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View Full Version : "Meet Bishop Garrison: The Pentagon’s Hatchet Man in Charge of Purging MAGA Patriots"

05-06-21, 11:45
For those who are in the military, have kids who are, or are thinking about joining... this article describes (with some slant) what kind of political indoctrination and loyalty tests are coming right away.


Key item:

DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency colloquially known as “The Pentagon’s Brain,” recommended a brand new category called “Patriot Extremism,” which occurs when a citizen believes “the US government has become corrupt” or “has overstepped its constitutional boundaries”:

Far more in the article, of course.

While I don't see any issue removing actual neonazis and the like, the details in the article suggest that anyone who has a serious belief in the Constitution would be deemed a "patriot extremist." BTW, for those who don't know, the actual Oath of Enlistment requires loyalty to the Constitution and lawful government operating under it:


05-06-21, 12:15
And the hits just keep coming.

05-06-21, 12:38
Stalin thought this was a great idea too.....until the Winter War and the Reds got their teeth kicked down their throats by the Finns. Then came WWII and he was VERY lucky that even more Russians didn't fight for the Nazis or simply say, "Mother Russia has Munchausens, no thanks, that bitch can get what she deserves. I'm staying home!"....Many did, entire Baltic divisions were created in fact.

05-06-21, 16:28
The SS had the qualities he is looking for, cool black uniforms too .

05-06-21, 22:33
For those who are in the military, have kids who are, or are thinking about joining... this article describes (with some slant) what kind of political indoctrination and loyalty tests are coming right away.


Key item:

Far more in the article, of course.

While I don't see any issue removing actual neonazis and the like, the details in the article suggest that anyone who has a serious belief in the Constitution would be deemed a "patriot extremist." BTW, for those who don't know, the actual Oath of Enlistment requires loyalty to the Constitution and lawful government operating under it:


My Oath was ONLY to the Constitution, NOT any "government". Did they recently change something?

You know it's all going south when love of Constitution is deemed somehow negative.....****ing kunts.

05-07-21, 11:50
My Oath was ONLY to the Constitution, NOT any "government". Did they recently change something?

You know it's all going south when love of Constitution is deemed somehow negative.....****ing kunts.

Considering the oath is made to the Constitution, IF support for the Constitution becomes grounds for arrest, then it's time for soldiers to mutiny.

05-07-21, 14:49
Considering the oath is made to the Constitution, IF support for the Constitution becomes grounds for arrest, then it's time for soldiers to mutiny.

Absolutely 1,000%.

05-07-21, 15:28
Just another hate filled idiot running his mouth. LOL !!

05-07-21, 18:09
Well that should only take a month. I mean what was it, 300 who stormed the capitol.

05-20-21, 07:18
And so it begins.


AS PART OF the Biden administration’s crackdown on domestic extremism, the Pentagon plans to launch a pilot program for screening social media content for extremist material, according to internal Defense Department documents reviewed by The Intercept, as well as a source with direct knowledge of the program.

An extremism steering committee led by Bishop Garrison, a senior adviser to the secretary of defense, is currently designing the social media screening pilot program, which will “continuously” monitor military personnel for “concerning behaviors,” according to a Pentagon briefing in late March. Although in the past the military has balked at surveilling service members for extremist political views due to First Amendment protections, the pilot program will rely on a private surveillance firm in order to circumvent First Amendment restrictions on government monitoring, according to a senior Pentagon official. Though the firm has not yet been selected, the current front runner is Babel Street, a company that sells powerful surveillance tools including social media monitoring software.

05-20-21, 07:33
The thing is, I still don't think that's Constitutional. If I remember correctly, anybody acting as a agent of the state is subject to Constitutional restrictions, whether they're paid government employees or a contracted private organization. It would be the same as hiring a private security firm to enter people's houses without a warrant because the police can't. I wouldn't be surprised if this goes to the SC and gets shot down.

just a scout
05-20-21, 07:34
Notice they’re not going after BLM, DEM/Marxists or the gangbangers infesting the military like roaches.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

05-20-21, 20:17
The thing is, I still don't think that's Constitutional. If I remember correctly, anybody acting as a agent of the state is subject to Constitutional restrictions, whether they're paid government employees or a contracted private organization. It would be the same as hiring a private security firm to enter people's houses without a warrant because the police can't. I wouldn't be surprised if this goes to the SC and gets shot down.

Now why are you letting some silliness like the Constitution get in the way?

ETA: Regardless, it's completely legal as long as they are just looking over social media posts that are in the "public domain" and then informing the .mil that Private Snuffy said some things that were borderline questionable. It's just an extension of "See something, say something" that's been going on for years. The .mil can then check it out and see if it violates policy and act appropriately.

Don't post stupid shit on social media. Here endeth the lesson.

05-20-21, 21:48
Now why are you letting some silliness like the Constitution get in the way?

ETA: Regardless, it's completely legal as long as they are just looking over social media posts that are in the "public domain" and then informing the .mil that Private Snuffy said some things that were borderline questionable. It's just an extension of "See something, say something" that's been going on for years. The .mil can then check it out and see if it violates policy and act appropriately.

Don't post stupid shit on social media. Here endeth the lesson.

It's been a well known fact to watch your mouth on social media if you don't want trouble. But when they start talking about using private firms in order to circumvent the Constitution, that suggests getting around the 4th Amendment. It suggests hacking private communication, or searching private property without a warrant. And obviously, the Biden Administration doesn't believe in the Bill of Rights and has pretty much said so, but the recent SC ruling suggests that they may still feel otherwise.

05-21-21, 08:46
It's been a well known fact to watch your mouth on social media if you don't want trouble. But when they start talking about using private firms in order to circumvent the Constitution, that suggests getting around the 4th Amendment. It suggests hacking private communication, or searching private property without a warrant. And obviously, the Biden Administration doesn't believe in the Bill of Rights and has pretty much said so, but the recent SC ruling suggests that they may still feel otherwise.

I firmly agree with your stance in the matter. But you know as well as I do that dog isn't going to hunt when someone decides to label such acts as "potential domestic terrorism" and use that angle.

Face facts here, we're about five minutes away from a lot of conservative values being labeled as such. You know as well as I do January 6th scared the living shit of out of a lot of people in Congress and the Executive Branch and they will be looking for any way they can to negate that threat going forward. Purging the military of conservative values can only mean one thing down the road.

05-21-21, 08:54
Can't allow patriots in the People's Liberation Army.

05-21-21, 09:11
Notice they’re not going after BLM, DEM/Marxists or the gangbangers infesting the military like roaches.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Of course not. Those types are their minions, their useful idiots.

It's very clear, they're doing their level best to make sure only the "right" type of people are in the ranks. For a reason, which should be obvious.

Of COURSE it's not constitutional! But neither is committing a coup by stealing a presidential election, right?