View Full Version : Top Chinese Intel Official Defects to US - Provides Intel on Wuhan Lab

06-19-21, 15:43

Top Chinese counterintelligence official defected to US, provided intel on Wuhan lab and China's bioweapons programs: Reports

Dong allegedly supplied the U.S. with "information about the Wuhan Institute of Virology that changed the stance of the Biden administration concerning the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic."

Red State reports, "Not only does Dong have detailed information about China's special weapons systems, the Chinese military's operation of the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the origins of SARS-CoV-2, and the Chinese government's assets and sources within the United States; Dong has extremely embarrassing and damaging information about our intelligence community and government officials in the 'terabytes of data' he's provided to the DIA."

The Red State report also claims that Dong provided the DIA with information about: "Early pathogenic studies of the virus we now know as SARS-CoV-2, models of predicted COVID-19 spread and damage to the US and the world, financial records detailing which exact organizations and governments funded the research on SARS-CoV-2 and other biological warfare research, names of US citizens who provide intel to China, names of Chinese spies working in the US or attending US universities, financial records showing US businessmen and public officials who've received money from the Chinese government, details of meetings US government officials had (perhaps unwittingly) with Chinese spies and members of Russia's SVR, and how the Chinese government gained access to a CIA communications system, leading to the death of dozens of Chinese people who were working with the CIA."

06-19-21, 18:18
Seeing as how the "rule of law" is out the window these days, and given the regime's $$$ ties to the ChiComs, I hope this guy is "disappeared" by the DIA. Maybe he'll surface in a few years when the coast is clear. Otherwise I can see those cocksuckers deporting him back to the Motherland to face certain death. Yeah, I truly believe it's gotten that upside-down-clown-worldish.

06-19-21, 18:23
An accurate assessment in my book Abnak.

06-19-21, 19:26
An accurate assessment in my book Abnak.

Disturbingly so.

06-19-21, 20:22
So, we have espionage and spying, combined with acts of war, not to mention blatant violation of whatever international laws there are for deploying known bioweapons....and that is just what the CCP is tied to via this most recent ‘revelation’. Too bad the DC Swamp is effectively a game preserve for the rest of the world’s despots to fund and defend from us freedom loving yokels and our silly thoughts of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

06-19-21, 21:27
Interesting....I've heard recent rumors the DIA had a source that had come forward on the Covid/Lab studies/etc, but chalked it up to "internet rumors". Guess it's not a rumor...
It's just a shame that A) most of these 'revelations' will be ignored or buried, let alone fully come to light for the public at large, and B) I doubt any of the treasonous SOBs involved will see a firing squad, let a lone a jail cell.

06-19-21, 22:36
Seeing as how the "rule of law" is out the window these days, and given the regime's $$$ ties to the ChiComs, I hope this guy is "disappeared" by the DIA. Maybe he'll surface in a few years when the coast is clear. Otherwise I can see those cocksuckers deporting him back to the Motherland to face certain death. Yeah, I truly believe it's gotten that upside-down-clown-worldish.

Yep, work camp until the organ match comes in. Not a joke.

06-19-21, 23:34
Yep, work camp until the organ match comes in. Not a joke.

Not just him, his whole family. :(

06-19-21, 23:40
I wish he would have just uploaded everything to the net so we could all read it.

06-20-21, 03:41
I wish he would have just uploaded everything to the net so we could all read it.

Probably felt he couldn't trust anyone and needed a barter chip.

06-20-21, 06:36
Probably felt he couldn't trust anyone and needed a barter chip.

Plus he’ll get a nice ranch with a really long driveway and a few $ every month this way.

06-20-21, 07:43
He is as good as dead. The only question will be who did it. Us or them.

06-20-21, 10:56
Here's the elephant in the room nobody seems to be seeing... This guy had everything to lose by defecting and little to gain, unless he was about to be set up as a fall-guy... so what's his angle and how do we know he's not just a honeypot like that one Romulan admiral in Star Trek?

06-20-21, 18:06
Internal politics are difficult to hash out.
We don't know who was aligned with him, against him, and where favor might have turned.
The party is incredibly cut throat. People get denounced, sent to a camp, and disappeared for other people's gain. The past few years of Xi have been hectic on that front.
We don't know what he had to lose or gain, but tides turn quickly as you climb the ladder.

06-20-21, 18:21
Here's the elephant in the room nobody seems to be seeing... This guy had everything to lose by defecting and little to gain, unless he was about to be set up as a fall-guy... so what's his angle and how do we know he's not just a honeypot like that one Romulan admiral in Star Trek?

Sure he could be a drop. That is what independent verification is all about.

06-20-21, 18:27
Sure he could be a drop. That is what independent verification is all about.

The other thing is, sometimes in order to sell a lie you need to use a lot of truth, even a dangerous amount of it, as bait. If I was China I'd be teeing up to throw WIV under the bus and announce "We have shut the WIV down, our new State Center for Epidemiology Research will be staffed by entirely new people with much stronger safety protocols."

Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss...

Straight Shooter
06-20-21, 18:57
Ill never get "excited" about supposed " WE GOT EM THIS TIME!" stories again.
We will NEVER see justice over Benghazi, or Waco, Hillarys emails, or anything that goblin & her pedo husband ever did, or Hunter Bidens laptop, Joes Ukraine dealings, how the media and demonrat party are in full co-operation with one another, the past election theft, or anything to do with the current/recent Covid bullshit, or Fauci, or anything else that should have peoples necks stretched from a rope.
There is literally no such thing as SEDITION anymore...the media/demonrats have done it openly for years now.
There ARE people above the law. You are stupid to think otherwise. This guy will change nothing. And as others have said..will most likely wind up like the most recent Killary victim of last week, found dead of yet ANOTHER "suicide".:rolleyes:

06-20-21, 20:15
Ill never get "excited" about supposed " WE GOT EM THIS TIME!" stories again.
We will NEVER see justice over Benghazi, or Waco, Hillarys emails, or anything that goblin & her pedo husband ever did, or Hunter Bidens laptop, Joes Ukraine dealings, how the media and demonrat party are in full co-operation with one another, the past election theft, or anything to do with the current/recent Covid bullshit, or Fauci, or anything else that should have peoples necks stretched from a rope.
There is literally no such thing as SEDITION anymore...the media/demonrats have done it openly for years now.
There ARE people above the law. You are stupid to think otherwise. This guy will change nothing. And as others have said..will most likely wind up like the most recent Killary victim of last week, found dead of yet ANOTHER "suicide".:rolleyes:

Sadly, if anything is true, most of the above is probably true.

06-20-21, 21:31
Ill never get "excited" about supposed " WE GOT EM THIS TIME!" stories again.
We will NEVER see justice over Benghazi, or Waco, Hillarys emails, or anything that goblin & her pedo husband ever did, or Hunter Bidens laptop, Joes Ukraine dealings, how the media and demonrat party are in full co-operation with one another, the past election theft, or anything to do with the current/recent Covid bullshit, or Fauci, or anything else that should have peoples necks stretched from a rope.
There is literally no such thing as SEDITION anymore...the media/demonrats have done it openly for years now.
There ARE people above the law. You are stupid to think otherwise. This guy will change nothing. And as others have said..will most likely wind up like the most recent Killary victim of last week, found dead of yet ANOTHER "suicide".:rolleyes:

Oh yes there is silly.......January 6th comes to mind. :rolleyes:


Straight Shooter
06-20-21, 23:35
Oh yes there is silly.......January 6th comes to mind. :rolleyes:


I stand corrected- SHOULD have said.."There ARE people above the law..demonrats, media, leftists, hoods/thugs/commies & all other forms of Godless scum". Being above the law does NOT apply to Christians, Republicans, Far Right/Conservatives & law abding citizens.
There ya go brother...fixed it for ya.;)

06-20-21, 23:51
Ill never get "excited" about supposed " WE GOT EM THIS TIME!" stories again.
We will NEVER see justice over Benghazi, or Waco, Hillarys emails, or anything that goblin & her pedo husband ever did, or Hunter Bidens laptop, Joes Ukraine dealings, how the media and demonrat party are in full co-operation with one another, the past election theft, or anything to do with the current/recent Covid bullshit, or Fauci, or anything else that should have peoples necks stretched from a rope.
There is literally no such thing as SEDITION anymore...the media/demonrats have done it openly for years now.
There ARE people above the law. You are stupid to think otherwise. This guy will change nothing. And as others have said..will most likely wind up like the most recent Killary victim of last week, found dead of yet ANOTHER "suicide".:rolleyes:

This. Adding in the bonus that it actually somewhat vindicates Trump and what he was saying, it'll never see the light of day in the US media or talked about by anyone in DC.

It's funny, the things Trump kept saying that he was laughed at have come true or people have started doing them. Just read the other day that California will start thinning its forests out and "raking" the undergrowth. Remember when Trump was laughed at when he suggested it?

Yeah, they're doing it...



06-21-21, 05:23
This is just the gift that keeps on giving. First they get all kinds of expanded powers, now suddenly they have a really good excuse to default on a huge chunk of bonds without actually defaulting, and who knows maybe they will even get a good war out of it! Sounds like Fauci better catch the first redeye to Beijing.

06-21-21, 07:42
If this is true, why are they advertising it in the media? Why tell your new intel cash cow "we value you so much we're going to put your name and intel in the media. Hope you are alive by the end of summer. Best of luck."

I am always skeptical with stuff like this.

06-21-21, 08:12
If this is true, why are they advertising it in the media? Why tell your new intel cash cow "we value you so much we're going to put your name and intel in the media. Hope you are alive by the end of summer. Best of luck."

I am always skeptical with stuff like this.

1. This story was broken by Jen Van Laar at RedState, who took Katie Hill's scalp breaking the story about her "coerced sex with staffer." Horrible person to work with, but a good investigative reporter.
2. DIA is Mike Flynn's shop, and with it being common knowledge that President* Shitzizpantz gobbles Chicom knob on command, this reads like the China-hawk faction in gov is putting a shot across his bow trying to pressure the regime to curb their fellative inclinations.

06-21-21, 22:48
If this is true, why are they advertising it in the media? Why tell your new intel cash cow "we value you so much we're going to put your name and intel in the media. Hope you are alive by the end of summer. Best of luck."

I am always skeptical with stuff like this.

Never assume anyone is smart enough to know basic shit. Especially anyone in government. If you or I ran things, 95% of things would never get talked about much less bragged about.

06-22-21, 10:21
Boy, that was timely!