View Full Version : The demise of the Angels

07-01-21, 08:17
This wokeness wouldn’t have anything to do with being a smokescreen to distract from a certain L Brands executive’s relationship with a certain former inmate of the Manhattan Correctional Center, would it?


07-01-21, 08:31
As a typical male/sexist, my comment would be; "they just had to eff up a good thing".

07-01-21, 08:36
As a typical male/sexist, my comment would be; "they just had to eff up a good thing".

Is that a good enough reason to throw a billion-dollar brand in the garbage?

07-01-21, 09:00
This shows how deep the "sickness" goes. It makes zero sense business wise. Zero. Just like NASCAR alienating their base audience with the whole Confederate flag thing then the noose thing. It made more business sense to be Switzerland and just stay out of it.

Sure the "woke" crowd might come after you, but who the f cares? They aren't the ones making you money anyway.

All this does is leave it open to another company to pick up all the "treasure" they left behind. It will happen. The seesaw will tip the other way - it's human nature.

The easiest experiment is to leave a thermostat open to the public in a room with people and set it a little cold like 70. Some idiot will come buy who is "freezing" and will bump it up to 80. It will get hot...quick...then some other idiot will come by and bump it down to 65...and so on...and so on...instead of just setting it to a comfortable 74 or so. Human nature at it's finest.

07-01-21, 11:08
This shows how deep the "sickness" goes. It makes zero sense business wise. Zero. Just like NASCAR alienating their base audience with the whole Confederate flag thing then the noose thing. It made more business sense to be Switzerland and just stay out of it.

Sure the "woke" crowd might come after you, but who the f cares? They aren't the ones making you money anyway.

All this does is leave it open to another company to pick up all the "treasure" they left behind. It will happen. The seesaw will tip the other way - it's human nature.

The easiest experiment is to leave a thermostat open to the public in a room with people and set it a little cold like 70. Some idiot will come buy who is "freezing" and will bump it up to 80. It will get hot...quick...then some other idiot will come by and bump it down to 65...and so on...and so on...instead of just setting it to a comfortable 74 or so. Human nature at it's finest.

73 is the most precise balance. Just saying... :)

07-01-21, 11:51
This sucks, I use to draw plans for VS. I was the one guy in the office that had "soft porn" laying all over my desk and no one could say a word. I use to update my screen saver to a new babe every week. Glad I'm no longer doing it otherwise I'd have to look at some fatass sweathogs and trannies. I guess their PINK line will become the RAINBOW line. I ****ing hate malls and VS was one of the only store worth walking into. Angel has Fallen. Sad.

07-01-21, 18:26
So how do we F up some of the stuff woke folks love?

07-01-21, 18:31
So how do we F up some of the stuff woke folks love?

How you gonna ruin white guilt and self loathing?

07-01-21, 20:52
How you gonna ruin white guilt and self loathing?

That's what I'm trying to figure out.

They are already unemployed losers still living with their parents so it's pretty hard to make their existence worse. We need to find out what they love....and kill it.

A big first step might be to recriminalize weed.

07-01-21, 20:54
That's what I'm trying to figure out.

They are already unemployed losers still living with their parents so it's pretty hard to make their existence worse. We need to find out what they love....and kill it.

A big first step might be to recriminalize weed.

Make it a capital offense without extenuating circumstances.

07-01-21, 21:00
Make it a capital offense without extenuating circumstances.

Let's hit them where it hurts, forfeiture of phone.

07-01-21, 21:03
Let's hit them where it hurts, forfeiture of phone.

Destroyed while they watch, and banned from electronic communication for five years.

07-01-21, 22:46
Destroyed while they watch, and banned from electronic communication for five years.

Amateur. Blinked, blanked and donated to the Salvation Army or local PD.

First offense, no phone for a year. Second offense, complete forfeiture of phone rights for life.

They will be given a reformatted Jitterbug that will only call emergency numbers on a preprogrammed contact list.

After all there is no "guaranteed right to keep and bear phones", so if you can regulate firearms for the greater good, then certainly we can do it with phones.

For those who drive while texting, you lose your phone forever and get a 1986 vintage Motorola Brick.

And now we are even recycling. And when these kids lose their smartphones, they are gonna WISH they had a Victoria's Secret catalog because suddenly no more online porn.

07-02-21, 06:56
So how do we F up some of the stuff woke folks love?

KEEP M4C a going concern. That pisses off ALL the people who NEED pissing off. ;)

07-02-21, 10:05
KEEP M4C a going concern. That pisses off ALL the people who NEED pissing off. ;)

And despite the toxic asshattery at both, ditto Arfcom and 4chan.

07-02-21, 18:36
Eh, nevermind.