View Full Version : Lots of undependable people out there...

06-16-21, 20:20
Being single and having recently had the last of my immediate family move out of town I got really concerned with what would happen to my dogs if something happened to me and wanted to make sure they had someone lined up to look out for them.

You never know when shit will happen and I wanted to be sure that if I got hit by a bus or fell off a ladder or whatever that I at least had someone I could call and count on to care for my girls until I was on my feet again.

I 'thought' I had it all sorted out with a former long time neighbor of mine (now living about 2 miles away instead of across the street as before) but now I am back to square one looking for an 'emergency person' for my girls.

I tried to call the lady about a week ago to ask how one of her dogs with cancer is doing and got no answer. Figured she would see my number on her phone and call when she had a chance but nope. Has been a week and have heard nothing back from her.

If I had been calling because it had been an actual 'emergency' and could not get through to her - Pretty sure my girls would have been screwed after being home alone for a week... :(

May see about hiring a pet sitter and having them come by once a month just to keep the girls 'used to them' with the understanding that they may be needed to care for the girls for a week or more 'if' anything ever happens and I need the help. Not keen on that idea as I had bad experiences with pet sitter when the girls were puppies. Fired a bunch before I finally found one that seemed to be worth a crap and she barely lasted a couple of months before I had to fire her ass. What got her fired was me coming home from work to find a big ass orange stain in the middle of the living room carpet where she had given the girls a few carrots at. She had been instructed to give them crap like that IN THEIR CRATES but still screwed it up. Another screw up that particular sitter had was when I came home from work once to find the side door not completely closed / not latched. She had armed the alarm and the door was almost closed but not quite. It was ajar about a half inch and not latched. If anyone had come by and pushed on it (like I did when I got home) it would have opened right up without even touching the door knob. Freakin idiot... :mad:

I did find (and went and checked out) a pretty cool animal hospital / daycare / boarding facility not too far from me that seemed pretty awesome a little while back. Can get both girls their own private 'room' there (no joke - a small room but still better than them being stuck in cages) but the place was expensive as hell and depending on what crap hit my fan I might still need someone to take them there and drop them off.

Sorry for the rant... I will sleep a lot better at night once I get some sort of emergency dog care crap sorted out for my girls. Much more difficult than I thought it would be because people are undependable... :(

06-16-21, 21:14
Seems ike you were way to quick to write off the neighbor. I often forget to call people back if they don't leave a message. If they needed to reach me, they'd call or text again. Many times there was no sign that anyone had called and I wouldn't have known had they not told me. Are there no cell dead zones near you? Have you never had anyone tell you they'd called you, but you had no record of it on your phone? Happens to me, both ways, all the time. If you'd had an emergency, you would have kept trying to reach her until you succeeded.

I'll agree that people seem to be more flaky and unreliable than in years past. I see it with younger people especially. Just spent considerable time, money and effort training up a new employee only to have the person quit after less than a month for no good reason. I could boggle your mind with all the idiotic things people do wrong with animals of all sorts.

06-16-21, 22:05
I can relate... my girlfriend just had an old classmate for some reason, completely unbeknownst to her after years out-of-touch, list her as a contact on a loan which he's now defaulted on and the collections vermin are harassing her.

Don't banks VERIFY that kinda crap before approving, like that the co-signer is WILLING and ABLE to guarantee the loan? (Which she is neither.) If the border were open and my folks here were squared away I'd be tempted to go there and do some P.I. crap to track the SOB down and tell the collections guys "THIS is where your scumbag is right now, go get him and leave us the hell alone."

06-17-21, 00:58
How long have we been "Locked Up?" and people are getting even weirder?
Yeah, I went to the grocery and had a Lady pull out her phone and showed me pictures of her three cats today.

06-17-21, 02:10
People are getting flakier than a buttermilk biscuit. I almost kind of hate that I've gotten used to it, especially since it's hard not to be flaky yourself once you do. Like a freaking virus in that regard. Like when someone says they're going to meet up to do a gun trade, I just pretty much plan on the likelihood they're going flake and be MIA level incommunicado when the day comes.

What's got me more concerned though is people don't seem to want to work. Doesn't matter what it is, you try to do business with someone right now and they just don't seem to care if they get the business or not, even in industries that are supposedly hurting right now. Like people are griping about moratoriums ending and unemployment benefits going away, but for some strange reason nobody wants jobs, and the people who have jobs don't seem to care if they keep them or not. It was all fun and games when you could blame covid for straight up incompetence and downright contempt for your customers, but now it's just like right out in the open, no more pretense. Like how dare you try to come in here with your money and offer me an equitable exchange for my wares, you dirty rotten capitalist! I just don't get it...

06-17-21, 12:01
People are getting flakier than a buttermilk biscuit. I almost kind of hate that I've gotten used to it, especially since it's hard not to be flaky yourself once you do. Like a freaking virus in that regard. Like when someone says they're going to meet up to do a gun trade, I just pretty much plan on the likelihood they're going flake and be MIA level incommunicado when the day comes.

What's got me more concerned though is people don't seem to want to work. Doesn't matter what it is, you try to do business with someone right now and they just don't seem to care if they get the business or not, even in industries that are supposedly hurting right now. Like people are griping about moratoriums ending and unemployment benefits going away, but for some strange reason nobody wants jobs, and the people who have jobs don't seem to care if they keep them or not. It was all fun and games when you could blame covid for straight up incompetence and downright contempt for your customers, but now it's just like right out in the open, no more pretense. Like how dare you try to come in here with your money and offer me an equitable exchange for my wares, you dirty rotten capitalist! I just don't get it...

Really? I have not seen this. I'm not saying you are wrong. Just saying I haven't seen it.

Other than my industry being shut down for six months, I really didn't change anything during any of this covid non-sense. Just went about my business as usual. Went where I wanted to go and did what I wanted to do. Since October, I've been in ATL as much as I've been home. People have been happy to take my money and I've been getting paid for all my usual stuff on either coast and all points in-between. Not just in my business, but in little side transactions too. I've heard about what you speak of as an explanation for skyrocketing lumber prices and some of the various supply shortages, but haven't seen it myself directly. There is no shortage of people who want to work in my business.

I've seen some people being more irritable and angry. Ready to fight at the drop of a hat. But the usual hard workers are working hard and taking full advantage of every opportunity they can, while the lazy people continue to use what little energy they have to find new ways to be lazy and get away with it.

I suppose we all see different things in our day to day lives, and we all interpret things in our own ways too.

06-17-21, 13:42
I can relate... my girlfriend just had an old classmate for some reason, completely unbeknownst to her after years out-of-touch, list her as a contact on a loan which he's now defaulted on and the collections vermin are harassing her.

Don't banks VERIFY that kinda crap before approving, like that the co-signer is WILLING and ABLE to guarantee the loan? (Which she is neither.) If the border were open and my folks here were squared away I'd be tempted to go there and do some P.I. crap to track the SOB down and tell the collections guys "THIS is where your scumbag is right now, go get him and leave us the hell alone."

Have her tell any collections people to cease and desist contacting her (and tell them she never cosigned a loan for that person). They have to respect it. I believe there is an FTC website you can report these folks to as well. There are strict regulations collections has to operate under.

06-17-21, 14:03
Have her tell any collections people to cease and desist contacting her (and tell them she never cosigned a loan for that person). They have to respect it. I believe there is an FTC website you can report these folks to as well. There are strict regulations collections has to operate under.

All well and good if she were on this side of the 49th, but Canadian law may differ. Thanks for the thought, and I'll definitely pass your comment along to see what she can do with it.

06-17-21, 15:54
All well and good if she were on this side of the 49th, but Canadian law may differ. Thanks for the thought, and I'll definitely pass your comment along to see what she can do with it.

Yeah I don't know about Canada. My impression is they are a bit more paternalistic so probably have stronger laws. In any case, I'd still tell them, if I were her, to stop calling me and that she didn't co-sign any loan and has no responsibility and she will file a complaint if they keep calling.

Don't know who I'd file the complaint with there, but I'd at least say it. Maybe tey will get the idea there is nothing to chase with her.

06-17-21, 16:36
Yeah I don't know about Canada. My impression is they are a bit more paternalistic so probably have stronger laws. In any case, I'd still tell them, if I were her, to stop calling me and that she didn't co-sign any loan and has no responsibility and she will file a complaint if they keep calling.

Don't know who I'd file the complaint with there, but I'd at least say it. Maybe tey will get the idea there is nothing to chase with her.

Already passed along, thanks! :) She hasn't been online since mentioning it and missed last night's weekly chat, so I'm hoping it's just fatigue from the usual stuff of keeping her parents' house running and not some legbreaker already gotten to her.

06-17-21, 16:41
I can relate... my girlfriend just had an old classmate for some reason, completely unbeknownst to her after years out-of-touch, list her as a contact on a loan which he's now defaulted on and the collections vermin are harassing her.

Don't banks VERIFY that kinda crap before approving, like that the co-signer is WILLING and ABLE to guarantee the loan? (Which she is neither.) If the border were open and my folks here were squared away I'd be tempted to go there and do some P.I. crap to track the SOB down and tell the collections guys "THIS is where your scumbag is right now, go get him and leave us the hell alone."

If your girlfriend did not sign anything (in addition to not being aware of anything) then the the bank has diddly-poo grounds to try to hold her accountable for crappolie.

06-17-21, 16:42
Expecting a neighbor to take care of your pets for an extended period is big ask. And you can bet the moment someone else has your pet that they'll have an unexpected emergency of their own. I think you're on the right track considering a boarding facility.

06-17-21, 16:52
If your girlfriend did not sign anything (in addition to not being aware of anything) then the the bank has diddly-poo grounds to try to hold her accountable for crappolie.

At this point it seems to be the collection agency/ies that are trying to collect and not the bank itself. These agencies can be big PITA. Which is why you should always tell them to bugger off or you'll complain and you require all correspondence in writing. And if you didn't sign anything or don't owe, tell them that.

06-17-21, 16:53
At this point it seems to be the collection agency/ies that are trying to collect and not the bank itself. These agencies can be big PITA. Which is why you should always tell them to bugger off or you'll complain and you require all correspondence in writing. And if you didn't sign anything or don't owe, tell them that.

Ok and true.