View Full Version : Ah, HELL NO! Now Paul Ryan Emerges?

05-27-21, 16:05


Paul Ryan- who undercut Trump and cuck’d him for the first two years.

Paul Ryan- who lost us the House.

Paul Ryan- who Should be on the MSNBC/DNC payroll..

Who has been silent as the dems try to use mob rule to cement their power and turn 75-80 million US citizens into war criminals…

Now he is going to emerge to…. Take on Trump?

What is ever loving wrong with the grand old GOPers? The left is looking to blow up the country by spiking in inflation, blowing out the debt, giving us a rainbow warrior military, demean the country in general, re-institute racism, use mob rule to subvert the republic system and courts- all while emboldening our enemies overseas- hell, paying them. This is all going on and Ryan is going to emerge and he is going after Trump.

F Him.

F anyone that supports him.

I get it, they don’t like Trump. Trump drives me crazy, but when are these A-holes going to understand THAT THEY CAUSED TRUMP BY NOT STANDING UP TO THE LEFT. If Ryan, McCain, Bush, Romney had just said “NO!, these are my people, these are Americans who built, fought for, and make America what it is and I won’t let you denigrate them of me.”

But now he gets a backbone? To stand up to Trump?

And what did Trump do that so was HORRIBLE? He signed a tax break and tried to enforce immigration laws on the books… oh, and a few mean tweets. Oh, the vapors…

At the Reagan Library? I’m going to burn that library card. F them. Here’s hoping that enough patriots stand up and shout him down. I so wish I had a ticket. It would take them 15 minutes to remove my fat ass from the middle of a row. Even I would run out of taunts.

Here’s hoping he’s riding the lowest bid helicopter out to the ranch.

05-27-21, 16:16
Any takers, that the Chinese are paying his freight, too? :rolleyes:

05-27-21, 16:42
Ah yes, Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney the poster children for capitulation.

05-27-21, 16:55
Bro, didn’t you know?

Republicans aren’t on our side and haven’t been for a long time

05-27-21, 17:16
Bro, didn’t you know?

Republicans aren’t on our side and haven’t been for a long time

I thought he was gone, but the guy is political herpes. He F ups the party and then goes away, only to show up later.

05-27-21, 17:20
"Independence and mettle" doesn't come to my mind when I think of Ryan, more like pansy, backstabbing jamoke. He then insults conservatives by basically pinning "Trump cult" on them, as if maybe, just maybe conservatives thought Trump's ideas were actually the things they liked along with his follow through. Hopefully McCarthy and Jordan throw him under bus right soon.

05-27-21, 18:20
Paul RINO can suck a dick. Have felt that way for a LONG time.

05-27-21, 19:41
Paul RINO can suckchoke out on a dick. Have felt that way for a LONG time.

FIFY. :)

05-27-21, 20:01
Wow, that idiot really is full of himself. Does he seriously think he stands a chance after the crap he pulled? Talks about tone deaf......You truly can't fix stupid.

It will be fun to watch him be destroyed. What a worthless piece of trash who stands for absolutely nothing but himself.

05-27-21, 20:09
I feel like a total asshole for voting Romney Ryan in 2012!

05-27-21, 20:22
I think a while ago some really liked him though ? or maybe I am wrong but seems that way then again :)

my joke was when I hear folks call slippers (common Hawaii term) mainlanders call them flip flops I would say " they are slippers ! flip flops are what politicians do :) "

but I have also always said choosing a politician is like asking what side of the face do you want to get hit ? right or left and in reality all of us do not want to be hit at all !

05-27-21, 20:29
I feel like a total asshole for voting Romney Ryan in 2012!

Don't feel bad. Thinking back through my adult life every vote I've cast for president has been for the lesser of two evils. David

05-27-21, 22:30
When he came out and refused to actually work at his position as Speaker, he was dead to me.
Last I checked, he hasn't been resurrected.

05-27-21, 23:11
When he came out and refused to actually work at his position as Speaker, he was dead to me.
Last I checked, he hasn't been resurrected.

THIS. Compare what Biden is getting done with Nancy versus Trump with Ryan.

05-28-21, 03:29
I feel like a total asshole for voting Romney Ryan in 2012!

I just didn't vote. If the Republicans weren't even gonna try, then neither was I. I didn't want Obama to win, but I also didn't want those clowns to win.

05-28-21, 08:50
your not the only one

05-28-21, 08:50
I feel like a total asshole for voting Romney Ryan in 2012!

I almost didn't vote. The Romney/Ryan ticket, OM F'ing G. WTF was their slogan again... "The same progressive agenda as the other guys only watered down with some rino red sprinkles on top"

That Romney is one of my Senators now literally makes me wanna barf. The guy is a complete lefty POS. He's a "Theocratic Socialist".

05-28-21, 11:15
Hard pass. He, Romney, Cheney and the rest of the cucks can EABOD in hell.

05-28-21, 11:22
It's a one party system, and it's exactly this kind of political theater that keeps people from seeing it. Don't fall for their theatrics. Live your life as best you can. The way you vote is by refusing to comply whenever possible.

05-28-21, 18:46
I almost didn't vote. The Romney/Ryan ticket, OM F'ing G. WTF was their slogan again... "The same progressive agenda as the other guys only watered down with some rino red sprinkles on top"

That Romney is one of my Senators now literally makes me wanna barf. The guy is a complete lefty POS. He's a "Theocratic Socialist".

After McStain in the prior presidential election I vowed I wasn't going to vote for another RINO ever again. A couple of my friends shamed me into it with the "We have to try to keep Obama from winning again!" That was the last time I will EVER hit the lever for a RINO. I don't care if it means the entire country burns down or goes into the shitter as a result of the "other" guy winning. Of course this assumes our votes really count anyway (hint: F-R-A-U-D).

05-28-21, 19:53
The guy I am talking about, looked like Paul Ryan and I will be damned, they have the same common sense.
So as the de facto Senior Enlisted Guy, I'm sitting in Battalion Meetings and on comes the unannounced red cycle crap we have to pick up from our sister Battalion. Looks like a Big Ammo holding area, like NATO sized and the local AHA for two weeks.
Then we talk about re enlistments. I have a guy in the gate ready to go, all he is asking for is 30 days off the duty roster and he's ready to sign.
They do the deal and everyone is happy.
I've got some spots that are light in our Motorpool 48 hour guard shift and I tell Specialist 4 Paul Ryan about it. I tell him he can take his 30 days starting now, or back up a bit, pull a shift of motorpool guard tonight and have all of December off of the roster, No Duty.
Well Specialist Paul Ryan reads me the riot act and takes his 30 days starting tonight.
Well, it starts snowing like November 22nd and it snows for two weeks.
When the Five ton left the Barracks, Specialist Ryan wasn't on it to go to the local AHA, but when the Bus pulled up to take 40 troops to NATO Ammo Holding Area guard duty, Specialist Ryan was right there. It was frozen, waist deep snow in some places.
One hand washes the other, well that is until you get all short sited and lazy. Then one hand goes into a meat grinder and the other thrashes around a bit.
Sorry Paul Ryan, You are dead to me.

05-28-21, 20:14
There is just one party, remember the 42 Republicans who retired en masse during the 18 mid terms,
essentially handing the Dem side of that solitary coin the lower house and the mess we are in now !

05-28-21, 23:03
Kind of the beautiful thing is that these Rino/Lincoln/CNN Republicans are decapitated zombies bumping around thinking that they are relevant. Their time is passed. Their viewpoint is irrelevant. They are just traitor puppets dancing what ever jig CNN pulls them to.

05-30-21, 09:39
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

RINO Paul Ryan, who became a lame duck Speaker of the House, lost all vote-getting capability with the people he represented in Wisconsin, and was the single biggest factor, other than Romney himself, for the monumental Romney/Ryan loss in the Presidential race of 2012 (I got more votes by far, 75M, than any sitting president in history!), and he is now speaking to other Republicans telling them how to win elections. Interestingly, I was in the Great State of Wisconsin when they booed him off the podium—I literally had to come to his rescue.

Ryan should instead be telling them how to stop the cheating of elections and that we would have won if Republican leadership fought the way the Democrats did.

It was the day that Ryan went on the board of Fox (Fox will never be the same!) that Fox totally lost its way and became a much different place, with millions of its greatest supporters fleeing for good. Paul Ryan has been a curse to the Republican Party. He has no clue as to what needs to be done for our Country, was a weak and ineffective leader, and spends all of his time fighting Republicans as opposed to Democrats who are destroying our Country.

As a Republican, having Paul Ryan on your side almost guarantees a loss, for both you, the Party, and America itself!


05-30-21, 09:48
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

RINO Paul Ryan, who became a lame duck Speaker of the House, lost all vote-getting capability with the people he represented in Wisconsin, and was the single biggest factor, other than Romney himself, for the monumental Romney/Ryan loss in the Presidential race of 2012 (I got more votes by far, 75M, than any sitting president in history!), and he is now speaking to other Republicans telling them how to win elections. Interestingly, I was in the Great State of Wisconsin when they booed him off the podium—I literally had to come to his rescue.

Ryan should instead be telling them how to stop the cheating of elections and that we would have won if Republican leadership fought the way the Democrats did.

It was the day that Ryan went on the board of Fox (Fox will never be the same!) that Fox totally lost its way and became a much different place, with millions of its greatest supporters fleeing for good. Paul Ryan has been a curse to the Republican Party. He has no clue as to what needs to be done for our Country, was a weak and ineffective leader, and spends all of his time fighting Republicans as opposed to Democrats who are destroying our Country.

As a Republican, having Paul Ryan on your side almost guarantees a loss, for both you, the Party, and America itself!


Like Ben Shapiro says, Trump is like a hammer. When he hits a nail it is awesome. And he nailed it here. But he’s always a hammer and he’s always hitting things; babies, small cute animals, a clock.

05-30-21, 18:18
Like Ben Shapiro says, Trump is like a hammer. When he hits a nail it is awesome. And he nailed it here. But he’s always a hammer and he’s always hitting things; babies, small cute animals, a clock.

I don't always like Trump, but I have to agree with him completely here as well.

The populism movement with the GOP has been a great thing. It has given conservatives to support rather than hold their nose and settle for. The "Old" GOP spent the good part of the past 30+ years selling out their voters by paying lip service to traditional values, and then offering nothing except to beat the drum of trickle down economics while allowing the left to run rough shot over every other aspect of America. It's because of the RINOs that wokeism and cancel culture grew to be as powerful as it is.

05-30-21, 22:40
It is simple, I figured out when you vote for the lesser of 2 evils, you still end up with evil.

I will go as far as to say even more evil, since RINOs are liars and BS artists, on top of being want to be child molesters.

05-30-21, 22:56
I get it, they don’t like Trump. Trump drives me crazy, but when are these A-holes going to understand THAT THEY CAUSED TRUMP BY NOT STANDING UP TO THE LEFT.


05-30-21, 23:15
I get it, they don’t like Trump. Trump drives me crazy, but when are these A-holes going to understand THAT THEY CAUSED TRUMP BY NOT STANDING UP TO THE LEFT. If Ryan, McCain, Bush, Romney had just said “NO!, these are my people, these are Americans who built, fought for, and make America what it is and I won’t let you denigrate them of me.”

The RINO's are eerily similar to the Left and Democrats: they will double, even triple-down on stupid. Why, if it doesn't work once just try it again....and again....and again....etc. It must be those stupid proles, too simple and backwards to know what's good for them. :mad:

05-31-21, 01:23
Doesn't Lyin' Ryan have a Crossfit cult to go run?

05-31-21, 07:52
Paul Ryan sucks, Trump got things done. Biden came in and uno reversoed half that shit. Ryan and Biden are treasonous traitors.

05-31-21, 09:54
Guys like Ryan prove my theory that politics are just WWF style theatre.

Most of em are just playing the part to please the audience, backstage they punch the clock and get paid. Hell even most of the "audience" knows it all a sham, they just want a good show. And the progressive machine rolls on.

05-31-21, 10:30
Like Ben Shapiro says, Trump is like a hammer. When he hits a nail it is awesome. And he nailed it here. But he’s always a hammer and he’s always hitting things; babies, small cute animals, a clock.

America needs more Trump-like hammers and fewer Ryan-like republican quislings in Washington.

05-31-21, 10:38
Guys like Ryan prove my theory that politics are just WWF style theatre.

Most of em are just playing the part to please the audience, backstage they punch the clock and get paid. Hell even most of the "audience" knows it all a sham, they just want a good show. And the progressive machine rolls on.

Not quite, amigo. Pro wrestlers at least actually have skin in the game, sometimes suffering *real* injuries for their "art." And ironically, one of them gives us a perfect quote for the RINO Quislingcuck Surrendercons...

"There is no shame in going out fighting and getting your ass kicked, but there is no honor in refusing to fight at all!"
--Mark "The Undertaker" Calaway

06-05-21, 19:30
I feel like a total asshole for voting Romney Ryan in 2012! You should feel guilty !!! :rolleyes: but we usually have 2 choices, evil and the lesser of the two evils.