View Full Version : IL Gov Blagojevich is arrested!!

12-09-08, 09:12
This is great news for gun owners of IL! He is one of the anti gunners and a huge road block with IL gun owners having CCW permits. Now we just need to get rid of Mayor Daley and all will be good in IL. The Feds finally did something good to help clean up IL politics. Now lets hope they make it stick and send him off to camp fed.

12-09-08, 09:26
I cant wait to find out who the potential senate seat candidates were who were offering up cash to Blagojevic for Obama's vacated seat!!! Now THIS is entertainment baby!!!

12-09-08, 10:23
I cant wait to find out who the potential senate seat candidates were who were offering up cash to Blagojevic for Obama's vacated seat!!! Now THIS is entertainment baby!!!

I hope people start talking and it spreads like wildfire.

BigJim #1-8
12-09-08, 10:34
I cant wait to find out who the potential senate seat candidates were who were offering up cash to Blagojevic for Obama's vacated seat!!! Now THIS is entertainment baby!!!

Hope this doesn't overshadow the rezko investigation.Bigger fish in that one.
Can you spell cover-up?? Interesting timing..


12-09-08, 10:39
I'm from Il and another reason for me never to go back. Il is so corrupt. Chicago runs Springfield. Debt so large and taxes so high. The gun laws suck too. The Socialist Republic of Illinois is showing it's true colors again.

12-09-08, 10:49
I cant wait to find out who the potential senate seat candidates were who were offering up cash to Blagojevic for Obama's vacated seat!!! Now THIS is entertainment baby!!!

from this article http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081209/ap_on_re_us/blagojevich_corruption_probe

"Among those being considered for the post include U.S. Reps. Danny Davis and Jesse Jackson Jr."

BigJim #1-8
12-09-08, 11:48
"Among those being considered for the post include U.S. Reps. Danny Davis and Jesse Jackson Jr."[/QUOTE]

The black panther bobby rush said that husseins senate seat must be filled by a black person.
Corrupt Chicago Machine Politics:Coming soon to a White House near You..


12-09-08, 11:53
I'm curious to see where the tentacles of this investigation go and how far up and down the food chain they reach.
You never know who all could be involved in this and be taken down in the end.

12-09-08, 12:03
Appoint himself to the Senate, and then try to claim some kind of seperation of powers ;)

Who's Lt. Governor? Madigan? Not to much to hope that they are a Rep.?

12-09-08, 12:09
At least y'all won't have to spell blagooeyvich any more... I wonder if he'll get a cell with Ryan? :D

30 cal slut
12-09-08, 17:05
The bum had to surrender his Firearms Owners ID card!

Serves the ****er right. LOL.


Blagojevich free on $4,500 bond

Dec. 09, 2008

(AP) — A federal judge in Chicago has ordered Governor Rod Blagojevich released on his own recognizance after the Democrat was hit with federal corruption charges.

U.S. District Judge Nan Nolan said "Good afternoon, governor" in greeting Blagojevich at the afternoon bond hearing. The governor was wearing sweat pants, gym shoes and an athletic shirt.

He was released on a signature bond that specifies that he'll forfeit $4,500 bond if he doesn't appear in court. Blagojevich also was ordered to relinquish his passport and his firearm owner's identification card.

The governor was arrested at his home Tuesday. He's facing charges that accuse him of trying to benefit financially from his ability to appoint President-elect Barack Obama's replacement in the U.S. Senate.

12-09-08, 17:13
It's a federal case.

BHO could pardon him before it even goes to trial.

Not saying it will happen, just that it could ...

12-09-08, 17:22
BHO could pardon him before it even goes to trial.

That would look good, wouldn't it?

Seth Harness
12-09-08, 17:23
This is great news for gun owners of IL! He is one of the anti gunners and a huge road block with IL gun owners having CCW permits. Now we just need to get rid of Mayor Daley and all will be good in IL. The Feds finally did something good to help clean up IL politics. Now lets hope they make it stick and send him off to camp fed.

Perfectly put, couldnt have said it better. ;)
Getting rid of daley before he has a chance to tie anything off.

BTW- I live in IL. and this made my day.

12-09-08, 17:43
It does the heart good to see this antigunner get busted. Notice the fraternization with Obama's buddy Tony Rezko?

12-09-08, 18:00
It does the heart good to see this antigunner get busted. Notice the fraternization with Obama's buddy Tony Rezko?

Yes - but he is also a hypocritical GUN OWNING anti-gunner. See above: he was forced to surrender his FOID or firearms owner identification card.

Scumbag governor. I hope they really clean house this time. That state's political machine is rotten to the core.

12-09-08, 18:20
They should have waited until he picked a replacement and arrested them both.

I’m sure BHO will release a statement soon distancing himself from him. Sound familiar?

Left Sig
12-09-08, 18:34
They should have waited until he picked a replacement and arrested them both.

I’m sure BHO will release a statement soon distancing himself from him. Sound familiar?

He already has. He had no communications with Blago about the replacement for his Senate seat, the person he is thought to have favored withdrew herself from consideration, and he was shocked that Blago was arrested.

At any rate, the last statement is obviously a lie. For anyone even remotely involved in Illinois politics to be surprised that Blago is a crook strains credulity.

The U.S. Attorney made it clear at the press conference that BHO was not a target of the investigation and had done nothing wrong.

Now, we just have to wait and see how loudly Blago sings. I sincerely doubt he will go down for this and take one for the team. He's going to talk big and drag everyone else down with him.

12-09-08, 19:41
The sad fact is this Govener in just like Ted Kennedy,Barney Frank ect . Because the people will keep pulling the lever over and over for them not matter what they say or do. And dont forget the Guy in Pensylvania who called people in his Town rednecks and racist and still won.. So the only way to get rid of them is for the Feds to catch them doing something on tape or die!

Jessie Jackson Jr :rolleyes: Id wager to bet if Obama's seat is filled it will be him. If the Turd Gov of Hellonoise hadnt got busted you can bet it would have been him or the Kenndy Turd.

Also if Obama were directly involved and on tape and Video that tape would vanish and the Gov would walk free.. Besides that the people who elected him would not give a crap.. After all why should they. His other Anti American terroist freinds didnt seem to sway there vote away from him..

Ever who take's Obama's Sen Seat you can bet it will be someone about like him.

12-09-08, 19:57
A great day for all of the good people in Illinois.

I left after 20 years and all I miss is the food.