View Full Version : Columbus, Ohio OIS 4/20/21 body cam video

04-21-21, 00:27
Hope this doesn’t get political, but........
Knife attack, suspect-16yr old black girl


04-21-21, 01:07
Lethal force threshold crossed, fired in defense of another.

04-21-21, 04:55
Too black. Bad shoot. Should have used verbal conflict resolution and waited until she finished stabbing the other girl for disaspecting her to talk to her. If she felt like it.

Yeah. Officer should have taken the scenic route. These people will run out of bullets or get tired eventually. No rush.

I mean this could have been my daughter y’all.
No parent should have to worry about their baby getting murdered by the police just for stabbing someone.


04-21-21, 06:37
Simple solution. Just don’t respond in certain areas anymore.

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04-21-21, 06:59
Simple solution. Just don’t respond in certain areas anymore.

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Saw this somewhere the other day: suspect not located, going code 7.

Seriously, cops need to quit responding. Nothing good comes from it. People seriously believe this officer was out of line. These people don’t deserve protection and it’s not worth ruining your life/career

04-21-21, 07:57
Interesting how the narrative is that a young black life was taken by the police, when in reality, they saved at least one if not more young black people by shooting the attacker.

04-21-21, 08:05
Interesting how the narrative is that a young black life was taken by the police, when in reality, they saved at least one if not more young black people by shooting the attacker.

CNN headline was "Police shoot girl holding knife". Really, that accurately tells the story? How about "Cop saves black girl from knife attack"?

I see this as a real test for how crazy we have gotten. If you can't shoot someone for using deadly force against someone else, why even have cops. Or laws.

04-21-21, 08:31

Officer should of took the long way. If you haven’t seen the video immediately after the shooting there people on scene yelling at the officer about why he shot her.


She was loving and peaceful little girl with a motherly nature to her, also an honor roll student, named out for a prophet in the Bible.

04-21-21, 08:31
Simple solution. Just don’t respond in certain areas anymore.

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That's how I feel. Have "Purge" areas. I think they should have left that "autonomous zone" in Seattle untouched last summer. They should do the "Amsterdam" method that they did in The Wire: We won't touch you as long as you don't commit crime outside of the zone.

I'm tired of cops who think that they're samurai: You swore an oath to defend the Constitution and to protect the community on behalf of, and with the consent of, the people. You did not swear an oath unto death to a lord that you would serve without question. If the people in that community don't want to protected...respect their wishes. But the people also have to be aware of the consequences.

I say, let the communities fall apart. Let murderers and local gangs run the streets. Let innocent people either be murdered or stand up for themselves. Have the police tell the politicians they will not enforce one single law in areas that hate the police. But, neither will they enforce laws against those who defend themselves.

Straight Shooter
04-21-21, 09:26
So- LEGALLY SPEAKING....what WOULD happen if police refused to go into certain areas...especially in cities that are having hate-the-police riots?
Is there any kind of law that states they MUST respond? I know SCOTUS years ago ruled that the police arent legally required to protect you, or some such..additional info on that welcomed.
But, Can they just say NO to calls?

04-21-21, 09:45
So- LEGALLY SPEAKING....what WOULD happen if police refused to go into certain areas...especially in cities that are having hate-the-police riots?
Is there any kind of law that states they MUST respond? I know SCOTUS years ago ruled that the police arent legally required to protect you, or some such..additional info on that welcomed.
But, Can they just say NO to calls?

Legally speaking an officer isn’t responsible for jack until he gets on scene. Aside from maybe a policy; there’s no real time limit to answer a call

Straight Shooter
04-21-21, 09:50
Legally speaking an officer isn’t responsible for jack until he gets on scene. Aside from maybe a policy; there’s no real time limit to answer a call

Thanks Fly..BUT.. CAN THEY REFUSE TO GO INTO CERTAIN AREAS? Can they, legally, refuse calls into known anti-police hoods?

04-21-21, 09:51
So- LEGALLY SPEAKING....what WOULD happen if police refused to go into certain areas...especially in cities that are having hate-the-police riots?
Is there any kind of law that states they MUST respond? I know SCOTUS years ago ruled that the police arent legally required to protect you, or some such..additional info on that welcomed.
But, Can they just say NO to calls?

Well "the law" seems to be political and race-based these days. To answer your question you would need to know the races and grievance-matrix ranking of all people involved, and the local and national politics that are relevant at that 5 minute window in time.

As a matter of formal law, the police have no duty to protect any specific individual, but if they outright refused to their jobs they could be fired, and could potentially be prosecuted if their refusal resulted in identifiable harm. That last bit is a stretch but with all the political prosecutions lately I could easily see some Soros-appointed DA going for it when convenient.

But WHY would police REFUSE to go into some area? Just imagine the issues of radio failures, break scheduling, traffic, misunderstood addresses, other issues going on, etc.

Alex V
04-21-21, 09:52
Legally speaking an officer isn’t responsible for jack until he gets on scene. Aside from maybe a policy; there’s no real time limit to answer a call

I have a feeling following yesterday's verdict many officers will take, as you said, the scenic route. Arrive after everyone is dead, take a report, go home.

04-21-21, 09:54
And you know it makes me think it is time for a New Law Enforcement Deal.

Like BG45 alluded to....the good areas pay a voluntary user fee and get Plus Level Law Enforcement. Officers respond faster, officers are proactive, officers investigate further. Those end user fees go toward legal retainer and hold harmless agreements. Like a HOA.

The other areas not under Plus Level get redirected to a 911 Call Tree whereupon they can get a voicemail to leave a detailed message of their complaint and in 2 weeks they can, at their expense, request a copy of the report.

There are no patrols in that area. There are no in person officer responses. Citizens may take their own photos and issue their own warrants and pay all associated court costs.

04-21-21, 09:54
So- LEGALLY SPEAKING....what WOULD happen if police refused to go into certain areas...especially in cities that are having hate-the-police riots?
Is there any kind of law that states they MUST respond? I know SCOTUS years ago ruled that the police arent legally required to protect you, or some such..additional info on that welcomed.
But, Can they just say NO to calls?

I think legally they can, though obviously by policy they wouldn't be able to. There was a 911 operator a few years ago who repeatedly hung up on emergency calls when she didn't feel like doing her job. She got fired, but I think that was it.

There's some contradicting info on this though; on one hand, the SC decided that police have no constitutional obligation to protect the people; on the other hand, there are laws prohibiting police unions from striking due to public safety concerns, and that seems to indicate that there IS some legal obligation for police to protect the population. The thing is, as I said, the people don't want to be policed, and the government doesn't want to back the police. So, the police should just give them what they want. But, they should also tell the politicians they are on their own: If they want to be defended, they need to get guns like everybody else.

04-21-21, 10:05
Thanks Fly..BUT.. CAN THEY REFUSE TO GO INTO CERTAIN AREAS? Can they, legally, refuse calls into known anti-police hoods?

Legally yes. It (was before yesterday) a totally asshole thing to do but I have known of Officers simply not respond to the call and dispatch just goes down the line until they get somebody. That would be a violation of policy. Not the law.

You will see a much lower level of police involvement. Like an Officer may answer the call but take a few hours to get there. EMS can request police but they won’t work on anybody until the scene is “secure”. And no police means no EMS means O-Jay’s dying ass might need to be tossed in the back of the Charger and driven to the hospital by his homies.

Or officers will just hang out in areas they are appreciated amd watch Netflix all shift. Or go to a side piece’s house.

I don’t think you all really fathom just how severe that ruling really was. Plus Chicago.

Nobody is coming anymore. Not when it counts.

And before you get on the “Well I got muh AR-15. I can protect my damn self” spiel, know this. Cancel Culture is costing people jobs just for opinions. You shoot an honors student future astronaut over your TV; they will come to your house.

Some GI in I believe South Carolina merely pushed some retarded black guy and told him to “fvck off” because he was following his wife and being a creep and every black person showed up to his yard.

You’re not safe. And this is all part of the plan. And I’m sorry but my hero days died with my 30s. I want to retire. I’m too old to start over.

Change society and we’ll talk. As if is, hey now hey now don’t dream it’s over.

Straight Shooter
04-21-21, 10:10
Legally yes. It (was before yesterday) a totally asshole thing to do but I have known of Officers simply not respond to the call and dispatch just goes down the line until they get somebody. That would be a violation of policy. Not the law.

You will see a much lower level of police involvement. Like an Officer may answer the call but take a few hours to get there. EMS can request police but they won’t work on anybody until the scene is “secure”. And no police means no EMS means O-Jay’s dying ass might need to be tossed in the back of the Charger and driven to the hospital by his homies.

Or officers will just hang out in areas they are appreciated amd watch Netflix all shift. Or go to a side piece’s house.

I don’t think you all really fathom just how severe that ruling really was. Plus Chicago.

Nobody is coming anymore. Not when it counts.

And before you get on the “Well I got muh AR-15. I can protect my damn self” spiel, know this. Cancel Culture is costing people jobs just for opinions. You shoot an honors student future astronaut over your TV; they will come to your house.

Some GI in I believe South Carolina merely pushed some retarded black guy and told him to “fvck off” because he was following his wife and being a creep and every black person showed up to his yard.

You’re not safe. And this is all part of the plan. And I’m sorry but my hero days died with my 30s. I want to retire. I’m too old to start over.

Change society and we’ll talk. As if is, hey now hey now don’t dream it’s over.

Now THATS the answer I was lookin for..thanks Fly. Just a quick fyi- where Ill be when SHTF ...WE WANT THEM TO COME TO OUR HOUSE-COUNTING ON IT.
God bless & be careful.

04-21-21, 10:16
You just set protocol that in areas with certain levels of crime need x resources before responding. That will slow things down. Of course if they cut resources, it will just happen organically.

04-21-21, 10:32
The My Little Pony Powr Girls Police Squad coulda handled that scene wifout any guns or meanieness. Some hugs and some magic fairy farts is all you need to bring back the luvs.

Da popo onlys acts mean cause dey waycist and like killin lil kids.

04-21-21, 10:41
Choosing to "Not Be in any Hurry." is probably the smart thing to do.
As with the OP's story, these neighborhoods aren't the most diverse area's. The Folks who live there call the Police, it's not like we've got Lilly White Spies in Black Neighborhoods set up just to call the Cops when stuff gets spicy.
Nobody wants to live in violence and chaos, but that's what's being served.

I hope the Cops let them choke on a whole bunch of it.

john armond
04-21-21, 11:20
Tin foil hat time...could the plan all along be to cause the police to slow down and back off, let chaos ensue, and abolish local law enforcement due to it being ineffective, and ultimately create a national police force similar to the Guardia Civil, Republican Guard, or some other force consisting of members the powers-that-be deem fit.

Obama once stated: "We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

04-21-21, 12:02
Nationalize or at least re-staff with people that view the world like they do. IE- hating use of power until it can be used against people you don't like...

Straight Shooter
04-21-21, 12:08
Tin foil hat time...could the plan all along be to cause the police to slow down and back off, let chaos ensue, and abolish local law enforcement due to it being ineffective, and ultimately create a national police force similar to the Guardia Civil, Republican Guard, or some other force consisting of members the powers-that-be deem fit.

Obama once stated: "We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

Brother- AT THIS POINT...Id believe anything possible. We are in LA LA LAND...NUTSVILLE.
Our Federal government is 100% compromised on ALL sides...our judiciary, right on up to & including SCOTUS is a joke...the "education system" is anything BUT that...well over half the states are populated & led by outright communist sons of bitches...and lets not even mention the 5th Column, so so called media..THE WORST enemy in America & has been for the past 25 or more years. Longer maybe. The "entertainment" industry is nothing more than a collective of pedo Satan worshippers who hate anyone who doesnt love evil, & fall down & adore them. It aint looking good not only in America but on planet Earth as a whole.
As I see it- aint but two answers to it all....the first, best answer is either Christ returns & settles it once & for all...OR does some kinda supernatural intervention until He returns...or the second option is we go to actual war. NONE of this shit going on today is gonna "work itself out". The media will never, ever again even attempt to ACT unbiased or be truthful. Congress on both Federal & State levels will never, ever again try to be bi-partisan & work toward the good of the people, it is forever gonna be Repub. vs demonrat. The education system will always from now on be almost entirely leftist/communist. WHAT, besides what I listed, can solve even a couple of the problems mentioned here? WHO can solve them?
I just cant understand, how some here cant see & KNOW we are in deep deep shit now, and getting deeper BY THE HOUR. If anyone has an idea on what can pull us out of the pit of despair we are now in, by all means lay it on me...because Id like to see a light at the end of the tunnel that aint a freight train bearing down on us.

04-21-21, 12:10
Legally yes. It (was before yesterday) a totally asshole thing to do but I have known of Officers simply not respond to the call and dispatch just goes down the line until they get somebody. That would be a violation of policy. Not the law.

You will see a much lower level of police involvement. Like an Officer may answer the call but take a few hours to get there. EMS can request police but they won’t work on anybody until the scene is “secure”. And no police means no EMS means O-Jay’s dying ass might need to be tossed in the back of the Charger and driven to the hospital by his homies.

Or officers will just hang out in areas they are appreciated amd watch Netflix all shift. Or go to a side piece’s house.

I don’t think you all really fathom just how severe that ruling really was. Plus Chicago.

Nobody is coming anymore. Not when it counts.

And before you get on the “Well I got muh AR-15. I can protect my damn self” spiel, know this. Cancel Culture is costing people jobs just for opinions. You shoot an honors student future astronaut over your TV; they will come to your house.

Some GI in I believe South Carolina merely pushed some retarded black guy and told him to “fvck off” because he was following his wife and being a creep and every black person showed up to his yard.

You’re not safe. And this is all part of the plan. And I’m sorry but my hero days died with my 30s. I want to retire. I’m too old to start over.

Change society and we’ll talk. As if is, hey now hey now don’t dream it’s over.

How will anyone know who shot who if the police don't show up?

04-21-21, 12:16
How will anyone know who shot who if the police don't show up?

Wrong question. The question is, do you have enough friends willing to leave their homes to defend yours?

The answer is that you do not


Straight Shooter
04-21-21, 12:33
Wrong question. The question is, do you have enough friends willing to leave their homes to defend yours?

The answer is that you do not


The first half a mag fired into that mob...youll hear crickets in 5 minutes. They are almost ALL mouth. Big & bad in mob formation...aint shit alone.
The one thing I just so very much disagree with you on brother, is your under-estimation and outright dismissal of the absolute devastation these clowns are gonna meet one fine day when theyve pushed the rest of us too far, theyve gone into the wrong area, or theyve fvcked with the wrong group of people. They will be laid down like new mown hay.
The media & politicians & hollywood will raise hell, threats will be made, "we gon' do dis & dat"...but by damn I bet they dont come back again. Hide & watch.
My Yankee gf of 6 years said it best this past weekend.."If those idiots tried that stuff out here, theyd never find their bodies.". I just turned & said.."I love you", and smiled.

04-21-21, 12:55
Wrong question. The question is, do you have enough friends willing to leave their homes to defend yours?

The answer is that you do not


So how did that bunch know where to go to retaliate without the police showing up to investigate the original incident?

04-21-21, 13:12
You know years ago I would have agreed with you that they were “all mouth”. Now I am not so sure.

There’s no way you are going to defend against firebombs and constant drive by shootings. Your friends will not abandon their homes to help you defend yours.

And no, you do not have the stomach for a protracted battle.

I know that I don’t. Five years ago maybe. More like ten. Now, I just don’t know.

You touch on “They are gonna push is too far one day”. Okay. Well who is “us”?

There is no Us. Any collective of conservatism is considered a militia or white supremacy and thoroughly investigated. Your drinking buddy might say “Yeah screw them mouthy Black thugs” but he’s not going down swinging.

Women cling to power and prosperity. Interraciality is becoming normalized because white women see Blacks as trendy and relevant even if it is just for show. So goes your society’s women, so goes your society.

The time would have been at the beginning. It’s too late now. Any violent respite would serve their agenda as martyrs. It’s been going this way since the 60s. The Democrats said they would own blacks again and they do.

You are all grossly naive if you think they won’t blow you up with a robot, burn you alive, or put a .300 Win Mag through your heart if you attempt to hold out.

They have help. They have money. You don’t.

You won’t heed me. Nobody ever does.

04-21-21, 13:23

A. As I’ve already stated, Police should just stop responding to certain areas.

B. Don’t start non won’t be non. Be the grey man so to speak.

C. If you find yourself besieged by the mob in your home one day. Well at that point, F it, defend yours if need be.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-21-21, 13:36

04-21-21, 14:01
Addio America

04-21-21, 14:07

Cops just need to quit. **** it

04-21-21, 14:40
Giving up certain areas will only allow crime to swell up and bleed out into civilized areas. Some level of containment is needed.

Straight Shooter
04-21-21, 14:48
You know years ago I would have agreed with you that they were “all mouth”. Now I am not so sure.

There’s no way you are going to defend against firebombs and constant drive by shootings. Your friends will not abandon their homes to help you defend yours.

And no, you do not have the stomach for a protracted battle.

I know that I don’t. Five years ago maybe. More like ten. Now, I just don’t know.

You touch on “They are gonna push is too far one day”. Okay. Well who is “us”?

There is no Us. Any collective of conservatism is considered a militia or white supremacy and thoroughly investigated. Your drinking buddy might say “Yeah screw them mouthy Black thugs” but he’s not going down swinging.

Women cling to power and prosperity. Interraciality is becoming normalized because white women see Blacks as trendy and relevant even if it is just for show. So goes your society’s women, so goes your society.

The time would have been at the beginning. It’s too late now. Any violent respite would serve their agenda as martyrs. It’s been going this way since the 60s. The Democrats said they would own blacks again and they do.

You are all grossly naive if you think they won’t blow you up with a robot, burn you alive, or put a .300 Win Mag through your heart if you attempt to hold out.

They have help. They have money. You don’t.

You won’t heed me. Nobody ever does.

I heed you more than you know. Cause, I know youve seen shit, done shit & heard shit that I havent..and brother- Ive been around too.
If you are talking about Federalis coming in on the mob side..well, you win that argument all day long.
And, btw..."us" is law-abiding, hopefully God fearing people of ANY color..NOT just white folks, for the record.
But if it comes down to the rioters, hood rat/trailer trash human feces...and "us".....its gonna suck really bad to be "them".
In my SHTF location- we'd have a fvckin traffic jam with everybody tryin to get to the action-I PROMISE you that.
But-you very well could be right- its a win/win for me..cause then Ill go home to my Lord and kin and wont ever so much as remember one second of it.

Straight Shooter
04-21-21, 14:51

Cops just need to quit. **** it

Id LOVE to see it for 60 days nation wide. We'd be like Mad Maxx/Escape from New York/ Walking Dead in half that time.

04-21-21, 15:09
Hope this doesn’t get political, but........

Yeah, 'bout that...

04-21-21, 15:50
"How could he shoot a 16 year old girl?"

How about "Why is a 16 year old girl going around trying to stab people?"

Notice the guy trying to sidewalk stomp the girl on the ground? Classy. Frankly, that is borderline deadly force.

What kind of moron sees the police drive up and doesn't drop the knife and claim victim?

"Ma'Khia had a motherly nature about her. She promoted peace. That is something that I want to always be remembered," said the slashers creator. Motherly nature? Sweet Jesus, I thought my family was twisted. Promoted peace? More like tried to carve people into pieces.

04-21-21, 16:30
WTF! The leftist filthbags couldn't tell the damned truth if they tried. Even the White House press ho has to lie her worthless ass off to make this a "racist killing". Nobody wants to acknowledge that the police stopped her from murdering another "child".

Lebron "shiteater" James even but up a photo of the cop on Twitter threatening that the cop. "You're next", like putting out a hit on him for his thug fans to enforce.

04-21-21, 17:12
"How could he shoot a 16 year old girl?"

How about "Why is a 16 year old girl going around trying to stab people?"

Notice the guy trying to sidewalk stomp the girl on the ground? Classy. Frankly, that is borderline deadly force.

What kind of moron sees the police drive up and doesn't drop the knife and claim victim?

"Ma'Khia had a motherly nature about her. She promoted peace. That is something that I want to always be remembered," said the slashers creator. Motherly nature? Sweet Jesus, I thought my family was twisted. Promoted peace? More like tried to carve people into pieces.

Yeah, if your mother is Andrea Yates!

04-21-21, 17:17
Notice the guy trying to sidewalk stomp the girl on the ground? Classy. Frankly, that is borderline deadly force.

When I watched the video that's what really pissed me off. That guy trying to kick and stomp that girl while she's on the ground. After the police have showed up even.

04-21-21, 17:20
Yeah, if your mother is Andrea Yates!

Or a Xenomorph queen.

04-21-21, 17:26
Simple solution. Just don’t respond in certain areas anymore.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Brilliant. Couple kids break down in wrong zip code and have to wait for help but hey F 'em.

04-21-21, 17:28
Interesting how the narrative is that a young black life was taken by the police, when in reality, they saved at least one if not more young black people by shooting the attacker.

And THANK YOU. My faith in humanity is temporarily restored. Hopefully the one he saved was worth the fallout that is sure to come.

john armond
04-21-21, 17:46
When I watched the video that's what really pissed me off. That guy trying to kick and stomp that girl while she's on the ground. After the police have showed up even.

And curb stomp guy was the one yelling at the cop that knife girl was just a baby and a kid. So it’s ok for him to try and kick a, I’m gonna presume, unarmed B/F while she is lying in the ground, after just being attacked with a knife...but when the police stop knife girl from stabbing someone else...that’s wrong...effing bizzaro world!!,

ETA...Stop putting violent criminals on a pedestal. The media is doing it, the police are doing it in their statements, the .gov is doing it. Call it like it is. At the time of the shooting, you had a violent female suspect presently attempting to stab multiple people. The officer took direct decisive action to immediately stop the threat, and ended the situation resulting the saving of the lives of the intended stabbing victims and any other potential victims in the immediate vicinity of the violent suspect, had she been able to continue her rampage.

04-21-21, 17:56
This whole situation sucks. Sucks for the girl, sucks for the family, sucks for the LEO.

She called the Cops because allegedly she was getting bullied by those other girls. Cops roll up and she's in full Turok ready to deal with bullies mode. Cost her her life.

No one should celebrate this. It's justified imo, but it still sucks.

john armond
04-21-21, 18:02
This whole situation sucks. Sucks for the girl, sucks for the family, sucks for the LEO.

She called the Cops because allegedly she was getting bullied by those other girls. Cops roll up and she's in full Turok ready to deal with bullies mode. Cost her her life.

No one should celebrate this. It's justified imo, but it still sucks.

Could this have possibly been suicide by cop? She is the one that called in the knifing to 911, but then hung up without giving any further info. It also looks like she didn’t start slashing until police arrived.

04-21-21, 18:12
This whole situation sucks. Sucks for the girl, sucks for the family, sucks for the LEO.

She called the Cops because allegedly she was getting bullied by those other girls. Cops roll up and she's in full Turok ready to deal with bullies mode. Cost her her life.

No one should celebrate this. It's justified imo, but it still sucks.

She was f’ing stupid, curb stomp guy was F’ing stupid. We should celebrate their stupidity and broadcast to the known world.
The bully story is questionable at best, their credibility is suspect.
I don’t care about her, her family, or the bully story.
I saw a extremely large 16-year-old attack two women with a knife. That’s all that matters. I will continue to laugh and enjoy the video every chance I get to see it, and enjoy their stupidity.

To hell with the high road.

Another bonus it gives a whole bunch of people a chance to expose themselves about how truly racist against whites they are, expose how much they just hate police no matter what, and just share their stupidity such as LeBron James and the following.65634

04-21-21, 18:38
She was f’ing stupid, curb stomp guy was F’ing stupid. We should celebrate their stupidity and broadcast to the known world.
The bully story is questionable at best, their credibility is suspect.
I don’t care about her, her family, or the bully story.
I saw a extremely large 16-year-old attack two women with a knife. That’s all that matters. I will continue to laugh and enjoy the video every chance I get to see it, and enjoy their stupidity.

To hell with the high road.

That sure speaks volumes about you as a person Vic.

04-21-21, 18:38
I am going to the the gun show this weekend in Columbus,Ohio, hopefully no black drama. I was at the same show around 5 months ago and a young black gangbanger was shot and killed 50ft outside the entrance by some other bangers. Three months ago another young black kid tried to steal a full auto MAC 10 right off the vendors table, right in front of them (security got him). Also, at certain dealers you can see straw purchases going on all weekend. A lot of young black people are into AR braced pistols and of course hi-cap 9mm pistols. You can just look at a lot of them, and you just know a good % of them will end up dead or in prison.

04-21-21, 18:46
That sure speaks volumes about you as a person Vic.

He's a piece of work who regularly gets time outs for such comments but I sorta get where he's coming from. While I won't celebrate her death the planet won't miss her. I feel bad for the cop who had to shoot her and that's about it. I hope he knows he made the right decision.

04-21-21, 18:48
I'm sorry the girl lost her life, but she was F'ing stupid. The cop did what he had to do.

I just cannot believe the flat out LIES by dems and the leftist press. "These are not the droids you are looking for, and lil' angel was murdered by racist cops. You can't trust what you see trust what I say. Oh yeah, and Epstein killed himself." They are trying to pull a damn Obi Wan on us.

04-21-21, 18:50
That sure speaks volumes about you as a person Vic.

Just stay on that highroad. It’ll take you straight into hell.

I’ll go a step further. As soon as that officer is cleared and returns to work he should immediately file a PTSD disability claim. He should site LeBron James his tweet of “your next” and all the other vile and hateful shit that has been said about him.he now fears for his life on a daily basis and can no longer perform his duties due to PTSD. Hopefully he gets 100% disability go live off the system.
Chess not checkers.

And someone needs to file aggravated battery charges against head stomp guy.

04-21-21, 18:52
Just stay on that highroad. It’ll take you straight in the hell.

I’ll go a step further. As soon as that officer is cleared and returns to work he should immediately file a PTSD disability claim. He should site LeBron James his tweet of “your next” and all the other vile and hateful shit that has been said about him.he now fears for his life on a daily basis and can no longer perform his duties due to PTSD. Hopefully he gets 100% disability go live off the system.
Chess not checkers.

Yep. Maybe even sue LeBron personally too.

Get them PTSD Neetbux

04-21-21, 19:13
Slo-mo video at this article:


Looks like a clear, legally justified shooting. So I assume the officer will be facing 20-to-life under the wrath of some Soros-agent DA. Hope I'm wrong.

Have a bad feeling that this summer will make last summer look tame.

04-21-21, 19:21
Jesus just go check out Jen (circle back to you) Psaki statement from the White House about the matter. When is biden gonna put out a presser that he hopes everyone comes to the right verdict on this one.

04-21-21, 19:25
Have a bad feeling that this summer will make last summer look tame.

Stay out of known hot spots and stay armed. I too think this summer has the potential to make last summer look like a walk in the park. These morons are being egged on by the highest office in the land go around.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-21-21, 20:18
I don't care what the call came out as. Dispatch almost never gets the right information and you should never rely on the call info. I can't tell you how many THOUSANDS of calls I've been on where the bad guy called 911 just to be vindictive or to try to be the first reporting party and still went to jail.

04-21-21, 21:57
IF a cop threw water on a burning black person, they get accused of trying to drown them.

The amazing thing is, if these horrible police actions were so common, they wouldn't need to use as examples people violently resisting an outstanding warrant, or just general combativeness. Instead, they almost seem drawn to these edge cases where the 'victim' usually instigates it.

Lebron. Man what a piece of work. Can we get that ass-hat to fly in helicopters any more? I'll chip in for a coupon book. They can use the pilots from the bottom of United Airlines new diversity first, safety second training program.

STFU and dribble? Just STFU.

04-22-21, 00:14
When you deal with racist stupid people like our current admin maybe they just need to have only black officers respond to black calls just say 911 yes what race are you ? OK we will have a colored officer respond that way race can not be a part of it :) problem solved they get the segregation they want and demand and sadly they wont be able to cry race
And then the LEO need to take their time and when arrive make sure their cam is turned on etc...

Mob rule is in full effect and our country is truly gone if it keeps going the way it is
I say we just get rid of anyone who is not for this country not race just in general since white brown black yellow so many hate this country send them to the country of their choice and strip them of their citizenship on exit :) yeah dream but its a nice one
If they do not choose just say OK Africa it is well drop you off in the middle that way you can go anyway you want ;)

04-22-21, 00:14
IF a cop threw water on a burning black person, they get accused of trying to drown them.

The amazing thing is, if these horrible police actions were so common, they wouldn't need to use as examples people violently resisting an outstanding warrant, or just general combativeness. Instead, they almost seem drawn to these edge cases where the 'victim' usually instigates it.

Lebron. Man what a piece of work. Can we get that ass-hat to fly in helicopters any more? I'll chip in for a coupon book. They can use the pilots from the bottom of United Airlines new diversity first, safety second training program.

STFU and dribble? Just STFU.

Can hear it now like wizard of oz


04-22-21, 01:02
Brilliant. Couple kids break down in wrong zip code and have to wait for help but hey F 'em.

Hey man, whatever it takes, can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.


04-22-21, 01:05
Lebron. Man what a piece of work. Can we get that ass-hat to fly in helicopters any more? I'll chip in for a coupon book. They can use the pilots from the bottom of United Airlines new diversity first, safety second training program.

STFU and dribble? Just STFU.

What a ****ing scumbag, meanwhile kowtowing to China. He can ESAD.

04-22-21, 07:00
Brilliant. Couple kids break down in wrong zip code and have to wait for help but hey F 'em.

They shouldn’t be there. I’m all for No-Go zones at this point.

911 is a luxury at this point.

04-22-21, 07:02
What a ****ing scumbag, meanwhile kowtowing to China. He can ESAD.

You watch your mouth. If it weren’t for Basketball we.... uh we.....hmm....

Um..... I don’t know why basketball is so important but a buncha goofy white guys still care about it.

04-22-21, 08:08
Columbus Police said at about 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, officers responded to 3171 Legion Lane. The caller said females were there to stab them and put their hands on them, according to police.

Officers arrived at the scene at 4:44 p.m.


So... about a quarter hour passes from the time the call was made till the LEO arrives, yet apparently no one got stabbed during that time. However, within a few seconds of the officer arriving lethal force was necessary to prevent a stabbing by the person who called the police. hmmm... got to be more to the story.

Someone claiming to be baby mama (female?) arrived at the scene. Baby mama said she talked with baby the prior week and she was hoping to get out of Foster Care. The Left's model family and society.

Many hood rat raised kids are destined for prison and early death. Laying this on cops is so wrong.

04-22-21, 08:58
This is why I encourage abortions. I did not believe in abortions years ago, but now I do. I have seen countless multitudes of 30 year old grandmothers and black females with 8 kids and no man, no job, and shacked up in Section 8.

They aren’t going to have a magic awakening. They don’t think what they are doing is wrong and they don’t love their children.

I’m sure those of you who may be divorced or separated will still readily tell your children that you love them.

They call their own progeny N bombs, MFs, Bastards, etc. They don’t want anything to do with them because it is distracting them from TV or their dope.

It’s cruel and unsettling because until they get twisted by their environment they really are like any other child. Full of questions, optimism, trust, and curiosity

And they are quick to tell a 3 year old that the police will put them in jail or shoot them.
I was never told such things. I was always told from a toddler onward that if you are lost, separated, scared, or in danger that you run to the nearest police officer.

So then when I give the child candy, or some cheap toy I keep, and tell them “No way. Police are your friends. The police will protect you from the monsters” the ‘parent’ gives me a shitty look.

It has made me resent American Blacks and American Black culture. 60 years ago, in Africa, when pampered pussy blacks here were pissing and moaning about where to sit on a bus; over in Africa the real Blacks were slotting floppies with white guys and trying to carve out a living together. It’s why even if they packed their shit and headed East to the Dark Continent that they would not be welcomed. Too fat, too lazy, too ignorant. People over there speak English, French, and Tribal dialect and over here they cannot even speak English.

It’s bitterly disappointing that everything is predicated on race now because in my lifetime as a child and as a young adult it wasn’t really an issue. Maybe on TV shows, but nobody ever thought about it in real life.

Everybody will miss what we have when it is gone. You won’t get it back.

04-22-21, 09:35
This is why I encourage abortions. I did not believe in abortions years ago, but now I do. I have seen countless multitudes of 30 year old grandmothers and black females with 8 kids and no man, no job, and shacked up in Section 8.

They aren’t going to have a magic awakening. They don’t think what they are doing is wrong and they don’t love their children.

I’m sure those of you who may be divorced or separated will still readily tell your children that you love them.

They call their own progeny N bombs, MFs, Bastards, etc. They don’t want anything to do with them because it is distracting them from TV or their dope.

It’s cruel and unsettling because until they get twisted by their environment they really are like any other child. Full of questions, optimism, trust, and curiosity

And they are quick to tell a 3 year old that the police will put them in jail or shoot them.
I was never told such things. I was always told from a toddler onward that if you are lost, separated, scared, or in danger that you run to the nearest police officer.

So then when I give the child candy, or some cheap toy I keep, and tell them “No way. Police are your friends. The police will protect you from the monsters” the ‘parent’ gives me a shitty look.

It has made me resent American Blacks and American Black culture. 60 years ago, in Africa, when pampered pussy blacks here were pissing and moaning about where to sit on a bus; over in Africa the real Blacks were slotting floppies with white guys and trying to carve out a living together. It’s why even if they packed their shit and headed East to the Dark Continent that they would not be welcomed. Too fat, too lazy, too ignorant. People over there speak English, French, and Tribal dialect and over here they cannot even speak English.

It’s bitterly disappointing that everything is predicated on race now because in my lifetime as a child and as a young adult it wasn’t really an issue. Maybe on TV shows, but nobody ever thought about it in real life.

Everybody will miss what we have when it is gone. You won’t get it back.

Well, we could accomplish about the same thing without the needless genocide aspect.

Get rid of section 8, stop welfare handouts for pooping out babies, etc.

What we need is a total reformation of the system that rewards these animals, not murdered babies.

Shanequa will take the pill or start making Jamal wear jimmy caps if there’s no reward and no safety net for shitting out a kid once a year.

04-22-21, 10:21
Meanwhile, NBC "news" is lying outright and trying to get the riots going:


04-22-21, 12:10
Meanwhile, NBC "news" is lying outright and trying to get the riots going:


Like when they lightened George Zimmerman’s skintone and put up a picture of Trayvon when he was 10?

Noo! I don’t believe it. Perish the total thought

04-22-21, 12:39
Shanequa will take the pill or start making Jamal wear jimmy caps if there’s no reward and no safety net for shitting out a kid once a year.

They won't. They'll keep pumping their **** trophies out regardless. The free gibs are just icing on the cake.

The overwhelming majority don't use the shit they get to take care of their kids, anyway. Note how many random ghetto babies are wandering aimlessly in parking lots outside of apartments at 0100 while Baby Daddy 3 and Birther are smoking weed inside, or how many just live in diapers while the Birther has her nails and hair did so she can keep it 100.

Firefly nailed it. It's beyond repair.

04-22-21, 12:44
They won't. They'll keep pumping their **** trophies out regardless. The free gibs are just icing on the cake.

The overwhelming majority don't use the shit they get to take care of their kids, anyway. Note how many random ghetto babies are wandering aimlessly in parking lots outside of apartments at 0100 while Baby Daddy 3 and Birther are smoking weed inside, or how many just live in diapers while the Birther has her nails and hair did so she can keep it 100.

Firefly nailed it. It's beyond repair.

Well, if genocide is the only answer, perhaps you can still spare the murder of innocent children and just go straight to crucifixions and the guillotine with the adults who have made the poor choices and are the root of the problem instead?

04-22-21, 13:41
Well, if genocide is the only answer, perhaps you can still spare the murder of innocent children and just go straight to crucifixions and the guillotine with the adults who have made the poor choices and are the root of the problem instead?

It's not the only answer. There's always sterilization. If on Govt. assistance after x number of kids your tubes get tied or you lose your benefits. It would never fly though. There was a local judge here that offered early release to men in jail if they got a vasectomy or women who got a birth control implant. Didn't go over very well in the court of public opinion.


just a scout
04-22-21, 14:05
It's not the only answer. There's always sterilization. If on Govt. assistance after x number of kids your tubes get tied or you lose your benefits. It would never fly though. There was a local judge here that offered early release to men in jail if they got a vasectomy or women who got a birth control implant. Didn't go over very well in the court of public opinion.


Maybe it’s time to say “**** your public opinion”. Adulting is hard. Reality hurts.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

04-22-21, 14:08
We are legitimately talking about sterilization of a certain group of people.

04-22-21, 14:27
Yikes. This thread went dumpster fire jiffy quick.

Feel bad for the officer having to shoot someone. The guy saves a black girl from getting stabbed and he is being vilified in the media and by federal leadership (if you can call it that)

Maybe it’s time to add some more buttons to those robo phone thingies. Hello you’ve reached 911, to hear your opinion in English press 1, para Espaniol marke 2

If you’re white press 3
If you’re black press 4
If you’re Hispanic press 5

If your assailant is white press 6
If your assailant is black press 7...

04-22-21, 14:31
Gentlemen, all I can really say is that Jesus wept for a reason.

You know, in a way I think there is merit that it will take a brutal World War and/or a global famine to get us back on the right track.

I fear our prosperity and complacency has become our undoing. You have too many elites, too many bottom feeders and simply not enough working people in the middle.

Illogical Hell. Illogical Hell.

04-22-21, 14:33
We are legitimately talking about sterilization of a certain group of people.

Group not race. In my area it would mostly effect whites. I'm not saying I agree with it so much as giving an alternative to abortion by preventing pregnancies.

04-22-21, 14:37
It's not the only answer. There's always sterilization. If on Govt. assistance after x number of kids your tubes get tied or you lose your benefits. It would never fly though. There was a local judge here that offered early release to men in jail if they got a vasectomy or women who got a birth control implant. Didn't go over very well in the court of public opinion.


My post was challenging the notion that abortion and giving up on reforming the system that rewards this behavior is the answer.

We’re at the point where if we can’t make some major things change policy wise to reform the welfare system- it’s all for not.

I should be shocked the media is taking the stance they are with this situation- however I am not. It’s the new reality.

The race card has been perfected and now anyone who is a certain group in certain areas are essentially off limits to LEO’s doing their job unless said LEO wants to ruin their life and career.

The narrative that he shouldn’t have used lethal force to stop lethal force is retarded, but it is being embraced and championed by the media and the left.

We are witnessing and living through a nightmarish Epoch, a paradigm shift.

It’s not going to get better anytime soon and the solution is too icky for most to stomach.

Thus we continue our journey down the drain, faster and faster.

04-22-21, 14:38
We are legitimately talking about sterilization of a certain group of people.

Define people.

Because in my world, there are people (they go to work, pay their taxes, raise their kids, maintain their homes etc...) and there are "people" (criminals, generational welfare trash, scam artists etc...).... and they ARE NOT THE SAME.

04-22-21, 14:42
Gentlemen, all I can really say is that Jesus wept for a reason.

You know, in a way I think there is merit that it will take a brutal World War and/or a global famine to get us back on the right track.

I fear our prosperity and complacency has become our undoing. You have too many elites, too many bottom feeders and simply not enough working people in the middle.

Illogical Hell. Illogical Hell.

The hard men wrought from hard times who came before us created very soft times for us in turn creating very soft men, who will have to endure hard times to become hardened once again.

The reality is what it is- a lot of people will have to die to rebuild. It’s just a matter of how that happens and who will be the ones that die and how things will be rebuilt- for better or for worse.

04-22-21, 14:42
Gentlemen, all I can really say is that Jesus wept for a reason.

You know, in a way I think there is merit that it will take a brutal World War and/or a global famine to get us back on the right track.

I fear our prosperity and complacency has become our undoing. You have too many elites, too many bottom feeders and simply not enough working people in the middle.

Illogical Hell. Illogical Hell.

The hard men wrought from hard times who came before us created very soft times for us in turn creating very soft men, who will have to endure hard times to become hardened once again.

The reality is what it is- a lot of people will have to die to rebuild. It’s just a matter of how that happens and who will be the ones that die and how things will be rebuilt- for better or for worse.

04-22-21, 14:54
My post was challenging the notion that abortion and giving up on reforming the system that rewards this behavior is the answer.

We’re at the point where if we can’t make some major things change policy wise to reform the welfare system- it’s all for not.

I should be shocked the media is taking the stance they are with this situation- however I am not. It’s the new reality.

The race card has been perfected and now anyone who is a certain group in certain areas are essentially off limits to LEO’s doing their job unless said LEO wants to ruin their life and career.

The narrative that he shouldn’t have used lethal force to stop lethal force is retarded, but it is being embraced and championed by the media and the left.

We are witnessing and living through a nightmarish Epoch, a paradigm shift.

It’s not going to get better anytime soon and the solution is too icky for most to stomach.

Thus we continue our journey down the drain, faster and faster.

I don't know what to say as I don't disagree about reforming the system. Correct me if I'm wrong but we've not actually tried the freezing of benefits after a certain number of kids so we don't know if it'd have an impact or not. I also thought drug testing to keep your benefits was a good idea but every time someone mentions it or a state attempts it the left has a shitfit.
I was just going to the extreme in a different direction from abortion.

04-22-21, 15:03
If ya can't feed em don't breed em. If you can't take care of your kids you should be forced to relinquish them. Not being able to provide for them makes you an unfit parent.

04-22-21, 15:04
Hey man, whatever it takes, can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.


Just when you think you know which of the Cuomo brothers is really the Fredo, dumb ass here pulls out a stellar performance and put himself back in the lead. What in the hell is he talking about? Yes don’t be a dumb ass and your chances of getting killed go way down.

I saw a meme that when Chauvin verdicts were read, he stood up, turned around, and they cuffed him peaceably, and the commentor said if only Floyd had done this we would’ve avoided all this trouble.

Gentlemen, all I can really say is that Jesus wept for a reason.

You know, in a way I think there is merit that it will take a brutal World War and/or a global famine to get us back on the right track.

I fear our prosperity and complacency has become our undoing. You have too many elites, too many bottom feeders and simply not enough working people in the middle.

Illogical Hell. Illogical Hell.

Someone should do a movie about Jamestown, and about how everybody thought that in the land of milk and honey no one would have to work hard and everybody would be rich. And then most of them died. They finally got in some Polish and German workers to actually make stuff.

04-22-21, 15:37
Looks like cops have to learn the lesson a lot of CCW holders started to realize years ago. Dont save anyone except yourself and family.

Stop protecting those who want to crucify you.

04-22-21, 15:53
I saw a meme that when Chauvin verdicts were read, he stood up, turned around, and they cuffed him peaceably, and the commentor said if only Floyd had done this we would’ve avoided all this trouble.

If the powers that be weren't operating a campaign against peons being able to defend their own lives then George Floyd could have possibly got his ticket punched by the woman he raped which may have kept him from roaming the streets in 2020.

Also, quite likely there was plenty(in addition to the tax evasion thing) that should have precluded Chauvin from running around badged in 2020.

04-22-21, 16:23
We are legitimately talking about sterilization of a certain group of people.

A certain class of people, yes.

This is a VERY sensitive subject. The US govt was performing forced sterilization of Native American women into the 1970s and coerced sterilization much later.


04-22-21, 19:09
I also thought drug testing to keep your benefits was a good idea but every time someone mentions it or a state attempts it the left has a shitfit..

I’m all for this. Anyone making a living directly off the taxpayer should have to obey the law, and testing for illegal drugs is a pretty simple measure. Soldiers, cops, paramedics, etc have to do it. But, you know, drug testing costs money, so we should do a phased rollout, for those groups that have been evading this common-sense measure thus far. How shall we separate everyone into stages? I know! Cumulative amount of income collected from said taxpayers. Lets start with federal lawmakers and judges. Hell, the POTUS has worked for the taxpayer for how long?

Suprapubic tap or red rooster shall be the method of collecting samples to avoid fraud, and create jobs.

I’m also all for ending the bother about drugs altogether, and I bet such a policy would make this happen in less than an hour.

04-22-21, 20:24
I've been in a random drug test program at my employer for 20+ years. I'm all for that if you want to keep your benefits. And I could buy into a cap on the number of kids you can have before your amount is capped. Forced sterilization is interesting, I don't like the thought but I do think it would help.

04-22-21, 20:40
I couldn't ever support forced or coerced sterilization. Just way to Orwellian for me. But a program encouraging the 5 year implants or possibly the new safer IUDs I could see. No, I don't like the idea of putting young girls on birth control. But dooming young girls to a life of poverty and failure is something I like even less. I wish there was a male option short of vasectomy. If there was I'd say every male gets a BFA at puberty and only removed after a doctor's consult at 21. If you can't own a handgun you got no business firing "live ammo" ;)

04-22-21, 20:53
But a program encouraging the 5 year implants or possibly the new safer IUDs I could see.

I don't have a series of studies for this, but extensive observations have made me connect any form of hormonal or implanted contraception with inability to deliver naturally, resulting in C-sections and having one or at most a few children.

Abortion is bad too, obviously.

Just want to say that anyone who wants their daughter, girlfriend or wife to have kids easily should avoid all those types of contraception. There are other viable options, especially if an unexpected pregnancy is merely a change in planned timing rather than a crisis.

There is no good solution to the problem of defective people having kids that they shouldn't. It makes you start to understand the harsh, moralistic and sometimes vindictive moral standards of the world before the 1960's. Not saying we should go back there, but abortions and sterilizations aren't good options either.

04-22-21, 21:05
I've been in a random drug test program at my employer for 20+ years. I'm all for that if you want to keep your benefits. And I could buy into a cap on the number of kids you can have before your amount is capped. Forced sterilization is interesting, I don't like the thought but I do think it would help.

Norplant isn't permanent.

04-22-21, 22:45
About 10 years ago my wife was at her first teaching job, my old high school actually, and one day she had a good student come up and tell my wife that she had to drop out. My wife asked her why and finally got it out of the young girl that it was “her turn”. Meaning she had to drop out and get pregnant to add to the family’s money stack. This is a rural school with 70-90 seniors every year and the student was a black girl.

04-23-21, 02:06
Another armed teenager "of color" shot by police they will try to hang out and dry, this time in Chicago. I'm sure you can imagine Lightfoot's typical rhetoric.

What we know so far about Adam Toledo's death is unacceptable (https://www.cnn.com/2021/04/19/opinions/adam-toledo-police-shooting-unacceptable-reyes/index.html)

04-23-21, 02:41

13yr old stabs kills 13yr old

HMMMM no white house no rage no riots nobody cares no sharpton race baiting no sports starts saying she is next no..... yeah nobody cares sadly

just a scout
04-23-21, 05:01
I couldn't ever support forced or coerced sterilization. Just way to Orwellian for me. But a program encouraging the 5 year implants or possibly the new safer IUDs I could see. No, I don't like the idea of putting young girls on birth control. But dooming young girls to a life of poverty and failure is something I like even less. I wish there was a male option short of vasectomy. If there was I'd say every male gets a BFA at puberty and only removed after a doctor's consult at 21. If you can't own a handgun you got no business firing "live ammo" ;)

No. The simple solution is to change the welfare system. It encourages not being married because single women get more money than families. Also, every kid is worth more money per month. The system is designed to destroy the black family, which it has done.

Single person gets X
Married couple gets X+Y
Child gets Z up to max of two kids. Every kid after that, no additional support.
Welfare benefits last a maximum of three years before you have show income for three years to pay back the system and reset your clock.
Mandatory drug testing when receiving any benefits from the government, local to federal.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

04-23-21, 14:18
No. The simple solution is to change the welfare system. It encourages not being married because single women get more money than families. Also, every kid is worth more money per month. The system is designed to destroy the black family, which it has done.

Single person gets X
Married couple gets X+Y
Child gets Z up to max of two kids. Every kid after that, no additional support.
Welfare benefits last a maximum of three years before you have show income for three years to pay back the system and reset your clock.
Mandatory drug testing when receiving any benefits from the government, local to federal.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Modify that to support maximum of one kid and I'm on board.

04-23-21, 14:31
I'm against federal funding of welfare.

Charity is best delivered by family, friends, church and local community. They can best determine the need, provide assistance, monitor and manage. Even family will cut off a hopeless family member, but elected politicians in Washington have little incentive but to keep handing out benefits forever.

04-23-21, 16:30

04-23-21, 17:13
I'm against federal funding of welfare.

Charity is best delivered by family, friends, church and local community. They can best determine the need, provide assistance, monitor and manage. Even family will cut off a hopeless family member, but elected politicians in Washington have little incentive but to keep handing out benefits forever.

That is a very good point. I don't think management should go higher than state level, and it should only be elevated to that point in extraordinary circumstances like no family, severe mental issues, etc.

04-23-21, 17:31
If you haven't seen the security footage yet, it's cut and dry to ANYONE that isn't lying or a criminal themselves.


04-23-21, 17:35
It’s almost comical how they are trying so hard to turn My KIA Bryant into a modern day Rosa Parks as she was literally caught red handed trying to stab the shit out of two other girls and there is audio of her saying “Bitch Imma kill you”

04-23-21, 17:39
If you haven't seen the security footage yet, it's cut and dry to ANYONE that isn't lying or a criminal themselves.


Yep, saw that earlier. No doubt here.

04-23-21, 17:41
It’s almost comical how they are trying so hard to turn My KIA Bryant into a modern day Rosa Parks as she was literally caught red handed trying to stab the shit out of two other girls and there is audio of her saying “Bitch Imma kill you”

It's not comical its ****ing sick shit, just like Saint Floyd compared to Emmett Till. It's pissing on them and their real struggle.