View Full Version : NC 'good shoot' by LEOs

05-18-21, 10:26
The state has been following this for a month now. Deputies intend to serve warrant, deputies shoot at man, killing him. Fatal shot was back of the head. Man was black, cops were not. BLM and NAACP all over this, family attorney calls it "murder." Riots (small scale) and general shenanigans ensue. SBI investigating it, today DA announces it was a justifiable shooting as the guy was trying to run over the deputies in his car.


05-18-21, 11:23
When will the riots start?

05-18-21, 11:25
Good to know. Not that it's gonna mean much to ThugLivesMatter.

I figured it would go this way when the sheriff's office was repeatedly asking a judge to waive procedure and release the video evidence to the public.

05-18-21, 11:25
"They" will be out burning the city down regardless. Then the Feds will get involved and charge the Deputies with civil rights violations, etc.

05-18-21, 11:41
"They" will be out burning the city down regardless. Then the Feds will get involved and charge the Deputies with civil rights violations, etc.

You would be correct, Sir. The FBI is indeed investigating regarding possible civil rights violations.

05-18-21, 11:58
You would be correct, Sir. The FBI is indeed investigating regarding possible civil rights violations.

Where’s the civil rights investigation for Ashli Babbitt?

Anyways, probably smart of the DA not to release the full video as it will jeopardize any future legal proceeding. Learned the hard way with Chauvin. Guilty or not, he did not get a fair tria

05-18-21, 11:58
You would be correct, Sir. The FBI is indeed investigating regarding possible civil rights violations.

Where’s the civil rights investigation for Ashli Babbitt?

Anyways, probably smart of the DA not to release the full video as it will jeopardize any future legal proceeding. Learned the hard way with Chauvin. Guilty or not, he did not get a fair tria

05-18-21, 12:01
Welcome to the New Normal.

Death or Chi-Chi?

(BTW if you chose death you get to die by Chi-Chi)

05-18-21, 12:41

05-18-21, 14:03
They can’t all be bad. Occasionally there are people that need shooting

05-18-21, 14:50
They can’t all be bad. Occasionally there are people that need shooting

We have what, 10,000 murders per year? I’d say that the police need to shoot a LOT people, hopefully the right people, but definitely a few more people would be net positive.

It still amazes me that during the serving of a legal warrant that trying to run over cops is not seen as something wrong. I guess they have to go with these kinds of shootings, because there are so few that happen where the police are clearly in the wrong. Why can’t we get LeBron James to do a PSA about how to stand tall and take it like a man not squeal your tires like a little bitch.

05-18-21, 18:23
"They" will be out burning the city down regardless. Then the Feds will get involved and charge the Deputies with civil rights violations, etc.

Great and and I have to go into the city tomorrow, I guess it is 2 extra mags

05-19-21, 11:22
I thought I saw in a CNN article that the fed are investigating for civil rights violation.

FAAFO. He FAAFO. I like the Sheriffs comment that we don't let people decide when they'll allow themselves to be arrested. Two felony warrants out, drug in the car and he was trying to eat them. Why is it a-holes like this, rapists and murders get to be such heroes for the left???

05-19-21, 11:56
FAAFO. He FAAFO. I like the Sheriffs comment that we don't let people decide when they'll allow themselves to be arrested. Two felony warrants out, drug in the car and he was trying to eat them. Why is it a-holes like this, rapists and murders get to be such heroes for the left???

If he managed to eat those drugs, and died from the OD, his suicide / overdose death would of course be blamed on police anyway.

05-20-21, 09:12
Since the Dems/left/media are so good at getting their memo out each day on what they are allowed to say, if they actually wanted to save a couple lives the talking point for today, this week, this month, this year, could be directly quoted from the Sheriff saying that people don't get to decide when they'll allow themselves to be arrested. Maybe something a little more obvious like, "Don't fight with the police and there won't be any problems, for you as the criminal or for those paid to enforce the laws you're breaking," or maybe, "don't be a violent criminal who fights with police and your chances of getting shot by a LE officer are very, very close to 0%." I wonder if Lebron could find the time during his day, that is clearly filled with answering police calls on how to handle ongoing crimes, to read that off a teleprompter or cue card as a message to those in the culture that need it?

From the daily wire, what do these people, Blake, Floyd, Brown, Wright, etc., think is the best case scenario when they decide to control their arrest situation by fighting with, or fleeing from, the obviously armed officers?