View Full Version : PPE (hard hat) saved me tonight from a knock out

04-17-21, 01:04
Was tearing down a chimney and had a partial collapse. Knocked my hard hat off. Only injury is a scraped and bruised arm

04-17-21, 08:31
Good on you. Glad you weren't seriously hurt.

Now, go back and review your daily safety plan. What did you miss that caused or could have prevented your accident. You got lucky.

Construction is a dangerous profession. More dangerous than being a cop. When I started in the trades the national average in my trade (not the entire industry, just my trade) was one death every day, one serious injury every 15 min. The numbers are getting better because we, all of us, are taking safety seriously.

Hope I'm not coming across like an ass. Glad your OK. Just take your near miss to heart as a learning/teaching moment.

04-17-21, 15:58
I wish I had worn one the other day. We were setting up an electric fence around the garden plot and driving a ground rod got the better of me. You know that moment when you've got your timing and stroke with a post driver....you really need to watch about it coming off the post/rod and rocking back towards you!

04-18-21, 00:14
Buy a house, it will be fun they say. Now I get to rebuild it!65619

04-18-21, 08:15
I wish I had worn one the other day. We were setting up an electric fence around the garden plot and driving a ground rod got the better of me. You know that moment when you've got your timing and stroke with a post driver....you really need to watch about it coming off the post/rod and rocking back towards you!

Cause you were doing it wrong!

All you had to do was shoot a hole into the ground with your 460 Rowland (or similar firearm), place the ground rod in said hole, and then piss around it to settle the dirt back around the rod.

You guys are getting hurt cause you are not using your brains and doing shit the 'hard' way...

04-18-21, 10:03
Cause you were doing it wrong!

All you had to do was shoot a hole into the ground with your 460 Rowland (or similar firearm), place the ground rod in said hole, and then piss around it to settle the dirt back around the rod.

You guys are getting hurt cause you are not using your brains and doing shit the 'hard' way...

I do have some carbide. I could have just dug a small hole, dropped a small rock of carbide into an almost empty water bottle and not had to dig holes with a post hoe digger!! GENUIS!!