View Full Version : Phoenix Police Shoot Man Inside Restaurant

04-29-21, 08:46
When will the protests start over that last one he added for good measure?


04-29-21, 09:12
We don't **** around

04-29-21, 09:21
Brave LEOs!

Running into that situation with civilians and probably not 100% ID on suspect.

That's some hardcore PHX police training! Great job!

Now.....Where's LeBron....?

04-29-21, 09:26
Speed, Surprise, Violence of Action. Nice to see a video full of good lessons for a change.

04-29-21, 09:36
Shooting till threat is neutralized. Gun looks to be a Ruger SR22 that took a round to the trigger guard.


04-29-21, 09:36
When will the protests start over that last one he added for good measure?

Force science institute can show that last one is probably not a malicious, calculated "f-u"

04-29-21, 09:40
Good for society. I'm assuming that the cop had more training then the "average cop" due to the Delta Point on the gun.

04-29-21, 09:49
Good for society. I'm assuming that the cop had more training then the "average cop" due to the Delta Point on the gun.

I don't think he was seeing much of his dot for most of that shooting....Lol....

04-29-21, 11:12
Force science institute can show that last one is probably not a malicious, calculated "f-u"

One could argue (as devils advocate) the threat was clearly neutralized and that last round was "obviously" unnecessary and "f-u" shot. As I'm not the one having to deal with chit birds under extreme stress to prevent others from being killed, I'm not going armchair expert that outcome.

Good for society. I'm assuming that the cop had more training then the "average cop" due to the Delta Point on the gun.

I don't think he was seeing much of his dot for most of that shooting....Lol....

I'd actually be interested to see that in slow motion to get a sense of that, but the rate of fire would suggest sites, RDS or not, were not a major factor there. He was seemingly trying to make sure the goblin was forced to remain unable to return fire and suppressed and pressed the fight hard and fast.

Note dude was attempting to take a hostage, so that could have turned out very differently.

04-29-21, 11:57
I've thought the last shot was an ND since the first time I saw video. Good work either way.

04-29-21, 11:59
There won’t be any protests or national media coverage. It doesn’t fit the current agenda.

04-29-21, 12:07
Non YouTube version direct from cops.


F yea. Feel good film of the week. Win the fight.

Right before he gets shot as he assaults the couple, all I could think of is Sergeant Hartman screaming at the husband “why are you not stomping out his guts...

04-29-21, 12:41
I must say, I am fairly impressed. Especially when he jukes him and ruins his day.

04-29-21, 13:22
I don't think he was seeing much of his dot for most of that shooting....Lol....

The first shot maybe, but when he rushed him there was no point. Overall, pretty impressive of the officer, rushing the guy.

04-29-21, 13:35
I'd actually be interested to see that in slow motion to get a sense of that, but the rate of fire would suggest sites, RDS or not, were not a major factor there. He was seemingly trying to make sure the goblin was forced to remain unable to return fire and suppressed and pressed the fight hard and fast.

I Beta tested that system some years ago, the general consensus was at ten feet and under, just fill the box with center mass and go.
That's exactly what that looked like.

04-29-21, 14:42
Play stupid games - Win stupid prizes.

Good Shoot on the part of the LEOs.
Less than $20 worth of rounds undoubtedly just saved thousands in confinement & court costs, and improved future community safety all in less than 10 minutes.

04-29-21, 14:47
Bad Ass shoot! My son showed me this one.

04-29-21, 16:33
I've thought the last shot was an ND since the first time I saw video. Good work either way.

I'd said same in my original post, but removed it. As you said, Good work either way.

04-29-21, 16:37
I Beta tested that system some years ago, the general consensus was at ten feet and under, just fill the box with center mass and go.
That's exactly what that looked like.

The LEO's I spoke with who'd been involved in OIS, said they never saw their sites, which was not meant to be interpreted as sites don't matter in a gun fight, only that in their events, it happened too fast and close up to be a factor.

04-29-21, 17:37
What in God’s name was the woman who was about to be taken hostage doing? I’m assuming the man who got her away from the gunman was not known to her, and she started fighting him too?

Good on the officer for putting the press on the bad guy (who seemed way out of his depth at pretty much every turn - it didn’t seem like he expected people to say ‘no’ to him and his gun).

Sent from 80ms in the future

04-29-21, 20:07
I must say, I am fairly impressed. Especially when he jukes him and ruins his day.

Yeah that's what I was thinking too. I'm neither a seasoned street cop nor Rob Leatham but his "into the breach" charge forward was certainly worthy of a nod of approval......and the evening's brewskis on me!

04-30-21, 00:49
At the end of the police video, they show the perps gun. Purple frame, missing some grips, trigger guard jacked up- from a round hitting it? Don't know what brand. Is it a 22? when the cops body cam is looking down the barrel, it looks pretty small.

04-30-21, 04:37
At the end of the police video, they show the perps gun. Purple frame, missing some grips, trigger guard jacked up- from a round hitting it? Don't know what brand. Is it a 22? when the cops body cam is looking down the barrel, it looks pretty small.

I wouldn’t doubt it was shot. A lot of times in shootings the gun or hand is shot. Think this is due to concentrating on the threat so much but I’m not an expert gunfighter, but we do have some on here that might be able to give a little more insight.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

04-30-21, 08:15
At the end of the police video, they show the perps gun. Purple frame, missing some grips, trigger guard jacked up- from a round hitting it? Don't know what brand. Is it a 22? when the cops body cam is looking down the barrel, it looks pretty small.

Ruger makes purple stuff. The SR22 like Combat Diver mentioned above and the LCP lineup.

04-30-21, 08:43
At the end of the police video, they show the perps gun. Purple frame, missing some grips, trigger guard jacked up- from a round hitting it? Don't know what brand. Is it a 22? when the cops body cam is looking down the barrel, it looks pretty small.

Bet it didn't look to small to him.

04-30-21, 09:06
I wouldn’t doubt it was shot. A lot of times in shootings the gun or hand is shot. Think this is due to concentrating on the threat so much but I’m not an expert gunfighter, but we do have some on here that might be able to give a little more insight.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

OCONUS I was amazed at how many rounds chewed up the hands, arms, and weapons of EKIA. It’s common sense, as we aim center mass and that’s where those items are when they are shooting back at you. The same rings true for us. They don’t know to aim center mass, they just pick the biggest target, which is also where our hands and arms are.

This is a great example of why it’s important to be able to shoot one handed.

04-30-21, 09:22
Bet it didn't look to small to him.

We unfortunately lost an officer here in AL a few years ago shot with a 22 mini revolver. It was a damn shame and absolutely not the officer's fault.

Good shoot by the Pheonix officer!


04-30-21, 09:39
I seen people unironically shot with a gold plated tiger stripe Desert Eagle Tax Refund special and get released to custody after a week and I’ve seen people aspirate from a cheap Cobray Derringer and die on scene.

It took me a few years but I have outgrown believing X pistol causes Y amount of lethality.

I’m at a point where if I could take a single point slung 11.5 Shorty with me to every interaction with the public then I would.

Pistols are bullshit, dudes. And if you’re not going to slide lock when you shoot somebody with one then you are wrong

04-30-21, 09:46
Thanks for sharing the video.
It was interesting how many people in the restaurant stopped to watch the gunman instead of running with everything they had to get off the X.

I need to step up my game on always ensuring I know two ways my family and I can get out of every public setting like restaurants.
So many targets were jamming up at the same door the LEO were coming through.

I do respect the law enforcement officers running into harms way.

04-30-21, 12:32
Bet it didn't look to small to him.

Sorry, meant to comment on that angle about angles. That if the body cam can see the muzzle you’re pretty close to being on target. Kind of like Hathcock shooting the other sniper through the scope.

04-30-21, 12:35
At the end of the police video, they show the perps gun. Purple frame, missing some grips, trigger guard jacked up- from a round hitting it? Don't know what brand. Is it a 22? when the cops body cam is looking down the barrel, it looks pretty small.
Like this but with a 'grip reduction':