View Full Version : The NRA is now officially screwed

05-11-21, 17:39
Judge in Texas rules their bankruptcy filing in TX was not in good faith. They will now almost certainly gutted by the NY AG. Thanks Wayne, you shit bag...

U.S. judge tosses NRA bankruptcy bid, letting New York seek dissolution (https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-bankruptcy-judge-rejects-nra-bid-reorganize-texas-2021-05-11/)

05-11-21, 18:13
Honestly I’ve seen nothing but fearmongering and begging for money since I joined. I don’t care about magazines or commemorative memorabilia I want lawsuits and results.

“Pay off your lifetime membership early and get a free backpack!” Go **** yourself.

Never received a single notification about member voting either.

05-11-21, 18:20
Yeah, I agree...Always asking for money, never getting much of anything done. Now we know for a fact where the money was going.

The thing is, AG James is right. Wayne WAS diverting funds, and the board and the other execs were complicit in it. Well, too late now...nobody gonna have to worry about NRA calling for money in a few months.

There were good people at the NRA, and it will suck to lose an ally in the fight...Especially like this. Support SAF and GOA.

05-11-21, 18:28
What's to keep NRA 2.0 from being established?

05-11-21, 18:50
Guess that lifetime membership I got 15 years ago is about to be useless...lol No big shock, they never really did anything besides bother me anyway.

05-11-21, 19:28
Judge in Texas rules their bankruptcy filing in TX was not in good faith. They will now almost certainly gutted by the NY AG. Thanks Wayne, you shit bag...

Form a new NRA, let the old one wither and die. Businesses do it all the time.

05-11-21, 19:45
Que Pepe LePew letters and emails pleading for money "to save the NRA". F it. There just ain't enough money to save it... from Pepe.

05-11-21, 19:54
Irony not lost that in order to get their bankruptcy, they need to cease fund raising.

05-11-21, 20:14
Sounds like a good thing to me!

Wayne is gonna have to answer up under oath. Most suits have friends in high places but I'm thinking Wayne has less in NY right about now....

Who knows if the NRA will survive but any other corporation would simply be forced to reorganize not dissolve. Of course the NY AG's goal is dissolve the NRA but can they really do that with 5.5 million members? That's the question!

05-11-21, 20:27
Woulda coulda shoulda but LaPierre needed to go years ago.

But hey, he got suits and a McMansion out of the deal

05-11-21, 20:54
Woulda coulda shoulda but LaPierre needed to go years ago.

But hey, he got suits and a McMansion out of the deal

That and the NRA shoulda abandoned the Rotten Apple LONG ago--hell, I was saying that in high school, and that was over 20 years ago!

05-11-21, 21:00
I agree SAF and GOA, plus any state organizations are the better choice.

I have always found it despairing that we need a lobbying group/groups for a constitutional right.

05-11-21, 21:00
That and the NRA shoulda abandoned the Rotten Apple LONG ago--hell, I was saying that in high school, and that was over 20 years ago!

Yeah, the NRA needed to GTFO of NY decades ago, now they know why.

Wayne and Wayne related incompetence brought them to this. Only upside is MAYBE a massive carryover to the GOA when rats and fudds bail on the ship. They seem to be the "go to" gun guys.

05-11-21, 21:04
I agree SAF and GOA, plus any state organizations are the better choice.

I have always found it despairing that we need a lobbying group/groups for a constitutional right.

If only their was somebody who claimed their purpose was to protect civil rights...like an American Civil Rights Union. Imagine if a bunch of conservatives created The Civil Rights Protective Group but then ignored most "free speech / free press" issues and infractions.

05-11-21, 21:09
If only their was somebody who claimed their purpose was to protect civil rights...like an American Civil Rights Union. Imagine if a bunch of conservatives created The Civil Rights Protective Group but then ignored most "free speech / free press" issues and infractions.

I agree they are always not concerned with such, but the ACLU is not perfect either, but it was funny that once both ACLU and the NRA were together against some California city concerning gun rights. Mad respect for that one.

You have a point that perhaps a constitutional rights collective for lobbying is not a bad idea. I would leave conservative out of it. I do not think being conservative is anymore pro constitutional then many folks like to give them credit for . . . granted nowhere near as horrific as the democrats are concerning the subject.

Straight Shooter
05-11-21, 22:28
I was all in on the NRA for over 30 years. For about the past 11-12 or so I have been so sick of their shit. Wayne is a crook. They made THE most grievous error of ever BEING in NY..let alone STAYING
there...how freakin stupid can you be. I gave a good amount of money to them over the years- Lord only knows now what it got spent on. Another suit for Wayne probably.
Been done with them & will forever be. MAYBE this wil be a learning lesson for other groups & organizations.

05-12-21, 01:23
Leaders in charge get what 4-5 million or more ?

I am a biblical christian but the ones on TV are scam artists they can say they are christian they are not some say NO THEY ARE and many think that is what a christian is but its not ! they are scam artists that seem to do good things but they do not they just take money from others and make huge money themselves

NRA scams people and kinda tries to do good things ! They are the TV evangelists of the gun world

All the money spent could have been better put to use IMHO

05-12-21, 02:07
Dear Lord, without Trump and the NRA around to support the white supremacist insurrection, who will the lefties have to blame for everything now? :rolleyes: :laugh:

05-12-21, 07:19
Dear Lord, without Trump and the NRA around to support the white supremacist insurrection, who will the lefties have to blame for everything now? :rolleyes: :laugh:

It will be interesting to watch their heads explode when the sentiment regarding gun control remains unchanged even with the big, bad NRA out of the way.

05-12-21, 08:05
They went about in all the wrong way. If you're gonna get the sympathy of the "woke" crowd, you HAFTA play the race card!

As America's FIRST CIVIL RIGHTS ORGANIZATION, they needed to attack the NY AG (and ALL NY officials, starting with Fredo, Sr. on down), hard & daily; "WHY are you so RACIST?!" "WHY do you want BLACK PEOPLE un-armed and helpless?!" "WHY do you HATE poor / black people SO MUCH?!" And so forth.

Get PRO-gun black people - from Ice-T to Charles Barkley to NC's Lt. Governor, Mark Robinson, to hammer the dunderninnies of NY relentlessly, until they scurry for the shadow of Al Sharpton for cover.

Yeah, it panders to ALL the wrong people, but THAT'S how you play the game to WIN these days, in libtard states like New Yawk.

05-12-21, 08:15
It has been said that all causes start out as movements, turn into businesses, and wind up as rackets.

05-12-21, 10:57
This is one of those things where all sides are at least partially correct. NY AG going after the NRA is political. NRA leadership mismanaged funds. NRA seeking bankruptcy was in bad faith to avoid regulatory enforcement.

I hope they find a way to preserve NRA’s safety, training and sporting ops. As far as lobbying... NRA no longer has political influence in Washington so their lobbying efforts won’t be missed there. Maybe a bit at the state level but even Marion Hammer got crushed in Florida like a palmetto bug under a republican boot heel. Organizations like SAF, GOA and others can handle 2A legal challenges.