View Full Version : Hernia mesh issues

05-16-21, 11:47
So a decade ago, I got the hernia mesh.
Fast forward I think my gall bladder is bad, with three episodes I go to the ER. That was two days ago.
Come to find out my gut was tied in a knot and leaking bile. They open me up clean, then remove about a foot of my gut and see me back up.

Now I want to know if they Removed the mesh or if I'm going to have the same problem down the road.
I've asked three doctors, crickets chirping.
I'm angry and I want to know wtf is going on.

05-16-21, 11:54
I had an inguinal(sp?) hernia about 23 years ago. I don’t even remember if they just sewed it up or used mesh back then. Luckily so far, no issues.

Maybe it’s time to call those lawyers you see on tv?

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05-16-21, 12:27
My dad is going through some BS with his hernia mesh. He's going on his third operation within a year and a half. Originally the hernia was the size of an acorn. After the first operation the mesh came undone and he had the surgery re done again.

Now it seems like there's a new hernia or the mesh came undone AGAIN. It's almost the size of a football.

It's all very troubling, at first I thought it was something he did during recovery but he swears it was bad the day he went home from the hospital.

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05-16-21, 14:39
Im having hernia surgery some time in mid-late summer. Thanks for the confidence boost guys. HAHAHAHA

05-16-21, 16:36
I assume this was mesh placed for a ventral hernia or incisional hernia (midline abdomen) and not a groin/inguinal hernia? What brand or type of mesh?

Feel free to PM me to discuss in greater detail

05-16-21, 16:49
Well it lasted a decade, then rolled up in a ball and just sort of took my intestines with it.

05-16-21, 16:54
I assume this was mesh placed for a ventral hernia or incisional hernia (midline abdomen) and not a groin/inguinal hernia? What brand or type of mesh?

Feel free to PM me to discuss in greater detail

I don't have you expertise, so I'm just a bit lost.
One in the belly button and one in the groin.
Honestly, i wasn't given a lot of options, I was military at the time.
Edit to add:
Three days in they gave me some hot water they ran through a chicken and an Italian ice.

05-16-21, 17:37
Got me worrying now. Lol. 1 in 2010 and the other in 2011.

Weird story from 1 off the other's follow up with the surgeon. Walked in the lobby and a dude was sitting on an electric scooter with a gut to his knees...figured some sort of weight loss surgery was maybe in the works.

After sitting there awhile another guy comes out and knows scooter guy so they carry on a conversation across the lobby. Finally scooter guy asks what he is in for and his buddy says "hernia". Scooter guy responds with "that's what this is" and that's when it clicks he is about my size, not nearing 400lbs that I originally thought. Not a clue how he could stand it.

05-16-21, 19:09
I'm getting a lot of very good narcotics and I really try not to use them. At this point it like a kidney stone squared.
Me and one of the Nurses read the surgical report, They did not remove the mesh. My new understanding is that the tissue and the mesh become combined they cut a couple of millimeters of mesh that was choking the intestines off then sewed the gut back together.
I got chicken broth for dinner and I'm farting like never before, which is a good sign.

05-17-21, 17:01
Yeah farts are good when your guts have been opened up. One, they blow you up for better vis and it shows its all workin, second it shows you're airtight in there. ;) Of course you certainly knew that.

Enjoy the ice chips. :p

05-18-21, 06:33
Yesterday morning a Doc came in and said that they are changing my diet.
Well he didn't tell anyone and I'm still getting a " clear diet".
I'm not eating it.

05-18-21, 18:27
Sorry you are going through this...I have mesh in my naval which I'm convinced the caused hernia was from trying to hoist a fatty whitetail solo into the truck. I had to go back to camp & steel a hitch hauler to get the critter back to the cleaning station. Wasn't long after that is when I noticed my innie was an outie. No problems but seen where it's an issue. The only good thing I can see if I was in your position would my needed weight loss.

05-19-21, 08:11
Yeah, 23 years ago the Army fixed an inguinal hernia in my left side and now I'm going in for surgery to fix an inguinal hernia in my right side this summer. I'll be asking the surgeon to check how the left side is doing while he's in there.

05-20-21, 12:39
I had inguinal hernia and had the mesh put in to repair it back in 2000. No issues so far.


05-20-21, 14:31
I'm out of the Hospital and home now.
I had this surgery about 2010 to repair multiple hernia's I had acquired at work. The work was done at a Military Hospital.
So for some reason, my gut moved and became entangled in the mesh at a certain point where the mesh was not adhering to the abdominal wall. So now it starts rolling in the mesh and becomes entangled.
It began squeezing my intestines and later choked them out completely. There was as I was told by my Surgeon "No Blood flow to the effected intestines any more." I lost about 8 inches of intestines, everything was reconnected and I am recovering well.
In retrospect I ignored early symptoms which were an increase in bowel movements and a change in the composition of the feces form and color. The final kicker was some symptoms that were very much like a Gall Stone. Nausea, vomiting and night sweats. After the third episode I went to the ER.
So I went in and in about 2 hours was in the OR after a quick CATT scan.
I got lucky.
I just turned 60, literally during my stay in the hospital. I will never again ignore simple symptoms or just wait until they go away. Proactive and a close eye on the prize.

05-22-21, 22:00
I'm laying in bed and feel nauseated, I get up and walk a bit and feel better.
I vomit in the kitchen sink and as I'm washing out the sink I feel blood running down my legs.
I drove to the ER.
More surgery...

05-22-21, 23:54
I'm laying in bed and feel nauseated, I get up and walk a bit and feel better.
I vomit in the kitchen sink and as I'm washing out the sink I feel blood running down my legs.
I drove to the ER.
More surgery...I hope they fix you up soon man.

05-23-21, 03:36
Well I'm feeling a bit better today.
I found out I lost 280 cm's of intestines so far. I've got a hell of a scar.

06-14-21, 15:26
As you can guess, I busted my stitches and had to go back in and start over.
I got stitched up real nice and tight and feel just like a new baseball glove.
Two weeks, my greatest adventure so far has been cutting the grass.

06-14-21, 16:58
Wow, man...That sucks. I'm sorry you're having to go through all that.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

06-14-21, 16:58
double tap

06-14-21, 17:12
I'm laying in bed and feel nauseated, I get up and walk a bit and feel better.
I vomit in the kitchen sink and as I'm washing out the sink I feel blood running down my legs.
I drove to the ER.
More surgery...

Here’s to you speedily recovering your health.


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06-17-21, 11:05
Hope all is going well. And here I thought repiping the house was an ordeal. Repiping a human sounds rough.

06-19-21, 17:32
Hope all is going well. And here I thought repiping the house was an ordeal. Repiping a human sounds rough.

Funny story, when I first left the hospital I got really nauseas and walked out to talk to my Son for a minute, well I start dry heaving and then puke in the sink. My Son (who was once a Nurse) say's Holy Cow!
I popped my stiches and had a three foot blood trail behind me.
Yeah Buddy, drove to the hospital hoping my guts wouldn't pop out. My Son sitting beside me cussing up a storm.