure with diet/exercise/other means?
Get the right doctor. Mine told me hypertension and salt interaction was predominantly an African American thing, that due to black people dying on slave ships with a high salt diet, they are more susceptible to salt that white people. I like that explanation, along with puking blood after serious drinking wasn’t an ulcer but ruptured throat linings. Who wants to give up booze and salt? Freaking love this guy (no homo).

04-16-21, 23:27
Get the right doctor. Mine told me hypertension and salt interaction was predominantly an African American thing, that due to black people dying on slave ships with a high salt diet, they are more susceptible to salt that white people. I like that explanation, along with puking blood after serious drinking wasn’t an ulcer but ruptured throat linings. Who wants to give up booze and salt? Freaking love this guy (no homo).

African American blacks are MORE sensitive to salt than other races, but everyone with high blood pressure should be mindful of sodium

04-17-21, 07:31
Vegan is woke crap !
Eat veggies with your meat sure but the whole vegan thing is crap and studies are showing this more and more do not buy into the modern woke idiocy of vegan eating !

Look up bone density and TOFI
They sugar coat the bone density and massive visceral fat issues they all have in common !

Yes you can feel better short term going vegan for cutting out some crap but still eat crap oils crap grains so never heal and never get rid of inflammation completely etc. so its better for cutting out some sugars but not better healthy you then loose other areas just bad news !

No athlete that is vegan ever seems to get away with it for very long before they quit or often benched with massive injuries that do not heal and have major issues OR they are doing so much supplementing and lying about being one just to be woke vegan bend a knee types !

Vegan is up there with common sense gun laws and carbon tax they will tell you its better this way

Free country but open your eyes before you go vegan :)

Vegan just means no animal products but it’s only as healthy as you make it. French fries and many processed foods are vegan but terrible for you.

But a proper whole food plant based (WFPB) diet isn’t woke...you will find it referred in the Bible! Check Daniel 1:8-16

And many cultures have been largely plant based for many many years and had almost zero trace of cancers or heart disease until they were introduced to our western SAD way of life. Rural parts of Asia and the Middle East.

Look at the Blue Zones of the world. Their diets are very high in plants and very low in animals. They also eat some fish, which I think is okay except that our oceans are so high in mercury these days...be careful with fish.

Hundreds of verifiable success stories addressing a myriad of health issues if you really want the truth:


OP, I was in my late 40’s and diagnosed with HBP, my cholesterol was above 200, and my A1C and triglycerides were spiking. Went WFPB for a few years and ALL lab work improved immediately and stayed good. In my late 50’s now and still mainly WFPB and eat very limited animal products. Cholesterol was under 130, all labs great. And I have 35 lbs to lose. Even my eye exam, where they look at the optic nerve and all the other stuff behind the eye. My eye doc said he’s rarely seen veins and arteries so healthy in anyone over 30, and the colors show excellent blood flow. I believe it’s all due to eating lots of plants and little animal stuff or processed foods full of chemicals and crap.

Cant wait to hear all the BS back...folks are so invested in meat. I used to be. I’m much better off with a lot less of it.....and a lot less chemicals too.

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04-17-21, 07:37
Vegan is woke crap !
Eat veggies with your meat sure but the whole vegan thing is crap and studies are showing this more and more do not buy into the modern woke idiocy of vegan eating !

Look up bone density and TOFI
They sugar coat the bone density and massive visceral fat issues they all have in common !

Yes you can feel better short term going vegan for cutting out some crap but still eat crap oils crap grains so never heal and never get rid of inflammation completely etc. so its better for cutting out some sugars but not better healthy you then loose other areas just bad news !

No athlete that is vegan ever seems to get away with it for very long before they quit or often benched with massive injuries that do not heal and have major issues OR they are doing so much supplementing and lying about being one just to be woke vegan bend a knee types !

Vegan is up there with common sense gun laws and carbon tax they will tell you its better this way

Free country but open your eyes before you go vegan :)

Vegan just means no animal products but it’s only as healthy as you make it. French fries and many processed foods are vegan but terrible for you.

But a proper whole food plant based (WFPB) diet isn’t woke...you will find it referred in the Bible! Check Daniel 1:8-16

And many cultures have been largely plant based for many many years and had almost zero trace of cancers or heart disease until they were introduced to our western SAD way of life. Rural parts of Asia and the Middle East.

Look at the Blue Zones of the world. Their diets are very high in plants and very low in animals. They also eat some fish, which I think is okay except that our oceans are so high in mercury these days...be careful with fish.

Hundreds of verifiable success stories addressing a myriad of health issues if you really want the truth:


OP, I was in my late 40’s and diagnosed with HBP, my cholesterol was above 200, and my A1C and triglycerides were spiking. Went WFPB for a few years and ALL lab work improved immediately and stayed good. In my late 50’s now and still mainly WFPB and eat very limited animal products. Cholesterol was under 130, all labs great. And I have 35 lbs to lose. Even my eye exam, where they look at the optic nerve and all the other stuff behind the eye. My eye doc said he’s rarely seen veins and arteries so healthy in anyone over 30, and the colors show excellent blood flow. I believe it’s all due to eating lots of plants and little animal stuff or processed foods full of chemicals and crap.

Regarding the “athletes get hurt” stuff, maybe you should really look into the truth:


Cant wait to hear all the BS back...folks are so invested in meat. I used to be. I’m much better off with a lot less of it.....and a lot less chemicals too.

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04-17-21, 09:29
Be aware that most veggies and restaurants often have extremely high salt content as they are blanched/stored in saltwater for visual appeal and to make them last longer.

Extreme examples at some big name restaurant chains involve steamed broccoli and similar with the same salt content as french fries.

You really want to deal with any hypertension even if you have to take medication like Lisinopril, as hypertension creates stress cracks in your blood vessels that then enable cholesterol / fat / sugar to stick to the artery / vein walls. (They are normally very slick like Teflon)

Put more simply, hypertension is an enabler/accelerator for coronary artery disease along with excess blood sugar.

04-17-21, 10:06
If you keep yourself well hydrated you will expel a good amount of sodium through out the day. Being active/exercising will expel quite a bit as well. It is not simply straight about sodium intake.

04-17-21, 11:42
Vegan just means no animal products but it’s only as healthy as you make it. French fries and many processed foods are vegan but terrible for you.

But a proper whole food plant based (WFPB) diet isn’t woke...you will find it referred in the Bible! Check Daniel 1:8-16

And many cultures have been largely plant based for many many years and had almost zero trace of cancers or heart disease until they were introduced to our western SAD way of life. Rural parts of Asia and the Middle East.

Look at the Blue Zones of the world. Their diets are very high in plants and very low in animals. They also eat some fish, which I think is okay except that our oceans are so high in mercury these days...be careful with fish.

Hundreds of verifiable success stories addressing a myriad of health issues if you really want the truth:


OP, I was in my late 40’s and diagnosed with HBP, my cholesterol was above 200, and my A1C and triglycerides were spiking. Went WFPB for a few years and ALL lab work improved immediately and stayed good. In my late 50’s now and still mainly WFPB and eat very limited animal products. Cholesterol was under 130, all labs great. And I have 35 lbs to lose. Even my eye exam, where they look at the optic nerve and all the other stuff behind the eye. My eye doc said he’s rarely seen veins and arteries so healthy in anyone over 30, and the colors show excellent blood flow. I believe it’s all due to eating lots of plants and little animal stuff or processed foods full of chemicals and crap.

Regarding the “athletes get hurt” stuff, maybe you should really look into the truth:


Cant wait to hear all the BS back...folks are so invested in meat. I used to be. I’m much better off with a lot less of it.....and a lot less chemicals too.

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I've accomplished basically the same thing on a lower carb diet (definitely not keto) with plenty of meat consumption. Just getting rid of processed sugar and breads will accomplish 90% of what you do. I have the luxury of having a good level of available wild game meat to eat, but that doesn't make up our entire meat consumption.

Cutting out sugar and breads with no regard to any other carb counting, my wife cut her A1C from 6.1 to 5.1 in 6 months just by eating decent meals consisting of meats and vegetables. She also got her blood pressure into a good range and the doctor allowed her off her BP meds.

As for me, while being technically obese, I have never had a BP or cholesterol issue and I'm 52. I've avoided processed food, breads and sugars for over a decade, yet I still consume too many calories, which keeps me fat.

Bottom line is that food choices have to be a lifetime thing. No way I'm surviving living in Alaska eating a fruit and veggie diet.

04-17-21, 12:25
If you keep yourself well hydrated you will expel a good amount of sodium through out the day. Being active/exercising will expel quite a bit as well. It is not simply straight about sodium intake.

Hydration is really underrated. I try to drink at least a cup of filtered water before each meal and a cup or more while eating. It helps my digestion and I get full faster before I have the chance to overeat.

I feel better and have less muscle cramping and fatigue. A huge benefit for me is I sleep A LOT better.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having meat in moderation. Everything should be in moderation anyway. I just stay away from cured meats when I can and try to get fairly lean, unprocessed cuts.

04-17-21, 13:52
Been on the same BP meds since I was in my early 30's. At that time I was in solid shape, working out and active. BP issue was discovered during a cardiac stress test for a job application.

In the 20+ years since and after bulged discs, broken facets, a replaced ACL, and torn rotator cuffs, my workouts are much more limited, but I get in a lot of cardio and I actively officiate high school sports so I'm running a lot.

On the same meds the whole time and differences in diet and exercise haven't changed the numbers one way or another since the initial change when I started the meds. The dosages I'm on are on the low end of the scale and I have never noticed side effects.

04-17-21, 15:55
None of us had high blood pressure till my sister married a Yankee..........

cause and effect? Probably not but funny as hell when someone asks when it started.

04-17-21, 16:29
I am invested in healthy eating and being healthy !

Its quite obvious by your last statement you are against meat ? Fine at least you admit you are bias and one sided and AGAINST something that is healthy ? Odd but typical of woke folks :)

I am not against veggies I am against people that push away health and meat over woke values

Yeah the propaganda of forks over knives is real ! So is its BS pseudo science crap sadly and a bias documentary does not make science real like the WOKE gender crap ignores science makes stuff up these are the same WOKE crap

Same for the game changer doucmentary hahahahahaha that is so radically debunked
Sorry for triggering you and not using proper pronouns or whatever todays rules are for global citizens to follow ?

And yeah stopping junk is the key we all agree on that
And eating whole food including animal product !
You even say you eat some animal product ? So not sure why the vegan minded kick back ?

you really need to understand the bible better
Trying to make it fit modern woke values or world views backfires ? it was old Testament and old rules LV11 and was about pagan food devoted to idols and to eat it would mean you are honoring that deity ? So nice try :) hahahahahahaha kind like the documentaries when you really know both sides they fall apart but most blindly follow it

Learn more about blue zones and cultures in history again backfire on ya once you go there live there learn the history and truth but so many blindly follow lies and propaganda they are told is one way
agriculture has only been around a blip of time to mankind ? And almost all history of those that were compared to meat eating ones show massive bone issues etc...

Hong Kong highest meat intake in the world ironic then the longest lives in the world ? Hmmmmm

Hey its a free world eat what ya want and take supplements or fortified food to get proper nutrients if one wants to avoid animal product

Or eat a nice wide range and animal product be healthy without having to take extra stuff or eat special fortified food and so many foods made in factories and then trying to say its healthy etc...

I like the folks that say pick up a item and then use your other hand to count the ingredients if your free hand runs out of fingers put it back down !

Vegan just means no animal products but it’s only as healthy as you make it. French fries and many processed foods are vegan but terrible for you.

But a proper whole food plant based (WFPB) diet isn’t woke...you will find it referred in the Bible! Check Daniel 1:8-16

And many cultures have been largely plant based for many many years and had almost zero trace of cancers or heart disease until they were introduced to our western SAD way of life. Rural parts of Asia and the Middle East.

Look at the Blue Zones of the world. Their diets are very high in plants and very low in animals. They also eat some fish, which I think is okay except that our oceans are so high in mercury these days...be careful with fish.

Hundreds of verifiable success stories addressing a myriad of health issues if you really want the truth:


OP, I was in my late 40’s and diagnosed with HBP, my cholesterol was above 200, and my A1C and triglycerides were spiking. Went WFPB for a few years and ALL lab work improved immediately and stayed good. In my late 50’s now and still mainly WFPB and eat very limited animal products. Cholesterol was under 130, all labs great. And I have 35 lbs to lose. Even my eye exam, where they look at the optic nerve and all the other stuff behind the eye. My eye doc said he’s rarely seen veins and arteries so healthy in anyone over 30, and the colors show excellent blood flow. I believe it’s all due to eating lots of plants and little animal stuff or processed foods full of chemicals and crap.

Cant wait to hear all the BS back...folks are so invested in meat. I used to be. I’m much better off with a lot less of it.....and a lot less chemicals too.

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04-17-21, 19:18
To the OP I had high blood pressure was pre diabetic and had way more health issues including obesity all because I listened to the idiots wrong info including the salt idiocy :)

And when asking about diet got the lies :) the docs and health folks did steer me wrongly into the vegan crap or the steer clear of meat idiocy and sadly I believed them so been there done that I speak form experience !!!!

Radically changing my diet cutting out all sugar all breads all oils saved my life changed my life I can not scream that loud enough !!!!!!
Just google up industrialized seed oils and cancer or other health issues and read the actual med pubs you will be like HUH why do they lie to us

After getting to 275+ lbs and always seeming to have some issue I said this is wrong and knew it !
I was insane shape when I was younger up through my 40s but had my lungs damaged by sulfur dioxide exposure and could not do much for a while moved to mainland and had to recover and part of that was sadly listening to wrong advice how to get better ! It made me worse
So that is HOW I got so fat in quick I was 43 when I got hit with the lung issue

Today I am insane shape at 57 5’11” 175 lbs ripped abs flat gut better than most even half my age :)

and have labs scans blood work to back it up also tons of normal things that one gets with age are all gone joint issues and so on been doing this for a year now all by diet alone !

This is why I am so hard core about not shutting up like the left wants you to or the vegans want you to or listening to their pseudo science crap just like a boy can think he is a girl and can have a period like one and you better accept that ! And call them by the proper pronouns ! Sorry I am going to scream the truth from now on !!!!!

Again I am FOR people eating healthy veggies !!!!
I am against ONLY eating veggies yes as they do not work again the fortified foods or supplements one needs to have to make up for lack of animal product is proof the bone density is proof the gastrointestinal is proof and so on !!!!!

Look into paleo or keto
or just stop all sugar and processed foods and for sure industrialized oils and you will be heaps better
Then see where you are do you want to go further etc.

So what do I eat ? Meat lots of it and dairy and eggs I never liked green veggies but yeah I could eat certain ones but I choose not to again I am not against some veggies some are just flat out bad for ya like the ones I loved potatoes or poi etc...
how much ? As much as I freaking want sometimes 4+ lbs a day I just eat till full and do not eat again until hungry I tend to eat OMAD because I am not hungry later insulin triggering and carbs are a issue big time !!!! What causes the post eat crash and hunger cycles !

So here I am a hardcore carnivore but still say yeah eat veggies if ya like em some are healthy and good and many like the texture and taste so it adds to enjoyment of life eat em enjoy them
Cause I am not a idiot that believes in NOT eating something you like and is healthy over some woke issue about it that are lies ! Again yeah I am passionate about this so tired of being pushed by idiots to try to be quiet or when they buy into the fake documentaries and you realize the funding came from those that would gain $$ from it ? UHHHHH OPEN YOUR EYES

And if ya like meat
Nothing like the other day having 2 2lb rib eyes with butter and then 4 eggs and feeling terrific no nap needed and then go ride your mtn bike hard core :)

look up Dr Shawn Baker 57 yr old ripped carnivore with world record in rowing etc...
look up Dr Paul Saldino hard core nose to tail carnivore guy this is what I look like but I am older in my late 50s now same weight etc. I prefer that feel look these days but listen to him quite interesting especially on youtube debating people ! And he was a vegan before so again real world both sides
Youtube Dr Ken Berry for a good real world approach to keto also his wife ask what do they look like for their age !
Or Dr Berg Keto Paleo just healthy eating good info and like the others more

Again something to look into it decide are you at your end of things NOT working then maybe try I did and wish my friend who got me into it I listened to him earlier
He also like me balloned and gained over 100 lbs and has lost that and like so many truly healthy

Look at these folks and think how old are they how do they apear how do they look what is skin like do they have baggy eyes or unfit etc... many so called vegans again fortified food or supplementing like mad also look at the ones in your age !!! ANYONE eating crap can look good in their 20s or 30s even 40s IMHO if you are out of shape in your 40s something is truly wrong ! And do not listen to them no matter what :) but hey I am critical these days

Hey look into and try going vegan good luck I did huge fail and really opened my eyes to the truth and lies !!! Again I did it actual experience !!! Same with whole food idiocy been there done that real world did not does not work properly long term without supps and other idiocy compromises and well what I am doing just worked insane well

BUT find what works for you and makes you feel best and only way to do that is to do them and make notes and get labs and so on and realize it might take a while and at 57 I never ever thought I would be where I am at today I thought at 57 5’11” I would be happy at 200 never thought I would be back at my prime of 175 and look better now then in my 40s and have ripped stomach and no pudge so many older folks have :)
thank God I tried it cause so many said dont ! Ironic all were kinda overweight had issues now hahahahahahah OH its funny ironic and sad all at the same time I guess that is the word pathetic :)

My wife freaking loves her veggies by the way and more power to her but she wont shut out meat because of some excuse :)

Sorry for the rant but am passionate these days about it
Again because I feel so freaking good and sick of the lies from the other woke side trying to shut something down rather than opening up more options IMHO that tells you something is wrong with what they are saying

Bottom line avoid ALL industrialized oils and ALL sugars for 2 months see how ya feel it might be tough and will be rough but could be a good thing to see how ya feel the next month after detox :)

04-17-21, 19:45
I have had high BP since I was around 30ish. It wasn’t extremely high but I still take 20mg lisinopril to keep it in check. My wife’s a nurse and when I complained of feeling like I had fever a lot but had no temperature she figured it was my BP. My doctor told me that it’s hereditary and I will always take meds but he also said a healthy lifestyle will help with everything else so it’s a win altogether. I’ve started trying to watch what I eat as in not hitting the whataburger when im on nights and I now bring my lunch instead. I cut out cokes and drink water and tea (trying to cut out the sweat tea but it’s hard). I refuse to do an extreme diet that I know I will not stick to and just gain back weight etc. and won’t be taking any diet pills or anything.

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04-17-21, 19:47
As far as oils I have a question. I only use olive oil but am I suppose to be looking for a certain type? I believe I have plain ole extra virgin

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04-17-21, 20:13
As far as oils I have a question. I only use olive oil but am I suppose to be looking for a certain type? I believe I have plain ole extra virgin

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Pressed oils are OK so olive or EVO as its called are OK no particular just more about flavor profiles
I would say glance and make sure its not cut with other oils ? Anything at costco is usually really good price and great quality

Avocado oil is OK also for a oil
The avocado oil had a bit of issue as many were part avocado and part other ? Not good BUT lots of info out there on the good ones the costco one is really good I know

Also for cooking lard or tallow are good to go and butter or Ghee which is just clarified butter that has a way higher smoke point

I cook a lot with bacon fat not quite the same as lard but I just filter it through paper towels and keep it for eggs etc...

Its the canola or saflower or other that you avoid

One of so many good vids interesting for sure about the linoleic acid side of the industrialized oils as even one point or view :)


04-17-21, 20:13
Double tap again :) bump posting :)

04-17-21, 20:21
Been on the same BP meds since I was in my early 30's. At that time I was in solid shape, working out and active. BP issue was discovered during a cardiac stress test for a job application.

In the 20+ years since and after bulged discs, broken facets, a replaced ACL, and torn rotator cuffs, my workouts are much more limited, but I get in a lot of cardio and I actively officiate high school sports so I'm running a lot.

On the same meds the whole time and differences in diet and exercise haven't changed the numbers one way or another since the initial change when I started the meds. The dosages I'm on are on the low end of the scale and I have never noticed side effects.

Goes back to what my doc told me about aging: it generally doesn't get better. You're actually doing quite well on the same meds decades later, i.e. no increases of the dosages.

04-17-21, 20:50
I am invested in healthy eating and being healthy !

Its quite obvious by your last statement you are against meat ? Fine at least you admit you are bias and one sided and AGAINST something that is healthy ? Odd but typical of woke folks :)

I am not against veggies I am against people that push away health and meat over woke values

Yeah the propaganda of forks over knives is real ! So is its BS pseudo science crap sadly and a bias documentary does not make science real like the WOKE gender crap ignores science makes stuff up these are the same WOKE crap

Same for the game changer doucmentary hahahahahaha that is so radically debunked
Sorry for triggering you and not using proper pronouns or whatever todays rules are for global citizens to follow ?

And yeah stopping junk is the key we all agree on that
And eating whole food including animal product !
You even say you eat some animal product ? So not sure why the vegan minded kick back ?

you really need to understand the bible better
Trying to make it fit modern woke values or world views backfires ? it was old Testament and old rules LV11 and was about pagan food devoted to idols and to eat it would mean you are honoring that deity ? So nice try :) hahahahahahaha kind like the documentaries when you really know both sides they fall apart but most blindly follow it

Learn more about blue zones and cultures in history again backfire on ya once you go there live there learn the history and truth but so many blindly follow lies and propaganda they are told is one way
agriculture has only been around a blip of time to mankind ? And almost all history of those that were compared to meat eating ones show massive bone issues etc...

Hong Kong highest meat intake in the world ironic then the longest lives in the world ? Hmmmmm

Hey its a free world eat what ya want and take supplements or fortified food to get proper nutrients if one wants to avoid animal product

Or eat a nice wide range and animal product be healthy without having to take extra stuff or eat special fortified food and so many foods made in factories and then trying to say its healthy etc...

I like the folks that say pick up a item and then use your other hand to count the ingredients if your free hand runs out of fingers put it back down !Im not against anything. I love food.... period! But current meat isn't exactly healthy unless you're ok with re processing processed corn

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04-17-21, 20:52
As far as oils I have a question. I only use olive oil but am I suppose to be looking for a certain type? I believe I have plain ole extra virgin

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro My two oils are butter or bacon fat..

04-17-21, 20:55
Im not against anything. I love food.... period! But current meat isn't exactly healthy unless you're ok with re processing processed corn

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

Same argument could be made for veggies unless you're o.k. with eating pesticides, herbicides and human fecal matter. In reality, if you have the money and opportunity to do so, locally sourced organic meats, fruits and veggies are the way to go. I have moose, bison, and locally raised chicken in my freezer. When I want a good steak I buy them from a local source that is pretty much grass fed.

04-17-21, 21:03
Same argument could be made for veggies unless you're o.k. with eating pesticides, herbicides and human fecal matter. In reality, if you have the money and opportunity to do so, locally sourced organic meats, fruits and veggies are the way to go. I have moose, bison, and locally raised chicken in my freezer. When I want a good steak I buy them from a local source that is pretty much grass fed.Yep!!! True that! Some of that can be washed of though......S O M E... Can't wash off all the corn the cow/pig/chicken had been fed it's whole life while sitting in a cage. Most of the animals we eat wouldn't be as bad for us as they are if it wasn't for corn.

Every so often I get eggs from a friend of mine who lives 5hrs away in a very rural area. His chicken eggs look and taste completely different from store bought eggs. He lets his chickens run around and eat whatever they naturally would eat

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04-17-21, 22:01
This is one area where I've been really lucky.

I'm almost 55, and could probably stand to lose 20 lbs. but my BP has always been in the low normal range I always catch new doctors off guard.

I've been in the martial arts all my life but despite being "active" I'm hardly in peak or near perfect physical condition. I can do things most people my age could never do but all my "half my age students" could easily run me into the ground.

But I've actually kept my blood pressure low by doing deep breathing exercises all my life. Obviously if somebody has hereditary BP issues or is in real bad shape, simple breathing exercises aren't going to be a magic fix but for everyone else here is the basic technique.


One of the keys is long inhale (should take 5-8 seconds), hold and relax for 3 and then a long exhale (5-8 seconds) and then hold and relax for 3. So in addition to the diaphram breathing, you are making your blood oxygen rich which slows the heat rate as a result. It is also commonly used as an immediate stress relief exercise. Just don't do it in traffic or anything the first time, you can actually achieve an oxygen "high" very easily in the beginning and I've seen people who almost fall out of their chair.

This is one of the various forms of seated meditation I've practiced since I was 12 years old and now my regular breathing pattern is so slow I squirrel most polygraph exams. But it's one of the most useful things I've ever learned in terms of real world benefit from martial arts training. It's also helped my shooting a little bit, being able to easily regulate my breathing means my sights and scopes don't dance as hard.

04-17-21, 22:25
Maybe dif profile but to say not healthy is a word play hahahaha !


Like lifting weights we now know for older men less reps and high weight is better for growth then lots of reps and low weights does not make the other one bad
Walking is more healthy for most than running does that make running bad ?
sprinting is way more healthy in many ways HIIT sprints are very good and for some might be better than walking but different than marathon when saying “Running”
running marathons can be insane rough on people and is a extreme sport in many ways so what running when saying running ? Again word play :)

grass finished has a better fatty acid profile for sure and a few other variances CLA and vit E and A but not so much to make grain “Bad”

Grass finished vs grass fed to is a problem :) many do not know the difference and get marketed grass fed ?
Also the drugs given today thanks to gov crap !is a issue in itself for sure !

NOW pigs and chicken meat are often crap these days based on that grain fed so for that I would say yes to that (same goes through to the eggs )
Why so many people have issues with pork and or chicken ! And why many are starting to do some research in the Ruminant side of why it is not the same in cows

Half the meat I eat is grass finished though :)
But prefer rib eye from grain fed as it taste better has better marbling etc... and in no way is unhealthy :)

Im not against anything. I love food.... period! But current meat isn't exactly healthy unless you're ok with re processing processed corn

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04-17-21, 22:26
Ban bump posting please :)

04-17-21, 22:30
Together YUMMM
Need like button :)

My two oils are butter or bacon fat..

04-17-21, 22:50
Not sure if you ever heard wim hof method ? Ya Might find it interesting though he is a interesting character to say the least but I find his stuff fascinating to read and try like the cold stuff for both the health and brown fat reasons is why I am getting into it more

But yeah proper breathing is so overlooked and so many could benefit from better breathing !

This is one area where I've been really lucky.

I'm almost 55, and could probably stand to lose 20 lbs. but my BP has always been in the low normal range I always catch new doctors off guard.

I've been in the martial arts all my life but despite being "active" I'm hardly in peak or near perfect physical condition. I can do things most people my age could never do but all my "half my age students" could easily run me into the ground.

But I've actually kept my blood pressure low by doing deep breathing exercises all my life. Obviously if somebody has hereditary BP issues or is in real bad shape, simple breathing exercises aren't going to be a magic fix but for everyone else here is the basic technique.


One of the keys is long inhale (should take 5-8 seconds), hold and relax for 3 and then a long exhale (5-8 seconds) and then hold and relax for 3. So in addition to the diaphram breathing, you are making your blood oxygen rich which slows the heat rate as a result. It is also commonly used as an immediate stress relief exercise. Just don't do it in traffic or anything the first time, you can actually achieve an oxygen "high" very easily in the beginning and I've seen people who almost fall out of their chair.

This is one of the various forms of seated meditation I've practiced since I was 12 years old and now my regular breathing pattern is so slow I squirrel most polygraph exams. But it's one of the most useful things I've ever learned in terms of real world benefit from martial arts training. It's also helped my shooting a little bit, being able to easily regulate my breathing means my sights and scopes don't dance as hard.

04-17-21, 22:58
Yep!!! True that! Some of that can be washed of though......S O M E... Can't wash off all the corn the cow/pig/chicken had been fed it's whole life while sitting in a cage. Most of the animals we eat wouldn't be as bad for us as they are if it wasn't for corn.

Every so often I get eggs from a friend of mine who lives 5hrs away in a very rural area. His chicken eggs look and taste completely different from store bought eggs. He lets his chickens run around and eat whatever they naturally would eat

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

our friend has chickens that run around the eggs are WOW better I so want my own chickens for the eggs the profile is so so much better for those as said

One reason I used to freaking love wild caught pig in the islands and I reckon why I used to be able to eat more since it was not farm raised :)
So yeah I do again agree on the cant wash that off :) but still OK with some grain fed beef :) just a choice :)

Same argument could be made for veggies unless you're o.k. with eating pesticides, herbicides and human fecal matter. In reality, if you have the money and opportunity to do so, locally sourced organic meats, fruits and veggies are the way to go. I have moose, bison, and locally raised chicken in my freezer. When I want a good steak I buy them from a local source that is pretty much grass fed.

Why I wont eat farmed fish :) and why I would never eat talapia !!!!! Hahahahaha

Also I do like how with meat you can get so much more local meat vs most crops are trucked in etc... the E coli break outs in lettuce all the time tells you all you need to know :)

04-17-21, 23:01
Not sure if you ever heard wim hof method ? Ya Might find it interesting though he is a interesting character to say the least but I find his stuff fascinating to read and try like the cold stuff for both the health and brown fat reasons is why I am getting into it more

But yeah proper breathing is so overlooked and so many could benefit from better breathing !

Had to look it up. It's basically the fast food / drive through window version of what I do.

It's essentially the same thing but he's advocating it as a limited exercise when really it should gradually replace what you normally do to the point where you find yourself doing it, or a slightly abbreviated version, unintentionally whenever you are in a relaxed posture.

As a consequence of studying lots of seated meditation exercises I have half a dozen breathing exercises I use for different reasons but the long inhale / long exhale is my default and most useful one. This combined with "belly breathing" (which of course is something of a misnomer with respect to actual anatomy) where I use more than just the top of my lungs is pretty much more normal pattern unless I'm doing something differently on purpose.

It has allowed me to be in much better shape than I actually am. Beyond that I would say "walking" and more importantly walking with purpose (actual destination) and walking to where you eat lunch rather than driving or something like that is one of the most useful things a person can do.

04-17-21, 23:10
Why I wont eat farmed fish :) and why I would never eat talapia !!!!! Hahahahaha

Also I do like how with meat you can get so much more local meat vs most crops are trucked in etc... the E coli break outs in lettuce all the time tells you all you need to know :)

Even when sourced locally, talapia is canal fish. I almost laugh out loud every time I see it on a menu. Might as well call it shit fish. That anyone would ever eat that over catfish, which is common but so much better, is a mystery to me.

And yeah, imported farmed fish has ruined everything. I remember when you could buy ordinary salmon from the grocery store and then deep freeze it a few days and have sushi safe salmon, well not anymore. Kills me that in Japan you can buy real "fresh" tuna, but here in the states they have to dye that shit red because we bring it in from some shithole county in south america.

And yeah, I pretty much stopped eating lettuce for the same reasons. Iceberg is already nutritionally worthless, no point in risking serious bacteria infection over a pointless garden salad. These days I only eat caesars on rare occasion where I 100% trust the place I'm eating at.

04-18-21, 09:58
To the OP I had high blood pressure was pre diabetic and had way more health issues including obesity all because I listened to the idiots wrong info including the salt idiocy :)

And when asking about diet got the lies :) the docs and health folks did steer me wrongly into the vegan crap or the steer clear of meat idiocy and sadly I believed them so been there done that I speak form experience !!!!

Radically changing my diet cutting out all sugar all breads all oils saved my life changed my life I can not scream that loud enough !!!!!!
Just google up industrialized seed oils and cancer or other health issues and read the actual med pubs you will be like HUH why do they lie to us

After getting to 275+ lbs and always seeming to have some issue I said this is wrong and knew it !
I was insane shape when I was younger up through my 40s but had my lungs damaged by sulfur dioxide exposure and could not do much for a while moved to mainland and had to recover and part of that was sadly listening to wrong advice how to get better ! It made me worse
So that is HOW I got so fat in quick I was 43 when I got hit with the lung issue

Today I am insane shape at 57 5’11” 175 lbs ripped abs flat gut better than most even half my age :)

and have labs scans blood work to back it up also tons of normal things that one gets with age are all gone joint issues and so on been doing this for a year now all by diet alone !

This is why I am so hard core about not shutting up like the left wants you to or the vegans want you to or listening to their pseudo science crap just like a boy can think he is a girl and can have a period like one and you better accept that ! And call them by the proper pronouns ! Sorry I am going to scream the truth from now on !!!!!

Again I am FOR people eating healthy veggies !!!!
I am against ONLY eating veggies yes as they do not work again the fortified foods or supplements one needs to have to make up for lack of animal product is proof the bone density is proof the gastrointestinal is proof and so on !!!!!

Look into paleo or keto
or just stop all sugar and processed foods and for sure industrialized oils and you will be heaps better
Then see where you are do you want to go further etc.

So what do I eat ? Meat lots of it and dairy and eggs I never liked green veggies but yeah I could eat certain ones but I choose not to again I am not against some veggies some are just flat out bad for ya like the ones I loved potatoes or poi etc...
how much ? As much as I freaking want sometimes 4+ lbs a day I just eat till full and do not eat again until hungry I tend to eat OMAD because I am not hungry later insulin triggering and carbs are a issue big time !!!! What causes the post eat crash and hunger cycles !

So here I am a hardcore carnivore but still say yeah eat veggies if ya like em some are healthy and good and many like the texture and taste so it adds to enjoyment of life eat em enjoy them
Cause I am not a idiot that believes in NOT eating something you like and is healthy over some woke issue about it that are lies ! Again yeah I am passionate about this so tired of being pushed by idiots to try to be quiet or when they buy into the fake documentaries and you realize the funding came from those that would gain $$ from it ? UHHHHH OPEN YOUR EYES

And if ya like meat
Nothing like the other day having 2 2lb rib eyes with butter and then 4 eggs and feeling terrific no nap needed and then go ride your mtn bike hard core :)

look up Dr Shawn Baker 57 yr old ripped carnivore with world record in rowing etc...
look up Dr Paul Saldino hard core nose to tail carnivore guy this is what I look like but I am older in my late 50s now same weight etc. I prefer that feel look these days but listen to him quite interesting especially on youtube debating people ! And he was a vegan before so again real world both sides
Youtube Dr Ken Berry for a good real world approach to keto also his wife ask what do they look like for their age !
Or Dr Berg Keto Paleo just healthy eating good info and like the others more

Again something to look into it decide are you at your end of things NOT working then maybe try I did and wish my friend who got me into it I listened to him earlier
He also like me balloned and gained over 100 lbs and has lost that and like so many truly healthy

Look at these folks and think how old are they how do they apear how do they look what is skin like do they have baggy eyes or unfit etc... many so called vegans again fortified food or supplementing like mad also look at the ones in your age !!! ANYONE eating crap can look good in their 20s or 30s even 40s IMHO if you are out of shape in your 40s something is truly wrong ! And do not listen to them no matter what :) but hey I am critical these days

Hey look into and try going vegan good luck I did huge fail and really opened my eyes to the truth and lies !!! Again I did it actual experience !!! Same with whole food idiocy been there done that real world did not does not work properly long term without supps and other idiocy compromises and well what I am doing just worked insane well

BUT find what works for you and makes you feel best and only way to do that is to do them and make notes and get labs and so on and realize it might take a while and at 57 I never ever thought I would be where I am at today I thought at 57 5’11” I would be happy at 200 never thought I would be back at my prime of 175 and look better now then in my 40s and have ripped stomach and no pudge so many older folks have :)
thank God I tried it cause so many said dont ! Ironic all were kinda overweight had issues now hahahahahahah OH its funny ironic and sad all at the same time I guess that is the word pathetic :)

My wife freaking loves her veggies by the way and more power to her but she wont shut out meat because of some excuse :)

Sorry for the rant but am passionate these days about it
Again because I feel so freaking good and sick of the lies from the other woke side trying to shut something down rather than opening up more options IMHO that tells you something is wrong with what they are saying

Bottom line avoid ALL industrialized oils and ALL sugars for 2 months see how ya feel it might be tough and will be rough but could be a good thing to see how ya feel the next month after detox :)That's great but that's like the guy here last year with his potato diet. He only ate potatoes and lost a ton of weight.

What about then people who don't eat carbs, processed foods or sugar but still have weight/cholesterol/BP issues?

Maybe dif profile but to say not healthy is a word play hahahaha !


Like lifting weights we now know for older men less reps and high weight is better for growth then lots of reps and low weights does not make the other one bad
Walking is more healthy for most than running does that make running bad ?
sprinting is way more healthy in many ways HIIT sprints are very good and for some might be better than walking but different than marathon when saying “Running”
running marathons can be insane rough on people and is a extreme sport in many ways so what running when saying running ? Again word play :)

grass finished has a better fatty acid profile for sure and a few other variances CLA and vit E and A but not so much to make grain “Bad”

Grass finished vs grass fed to is a problem :) many do not know the difference and get marketed grass fed ?
Also the drugs given today thanks to gov crap !is a issue in itself for sure !

NOW pigs and chicken meat are often crap these days based on that grain fed so for that I would say yes to that (same goes through to the eggs )
Why so many people have issues with pork and or chicken ! And why many are starting to do some research in the Ruminant side of why it is not the same in cows

Half the meat I eat is grass finished though :)
But prefer rib eye from grain fed as it taste better has better marbling etc... and in no way is unhealthy :)That same article makes an argument for canola oil too! And it only talks about ground beef. I didn't realize people eat so much of that! Wow! I can't even think of that many recipes for it aside from burgers. I've always just made my own as needed. Can't remember actually buying ground beef.

Sorry OP!

My dad's side has a history of high BP. I mean high! My dad takes god knows how many meds it it's barely manageable. For him normal is cause to go to the emergency room for most people. His father had extremely high BP too. We're talking systolic (the first number) around 200 and the diastolic around 100. I don't think it was managed well if at all. So I keep an eye on my BP.
For the most part I'm normal. Typically in the range of 110/60 - 120/70. But from time to time I do feel spikes. I can be sitting watching tv and feel a pressure in my head like you would if hanging upside down. Or I'd feel my ears burning. I'd go check my BP and it'll be something like 150/80 for no reason. It would be at random times so I can't pin point it to any specific reason except it only happens at home. The other thing I get is high BP at the doctor's office. No matter the reason when at a doctor's office I'm at 140ish / 80ish. Started a couple years ago for no reason.

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04-18-21, 10:35
I'll be 61 in June, and my blood pressure issues didn't start until I was in my mid-50's. I'm guessing that aging plays some part in that.

04-18-21, 13:03
I didn't read this entire thread, but cutting salt only helps patients with Volume dependent high blood pressure. Salt helps you hold water, then holding less water will drop your pressure because you have more water in your system. Usually those patients tend to be heavy. Just an FYI.

But a good diet and exercise is critical for a healthy long life.


04-18-21, 15:33
Those who do not eat carbs sugars etc... and still have issues are so so rare though ! Like insane rare or they are cheating etc... and do not say it which is really common same as those doing things and supplementing or using fortified foods along with them :)

like gun accidents have an excuse and you find out the truth that they lied about what happened :) Or they think their soft uncle mike when stuffing their glock back in and the shirt is in the holster that its the holsters fault still !!!! Not mine its the stupid gun or stupid holster !

Potato diet etc... or other non sustainable food yeah elimination diets can work cause you have FAT as fuel to burn while loosing that weight also they are often under supervision and then using supplements big time while doing those :) last part being key !!! Needed supplements which if healthy should not be needed !
those do not work long term as its not sustainable though so why ?
Same as restriction and exercise does not work long term or very rare and you actually put on weight cause your body says OK I am being starved start storing
So then I would ask where is that person now and did they keep it off cause almost NONE do they all tend to go back up sadly

For studies etc....
Yeah a huge problem and what is happening now is they take say 500 people and 250 will be meat eaters they say ? which to slant that against eating meat is a McDonalds burger but that person is having a milkshake (pure sugar) and fries (pure crap oil and crap veggie) and the bun (crap grains) along with it and then say look that dude eating meat had high this or that and issues ? )
This is a HUGE issue when its a study that has real reason to be bias which are to many these days and are then used in documentaries and not medical or scientific in any way but are taking and presented as that
And also why seems for everything there is a counter !

So for sure you have to read and look around things and see what people are doing and hey test on yourself which is what this is all about
Same as studies with mice when you see how much they are feeding them and its mice not people ?

And yeah some people have diabetes that cant be cured by diet rare though ! And bad diet makes it worse
Same with BP some rare cant change it by diet but bad diet can make it worse !!!

its a tiny % that have actual issues that is not related to diet and truly needs meds

The biggest problem is excuses the I do not want give up my _______ I like it etc. and why when you look at how most folks are dying and having issues is bad diet ! But free country :)

I do think if you are on public assistance you need to be cause you me others should not be paying for something that is avoidable BUT only for those on the dole ! Why should we pay for them is my view

1 of 3 (sorry said 1 of 2 earlier) Americans are pre diabetic that is saying something HUGE about the problem in our country

When you see its about %12 of folks are in metabolic shape its like WOW so many who might look outwardly to be Ok are not !
The amount of scrip issues and deaths and abuse also says all we need to now we have a HUGE problem with self control and health as they relate to each other
Not to mention the issue with covid and obesity ! But hey give out free donuts instead ? :) hahahahahaha

This doctor did a fun thing he took pics of events like fairs places where lots of folks would come together from times past through todays and just looked at the people in the photos and it was shocking how fat we have become ! Not scientific but WOW

That's great but that's like the guy here last year with his potato diet. He only ate potatoes and lost a ton of weight.

What about then people who don't eat carbs, processed foods or sugar but still have weight/cholesterol/BP issues?
That same article makes an argument for canola oil too! And it only talks about ground beef. I didn't realize people eat so much of that! Wow! I can't even think of that many recipes for it aside from burgers. I've always just made my own as needed. Can't remember actually buying ground beef.

Sorry OP!

My dad's side has a history of high BP. I mean high! My dad takes god knows how many meds it it's barely manageable. For him normal is cause to go to the emergency room for most people. His father had extremely high BP too. We're talking systolic (the first number) around 200 and the diastolic around 100. I don't think it was managed well if at all. So I keep an eye on my BP.
For the most part I'm normal. Typically in the range of 110/60 - 120/70. But from time to time I do feel spikes. I can be sitting watching tv and feel a pressure in my head like you would if hanging upside down. Or I'd feel my ears burning. I'd go check my BP and it'll be something like 150/80 for no reason. It would be at random times so I can't pin point it to any specific reason except it only happens at home. The other thing I get is high BP at the doctor's office. No matter the reason when at a doctor's office I'm at 140ish / 80ish. Started a couple years ago for no reason.

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04-22-21, 07:17
My blood pressure issues are between work aggravation and a diet/weight. I take one tablet 50mg Lisinopril/25mg HCTZ each day. Sitting behind a desk all day doesn't help. I exercise, but lose motivation and have a hard time keeping the weight off once I'm down to a good weight. But it helps to work off the aggravation I get from work. It seems when I get around 230 (I'm 6'1" tall), my blood pressure is fine. Doctor tells me that 185 is my ideal weight. Being single, my diet varies. I go through times when I eat a good balanced diet when I cook at home, but there are times when eating out are convenient for me. I haven't seen 185 since I was in the Marines! I'd look like a death camp survivor if I got down to there.