View Full Version : Sweeping and audacious

07-01-21, 17:38
Love the headline (I’m being facetious folks).. Sweeping and audacious! Trump Org and CFO charged. Witch hunt or who knows. Wonder what will come of it.

ETA: July 1st front page of Rantingly and Drudge.


07-01-21, 18:16
You can find custom tailored news anywhere on the internet.

I'm sure if I looked I could find "Hillary being investigated for murder and terrorism."

All you need to do is find a news "outlet" that is willing to source unsubstantiated blogs and there you go.

Don't click on that nonsense.

07-01-21, 20:17
I hear ya, but as I understand CFO man was in handcuffs and charged in NY Supreme Court today.

You can find custom tailored news anywhere on the internet.

I'm sure if I looked I could find "Hillary being investigated for murder and terrorism."

All you need to do is find a news "outlet" that is willing to source unsubstantiated blogs and there you go.

Don't click on that nonsense.

07-01-21, 20:23
Have you ever read tax code? It is contradictory and indecipherable on purpose. If the prosecution wants to find a crime, they can.

Have you ever been advised, you can take a certain deduction but you have to balance the risks that accompanied it?

07-01-21, 20:36
Yes I have. In business and personal dealings.

I’m a Trump fan folks… just posting a headline from today.

Have you ever read tax code? It is contradictory and indecipherable on purpose. If the prosecution wants to find a crime, they can.

Have you ever been advised, you can take a certain deduction but you have to balance the risks that accompanied it?

07-01-21, 20:42
We've turned into a third world banana republic where the party in charge goes after their opposition or former opponent. How do you keep your opponent from taking your job away? Lock them up or get them tied up in court forever.

BTW, the Gingerkid is very proficient in corporate taxes, I can vouch for him.

07-01-21, 20:59
We've turned into a third world banana republic where the party in charge goes after their opposition or former opponent. How do you keep your opponent from taking your job away? Lock them up or get them tied up in court forever.

BTW, the Gingerkid is very proficient in corporate taxes, I can vouch for him.

Been that way for a few decades. Even Trump got elected under the promise of "Lock her up" even if he had no actual intentions of ever doing it. Partisan politics has been the name of the game since 2000 when everyone declared the election has been stolen. Guerilla warfare by the extremes has been mainstream ever since.

If you aren't a foaming at the mouth radical who is going to destroy the enemy, you aren't getting anywhere near Congress much less higher office. If you aren't a "by any means necessary" privateer, you will lose the election to somebody who is willing to pull way more shit than you.

07-01-21, 21:14
The Clinton staffers broke the W off the keyboards of the White House computers when Bush took office. You know, because he only just continued Clinton policies and amped up the forever war.

07-01-21, 22:54
The Clinton staffers broke the W off the keyboards of the White House computers when Bush took office. You know, because he only just continued Clinton policies and amped up the forever war.

Which is retarded because a keyboard is probably the most easily replaceable item on a computer. If they had a brain in their head a little rubber cement inside the mouse could have created months of frustration.

07-01-21, 23:20
If you aren't a foaming at the mouth radical who is going to destroy the enemy, you aren't getting anywhere near Congress much less higher office. If you aren't a "by any means necessary" privateer, you will lose the election to somebody who is willing to pull way more shit than you.

This isn’t true everywhere. Maybe a majority, I don’t know…but definitely not where I am.

07-02-21, 04:29
This isn’t true everywhere. Maybe a majority, I don’t know…but definitely not where I am.

So Rand Paul and a few others are the exceptions. But it doesn't matter because they have been relegated to irrelevance. Everyone in a major power position got there and had to fight off a dozen contenders who also wanted it really bad.

It's like war, it's forming alliances, destroying your enemies and making sure the guys on your team don't become more powerful than you. I only wish we would go full on gladiator style, make senators battle to the death to retain their positions and things like that. Make them fight to survive and they might believe a little more in self determination and personal defense.

07-02-21, 06:42
So Rand Paul and a few others are the exceptions. But it doesn't matter because they have been relegated to irrelevance. Everyone in a major power position got there and had to fight off a dozen contenders who also wanted it really bad.

It's like war, it's forming alliances, destroying your enemies and making sure the guys on your team don't become more powerful than you. I only wish we would go full on gladiator style, make senators battle to the death to retain their positions and things like that. Make them fight to survive and they might believe a little more in self determination and personal defense.

What frustrates me about the Rand Paul and Lindsay Graham’s of the world is they think saying things on TV is the same as doing something. It isn’t. While illegals flood our southern border and a certain doctor gets away with what, his third botched epidemic response, they go on Fox and things.

Where are the indictments, hand cuffs and orange jumpsuits? The only people in hand cuffs are a Trump finance manager his former campaign staff.