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05-13-21, 22:14
No joke, starting June 15, ebay will no longer allow the sale of any adult content. DVDs, books, magazines, toys, etc. They will be removing the Adult Only category from their site completely.

05-13-21, 23:13



05-13-21, 23:31
It’s almost inarguably one of the worst aspects of today’s society. It reduces sex drive, relationships, love, interpersonal skills, and interaction.

I’ll take my wife instead. If your circle of friends still doesn’t find anything objectionable to it you need new friends. It’s ruining men.

Disclaimer: I was a grunt in the mid 2000’s. I’ve watched years of it, I just woke up to the reality.

05-13-21, 23:52
It’s almost inarguably one of the worst aspects of today’s society. It reduces sex drive, relationships, love, interpersonal skills, and interaction.

No it doesn't, no it doesn't, no it doesn't, no it doesn't, no it doesn't. I could make all those claim about scuba diving and while in some cases true not always the case.

I’ll take my wife instead. If your circle of friends still doesn’t find anything objectionable to it you need new friends. It’s ruining men.

Disclaimer: I was a grunt in the mid 2000’s. I’ve watched years of it, I just woke up to the reality.[/QUOTE]

What if you watch porn with your wife? Bettie Page never hurt me or my friends.

People can ruin their lives with anything. Beer, porn, religion, bowling or beanie babies. Doesn't mean it holds true or even applies to the rest of us. Check your fire on your gross generalizations.

05-13-21, 23:55



Because saying to the wife or g/f "Why don't you go put on one of your outfits and I'll throw in a DVD" works so much better than "hey get in bed and I'll load up redtube."

05-14-21, 00:01
I won’t debate propriety but this is yet another silencing of free speech.

There will come a time in this country where the act of a man and a woman making love will be considered Hate Speech.

That said, nothing I see that I care to pay for. If I were like 19 again I might sorta care more beyond the principle of the matter

05-14-21, 01:25
I won’t debate propriety but this is yet another silencing of free speech.

There will come a time in this country where the act of a man and a woman making love will be considered Hate Speech.

That said, nothing I see that I care to pay for. If I were like 19 again I might sorta care more beyond the principle of the matter

So even though they were way before my time, I collect vintage slicks (1950s and 1960s), Bettie Page, Terri Higgens, Vicky Kennedy, etc. and EB was where the serious collectors bought and sold. Some will be safe as it won't qualify as "adult content" but even if two girls are standing next to each other with their boobies out, that might qualify so there goes all the Irving Klaw content.

For the guys who paid $1,000 to get their vintage pinups CGC graded...haha your market place just went away. And that has been a real trend last 5-10 years.

05-14-21, 07:01
No it doesn't, no it doesn't, no it doesn't, no it doesn't, no it doesn't. I could make all those claim about scuba diving and while in some cases true not always the case.

I’ll take my wife instead. If your circle of friends still doesn’t find anything objectionable to it you need new friends. It’s ruining men.

Disclaimer: I was a grunt in the mid 2000’s. I’ve watched years of it, I just woke up to the reality.

What if you watch porn with your wife? Bettie Page never hurt me or my friends.

People can ruin their lives with anything. Beer, porn, religion, bowling or beanie babies. Doesn't mean it holds true or even applies to the rest of us. Check your fire on your gross generalizations.[/QUOTE]

Dude, think about what you’re advocating for.

This is America, do whatever you want of it doesn’t hurt someone else, I’m simply suggesting it doesn’t help.

There are countless studies showing it(and countless rebuttals) but I’d still rather have sex with a woman and buy NODs or take a trip to hike the Bob Marshall Wilderness than spend my money collecting vintage naked pictures of dead people or masturbating to an unrealistic fantasy acted out by drug addled and often traumatized people.

05-14-21, 07:06
Doesn't mean it holds true or even applies to the rest of us. Check your fire on your gross generalizations.

You may not LIKE his observation; it remains true, nonetheless.

05-14-21, 07:45
I think it is safe to say the pornography industry is not a healthy working environment for the "actresses and actors" and there is concern about exploited children.

I also feel this is really about freedom of speech and the war on hetero people.


05-14-21, 08:56
No joke, starting June 15, ebay will no longer allow the sale of any adult content. DVDs, books, magazines, toys, etc. They will be removing the Adult Only category from their site completely.

Well that is odd. This seems like something the repubs would do. I thought the lefties were all about no censorship and promoting any kind of societal depravity. I guess porn is too mainstream for them now? Too many white males like it, so they will ban it?

It’s almost inarguably one of the worst aspects of today’s society. It reduces sex drive, relationships, love, interpersonal skills, and interaction.

I’ll take my wife instead. If your circle of friends still doesn’t find anything objectionable to it you need new friends. It’s ruining men.

Disclaimer: I was a grunt in the mid 2000’s. I’ve watched years of it, I just woke up to the reality.

This is a load of nonsense. Speak for yourself. It does none of those things to me or anyone I know. I do take my wife daily, and there is nothing wrong with my sex drive. I wish there was a way to reduce it. It has been leading me astray since I was 5 years old FFS!

Not everybody has the same drive.

05-14-21, 09:15
I dunno. I probably had more sexual relations than I needed to as a younger man. Had I to do it over again, I probably would have tried to actually build a real relationship based on shared struggle.

Neither here nor there, very few porno people really have a happy ending. I do believe nude photography and paintings can be artistic. After all if we want to subscribe to a Judeo-Christian belief strata then we accept that we were made in a godly image and are therefore beautiful. I don’t mean be a complete lardass or dye your hair blue and get tattoos and all. But the human body is a very beautiful thing. Artists have made sculptures of it and drawings.

It can be a celebration of life. That said, while I don’t like the idea of someone else deciding what I can and cannot buy or see; I just don’t get all hooah over porn. If I unironically watch an 80s porn (that I certainly don’t pay for) it’s either to look at people before tattoos or razors, look at all the old set pieces, or 99% of the time to listen to the old soundtracks. There were literal synthesizer gods scoring tracks on them there skin flicks

05-14-21, 09:39
Dude, think about what you’re advocating for.

This is America, do whatever you want of it doesn’t hurt someone else, I’m simply suggesting it doesn’t help.

There are countless studies showing it(and countless rebuttals) but I’d still rather have sex with a woman and buy NODs or take a trip to hike the Bob Marshall Wilderness than spend my money collecting vintage naked pictures of dead people or masturbating to an unrealistic fantasy acted out by drug addled and often traumatized people.

Your position seems a little strict, but I don’t think you’re totally wrong. Something something dopamine, something something realistic standards. Something something realistic expectations on how sexually focused human interaction works.

Sex is much better than masturbation for both physical fitness and the type of fitness that involves neurotransmitters. I recommend polyamory to max situps and 2mr.

I’ll not be throwing any stones.

05-14-21, 09:40
So this seems like it is gonna have more impact on the "porn as art" or "porn as a valuable collectible" market than on the "porn as porn" market. It ain't like Czech porn distributors are marketing their latest product on Fleabay.

I know a guy who has a huge collection like Steyr describes. Betty Page, early bondage stuff. He has the tamer stuff displayed openly in his home. Not icky like but just kinda risque.

According to him it outperforms the stock market about 3:1 in terms of investment.

As far as porn for porns sake, meh. That's why they invented the internet.

05-14-21, 09:55
I'm not going to sit here and advocate for porn, nor am I going to condemn anyone who looks at it, as I've succumbed to that temptation many times, and I do feel guilty about that. But there is so much I hate about the porn industry: Exploiting and demeaning women, incest fantasy, "barely legal" aka pedophile fantasy, and just the general message that sex should be almost completely separated from emotion and intimacy, and needs to be wild and kinky to be enjoyed. I also roll my eyes at any porn star who claims that she feels "empowered" by what she does. Yes, because getting gangbanged by a bunch of guys who are calling you a dirty little slut REALLY makes people think "Wow! That's a powerful, respectable woman there! She really looks like she's in charge of her life!"

Porn is like gambling: Some can handle it, and for some, it becomes a serious problem. I have seen many relationships ruined because of porn; some guys stop having sex with their partners altogether because they prefer jacking off to porn. It's easier: They can jack off while looking at an absolute smoke show woman with no sexual inhibitions. Even if a guy is with a drop dead gorgeous, uber horny partner, he still has to satisfy her when they have sex. He just has to satisfy himself when he's jerking off to a porn star. It is weird to think that a guy could get more pleasure from masturbation than actual sex, but when someone cheapens sex to have no purpose except to have an orgasm, it makes more sense. I guess it's tough to say whether porn caused this problem, or is simply a symptom of this problem.

05-14-21, 09:57
Ah, thread makes more sense now that I realize Betty Page is different than Betty Boop.

05-14-21, 10:00
Ah, thread makes more sense now that I realize Betty Page is different than Betty Boop.

Now that's funny. Damn near spit coffee on my tablet.

05-14-21, 11:17
There are all kinds of Defective people in the world- and really, that's what we are talking about let's be honest.

People who can't handle porn are no different than those who can't handle their booze or other drugs, stuffing their Pie Holes with crap, or any other manner of Obsessive Compulsive behaviors...They are losers. "They can't help that they are addicts. Their brain is wired...blah, blah,".... whatever...I really don't give a shit.

In another time most of them would have been either killed off because they have poor impulse control or simply written off as "the worthless town drunk" and died face down in the gutter.... Darwin Rules and society is better for it.

So, I have nothing against porn, no more than I do against matches because Pyromaniacs like to watch the world burn.

05-14-21, 12:23
To be clear, I didn’t invoke a religious belief. I didn’t say porn shouldn’t exist. I just think we’re smarter than to believe the theory that it’s simply benign fun for either the viewer or the performer.

The slightest amount of research that I’ve done has showed me with data, not my personal sample size of one or my feelings, that the risks and legitimate chemical changes outweigh the benefits- for me.

Live your life, but be honest and open minded when reviewing large scale, peer reviewed studies and the data they produce.

05-14-21, 12:59
Would you rather eat ice cream, or watch films of other people eating ice cream?

05-14-21, 13:01
Would you rather eat ice cream, or watch films of other people eating ice cream?

Are the people in the films naked?

05-14-21, 13:15
Would you rather eat ice cream, or watch films of other people eating ice cream?

I dunno. Depends on how strongly I feel about ice cream. Do I get to cuss at them while they eat it while blasting Phil Collins because that matters

05-14-21, 13:54
Larry Flint and his gold plated wheel chair are spinning in his grave.

05-14-21, 15:55
I just think we’re smarter than to believe the theory that it’s simply benign fun for either the viewer or the performer.

You are out of your lane and you don't know what you are talking about. How many porn performers do you know? How many have you met? How many porn shoots have you worked on as part of the crew? The assertions you make on the subject answer for you.

Just like any other job or walk of life, there is a spectrum. Some people hate their jobs, and some people love their jobs. If you think none of those people like their jobs and have "fun" at work, you are in denial, and you are ignorant about who and what you are talking about. Many porn performers get a huge thrill from entertaining people, just like a stand up comedian or Hollywood actor. They thrive on the adoration of their fans. They are happy to show off the form and abilities that God gave them. They are people and it matters to them if other people get enjoyment from their work, or not. And it is work.

The studies that you refer to are no different than the studies that say a gun in the home is 42 times more likely to murder a family member than a criminal stranger. Or that 96% of Americans, including gun owners and NRA members, favor universal background checks, assault weapons bans. You know its fabricated lies in the case of the latter, but you choose to believe the former because it suits your predetermined mindset.

In some cases, most cases, it absolutely is benign fun for the viewer and the performer. There are certainly exceptions, but those are not the norm.

I'm not a porn advocate, and I'm also not a porn condemner. Its none of my business what consenting adults do for fun or money. Its none of my business if people want to watch porn, or any of the woke crap that Hollywood now tries to sell us. I just can't sit by while incorrect assertions are made, when I know better first hand.

05-14-21, 16:28
Porn is art is speech.

Honestly, in the days of Pornhub why anyone pays for it is beyond me but to each his own.

ETA: as far as collecting purposes go, I think I get it. I remember watching "The Devil and Miss Jones" and laughing my ass off.

05-14-21, 16:40
You know if you think about it...

People win Oscars for movies where somebody is getting cut in half with a .50 cal or blown up by artillery but two fairly young, fit and healthy people having sex is gross and obscene....

05-14-21, 16:44
Porn is sin, there is no question in my mind about that, and yes, I have viewed it plenty of times. Sin is never healthy. But that is just the truth, and People are free to ignore it.

I am surprised though, that anyone care about eBay or what they sell. Is this just eBay's choice, or is it being forced on them?
I also don't understand why anyone would pay for something that is for free online almost everywhere.

Soli Deo Gloria

05-14-21, 17:00
Now if Amazon stops delivering adult toys to the doors of hankering housewives there's gonna be hell to pay. :p

05-14-21, 17:03
It makes me happy in my pants.

Alex V
05-14-21, 17:29
Would you rather eat ice cream, or watch films of other people eating ice cream?

How about eating ice cream while watching people on TV are eating idea cream off of each other’s genitals?

In the words of Randy Marsh, “I though this was America?”

05-14-21, 18:46
Dude, think about what you’re advocating for.

This is America, do whatever you want of it doesn’t hurt someone else, I’m simply suggesting it doesn’t help.

There are countless studies showing it(and countless rebuttals) but I’d still rather have sex with a woman and buy NODs or take a trip to hike the Bob Marshall Wilderness than spend my money collecting vintage naked pictures of dead people or masturbating to an unrealistic fantasy acted out by drug addled and often traumatized people.

So when I watch porn with my wife I'm masturbating?

Porn is also just a job, no more dehumanizing than scrubbing toilets at McDonalds. Also plenty of people who scrub toilets engage in substance abuse and have mental problems. Nobody is forced to do it at gun point. They could work at Wendy's if they wanted to.

05-14-21, 18:49
You may not LIKE his observation; it remains true, nonetheless.

Well here is a problem. I've seen LOTS of porn, it hasn't reduced my sex drive, ended my marriage, made me incapable of love, pretty sure my interpersonal skills and interaction with people are fine.

So as a result, it's not true. Might be true for some, but as noted people can screw up their lives with anything. Most of us can handle beer, some can't. Doesn't mean beer is the problem.

05-14-21, 19:10
So when I watch porn with my wife I'm masturbating?

Porn is also just a job, no more dehumanizing than scrubbing toilets at McDonalds. Also plenty of people who scrub toilets engage in substance abuse and have mental problems. Nobody is forced to do it at gun point. They could work at Wendy's if they wanted to.

I dunno. I get where youÂ’re going but because of societyÂ’s little hang ups; porn isnÂ’t that easy to escape.

I mean everybody can sympathize with scrubbing McDonalds toilets. But some woman who had like twenty black dudes hitting her all at once and nibbling on her toes as they did it certainly raises a brow. There are women who used their porn money to get a Master’s degree in education and still could only get work as the Lunch Lady and even THEN some fatass has to google her up and write an email to the administration about how they “don’t feel comfortable with a porn lady serving her kids sloppy joes”. So they fire her despite her being over 40 and fat.

So many have tried and failed. They might get one or two bit parts in a B movie but it will always be in some “sexy” role. They’re not the “mom” or the “witness”, certainly not the plucky heroine. They’re either a hooker or someone who bares their tits as a gag. Har dee har har.

I mean Tom Hanks can shoot fitty Krauts with a Tommy Gun and heÂ’s Hollywood royalty and can play Sully Sullenberger or the Castaway despite his big starting role being a crossdresser. But Christy Canyon sucks off the Pizza Man then sheÂ’s eternally a porn actress forever.

So to say porn industry cannot be damaging to someone is a bit naive.

And at some point they all have kids who are going to ask questions and thatÂ’s going to be tough. ItÂ’s not the early 80s anymore where Sylvia Kristal could do just enough blur the line and still come off it respectable.

I mean I get it. But both sides do have a point. I still don’t agree with trying to “cancel” it of course

05-14-21, 20:04
I dunno. I get where youÂ’re going but because of societyÂ’s little hang ups; porn isnÂ’t that easy to escape.

I mean everybody can sympathize with scrubbing McDonalds toilets. But some woman who had like twenty black dudes hitting her all at once and nibbling on her toes as they did it certainly raises a brow. There are women who used their porn money to get a Master’s degree in education and still could only get work as the Lunch Lady and even THEN some fatass has to google her up and write an email to the administration about how they “don’t feel comfortable with a porn lady serving her kids sloppy joes”. So they fire her despite her being over 40 and fat.

So many have tried and failed. They might get one or two bit parts in a B movie but it will always be in some “sexy” role. They’re not the “mom” or the “witness”, certainly not the plucky heroine. They’re either a hooker or someone who bares their tits as a gag. Har dee har har.

I mean Tom Hanks can shoot fitty Krauts with a Tommy Gun and heÂ’s Hollywood royalty and can play Sully Sullenberger or the Castaway despite his big starting role being a crossdresser. But Christy Canyon sucks off the Pizza Man then sheÂ’s eternally a porn actress forever.

So to say porn industry cannot be damaging to someone is a bit naive.

And at some point they all have kids who are going to ask questions and thatÂ’s going to be tough. ItÂ’s not the early 80s anymore where Sylvia Kristal could do just enough blur the line and still come off it respectable.

I mean I get it. But both sides do have a point. I still don’t agree with trying to “cancel” it of course

As has been said. No one is forced to do it, and some, if not most of them, thoroughly enjoy it.

To the point of the thread, its none of Ebay's business. As long as no one is doing anything illegal, they ought to STFU.

05-14-21, 20:45
You know if you think about it...

People win Oscars for movies where somebody is getting cut in half with a .50 cal or blown up by artillery but two fairly young, fit and healthy people having sex is gross and obscene....
Oh no, you stop that right there. You're going to put me in rant mode, and I know nobody here wants me to mag dump another 2-pager... :laugh:
I literally grew up surrounded by people with that sort of 2-faced mentality. Still makes me want to kick someone.
In fact, mini-rant, on your "Tom Hanks and his Tommy Gun" point, had this exact convo a while back. Mom with a couple early-teen girls, we somehow got on the topic of parenting and movies during lunch.
Totally ok with her kids watching Saving Private Ryan because it's "historical"... wouldn't let the kids watch Iron Man 2 cuz there was a so-called "bedroom scene." THE F**K? Freaking Iron Man is too "adult" for your kids but hey, bloody beach landings are A-OK.
I wanted so badly to say what I really thought about that asshattery, but she was my boss/CEOs wife, and I really needed to NOT get fired right then, so... You just have to smile and pretend you're ok but you're not ok....

Happy ending, some time later the kids sacked up and just watched the movie themselves, mom was pissed. I was kinda proud of em (also cuz both boss/wife were kinda assholes too).
But there were so many other things over the years I worked there where I felt like I was watching those kids live the first half of my life all over again, but you're not their parent and don't want to get involved...

I am surprised though, that anyone care about eBay or what they sell. Is this just eBay's choice, or is it being forced on them?......

4 pages of self righteous whinging and I can't believe nobody has asked this simple and important question (or stated it to start with)...
IS Ebay just being shitty, or are they getting their arm twisted by 'the usual suspects'?

I won’t debate propriety but this is yet another silencing of free speech.

There will come a time in this country where the act of a man and a woman making love will be considered Hate Speech....

Well that is odd. This seems like something the repubs would do. I thought the lefties were all about no censorship and promoting any kind of societal depravity. I guess porn is too mainstream for them now? Too many white males like it, so they will ban it?...
You guys have no idea how true all this is/becoming.... Those people are up to some truly psycho shit.
Which is funny, because in typical hypocritical fashion they can't decide which button to press... "empowerment" or "mean to wammen".

Anyway, per 'the industry', some people can handle their beer, and others can't.
As long as you haven't fallen into the OnlyFans simp trap, your still doing ok. :laugh:

05-14-21, 21:50
Sexual immorality is alive and well, using people is so enjoyable and normal. Americans should do it more.

05-14-21, 21:51
To be clear, I didn’t invoke a religious belief. I didn’t say porn shouldn’t exist. I just think we’re smarter than to believe the theory that it’s simply benign fun for either the viewer or the performer.

The slightest amount of research that I’ve done has showed me with data, not my personal sample size of one or my feelings, that the risks and legitimate chemical changes outweigh the benefits- for me.

Live your life, but be honest and open minded when reviewing large scale, peer reviewed studies and the data they produce.

Porn causes chemical changes? That's a new one on me.

And "for certain" there is that segment of the population that ruins their life with obsession with porn. But I watched a woman destroy her marriage and most relationships with World of Warcraft so obviously anything can be a trigger but I don't think we can blame World of Warcraft.

And there are plenty of examples of messed up girls who grew up in super fundamentalist houses but also got raped by religious daddy so people can literally ruin lives with anything.

05-14-21, 21:53
I dunno. I get where youÂ’re going but because of societyÂ’s little hang ups; porn isnÂ’t that easy to escape.

I mean everybody can sympathize with scrubbing McDonalds toilets. But some woman who had like twenty black dudes hitting her all at once and nibbling on her toes as they did it certainly raises a brow. There are women who used their porn money to get a Master’s degree in education and still could only get work as the Lunch Lady and even THEN some fatass has to google her up and write an email to the administration about how they “don’t feel comfortable with a porn lady serving her kids sloppy joes”. So they fire her despite her being over 40 and fat.

Brings up a good point, not all porn is the same. Lots of stuff I don't get, won't get. I'm probably a "fudd equivalent" in porn watchers. I don't understand gang bangs and a lot of stuff. If dude has tattoos, can't watch that shit. If the girl has more than a couple tattoos, I'm also out.

I know most believe porn is a gateway thing where eventually everyone needs a snuff film to get excited, but I'm actually going the other way. A lot of todays porn just ain't for me. I'd rather watch Ginger Lynn and Christy Canyon in lingerie double teaming Tom Byron than watch whoever has the gang bang record currently or some tatted up skank getting pipe fitted by some biker dudes.

So many have tried and failed. They might get one or two bit parts in a B movie but it will always be in some “sexy” role. They’re not the “mom” or the “witness”, certainly not the plucky heroine. They’re either a hooker or someone who bares their tits as a gag. Har dee har har.

I mean Tom Hanks can shoot fitty Krauts with a Tommy Gun and heÂ’s Hollywood royalty and can play Sully Sullenberger or the Castaway despite his big starting role being a crossdresser. But Christy Canyon sucks off the Pizza Man then sheÂ’s eternally a porn actress forever.

So to say porn industry cannot be damaging to someone is a bit naive.

And at some point they all have kids who are going to ask questions and thatÂ’s going to be tough. ItÂ’s not the early 80s anymore where Sylvia Kristal could do just enough blur the line and still come off it respectable.

I mean I get it. But both sides do have a point. I still don’t agree with trying to “cancel” it of course

So I would say be damn sure of your choices before you decide to become a porn star. It probably has a bigger stigma than being a NRA Life Member, but maybe not.

05-14-21, 22:07
Some people's lives are so ruined, but yet they think that they are good or normal.

05-14-21, 22:28
Sexual immorality is alive and well, using people is so enjoyable and normal. Americans should do it more.

LOL. What country do you think you live in?

When Purdue promotes non addictive opiods like Oxy, do you not think that is using people? Were those people damaged more or less than those involved in the porn industry?

Tobacco companies, their product WILL eventually kill you...but it's free choice right?

People who live in areas where the only real work is coal mines? Do porn stars typically live longer lives than those with black lung and lung cancer?

There is so much predatory capitalism in this country it's not funny, but that doesn't make capitalism itself bad. And there's lots worse things than porn.

If I had a daughter who was thinking about becoming a wahhabist, I'd rather she make movies for Vivid.

05-14-21, 22:43
Porn causes chemical changes? That's a new one on me.

And "for certain" there is that segment of the population that ruins their life with obsession with porn. But I watched a woman destroy her marriage and most relationships with World of Warcraft so obviously anything can be a trigger but I don't think we can blame World of Warcraft.

And there are plenty of examples of messed up girls who grew up in super fundamentalist houses but also got raped by religious daddy so people can literally ruin lives with anything.

Yeah, like the most rudimentary google search can show you the links between dopamine release, etc... and yes, many things release dopamine, but we aren’t talking about those. Also, it’s wonderful that you have a healthy relationship with it. You and your wife are a very small sample size.

Pornhub has been implicated in numerous felonious activities, from sex trafficking to child porn.

To the guy that lives in California and is an NRA life member I don’t take anything you say seriously based on the aforementioned.

I had no idea men were so emotionally attached to porn.

eBay is wrong to infringe upon rights, porn is overwhelmingly not good in a litany of ways. It’s possible to support the ability to do things like porn or the ability to burn the American flag or use a racial slur without getting stoned to death, but it’s also ok to acknowledge the negative aspects of those things as well.

05-14-21, 22:56
Yeah, like the most rudimentary google search can show you the links between dopamine release, etc... and yes, many things release dopamine, but we aren’t talking about those. Also, it’s wonderful that you have a healthy relationship with it. You and your wife are a very small sample size.

Well if it happens watching porn, it must be all channels wide open when I have actual sex. Amazing I haven't OD'd on that shit given that I'm double dipping.

Pornhub has been implicated in numerous felonious activities, from sex trafficking to child porn.

So I don't consider that to be legit porn any more than homemade machine guns manufactured by criminals should not be in any discussion of gun control regarding the typical gun buyer. I imagine all kinds of shit gets uploaded to various sites, one reason I get my porn from known suppliers.

To the guy that lives in California and is an NRA life member I don’t take anything you say seriously based on the aforementioned.

I had no idea men were so emotionally attached to porn.

eBay is wrong to infringe upon rights, porn is overwhelmingly not good in a litany of ways. It’s possible to support the ability to do things like porn or the ability to burn the American flag or use a racial slur without getting stoned to death, but it’s also ok to acknowledge the negative aspects of those things as well.

Replace "porn" with "guns" and get back to me. And for every single "porn destroys lives" individual I can provide 10 "guns destroy loves" individuals. I do know people who were just fine until they got a gun and then made a series of bad decisions because they had a gun but I don't think the gun was to blame.

Anyway, back on topic, for whatever reason it seams fleabay has decided to become an online disneyland free of adult content, but I'll believe that when I see it. Plenty of gay themed "adult" magazines in the NON adult section right now, waiting to see the fallout if/when gay content is not allowed to be sold in June.

Btw, you have to be very specific in your searches on EB, especially in the adults only section or you might see some stuff you didn't want to look at. You would think you'd be safe searching vintage, but you'd be wrong.

05-14-21, 23:03
People use people in a multitude of ways, the seared conscience can do no other thing and in the end we spend our lives rationalizing and justifying ourselves. Self deceit is probably the worse kind, it leads us to self destruction, and we think we're ok.

05-15-21, 00:36
People use people in a multitude of ways, the seared conscience can do no other thing and in the end we spend our lives rationalizing and justifying ourselves. Self deceit is probably the worse kind, it leads us to self destruction, and we think we're ok.

Yep, I know a lot of guys caught up in extreme religions who do that.

But I'll leave you with "For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving" and for Christy Canyon and Ginger Lynn I am truly thankful and they shall never be refused at my table.

05-15-21, 00:49
You know if you think about it...

People win Oscars for movies where somebody is getting cut in half with a .50 cal or blown up by artillery but two fairly young, fit and healthy people having sex is gross and obscene....

Yep. "The French treat sex like the Americans treat violence."

05-15-21, 02:13
Yep. "The French treat sex like the Americans treat violence."

It's ironic that Japan is now possibly the porn mecca (or at least weird porn mecca) of the world but it is one of the most polite societies you will ever encounter. By contrast, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and Iraq are virtually "porn free" (or at least they were when the Americans left) and it terms of polite society they leave a LOT to be desired.

05-15-21, 02:47
Gotta say, I'm pleasantly surprised. Bravo Ebay. Since we're obviously living in opposite world now, maybe they will allow gun stuff next.:lol:

05-15-21, 05:03
Gotta say, I'm pleasantly surprised. Bravo Ebay. Since we're obviously living in opposite world now, maybe they will allow gun stuff next.:lol:

Doubt it. You can't even sell Pmags because they can be used in an AR-15. Nunchaku are also verbotten because being CA based, they operate under CA law even if the seller is in GA and the buyer is in Nevada.

So you literally can't sell two sticks tied together by a cord or chain. But you can buy a machete, especially if it's a shit quality one from China. Perhaps China wants it's citizens to have greater access to ebay so they can help sell state products and they don't want anyone to accidentally see a vagina or it could start a counter revolution in Beijing.

It would go down in history as the Boobies War right next to the Opium Wars.

05-15-21, 07:10
Yep, I know a lot of guys caught up in extreme religions who do that.

But I'll leave you with "For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving" and for Christy Canyon and Ginger Lynn I am truly thankful and they shall never be refused at my table.Wow, ever take a verse out of context?

Soli Deo Gloria

05-15-21, 07:34
Not only are texts taken out of context because of malice and self justification, but the red herring is a live and well too.

05-15-21, 08:15
Would you rather eat ice cream, or watch films of other people eating ice cream?


05-15-21, 10:55
Would you rather eat ice cream, or watch films of other people eating ice cream?
Y’all are gonna find this weird, but I don’t have much of a palette for desserts. I do, however appreciate the presentation and appearance of desserts, and I’m always secretly hoping that my date will order whatever crazy chocolate pastry icecream creation, just so I can see what it looks like after reading the description. Its not a fetish, but I do get more pleasure from seeing other people enjoy sweets than I would get out of eating them myself. Which, most days, is none, because I don’t have a taste for it. Sexually, I’m opposite and would certainly rather partake in person.

Fly brings up good points about sexual activities being perceived as near-unforgivable filth, but violence is just a cinematic nothingburger. In fact, I can’t remember the last time I saw a movie or TV show that did not fetishize violence to at least some degree. For example, I have now seen many episodes of Star Trek. They have a wholesome-for-the-times feel, and most would consider them family friendly. They even make the point in some episodes that violence is bad, and the whole point of everything is peaceful interaction with new cultures. Like, humanity has evolved past violent conflict or something. But there is some sort of violence in probably every episode I have seen.

I guess we can argue that we have a reasonable degree of faith that the violence is fake, but in porn, whether or not someone involved is really being destroyed as a human is often not truly known. When you see a video of someone being forcefully sexualized, you kinda just have to trust that it was all agreed to beforehand. Unlike TV murder, you know that whatever you just watched DID actually happen, and the whole point was to see the gory detail, and see it happen in a verifiable way. Certainly that thought could cause some negative perception. I don’t think I’ve adequately explained what I’m getting at here, but I think some of you know what I mean.

I watch about as much TV or porn as I eat candy, though. I’m not bragging; its just not my thing. I have my own vices.

05-15-21, 12:32
No joke, starting June 15, ebay will no longer allow the sale of any adult content. DVDs, books, magazines, toys, etc. They will be removing the Adult Only category from their site completely.

Source? I didn't see anything on basic google search. Didn't know they had pron, but seems odd they'd also stop selling toys and such.

05-15-21, 13:02
Doubt it. You can't even sell Pmags because they can be used in an AR-15....
Pffft, you sure want a lot. Try selling a stock... or grip... or even rail panel covers. No joke. I had multiple nothingburger parts listings get red-flagged and deleted BY EBAY, complete with follow up warning messages, about selling "Assault weapon parts". Rail panels FFS... still have a screenshot of that idiocy around somewhere. And that was a couple years back... I can't imagine what things are like there now.

Perhaps China wants it's citizens to have greater access to ebay so they can help sell state products and they don't want anyone to accidentally see a vagina or it could start a counter revolution in Beijing.

It would go down in history as the Boobies War right next to the Opium Wars.

I mean, to be honest, that's actually a good plan. Flooding certain countries with easy access to boobas WOULD probably utterly destroy them and cause a resulting revolution. Really weird nobody has tried this simple method yet...

The Rat
05-15-21, 13:18
I mean, to be honest, that's actually a good plan. Flooding certain countries with easy access to boobas WOULD probably utterly destroy them and cause a resulting revolution. Really weird nobody has tried this simple method yet...


05-15-21, 18:41
Maybe we should treat other countries like we would want to be treated, like Rand Paul said. I'm not interested in undermining others morality at all. We should encourage them to a better path. Of course if they try to kill you, that would be a different principle.

05-15-21, 21:15
Source? I didn't see anything on basic google search. Didn't know they had pron, but seems odd they'd also stop selling toys and such.

Ebay itself. Sellers all received this message this week.

We have revised our Adults Items policy. Starting June 15, 2021, items showing sexual activity, sexual content or sexually suggestive poses will no longer be allowed on eBay.com. Everything Else > Adult Only will no longer be available as a category. No new listings will be allowed in the Adult Only category and good-til-cancelled listings will be ended upon their renewal date.

If you still have items in the Adult Only category on June 15, we will begin removing them. You may relist items that comply with the updated policy.

Please familiarize yourself with the updated policy. Not all Adult Only category items will be allowed to be relisted. To determine which items can be revised and relisted in an appropriate eBay category, please see below.

Listing changes that impacted sellers will need to make:

Adult Only DVDs & Movies
Adult Only Magazine Back Issues
Adult Only Video Games
Adult Only Domain Names
Other Adult Only
Items in these sub-categories will no longer be allowed on eBay

• Please end any items that contain explicit sexual material.
• You may end your listings yourself or we will end them for you on their renewal date between June 15 and July 17
Adult Only Art
Adult Only Collectibles
Items in Adult Only Collectibles and Adult Only Art may be relisted in the appropriate category outside of Adult Only if they do not contain sexual content and follow all of these guidelines:

• Please end any items with sexual content, including showing provocative sexual poses, genitalia, or sexual activity as they will no longer be allowed
• Listings for nude art must include the item specific attribute Subject: Nudes.
• They can be listed only in the following categories:
○ Art categories
○ Collectibles > Paper > Pin Up > Vintage (Pre-1970)
○ Collectibles > Postcards > Risqué
○ Collectibles > Photographic Images > Risqué > Vintage & Antique (Pre-1940)
Adult Only Clothing, Shoes & Accessories
Adult Only Jewelry
Adult Only Sex Toys
Adult Only Sex Accessories
Items in these categories can be revised and moved to the appropriate category if they follow these guidelines:

• Remove any photos that show nudity, sexually suggestive poses or sexual activity.
• Move the listing to an appropriate category
○ Health & Beauty > Health Care > Sexual Wellness 
○ Clothing, Shoes and Accessories
○ Jewelry & Watches > Fashion Jewelry
Adult Only Books
Adult Only Music
Items in these categories can be revised and moved to the appropriate category if they follow these guidelines:

• Please end any items with sexual content, including showing sexually suggestive poses, genitalia, or sexual activity as they will no longer be allowed
• You may relist items that do not contain sexual content, profanity or other adult material in the Books or Music categories.

05-15-21, 21:17
Pffft, you sure want a lot. Try selling a stock... or grip... or even rail panel covers. No joke. I had multiple nothingburger parts listings get red-flagged and deleted BY EBAY, complete with follow up warning messages, about selling "Assault weapon parts". Rail panels FFS... still have a screenshot of that idiocy around somewhere. And that was a couple years back... I can't imagine what things are like there now.

I'm aware. I've had slings red flagged.

05-15-21, 21:26
It will open the door for bootleg porn ! ( sarc )

05-16-21, 02:07
I'm aware. I've had slings red flagged.
That's so ebay...


Exactly! That man is/was a font of wisdom.