View Full Version : Gun Safes On A Budget?

12-08-08, 19:20
I want a safe that will hold 8-10 firearms. If at all possible I'd like it to include enough storage for a couple thousand rounds.

Here's the kicker...I want it for less than $500. Can it be done?

Fortunately most of my heirloom type guns reside in a safe in West Virginia, but all the guns that I've purchased are with me, and it would kill me to loose them. At the moment they're all living in soft cases/Hardigg cases, which beside the ease which one could steal them, require me to take them out and oil them so as to prevent any rust(not been a problem up until now, probably due to my diligence.)

12-08-08, 19:32
One question...How much would it cost for you to replace the weapons that you have with you now? If like you said, the costs is in the thousands, then, your budget of $500 for a safe is way too low. Your money though!!! I bought my Liberty safe a long time ago and am very happy that I have it. It is very hard to move and fire resistant for 45min so I feel very good about my guns. I paid around $12-13 hundred 12 years ago.

Go visit a safe dealer and see if he has any 'seconds'. Mine was a second because it had a bubble in the paint...oh well. It saved me around $300 and still came with a lifetime warranty.

I really would save up or put it on the plastic unless you can absorb the loss of any/all your weapons. There will be people here that use the Wally World specials and think they are protected...It's your money. I'm just glad I have mine. Great peace of mind and that is priceless!!!!!

12-08-08, 19:54
A $500 safe will be full in no time. I strongly suggest saving a bit longer if you can and buy a large safe. Everyone complains that they wish they bought a larger safe. Its easier to just buy a large one to begin with.

12-08-08, 20:18
I want a safe that will hold 8-10 firearms. If at all possible I'd like it to include enough storage for a couple thousand rounds.

Here's the kicker...I want it for less than $500. Can it be done?

Fortunately most of my heirloom type guns reside in a safe in West Virginia, but all the guns that I've purchased are with me, and it would kill me to loose them. At the moment they're all living in soft cases/Hardigg cases, which beside the ease which one could steal them, require me to take them out and oil them so as to prevent any rust(not been a problem up until now, probably due to my diligence.)

I have this one and I have 2 AR's, 1 shotgun, and a bolt action rifle in it with no problem. I purchased it on sale for $225 at Cabela's. This one was the last one , but check Academy, they were $299 over there.

12-08-08, 20:59
Dude - Costco has this Cannon fireproof safe that is the same model as the one I got for anlmost $2K for only $1000 -- INCLUDING SHIPPING!!!! -- this is an incredible safe that comes with replacement insurance and the BEST fireproofing. In CA last year we had a house that was completely destroyed by wildfires and the guy's Cannon safe was the only thing standing AND he got all his guns out safely. For a good gun collection the extra $ is well worth it!


Cannon makes the BEST safe and has the best factory backup -- don't risk your guns and valuables in anything else.

PS remember to have the installer BOLT IT TO THE FLOOR.
There's a good funny article about this in the new AMERICAN HANDGUNNER magazine.

12-08-08, 22:28
I started with a 12 gun safe that I paid $350 for. I outgrew it in 3 years & replaced it with a 30 gun safe which is now too crammed to store a piece of paper in. The small safe is used for ammo storage only now & is to the brim. I wanted a large safe to start with but my wife was pregnant & I needed to have all my guns locked up before my kid was born so I settled for what I could afford at the time. Gotta do what ya gotta do! Any safe is better than no safe. A safe is an investment though so if you can hold out for the biggest one you can afford, do it. I guarantee you won't ever kick yourself for buying too big of a safe. You probably will if you buy too small of a safe.;)

12-08-08, 23:30
Thanks for the links guys...you have me thinking I need to up the ante a little bit and get some fire protection. I worry about fires, as I'm in an apartment connected to three other units sharing walls/roof etc...

12-09-08, 00:13
I had a non-fireproof safe for years until I moved into fire hazard area. The Cannon withstands 1200 degrees for like half an hour (At that peak temperature the room would be gone in a half hour. Then they send a man out to open your safe as soon as it's cool enough to get in the wreckage -- AND they insure your guns if they get them out in a timely manner and they are damaged.

I now know a safe is like buying a scope -- cheaping out only costs you in the long run.

12-09-08, 08:40
... I now know a safe is like buying a scope -- cheaping out only costs you in the long run.

true. but in both cases the corollary is also true. is it better to have nothing and wait till you can afford the best, or is it better to get what you can afford asap and upgrade later?

in my case, I opted for a smaller, better quality safe instead of the bigger cheaper one. I knew then that I would outgrow it (and I did quickly). as my needs grew, I bought another one, and will continue to do so as need grows.

right now they are bolted together as well as the wall and concrete floor in the basement. together they weigh almost 900 lbs and are as big as one of those double door jobs that cost > $3000. I never understood those.if someone is going to get into one of the BIG safes, where you have all of your stuff, you lost it all.

with two safes, at least half of your stuff is going to require them to do twice the work to get it all...

12-09-08, 09:45
I'm intereested in the topic as well and hope some of you could give your input on two things.

1. What criteria in terms of construction and options did you use to determine what was an acceptable level of protection for fire/theft?

2. I've seen Cannon and Liberty mentioned as brand names to look in to. Are there others with good reputation or certain brands to avoid?

12-09-08, 10:44
Keep in mind where you place the safe. Most of the "name brand" safes are just residential security containers. Someone can hack through the side with a fire axe in no time with 10 and 12 gauge steel. With better tools it will be like a knife through butter. Real safes cost real money. Amsec and Graffunder come to mind, but they are extremely expensive.

Steel Thickness Chart

12 Gauge= Thickness Of 2 Dimes
10 Gauge= Thickness Of 1 Nickel And 2 Dimes
8 Gauge= Thickness Of 2 Dimes And 1 Quarter
7 Gauge (3/16)= Thickness Of 2 Quarters And 1 Dime
3 Gauge (1/4)= Thickness Of 3 Quarters And 1 Penny
5/16 Thick= Thickness Of 4 Quarters And 1 Dime

12-09-08, 11:37
For residential use as a safe to lock up the guns/ammo and have a secure storage that would resist the average crack addicts abbilities, Dicks Sporting Goods has a nice water/fire proof safe on sale until Saturday. I was just there with my son and almost grabbed one myself.

This is the one I was wanting:
28 gun safe.
Combination lock and it has 7 1" diam lock pins.
Water tight
Fire proof
Adjustable shelving

Its showing as $699 on the site, but I believe it was $499 in the store this week.

They have smaller opnes and larger ones on sale this week. Saturday starts the normal prices again.

12-09-08, 12:14
As far as getting into a safe, the right guy can get into ANY safe. It's gust to keep the rookie theives/crackheads out. As far as thickness is concerned, what difference will a 10 ga. vs. 1/2" thick make to a torch or decent plasma cutter? I was cutting 3/4" plate yesterday with my plasma no problem. I would focus more on the fire rating than the thickness of steel.

12-09-08, 13:37

I picked this one up at the local wally worlds for $449.

But it isnt listed on their website.


(I know electronic locks are not very good but If a crook really wants it hell get it anyway)

12-09-08, 14:43
Check Sams Club in your area. I picked up the Winchester type for around $500. I like it.