View Full Version : Americas Life of the Lie

05-22-21, 10:13
Ran across this yesterday and while it initially pissed me off it got me thinking of who and what really threatens our freedoms.
Can you read this and not attack the messenger, probably not, self reflection is really tough, patriots internally cringe at the
thought they were played, but every one who has been in combat has said the same thing, " for what "?
We have been reminded of this before, Smedley Butler one of America's greatest hero's wrote ' War is a Racket' a condemnation
of the use of the military to achieve national business interests in foreign country's by force of arms, have things changed since
then I ask ?

05-22-21, 10:47
Ones education can be a matter life and death. This is why its critical to educate yourself unconventionally vs the traditional public indoctrination.

To any big government, "the people" are merely subjects and militaries are simply extensions of government bureaucrats interests.

Are troops today serving the country or the government? Are LE and health dept officials serving the country or the government?

LT Col Mathew Lohmeier is serving his country and look whats happening to him.

Its important to understand that in some ways we rationalize our behavior to suit our idealogical view of ourselves and the role we choose play in the world.

05-22-21, 13:27
Got to the WWII part, and rolled my eyes a bit since it is clear the Japanese at some point we’re going to engage with the US Navy. It just could not be helped concerning Japanese war aims, which was to make the pacific their private lake, plus own and control all of Asia and the pacific islands. Folks forget that the Japanese held similarish ideas to Nazism concerning race and cultures. Japan wanted to Japanize the entire East Asian and Pacific Islander peoples. They committed all sorts of criminal acts that are exactly the same as the ones committed in Europe by the nazis. Japan gets to skate on by with that crap, and turn around and complain about being nuked. Frankly they deserved it. So yeah we would have been fighting in world war 2 like it or not, and it is one of the few wars a person may point to and say it was a good guys vs bad guys fight, which is a rare thing in history.

World War 1 was not about Wilson’s aims. Europe was buying on credit. They were losing. They could not pay. We went to war to get the gold we were owed by France and England. It is that simple. It is why I sometimes believe we should have a clause about such business that states gold in hand pay the man and then receive your products.

But yeah many things are a mythology in the world. In that I agree with . . .

05-22-21, 15:53
We’re always a few books and movies away from not having defineable history.

This is why I spent hours recording 9/11 on my VCR. I knew at some point it would be politicized and turned into either a Hallmark card or an indictment of America.

All I know is that from 0900 that morning onward there was an eerie combination of disbelief, confusion, denial, fear, and uncertainty. Nobody had any real answers. A few times the news people were speechless.

For a few hours nobody had any control of the narrative. You were watching what they were watching.

And now…..it’s a punchline.

As people from those conflicts die off, all we have is what some egghead writes in a book.

Most WWII people I ever talked to weren’t that hooah about fighting Germany. It was just something they were told to do. The Japanese was an easier sell.

I’ll never forget what someone told me once about France. “All these nice houses and we blew them up. All those young kids, no older than me. And we shot them. If we did that in America, we’d be in jail”. I mean it was how he said it. No all American Cotton Hill speech about saving the world. Just one off hand comment from an octogenarian circa 1999.

And it stayed with me.

05-22-21, 18:52
We’re always a few books and movies away from not having defineable history.

This is why I spent hours recording 9/11 on my VCR. I knew at some point it would be politicized and turned into either a Hallmark card or an indictment of America.

All I know is that from 0900 that morning onward there was an eerie combination of disbelief, confusion, denial, fear, and uncertainty. Nobody had any real answers. A few times the news people were speechless.

For a few hours nobody had any control of the narrative. You were watching what they were watching.

And now…..it’s a punchline.

As people from those conflicts die off, all we have is what some egghead writes in a book.

Most WWII people I ever talked to weren’t that hooah about fighting Germany. It was just something they were told to do. The Japanese was an easier sell.

I’ll never forget what someone told me once about France. “All these nice houses and we blew them up. All those young kids, no older than me. And we shot them. If we did that in America, we’d be in jail”. I mean it was how he said it. No all American Cotton Hill speech about saving the world. Just one off hand comment from an octogenarian circa 1999.

And it stayed with me.I saved newspapers for weeks afterwards then only as important information became available

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05-22-21, 19:28
We’re always a few books and movies away from not having defineable history.

This is why I spent hours recording 9/11 on my VCR. I knew at some point it would be politicized and turned into either a Hallmark card or an indictment of America.

All I know is that from 0900 that morning onward there was an eerie combination of disbelief, confusion, denial, fear, and uncertainty. Nobody had any real answers. A few times the news people were speechless.

For a few hours nobody had any control of the narrative. You were watching what they were watching.

And now…..it’s a punchline.

As people from those conflicts die off, all we have is what some egghead writes in a book.

Most WWII people I ever talked to weren’t that hooah about fighting Germany. It was just something they were told to do. The Japanese was an easier sell.

I’ll never forget what someone told me once about France. “All these nice houses and we blew them up. All those young kids, no older than me. And we shot them. If we did that in America, we’d be in jail”. I mean it was how he said it. No all American Cotton Hill speech about saving the world. Just one off hand comment from an octogenarian circa 1999.

And it stayed with me.

Regarding France. They voluntarily began deporting their Jews without being asked. I understand the French capitulation to Germany, they weren't going to win. But they jumped right on the "good nazi" bandwagon. They fired on us when we landed in French North Africa.

If I want to feel sorry for somebody because we fought a war in their front yard, I feel sorry for Belgium and Holland. I will exempt the French from Normandy because they never really forgot who did what for who.

As for everything else, after Vietnam the military was voluntary. And while we still send troops on fools errands from Haiti to Somalia to Iraq, it's a voluntary military. I am sickened by every event where we squander US lives for anything less than defending our country but I also am not gonna jump on the "we got tricked into joining the military" bandwagon and join ranks with the likes of John Kerry.


"Education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. And if you don't, you get stuck in Iraq." - John Kerry

No country is perfect, ours certainly isn't, but most countries are FAR worse. Every other country criticizing us, better check your own history. Anyone in the US criticizing us, show us a better way or get the **** out and take your delusions of a socialist utopia with you.

There are people busting their ass to make our government better (most have never heard of them), find out who they are and support them.

There are people putting their lives on the line to protect us, support them or shut the F up. PS, you can support them by making sure every time they get sent someplace to do something that it's actually worth it and I don't necessarily mean Iraq, I'm thinking more of peacekeeping BS that is more the purview of the UN than the US military. It's a fine thing to feed those who are starving in Africa, but we have people starving in the US but neither situation is the job of the US military.

Things could be better socially in America, lots of problems from racism to violence to destroying history rather than learning from it. You don't make any of that shit better by throwing rocks at cops or burning down buildings. I'm not saying you have to love your enemy, but it would help if you didn't hate people automatically due to race, and here I'm speaking to EVERYONE. Instead of having a protest and a fire, have a barbeque and a gathering. F'ing TALK to people rather than yell at them. Cultures aren't 100% bad and nobody has one that is 100% good but we all know what is within our culture that could be safely jettisoned without sacrificing the valuable parts of our heritage and again I'm speaking to every person in this country.

Say what you want about the 60s but at least SOME of them F'ing tried and did shit like the peace corp. Maybe it amounted to something, but rather than wave signs and throw fire bombs they actually went out and tried to make places better and that is how you do it, you don't send the Marines...YOU go do it if that is how strongly you feel about it. Nobody in todays protest environments will every put their money where their mouth is, useful actions are always what they expect of everyone else. They only make demands and destroy property, how goddamn useful.

But even if those dumbasses decided to have a community barbeque I'd be willing to listen to their ideas even if it only results in explaining why they violate our Constitution and are essentially poorly thought out and potentially dangerous ideas that threaten not only my freedoms but even theirs with only a few steps down their road.

Everyone likes to use the name "Hitler", well here is an object lesson for you. The first people Hitler killed, and years before he put jews in camps, Hitler killed the very people that put him into power so they could never replace him. Night of the Long Knives, for those who don't know, look it up.

05-22-21, 19:31
This is why I spent hours recording 9/11 on my VCR. I knew at some point it would be politicized and turned into either a Hallmark card or an indictment of America.

All I know is that from 0900 that morning onward there was an eerie combination of disbelief, confusion, denial, fear, and uncertainty. Nobody had any real answers. A few times the news people were speechless.

Oh yeah, remember the kumbaya with members of Congress all holding hands on the Capitol steps and praying together? I recall looking at my wife and chortling "Yeah, let's see how long this shit lasts".

05-22-21, 20:15
Oh yeah, remember the kumbaya with members of Congress all holding hands on the Capitol steps and praying together? I recall looking at my wife and chortling "Yeah, let's see how long this shit lasts".


Per SteyrAUG, I fear you miss the point, my friend. A 20 year old back then didn’t care about politics, all they knew was that another war was on and they were going to fight. I have never met anybody really that hooah about leaving home to go across the world and shoot someone they don’t know. It’s a very immature over generalization.

It’s easy to send somebody else’s 18 year old to kill someone else’s 18 year old.

If we gauge how finite life is, we see that fewer and fewer things warrant killing someone over.
America’s role in WW2 has been over exaggerated by Hollywood and Spielberg. That was mostly Russia’s show. America could have easily stayed home and the outcome would have been the same.

It was the Pacific that was the most brutal and also the most glossed over. And we had to atomize both their cities. Lots of men of a certain age would have bought a Volkswagen long before they bought a Toyota. And that’s not the point. The point is that in an ideal world, young people shouldn’t have to worry about such a thing.

From 1991 to 2001, the military was a way to get away from parents or get college. There were no real wars. Maybe Kosovo or Haiti. But we effectively had world peace. Hope everybody took a picture.

It won’t be like that again for some time.

05-22-21, 21:04
From that article

. At no time did Japan threaten the freedom of the American people.
Dude is a freaking propagandist idiot with an agenda for sure

05-23-21, 03:41

Per SteyrAUG, I fear you miss the point, my friend. A 20 year old back then didn’t care about politics, all they knew was that another war was on and they were going to fight. I have never met anybody really that hooah about leaving home to go across the world and shoot someone they don’t know. It’s a very immature over generalization.

It’s easy to send somebody else’s 18 year old to kill someone else’s 18 year old.

If we gauge how finite life is, we see that fewer and fewer things warrant killing someone over.
America’s role in WW2 has been over exaggerated by Hollywood and Spielberg. That was mostly Russia’s show. America could have easily stayed home and the outcome would have been the same.

It was the Pacific that was the most brutal and also the most glossed over. And we had to atomize both their cities. Lots of men of a certain age would have bought a Volkswagen long before they bought a Toyota. And that’s not the point. The point is that in an ideal world, young people shouldn’t have to worry about such a thing.

From 1991 to 2001, the military was a way to get away from parents or get college. There were no real wars. Maybe Kosovo or Haiti. But we effectively had world peace. Hope everybody took a picture.

It won’t be like that again for some time.

I got family that went over and friends who didn't come back. I get your point. I think trying to FIX Iraq was a terrible idea, of course I think destabilizing our alliance with Iraq back in 89 was also a bad idea.

I think most people in WWII understood we needed to fight Germany and Japan even if they weren't personally crazy about the idea of having to do it. They shot my grandfather down TWICE so trust me he wasn't thrilled about his participation but he never talked shit about doing it either.

The only vets I knew personally that criticized most things were Vietnam vets and that was because they constantly felt undermined, held back or otherwise not being given the tools or opportunity to do their job. And they kind of had a point, even at 14 years old when one of them said "Can you imagine if we fought WWII but Berlin was a NO FLY ZONE?" I understood the massive levels of BS they tried to function with and being involuntarily inducted didn't make things better. So I understand when they have gripes but even then the only things they hate more are Jane Fonda and John Kerry trying to speak for them.

As for "if we did this at home we'd go to jail", well no f'ing shit. Pretty much every war. But once you've seen a concentration camp you can pretty easily summarily execute anyone with sig rhunes on their collar. When you liberate what is left of a Japanese POW camp, you can probably shoot all those ****ers and sleep pretty good afterwards too. If you were on Oki or Iwo, they didn't take prisoners and you made damn sure you didn't get taken prisoner. They'd have traded places with guys in France without even having to think about it.

Also you are completely wrong about the US and WWII. Had we stayed home, Stalin would have fought Hitler to a standstill and rather than drive to Berlin he'd have just come to terms and they'd have divided the territory and we'd be facing not only the Soviet Union but a Greater Germania in the coming Cold War. Stalin repeatedly threatened to stop at Poland unless we opened a second front.

Additionally we didn't decide to fight Germany, they declared war on the US a few days after Pearl Harbor and never mind that all through 1940 German U boats were sinking US and British shipping right off Miami Beach and we were pretending it didn't happen because Roosevelt knew their wasn't popular support for joining the war in Europe even though he personally wanted to get involved. When Hitler declared war on the US it was the best thing anyone did for FDR, it saved him from having to fabricate some kind or pretext for going over there.

And finally only the naive and the insane are all gung ho and hooah about fighting real wars. Pretty much everyone knows somebody is going to die and they all realize it might be them. But they go anyhow which is damn impressive to me so I'll never talk shit about them or criticize what they are fighting for. My rule of thumb is if YOU go over and YOU are fighting...THEN you get to complain. If it's your friends and family then you are allowed to worry, but you don't get to complain. You get to scrutinize government and if you find them f'ing up you can and should begin ripping congressional assholes until they bleed. This is your duty as friend or family.

This is where Bush 41 proved to be a colossal F up. He complained reporters were ruining his vacation by asking war questions. You don't get to complain that people are ruining your golf game when their kids are fighting overseas and want you to answer questions. As a war veteran he should have known better and it's a big reason a lot of Republicans couldn't vote for his re election, me included. You just don't do some things.

05-23-21, 03:43
From that article

Dude is a freaking propagandist idiot with an agenda for sure

No kidding. Unless you were a American civilian on Guam, the Philippines or a bunch of other places and then you became a POW.

05-23-21, 07:11
US business(crony capitalism) was, and is, part of the problem.


05-23-21, 07:49
When a country declares war on another country :) I guess he does not understand that part :) ahahahaha

05-23-21, 08:51
When a country declares war on another country :) I guess he does not understand that part :) ahahahaha

A lot of libertarians (not all, but a lot) have this pipe dream of America being a continent-wide Switzerland. The fact of the matter is this: We were going to get involved in WWII whether we wanted to or not.

05-23-21, 13:04
A lot of libertarians (not all, but a lot) have this pipe dream of America being a continent-wide Switzerland. The fact of the matter is this: We were going to get involved in WWII whether we wanted to or not.

History has also long shown that when there isn't one or two great powers keeping the Pax Romana or Pax Britannica or Pax Americana, the world goes to chaos and collapses into widespread shooting wars in short order and for a long time. As much as I dislike the idea of us being the world's cop and would all-else-equal PREFER the Swiss model, I like the idea of a "Pax Chinesium" where the hungry Red Dragon imposes its ideas of such "human rights" as 24-7 universal surveillance, slave labor and forced organ harvesting even less.

Right now, it's either we are the top dog, or China is--and there's no Door #3, and sadly I expect the PRiCks to run rampant for the next four years now that they have their drooling retard knobgobbler installed as puppet-ruler here. Lord have mercy on us all...

05-23-21, 13:36
Here is the best part of America. You don't have to ask anyone permission to LEAVE. Too bad the libtard Left isn't smart enough to understand that.

05-23-21, 13:39
Here is the best part of America. You don't have to ask anyone permission to LEAVE. Too bad the libtard Left isn't smart enough to understand that.

So much this. Imagine how much better this country would be if when the Commie shitstains first started trying their crap our ancestors had told them "this is America, you want Russia which is over there, don't ley the door hit you on the ass, BYE."

If only the Communist Control Act had actually been enforced...

just a scout
05-23-21, 14:43
Report: Republican Ken Calvert ‘Forgot’ to Cast Proxy Vote to Kill Capitol Security Funding Bill https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/05/23/report-republican-ken-calvert-forgot-to-cast-proxy-vote-to-kill-capitol-security-funding-bill/

Then there’s this.

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05-23-21, 14:50
Report: Republican Ken Calvert ‘Forgot’ to Cast Proxy Vote to Kill Capitol Security Funding Bill https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/05/23/report-republican-ken-calvert-forgot-to-cast-proxy-vote-to-kill-capitol-security-funding-bill/

Then there’s this.

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Remember. BUDDY is only HALF the word.......

05-23-21, 14:55
Report: Republican Ken Calvert ‘Forgot’ to Cast Proxy Vote to Kill Capitol Security Funding Bill https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/05/23/report-republican-ken-calvert-forgot-to-cast-proxy-vote-to-kill-capitol-security-funding-bill/

Then there’s this.

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More like Dr. Evil air-quotes "forgot," if this guy's typical CalGOP scum. Ugh, Commiefornians... a blight on everything they touch, including the Karen-in-chief who's ruining RedState by dragging in sportsblogging and identity-politics pretending either is somehow "conservative" while squelching coverage of anything people actually DID want to discuss and driving off decade-plus longterm comunity members.

Part of me wants to say "sell everything west of the Sierra Nevada to China but place artillery all up and down the mountains presighted and ready to flatten everything."

05-23-21, 15:44
Here is the best part of America. You don't have to ask anyone permission to LEAVE. Too bad the libtard Left isn't smart enough to understand that.

Your average libtard:


05-23-21, 15:47
I read the article and while I disagree with some the sub points, especially regarding WW2, I think he’s missing a larger point. I’ve spent most of my adult life in the military, and I can’t say that I know any veterans that are disenchanted because of the reasons he cites. There’s plenty of other crap to be salty about, for sure. I never thought too much about fighting for “freedom,” other than the freedom not to get whacked by ISIS or Al Qaeda. The reasons we go to war will always be murky, but in my experience the people we end up fighting deserve exactly what they get.

There is definitely a problem with veteran suicide, and it’s a complex issue much bigger than some esoteric notion of “fighting for freedom.” I personally believe that the experience, mindset and perspective of the average GWOT vet is so different than someone who wasn’t involved it makes it hard for guys to really find their place back the real world.

05-23-21, 16:08
LT Col Mathew Lohmeier is serving his country and look whats happening to him.

This dude was either delusional, or did what he did knowing full well it would be the end of his career and figured getting booted over it would help his book sales and get him a job as a talking head somewhere. You can’t write a book criticizing the military, using your active duty status as bona fides, for the same reason you can’t go to a political rally in uniform. That lesson was actually a centerpiece of the whole extremism stand down curriculum he’s so upset about.

05-23-21, 16:18
As Voltaire said, "It is dangerous to be right when those in power are wrong."

05-23-21, 17:37
Here is the best part of America. You don't have to ask anyone permission to LEAVE. Too bad the libtard Left isn't smart enough to understand that.

Especially when Canada is RIGHT THERE. Don't need to get on a boat, don't need to fly over an ocean, just cross a border. Your socialist utopia awaits.

05-23-21, 17:45
Cant say I was too impressed with that article. Not exactly ground breaking or original thoughts. Men go to war based on small lies and large, rarely if ever the truth. I do not think that really comes as a big surprise to those who have spent any time looking into it. War from the day we started throwing rocks at each other on some savanna has often begun based on a lie, as few want to die or kill for the actual reasons the war gets started. That does not = all wars are meaningless as because no matter how reasonable you/we are, the other guy does not care. WWII taught us isolationism does not work and no amount of head in sand would stop the reality of that. Anyone thinks Germany or Japan would have limited their interests to what the author claims is delusional.

We should, without a doubt, find the balanced between Murican world police and isolationism based on some doctrine that can be applied, but I also get why it was felt we needed to stop/prevent the spread of communism, and it is in retrospect we can look back to see what a waste of life that was, but no one will ever convince me the world would not far far worse off if we had not been the that stopped the communists from as far as they got in Europe, or Asia, or South America, etc.

The author is just as guilty of revisionist history as the ra ra America fights for Freedom 24/7 types. As always, it is complicated, some conflicts more justified than others, some horrible crap we had no business being involved in, all under an agenda of resources and global influence, and 20/20 hindsight.

05-23-21, 18:18
You don’t understand.

There will come a point in this country where it will basically be like: “Now…youse can’t leave”

Like South Africa, you will be a sixth class citizen but goddammit you better show up for your shift at the hospital or the power company.

Some of you will call me crazy or roll eyes but it is the inevitable course of things. You have a growing minority with no voice and no real voting power being forced to provide for everyone else to “keep it real” all day.

You’ll see. And even if you left, where would you go. Very few of you speak a second language and the ones who didn’t cuck aren’t going to let any of you in. Even if some of you are Asian or otherwise; you’ll be seen as tainted by virtue of being Americanized.

They rewrite your history, conduct iconoclasm on your traditions, and ignore your basic requests.

This is how Rome fell

05-24-21, 00:07
There will come a point in this country where it will basically be like: “Now…youse can’t leave.”

And then all their courage and strength will drain from their bodies... and they will know at that instant that they made a fatal mistake.

05-24-21, 00:15
And then all their courage and strength will drain from their bodies... and they will know at that instant that they made a fatal mistake.

Actually, that's the point when the Flopover Matrix gets truly scary... you never want to put a man in a position where he has nothing left to lose, because if all that's left is taking a few of his tormentors out with him... that way lies some truly dark stuff, it's what made Poles so fanatical and dangerous in WWII.

05-24-21, 01:07
Actually, that's the point when the Flopover Matrix gets truly scary... you never want to put a man in a position where he has nothing left to lose, because if all that's left is taking a few of his tormentors out with him... that way lies some truly dark stuff, it's what made Poles so fanatical and dangerous in WWII.

Somebody didn't watch "A Bronx Tale."

05-24-21, 03:11
This country has always been a paradox. It was first settled by Puritans, but then its government was installed by a bunch of godless illuminists.

And there has always been a struggle between these secret society illuminist types, and the God fearing "American" types. Take the constitution itself for example. The federal government didn't want the bill of rights, and it was only at the demand of the states, especially Virginia, that it finally capitulated and grudgingly accepted it.

That first struggle between the states and the federal government was actually a struggle between the illuminists and the more down to earth God fearing types. It was a struggle between Masons and non Masons. James Madison, the man who almost single handedly is responsible for the bill of rights said, "I never was a mason, and no one perhaps could be more a stranger to the principles, rites and fruits of the institution."

Of course there were battles we lost, too, like the inclusion of a president. That wasn't supposed to be on the table, originally. Rightly so, people didn't see the practical difference between presidents and kings.

So this struggle has always existed, and sometimes it's hard to untangle. I will say the illuminists seem to be winning more as of late. But you can't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Germany and Japan were pure evil, and had to be stopped. Did the powers that be use those wars as catalysts for their agendas? Hell yes they did. Does that change the fact that the job had to be done? Nope.

Now with recent wars, if you can even call them that, I have no defense. Like I said, the illuminists seem to be more in control now, and we seem to be the source of the world's evil, vs. the ones who stamp it out. That's most true of the culture we have adopted, that we export along with our foreign policy. We're now the source of the world's filth. It's from our media studios and universities that all this filth flows, from pornography to the LGBT agenda.

With that said, there are still lots of down to earth God fearing types here. I would argue more than anywhere else in the entire world. It's in keeping with the paradox that the most God fearing people should live under the most oppressively satanic government in the history of the world. But God did claim this nation first. Before it was the United States of Freemasons, it was the place to which God's people fled in hopes of being able to shun the world system, to take shelter from those who would force them to deny their God.

I think there's a lot of hope we can turn this place around. While the illuminists who founded our government see this country as the final Babylon, that will successfully reinstate the Atlantis they erroneously think is a utopia (when in fact it was anything but), the Bible says otherwise. According to the Bible, the final Babylon will find itself in Europe, in the form of a revived Roman empire.

I can honestly see that, because even as evil is reaching a crescendo in this country, people are rising up in droves to fight it. I think we're going to send them packing, although I think it will be at a great cost.

05-24-21, 03:34
Here is the best part of America. You don't have to ask anyone permission to LEAVE. Too bad the libtard Left isn't smart enough to understand that.

Actually you kinda do.

05-24-21, 08:44
Actually you kinda do.

And if you have any wealth, you have to fork over a huge amount of it if you renounce your citizenship.

A lot of American expatriates working for foreign companies aren't eligible for higher positions if they keep their US citizenship because of IRS bank account reporting requirements, such as the FBAR, which require you to report the balances of bank accounts that you have any type of signature authority over.

IIRC, one of the Facebook stockholders renounced his citizenship prior to Facebook going public so that he could minimize his taxes with a different citizenship and also not have the USG take roughly half of what he would get in the IPO by giving up his citizenship afterward.

I have come to realize that while we have it much better here in the US than in other places, the US has been steadily adding laws over the past 100 years that more resemble the types of laws we associated with the USSR.

Anyone that hasn't read Three Felonies A Day and some of the other books out there about US Attorney prosecutorial overreach and misconduct should. And I am saying this as LE, pro law and order, etc.

05-24-21, 09:18
A lot of libertarians (not all, but a lot) have this pipe dream of America being a continent-wide Switzerland. The fact of the matter is this: We were going to get involved in WWII whether we wanted to or not.

As a small "l" libertarian, I don't know any other libertarians who want us to be like Switzerland (except for issuing actual assault rifles to citizens). We just don't want to sacrifice blood and money on the altar of capitalism. Global threat to humanity? No problem, arm up, drill up and go fight. Specific actual threat to the United States? Same, same.

Go kick some regional bully in the nuts so Halliburton can score some sweet contracts for a decade or more? :no:

The same goes for the nebulous wars. You know, the ones with no concrete goals. War on communism? War on drugs? War on terrorism? Tell me how an ideology or a brick of drugs signs a surrender or peace treaty? It's not possible.

If some 3rd world stain on humanity kidnaps or kills Americans, that's what the Marines are for. If it's more than that, then declare war on a named belligerent nation or organization, then kick their ass until they surrender or sue for peace. If you can't kick their ass, fight them to a draw and sue for peace.

For everything else there's capitalism. That's right, sell them what they need to fight for themselves. I'd go so far as to say that we should legalize mercenary work. If you want to go kill godless whomevers, then sell your services to those who'd benefit from your skills. Just don't whine to America if it doesn't work out for you. The same goes for your hardware contracts. Don't sell to those who can't pay. If they rip you off, then settle the matter yourself, or hire someone who can. America isn't your insurer, that's what actual insurance companies are for. If they won't underwrite you, that's what we call a "clue".

That's where I am as a libertarian. Not black or white, but a hell of a lot less gray that what we have now! :(

05-24-21, 10:39
Especially when Canada is RIGHT THERE. Don't need to get on a boat, don't need to fly over an ocean, just cross a border. Your socialist utopia awaits.

It's actually not that easy. Canada doesn't want you as an American. They actually have a website where you can fill in the blanks to see if you have a chance. Same goes for Australia and New Zealand.

05-24-21, 10:45
Actually you kinda do.

Please elaborate... this should be good.

05-24-21, 10:52
And if you have any wealth, you have to fork over a huge amount of it if you renounce your citizenship.

A lot of American expatriates working for foreign companies aren't eligible for higher positions if they keep their US citizenship because of IRS bank account reporting requirements, such as the FBAR, which require you to report the balances of bank accounts that you have any type of signature authority over.

IIRC, one of the Facebook stockholders renounced his citizenship prior to Facebook going public so that he could minimize his taxes with a different citizenship and also not have the USG take roughly half of what he would get in the IPO by giving up his citizenship afterward.

I have come to realize that while we have it much better here in the US than in other places, the US has been steadily adding laws over the past 100 years that more resemble the types of laws we associated with the USSR.

Anyone that hasn't read Three Felonies A Day and some of the other books out there about US Attorney prosecutorial overreach and misconduct should. And I am saying this as LE, pro law and order, etc.

It is called paying taxes. You don't have to pay anymore then if you lived in the US.

And yet how many people move out of the country , never report any incme........ and nothing happens to them? I have meet many that have.

They didn't pay anything more then a plane ticket and didn't ask anyone's permission.

05-24-21, 12:11
I’m seconding legalizing mercenary work.

Lotsa people needing to know what time it is out there. And crucifixions. And what the hell, bring back spoils of war.

05-24-21, 14:10
It is called paying taxes. You don't have to pay anymore then if you lived in the US.

And yet how many people move out of the country , never report any incme........ and nothing happens to them? I have meet many that have.

They didn't pay anything more then a plane ticket and didn't ask anyone's permission.

It was quite a surprise to me to learn that you could move to another country, make 100% of your income in that country, and the US still expects you to file, and pay taxes. If make nothing, you are still expected to file taxes. The amount you can make before you have to pay taxes is modestly generous, and you can account for the taxes you paid to the country you moved to, and so forth, but I believe the US and one other country in Africa do that.

How many bother I don't know, and if you never return not sure what if anything they can do about it, but what if the person returns? I don't know the answer to what can happen on paper and what actually happens.

05-24-21, 19:39
Please elaborate... this should be good.

Try getting out of the country, much less getting residency in some other country, without asking his majesty for a passport first. And prepareth thine asshole, because the IRS is going to go in dry before you're able to get your assets out of the country. And that's today, when few want to leave. What if they pass this unrealized gains tax they keep talking about? The minute people start trying to flee the sinking ship the government starts confiscating life boats.

05-24-21, 19:47
It is called paying taxes. You don't have to pay anymore then if you lived in the US.

And yet how many people move out of the country , never report any incme........ and nothing happens to them? I have meet many that have.

They didn't pay anything more then a plane ticket and didn't ask anyone's permission.

Dude, seriously? Bye bye 401k, bye bye social security you've been paying into your whole life, bye bye medicare you've been paying into your whole life. You take like a 40% hit on your net worth to get out, and once you're in the promised land you have to then pay your own way for everything. Anyone who plans on leaving should do so when they're in their 20s before they have any net worth or built up benefits to speak of.

05-24-21, 20:18
Dude, seriously? Bye bye 401k, bye bye social security you've been paying into your whole life, bye bye medicare you've been paying into your whole life. You take like a 40% hit on your net worth to get out, and once you're in the promised land you have to then pay your own way for everything. Anyone who plans on leaving should do so when they're in their 20s before they have any net worth or built up benefits to speak of.

Amd yeu YOU can leave at will. Nobody is stopping you.

Cash out ylue 401k and you will not need all of that money you paid into Medicre..... the rest of the world has"great" free healthcare.

You obviously do not understand somple concepts. You can leave any time. Not wantimg to leave STUFF behind is another choise. Those two choises sre nkt even related.

You do not even need to have a passport to leave.

What people do after they leave is up to them. As long as they don't come back.

05-24-21, 21:06
Joe Scarboro would agree with you .

05-25-21, 02:33
Amd yeu YOU can leave at will. Nobody is stopping you.

Cash out ylue 401k and you will not need all of that money you paid into Medicre..... the rest of the world has"great" free healthcare.

You obviously do not understand somple concepts. You can leave any time. Not wantimg to leave STUFF behind is another choise. Those two choises sre nkt even related.

You do not even need to have a passport to leave.

What people do after they leave is up to them. As long as they don't come back.

What fantasy world are you living in?

05-25-21, 06:57
So much misinformation in this thread it isn't even worth calling out.